
valorieI always prefer to support free open source when possible00:00
mikhaswell yes, but in which way do plan on supporting it? ;-)00:00
mikhasloaded question I know00:00
valorieusing it and being willing to file bugs is support00:02
ahoneybunhey sgclark03:46
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1270571] Systemsettings crash when interrupting kcm-language at loading @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1270571 (by KDEUSER56)07:48
lordievaderGood morning.07:54
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1240122] After log in the geometry of the widgets and windows are shown rotated. @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1240122 (by Konstantinos Koukos)08:28
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 127038909:15
ubottubug 1270389 in digikam (Ubuntu) "QMYSQL "Driver not loaded Driver not loaded"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127038909:15
apacheloggerlibqt4-sql-mysql, depends, recommends or maybe suggests?09:15
tsimpsonit'd be better if it didn't offer the option to use MySQL if the driver isn't installed09:24
tsimpsonI suppose I'd say suggests though, as it's an alternative to the default09:27
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1201180] Pressing power button turns off the PC ignoring the presence of another session manager @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1201180 (by Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo))09:33
apacheloggertsimpson: actually maybe we should just get the bug upstreamed09:51
tsimpsonapachelogger: probably the best thing to do09:52
apacheloggerrigh then, suggests and upstreaming09:52
apacheloggersince suggests has no real life consequences anyway :S09:52
tsimpsonwhich is half the reason I think it's the right way to go :p09:54
apacheloggeryeah, well, it solves the issue on a theoretical level, not much good for the user that is09:54
apacheloggerultimately digikam would adhoc install the driver if the user selected the mysql collection thing09:55
tsimpsonit seems it just reads the list of drivers from an XML file and presents them all to the user as options09:56
apacheloggershadeslayer, xnox: please note that digikam has a bzr branch for the packaging that both of you casually ignored to use for the 4:3.5.0-0ubuntu2 to ubuntu5 uploads :P09:57
apacheloggertsimpson: people should stop using high level tooling for complex applications IMHO09:58
apacheloggersame with designer ui files09:58
apacheloggerthey usually cause more trouble than they are worth09:58
tsimpsonwho knew it took a DOM parser to present a selection dialog...09:59
valorieshadeslayer might be absent for a bit09:59
valoriehe said his grandfather is hospitalized with a brain infection09:59
valorieso he might not make it to FOSDEm09:59
apacheloggeroh my10:00
valoriehaving delivered that icky news, I'm heading to bed10:02
apacheloggervalorie: nn10:03
apacheloggerdigikam synced to bzr and uploaded10:08
apacheloggerdone with bugs mails \o/10:08
apacheloggeramd64 still oversized -.-10:13
apacheloggerwgrant: are we going to ship with python3.3 and python3.4 for trusty or is that just transitional?10:15
wgrantapachelogger: I'd hope we'd drop 3.3 before release, but it probably depends on how the migration to 3.4 goes. doko would be the person to talk to.10:19
apacheloggermh, I'll try to make space for it on the ISO, to be on the safe side10:24
apacheloggerRiddell: how does one build language-pack-common?10:41
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jarkkothe language files sh ould be included in the installer iso10:48
jarkkoon slow connection it takes too much time to get them10:48
BluesKajHiyas all10:58
jarkkowhen you install new wallpapers on kde, where does it get the new papers?11:00
BluesKajjarkko, right click on the desktop, choose Desfault Desktop Settings>View, either "default wallpapers" or "get new wallpapers" or "open" , which opens dolphin and you can use pics stored on your pc11:06
BluesKajof course the layout has to be default desktop11:08
jarkkoBluesKaj: i mean from where it downloads new papers11:12
BluesKajnot sure jarkko , but I think it's from here http://kde-look.org/11:14
jarkkoBluesKaj: looks like it11:23
jarkkoBluesKaj: does all kde distros use that?11:23
BluesKajhi Quintasan11:23
BluesKajjarkko, again , not sure, but i think so11:24
QuintasanRiddell: What happened to the guy I started tutoring on merging?11:25
shadeslayerapachelogger:  must have missed it11:26
Quintasanforgot to ask about FOSDEM11:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: FOSDEM?11:29
apacheloggerthere, I fixed it11:29
Quintasanapachelogger: gibe moneys so I can go.11:30
apacheloggeroh, you are mighty late mate11:30
apacheloggeralso you need to ask the council11:30
apacheloggernot me11:30
Quintasanapachelogger: I realised that, that's why I'm cursing11:30
apacheloggertechnically you were praying I guess11:31
QuintasanWell, I guess you could interpret it that way I guess.11:32
* Quintasan goes into hiding11:32
jarkko__why so quiet here today?14:58
BluesKajgood question, maybe the devs are all busy15:35
ahoneybunvalorie: http://www.scribus.net/canvas/About18:15
jarkko_anyone here?18:23
soeeas always :)18:23
jarkko_i dont exactly know what happened but my deskop somehow broke18:24
jarkko_well its almost fixed now18:24
jarkko_if i add empty panel, there is not even k-panel on it18:24
jarkko_i think there should be18:24
jarkko__well its fixed now18:26
jarkko__but shouldnt there be k-panel on empty panel?18:26
jarkko_______none of the running programs doesnt seem to go panel18:31
soeek-panel ?18:33
soeeempty panel adds just empty panel18:34
Riddelljussi: lovely stickers :)18:34
soeetry to add Default panel18:34
soeeit contains all defualt wiedgets18:34
jarkkoi got working18:43
jarkkobut there was no such thing than default panel18:43
jarkkoonly empty18:43
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1270925] unable to update, remove and install packages because of libqt4 errors @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1270925 (by prads)19:27
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