[04:13] morning superfly and others [04:14] hi Kilos [05:18] hi mazal [05:24] Môre oom [05:31] hi bduk [05:32] good morning Kilos [05:32] and hi to everyone else [05:32] good morning inetpro [05:33] Morning everyone [05:38] ai! [05:44] Morning inetpro [06:31] morning [06:40] hi there Squirm [07:12] good day all [07:12] ohi magespawn what broke [07:13] looks like a router, but i am not a 100% sure on that [07:13] eish whats it doing? or not doing [07:18] i go let sheep out [07:23] looks like the wan port is faulty, but the jury is still out on that one, have put a spare in and that seems to work fine [07:30] aha [07:31] maybe at times wired stuff is more reliable [07:53] when routers give probs are they fixable or does one discard and replace them? [07:53] wb magespawn [07:53] ty Kilos, network here is a bit strange [08:15] hi somaunn [08:15] Hi Kilos [08:16] what new here [08:17] not much, very quiet [08:17] everyone overworked and underpaid [08:17] did you have any luck yet [08:17] hi sakhi [08:18] Morning Kilo, ubuntu-za [08:19] *Kilos [08:19] hehe you dont tab complete [08:20] become such a habit here i often type morn tab and it dont show morning [08:21] hi charl [08:22] good morning [08:22] hi Kilos [08:22] Maaz: coffee on [08:22] * Maaz starts grinding coffee [08:23] hi Maaz, keep me some [08:24] :) funny enough I do it most of the time with longer nicknames. [08:26] Coffee's ready for charl! [08:27] Maaz: thanks [08:27] charl: Okay :-) [08:27] hi sakhi [08:27] hi somaunn [09:26] what new here [09:27] hi psyatw Xethron [09:27] no chnage somaunn [09:27] change [09:28] hi Kilos [09:28] hi somaunn [09:28] hi Xethron [09:32] speed up a bit today [09:32] Download Speed: 3403 kbps (425.4 KB/sec transfer rate) [09:32] Upload Speed: 1062 kbps (132.8 KB/sec transfer rate) [09:32] Latency: 73 ms [09:44] Kilos: i can see [09:44] hi psyatw [09:45] my telkom mobile is actually quite good [09:45] hey Kilos, is that your home internet speed ? [09:45] yip my 3g [09:46] when i download big files it runs around 500kB/s most of the time [09:48] wbb, just going to kde [09:59] Kilos: please tell me when we say 3403kbps but see on the DM 425.4kbps transfer is there something wrong ? [10:00] the 425.4kbps should be kB [10:01] kilobytes [10:01] small b is bits [10:04] Kilos: okay [10:04] please explain that to me because i'm sometime lost [10:04] ok [10:04] 8 bits make up one byte [10:05] some people give you speeds in mb/s and others in kB/s [10:06] if you only getting kb/s that is very slow [10:07] 3403/8 [10:07] ai! [10:07] Maaz: 3403/8 [10:07] Kilos: 425.375 [10:07] 3403 is mb/s [10:08] 425 is kB/s [10:08] reg ne inetpro ? [10:11] Kilos: ok [10:11] let me make it clear [10:11] what is megabyte and what is megabit [10:12] ? [10:12] megabit is a million bits [10:12] megabyte is 8 times that [10:13] 8 bits make up one byte [10:17] Kilos: bytes are less than bits [10:17] yes [10:17] so it's megabits/8 to get megabytes [10:17] no [10:17] bytes are 8 bits [10:18] 1 byte = 8 bits [10:18] yes [10:18] look where i got maaz to divide for me [10:18] Kilos, inetpro: you are going too fast please [10:19] ai! [10:19] i want to know what is amount of data and what is speed [10:19] speed related [10:20] ok 3403kb/s is kilobits per second [10:20] speed is measured in seconds [10:20] in bytes the exactly same thing is 425.375kB/s [10:21] ok, if we talk speed the we say [3megabit per second] [10:21] 3403 kb = 425.375 kB [10:22] when we talk data we say [425.375 kilobytes per second] [10:22] some do yes but if i use aptitude upgarde or install it shows me in kB/s [10:22] its the same thing [10:22] kb = kilobits [10:22] kB = kilobytes [10:22] thats how long it takes to download [10:23] mb = megabits [10:23] mB = megabytes [10:24] 3403 kb = 3.403 mb [10:24] no [10:24] yes [10:25] 1000 kb = 1 mb [10:25] oh ya sorry [10:25] hmm... [10:25] .3 isnt it [10:26] 3403 kb is 425 kB which is under half a meg [10:26] oh in bytes [10:27] whew [10:27] 425 kBps is not bad [10:28] inetpro, Kilos: you see all the confusion comes from my home language [10:28] anything above 128kBps is very workable [10:28] in french we usually say kilo or meg without any regard to which is data/speed related [10:29] 1000 bits=1byte [10:30] 1000 bytes =1 meg [10:30] hi Vince-0 [10:31] somaunn: they are all speed and amounts of data per second [10:32] the amount of data per second downloaded is the speed your net is working at [10:34] same as kilometers per hour is the distance travelled in an hour [10:38] haha hi Eames [10:44] Kilos, inetpro: Thank you so much for your help [10:44] yw [10:45] thats why we are here [10:45] just need a clever oke to check at times [10:45] ! [10:46] my bits and bytes knowledge is memories from 30 years ago [10:47] hi Golynx [10:47] Hey Kilos [10:49] Downloaded the driver, was about 93MB total, but only 46MB for each of the 2 that was on the list, but they were similar [10:50] It shows some weird graphics card in system details ATI Fire GL. When i look in terminal it shows the correct card [10:51] explain look in terminal please [10:51] There is a big lag in the browser, and the loading icon aswell turns slower than it used to [10:53] what browser you talking about? [10:53] opera [10:53] Well that info on that site said to type in fglrxinfo and it shows my card ATI radeon HD 3200 [10:53] Yes [10:54] that could be your internet sucking [10:54] Everything in the browser is now slow [10:54] sudo aptitude reinstall opera [10:54] nope , page scroll aswell got big lag and hurt my eyes [10:55] ok [10:55] maybe those graphics drivers have added something opera doesnt see [10:56] Plus the windows got shadows around them now, and more animated effects [10:56] lol [10:56] you should use kubuntu and turn off desktop effects [10:56] Why lol [10:56] i also hate all the animated stuff [10:57] but not everything can be turned off [10:57] hmm this sucks [10:57] modern peeps like the eye candy [10:58] In ubuntu tweak i can now turn off the dash opacity and some other minor effects , but now windows shadows or animation efects options [10:59] no* [10:59] ai! [11:01] Now when i browse nautilus , the fan starts spinning faster and faster [11:02] maybe when you got data install mate [11:03] thats very light [11:03] installs into ubuntu [11:05] And why did it only say 2D acceleration when i installed the driver, Yesterday it said 3D acceleration will be activated when installed [11:08] maybe there is a way to set it to 2d [11:10] Really its should not be that hard , just to put an "Disable animated effects" option in unity 2D [11:10] Even where i input text is lagged now [11:12] With mate i will have to install everything again [11:13] hi magespawn [11:20] Kilos i see compiz is using 20% of the cpu all the time. That should not be happening [11:23] thats mainly because of min ram i think [11:23] isnt there a way to make it use 2d [11:24] And 60% cpu when i scroll in opera or move a window [11:24] I dont know [11:26] wait lemme ask google [11:27] maaz google how to revert to 2d on 12.04 [11:27] Kilos: "After Ubuntu 12.04 LTS update, Only Unity 2D ... bug? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/262320/after-ubuntu-12-04-lts-update-only-unity-2d-bug :: "unity - Your Ubuntu 12.04 is running in 2D mode. Many features will ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/252018/your-ubuntu-12-04-is-running-in-2d-mode-many-features-will-not-be-available-ub :: "How to [11:27] change from Unity 2D to 3D? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/171853/how-to-ch… [11:27] ai! [11:27] Maaz: how to stop 3d on 12.04 [11:27] Kilos: *blink* [11:27] ai! [11:28] Maaz: google how to stop 3d on 12.04 [11:28] Kilos: "compiz - How do I disable visual effects in Ubuntu 12.04.1? - Ask ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/186913/how-do-i-disable-visual-effects-in-ubuntu-12-04-1 :: "Howto disable 3d effects/compiz on 12.10? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/203075/howto-disable-3d-effects-compiz-on-12-10 :: "12.04 - Unity stopped working in 3D after software update [11:28] - Ask ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/304945/unity-stopped-working-in-3d-after-softw… [11:28] thats better [11:30] my pc got faster when i installed the correct graphics drivers [11:31] lemme try something [11:33] reboot [11:33] graphics install stuff to kernel [11:45] Right i managed to cure the lag issue, by rebooting and on login click on the ubuntu icon where it gives Ubuntu 3D and Ubuntu 2D options, so i picked 2D. No more lag and that pest "compiz" is dead [11:49] yay [11:50] well done [11:50] soon you can help me [11:50] lol , i dunno why they hide that option though [11:51] most young peeps dont want to change things [11:51] eye candy rules [11:51] Atleast my system seems to be running cool and calm now [11:51] thats good [11:52] lol, a student cannot help his teacher [11:52] should be faster with them drivers installed and running on 2d [11:52] oh yes [11:53] the student just needs to think more [11:53] haha ya sure :p [11:54] * Golynx can finally say UBUNTU ROCKS !!! :D [11:54] dont forget different pepps see things differently [11:54] ooo yay that made my day [11:55] Thanks for all the help Kilos , it was a success :) [11:55] often looking at stuff from a different viewpoints helps peeps find easier way and shortcuts [11:55] youre welcome laddy [11:56] Ya thats true , its the best way to do things [11:57] many hands make tight work [11:57] The rest is up to me now, so no more complaints from me hehe [11:57] unless globe is blown [11:57] lol [11:57] youre startup approach was wrong [11:58] How do you mean [11:58] one must forget what you did on wondows [11:58] oh [11:58] and start from scratch [11:58] Ya linux is different in many ways , but some base computer principles still apply [11:59] like if you get on an old motorbike [11:59] it doesnt help saying i cant find the str=arter button [11:59] there wasnt one [11:59] lol , thats a nice one [12:00] like the pro always says you must compair apples with apples nothing else [12:00] compare [12:01] now if you try another linux os then you can compair [12:01] ai! [12:01] compare [12:01] Thanks i will remember that [12:01] Your a wise one :) [12:02] na [12:02] my email addy sums me up [12:02] and the pro borrows it now and again [12:03] true , the years adds wisdom, so you can pass that on to the young ones, to continue the cycle [12:03] * mazal wonder wat oom Kilos gedrink het [12:03] hehe [12:03] net tee man [12:04] Ek sien die tikwerk werk nie so lekker vandag nie oom :) [12:04] kop klap ietwat [12:07] but im smiling. another happy ubuntu user, and billy boy loses out again [12:16] afternoon all, i see i have been a yoyo today [12:16] oh i found an option in kde where you can choose what your connection speed shows as [12:17] kb/s or kB/s [12:17] wb magespawn [12:22] Wb magespawn [12:24] Kilos: that's good [12:35] wish it was after 14.04 release date [12:35] thanks guys [12:35] wanna try kubuntu 14.04 [12:35] i have a complex question here [12:35] sjoe [12:36] on this machine i can get out on to the internet my ip address is netmask [12:37] on my lubuntu laptop i dead end in a router config page at and my ip is netmask [12:38] my question is how is this possible? [12:39] i understand they are on two different subnets but as far as i have been told there is only one router here. [12:39] now obviously this is wrong [12:42] * magespawn goes on a router hunt [12:42] Bye everyone , enjoy your evening [12:48] magespawn: you can set your ips and stuff in nm [12:52] cant remember the iptables cli way [12:52] but why worry if it can go online anyway [13:00] but dont routers asign ips automatically [13:04] that is the thing Kilos [13:05] this one is win7 set dhcp the other is lubuntu also set to dhcp [13:05] ai! [13:05] ya then the router is asigning them but as long as they can both go online thats good aint it [13:08] or doesnt the lappy go online? [13:09] the netmask thing [13:27] the lubuntu one does not [13:28] unplugged and replugged the cable ane hey presto [13:28] now it is online [13:29] then you gotta go into the router and allow it isnt it [13:30] oh my [13:30] well theres a luck [13:30] no thinking needed [13:30] strange, and that is not good [13:31] didnt you chnage routers [13:31] change [13:31] they are stupi things and sometimes only work after rebooting [13:33] magespawn: if i get you well your Lubuntu box doesn't pick up dhcp address in auto and you have to unplug and plug again [13:53] Kilos: what is the best shell editor [13:53] i'm studying powershell as part of job to do [13:53] i like nano [13:53] but gedit is good [13:53] i dunno about shells, is that terminals? [13:54] but would like to know if there is something similar [13:54] like with bash? [13:54] i get lost with all these things [13:55] do you know something similar to powershel under linux [13:55] such involved questions you must ask inetpro or superfly [13:56] Maaz: google alternative to powershell for linux [13:56] Kilos: "Microsoft PowerShell 2: Going Beyond its UNIX/Linux Insprirations ..." http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2008/05/microsoft_powershell_2_going_b.html :: "Replacement for Powershell ? - Windows 7 Help Forums" http://www.sevenforums.com/software/161973-replacement-powershell.html :: "Windows PowerShell for UNIX shell addicted person - nixCraft" [13:56] http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/windows-powershell-for-unix-shell-addicted-person.html :: "windows - t… [13:56] look at the last one i think [13:58] i go fetch sheep quick [13:58] I gave up on Gedit, it did'nt indent my code as i wanted. So i chose Geany instead. Its a nice light little ide [13:59] have fun Kilos [14:00] somaunn: shell editor or command line editor? [14:01] later all [14:02] vi or actually vim is the most popular editor by far [14:02] vi is just a shortcut to vim [14:03] on any modern linux distro at least [14:03] inetpro: something similar to powershell [14:03] somaunn: what is powershell? [14:04] Windows PowerShell is Microsoft's task automation and configuration management framework, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language built on .NET Framework. [14:04] somaunn: you mean that ^^ ? [14:04] yes [14:05] that has very little to do with an editor [14:06] and that powershell thingy on windows doesn't come close to what we have on Linux [14:06] PowerShell is Microsoft's very late answer to what the UNIX world has had for more than 30 years [14:07] thank you superfly [14:07] inetpro: thanks [14:08] what do we have on linux [14:08] then [14:09] Bourne shell [14:09] C shell [14:09] Bourne-Again shell [14:09] Debian Almquist shell [14:09] Korn shell [14:09] Z shell [14:09] and many more [14:10] even python [14:11] and some people even prefer to stick with just tee-cee-shell [14:11] tcsh [14:14] the C shell is like a C programming environment on steroids [14:15] inetpro: okay, as far as i know i can access bash from terminal [14:15] but i would like to have a dedicated interface to interract with bash [14:15] as far as I'm aware bash is probably the most widely used [14:16] what do you mean with dedicated interface? [14:17] on Kubuntu konsole is my dedicated interface that is always open on my screen [14:20] inetpro: like this http://goo.gl/x495by [14:20] sjoe [14:21] Maaz: LPI manual [14:21] http://www.linuxcertification.co.za/sites/default/files/LPIManual_v_09.pdf [14:21] rephrase: on Kubuntu, konsole is my dedicated interface and is always in use 99.9% of the time [14:22] only shells i like have oysters and mussels in them [14:29] lol [14:31] somaunn: are you using Ubuntu? [14:31] somaunn: get the manual in the above link. you can learn lots about everything there [14:31] and what version? [14:31] you too Golynx [14:32] somaunn: if you ask me this evening I might have more time to answer [14:32] obviously others are welcome to chip in at any time [14:34] even Kilos knows how to open and close the command line interface [14:34] Why use that Kilos. I google anytime i get stuck with something , all in one file is not my style [14:35] Golynx: is you can learn to do everything in that maunual you can go write the LPI exam [14:35] its the study manual for linux professionals [14:36] or peeps that wanna be pros [14:36] I'm a web developer though [14:36] i only understand the first 2 pages [14:37] when you doing nothing you can study [14:37] never stop learning [14:37] ok cool , will look at it as soon as i can download pdf's [14:38] huh? [14:38] you mean data wise? [14:38] you dont need to install anything else. ubuntu can read pdfs [14:39] Nope , opera gives blank screen [14:39] oh my i had that did something in settings [14:40] or use firefox [14:40] it should be installed ther [14:40] ethere [14:40] ai! [14:40] type firefox in dash [14:40] Maaz: cool [14:40] That is good to know [14:41] inetpro: not i'm using Fedora and redhat [14:42] ah then Squirm is the goto guy for probs with redhat stuffs [14:42] Bug in opera , cant untick hide filetype extensions [14:43] What is that terminal download manager ? [14:43] Golynx: leave opera jump the firefox [14:43] somaunn: hmm... nothing wrong with that, question that needs to be answered is, what desktop environment you use [14:43] is it Gnome or KDE? [14:43] or something else [14:43] somaunn firefox are too intense on my system [14:44] inetpro: Gnome 3.10 (gnome-shell) [14:44] somaunn: in that case gnome-shell is your dedicated environment to interact with bash [14:44] Golynx: yeah i realized the same but as i don't like chromium at all so i have to keep stayin on firefox [14:45] cuz i use downthemall to DL my files [14:45] inetpro: oooooooooookaaaaayyyyyyyyyy [14:45] :-) [14:47] Golynx: lynx links elinks [14:47] Golynx: look epiphany [14:47] oh Golynx [14:47] install [14:47] um [14:48] midori [14:48] the bash (Bourne-Again SHell) manual is available at: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/ [14:48] oh ya epiphany [14:49] epiphany close to firefox but much lighter [14:49] somaunn thats nice [14:49] ok Kilos [14:49] Golynx: have you tried it? [14:50] Busy loading uget though [14:50] opera must work man it works well [14:50] enable popups [14:50] you get a popup to save that book somewhere [14:50] All other file types works Kilos [14:50] Nope somaunn [14:51] Kilos: i've epiphany installed but never tried it you see, i just gave it a chance when Golynx said opera can't load the page and foudn it really fast [14:51] man you have disabled something again [14:51] opera works here [14:51] yeah epiphany rocks [14:52] * Squirm pops in [14:52] maybe you can also wget that book [14:52] try wget http://www.linuxcertification.co.za/sites/default/files/LPIManual_v_09.pdf [14:52] Its the "hide filetype extensions" that dont wana stay unticked [14:53] ok [14:53] yeah thats what i wanted [14:53] ty Kilos [14:53] np [14:55] and if your net cuts halfway you use wget -c "link" to get the rest [14:55] Aah yes now i remember :) [14:56] write it down or make a file with commands in [14:56] Its already in [14:57] good [14:58] I saved the same command days ago, i forgot about the file lol [14:59] lol [14:59] just now ill be lending you my email addy too [14:59] My lappies hardware feels like win7 again , love it ! [15:02] oh [15:04] yeah somaunn its much lighter than firefox [15:04] Kilos: did you try it [15:04] i have it installed but mainly use opera [15:05] Kilos: i'm actually doing a download test with a pdf file i've found online and it's quite fast [15:06] cool [15:07] download that LPI manual. it teaches you lots [15:07] also rehdat sysadmin stuff and all [15:07] redhat [15:09] nuvolari: gaan huistoe [15:15] Got the pdf download working in opera Kilos. Edited the application/pdf that opera hides by default , to "Save on Disk" [15:16] good [15:16] i save those downloads to desktop the put them in relevant files [15:17] Kilos: i've done with the lpi file will read it carefully [15:17] I just choose the location from popup [15:18] cool somaunn tons of valuable knowledge in it [15:28] o/ [15:28] hi nlsthzn hows ya [15:29] you okes work too hard. i dont get resting time here [15:29] hey uncle Kilos... back from work which I am very thankful for having but still don't like :p [15:29] hehe [15:45] ok new phone is working [15:45] this whole lync business is quite interesting [15:45] i want to actually try the skype federation next [16:04] have a good evening all [16:05] thank you charl [16:09] * Kilos going to unity. wbb [16:33] Wb Kilos [16:33] ty [16:33] stupid modem didnt wanna work [16:34] Aah [16:34] Is there a lighter file explorer in ubuntu, other than nautilus [16:35] i dunno. nautilus works well man [16:35] if its battling a bit do sudo aptitude reinstall nautilus [16:35] My fan starts spinning faster everytime i go there [16:35] Not super fast though [16:36] well thats a smart fan. when pc works more fan blows more [16:37] Its ok i will keep it, i'm used to the file manager not working hard [16:38] there might be a lighter one but the dev guys thought nautilus was best [16:38] ya fan works great! [16:38] reinstall it [16:38] maybe it wasnt a very good install with everything battling like you did' [16:40] hmm, it came with the dvd [16:40] ya but reinstall nautilus and see if that helps [16:41] Can i do it in synaptic [16:42] yes but whats wrong with aptitude [16:43] i'm used to graphics lol [16:43] aptitude is a very clever tool and looks for other probs too [16:43] but synaptic works too [16:45] sudo aptitude reinstall nautilus [16:45] yes [16:45] ok [16:46] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [16:46] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [16:46] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [16:46] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [16:46] close synaptic [16:46] ok [16:47] E: I wasn't able to locate a file for the nautilus package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. [16:47] E: I wasn't able to locate a file for the nautilus package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. [16:47] E: Internal error: couldn't generate list of packages to download [16:47] go look for it in synaptic [16:48] oh ya its not in your archives [16:48] Done [16:48] What now [16:49] you might need to run sudo apt-get update [16:49] aptitude should have seen that package in the list [16:49] Will it still be less than 20mb [16:49] yes every time its less [16:50] ok [16:50] when nearly updated then its 2m [16:51] It stopped with this error [16:51] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [16:51] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [16:51] you have synaptic open [16:52] lol [16:52] thats the other process [16:52] reading package list... Done [16:52] lol [16:53] how many meg? [16:53] Didnt show anything , just a small list of packages [16:54] not downloaded so much in so long? [16:55] Nope, just 7 or so stuff from synaptics [16:55] type in sudo aptitude upgrade [16:55] and see if it wants to upgrade anything [16:55] huh, but that upgrades everything [16:56] only if you tick y [16:56] ok [16:56] The following packages will be upgraded: [16:56] adobe-flash-properties-gtk adobe-flashplugin [16:56] 2 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [16:56] Need to get 6 730 kB of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used. [16:57] 6.7 meg then to upgrade [16:57] thats why you battled with gtk [16:58] hmm ok, so i tick Y [16:58] ya [16:59] ok [16:59] Will take about 10 min lol [17:00] whew [17:08] Right its upgraded now [17:10] Now i do sudo apt-get update [17:11] wb nlsthzn [17:11] hi Golynx, thanks :) [17:12] yw nlsthzn :) [17:13] :) [17:14] No luck Kilos [17:17] guys [17:17] is there a channel where i can learn and practice linux ? [17:21] Golynx, ? [17:21] yip [17:21] whats no luck? [17:22] still no size in sudo apt-get update [17:22] no man you dont do update again [17:22] oh [17:22] always first update then upgrade then done [17:23] and sudo aptitude reinstall nautilus gives same error [17:23] if anything doesnt work smooth then reinstall with aptitude [17:23] do nautilus in synaptic and see [17:23] ok [17:23] maybe the repo is down [17:24] oh ya i changed off main last night [17:25] ok i got first file of naulitus highlighted [17:25] what now [17:25] changed to server for south africa [17:25] check what other installed files are there [17:25] while you have nautilus typed in the top [17:26] i see all nautilus files plus a other few [17:27] reinstall them all [17:27] how [17:27] in synaptic right click reinstall [17:28] Mark for reinstallation is disabled [17:28] then they are must haves you cant fiddle with [17:29] but do those you can [17:29] and see if it wants to download [17:29] then we know that remastersys dvd didnt do a full job [17:30] mark suggested for installation and Removal is the only options [17:31] no man [17:31] only the green ones you must look at [17:31] not all the rest [17:31] Yes it is the Nautilus one with the green tick [17:31] green ticked or green blob or something on the left [17:32] and no others in that page [17:32] ? [17:32] Others show the same options [17:32] are they green? [17:33] Yes i only do the green ones [17:33] good [17:33] do it then [17:33] Its them thats options are disables on right click [17:33] disabled* [17:34] then leave them [17:34] tick apply [17:35] I cant mark anything that got nautilus [17:35] oh [17:35] close synaptic [17:35] Only Mark for removal is there [17:35] ok [17:35] sudo apt-get install nautilus --reinstall [17:37] Reading package lists... Done [17:37] Building dependency tree [17:37] Reading state information... Done [17:37] Reinstallation of nautilus is not possible, it cannot be downloaded. [17:37] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [17:37] haha superfly funny that post in fb [17:37] what happened to nautilus? [17:37] its struggling nlsthzn [17:39] nlsthzn its using too much cpu than it should [17:39] something wrong there [17:39] Found this on google: [17:39] Re: Urgent Help! Ubuntu 12.04 upgrade - Nautilus broken [17:39] You can try deleting your nautilus folder. [17:39] Code: [17:39] rm -rf .gconf/apps/nautilus/ [17:39] and [17:39] Code: [17:39] rm -rf .config/nautilus/ [17:39] Which will delete all your nautilus settings. And then reinstall nautilus [17:39] Code: [17:39] sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus nautilus-data [17:39] in synaptic if i right click nautilus it gives reinstall option [17:40] Not in mine [17:40] what have you fiddled with now [17:40] open update manager [17:40] Nope nothing , i found that on google [17:40] ok [17:41] then tick settings and tell me what repo its using [17:42] in ubuntu software on the left [17:42] main server [17:42] change that to server for south africa [17:42] ok [17:43] i think that repo is sick since last night [17:43] oh ok [17:43] but now its gonna do the 20 update again [17:43] if in doubt change to the main server... [17:44] it was on main nlsthzn [17:44] hmmm... [17:44] hmm [17:44] i had probs there last night too [17:45] if you have the data tick check [17:45] Last time it was 16mn [17:45] 16mb* [17:45] what was 16mb, updates? [17:45] oh then it will be about same [17:45] ya nlsthzn [17:45] to get a new install updated [17:46] then upgrades come later [17:46] to refresh the package list you mean? [17:46] yessir [17:46] wow, never knew it had become so big?! [17:46] uncapped makes you lazy... [17:47] when I was in SA I never had net :/ [17:47] lol [17:47] eish linux is no good without the net [17:47] hi Tonberry_ [17:48] well, it is so much easier with it :) [17:48] yeah [17:48] hello [17:52] is it checking Golynx [17:53] Ya Kilos [17:53] should automatically show upgrades if there are [17:53] and how much will be downloaded near the bottom [17:54] Ya i see [17:55] you have the choice to go ahead at least [17:55] often when i saw how much i closed it till i had data [17:56] hmm, so just close the terminal when i want ? [17:57] no man [17:57] wait till its finish [17:57] then see how much data it wants to download [17:57] oh [17:57] then decide to go ahead or close [17:57] other wise you will need to run updates again [17:58] Ya i just want the package list updated and nautilus reinstalled , nothing else [18:00] 845kB nautilus is [18:00] Maybe its the kernel change that broke it [18:00] was 3.5 on dvd now 3.2 [18:00] good [18:01] nautilus-data is 63.4 kB [18:01] ya dont fiddle and change stuff [18:01] whew [18:03] Ya that was last week , had a hot head like the lappy [18:03] lol [18:05] :p [18:09] Fetched 10,4 MB in 22min 4s (7 867 B/s) C [18:09] Reading package lists... Done [18:10] lol [18:10] whew [18:10] does it show upgrade packages? [18:11] Where is that [18:11] in the update manager window [18:11] you have it open havent you? [18:12] Yes [18:12] you did tick check there? [18:12] Nope [18:12] thats what it just did [18:12] eish [18:12] you must listen man [18:13] i updated from terminal [18:14] It says the package information was just updated [18:14] and i said what? [18:14] didnt i say tick check while you were in update manager [18:14] but anyway [18:15] nor run sudo apt-get upgrade and see [18:15] terminal had the same stuff [18:15] ok [18:16] ya but when someone is trying to help you sort a prob you follow what they say so they dont get lost with whats happening [18:16] Reading package lists... Done [18:16] Building dependency tree [18:16] Reading state information... Done [18:16] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [18:17] like doing check in update manager updates but immediately shows available packages [18:17] oh my [18:17] You didnt say anything after open download manager , i assumed i had to do it in the terminal [18:17] then you must be up to date [18:17] sudo aptitude reinstall synaptic [18:17] ok [18:18] Its working [18:18] we gotta find why nautilus dont give reinstall option [18:19] Need to get 2 405 kB of archives [18:19] aha [18:19] see it wasnt a complete install [18:19] i think you gonna find lots of them [18:19] oh really [18:20] Lots of what [18:20] if something dont work kiff reinstall and see [18:20] lots of things that dont work to their best [18:21] i dunno why remastersys did that though [18:21] oh ok will have to see what gives such an issue [18:21] i had it with the first time i tried it [18:21] reinstalled everything in synaptic [18:21] took a day to tick them all [18:22] Most issues are minor though, but get bigger with time [18:22] So its hard to spot at first [18:22] but now i know where to look for probs [18:22] wow [18:23] my last remastersys dvd didnt give that prob [18:23] oh [18:23] made on different pc [18:23] who knows [18:24] Ya probably, some compression formats change minor things in programs [18:24] but if anything dont work smooth reinstall it in synaptic and other packages that are in same line of packages [18:26] Right synaptic reinstalled , i think [18:27] nautilus still no reinstall option [18:28] ai! [18:28] only nautilus-share and nautilus-sendto have that option [18:29] something is wrong there [18:29] hmm [18:30] you unticked too many things last week [18:30] remember i told you i have had an 80m upgrade since i sent the dvd [18:31] I did'nt do that though, its only opera that i locked [18:32] and gimp [18:32] everything else i left as is [18:35] Midnight Commander is a popular twin-panel file manager for the terminal [18:35] sudo aptitude install mc [18:35] using a text-user interface [18:36] evening inetpro [18:36] hello [18:36] hi Kilos, inetpro [18:36] inetpro i dont think that'll work for me, since i do drag drop cp alot [18:36] hi charl [18:37] hi charl [18:37] bye bye guys [18:37] there is also PCMan File Manager and many others [18:38] aptitude show pcmanfm [18:38] i dont understand why synaptic cant reinstall nautilus [18:39] Kilos: hmm... you and your re-install tendencies [18:39] not sure it is always necessary [18:39] nope it was psu prob here [18:40] since i put drives on external power no more probs [18:40] btw, good evening everyone [18:41] lol [18:41] Kilos: please excuse me [18:41] * inetpro is very tired [18:41] ok [18:42] waking up early taking it's toll [18:42] get some rest [18:42] old peeps cant take the pace in this modern world [18:42] :-) [18:43] hehehe [18:43] Kilos what was the 2 files sizes [18:44] scroll back [18:44] hi Xethron [18:44] has somaunn come right? [18:44] ik dunno [18:44] forgot what he asked [18:44] oh [18:45] with the shells [18:45] oh lol [18:45] something that works like something in windows [18:45] oh that [18:45] i dunno [18:45] You sure its only those 2 nautilus got ? [18:45] he will learn some from lpi manual he said [18:45] ai! [18:45] might be more [18:46] wait lets try something else [18:46] does it teach the basics? [18:46] ya its lekker man [18:46] ok [18:46] up to page 100 i think it was [18:46] then gets heavy [18:46] Golynx, [18:46] sudo aptitude purge synaptic [18:47] Then what was those 2 files for :/ [18:47] did you install them now? [18:47] No [18:47] did gdebi work? [18:47] try that first then [18:48] if there is more files needed by nautilus i'm not gona install [18:48] man try one [18:48] we trying to find the error here [18:49] It says same version is already installed , and a reinstall button [18:49] reinstall [18:49] ok [18:51] oh inetpro i dont know what you mean by basics [18:52] i dont know how much somaun knows [18:52] or how little [18:52] it said installation complete : in status loader bar , [18:52] something that explains shells in a bit more detail [18:52] oh so you broke something in synaptic [18:52] sudo aptitude purge synaptic [18:53] close gdebi first [18:53] ok [18:53] done? [18:54] The following packages will be REMOVED: [18:54] synaptic{p} [18:54] 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [18:54] Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 7 779 kB will be freed. [18:54] inetpro, ill help him tomorrow if i can with more basic stuff [18:54] yes Golynx [18:54] ok [18:54] Kilos: np [18:55] i thought he was clued up with linux [18:55] (Reading database ... 316670 files and directories currently installed.) [18:55] Removing synaptic ... [18:55] Purging configuration files for synaptic ... [18:55] dpkg: warning: while removing synaptic, directory '/var/lib/synaptic' not empty so not removed. [18:55] Processing triggers for man-db ... [18:55] Processing triggers for gnome-menus ... [18:55] Processing triggers for bamfdaemon ... [18:55] Rebuilding /usr/share/applications/bamf.index... [18:55] Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ... [18:55] Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ... [18:56] but to drop him into vim is heavy if he know nothing about linux [18:56] lol Golynx you actually spamming here [18:56] I dunno the error sorry [18:57] try sudo apt-get remove synaptic [18:57] ok [18:58] Package synaptic is not installed, so not removed [18:59] Should i delete the Synaptic folder in /var/lib/synaptic [18:59] yes if you can [19:00] Nope cannot [19:00] ok now we need clever help [19:00] hmm [19:01] i at times do things as root but thats dangerous in your hands now still [19:02] that might contain the conf files of sysnaptic [19:02] inetpro, how do we delete that file please [19:02] /var/lib/synaptic [19:03] ai! you guys like breaking things? [19:03] i dunno chroot [19:03] i can chown it but that dangerous too [19:03] chroot has absolutely nothing to do with it [19:03] ok can we chown it then delete it [19:04] no [19:04] hmm... [19:04] This is inside the preference file in that folder. Package: gimp [19:04] Pin: version 2.6.12-1ubuntu1.3 [19:04] Pin-Priority: 1001 [19:04] if you have to delete it, and I don't know why, then you can do it with rm [19:04] only gimp? [19:04] man rm [19:04] sudo aptitude remove gimp [19:05] Yes only gimp [19:05] ok [19:05] when i wanted to rm the other day guys told me dont do that [19:05] sudo rm -r /target/folder/owned/by/root [19:05] Wait is it cause gimp is still locked from upgrades ? [19:06] remove it [19:06] or wont it [19:07] here we go Golynx [19:07] I think gimp is gone [19:07] sudo rm -r /var/lib/synaptic [19:08] its gone now, at the cost of gimp grrr [19:09] no man [19:09] Already removed gimp [19:09] charl: Die Grüne Woche (Groen Week) open vanaand amptelik in die Duitse hoofstad [19:09] sudo aptitude purge synaptic [19:10] No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. [19:10] 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [19:10] Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used. [19:10] that wasnt the gimp package [19:11] sudo maptitude install synaptic [19:11] ai! [19:11] hmm [19:11] sudo aptitude install synaptic [19:12] we can get gimp back from the dvd again [19:12] but it will also be like a minimal install [19:12] i think [19:12] it stopped at: Setting up synaptic (0.75.9ubuntu1) ... [19:13] whew what have you done there [19:13] it might take a while [19:14] Nope it stopped totally [19:14] if it hasnt finished by next week we install everything from scratch [19:14] ok close that terminal [19:14] ctrl+c [19:15] should go back to prompt [19:15] Was already at prompt [19:15] ah ok [19:15] * inetpro falling asleep [19:15] good night [19:15] lets try sudo apt-get install synaptic [19:15] lekker slaap inetpro [19:15] night inetpro [19:16] ok [19:16] if it was at the prompt it is installed [19:16] synaptic is already the newest version. [19:16] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [19:16] lol [19:16] already installed ? [19:17] ok open it and see if nautilus can reinstall [19:17] when it goes back to prompt its finished installing [19:17] ok ,but still no reinstall option with nautilus [19:18] eish [19:18] you musta unticked more stuff [19:18] like when you couldnt update [19:19] Cant be , i just installed some apps i wanted [19:19] what do you see in /var/cache/apt/archives/ [19:20] from where did you install them? [19:20] only programs stuff i installed [19:21] from the repos? [19:21] or online stuff [19:21] Synaptic , via the tick option and clicking Apply [19:21] those are safe [19:21] you gotta watch online stuff [19:22] Ya , only ubuntu-tweak i installed from its website [19:22] so whats in archives [19:23] if you go to /var/cache/apt/ archives and right click properties on archives you should see the size of you downloads [19:23] Apache2 , php, python, alot of graphics driver stuff, one mysql install i aborted [19:23] ok [19:24] make a folder on desktop [19:24] name it precise [19:24] ok [19:24] you mustnt abort stuff while installing [19:24] now [19:25] sudo rsync -av /var/cache/apt/archives/ ~/Desktop/precise/ [19:25] ok [19:25] Done [19:26] if you have a stick or external you can save them there [19:27] oh is that the backup way for the packages [19:27] how big is the precise folder [19:27] 137Mb [19:27] ok so at least thats saved [19:27] you might need to rinstall to fix whatever is wrong [19:28] ok [19:28] i dont know why synaptic dont wanna work [19:29] but with gdebi working that can help [19:29] Its ok , i will ma work like this, its not that bad [19:29] you should still be able to install with apt-get and aptitude [19:30] try sudo aptitude reinstall gimp [19:30] Atleast there are other ways [19:30] yeah [19:30] most things can be fixed but sometimes it is quicker to reinstall than try find the prob [19:31] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [19:31] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [19:31] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [19:31] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [19:31] synaptic open? [19:31] lol ai [19:31] hha [19:32] Dont wana reinstall [19:33] its something you did when you went mad unticking and locking stuff [19:34] lol, its installing now via synaptic [19:34] gimp? [19:35] i saw all other gimp files there had green ticks except the main gimp file [19:35] ah [19:36] That one had the lock on [19:36] you should reinstall all the gimp ones that way [19:36] and look here [19:36] http://askubuntu.com/questions/276408/what-alternatives-to-nautilus-exist-which-are-more-responsive [19:36] but use nothing thats not in synaptic [19:37] ty i will try see if theres something better than nautilus [19:37] ok then can i go sleep now? [19:38] carry on tomorrow [19:38] Yes you can :) [19:38] ty [19:38] night all. sleep tight [19:38] No thanks , already wasted alot of data [19:38] night night [19:38] good night Kilos [19:38] hi Golynx [19:39] Hi psychicist [20:10] night guys