=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh === LoganCloud is now known as Guest11876 === yofel_ is now known as yofel === Guest11876 is now known as Logan__ [03:42] fullermd: apparently bzr-colo includes a "colo-clean" command that does GC. [05:44] Interesting. Only applies to colo setups. A little testing doesn't seem to clear up much though. [05:45] Maybe it's removing revs but not texts? [05:52] fullermd: or maybe compressed data is compressed [05:52] The logic is the _clean() function in commands.py. [05:52] fullermd: make sure you're excluding obsolete but not deleted packs [05:52] I only looked in packs/ [05:53] k [05:57] Specifically, I created a fresh workspace, committed a 20 meg .mp3, then uncommitted that rev. I had to make an empty --unchanged rev before colo-clean would do anything, but after it did it cleared up about 100 bytes from the packfile. [05:57] I do notice that "bzr heads --dead" no longer lists any dead heads after I run "bzr colo-clean". [05:57] Which seems reasonably for getting rid of the commit, but either left the text or bzr's compression has gotten *really* bad at compressing nothing. [05:59] Trying to repack a repository with zero commits in it? [06:05] I'm guessing that's a no-op? [06:05] Though I guess it might at least move .bzr/repository/packs/* into .bzr/repository/obsolete_packs. [06:08] er, .bzr/branches/.bzr/repository/... in the case of a colo-ify'd workspace.... [06:12] Oh, no--it's that colo-clean on a workspace with no commits is a no-op. [06:12] "No cleaning necessary." [06:13] Mm. OK, colo-clean is a no-op _because_ pack() is a no-op. [06:23] bzr pack should delete unreferenced texts [06:23] ,,, [06:23] mmm I think [06:23] certainly clone will [06:24] having pack do gc sounds dangerous to me. [06:25] fullermd: Now I see what you mean. Even with a non-empty set of commits, colo-clean isn't freeing up the space used by my 94-MB file-that-no-longer-exists-in-any-commits, either.