
dholbachgood morning08:17
nigelbGood Morning dholbach :)08:18
dholbachhi nigelb08:18
elfymorning dholbach nigelb08:20
nigelbHello elfy, I'm vaguely in your part of the world today :)08:21
dholbachhi elfy08:22
elfynigelb: Europe?08:22
nigelbelfy: London08:22
elfy:) closer lol08:22
dpmmorning dholbach, elfy, nigelb, did everyone have a nice weekend?08:32
elfyhi dpm - was ok - better than a week anyway :)08:32
dholbachhey dpm08:32
dholbachdpm, yeah, it was brilliant - how was yours?08:33
dpmgood too, Saturday was relaxing, but Sunday was pretty full08:34
nigelbHello dpm :)08:38
nigelbI had a relaxing two days.08:39
nigelbafter a full week of busy meetings08:39
nigelb*cough* and a lot of beer.08:39
dpmyou shouldn't be drinking beer if it makes you cough ;)08:39
popeyI find drinking beer stops me coughing!08:40
popey(If I drink enough of it)08:40
popeyAlthough a by-product is I start snoring.08:40
nigelbI'll miss access to good cider when I go back :(08:44
popeyor "zoider" as we call it here08:46
nigelbnoted for later tonight when I find a pub08:47
popey10 points if you can get the west country accent when saying zoider08:49
nigelbI'll get -10 for the Indian accent :)08:49
popeymost english people I know end up turning welsh when they try an Indian accent ☻08:52
josedholbach: hey! did you get any response on the license for the slides?14:57
dholbachhey jose14:59
dholbachjose, no - sorry, I got busy with lots of other stuff - I'll look into it14:59
dholbachjose, hum... I'm just looking at the slides again15:00
dholbachjose,  and there are some company logos15:00
dholbachthat's going to be hard :-((((((((((((815:01
dholbachand it'll be next to impossible to chase up everyone who ever contributed one of the images in there15:01
dholbachdpm, ^ thoughts?15:01
dpmdholbach, otp15:02
dpmI guess we just need to find someone from design to tell us, "yeah, it's fine to use them under a CC license"15:03
josemaybe ivo or ivanka?15:04
joseI'm having a presentation on Saturday, so if we could get a response by Friday to get them presented it'll be awesome15:05
dholbachjose, there are logos of other companies in there15:05
joseoh, hmm15:06
dholbachjose, we can't license them to whatever we want15:06
joseright, that'd be hard15:07
josein the unlikely event we can't get a response, I think we would have to remove those and just keep what's from design15:08
dholbachjose, that'd make the section about well-known apps and the CAG (and possibly other bits, like the explanation about VirtualBox) less interesting :/15:09
dholbachsame for the Qt/QML and HTML5/Cordova logos15:10
joseurgh :(15:13
dholbachthat's why I never put any "this post is licensed under <.....>" bits under blog posts of mine - it makes it very hard to post screenshots or refer to anything from the net15:15
joseQt: http://qt.digia.com/About-Us/Logos-for-Download/ Copyrighted15:16
joseHTML5: http://www.w3.org/html/logo/ CC-BY15:16
dholbachjose, I'm happy to mail somebody from Design about this, but I think I'm going to be too busy to chase up all the companies involved :-(15:17
dholbachI'm just too busy with other stuff15:17
josedpm: would you mind giving a hand with thid?15:17
joseotherwise I can try and do it myself15:18
dholbachmail sent15:22
dakermhall119: would like to approve my MR for LTP ?15:24
mhall119daker: I would :) got a link?15:25
dakerand https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.1268379/+merge/20132915:26
mhall119daker: done15:27
dakermhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.wmt/+merge/201328 ?15:29
dakerit's the Google Webmaster Tools code15:29
mhall119daker: what's the content="" string?15:30
dakerit's the Google Webmaster Tools code15:31
mhall119what does this give us?15:31
mhall119sorry, I've not heard of Google Webmaster Tools before15:31
dakerstats about Google queries, SEO things, security things, etc...15:32
dakermhall119: http://i.imgur.com/9ETlRmW.png15:34
joseAlanBell: ping15:35
mhall119daker: and the content="" key, is that tied to your google account or is it something others involved in the site can use to view this?15:35
dakermhall119: well GWT doesn't give multiusers acces AFAIK15:38
dakerthe anwser is yes15:39
dakerlinked to my account15:39
mhall119ok, we might want to change that in the future if/when we have more people working on it, but I'm okay with it just being you for now15:48
dakermhall119: once the tag is remove from the site, google will not let you access anything, so it's ok15:49
mhall119daker: approved15:53
mhall119daker: we're having an app developer week next month: http://summit.ubuntu.com/appdevweek-1401/15:54
mhall119would you be interested and available to give a presentation on doing audio playback with the Ubuntu SDK?15:54
dakermhall119: on IRC ?15:55
mhall119well, IRC or G+ hangout15:55
dakersure +115:55
dakerfor IRC15:55
dpmhi jose, I just got off the phone. I'm going to follow up with design re: the image licenses, but it might take a while, since the design team is sprinting outside the office for 2 or 3 weeks16:31
josewell, ok16:31
dholbachdpm, I mailed John16:43
dpmthanks dholbach16:43
dpmyes, he's the best person to talk to16:44
dholbachok great16:45
josedpm: any idea on how to translate 'scope'?16:48
jose(to Spanish, of course)16:49
dpmjose, hm... buena pregunta... ni idea :)16:51
dpmjose, let me think for a minute16:51
dpmjose, I could think of "ámbito", although since it's a workshop for developers it might be ok to leave it in English16:54
joseI'll leave that in English then16:55
dholbachall right my friends - see you all tomorrow again!17:09
* popey hugs dholbach 17:10
* dholbach hugs popey back :)17:11
dpmjose, ok, sounds good17:14
dpmcalling it a day too, see you all tomorrow!17:42
jonojose, hey, won't be able to join the call21:51
jonoit is a national holiday here21:51
josejono: no worries!21:51

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