
=== LjL is now known as LjL-GoneToLondon
LjL-GoneToLondonAs the nickname probably hints, I'll be in London for a week since tomorrow. You know how to contact me, I guess, but just remember this nickname won't be able to receive messages. See you all later.02:48
IdleOnelater, have a good time02:49
IdleOneBring me back a t-shirt!02:49
=== rww is now known as rwd
=== rwd is now known as rww
PriceyLjL-GoneToLondon: If only there were some sort of mechanism built into irc where we could be notified when you were away...09:10
rwwlike nick changes?09:11
PriceySurely there's a better solution than either of those, valid, suggestions.10:33
Tm_Tbell boy!10:43
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
ikoniahello gigastock15:32
k1l_well, that rejoin script is working15:44
ikoniahello incubation17:01
ikoniaLjL-Landan: welcome geeza17:20
DJonesLjL-GoneToLondon: How are the jellied eels going down18:48
IdleOne!language > asshat_19:01
Myrttisomeone should tell jono about sasl21:52
k1lnahh, just set the userpw as the serverpw :)21:53
rwwserver password auth has a race condition with joining channels21:53
rwwSASL is the only authentication method freenode offers that doesn't21:53
Unit193For some reason, in the past SASL has failed to auth before, so CertFP is a great backup because even if you connect in the middle of a netsplit, when services come back they won't kick you off, they'll cloak you. \o/21:59
rwwCertFP is managed through services too22:00
rwwi see what you mean22:00
PriceyUnit193: Most sasl implementations don't stop the connection on failure.23:13
rwwI wish they did :(23:14
rwwor had an option to, anyway23:14

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