
JaybotHi folks, I'm stuck and I need help with something. I just put php onto my lamp server, it appears to have installed successfully, but I can't find the php config file and honestly don't really know where to start looking. Do I have to locate php.ini? and then I modify that when I want to enable php?00:43
JaybotThe webserver's directory is     /var/www/index.html and it's working great.  Where should I look for the php files? where do they get installed by default?00:48
koellJaybot: in the same folder or in a user directory. i think the default one is public_html in he home folder.00:51
Jaybotthanks, i'm looking00:52
Jaybotis this the directory:      /usr/share/libgda-5.0/php00:56
Jaybotor           /usr/bin/php00:56
koellJaybot: what do u want to do?00:56
Jaybottest my php installation00:57
Jaybotapparently it comes with a test page00:57
koellJaybot: /var/www is also for php files if u installed php5 and the apache2-php5-mod00:57
Jaybotyeah i did00:58
Jayboti have php5 and apache200:58
Jaybotthere aren't any php files in /var/www according to ls command00:58
koellJaybot: i think u also need the apache2-php5-mod00:58
koellJaybot: just write ur own phpinfo file: <?php echo phpinfo(); ?>00:59
koellbut im not an expert :D00:59
Jaybothaha neither am I00:59
Jayboti'm gonna try the command00:59
Jaybotsudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php500:59
Jaybotand then restart apache00:59
Jaybotand see if it makes a php file in /var/www/00:59
Jaybotthat i can use00:59
Jaybotsound good to you?01:00
koellJaybot: it doesnt make a php file for u. u have to create ur own. but i think u need this module for apache to run php.01:00
koellJaybot: but yeah, its really easy01:00
Jaybotok i ran that command and i guess i already have it01:01
koellJaybot: r u a webdeveloper?01:01
Jaybotsorta, I have a basic personal page01:01
Jaybotbut I want to be able to do some php01:01
Jaybotit appears i have php installed I just can't figure out how to '01:02
Jaybotenable it01:02
koellJaybot: just open the browser and input http://localhost/01:02
Jaybotmy webserver is working fine01:02
Jaybotthat displays my index.html page just fine01:03
koellJaybot: just create an index.php file01:03
Jaybotoh ok01:03
Jaybothow do i do that01:03
Jaybotwith a command01:03
koellopen leafpad01:03
koelland input following: <?php echo phpinfo(); ?>01:04
koellsave as index.php in /var/www01:04
koellthats it :D01:04
JaybotI'm using ssh to manage the webserver01:05
Jayboti need commands :)01:05
Jaybotbut i may just plug in some peripherals01:05
koellJaybot: ok just use the following command "sudo nano index.php"01:05
Jaybotat this point01:05
koellthan write the content and close with str+x and y enter01:06
Jaybotthanks man i'm gonna try01:06
koellJaybot: do u use lubuntu?01:06
koelllove it <301:06
Jaybotyeah its sweet01:06
koellso fast01:06
Jaybotmakes a great webserver01:07
Jayboton an old machine :)01:07
Jaybotok i created the file, now i just have to add permission for apache to serve it up then i'm gonna test it01:09
koellJaybot: i dont know about permissions, so I cant really help there. I just know the folder /var/www is owned by root or www-data. im still a noob :)01:12
Jaybotthe permissions part I already learned :)01:12
Jayboti'm almost done i can feel it01:12
Jaybothey thanks for your help man, i'm 90% there now01:17
JaybotI'm gonna finish here for today01:17
JaybotKoell, check this out.       Scroll to the very bottom of the page, there's a message for you:       http://www.vancitynetworking.com/index.php01:20
koellJaybot: hahaha :D01:22
JaybotThat's a great test page01:23
Jaybottake it easy man I'm logging off to play some video games01:23
NoskcajThe lubuntu twitter follows a lot of strange people. And it's getting hard not to ask how many supercars ali owns08:28
koellHi,I would like to edit the dropdown menu on login, where u can choose which session u want  to start (lubuntu, lubuntu nexus 7, etc.). Where r those files stored in?11:13
koellCan I create my own "sessions"?11:13
koellOk found. :) But what's the difference of "Lubuntu" and "Lubuntu Qt" session? It looks the same, right?11:25
JohnDoe_71Rushttp://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-remove-logon-sessions-from-ubuntu-11-10/ read and think. this is example11:25
koellJohnDoe_71Rus: cool thank you! just didn't know what to search for :)11:26
JohnDoe_71Ruskoell: simple http://www.google.ru/search?q=ubutu+login+session11:28
koellJohnDoe_71Rus: hey, im not that noob! :(11:28
JohnDoe_71Rusgood question contains half the answer11:29
koellhahahaha :D --> Comment[fi]=Lubuntu - kevyt X11-työpöytäympäristö11:45
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=== brendan1 is now known as ianorlin
koellHi I've a problem: When I try to login with my user and password, a black screen appears for one second and im back on the login screen. this happens with every session i choose. I cant login anymore with my account, but only with the guest account. Please help me. :(20:06
trickyheroso I'v been trying alot of diffrent things to try and get lubuntu to execute my xrandr script at boot how should i do it20:07
Unit193Add it in lxsession-edit.20:08
Unit193!xhangs | koell20:09
ubottukoell: If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority20:09
koellUnit193: ubottu the last thing i remember what i did was to startx (because wicd depens on them?) within my i3 session.20:11
koellubottu: there are 2 .xauthority files: .xauthority-c and .xauthority-l. delete em both?20:13
ubottukoell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:13
koellsomone told the bot to help me. anonymous!!!20:14
trickyheroso I added it to lxsession and it didn't work20:16
trickyherowould something be overriding it?20:16
koellubottu: if this won't help, I'll find u!20:17
ubottukoell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:17
trickyherook there was some "command=" thing in the file i deleted and now it works :D20:21
koellubottu: thanks, we need to go for a beer, u intelligent nature :D20:23
ubottukoell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:23
koelli think so :)20:23
Unit193trickyhero: So you have it now, eh?  Nice.  What are you adding with xrandr?20:24
trickyheroi added xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --output VGA1 --auto --right-of LVDS120:25
koelltrickyhero: cool20:25
trickyheroso just a crappy other monitor my dad got me when the company upgraded20:25
koelltrickyhero: what do i need to view my screen on another monitor? just stick in the vga cable or another application? lvds?20:27
ianorlinwhat size is your first monitor20:27
ianorlinif they are the same size nothing more just turn it on with lxrandr20:27
ianorlinbut both will show same thing20:27
trickyheroyeah but it will just mirror20:27
koellianorlin: the most of the time a beamer with 1024x768 at school20:27
koellso mirror by default? great20:28
ianorlinyou can install arandr to make them different20:28
trickyheroyup the GUI app that comes with lubuntu will do that20:28
koellianorlin: so i can set workspace 2 for external monitor? or how do i move windows there?20:28
ianorlinno it isn't a different workspace on each monitor20:29
ianorlinyou get a workspace with two screens20:29
trickyheroit just makes it like one larger workspace20:29
koellso when i put in a vga cable to an external display, lxrandr will list this monitor?20:30
ianorlinalso you may want to make them both the same size if you are using a projector20:30
ianorlinso it is not cut off20:30
ianorlinif you have a 1366x768 monitor for example20:30
ianorlinand a 1024 x 768 projector20:30
koelli hate 16:9, i prefer 16:10 as my 1440 :)20:31
koelldoes someone use i3 in lubuntu?20:33
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:34
koellIm, sorry. Right, I use i3. Tried to start wicd-curses there, but the daemon wont start.20:35
Unit193koell: sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf20:35
koellUnit193: but why? this seems to be an important file20:36
Unit193Bug in wicd, it'll fix the problem.20:36
koellUnit193: do i have to delete this file on every startup?20:36
Unit193IIRC, no.20:37
koellUnit193: but now I cant ping my router and other devices by its hostname anymore.20:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1170589 in wicd (Ubuntu) "[raring] wicd-daemon fails to start" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:38
Unit193Fixed in Trusty.20:38
koellUnit193: is there a workaround to ping by hostname?20:39
Unit193Did wicd re-create the file?  Did you start the daemon?20:39
koellUnit193: yes now wicd-curses works. but no ping by hostname :(20:40
koellUnit193: fck, i just write it down on my own hosts file.20:42
wxlkoell: or use avahi20:42
koellwxl: too much work :)20:42
Unit193Please keep in mind the language.20:42
Unit193/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf is where the symlink pointed to.20:42
wxlUnit193: i'm pretty sure he was trying to say fsck20:42
wxlavahi too much work? sheesh, install and done20:42
wxlor you could write your own hosts file :O=20:43
koellwxl: i dont know if avahi exists on openwrt20:43
wxl(that's my barf smiley)20:43
wxlpretty sure it does, koell20:43
koellwxl: i also dont like to use .local suffix20:43
wxlwell now that's a valid excuse20:43
koellUnit193: im sorry, sir20:43
Unit193So edit /etc/host.conf so you don't have to.20:43
koellUnit193: Do i have to start the wicd daemon on each start myself?20:45
koellUnit193: so for example when i stop apache service now, it will also be stopped on the next restart?20:45
Unit193It'll start back up.20:46
koellweird. :)20:47
koellim sorry, no more offtopic in here. lubuntu GO GO GO20:47
koellSo anything new in Trusty? Do we see a new LXDE-Qt design?20:49
phillwkoell: 14.04 lts is pure gtk. the qt comes with 14.10 There is a statement that has been issued... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/14.0420:57

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