
ali1234mlankhorst: is there a ppa anywhere that will get me DRI3 and Present?00:53
Sarvattali1234: theres no driver support upstream yet except obscure branches that may or may not work, i doubt it01:17
ali1234i don't need driver support at this point - present should "work" without driver support01:17
ali1234at least in the sense it will display things on the screen. just won't be vsynced yet01:18
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Sarvatthmm, https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/x-staging then?01:19
Sarvattno it needs mesa git also01:19
ali1234i guess i'll put this on hold until more stuff filters through01:21
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
eigma[precise 12.04.3] trying to troubleshoot Unity greeter's 'Shutdown' being broken. tracked it down to /usr/lib/indicator-session/gtk-logout-helper hitting a dbus AccessDenied when calling ConsoleKit Stop method. can reproduce using dbus-send. how do I troubleshoot from here?03:18
eigma*error is actually org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.NotPrivileged03:19
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
pittiGood morning07:07
larsugood morning !07:07
mlankhorst ali1234 no08:44
mlankhorstali1234: but preliminary stuff is ready08:44
mlankhorstali1234: grab the xorg-server from that ppa and you only need to compile your own ddx and own mesa.git08:45
seb128good morning desktopers08:45
pittihey seb128, morning mlankhorst08:45
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?08:46
pittiseb128: not too bad; a bit tired still from the weekend08:47
pittiit was a long car drive there (Fri) and back (yesterday) and a quite long/intense Saturday08:47
pittithere == Hamburg, we visited a friend there who recently moved there08:47
seb128oh, what did you do?08:47
seb128I see08:47
pittiso we did a sightseeing tour, a port cruise, and the Reeperbahn in the evening08:48
didrockshey seb128, pitti!08:48
pittibonjour didrocks ! as-tu eu un bon week-end ?08:48
didrockspitti: bon week-end! we bought some new furnitures for the kitchen, so no visiting for us :)08:49
didrocksalso, got unity broken over the week-end, trying to trick popey to see if he can reproduce08:50
seb128didrocks, lut08:50
seb128oh, "fun"08:50
* seb128 notes to not upgrade 08:51
didrocksseb128: I guess you're fine, it was published the 7 of January08:51
didrocksseb128: I had unity marked on hold08:51
seb128oh, ok08:51
didrocksI unmarked it on Friday, dist-upgraded08:51
seb128yeah, no issue here then08:51
didrocksbut didn't reboot08:51
didrocksuntil Saturday :p08:51
seb128what's the issue?08:51
didrocksthe stacktrace is weird: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6784761/08:52
didrocksI don't see anything stricking/hurting my eyes here08:52
didrocksalso, I tried to report it with apport-bug08:52
didrocksbut I saw the apport-gtk process running08:52
didrocksbut no windows08:52
didrocksnot sure how since we have this whoopsie thing how it works08:52
didrocksand 30 minutes after trying to report it, nothing on errors.ubuntu.com08:53
didrocksso, I reverted to previous nux and unity (the one not rebuilt against glew 1.10) and it's working08:54
seb128glew issues, fun08:58
didrocksyeah, I see nothing showing that on the stack08:59
* didrocks is sad the once again, foundation did the upload totally untested with us and uncoordinated08:59
didrocksseb128: I'm still wondering why apport-gtk didn't show up though, even if whoopsie is enabled, when I tell "report it", it should use apport (as enabled on my system), right?09:00
* didrocks is totally lost with whoopsie09:00
didrocksbut I see a .upload and .uploaded and I have no idea where this is :/09:00
pittididrocks: where do you tell it "report it"? that should already be apport09:01
pittididrocks: system settings -> privacy -> diagnosis -> show previous reports09:01
seb128didrocks, not sure it's "totally untested", that update seems to be working for most of us09:01
pittididrocks: that should lead you to "your" errors.u.c. page09:01
didrocksseb128: well, I doubt it ran under the 3 otto machines09:01
didrocksseb128: hence the "with us"09:02
didrockspitti: ah nice, let me see :)09:02
seb128yeah, not likely, but to be fair I don't test every archive upload I do on the otto machines either09:02
didrocksseb128: yeah, but you don't upload nux and unity :)09:02
pittididrocks: that web page is rather unfriendly ATM, it only shows hashes; it should show projects, dates, etc.09:02
didrocksseb128: if I want to transition something on glib, I would ask you first ;)09:03
didrockspitti: hum, let me click around09:03
seb128didrocks, in any case, e.u.c doesn't rank any unity bug09:03
didrocksseb128: compiz-core crash?09:03
didrocksseems it's https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/a8ea9f18-8068-11e3-a0f6-2c768aafd08c09:04
didrockspitti: but it's not retraced from what I see09:04
pittiyeah, or retrace failed09:04
didrockspitti: and there is no more apport asking us if we want to file a bug in launchpad, if apport is enabled?09:04
pittiI noticed that on a lot of whoopsie reports, it seems to have trouble with trusty09:05
pittididrocks: not ATM; we might actually re-enable it for alpha-2; seb128, WDYT?09:05
pittididrocks: it's still disabled from the saucy release09:05
pittiwe traditionally re-enable LP crashes around alpha-209:05
seb128Laney, hey, how are you?09:06
didrockspitti: it's a flag on the desktop which isn't /etc/default/apport?09:06
pittihey Laney09:06
didrocksmorning Laney09:06
pittididrocks: no, it's problem_types in /etc/apport/crashdb.conf09:06
pittididrocks: if you comment out/drop that line, it'll report crashes to LP09:06
didrockspitti: so, don't set any default?09:06
seb128pitti, re-enabling, wfm, I've no strong opinion, I look more at whoopsie than launchpad nowadays09:07
seb128not enough free slot to keep with launchpad09:07
pitti^ yes, that's why I don't want to re-enable LP crashes too early09:07
didrockspitti: thanks, I was really wondering wth with apport enabled, I couldn't get a "normal" apport report in launchpad! ;)09:07
pittididrocks: we don't change /e/d/apport any more since we use whoopsie09:08
didrocksok, so apport always "report"09:08
pittias evan has a rather strong opinion about leaving this enabled in stables09:08
didrocksand this file change the direction09:08
pittieither to errors.u.c. only, or additionally to LP09:08
didrocksok, making sense, at least, that would have teach me a little bit how this works now :)09:08
didrocksthanks pitti!09:08
didrocksnow on why it's not retraced09:09
* didrocks is pinging ev09:09
didrocksseb128: I hope it's really only my configuration, will get a confirmation with popey (he's upgrading his x220)09:10
Laneyhey seb128 pitti didrocks!09:10
didrocksI tried to drop all my favorites under /com/canonical in case it was a launcher icon for instance09:10
Laneysounds like a fun monday start ;-)09:10
didrocks(as it seems to fails here)09:10
seb128didrocks, well, at least it's not most of us, if it's there for some 10 days (nobody complained)09:10
didrocksLaney: well, it's fun on the phone ML as well ;))09:10
seb128didrocks, did you try a guest session?09:11
didrocksseb128: that's what I thought. I hope though it's not this graphic-card related09:11
didrocksseb128: hum… I lost my old habits I guess09:11
* didrocks should try09:11
didrocksseb128: ok, now I'm puzzled09:14
didrockshum, ok, it restarted here as well now09:19
didrocksboth guest and my session wth09:19
* didrocks unlogs and comes back09:19
didrocksok, can't reproduce it anymore09:22
didrocksrestarted lightdm09:22
didrockstried 2 monitors, then one, like yesterday09:22
seb128didrocks, weird, maybe it was something in your launcher config?09:23
didrocksso not related to my graphic card as I thought :/09:23
didrocksseb128: no, I tried to empty it09:23
didrocksdconf dump /com/canonical (even indicators then)09:23
didrocksthen dconf reset -f…09:23
didrockswas still crashing09:23
didrocksthen, I reloaded my config09:23
didrocksand was again crashing of course09:23
didrocksI'm out of ideas and don't like to call that a "non issue anymore"09:25
popeythis was just a ploy to get me to update to trusty wasn't it? :D09:25
didrockspopey: yeah, all that in that end! :)09:25
didrockspopey: sorry, I was really thinking it was x200-configuration related ;)09:25
seb128that's a strange one in any case09:26
seb128ok, I'm dropping offline for like 10min09:26
Laneymlankhorst: do you know about this kind of thing http://paste.ubuntu.com/6784936/ ?09:40
mlankhorstyeah something messed up, no idea what yet :P09:51
mlankhorstLaney: probably some kernel upgrade?09:51
Laneythere was one09:52
Laneyapport is offering me a bug report09:53
mlankhorstnot sure a bug report would be helpful09:56
seb128Sweetshark, happy birthday!10:05
Laneybirthday bumps10:12
Sweetsharkseb128: thx. btw I put 4.2.0~rc2 in the PPA for trusty (and the always awesome ricotz already bumped it back for saucy too). Its looking good in general and is also building on trusty/armhf. There was one hickup with a dependency of a transitional, but that is fixed now.10:22
seb128Sweetshark, \o/10:22
Sweetsharkseb128:  so I guess, what I am trying to say is: If nobody is screaming protests, IMHO we should go to trusty/main with that one as it is now.10:23
mlankhorstdo pitchforks count?10:25
Sweetsharkseb128: I will walk through the remaining --with-system-$foo switches and see if it would be good and worth the risk to debian-sync/MIR/whatever them and build against those, but we shouldnt do all that with one upload.10:25
seb128Sweetshark, +1 from me to upload to trusty10:26
Sweetsharkmlankhorst: Dont attack LibreOffice with forks. We'll beat you with our experience on that one.10:26
seb128Sweetshark, btw we should maybe take the new poppler (soname transition) before uploading libreoffice ... you said libreoffice didn't seem to be using the API that change, to you want to test build that or something?10:26
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Sweetsharkseb128: testbuilding sounds good. When is the poppler transition estimated to take place?10:27
seb128Sweetshark, "whenever it's convenient for libreoffice"10:27
seb128Sweetshark, the other rdepends are easy to rebuild, it's only 1 function that changed10:28
Sweetsharkseb128: is that new poppler upload in some ppa or something already? or already in -proposed?10:29
seb128Sweetshark, no, the diffs are on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poppler/+bug/1256627, I can upload to the desktop team ppa if that helps though10:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1256627 in poppler (Ubuntu) "New upstream release, merge with Debian" [Wishlist,New]10:30
Sweetsharkseb128: the other thing I tried to solve is to get back my ~90minutes binary builds locally on the notebook. sadly that didnt work out. I optimized my pbuilder setup, disabled xz compression of .debs (which take another hour), but somehow could get ccache to do anything else than cache misses. So still at 7,5 hours builds, which is a pain. :(10:33
Sweetsharkseb128: diffs should do, thx.10:33
seb128Sweetshark, great, let me know how that goes ;-)10:33
Sweetsharkseb128: willdo. ... In ~14 hours ...10:34
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
davmor2davidcalle: Hey dude, scopes... if I type in weather on the phone or desktop (13.10 and 14.04) in theory is should show me the location for my area correct?  If  so I think it might be failing :(12:25
Sweetsharkseb128: that poppler patch does a "dh_install --list-missing\n dh_install: libpoppler44 missing files (usr/lib/*/libpoppler.so.44*), aborting" here ...12:27
seb128Sweetshark, what version did you build?12:27
seb128Sweetshark, http://poppler.freedesktop.org/poppler-0.24.5.tar.xz ?12:28
Sweetsharkseb128: apt-get source poppler && patch -p1 patch-from-125662712:28
Sweetsharkseb128: argh, k12:28
seb128Sweetshark, right, that patch is a new version update12:28
seb128that's a bit confusing12:29
seb128basically take that tarball and copy the debian dir over12:29
Sweetsharkseb128: yeah, I just saw the huge patch and thought its a full diff (not just ./debian)12:30
davidcalledavmor2, hey. There has been some unexpected API changes from the provider, it's being fixed.12:31
davmor2davidcalle: ah nice okay if it is known I shall go back to my corner :)12:32
Sweetsharkseb128: are you sure about the poppler-0.24.5.tar.xz? because the patch talks about 24.3->24.4 not 5.12:35
seb128Sweetshark, .5 seems a small bug fix over .4, the API change is in .412:37
seb128Sweetshark, so either would do12:37
davidcalledavmor2, hehe, thanks for the feeback, though ;) (fun fact about this bug : it's more likely to happen if it's past mid-day in you local timezone, can you confirm it is ?)12:38
davmor2davidcalle: 12:38 I will check tomorrow first thing and see if works then though to confirm12:39
davidcalledavmor2, thanks :)12:39
Sweetsha1kseb128: twas because the patch didnt apply cleanly on the changelog, so I was left with the old version there m(12:52
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
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* Laney yays at the glib-networking flaky tests getting fixed12:57
* Sweetshark finds missing dependencies in the upstream build.13:42
SweetsharkWith 32 threads you find all those that others miss.13:43
* Sweetshark wants your sympathy.13:43
Sweetsharkhmmm, without l10n, the build is 13GB -- I could squeeze that in a tmpfs ...13:57
Laneysil2100: hi, do you know if your grilo patch was forwarded?14:18
* mlankhorst compiles Sweetshark into plain english14:19
Laneyhttp://www.plainenglish.co.uk/ ?14:19
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seb128Laney, btw did you see the backlog from the sdk guys on friday evening? they replied to your autopilot error question14:30
Laneyseb128: yes, I replied14:30
seb128ok, I don't IRC proxy so I didn't see that14:30
LaneyI'm waiting for elowotsit to come online14:30
Laneybasically I don't think it's helpful as this is not a listview14:30
seb128the licenses panel?14:30
seb128ah, I though you said you had issues with the licences list14:31
LaneyIt's Column { ListItem ListItem ListItem ... }14:31
Laneyit can't select the button to get into the page14:31
Laneythe license page14:31
seb128I see14:31
seb128I wonder if autopilot is the right tech for those tests14:32
seb128it's a tech for integration tests14:32
seb128we should maybe look at doing the UI tests with the qt runner stuff14:32
seb128qmltestrunner (was looking for the name)14:33
Laneydunno, some integration testing is definitely valuable14:34
seb128we should have both imho14:35
seb128the tests checking that e.g panels load by clicking and checking there is a title are purely UI ones14:36
seb128they probably don't need autopilot14:36
Laneyyeah I agree we should have both14:38
Laneythe uitk is a good example of QtQuickTest unit tests14:38
seb128there was an email about that on the phablet list back then14:39
seb128the thinking was mainly "if you just need to test UI/app logic, use the qt tools, it's less work and less slowness/delays", "use autopilot for integration tests though"14:39
Laneyoops, forgot to have lunch, brb!14:42
seb128Laney, enjoy ;-)14:42
Sweetsharkseb128: dpkg-buildpackage: full upload (original source is included)\n real58m37.657s15:13
Sweetsharkseb128: seems that libreoffice does not barf all over poppler 0.24.415:13
desrtLaney: our poor tests :(15:49
Laneydanw fixed the glib-networking one15:50
desrtwe need a revert-testcase policy15:50
desrtactually, probably we don't need that15:50
desrtsince it's quite possible that new tests or changes in existing tests are finding real bugs15:51
* desrt is just getting sick of the 90%+ experience of "it's just the test doing dumb stuff"15:52
LaneyI'd like to know what's so pathological about Ubuntu's buildds and the CI environment15:52
desrtLaney: heavy load, i think15:52
desrtwhen i 'make distcheck' it's the only thing i'm doing15:52
Laneythe buildds only build one thing at a time15:52
desrti thought they were vms15:52
LaneyPPAs are virtualised15:52
Laneybut not the main distro builders15:53
Laneymaybe they're just old crappy machines15:53
desrtmaybe for weird arches15:54
desrtbut i guess our x86/amd64 builders are pretty decent15:54
Laneydidn't we have a thing a while ago where we ran some gnome upstream testsuites?15:57
* ogra_ is pretty sure you wont find much faster armhf HW than our buildds :P15:57
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Laneypitti: ^ what happened to these jhbuild runs?16:00
Laneydid they go away with the advent of continuous?16:00
pittiLaney: mostly yes; and we didn't really keep up the manpower for maintaining those with the changed focus on uphone16:02
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desrti love you posix16:20
desrt       EINVAL The value specified by cond, mutex, or abstime is invalid.16:20
desrtwhat's wrong?  who knows.. could be anything!16:21
xclaesseHmm, I've got evolution-data-server-uoa installed, but my google account still does not appear in evolution :(16:30
xclaessewith ubutnu 14.0416:31
seb128xclaesse, did you just add it?16:31
xclaesseseb128, I realized that I had e-d-s-goa installed and removing it made -uoa replace it16:31
xclaesseseb128, I tried deleting and recreate my google account, but still it does not appear in evo16:32
seb128can you reinstall -goa?16:32
seb128(e.g have both)16:32
seb128then try again?16:32
seb128I wonder if that issue is back (needs to look that split again)16:32
seb128it might be that the goa binary has stuff that should be common to both (we had the issue in the past and went forth and back, so it might be buggy again in trusty)16:33
seb128Laney 0 - 1 webkitgtk16:34
Laneyit's way more than 116:34
xclaesseseb128, success !16:34
xclaesseseb128, yep, installing -goa made it work16:35
seb128xclaesse, ok, thanks for reporting the issue16:35
xclaesseor maybe it is because the account is configured into goa? dunno...16:35
xclaesseseb128, is there a trick to get the GOA panel on ubuntu ?16:36
seb128xclaesse, I need to check, but iirc it was because the goa binary has code needed by uoa16:36
seb128xclaesse, XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center16:37
xclaesseI see that goa-daemon is actually running16:37
seb128yeah, if it's installed it's running16:37
seb128some stuff dbus activate it iirc (it's not installed by default though)16:37
xclaesseok, removed all my accounts there, and evo still has the google account, so it's from UOA :)16:38
seb128good ;-)16:38
ubot2bugs.webkit.org bug 126985 in Web Template Framework "Source/WTF/wtf/Atomics.h:300: Error: bad register name `%bpl'" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]17:07
LaneyI might wait to see if it builds everywhere else though17:07
xclaessehm, 14.04 is not ready with CSD :(17:15
xclaessedeja-dup-preference does not have decorator17:15
xclaesseand close button is at right, without ubuntu style17:16
xclaesseseb128, hm, when deja-dup is doing its automatic backup, there is no icon in the ubuntu launchers anymore17:18
xclaesseno indication that something happens17:18
xclaessethat's a regression since 13.1017:18
seb128mterry, ^17:19
mterryI will look17:19
xclaessethere were a nice progress bar on the launcher icon previously17:19
seb128mterry, btw, what are you doing working on a national U.S holiday?17:19
xclaessemaybe it removed something, because I don't find the icon it all apps17:19
xclaesseand it's not in the gnome-control-settings neither17:20
mterryseb128, :)  eh, I'm not working hard17:20
seb128xclaesse, mterry: seems to be an issue with the unity-control-center transition17:20
seb128I've the panel in unity-control-center, not in g-c-c.real17:20
seb128xclaesse, we started a transition but it's not done yet, seems to be a side effect17:21
xclaesseseb128, ah, unity-control-center is not installed17:21
seb128xclaesse, renaming our patch g-c-c to u-c-c so the GNOME remix can provide a less patched/more uptodate version17:21
xclaesseI've got gnome-control-center-unity17:21
seb128xclaesse, yeah, it's not supposed to be yet, some panels didn't transition ... well you can install both17:21
xclaesseseb128, ok, backup is in unity-control-center :)17:22
seb128that doesn't explain the lack of launcher integration while it's backuping though17:23
mterryHuh, "Backup" should show up in both right now17:26
xclaessetbf, maybe my system isn't correctly upgraded, update-manager just crashed when I tried to upgrade from 13.1017:28
xclaesseso I did a plain apt-get dist-upgrade17:28
xclaesseHmm, 2014, and still the firefox window asking for password when accessing an https page is totally hidden17:30
xclaessehave to move around all my windows to see where it's hiding behind17:30
xclaesseis it that complicated to have everything in alt-tab ?17:30
xclaessesomething with transiant/modal windows17:31
seb128have a good even everyone17:43
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
WaVeRHi folks, with the last update from gnome3-team (screensaver) is no more working19:07
WaVeRsome one have the same issue?19:07
WaVeRalso change/switch user is no more working19:08
WaVeRlooks like gnome-screensaver doesn't run with the session19:19
xclaesseHm, evolution often silently closes because it crash and no crash report seems to be created, dunno why...19:41
xclaessehere is the backtrace though: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6787703/19:41
xclaesseubuntu 14.0419:41
xclaessemaybe I told apport to stop reporting evolution issues a while ago, don't remember19:42
Laneyxclaesse: I see similar results in rh's bugzilla - I'd report it directly upstream if I were you21:32
Laneywe don't really have code patches to evo21:33
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