
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
ehooverwgrant: we're still having 503 trouble with our recipe builds ( https://code.launchpad.net/~pipelight/+recipe/wine-compholio-daily ), but if we only build one or two at a time things seem to be ok03:32
ehooverhas something changed in the past week or so?03:33
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
CarlFK$ dput CarlFK-ppa dvswitch_0.9.1-ubuntu6_source.changes06:25
CarlFKNo host CarlFK-ppa found in config06:25
CarlFKI think I lost the config migrating to a new box.. where is this config spozed to be?06:26
wgrantYou shouldn't need manual config06:26
wgrantUnless you're uploading from !Ubuntu06:26
wgrantdput ppa:USERNAME/PPANAME foo.changes06:26
CarlFKSuccessfully uploaded packages.06:30
CarlFKyay.  thanks wgrant06:30
CarlFKer... https://launchpad.net/~carlfk/+archive/ppa  Latest updates:            dvsmon                        111 weeks             ago07:10
CarlFKshouldn't I see what I just uploaded ?07:10
CarlFK+ dput ppa:CarlFK/CarlFK-ppa dvswitch_0.9.1-ubuntu7_source.changes07:10
wgrantYou have mail07:11
wgrant2014-01-20 06:31:14 DEBUG   Rejected:07:11
wgrant2014-01-20 06:31:14 DEBUG   Launchpad failed to process the upload path '~CarlFK/CarlFK-ppa/ubuntu':07:11
wgrant2014-01-20 06:31:14 DEBUG07:12
wgrant2014-01-20 06:31:14 DEBUG   Could not find person or team named 'CarlFK'.07:12
wgrantYou probably wanted ppa:carlfk/ppa07:12
CarlFKah, thanks07:12
CarlFKPackage has already been uploaded to ppa on ppa.launchpad.net07:12
wgrantdput -f07:12
CarlFKoh look.. the page says "You can upload packages to this PPA using: dput ppa:carlfk/ppa ..."07:15
CarlFKI should do that ;)07:15
CarlFKyay.  Build started                   12 seconds ago                   on                   wani04 (amd64+qemu)07:15
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
CarlFKa year ago or so there was talk of being able to target multiple ubuntu releases for PPA.    has that happened yet?18:47
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
tewardis there a way to duplicate the functionality the PPAs have, where you upload a source package, it builds in sbuild or whatever, and then uploads to its own Debian repository, WITHOUT Launchpad?  (Or, do I need to ask this in #ubuntu-server or somewhere else?)22:01
teward(i.e. duplicate this on a private system/server)22:06
dobeyteward: you'd have to implement something that did all the same work. you could run an instance of launchpad on a private server, but it'd probably be easier to just implement something that only copied the PPA functionality if you don't want all the other stuff too23:26
tewarddobey: that's kinda what I meant, any ideas on how to replicate that?23:27
teward(just the PPA functions)23:27
dobeyaside from a web page to dhow the contents as LP does, it should be fairly easy23:29
dobeyyou just have to take the bits and glue them together, and make sure you do it securely23:29
dobeybut probably a bit off topic for #launchpad. maybe slightly more on topic in #launchpad-dev23:30
wgrantdobey, teward: Some Ubuntu channel is probably more relevant.23:42
wgrant#launchpad-dev is for Launchpad development, not so much for replicating Launchpad functionality without Launchpad involvement.23:43
tewardi'll poke #ubuntu-server, they'll probably have an idea23:49
tewardand if not, well... then maybe poke the people who develop LP who know the pure basics.23:49

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