
rick_h_widox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6783180/00:05
gamerchick02i'm thinking about ordering the Max.00:05
gamerchick02rick_h_ and cmaloney, do you think this is a good buy?00:06
gamerchick02(it's on Amazon for $10 less but i'm sure that will be made up in shipping)00:06
rick_h_widox: wonder if the if ! tmux has-session -t bookie; then will help your use?00:09
widoxrick_h_: tm00:09
widoxI saw some things about using `tmux attach` instead of just `tmux` - just seemed like more work compare to screen00:10
rick_h_it should thow a hissy fit if you create two sessions of the same name00:16
rick_h_so something is off00:16
rick_h_but anyway, I've got a bunch of bin/tXXXX and use them to script setups for working on stuff00:16
widoxok, wasn't sure if all the work outside of tmux.conf was really the way to go00:17
gamerchick02tmux… that's a window manager, yes?00:24
rick_h_gamerchick02: an alternative to screen00:26
rick_h_for cli use00:26
gamerchick02oh, cool00:26
gamerchick02i'm thinking about buying that MaxKeyboard.00:27
rick_h_cool, don't know anything about them00:33
rick_h_but yay mechanical keyboards00:33
gamerchick02i've got to think about it a bit more and i might order it00:34
gamerchick02i do have a Razer BlackWidow00:34
gamerchick02which i like but dang if that synapse thing is shit00:34
gamerchick02AND they have extra keycaps.00:35
gamerchick02so that's cool00:35
rick_h_trevlar: I'm going to need a trailer to bring all this crap down to the tech shop lol02:16
rick_h_I've got two note cards of stuff listed out. Looks like I'm buying groceries for a month02:16
rick_h_can anyone load up maps.google.com?02:41
trevlarrick_h_: ha02:42
trevlaryeah works for me02:42
rick_h_hmm, yea loaded in FF, not in chrome02:42
rick_h_wtf chrome02:42
cmaloneyGOod morning12:31
rick_h_party party15:43
trevlarrick_h_: how goes the painting?15:43
rick_h_trevlar: well, it was $50 for the day pass15:45
rick_h_so glad I brought extra $$, but seems to be working well15:45
rick_h_dries fast, nice to work in the booth15:45
rick_h_just have the first coat on and waiting for it to dry15:46
rick_h_of course I've got some runs and such, first real time spraying a full project and lots of little pita points15:46
jrwrenwtf are you doing rick_h_ ?15:46
trevlarrick_h_: damn, sorry about that. I really thought it was just $2515:47
trevlarok so I think it's half price ($25) if you're a guest of a member :/15:52
rick_h_jrwren: I'm spraying my night stand I've been working on at a spray booth at the detroit techshop15:59
rick_h_jrwren: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/sets/72157632425736106/ go to the bottom16:00
rick_h_time to go check on the dryness. bbiab16:00
cmaloneyrick_h_: Leaving a conversation to check to see if the paint dried on your nightstand? That's tacky.16:01
cmaloneyThanks, I'll be here all week16:01
* brousch groans16:03
jrwrenrick_h_: looks great.16:06
rick_h_trevlar: any idea if there's a solvent safe sink area?16:42
brouschIt's Detroit. Just pour it down the storm drain like everyone else16:43
rick_h_ummmm, yea not sure if that'll work16:43
brouschGo next door to the abandoned lot and dump it16:43
trevlarrick_h_: not sure16:49
jrwrenplease don't destroy my environment. ty16:56
jrwrenfor hte first time ever, i'm really glad brousch lives in west MI16:56
cmaloneyjrwren: That's the first time?17:42
jrwrenit really is!17:43
rick_h_yea, no solvents18:05
* rick_h_ will be careful and clean up at home after this is all done18:06
rick_h_well, no place to clean/work with solvents. Guess they wanted a mineral spirits tank for cleaning parts and such but on dice18:06
cmaloneyrick_h_: Please to be giving us the first factor. ;)23:42

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