[09:40] Selam #ubuntu-tr! [10:04] bulut diye bir şey varmış. sen dosyanı oraya koyuyormuşsun, isteyen istediğini alıyormuş, ama karışmıyormuş [10:04] tabii facebook, twitter çirkin teknolojiler [10:04] &help [10:04] Kartagis: (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what does. is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [10:05] &list [10:05] Kartagis: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, AutoMode, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Conditional, Config, Dict, Factoids, Filter, Google, Herald, Karma, Later, Math, MessageParser, Misc, Owner, RSS, Reply, Seen, Services, Status, URL, Unix, User, Utilities, and Web [10:05] &list reply [10:05] Kartagis: action, notice, private, replies, and reply [10:05] &list alias [10:05] Kartagis: add, b, c, g, lock, mp, remove, tr, ttl, u, uname, and unlock [10:06] &list herald [10:06] Kartagis: add, change, default, get, and remove [10:06] &list unix [10:06] Kartagis: call, crypt, errno, fortune, pid, ping, progstats, spell, sysuname, sysuptime, and wtf [10:06] &wtf [10:06] Kartagis: (wtf [is] ) -- Returns wtf is. 'wtf' is a *nix command that first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. In most *nices, it's available in some sort of 'bsdgames' package. [10:06] &list messageparser [10:06] Kartagis: add, info, list, lock, rank, remove, show, unlock, and vacuum [10:07] &mp list [10:07] Kartagis: "(\S+) #ubuntu-tr\!" (2) [10:07] &mp show --id 2 [10:07] Kartagis: The action for regexp trigger "(\S+) #ubuntu-tr\!" is "echo $1 $who!" [10:08] Merhaba #ubuntu-tr! [10:08] hrm [10:20] Kartagis, egg mi bu? [10:49] hayır [12:14] Merhaba #ubuntu-tr [12:15] Merhaba #ubuntu-tr! [12:15] Selam #ubuntu-tr! [12:15] Yoh, olmadı Kartagis. [12:16] oluyordu değil mi? ben yanlış hatırlamıyorum [12:16] Oluyordu. [12:26] Merhaba #ubuntu-tr! [12:28] Merhaba #ubuntu-tr! [13:13] Merhaba #ubuntu-tr! [13:13] &flush [13:13] Kartagis: The operation succeeded. [13:30] Merhaba #ubuntu-tr! [13:30] &flush [13:30] Kartagis: The operation succeeded. [13:34] Selam #ubuntu-tr! [13:34] Selam ElixirVitae! [13:35] Kartagis, botun yeniden çalışıyor. [13:35] hrm [13:35] * ElixirVitae pats hard-working f0und. [13:35] bütün dosyaların sahipliğini başka kullanıcıya vermişim [13:35] heh [13:36] &flush [13:36] Kartagis: The operation succeeded.