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vinh10490I cannot connect FB with Pidgin @@02:10
arthurfiggisout of curiousity, is kubuntu planning on going with mir/xmir along with the main distro, or are they sticking with wayland? i'm liking 13.10 so far, but mir i'd rather avoid if i could :/02:27
shadeslayerDepends on whatever upstream recommends02:28
shadeslayerplus, seeing how either xmir and wayland are not production ready for desktops, that's something we don't have to answer this cycle02:28
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: oh, i see...that's unfortunate, i remember some time ago the idea was to go with wayland over mir :( https://blogs.kde.org/2013/06/26/kubuntu-wont-be-switching-mir-or-xmir02:30
shadeslayerwell yeah02:30
shadeslayerupstream will *most likely* go with wayland02:31
arthurfiggisperhaps, i'd rather not risk being locked in myself though...i think i'll reinstall debian as i planned and hope i can get the ati drivers working :) but thanks very much for the response!02:33
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qdatakde/kwin will not be supporting mir, remains to be seen how that's going to play out but I'd imagine if there is going to continue to be a Kubuntu with kde as a desktop they will either have to use X or Wayland to do it02:35
arthurfiggisqdata: that's a rather unstable position to be in though, i would think :( if upstream did go with mir then all the packages would be built against it, so if kubuntu were to continue to exist as you say, they'd also have to fork a whole lot of the software as well02:38
qdatawell, the kwin developer has already siad "no" to mir02:39
arthurfiggisqdata: sorry...was just in another window reading that link :) it seems as if the only conclusion anyone's able to come to yet is "we'll have to wait and see," though, which is...not encouraging for the upcoming LTS :(02:50
arthurfiggisin fact the conclusion he came to was that "I’m not really optimistic that it will still be possible to provide the Ubuntu flavors once the transition to Mir is done."02:51
qdatawell he works on KDE, which is upstream from Kubuntu - the people who will choose X or Wayland are the people who package Kubuntu - that is if they desire to keep a KDE centered distro02:54
qdataand yes - a lot of 'wait and see' going on here   :-)02:56
arthurfiggisa shame really, kubuntu seems to suit all my needs at the moment but that's a rather fine line to be hanging on...granted the packages in debian i were using were old, but at least i know debian will be around in a year's time :/ ah well, only six months left on 13.10 anyway02:58
arthurfiggisi think when people like mark shuttleworth are calling people who would rather not buy into mir the 'open source tea party' it's not a good sign for upstream's future direction :P02:59
qdataI spent some fairly good size chunks of time between Thanksgiving and New Years looking around at other distros and kept coming back to my Kubuntu image because out of everything I tried Kubuntu is still the best KDE distro03:00
arthurfiggisqdata: oh, i find it's quite good as well, at least from what i've tried so far :) unfortunately with moves like mir and the dash lens in unity, canonical is putting a lot of good projects like this one in jeopardy as well...it's certainly making me reconsider anyway :(03:02
shadeslayerarthurfiggis: fwiw X everyone is going to ship with X in 14.0403:03
qdatathe mark s. disrespect and the way he did it - he didn't follow his own rules for the Canonical community itself and never apologized once he was caught out turned me off03:03
arthurfiggisqdata: yeah, that's what makes me concerned about the future of the other 'flavours' of ubuntu in particular...he seems more interested in trying to take a bite out of android's market share than the whole "community promise" everyone seems to have forgot about :(03:04
qdataif there was something better out there to run KDE on that wasn't using ubuntu repos I'd move to it. Tried even, but kept coming back to what works best03:05
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: ahh, well that's good to know..at least things will be relatively safe with the lts version for a while03:05
arthurfiggisqdata: the best that i found personally was debian stable :) there are downsides though, mainly the older packages, you have to configure some things on your own...kubuntu is definitely more polished, but if it's a choice between a polished Mir and an unpolished Debian, so to speak.. :(03:06
qdatagives me a year to find something better   :-)03:06
arthurfiggisqdata: if an experienced user is looking for something better already, i should probably be doing the same :( not many options left for my system, fedora is a bit too unstable and the installer for opensuse didn't work03:11
qdataI've used KDE since about 1.45 version03:11
qdatafor years it was on FreeBSD, but it became to where I was spending more time maintaining it and not using it to do $real_life work03:12
arthurfiggiswow...i think the first version of it i used was 2.2.2, but i always liked it :) i don't know why so many distributions decided to go with gnome 3 as a default...i would still be using freebsd myself but the last machine i bought i made the mistake of getting a uefi/secure boot based system, still not working on there :(03:13
qdataso I tried Linux with package management systems and settled on opensuse for about 2 and a half years03:13
qdatathey kind of lost focus with the Attachmate buyout and I made the move to Kubuntu at that time03:14
qdatamuch earlier I had taken a look at Kubuntu but didn't like the way they had dumbed down KDE to the point I had to undo everything, but over time it got better and my the time I looked at it again I liked what I was seeing03:16
arthurfiggisqdata: i've tried out various releases of kubuntu and i've always been impressed by it, though this latest version is much more stable than the ones i used previously :) the threat of canonical shooting themselves and every other derivative in the foot is a pretty big detractor though, all the same03:17
qdatayup, I had high hopes for Fedora 20 but the first time I tried to set up the KdePIM Akonadi server wouldn't start03:18
arthurfiggisqdata: i can't remember what specific issue i had with fedora 20 that turned me off it, but in general the problem with fedora is that they'll get to a point where a lot of the bugs are fixed and its usable..then somewhere along the line upgrade everything for the sake of upgrading, and blow up half the stuff on your system until the next release03:19
qdataI use Clonezilla and a second storage drive to keep an image of what works so I can always revert to it if things go wrong, my main drive is an SSD03:19
qdatathis includes updating, if updates break something I roll back03:20
arthurfiggisi was really hoping kubuntu i could stick with but it sounds as if the mir situation isn't as clear cut as "we're not using it" any more :( hmm...that's a good idea, i do something similar but with a more traditional external usb drive03:20
qdataand Kubuntu has a good history with me of updates not breaking things03:21
shadeslayerarthurfiggis: qdata fwiw there is no indication of which display server is going to 'win' so to speak03:30
shadeslayerit could be that other distros adopt Mir since it becomes production ready first03:31
shadeslayerwho knows ...03:31
qdatatrue enough03:31
qdataand if all distros did then Martin would rethink kwin support03:31
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: possibly...highly doubtful considering that it would require signing over one's code to the CLA03:31
shadeslayerqdata: correct03:31
shadeslayerarthurfiggis: *shrug* people have done that in the past03:31
shadeslayerI don't think it's as big a deal as it's made out to be03:32
shadeslayerlook at Qt, if you contribute to Qt you have to sign a similar CLA03:32
shadeslayerand it has no shortage of contributors03:32
qdatatrue this03:32
arthurfiggishmm...i thought qt was licensed under lgpl 2.1?03:33
shadeslayerdual licensed, and you have to sign a CLA for a patch to be accepted03:34
Unit193Can't you just BSD it?  Or otherwise license in such a way they can relicense?03:35
shadeslayerdunno, possibly too permissive that patches don't get open sourced or whatever03:37
shadeslayerUnit193: FWIW the commercial license is relicensing the LGPL code03:39
shadeslayer( I think )03:39
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: hmm...so if i understand right, if you're not writing a commercial application or providing a patch to qt itself, you don't have to sign a CLA...that's a lot different than "sign this CLA or youdon't participate in this project, period" :P03:40
arthurfiggis(at least I would think so)03:41
shadeslayerIsn't that how Mir works as well? If you're writing something ontop of Mir ( kwin ) , then you don't have to sign the CLA03:42
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: i would assume from the almost universal rejection of it by the community at large that it's probably more complicated than that, but perhaps not03:43
James0rcan't seem to change my compositing type to OpenGL03:46
James0rjust keeps reverting back to XRender03:46
shadeslayerarthurfiggis: I think the major cause of resentment on the licensing side is that Canonical can relicense your code to whatever ...03:46
shadeslayerwhereas there are provisions on the Qt side to release the code under LGPL 2.103:48
shadeslayersee http://www.kde.org/community/whatiskde/kdefreeqtfoundation.php03:48
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: that's a pretty legitimate bone to pick, though, isn't it? :) i mean if you're submitting your code under one license and then they have the right to relicense it as they please?03:48
shadeslayerarthurfiggis: true, though in practicality a minor one tbh, I believe it's there so that they can convince ARM vendors to ship Mir03:49
shadeslayersince those vendors just love closed platforms03:49
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: canonical in general seem to be gravitating toward closed platforms :( i think shuttleworth took a look at what google was doing with android and started seeing dollar signs03:50
arthurfiggisah well...at least debian was relatively usable, i'll have to install it again this evening :) trying kubuntu was certainly pleasant though!03:50
shadeslayerarthurfiggis: what happens if Debian chooses to go with upstart though :P03:55
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: well, debian has the advantage of being a community-based distro that isn't backed by a group of people looking to sell tablets and cellphones...they may wel go with upstart over systemd and that might make good technical sense, but i have more faith in their protecting my end user freedoms than ci do in canonical :(03:57
ghsI'm trying to install the Kindle on Kubuntu. However, is not working. Any idea ?03:57
shadeslayerarthurfiggis: fwiw Kubuntu is also a community backed distro03:58
shadeslayerghs: I'm sorry what03:58
shadeslayerusually ebook readers just show up as usb storage devices on Linux03:58
ghsshadeslayer: On Ubuntu it works well.03:59
shadeslayerghs: I don't understand ... I've never heard of a software called Kindle03:59
ghsshadeslayer: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?docId=100042631104:00
shadeslayerand that works fine with Wine in Ubuntu but not on Kubuntu?04:00
ghsshadeslayer: yes04:00
shadeslayerghs: what's the issue exactly under Kubuntu?04:01
shadeslayerdoesn't start?04:01
arthurfiggisghs: you could try playonlinux, i've found that it's quite good for both programs and games...usually downloads and installs the best version of wine for the package you're using, if it's supported04:01
ghsshadeslayer: doesn't install.04:01
shadeslayerghs: release?04:02
ghsshadeslayer: what ?04:02
shadeslayerI found https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?50471-Kindle-App-on-Kubuntu-%28success!%2904:03
shadeslayerghs: which release?04:03
ghsshadeslayer: do you says which version of wine ?04:03
shadeslayerghs: wine and Kubuntu04:04
ghsshadeslayer: wine 1.4 and kubuntu 12.04 lts04:04
* shadeslayer would recommend updating wine to whatever is latest04:05
ghsshadeslayer: This is the latest version.04:06
shadeslayerI see wine 1.7 there04:06
ghsshadeslayer: yes.04:08
shadeslayerisn't that the latest then?04:08
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: sorry, i missed that...yes, you're right, my apologies for the mistake :) you bring up a good point about upstart though, but i think half of debian's renewed popularity these days is in all the ways that they -aren't- ubuntu, if you know what i mean...i could only see them going with upstart if the licensing were liberal enough for debian, the most strict distro out there when...04:24
arthurfiggis...it comes to free and open source :)04:24
arthurfiggison the other hand as you pointed out, with the LTS using X none of it will really be a problem for another five years...and if someone hasn't figured it out by then we're all lost ;)04:25
ghsshadeslayer: After install the kubuntu, my network is always dropping.04:31
ghsshadeslayer: really, my wine version not is latest.04:32
shadeslayerarthurfiggis: heh, yeah04:32
shadeslayerhopefully in ~5 years we'll have one dominating the others :P04:33
ghsshadeslayer: what mean that ?04:33
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: hopefully...i'm hoping that valve's steam consoles take off personally, they're basing steamos off wheezy so at least they're likely to go with what the community at large wants04:34
shadeslayerarthurfiggis: not necessarily, they'll probably go with what fits their business model and what game developers want04:34
shadeslayerconsumers don't particularly care what display server the steam box is running04:34
arthurfiggisshadeslayer: oh ultimately they'll go with what suits the bottom line of course, that only makes sense when you're a business :) hopefully they'll look at the community good-will lost by canonical, but ultimately steamos is a semi-proprietary platform anyway04:37
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arthurfiggisarg...looks like handbrake isn't working properly either, that's unfortunate :( builds just fine but when you run the gui it crashes out with an error stating it can't instantiate a class of "GtkBox"05:28
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Dr_Noi used xrandr to activate the proper screen resolution but how do i make this permanent in xubuntu 13.10?07:27
lordievaderGood morning.07:51
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silvea12Hey, I have some wierd HDMI audio issues, and I can't seem to find anything anywhere that relates to my specific problem. It's to do with HDMI output. Can anyone here help me?08:14
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eagles0513875!it MarinaMioka10:34
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:34
eagles0513875MarinaMioka: ^10:34
lordievadereagles0513875: You need to use a pipe ;)10:35
lordievader!info | eagles051387510:35
ubottu'eagles0513875' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable10:35
eagles0513875ya sorry been a while since ive needed that10:35
lordievader!bot | eagles051387510:35
ubottueagles0513875: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:35
lordievaderForgot that !info wanted an argument...10:36
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BluesKajHiyas all12:03
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eagles0513875lordievader: you remember the issue of my track pad13:38
eagles0513875and the fix that i found13:38
lordievadereagles0513875: Yes?13:38
lordievaderWas that bug 737856?13:39
ubottubug 737856 in synaptiks (Ubuntu Saucy) "synaptiks crashed with KeyError in __getitem__(): u'No such property: NAME'" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73785613:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 967399 in linux (Ubuntu) "[11.10] Elantech trackpoint does not work Lenovo " [High,In progress]13:39
eagles0513875lordievader: there is a patch and i finally got a response form upstream kernel input mailing list13:39
eagles0513875i need help on how to patch the kernel + recompile it13:39
lordievadereagles0513875: Hehe, you've come to the wrong address...13:40
eagles0513875:-/ ok out of all people im a bit suprised :p13:40
eagles0513875you hang out in the dev channel and dont know how to patch and compile a kernel :p13:40
lordievadereagles0513875: Ask in #ubuntu-kernel or #linux.13:40
eagles0513875already in ubuntu-kernel dealing with a very nice person apw :D13:41
BluesKajeagles0513875, what did you do now , that you need to patch a kernel >14:00
eagles0513875nothing BluesKaj14:00
eagles0513875its the issue of my multitouch track pad BluesKaj14:01
eagles0513875found a fix which has been about since 11.1014:01
eagles0513875the patch was submitted upstream for kernel mainline inclusion but it fell through the cracks14:01
eagles0513875i want to test and confirm and potentially submit it upstream again14:01
BluesKajodd that lenovo brags about it's linux support , but leaves something this important to the open source devs to fix14:08
BluesKajaltho this new lenovo latop's touchpad works fine14:10
BluesKajtouchpad, trackpad, wonder what the proper name is, seems to depend on the mfgr14:12
eagles0513875BluesKaj: the issue isnt with standard track pads its with the fancy multitouch ones14:20
BluesKajok, I immediately installed a wireless minimouse ...my only problem with laptops is the trackpad, just don't like them14:23
BluesKajanyway ..brb14:24
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eagles0513875ikonia: how would i go about determining the exact model of my trackpad15:50
eagles0513875lsusb shows nothing of use there15:50
ikoniaany of the hardware probe commands should be usful15:50
ikonialsusb is based of id's - not hardware models, it's pattern matching15:51
eagles0513875ok ill do some googling there15:52
eagles0513875wow i didnt even know that command existed15:52
BluesKajtried lshw -C USB, but it doesn't show anything15:54
eagles0513875BluesKaj: it works15:54
eagles0513875no need for sudo wiht lshw15:54
eagles0513875lshw doesnt show my trackpad at all there15:55
BluesKajoh yes, a warning pops up here without sudo15:55
eagles0513875BluesKaj: 14.0415:56
BluesKajon 14.04 , but loaded a 13.10 image, want to show my friends what kubuntu is all about, and some don't have optical drives on their lappies15:59
eagles0513875BluesKaj: lol could have made a bootable usb15:59
eagles0513875lordievader: ping16:00
BluesKajok here goes , lets see if it boots16:00
lordievadereagles0513875: pong16:11
eagles0513875lordievader: you had mentioned i think a way i can determine my exact model of track pad. can you remind me what the command would be. Google is returning me lshw which is showing up nothing in terms of my trackpad device16:12
lordievadereagles0513875: lspci?16:13
lordievadereagles0513875: How is it connected?16:13
eagles0513875lspci shows nothing lsusb shows nothing16:15
eagles0513875all i do know is its an elantech multitouch trackpad16:15
lordievadereagles0513875: Could you pastebin the output of both the commands?16:17
eagles0513875one moment please16:18
nlsthznjust tried to install the latest version of plex media center in kubuntu 13.10, used QAPT Package Installer... it doesn't give any errors but plex isn't installing or installing correctly?!16:20
eagles0513875lordievader: http://pastebin.com/wbkPpNaw16:20
eagles0513875lordievader: included lshw as well16:20
* nlsthzn sucks at linux but I tried dpkg and got this - http://slexy.org/view/s20cBIEdnZ16:23
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lordievadereagles0513875: Hmm, try "cat /proc/bus/input/devices|grep -i name"16:27
eagles0513875N: Name="ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad" <-- is the etps/2 does that mean its a ps2 device?16:28
lordievadereagles0513875: That or it emulates one.16:29
geniiI wonder if xinput shows it16:37
trung_hi can I ask something about shell programming16:37
Picitrung_: you can, but #bash might be a better resource.16:38
trung_oh I'm actually using pid16:38
trung_I mean fish16:38
trung_but the command could be understood by either16:39
geniitrung_: #fish channel also exists :)16:39
trung_I'd like to try here first though :P16:39
trung_I have 2 shells running16:39
trung_1 running python shell16:39
trung_I checked the python shell with os.getpid() and wants the other shell to talk to it16:39
trung_I tried echo "command" > /proc/<pid>/fd/116:40
wxlnlsthzn: see whomever manages the package. something is wrong with it.16:40
trung_the command is shown in the python shell16:40
trung_but I could not interact with it16:40
trung_cannot backspace to delete16:40
trung_cannot enter to let python run it16:40
Picitrung_: er.. maybe #python could help... you need to be registered/identified to join though.16:42
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:42
trung_ok thx!16:43
trung_actually I was on the python-unregistered channel but nobody responded16:43
geniieagles0513875: Does xinput show it?16:43
eagles0513875genii: yes16:43
trung_I am not aware of that program16:43
eagles0513875trung_: its not you need to identify your self on the network before you can go in the proper python channel16:44
geniieagles0513875: Can you pastebin wht it shows for --list-props of the pad?16:45
eagles0513875genii: xinput --list-props16:45
geniieagles0513875: xinput --list-props #        where # is the number it shows for the device when you just do xinput without arguments to it16:46
genii( the id=1234 or such part)16:46
eagles0513875got it16:46
eagles0513875genii: http://pastebin.com/3Va3jMMU16:47
* genii reads16:49
geniieagles0513875: Hm. Nothing odd in there. But I might try: xinput --set-prop 11 "Device Enabled" 0   ...to turn it off, see if maybe that property is reversed. If it doesn't work then the same command again but with 1 instead of 0 to turn it back on.16:53
eagles0513875ok no response no movement out of the trackpad16:53
geniieagles0513875: OK. Did you make some xorg.conf thing for it?16:56
nlsthznok thanks wxl16:56
eagles0513875genii: no16:58
eagles0513875this was how the 13.10 installer set it up for me16:58
geniieagles0513875: Is kde-config-touchpad installed?16:58
eagles0513875genii: synaptiks too17:00
nlsthznjust for info... re-downloaded a 3rd time and this time installed no problem :/17:00
eagles0513875genii: i think i might try in a kvm guest17:00
eagles0513875to see if i encounter the issue there17:00
geniieagles0513875: I'm going more carefully now over the --list-props to see if there's maybe some odd setting like speed is set to zero or some weirdness17:02
eagles0513875ok thanks :)17:02
lordievadertrung_: You could use a socket to communicate to the python process.17:05
trung_lordievader: I am trying to do that17:06
trung_lordievader: I am considering zeroMQ17:06
trung_lordievader: is there another alternative that you recommend? Oh, and why does it not work by echoing into the file descriptor?17:07
eagles0513875wow genii im using qemu as kvm seems to be depreciated in virt manager damn thing wont even boot to the desktop :-/17:07
lordievadertrung_: This is the documentation for Py2 but in Py3 it works similair: http://docs.python.org/2/howto/sockets.html17:09
lordievadertrung_: Sockets can also be files ;)17:09
lordievadertrung_: It might work by echoing, but I've never done it ;)17:09
eagles0513875genii: things keep getting stranger and stranger here :(17:09
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geniieagles0513875: I might try: sudo modprobe -r psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse force_elantech=Y17:46
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roadfishHow do I reset the desktops after switching monitors?19:45
roadfishJust replaced 1200x1024 monitor with 1920x1080.19:45
roadfishBut now my desktop backgrounds are spanning different desktops.19:46
roadfishOk, I found a work around: add a new virtual desktop ... and then immediately remove it. And I'm guessing logging-out and logging-back-in would also work.19:47
wxlso i'm trying to use kftpgrabber with a public key (openssh format) and it fails to work. this same key works fine on the command line. kftpgrabber asks for the password (so it seems to be able to read it) but then says "unable to decrypt the public key or public key has been rejected by server." wth? ;)20:05
=== Toast_ is now known as Toast
PayneHello, I'm looking to get a little help in configuring my Kbuntu Desktop. My goal is to have my Windows PC connect via ethernet to the kbuntu system via Remote desktop and then use kbuntu to browse the web. I have xdrp already installed but having issues with ethernet portion21:39
Payneany point in the right direction is a plus even if it's just the verbage to search for21:42
Payneanyone able to help21:49
wxlPayne: you mean you can't get your kubuntu connected to ethernet?21:53
qdataPayne: I doubt I can really help, not all that familiar with the linux/windows remote desktop stuff21:54
qdatabut ethernet connectivity depends on some basic stuff21:54
qdatafirst off can the windows machine ping the kubuntu machine by IP address21:55
PayneWXl i can connect kbuntu to internet...21:55
PayneQdata good question let me check21:55
qdatayou'll want the machines to both be in the same subnet21:56
qdatajust makes things somewhat simpler21:56
PayneQdata, thats the thing.... the Windows PC is only going to connect to the Kubutu machine21:56
PayneOh ok yeah both are
PayneOk no it's can't ping the K box21:57
qdataso both are like 192.168.10.x /24  M- eg the first three octets are same?21:57
wxlPayne: you aren't trying to connect the ethernet cable from the windows machine to the kubuntu machine you?21:57
PayneYeah (K box) and (windows Box)21:58
Paynewxl yes I am21:58
qdataif it's not 1GB/s adapters you need a crossover cable21:58
PayneHmm let me look and see then21:59
wxli'd just connect them both to the network21:59
wxlwould be way easier21:59
Paynethe guy i'm doing this for doesn't want the windows pc to direct connect to the internet21:59
qdatain theory gigabit adapters should auto configure, but that doesn't always happen correctly if the manufacturers are different21:59
PayneOk the jetway has 2 gigbit adapters22:00
Paynelooking at the asus22:00
qdataalso the firewall on the kubuntu box may be blocking stuff, if it's blocking an incoming ping it should still allow an outgoing -> eg ping the windows box from the kubuntu box22:01
Payneok the ASUS is a gigbit also22:01
qdatafirewalls can be problematic in both directions and I'm not all that familiar with linux firewalling, for me it's openbsd/freebsd pf I'm most familiar with22:02
PayneSO both have gigE22:02
Payneif i need to i'll kill both firewalls to make sure it's not a issue. i just wanted to make sure i was going in the right direction22:04
qdatayeag - that's what I was going to suggest by way of elimination22:04
qdataif you drop any/both that might be problematic and now you can ping you know where to look22:05
PayneOK Firewall on K is not on22:06
qdataeliminate variables until you get something to change - if the firewalls are completely out of the picture I'd try a crossover cable next to see if different NIC chips aren't autoconfiguring22:07
Paynehow can i make sure my setting are right to allow autocionfigure22:07
qdatagigabit adapters should configure themselves automagically and not require a crossover cable but they don't always work right when the chips are from different manufacturers22:08
Paynethe reason i ask is that i made changes to manually assign IPs22:08
qdatawithout firewalls if a crossover cable all the sudden made things talk then you'd know you hit this22:08
qdataping by IP first, then ping by hostname later to see if dns works22:09
PayneSo should i reset the Network connection to be automatic again?22:09
qdatathe default nsswitch.conf usually looks at hosts file first, and if can ping by IP and not by hostname you could just put the IP to hostname mappings in hosts22:10
qdataI'm going to take a guess gere and say "No"22:10
qdataif 'automatic' is meaning going back to dhcp probably not22:11
Payneyeah thats what it would mean22:11
qdataif you're configuring ethernet manually you've already put both IPs in the same subnet22:12
qdatamaybe need to look at other field such as default route22:12
qdatayou might need to point the default route on the windows machine to point at the IP of the kubuntu box22:13
PayneOh i think i found something... it's not keeping the manually assigned IP on the K box22:13
qdatayou can look at this on windows in a Dos prompt with ipconfig /all22:13
qdatalol - that doesn't sound too good   :-)22:13
PayneI finally got it to stick22:14
qdatabut yeah - if the kubuntu box IP isn't staying what it's suppsoed to be that's a problem22:14
Paynehmm keep getting destionation host unreachable..22:16
PayneI'm guessing i'm missing the crossover cable22:16
PayneI want to thank you for your time22:16
qdatahave you looked at ipconfig /all on the windows machine?22:17
qdatalook at the default gateway entry22:18
Payneyeah it shows for ip and subnet is and gfateway is
qdataif is the kubuntu box that's what you want22:20
Payneit is22:20
qdataif the kubuntu box has 2 Nics you also need to be sure about which/where you have your cables plugged up - but it's probably good if the kubuntu box still has Inet connectivity22:21
PayneYeah the Kbuntu box does have INet22:21
qdataif you had the cables plugged up backwards you wouldn't22:22
Payneand it's working22:22
Payneit must be a cabling issue then22:22
Fudgehi what is the package called that makes kubuntu show up in the grub menu? guessing its a grub.d script22:23
PayneIE crossover22:23
qdatawell if you can snag a crossover cable it could eliminate it as a problem - but in theory gigabit adapters shouldn't need it22:24
ChogyDanmy keyboard shortcut for opening a browser window makes the current window go to my home page.  How can I make it open a new window?22:24
PayneFudge have you tried to gedit?22:24
FudgePayne:  Gedit what?22:24
PayneFudge is grub showing even?22:26
Fudgeyeah, it says Kubuntu, because I installed kubuntu-desktop on my Ubuntu system, I am just curious what makes kubuntu show up in grub instaled of ubuntu22:30
ChogyDanFudge: probably the grub scripts22:34
Fudgemaybe in package plymouth-theme-kubuntu-text22:38
keithzg dpkg -S /etc/default/grub.d/50_kubuntu.cfg22:40
keithzgkubuntu-settings-desktop: /etc/default/grub.d/50_kubuntu.cfg22:40
keithzgLooks like it's kubuntu-settings-desktop that provides that.22:40
Fudgethanks very much, learn something new every day :D22:42

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