
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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Laneyjust noticed webkit is being rebuilt in the test rebuild11:07
Laneybug #126172111:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1261721 in webkit (Ubuntu) "RM: webkit -- ROM; renamed to webkitgtk" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126172111:07
dokoLaney, well, it's still in main, isn't it?11:11
dokolooks like #ubuntu-archive isn't very active11:14
dokobut I don't want to dragged into regular ubuntu-archive removals either11:14
cjwatsonI didn't even know there was such a channel11:14
cjwatsonWe generally get through removals, just in batch mode11:15
cjwatsonWouldn't worry about them being present in the test rebuild11:15
LaneyIt's pretty chunky (12 hours on beebe) and its presence in the archive has caused some confusion already11:17
LaneyNot bothered personally :-)11:19
* xnox genuinely thought this is the ~ubuntu-archive and ~ubuntu-release-team and ~ubuntu-sru channel.11:34
cjwatsonit is11:35
psivaacjwatson: trusty desktop images stopped appearing since 20140115. assume that's not intentional?11:50
cjwatsonbuild failures, haven't investigated yet11:53
cjwatsonsee the logs11:53
Laneyunity-webapps-service : Depends: webapp-container but it is not installable11:53
Laneyseb128: ^ want to look? it's from webbrowser-app which is already in main11:55
ogra_Laney, there was a package split, the webapps bart was split out into a separate package ... talk to oSoMoN about details12:00
LaneyI don't particularly need details12:01
Laneybut thanks :-)12:01
Laneyactually, I do want one detail12:01
seb128Laney, (back from lunch)12:16
seb128Laney, let me have a look12:16
seb128Laney, ok, binary promoted12:17
seb128de rien ;-)12:18
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dokoRiddell, NBS shows: pxljr17:12
doko   kubuntu-activeuniverseamd64 i386 armhf powerpc17:12
dokocould you have a look?17:12
cjwatsonpretty sure that's already fixed in -proposed but blocked on one of the new ports17:12
cjwatsonYeah, kubuntu-full/arm64 is uninstallable17:13
stgrabercjwatson: do you happen to know the bug number of that tmpfs kernel bug?17:18
cjwatsonstgraber: bug 127022817:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1270228 in linux (Ubuntu) ""Loading partman-xfs failed for unknown reasons. Aborting" error in trusty server installations" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127022817:18
stgraberRiddell: can you let the participating flavors know that this bug ^ may cause random tmpfs related problems including install failures (not necessarily limited to server images)?17:20
stgraberRiddell: there should be a fix kernel in the archive by tomorrow, so they may want to plan for a respin then17:21
Riddellthanks stgraber18:22
* apw notes that the kernel bits which are dropping into -proposed contains the fix which cjwatson referred to earlier21:37

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