
inetprogoeiemore nuvolari05:31
magespawngood morning05:32
inetprohi magespawn05:34
magespawndid you see that question/statement from yesterday?05:35
nuvolarimôre inetpro :)05:37
nuvolarihello magespawn 05:37
magespawnhi there nuvolari 05:37
inetpromagespawn: question/statement?05:38
magespawnthe one about finding two routers on the same physical network05:38
inetprohmm... unlikely but possible05:40
inetprojust check the gateway address05:40
magespawnwas a bit strange in that my win laptop got its address from one and the lubuntu one got it from the other 05:41
magespawnboth laptops set to dhcp05:41
magespawnthe second router has no internet connection05:41
inetpronetstat -ar05:41
magespawnand they were on different subnets05:41
magespawni will check that on Monday when i am down at that property again05:42
magespawnalso nobody there could tell me where the router actually is, so more fun and games05:46
bduk1More more almal 05:50
magespawnhi bduk1 05:53
inetpromagespawn: is it all wireless?06:06
magespawnno this is the local lan that then connects through a nanobridge m5 to the adsl point06:12
somaunnHello Everyone06:17
magespawnhi somaunn 06:18
somaunnhi magespawn06:18
GolynxMorning Squirm06:42
GolynxHi Kilos06:43
Kiloshi Golynx superfly and others06:44
Kilosi be very busy but thought what you have done wrong there Golynx 06:44
GolynxYou did ?06:44
Kilosyip i think you still have something unticked in update manager settings thats why that kernel is missing and synaptic cant do its work06:45
Kilosi miight be offline most of the day im working on a 2TB drive ive been battling with for about 6 months06:46
GolynxI unticked eveything you told me in update manager06:47
GolynxAah thats nice Kilos06:48
Kilosmaybe we just go check hey?06:48
superflyhi Kilos06:48
KilosGolynx, open update manager06:49
Kilosand dont play with cli at the same time06:49
Golynxbut no downloading anymore, already used too much data 06:49
GolynxHi superfly06:49
superflyhi Golynx06:49
Kilosyes i just am trying to find why synaptic has no reinstall options in some files06:49
Kilosor you can leave it as is till you got data06:50
Golynxok settings is open06:50
Kilosin updates 1st 2nd and 4th must be ticked06:51
Kilosnot the prerease one as well06:51
GolynxYou told me to untick them last week06:51
Kiloshi liam06:51
KilosliamT, 06:51
GolynxHi liamT06:51
GolynxI dont want security updates06:52
Golynxleave this for now though06:53
Kilosyou have to have them man06:53
GolynxI got Thunar file manager and cant find anywhere on google how to make it default on 12.0406:54
GolynxIts more than a second faster than Nautilus06:54
Kilosanyway it looks like that is where you problem lies06:55
Golynxpcmanfm is fast too but dont wana show the system files06:56
Kilosif you had told me you didnt tick what i told you to we wouldnt have spent yesterday trying to find what was wrong06:56
GolynxWhat good will security updates do ?06:57
Kilosyou windows peeps06:57
liamTanyone who use shell, I've been using the 'tmux' addon, it's added to my life in terms of monitoring log files06:57
KilosliamT, hang here, somaun was looking for shell help yesterday and last night06:57
Kilossomaunn, are you awake06:58
GolynxSynaptic is just a big cry baby06:58
Kilosno man its you that breaks things by unticking stuff it needs06:58
Kilosi told you forget the windows way of doing things06:59
GolynxIts not a massive system failure Kilos, it can be repaired06:59
Kilossecurity updates in windows and in linux are totally different things06:59
Kilosya luckily06:59
GolynxDo you know howi can make Thunar the default07:00
Kilosnpe never used it07:00
Kilosmy nautilus works kiff07:01
GolynxOr any file manager default07:01
KilosMaaz, how to make thunar default on 12.0407:01
MaazKilos: Sorry...07:01
liamTI can change mine under "Preferred Applications"07:01
GolynxI tried this but still pops up nautilus exo-preferred-applications 07:02
KilosMaaz, google   how to make thunar default on 12.0407:02
MaazKilos: "Trying to set Thunar as a default file manager in Ubuntu 12.04" http://askubuntu.com/questions/253131/trying-to-set-thunar-as-a-default-file-manager-in-ubuntu-12-04 :: "12.04 - How do I reset to the default file manager for all folders ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/355848/how-do-i-reset-to-the-default-file-manager-for-all-folders :: "Use Nautilus with07:02
MaazXfce as default file manager - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/169036/use-nau…07:02
Golynxexo-preferred-applications says Thunar is default but stuff still opens with nautilus07:03
Kilosoh wait07:04
Kilosfind a file you want to open07:04
Golynxand thunar in the quick launch icon supposed to show all the folders thats opened if its the default fm07:04
Kilosright click on it07:04
Kilosand then open with07:04
Kilosat the bottom is other i think07:04
Kilosit shows whats installed07:04
Kilosscroll down to find thunar07:05
GolynxDo i find the file with thunar ?07:05
Kilosif you find thunar in the other then it should become your default07:05
Kilosyou right click on the file and choose open with07:06
GolynxNot working Kilos07:07
GolynxI think Thunar is supposed to open folders though07:07
Kilosdidnt you find thunar in there07:08
GolynxYes but wont "Use as default" OPen button is disabled07:08
Kiloswhat does that link show07:09
Kiloshave they sorted it07:09
Kiloswhen you have data we set your update manager correctly then everything will work faster and better07:10
GolynxNope, already used that command exo-preferred-applications. Thunar is the default, but not the default07:10
GolynxThat will be in the middle of next month07:11
Kilosok , at least it is working so long07:11
Kilosbut you must just put up with the niggles till upgraded07:12
GolynxYa its fine , didnt get to download mysql that i needed aswell , but got apache and php so i'm fine until then07:12
Kiloshow big is mysql07:12
Kiloseish i cant even mail it to you, you will still lose the data07:13
Kiloseven on dropbox07:14
GolynxYa , but its fine i will do other things until i got the data07:14
Golynxty for the help07:14
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:26
Kilosi go sort sheep07:26
liamTanyone deployed Flask middleware on apache wsgi ?07:43
Kilosohi magespawn 07:44
somaunnKilos: yes i was on meetting07:59
Kilosaha liamT said something about shells08:00
liamTi've been finding tmux very useful08:01
liamTmonitoring multiple files in the same shell window08:01
Kilosi think he needs basic info on how to use shells liamT 08:06
Kilosall i could think of was the lpi manual08:11
KilosMaaz, google using bourne shell for newbies08:14
MaazKilos: "Bash Guide for Beginners" http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/ :: "Bash Guide for Beginners - The Linux Documentation Project" http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/Bash-Beginners-Guide.html :: "BASH Help - A Bash Tutorial - Hypexr.org" http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php :: "Bourne Shell Tutorial - The Grymoire!"08:14
Maazhttp://www.grymoire.com/unix/Sh.html :: ""Bash Guide for Beginners" (Second Edition) by Machtelt Garre…08:14
Kilosthere somaunn that might help08:14
KilosMaaz, google Bash Guide for Beginners" (Second Edition) by Machtelt 08:16
MaazKilos: ""Bash Guide for Beginners" (Second Edition) by Machtelt Garrels" http://writers.fultus.com/garrels/ebooks/Machtelt_Garrels_Bash_Guide_for_Beginners_2nd_Ed.pdf :: "Bash Guide for Beginners (Second Edition): Machtelt Garrels ..." http://www.amazon.com/Bash-Guide-Beginners-Second-Edition/dp/1596822015 :: "Bash Guide for Beginners: Machtelt Garrels:08:16
Maaz9780974433943 ..." http://www.amazon.com/Bash-Guide-Beginners-Machtelt-Garrels/dp/0974433942 :: "Bas…08:16
charlgood morning08:22
charlMaaz: coffee on08:22
* Maaz flips the salt-timer08:22
charlhi Kilos, liamT, somaunn, Vince-0 08:22
Kiloshi charl 08:23
KilosMaaz, coffee please08:23
MaazKilos: Okay08:23
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!08:26
KilosMaaz, ty08:27
MaazYou are welcome Kilos08:27
Vince-0charl, !08:30
Vince-0another kak day in paradise08:30
magespawnhi Kilos 08:38
magespawnhi Vince-0 charl  superfly 08:38
Kilosmagespawn, you wont believe08:53
magespawnstill here 08:54
inetproVince-0: what's wrong?08:54
Kilosi got xp 0n the 2TB08:54
Kiloshi inetpro 08:55
Kilosfound some weird thing08:55
magespawnnice Kilos08:55
magespawnwhat is that?08:55
inetprogood mornings Kilos08:55
Kilosin bios there is an option to disable password on a drive with nothing on08:55
inetprowhat's the point of that?08:56
magespawnare you sure that is not just the bios password?08:56
Kilosthen i could part and format some of it08:56
Kilosi dont use bios passwords ever08:56
Kilosmade a part of 101g and xp hung at 63% formatting08:57
Kiloscoupla times08:57
Kilosmade another 20g part and xp formatted and installed to there08:57
Kilosnow still gotta get ubuntu to install on the 1.7 TB thats left08:58
Kilosim excited. 6 or 8 months of on and off to sort that 2TB08:59
Kilosso ill be offline a while. other screen sick09:00
magespawngood luck09:00
Kilosty im sure its fixed now09:00
Kilosonly prob is that there is only one part left for ubuntu, rest must be them logicals09:01
magespawncheck the drive as much as you can09:03
Kiloswill do09:15
Kilosjust blew 733m on zsyncing 12.04 to 12.04.309:15
Kilosshould done it with night surfer09:16
Kilos2TB got me all excited09:16
Kiloswbb some time. you guys be good and hold the fort09:16
Kiloshave a great day09:17
Vince-0inetpro, niks verkeerd? Another kak day in paradise09:29
mazalThings that makes you go hmmmm12:30
mazalDaai liedtjie is nou in my kop hehehehe12:31
mazalBye everyone , have a good weekend12:43
magespawnhi Kilos 14:00
Kiloshi magespawn still struggling with 2tb14:00
magespawnkeeping you busy14:10
magespawnbusy watching a yagi construction video 14:18
magespawnandrew mcneil on youtube14:20
magespawnHe goes into a lot of detail14:23
Kilosi go fetch sheep14:23
magespawnno idea 12 minutes14:24
Kiloslink please. ill try get it sometime14:24
Kilosfor wifi?14:25
magespawnyes or anything in 2.4 or 5 Ghz  frequency14:25
magespawnthat is for a helical antenna14:26
magespawnlooks like he has a video for almost every style14:28
Kilosmind you the only part i struggle with is the folded dipole14:29
Kiloshard to get it in shape properly and right size14:30
Kilosmind you i used brazing rod which don bend too easy14:31
magespawnmost of the ones i have seen use copper wire14:32
Kilosyeah but i only had brzing rods14:33
magespawnbbl got to go work14:33
Kilosthere is a site that one ucec to design it accorbing to material thickness and type etc14:34
Kiloscopper 1.6mm is the best i think14:34
inetprothey'll steal it man14:39
Kiloswill give you the link when i get back on that drive14:39
Kilosno man there is too little14:39
Kilosmind you i have all the measurements saved too14:39
inetprotoo little? How much copper can you find in a water meter?14:40
Kiloswill mail it to you14:40
inetprothey stole my water meter twice14:40
Kiloshaha i dunno14:40
Kilosbut yagi goes on roof or pole like a tv aerial14:40
Kilosand you can build it for the cost of the copper wire ans 0ne straight dowel 14:41
Kilosim making mine on plastic but14:41
Kilosdowel is good for testing cheaply14:42
Kilosjust remember elements must be perfectly inline with each other14:44
Kilosohi Golynx 14:47
GolynxHey Kilos14:47
GolynxHows the 2TB project going14:48
Kiloswont take anything but xp14:49
GolynxThat suks14:49
Kilosbut ill keep investigating14:52
Golynxthats good14:52
Kilosyeah drives are too expensive to buy14:53
GolynxYa one mans trash is anothers treasure14:54
Kiloslol yeah14:54
Golynxgood luck with that14:54
Kilosonly been working on it 6 or 8 months on and off14:55
Kilosbut it has weird probs. if i plug it in as second drive ubuntu does even boot14:56
Kiloswas killed by heavy virriii14:57
GolynxDid you remove the virus14:59
Kilosive formatted the whole drive15:02
Kilosalso the 2TB samsung had a prob. if you tried to install anything but windows it marked the attempt as bad sectors15:03
GolynxThats good15:03
Kilosfor windows ya15:04
Golynxoh, maybe it only eccept a certain file system like FAT3215:04
Kiloshad win7 on when it crashed15:05
Golynxor ntfs15:05
Golynxoh, maybe the drive could be physically damaged too15:06
Kilosya i think it was thrown around some15:06
Kilosgot a few that had broken control cards and connectors etc15:07
Golynxlol, ya some people will throw their HDD against the wall if that virus tempted them that much15:08
GolynxSome can be fixed though, so just the software needs to be fixed in such cases15:09
Kilosi have got 5 outa 14 totally repaired and all data save15:10
Kilosand 2 that work with ubuntu if first 20g is used for windows15:11
GolynxThats a good average 15:11
GolynxYou use older versions of ubuntu on them15:12
Kilosi like everything to work, thats why i havent thrown away my faulty psus15:13
Kilosi use whatever gets them going again15:13
Kilosfrom 98 to dos 7.115:13
Kilosto ubcd15:13
Kilosand supergrub15:14
charlgood afternoon all15:14
charljust spoke to a friend of mine on skype through my regular office telephone15:14
Kilosi have many repair tools and data recovery tool are in ubuntu repos15:14
Kilosgood charl 15:14
GolynxThats awesome Kilos, those old machines really need some revival 15:14
charllync has federation with skype so it works perfectly15:15
GolynxHi charl15:15
charlhi Golynx 15:15
charlall free and through voip15:15
Kiloslinux has awesome tools15:18
Kilosand the supergrub cd can boot into a drive with damaged mbr and boot sector15:20
Kilosboot the os that is15:22
nlsthznhi all you sexy ppl ;)16:00
Kiloslol hi nlsthzn 16:01
nlsthznI am pooped16:01
Kiloslong day?16:01
nlsthznlong week that keeps going longer16:03
nlsthznand then you even miss the bus and get home late :p16:05
nlsthznand then you take your issues home and get the wife upset... *sigh*16:09
Kilosthats bad16:10
magespawnnever take the issues how16:11
magespawnor rather take them home but not the attitude that comes with them16:11
magespawnrecently had a similar 'chat' with my better half too16:11
magespawnhi nlsthzn 16:12
Kilosyou like playing with fire16:12
nlsthznhey magespawn... I know I know ... doesn't help when you still do it :p16:13
magespawnKilos, i have just taken an EnGenius  EAP-3660 apart, it was damaged by a power surge, i now have the antenna from inside16:13
somaunnHi Guys, i'm back16:14
somaunni can see it's very busy16:15
somaunnwhat's new here16:15
Kilosmagespawn, wifi antenna16:15
Kiloswhat that genius thing16:16
magespawnKilos, i'll see if i can get a picture online16:16
Kilosall same somaunn 16:16
nlsthznanyone know of a gdebi equal for KDE? QAPT Installer not working so lekker it seems?!16:16
magespawnyes very small but supposed to be high power16:16
Kilosleft some links for you if you scroll back to where maaz googled for bash for beginners16:16
Kiloskde installs on its own16:17
Kilosput the package on desktop or in archives and click on it16:17
somaunnKilos: i've found some video about Bash and some about useful (every day) cmd under linux16:18
Kiloslemme try again16:18
somaunnKilos: they're quite useful16:18
Kilosmaaz google bash for beginners16:18
MaazKilos: "Bash Guide for Beginners" http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/ :: "Bash Guide for Beginners - The Linux Documentation Project" http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/Bash-Beginners-Guide.html :: "The Beginner's Guide to Shell Scripting: The Basics - How-To Geek" http://www.howtogeek.com/67469/the-beginners-guide-to-shell-scripting-16:18
Maazthe-basics/ :: "Beginners/BashScripting - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubu…16:18
Kilosif you can remember the stuff you read thats great somaunn 16:19
somaunni can Kilos trust me16:20
Kilosgreat i cant 16:20
nlsthzntried this and this happened - http://slexy.org/view/s20cBIEdnZ16:23
Kilosisnt it corrupt nlsthzn 16:25
nlsthznthis would be the second download of it then giving the same issue?16:26
Kilosfrom same place?16:26
magespawnmaybe there is an issue with the server, or somewhere inbetween16:28
magespawnlater all home time for me16:28
nlsthznwell it specifically for ubuntu and not kubuntu so maybe that is an issue16:30
nlsthznI go eat quicky...16:30
nlsthznuncle Kilos seems you where on the money... 3rd download and installed17:01
Kiloshi smile 18:18
smilehi Kilos  :)18:18
smilemy exams went fine :D18:18
smileI've setup a wiki :)18:18
Kilosmeeting 28th at 8.30 pm18:19
* nlsthzn goes sleepy18:20
Kilosnight nlsthzn 18:21
Kilossleep tight18:21
smilenlsthzn: good night :)18:21
=== smile is now known as Guest75021
Guest75021back ;)18:26
=== Guest75021 is now known as smile4
=== smile4 is now known as smile
smilehmm. :p18:27
Kilossmile, meet Golynx 18:36
smileHi Golynx :D18:36
GolynxHey smile18:36
smileHow are you? ;)18:37
GolynxGood and you bud18:37
GolynxI mean i'm good ty and you smile18:39
smileI'm fine too :)18:39
smileSleep could be better :)18:39
smileGolynx: how did you discover ubuntu-za ? :)18:40
GolynxAah tough week for you smile18:40
smileyeah :) but no exams and no stress, because school is in vacation :D18:40
GolynxI was looking for somewhere i could find an ubuntu disk in SA on google. i had freenode and this channel popped up in a site. Kilos was helpfull enough to send me a copy of ubuntu 12.04, which i'm thankfull for18:42
smileGreat! :D18:42
smileYou had Windows XP, I presume? ;)18:42
GolynxAah nice18:43
GolynxNope win718:43
GolynxWas buggy though 18:43
smileI don't like updates in Windows ;)18:45
GolynxNever did any updates there, but guess your right18:46
Golynxlol , are you new here smile18:47
GolynxSorry , for 20 seconds there i thought you were a bot18:53
smileno :D18:54
smileI'm actually "older" :)18:54
smileBut it has been a while since I've been here :p18:55
GolynxOh ok , welcome back then smile ;)18:55
smilethank you :D18:58
Kiloshe does wiki stuff Golynx 18:59
smilecool, ubuntu-za has a twitter channel :p18:59
smileyes indeed ;)18:59
smilefor Wikipedia :)18:59
smileI setup a new wiki today19:00
smileKilos: just clicked "Follow"19:00
Kilosit dont follow anyone though19:00
Kilosand only ubuntu-za notifications there19:01
Kilosi hate twitter man19:01
Kilosyou can follow me too19:01
Kilosand you will see how often i tweet19:01
smileGreat to finally see ya :D19:02
smilemore than me ;)19:02
smileyou have 30+ tweets more19:02
Kilosis there a pic there?19:03
smile@ me? :)19:03
Kilosof me man19:03
Kilosi dont member whats there even19:03
* Golynx got more headaces19:09
Golynxcool wiki smile19:09
smileGolynx: yeah :) but it's a bit slow :(19:10
smilemy own wiki is faster :D19:10
GolynxAah thats nice19:12
smileYes :)19:13
smileBut caching wasn't available at torios.org19:13
smileI mailed the website admin :)19:13
smileI'm only wiki admin :D19:13
GolynxAtleat you dont have to deal with a server. My damn windows php scripts keeps breaking on ubuntu19:16
smileGolynx: any idea why? :)19:17
GolynxIt works but just all the permissions in ubuntu gives me headace now. Cant create files and folders and all fixes on google fails19:19
Kilosask superfly what to use rather than php19:21
Kiloswe ha d some other php peeps here at one time19:22
smileGolynx: which Ubuntu you're using? Standard ubuntu or any of the derivatives? :p19:22
GolynxI have to use php for server side development Kilos19:23
GolynxI remember it was a pain to set up php, mysql, apache on windows , but that was 2 years ago19:24
GolynxUbuntu 12.04 smile19:24
Kilosoh is it a must?19:24
smileGolynx: go to your terminal :p19:24
smile(=type in)19:25
smilesudo nautilus19:25
smileright click any folder you wish, properties, rights19:25
smileand then change everything to read, write ;)19:25
GolynxYes it is Kilos, python is the other one , but i know more about php as a server side lang19:26
GolynxAlready tried that smile , did'nt work19:26
Kilosah the fly is a python expert19:26
smileGolynx: what's the error message? :p19:27
Kilossmile, he can do upgrading till data falls outa the sky19:27
smileyeah, cool, Kilos ;)19:27
smiledata is falling from the sky19:27
smileplease pay attention, or it will destroy you :p19:27
Kiloshe is very capped19:27
Golynxhere's one smile [error] [client] PHP Warning:  mkdir(): Permission denied in /home/gerrit/www/1aMy-IDE/tests/TESTS3/index.php on line 35, referer: http://localhost/1aMy-IDE/tests/TESTS3/index.php19:28
smileand line 35 reads? :p19:28
smileAnd this? :p19:29
Golynx$file1 = fopen('thetest.txt', 'w');19:29
smileHave you set the write permissions for the group others, too? :)19:29
smile(with nautilus rights dialog)19:29
GolynxYeah the www folder is set at 755, it showed forbidden before that19:30
GolynxI use Thunar file manager19:31
Golynxwill try nautilus19:31
GolynxNah still errors19:34
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:35
Golynxnight Kilos19:36
smileand this, Golynx? :p http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9022507/cant-seem-to-get-correct-permissions-for-mkdir-in-php19:36
Golynxty smile i will look into that19:41
smileI'm leaving now :) Good night! :)19:42

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