
bregmaso, I'm hacking up a Unity8 session for the desktop, and now I'm stuck with Mir throwing an exception  what():  Failed to create GBM buffer object ... any ideas what to persue with this?00:11
RAOFbregma: I always end up gdbing that, and catching the exception to see what's broken.00:12
bregmaproblem is there's other exceptions thrown in the stack as a means of regular control flow (shame!) so it's a pain to trace during the login session startup00:13
RAOFWhat? Where are our exceptions-as-control-flow?00:13
RAOFYeah. In UdevWrapper?00:13
RAOFAKA: my code00:14
bregmano, it's somewhere in one of the Unity8 libraries00:15
bregmaprocessing config files, throws an exception at end of file just like Java does00:15
bregmaanyway, my problem comes from a gbm_bo_create() failed call, which sounds like perms mayve?00:16
RAOFQuite possibly.00:16
RAOFAlthough I thought that would break earlier.00:16
bregmawell, this is nested mir-on-mir, everything is baby steps00:17
robert_ancellbregma, is there anything else you need from me for Unity 8 session work?00:49
bregmarobert_ancell, I'm not sure, but I'm using your lightdm branch and at least that works OK00:49
bregmaI seem to be stuck on this gbm_bo_create() fail without a clue, though00:50
RAOFWhat's the callstack?00:53
bregmano debug symbols because it's installed from a PPA hashtag sadface00:58
RAOFAh, ok.01:00
RAOFAt least it isn't trying and failing to allocate a hardware cursor buffer or something.01:00
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RAOFHm. Has anyone tied Alan's in_process_server?07:12
RAOFOr even tried it; I'm easy :)07:13
dufluRAOF: Should I know about that? Was it announced anywhere?07:39
didrockskgunn: hey, reverted your approval (see the commits)08:00
kgunndidrocks: sorry...comments where ?08:01
didrockskgunn: Mir MP you just approved08:01
kgunndidrocks: ah..i see08:01
didrockskgunn: I saw IS told the firewall is opened, I need to test those, but I can get someone from your team piloting the new process as soon as tomorrow I guess (my tomorrow)08:02
didrocksdo you know who should be this "lander" ?08:02
kgunndidrocks: ok...so new process i get that...but08:02
kgunni'm confused about changelog...i thot we _did_ want to list all the changes08:03
didrockskgunn: yeah, for the current release08:03
didrocksnot for an older one08:03
didrockssee, there are two stenzas that was added in debian/changelog08:03
kgunndidrocks: ah...ok...so remove the second stanza in changelog and we are all good ?08:03
didrocksone for current release08:04
didrocks+mir (0.1.4-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium08:04
didrocksand one for  mir (0.1.3+14.04.20140108-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low08:04
didrocksyeah, just remove the modification for 0.1.3+14.04.20140108-0ubuntu108:04
kgunndidrocks: as for "lander"...what capabilities does that person need ?08:04
kgunndidrocks: i would recommend duflu if you do it in the morning hours...and then alan_g or alf_ in euro time...08:04
didrockskgunn: rigourness, tracking of failures. Of course, being in a compatible timezone will help08:05
didrocksbut I agree duflu sounds the best to me08:05
didrocksI just need to ensure that we can catch up in the morning so that we can discuss the process and I can show him how this works :)08:05
kgunnduflu: you still on ?....can would you mind quickly just removing the 0.1.3 ref from the debian changelog as mentioned by didrocks above ?08:07
kgunn(i gotta pay attention to the room)08:07
duflukgunn: Sorry, had a birthday visitor, and plumber digging up the pavement. Simultaneously08:47
kgunnduflu: sounds awesome :)08:48
kgunnduflu: and now my confidence is shattered after i read the rejection based on missing 2kloc from my MP :)08:48
kgunnwhich...i still can't figure why that happened...08:48
duflukgunn: Seems to have come from some pre-0.1.4 revision.08:49
kgunni know...i was really careful...08:49
kgunnbut then again, those were bzr repos, which i thot i pulled correctly to, but who knows...08:50
kgunnold local bzr repos that is08:50
dufludidrocks: The old changelog for 0.1.3 is wrong. Are you sure we want to keep it?08:52
kgunn^ i agree with duflu ...the one in there is more descriptive08:52
didrocksduflu: yeah, you don't rewrite history, it's like if you uncommit, change content commit and push --overwrite08:53
dufluOr do we just need to restore "Automatic snapshot..." ?08:53
dufludidrocks: Even if it's wrong? What use the changelog if it's not accurate? :)08:53
didrocksduflu: it's published all over the place, and you are changing it08:54
didrocksyou need to be careful before publishing it, not after :)08:54
didrocksand don't change history08:54
dufludidrocks: OK...08:54
didrocksduflu: do you think that tomorrow morning, we can try doing that piloting for the new release process? probably a hangout or anything like that will be easier08:55
dufludidrocks: It was the robot/script that got it wrong I think08:55
didrocks(my morning)08:55
didrocksduflu: well, it's because your process didn't follow with your second trunk, what we support08:55
dufludidrocks: Sure08:55
didrocksbut that's going to be fixed ;)08:55
didrocksok, let's do that, I'll ping that08:55
* duflu still likes "bzr pull :push"08:56
dufludidrocks: changelog fixed08:59
didrocksduflu: thanks, will get it merged as per tomorrow training08:59
kgunnthanks guys08:59
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fginthergreyback, ping14:39
greybackfginther: pong14:40
fginthergreyback, do you have some time to discuss the mir testing you asked about last week?14:41
greybackfginther: sure14:41
fginthergreyback, this is for a physical desktop hardware test right?14:42
greybackfginther: these tests need to run on devices where mir runs14:44
fginthergreyback, ok, so touch devices and desktop14:44
greybackfginther: yep14:45
greybackfginther: so this is for the unity-mir project14:46
greybacktsdgeos: can you show fginther what test we want to run - I'm about to eod14:47
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tsdgeosfginther: there's a package called libunity-mir-tests or something14:48
tsdgeosfginther: inside it there's a binary called unity-mir-test-app14:48
tsdgeosjust run that one14:49
fginthertsdgeos, ok, are there any specifics about how the test system should be provisioned, or is installing the test package sufficient14:49
greybackfginther: we're just getting started off with unity-mir tests, so please advise us on how to structure/change things14:50
tsdgeosfginther: i would hope that installing it should be enough14:50
fgintherMost of our test runners are setup to install packages on top of a fully provisioned system, run the test command, then collect the junitxml result files14:50
tsdgeosthat should work14:51
tsdgeosunity-mir-test-app should accept the -oxml thing14:51
tsdgeosto give you junitxml output14:51
tsdgeos-o filepath,xunitxml14:52
tsdgeosto be more precise14:52
fginthertsdgeos, if you have those execution details, can I ask that you create a bug under https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bugs to track this?14:53
fginthertsdgeos, also, in may be a lot easier to get a touch test working for this, would it be helpful to you if that were ready before the desktop test, or do both need to be ready at the same time?14:54
tsdgeosfginther: i actually was thinking device only :D14:54
tsdgeosso yeah, no need to have them at the same time14:55
tsdgeosjust trying to boostrap the thing14:55
fginthertsdgeos, I can't make any promises on when this will be ready, but I'll try to get started on it this week14:56
greybackfginther: tsdgeos: thanks!14:56
fginthergreyback, you're welcome14:57
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tsdgeosfginther: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/1269485 is enough?16:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1269485 in Ubuntu CI Services "Create CI step for unity-mir tests" [Undecided,New]16:13
fginthertsdgeos, thanks16:21
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bregmaracarr, got a minute to help with a Mir input issue?19:28
racarrbregma: Hey. Let me try! What's up?19:30
racarrI am making tea but will be back in like...2 min19:30
bregmaI have Unity8 running on Mir on my desktop, but no input seems to work ... is there a good way to approach debugging this (like maybe an environment variable to dump debug info to stderr)?19:31
bregmaoh, umm, I'm using a laptop with a touchscreen, so at least that should work I would think19:32
racarrlets start with MIR_SERVER_INPUT_REPORT=log and MIR_SERVER_LEGACY_INPUT_REPORT=log19:33
racarrbregma: ^19:33
racarrfirst thing to check is of course permissions19:33
racarruser can't read from /dev/input19:33
bregmaracarr, OK, sounds like a good start ... gotta reconfigure and reboot19:34
bregma/dev/input/* is all root:root19:35
racarrareyourunning u8 as user? You definitely wontget input then19:38
bregmawait, Unity8 doesn't support being used?19:38
bregmathat doesn;t sound too sleable19:39
bregmahow does Unity8 work on the phone then?19:40
racarrI think...we put user in some group that can read /dev/input19:44
racarrI think19:44
racarrthe proper solution involves lightdm19:44
racarrno one ever explained it to me but it must be like19:44
racarrlightdm and upstart and fd passing19:44
racarrI guess we need that for the desktop preview19:45
bregmammm, I can ping RobertAncell later19:46
racarryes lets ask him.19:47
racarrI think that's the short story though19:47
bregmaracarr, I manually set the permissions on /dev/input/*(a+rw, for the lulz) and set those env vars, I see motion events being logged now, but no response from Unity8 .. any suggestions?19:59
bregma[1389815848.590785] (II) input: Published motion event seq_id=147 time=1389815848590506000 (0.264998 ms ago) dest_fd=5419:59
racarrbregma: Hmm...20:10
racarrnowits hard tosay, I tried unity8 on desktop not so long ago and input was working when I ran it as root (basically what you did)20:11
racarranything even a little interesting in the logs?20:11
racarrCould it be related to this laptop touchscreen?(Does anything elsework)20:11
bregmaUnity7 works just dandy20:11
bregmalike I say, I see the motion events in the Unity8 log, but there seems to be a piece missing20:12
bregmaI see 'UbuntuKeyboardInfo - socket error: "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"' as well20:15
bregmain case that's any help20:15
bregmalatest log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6758171/20:16
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dandraderbregma, about the "UbuntuKeyboardInfo" error. that's unity8 trying to talk to ubuntu-keyboard (the virtual keyboard daemon on phablet)22:04
dandraderbut, naturally, this daemon is not available on desktop22:04
dandraderbregma, as for input debugging, you can check what's happening at the next layer,  the qpa (qtubuntu), where mir events are transformed into qt ones22:08
bregmadandrader, that's the information i was missing22:09
bregmaI'm using the ubuntumirserver QPA22:09
dandraderqtubuntu is a bit of a maze as classes there have deep inheritance trees22:10
dandrader(could be easily flattened, btw)22:10
dandraderbregma, the file you want to look at there is src/platforms/base/input.cc22:11
bregmaaptly names22:11
dandraderbregma, you can set #define LOG_EVENTS to 1 there and build it with CONFIG+=debug to get a lot of output22:12
dandraderbregma, the place where that translation (mir -> qt) of input events happens is QUbuntuBaseInput::dispatchMotionEvent22:12
kdubracarr, i'm tinkering with the 4.4-based ubuntu touch... not getting input though, any quick checks/fixes I can do?22:12
bregmagah, evidently Mir does not work with the latest libgl1-mesa-dri because of missing symbols ... the fun never stops22:15
racarrkdub: MIR_SERVER_LEGACY_INPUT_REPORT=log might help22:20
racarrum maybeit relates22:20
racarrto the device configuration file stuff22:20
bregmafailed to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_tls_Dispatch (unity-system-compositor.log)22:21
racarrwoah its a party now22:22
racarrkdub: they end in like .idc and were in android_root/system/devices22:23
racarrInputDevice.cpp l8922:23
racarrjust a guess though22:23
racarrwill think more am expectingmylandlord and bug inspector at any moment22:23
racarrbug exterminator22:23
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