
godbykdsmythies: I agree completely.00:00
dsmythiesgodbyk: It actually doesn't seem to be unmatched "section", as I checked every signal paring.00:00
godbykdsmythies: And it'd be nice to log the output and only print errors to the console during compilation.00:00
godbykGet all the irrelevant status messages out of the way, too.00:01
godbykdsmythies: Ugh.. the xml-related warnings/errors I get are a complete pain to track down because they never seem to complain about the actual problem.00:01
godbykdsmythies: They just complain in the vicinity of the problem.00:02
dsmythiesgodbyk: Yes, I agree. I am working on html compile right now. The other language .page compile will be a saga for another day.00:02
godbykdsmythies: Sounds good.00:02
dsmythiesgodby: Yes, validation errors are the worst, as you say the actual error is only somewhere nearby.00:03
godbykdsmythies: On another matter, what's your take on the hibernate bug+merge proposal?00:03
godbykWe have a couple options:00:03
godbyk1. Accept the MP so the instructions are up to date and valid, or00:04
godbyk2. Remove the instructions completely.00:04
godbykRight now there are existing 'how to re-enable hibernate' instructions that don't work properly.00:04
dsmythiesgodbyk: I have been in total agrement with you throughout. But I have not reviewed that other link, the meeting minutes or whatever.00:05
dsmythiesgodbyk: since I do not like 2, I guess 1.00:05
godbykFrom what I've read in the thread on the tech board mailing list, it appears that hibernation was disabled because it would fail on a lot of systems for a variety of reasons.00:05
dsmythiesgodbyk: That is waht KI7MT was saying also.00:06
godbykAnd it seems that while some slight progress may have been made, no one is eager to re-enable the hibernate menu option because the feature still has lots of unresolved issues.00:06
godbykI think (1) is the simplest thing to do for now,00:06
godbykthough (2) is tempting.00:06
godbykI don't feel like I have enough info to really make a good call on (2), though. I don't know how common the problems are.00:07
godbyk(I want to ensure the docs aren't blamed for getting someone into trouble. So if there isn't already a rather hefty disclaimer on that page, I'll probably add one.)00:07
dsmythiesgodbyk: If you want more definate input from me, I will have to go off and study. It just isn't something that I have to deal with.00:08
KI7MTgodbyk, dsmythies Just FYI .. the newest branch of gnome-docs already has this mod written up .. System Settings >> Battery & Power I think it's under.00:08
godbykKI7MT: Thanks. I'll take a look at that!00:09
dsmythiesKI7MT: is that the GNOME help I have on my 14.04 DeskTop, or some other GNOME help?00:10
KI7MTI pulled the latest branch, it's in there, let me look on  my laptop.00:11
KI7MT12.04 doesn't have it in Gnome3 help .. not sure about Gnome3 on 14.04 .. but the dev branch defiantly has it.00:12
dsmythiesKI7MT: Yes, it appears to be there on my 14.04 DeskTop. With a disclaimer.00:14
dsmythiesKI7MT: I am actually running Unity at the moment, but just open the GNOME help manually.00:15
dsmythiesKI7MT: For other reasons (e-mail from earlier today), I would like to look at the dev branch. Where did you get it?00:16
KI7MTdsmythies, It's on Git .. let me go get the link00:20
KI7MTdsmythies, https://wiki.gnome.org/Git00:22
dsmythiesKI7MT: Thanks. I'll try ti figure out the proper "git clone bla"00:23
KI7MThere's the pull: git clone git://git.gnome.org/gnome-user-docs00:25
dsmythiesKI7MT: Thanks.00:26
dsmythiesgodbyk: KI7MT: re: hibernate: The GNOME page and the Unity page are currently identical. The merge proposal and bug report in debate makes an additional change to the unity page.00:58
dsmythiesgodbyk: I say do option 1.00:58
godbykdsmythies: That's what I'm leaning toward, currently.00:59
dsmythiesgodbyk: I think the current disclaimer is good enough.00:59
godbykdsmythies: I'll take a look at it soon. Thanks!00:59
KI7MTdsmythies, I didn't pull them both up  .. maybe had he wrong page up in Unity01:03
KI7MT*had the01:03
KI7MTdsmythies, by Gnome page, are you pages pulled from Git and Unity and Unity on 14.04?01:05
KI7MT*talking about pages pull01:06
KI7MTlet me try that again, are you referring to the Gnome Git pull and Unity on 14.0401:07
dsmythiesKI7MT: I only have got on my server, so my git clone is there. So no, I pulled up on my DeskTop 14.04 VM both pages (GNOME and Unity) side by side.01:08
dsmythiesKI7MT: I only have git on my server, so my git clone is there. So no, I pulled up on my DeskTop 14.04 VM both pages (GNOME and Unity) side by side.01:08
KI7MTOk., I've not looked at the MP, need to look at that an see the diffs.01:09
dsmythiesKI7MT: i'll look at the git pull version for any further changes.01:09
dsmythiesKI7MT: as for my other reasons for looking at the git clone version, they are still not up to date with reality.01:10
KI7MTdsmythies, I have Gnome3 on my laptop here, 12.04 .. so will look Git pull and what's on here.01:11
dsmythiesKI7MT: while the two GNOME files (power-hibernate.page from git and from 14.04) differ by a few bytes, the content appears the same.01:14
KI7MTI had to pull gnome-docs .. still downloading01:17
KI7MTdsmythies, yeah, the patch is definitely updating the gnome Git pull too  .. the MP would be adding to that allso.01:27
dsmythiesKI7MT: I do not understand. The MP is only for ubuntu-docs. It appears as though the same change could be applied upstream also, though.01:31
KI7MTdsmythies, The original file was probably form the gnomes docs  .. donesn't matter really, main thing is the ub-docs gets the MP update. The Gnome folks wold have to test ti against Gnome3 anyway.01:48
dsmythiesgodbyk: Are you around?16:37
dsmythiesgodbyk: I'll just go ahead and ask my question, and maybe see a reply later today or whenever:17:02
dsmythiesgodbyk: I have finally isolated the source of the two html compile errors "Unmatched block element: section".17:03
dsmythiesgodbyk: to display-dual-monitors.page and the basic root issue is if:choose stuff, yet again. It appears to be confusing xsltproc17:03
dsmythiesgodbyk: Note: I am using the upstream yelp-tools that shaunm_ pointed me to the other day.17:03
dsmythiesgodbyK: It took me many many hours to isolate the file, but the final trick was to edit yelp build and add the --load-trace switch to the related xsltproc call.17:03
dsmythiesgodbyk: Anyway, rather than attempt to figure out a away to make it work, I want to just nuke the if:choose stuff.17:03
dsmythiesgodbyK: We have been hoovering around this suggestion both here on IRC and on the doc team e-mail list for awhile now.17:03
dsmythiesgodbyk: This particular file is completely different than the GNOME version already anyhow, so I think there isn't really an issue.17:03
dsmythiesgodbyk: What do you think?17:03
godbykdsmythies: For our needs, it appears that the conditionals (<if:choose>, etc.) aren't necessary since we use different sets of .page files for Unity and GNOME Shell.20:52
godbykdsmythies: Given that, I don't think there's any need to maintain the conditions if they're getting in our way.20:53
dsmythiesgodbyk: I agree. I will proceed with display-dual-monitors.page modifications later today.21:15
dsmythiesgodbyk: I think at one time Jermey was trying to make it so that one set of .page files could be used for both Unity and GNOME. That effort has now been abandoned, and I think that was confirmed by shaunm_ here on IRC a few days ago.21:18
godbykdsmythies: Makes sense.21:22
godbykdsmythies: The conditionals would be useful if we shared one set of files for both platforms and if we had our work committed upstream. But since neither are the case, the conditionals are all that useful to us.21:22
dsmythiesgodbyk: you meant "the conditionals are all that useful to us.21:22
dsmythiesgodbyk: you meant "the conditionals are not all that useful to us.21:23
godbykdsmythies: *not* all that useful, yeah. Sorry.21:23
dsmythiesgodbyk: In an ideal world, we would sort out GNOME upstream first, then unity downstream. However, there are only so amny hours in a day. Although I will feel bad not upstreaming edits that could apply to both.21:25
godbykdsmythies: Agreed. Once we get our docs up to speed, we can look into submitting patches upstream. I don't mind doing that.21:25
* dsmythies leaves for nephew's soccer game....21:27
godbykHave fun!21:28

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