
jsalisburyphillw, it would be best if you could open a launchpad bug, so we can track all the appropriate information.  You can open a bug using a web browser on any system(It doesn't have to be the system exhibiting the bug).  Again, just go to the following link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug00:05
jsalisburyAny system with Internet access that is.00:06
phillwjsalisbury: my VM does not want to to play...... 00:07
phillwjsalisbury: where do you need me to pull logs from? as it is a KVM I can pull any data you need.00:10
jsalisburyphillw, the following commands will collect all the appropriate data:00:14
jsalisbury1) uname -a > uname-a.log00:14
jsalisbury2) dmesg > dmesg.log00:14
jsalisbury3) sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log00:14
jsalisbury4) cat /proc/version_signature > version.log00:14
=== emma_ is now known as em
jsalisburyphillw, what happened after you ran:  apt-get install linux-generic00:15
phillwjsalisbury: there seems to have been a drop of support for kernel (and motu). We do have people who want to make community re-spins but some of the tools that they used are no longer there.00:21
phillwjsalisbury: Hi Joe, this is the last I got from the VM00:22
phillwroot@amjjawad:/home/ali/src/linux-3.13-rc8# make oldconfigscripts/kconfig/conf --oldconfig Kconfig00:22
phillw# configuration written to .config00:22
phillwroot@amjjawad:/home/ali/src/linux-3.13-rc8# 00:22
phillwroot@amjjawad:/home/ali/src/linux-3.13-rc8# apt-get install linux-generic00:23
phillwReading package lists... Done00:23
phillwBuilding dependency tree       00:23
phillwReading state information... Done00:23
phillwlinux-generic is already the newest version.00:23
phillw0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:23
phillwroot@amjjawad:/home/ali/src/linux-3.13-rc8# 00:23
jsalisburyphillw, Are you now running the 3.13.0-3-generic kernel (After a reboot) ?00:25
phillwjsalisbury: the VM I'm working with is Linux amjjawad 3.13.0-3-generic #18-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 13 19:11:13 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:27
phillw my machine is phillw@piglet:~$ uname -a00:27
phillwLinux piglet 3.13.0-3-generic #18-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 13 19:11:13 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:27
jsalisburyphillw, ok, to summarize, you upgraded a server flavor from Precise running the 3.8 backport kernel to Trusty, but the kernel remained at 3.8.  But you were able to upgrade to 3.13.0-3-generic manually?00:30
phillwI did a -d to ask the server to jump to 14.04.00:31
phillwjsalisbury: correct00:31
=== cwillu_ is now known as cwillu
infinityjsalisbury: As it turns out, rtg just fixed that bug. :P02:46
* apw yawns mightily09:26
smbI am sure RAOF has mighty AUS BEEEES09:27
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
apwwho stole my bees?09:40
* apw notes .au does have above average bees09:41
eagles0513875hey apb196310:36
eagles0513875i mean apw10:36
eagles0513875are you around 10:36
eagles0513875apw: i stole them i forgot to tell you 10:36
apwSarvatt, was it you i was talking to about the gm45 "character square corruption" which looked like fence issues?11:59
apwSarvatt, as i have just upgraded userspace from S to T and it has gone away now11:59
apwSarvatt, though the tearing is appaling in chromium12:56
eagles0513875apw: finally got a reply to the email about the multitouch track pad12:57
eagles0513875apw: and the response is You mean that one?   http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-input/msg26869.html  It never got applied, would be nice to hear whether that bug still exist and have it resubmitted.  Thanks David12:58
apweagles0513875, sounds like movement, was the original submitter on the thread, if not maybe time to poke them 13:21
apwthe patch has a lot of questions you might hope that the maintainers would reply on13:22
eagles0513875apw: the original submitter i think is MIA13:22
apwbut ... seemingly not13:22
eagles0513875i dunno if you could step in or not13:22
apwit is very hard to own a patch when you don't have the h/w to test changes on13:24
eagles0513875apw: i can test it but I have no idea what i would need to do to patch the kernel and recompile13:25
eagles0513875well i have a site on how to do that but not sure how to go about it13:25
eagles0513875apw: Would you be willing to help me out in this regard or am i a bit on my own13:26
apweagles0513875, we may have a amchine with the same h/w will investigate13:40
eagles0513875apw: thanks I would though like to apply the patch for now to my existing kernel on 13.1013:40
eagles0513875apw: going to update the bug from the response i got in the email13:41
apweagles0513875, canyou confirm this is a lenovo L53014:07
eagles0513875im not on a lenovo14:08
eagles0513875im on a toshiba sattelite s75-A722114:08
apwand you know htat patch fixes your issue ?14:08
apweagles0513875, ^^14:11
eagles0513875apw: i need help patching the existing kernel to test it as i dont know how to patch my kernel as well as recompile it14:12
eagles0513875apw: would it be possible for you to provide a testing kernel somewhere for me to install and test14:19
apweagles0513875, is there a bug number for this?14:35
eagles0513875apw: for the upstream bug14:36
eagles0513875the only bug i have is the launchpad one linking to the discussion upstream previously 14:36
apwwhich is which one14:38
eagles0513875apw: this is upstream http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-input/msg26869.html14:40
eagles0513875on launch pad its bug 96739914:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 967399 in linux (Ubuntu) "[11.10] Elantech trackpoint does not work Lenovo " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96739914:41
rtgsmb, have you been running trusty kvm sessions lately ? I just upgraded from 12.04.2 to trusty and it appears to have wedged.14:49
smbrtg, KVM installs only not upgrades14:50
rtgsmb, hmm14:50
smbI mean Trusty server installs14:50
rtgsmb, right, thats all I'm doing to14:51
rtgguess I'd bettercheck that the daily works14:51
smbrtg, You are using a raid1 by chance?14:51
smbOk, that was one piece that has issues currently. Otherwise my installs were using a daily iso from the 15th14:52
phillw(15:00:07) phillw: hi, do we expect the bug that does not use the 3.13 kernel as a an upgrade from 12.04 LTS? 15:03
phillwaka, when updating from 12.04 lts, we do not get the kernel release for 14.0415:06
eagles0513875phillw: O_o not like you to be in here15:06
phillweagles0513875: the people here are proffessional. 15:07
eagles0513875i know im working on getting a multi touch track pad issue solved15:07
phillwI need them to to fix an issue15:07
phillweagles0513875:  joe salisbury is afk, as is bodhi-zazen.... I'm stuck until the kernel team fix it :)15:10
apwphillw, no we expect something upgraded to use the correct kernel15:10
eagles0513875apw: how should i proceed with the issue of the multitouch track pad?15:11
phillwapw: it did not.... how do I fix it?15:11
apwphillw, if it was an update-manager update then (unintuitvly) the thing to do is to file a bug against update-manager and say "yes" to the during an update from a previous release15:12
phillwit's really good to catch this error so early :)15:12
apwas that gets the appropriate logs from the update15:12
phillwapw: the VM is non GUI.... so I cannot file a bug :(15:13
apweagles0513875, we need to find out that this patch even has a thing to do with your issue, which would mean i need to spin a kernel (as you don't seem to be able to), and that'll happen when i get to it15:13
apwphillw, you can file a bug, its just harder15:13
eagles0513875apw: if you can give me the steps on what i need to do I can do it 15:13
apwphillw, iirc you can just do the same thing, and it uploads it and then gives you the URL for it to continue on another machine15:14
phillwapw: the VM is there... tell me what you need & I will do it. Just recall that I am a tester not a coder and you will have to give me step by step instructions.15:15
ikoniaif you need step by step instructions, he may as well just do it himself15:15
eagles0513875ikonia: i just really need help with patching. if http://www.howopensource.com/2011/08/how-to-compile-and-install-linux-kernel-3-0-in-ubuntu-11-04-10-10-and-10-04/ works then i can follow those instructions to apply15:17
phillwikonia:  I have offered them root access to the VM. More than that I cannot do :)15:17
apwphillw, "ubuntu-bug update-manager" should work GUI or not15:17
apwphillw, i think ikonia was talking to eagle15:17
ikoniaeagles0513875: I'm missing background here - but what kernel version are you trying to build ?15:18
eagles0513875ikonia: the one that comes with 13.1015:18
eagles0513875forget that that article is for older kernels and release. are the steps to compile it the same?15:18
apwif you arn't confident building it then a negative test will not be conclusive anyhow15:18
eagles0513875ok 15:18
phillwikonia: I'm building the kernel for 14.1015:19
ikoniaphillw: so ?15:19
phillwsorry... 14.0415:19
eagles0513875apw: ill leave it in your hands15:19
eagles0513875phillw: i think that was directed at me btw15:19
ikoniaeagles0513875: is there a bug logged for this ?15:20
phillweagles0513875: that communities can not make respins is an issue. 15:20
ikoniacommunities can make respins15:20
eagles0513875ikonia: my issue has nothing to do with what phillw is doing15:20
ikoniawho said they can't ?15:20
eagles0513875wait a min we are on two different wave lengths here15:21
ikoniaI'm missing background/context for both issues15:21
eagles0513875ikonia: my issue is relating to my multitouch track pad on my laptop 15:21
eagles0513875i found https://launchpad.net/bugs/96739915:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 967399 in linux (Ubuntu) "[11.10] Elantech trackpoint does not work Lenovo " [High,In progress]15:21
phillwikonia: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-cd/+question/24003715:21
eagles0513875and this laptop has an elantech multitouch track pad but that bug is geared specifically for lenovo so I was wanting to patch my kernel to see if that fixes my track pad not working at all. 15:21
ikoniaeagles0513875: is that your exact bug ?15:22
eagles0513875btw apw thanks for offering to compile a test kernel with the patch15:22
eagles0513875ikonia: yes that my track pad doesnt work at all right now. 15:22
apwphillw, when something is hard to do, that doesn't make it easy to document, cd creation is such a beast, it has evolved over some 12 years15:22
ikoniaeagles0513875: ok - so it's the same bug but on version 13.10 ?15:22
ikoniaeagles0513875: ok, cool, so the bug is valid. 15:23
ikoniaeagles0513875: so where are you getting the patch from ?15:23
eagles0513875the bug15:23
eagles0513875there is one as well as a diff15:23
apwikonia, though this bug is for a lenovo, and that isn't what he has15:23
ikoniawhat ???15:23
ikoniathe patch isn't even for the 13.10 kernel15:23
eagles0513875the patch is for a lenovo lapto mine is a toshiba15:23
ikoniaeagles0513875: why are you talking to upstream ???15:23
phillwapw: I do have people to help.... what is needed is kernel for server edition to up grade to the 14.04 edition (3.13)15:23
ikoniawhat the debvil.....15:23
eagles0513875apw asked me to see what happened to it as it had initially been filed upstream for inclusion into mainline15:24
eagles0513875and basically the last comment i got today about it. 15:24
ikoniaeagles0513875: so what is the model of track pad you have ?15:24
eagles0513875how would i check that15:24
ikoniayou don't even know the model ???15:25
ikoniayou're assuming the lenovo track pad has the same model as yours and the lenovo patch will fix it15:25
apwphillw, and hopefully the log as to why the upgrade didn't complete will be in the logs from the bug you're filing with the ubuntu-bug command15:25
phillwapw: I cannot file a bug :(15:25
ikoniaeagles0513875: how are you following bugs looking at patches, when you don't know the model of the hardware that's failing ????15:25
phillwapw:  it is a server with no X15:26
ikoniayou can manually look at the logs ?15:27
ikonialog the bug manually on launchpad.net ?15:27
apwphillw, you do not need X to file a bug, i just did it here by doing a DISPLAY= ubuntu-bug ... and it does it all in ascii15:28
apwdid you even try it ?15:28
eagles0513875ikonia: i found out how to determine which track pad i have but not the model15:29
eagles0513875⎡ Virtual core pointer                          id=2    [master pointer  (3)] ⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer                id=4    [slave  pointer  (2)] ⎜   ↳ ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad                  id=11   [slave  pointer  (2)] 15:30
phillwapw and what is the name of the bug you want?15:34
apwubuntu-bug update-manager15:35
apwand say Yes to the "during an upgrade from a previous release" prompt15:35
phillwapw: The collected information can be sent to the developers to improve the15:39
phillwapplication. This might take a few minutes.15:39
phillw..==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.policykit.exec ===15:39
phillwAuthentication is needed to run `/bin/cat' as the super user15:39
phillwMultiple identities can be used for authentication:15:39
phillw 1.  ali,,, (ali)15:39
phillw 2.  Jason,,, (jason)15:39
phillw 3.  eagles,,, (eagles)15:39
phillw 4.  Kris,,, (kris)15:39
phillw 5.  bipul15:39
phillw 6.  dan15:39
phillwChoose identity to authenticate as (1-6): ................15:39
ikoniaeagles0513875: you're on shacky ground15:40
ikoniaeagles0513875: it seems a very random approach15:40
eagles0513875i guess ill just wait it out. for apw15:40
ikoniaeagles0513875: I would try to get some factual information together15:41
ikoniaeg: your hardware make/model - the hardware make/model that this patch fixes/support would be a good start15:41
ikoniabefore pushing/wasting peoples time for tests15:41
ikoniado you even known if it uses the same module to drive the touchpad as this bug ?15:41
eagles0513875ok. thing is the bug doesnt specify which elantech model it fixes either15:41
ikoniaeagles0513875: right - so you finding out would be a good start15:42
eagles0513875ikonia: that is why im asking for help to patch my kernel 15:42
eagles0513875to test and see if it truly does fix the issue.15:42
ikoniaeagles0513875: why are you patching the kernel when you don't know the scope15:42
ikoniaeagles0513875: you're running before waling15:42
eagles0513875how am i supposed to determine the scope by looking at the patch and determining my model?15:43
phillweagles0513875: do you have a profile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware ? makes life a lot easier to the devs :)15:43
eagles0513875phillw: no15:43
phillweagles0513875:  then do it :)15:43
=== awe_ is now known as awe|afk
ikoniaeagles0513875: a good basic check would be "what is the target kernel that patch is aimed at"15:43
ikoniaeagles0513875: that patch maybe for 3.1.8 - and the changed between 3.1.8 and 3.1.12 make it useless15:44
eagles0513875from the looks in the bug report 11.1015:44
eagles0513875im guessing what ever kernel was on that15:44
ikoniaeagles0513875: right, so quite old - so probably not going to be targeting / compatible with the same kenrel you are using15:44
ikonia3 years is a long time15:45
ikoniaa lot gets changed in 3 years15:45
eagles0513875ikonia: if that is the case besides filing a bug report with all the appropriate bug information 15:45
phillwapw: I have no idea what it is up to..... 15:45
eagles0513875ikonia: what i need to do is file a bug report against 13.10 instead15:46
eagles0513875with the version of my track pad in that case15:46
ikoniayeah, I think that's a good thing to do, reference the other bug if you want, but a lot has changed15:46
ikoniatry to get solid factual information though15:46
ikonianothing half hearted or guessed, facts only15:46
phillweagles0513875: have a read of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview/Install_Bugs15:47
ikoniawhy are you giving him an installer bug link ?15:47
ikoniaI thought this was a problem after the install, with the running OS15:47
eagles0513875phillw: O_o not sure what that has to do with anythign im experiencing plus im not on 14.0415:48
eagles0513875ikonia: do you mind if we take this discussion back to kubuntu15:48
ikoniano problem at all15:48
ikoniaphillw: I'd suggest focusing on your own problem15:48
phillweagles0513875: I give people all options. 15:48
ikoniayou give bad information15:48
ikoniathat is random and not helpful15:48
ikoniaso I'd sugget focusing on your own problem only15:48
phillwikonia: that, my friend, is something I do not give.... a bug is a bug, the dev's need what is available. Having the the hardware is always handy :) But, we will not fall out @P15:50
ikoniayou're giving bad information and bad links to people, please don't15:51
ikoniafocus on your own bug please.15:51
phillwikonia: I'd like to query as to a link given that is run by a canonical person can be seen as you as a bad link? https://launchpad.net/~nskaggs15:54
ikoniafor the exact reasons I said earlier15:55
ikoniait's nothing to do with the installer15:55
ikoniahe's not running 14.0415:55
ikoniaseems pretty clear giving a link to installer bugs for non-installer problems is "bad"15:55
phillwikonia: and I didn't know that... as to how updates break installed systems is "bad" :)15:56
ikoniasorry, I don't understand your last statement15:56
phillwikonia: I'm chatting with eagels, chatting on two channels does get confusing! I'm awaiting the fix to have the 3.13 kernel installed onto 12.04 lts :) Please do not take my frustrations personally, it is just somewhat frustrating at times :)16:14
apwphillw, earlier you said you were upgrading this machine and didn't get 3.13, are you saying you are doing 'update' of 12.04lts and expecting to get the 3.13 kernel16:17
phillwapw indeed, i expected an lts to lts upgrade actually bring the new kernel :)16:18
apwphillw, so the machine is now running 14.04 yes?16:19
apw(just confirming that that is right, as that makes the bug i asked you for the right thing)16:20
apweagles0513875, ok a saucy kernel with that patch applied is here: http://people.canonical.com/~apw/lp967399-saucy/16:21
eagles0513875thanks apw :) will give it a try16:21
phillwapw: you know something... I've got lot a lot of apologising and self kicking to do.... although reminding us in upgrades that we need to reboot twice instead of trying to remember. :D16:23
apwone doesn't need to reboot twice in an upgrade, i just did one on my other computer, S->T not half an hour ago, and only rebooted once16:24
phillwapw I had to on the KVM virtual machine16:25
apwthat may be an artifact of the way the kvm images are maintained there, not something i have seen on any of mine16:26
phillwit *may* be worth a release note for any server people running kvm.... but is more a #ubuntu-server issue. I'm only here to build the non-pae 13.03 kernel :)16:27
infinityphillw: I told you yesterday that the upgrade from a non-3.2 kernel wouldn't upgrade you to 3.13, and told you how to work around it.16:27
infinityphillw: As it turns out, rtg fixed that bug last night, so it should work now.16:27
infinityphillw: I'm not sure why you're still talking about this.16:27
phillwinfinity: i was aware the the bug was in progress, and then got asked to raise a bug...... 16:28
infinityWhere's the bug you filed?16:28
phillwinfinity: I was still in the process of trying to file it! the server is cli and has sat for 60 minutes '''collecting data'''16:29
rtgsmb, just installed the trusty server amd64 daily. same result. gets stauck right after /scripts/init-bottom16:30
infinityphillw: Okay, or you could not file it.  Since the bug is "there's not path for precise+lts-backport upgrades to to 14.04" and, like I said, this was (a) a known bug, and (b) fixed 6 hours after you tripped on it.16:30
smbrtg, weird...16:30
rtgI wonder why it would boot the installer....16:31
phillwinfinity: if the bug is fixed, no need to report... unless some one wants bug fixing points :P As I have the VM with 3.13 I can use it to build the non-pae kernel. To the other wonderful people on here, a massive thank-you. 16:33
infinityphillw: Is this just a one-time kernel build for yourself, or something you're hoping to upload to the archive?16:35
infinityphillw: Cause as I've told many people, many times, I won't accept a non-pae kernel in the archive without it also coming with a (believable) statement of support intent, like I have for lowlatency.16:35
phillwinfinity: it is going to be a 14.04 lts kernel for any flavour that needs it.16:35
infinityphillw: Throwing a rotting corpse of an unmaintainer kernel in the archive so people can have unpatches security holes on their old hardware isn't a win.16:35
infinityphillw: It is, is it?  According to whom?  And who will maintain it?16:36
infinityphillw: Who's going to rebase it against master every 3 weeks?16:36
infinityphillw: Who's going to test those rebases to make sure they still boot and work?16:36
infinityphillw: Since I'm pretty sure this isn't you, who are yo uvolunteering to do work that they didn't sign up for?16:37
phillwinfinity: "we" the people will maintain it. on http://phillw.net/isos/ and as bodhi-zazen has agreed to teach us http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/kernel we are secure in how we support this.16:38
phillwinfinity: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-cd/+question/240037 what you seem to forget, is that with some help... communities can co-ordinate and make spins.16:40
infinityphillw: If this isn't going to be in the primary archive, you can do whatever you like.16:40
phillwinfinity: the kernel will be in a ppa (so I'm told) and any community can use it as a build / update area. I've now to build my first kernel :)16:42
psivaasmb: rtg: i think we are seeing the same issue that you are discussing, today's trusty server installs being broken... just confirming if it helps16:42
rtgpsivaa, change your display from cirrus to vga16:43
smbpsivaa, Turns out broken means only that in kvm the default cirrus card causes framebuffer issues16:43
smbpsivaa, The guest gets up just the screen stops getting updated16:43
phillwsmb: I'm sure we discussed this last night? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/108067416:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1080674 in cairo "[QEMU] Corrupted desktop screen for raring desktop installation in QEMU guest (Cirrus graphics). Affects KVM but not VBox." [Medium,Confirmed]16:44
psivaasmb: rtg: ok, just to confirm... does that tally with the following log:16:45
psivaaJan 17 07:32:43 anna[8496]: corrupted status flag!!: 016:45
psivaaJan 17 07:32:43 anna[8496]: (process:10447): tar: write error: No space left on device16:45
psivaaJan 17 07:32:43 anna[8496]: (process:10447): tar: write error: No space left on device16:45
smbpsivaa, No that rather sounds obviously like disk too small?16:45
psivaasmb: no disk size is no different to what we used yesterday, 8G16:46
phillwrtg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1080674/comments/4316:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1080674 in cairo "[QEMU] Corrupted desktop screen for raring desktop installation in QEMU guest (Cirrus graphics). Affects KVM but not VBox." [Medium,Confirmed]16:46
smbphillw, No it is not. That is an x driver bug16:46
phillwokies :)16:47
smbrtg, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/126940116:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1269401 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Trusty] Switching framebuffers fails on VMs using cirrus" [Medium,Confirmed]16:47
rtgjjohansen, bug #1270215 looks like an AA issue, e.g., trusty LTS prevents dhclient from running.16:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1270215 in Ubuntu "kernel 3.13.0-4.19~precise1-generic: no internet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127021516:57
jrrwhat should I try next on this?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/126998617:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1269986 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel oops - unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference; probe_monitoring_device / nouveau_i2c_identify" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:17
jsalisburyrtg, shall I hold off on bisecting bug 1270215 ?  since it may be an AA issue?17:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1270215 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "kernel 3.13.0-4.19~precise1-generic: no internet" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127021517:26
rtgjsalisbury, yeah, it'll be a waste of your time. lets get jjohansen to look at it first.17:27
jsalisburyrtg, ack17:27
rtgjsalisbury, However, bug #1270218 looks like a good bisect candidate.17:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1270218 in linux (Ubuntu) "3.13.0-4-generic [Radeon HD 7950] No Display at Login Screen" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127021817:38
jsalisburyrtg, heh, looking at that one right now :-)17:39
rtgthere just weren't that many commits between -3 and -417:39
jsalisburyrtg, looks like it was introduced between v3.13-rc8 and commit 85ce70f17:40
jsalisburyrtg, although there were a few branch merges17:41
eagles0513875apw: trying to install the kernel headers and its complaining  about missing dependencies17:41
jsalisburyrtg, Should be a quick bisect, I'm guessing it's one of these:17:48
jsalisburygit log --pretty=oneline b25f3e1c358434bf850220e04f28eebfc45eb634..85ce70fdf48aa290b4845311c2dd815d7f8d1fa5 -S radeon17:48
jsalisburyf244d8b623dae7a7bc695b0336f67729b95a9736 ACPIPHP / radeon / nouveau: Fix VGA switcheroo problem related to hotplug17:48
jsalisbury59aebe2b32466f7ed5b79f18646be6dddc926a6d Revert "drm/radeon: Implement radeon_pci_shutdown"17:48
jsalisbury9c57a6bd3ea4a9870a7ce2fd961da6ef4986bbc1 drm/radeon: add radeon_vm_bo_update trace point17:48
jsalisbury84d597b74b58dd52621abf5f052a81370ace1816 drm/radeon: add VMID allocation trace point17:48
jsalisburyec39f64bba3421c2060fcbd1aeb6eec81fe0a42d drm/radeon/dpm: Convert to use devm_hwmon_register_with_groups17:48
rtgjsalisbury, seems likely17:48
Sarvatthmm, the kernel apport hook should probably have /var/log/kern.log in it so it doesn't just have the successful boot dmesg attached like that bug17:54
rtgSarvatt, doesn't bdmurray own apport ?17:58
bdmurrayrtg: that's pitti but I work on it some18:00
eagles0513875apw: sadly that didnt fix the problem for me :( 19:11
rtgBenC, from LKML: Kernel stack overflows due to  "powerpc: Remove ksp_limit on ppc64" with v3.13-rc8 on ppc32 (P2020)20:13
apwrtg, nice catch ...20:15
rtgapw, just drifting thru LKML...20:15
apwwe do rely on it :)20:16
rtghopefully it'll pop out for 3.13 final20:16
jjohansenrtg: yep 1270215 looks like a policy issue20:17
rtgjjohansen, ack20:17
rtgbjf, from LKML: 'Baytrail problems (was Re: Linux 3.13-rc8)' talks about a stable patch that might give you fits.20:27
stgrabersforshee: https://www.stgraber.org/2014/01/17/lxc-1-0-unprivileged-containers/23:30

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