
nuvolariinetpro: ping05:19
nuvolariinetpro: got some weird link on twitter05:19
nuvolariis your account safe?05:19
Squirmnuvolari: so did I, he knows it's spamming05:59
inetprogood morning 06:16
inetpronuvolari: yep, sorry for that06:16
inetpromy account clearly got compromised06:17
inetprostill not sure whether it was through a weak password or one of the app connections06:18
inetproI somehow still can't send DM messages to anyone at this stage06:19
inetproguess twitter picked up that I was spamming everyone 06:19
ThatGraemeGuymorning all06:26
inetprogood morning ThatGraemeGuy06:28
mazalMorning everyone06:52
mazalI have 12.04 64bit , all updates , and it doesn't want to take vlc as my default video player. I did make vlc the default in system settings for videos. But still when I open a video it opens with media player instead. Any ideas why ?06:53
bduk1More almal07:08
ThatGraemeGuyanyone here dabble in photography at all? particularly with post-processing RAW files07:14
charlgood morning all08:21
charlMaaz: coffee on08:22
* Maaz starts grinding coffee08:22
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!08:26
Kilosmorning ThatGraemeGuy and all others09:19
Golynxhi Kilos09:21
liamTgood moaning09:21
Kilosoh hi liamT Golynx 09:23
KilosGolynx, something to writwe down and do when data comes09:23
Kilosinstall ubuntu-restricted-extrs and addons09:24
Kilosthey both in synaptic09:24
GolynxHey liamT09:25
Kilosmakes more stuff work, ask the clever peeps what09:25
psyatwhi Kilos09:25
GolynxHmm are you sure thats needed Kilos09:25
psyatwhi Golynx09:25
GolynxHi psyatw09:25
Kilosman i dunno what all you do but i needed them for something09:26
Kilosmakes stuff work09:26
ThatGraemeGuyprobably for playing commercial DVDs09:26
Kilosah ty ThatGraemeGuy 09:27
GolynxI never watch dvd on pc09:27
Kilosstorm killed power 10 mins after i went off last night and was only fixed after 10 this morning09:27
GolynxHi ThatGraemeGuy09:27
KilosThatGraemeGuy, any ideas how to force 12.04 to see a creen thats 17" but gets seen as 640x48009:31
Kilosi cant google till month end09:31
Kilosstupig samsung syncmaster09:31
ThatGraemeGuynot sure, i've never ever had that happen09:31
Kilosstupid as well09:32
Kiloson my other make same size screen this drive works fine but im using ti to work on drives09:32
Kilossome samsung bug09:33
mazalYay got the default application thing working :)09:41
Golynxhmm , no webcam :/10:05
GolynxKilos dont you have a windows 7 disk11:18
GolynxI dont think this was the right time for me to try ubuntu. I wana use it when i have a more supported pc.11:22
Kilosyes i do but cant post it for some months11:31
Kilosneed data and meds if been putting off to safe for pc stuff11:31
Kilosall you need is just lotsa internet11:32
GolynxHow much do you want for the windows 7 disk11:33
Kilosi use it man, its not a for sale one but can make a copy11:34
Kilosbut i can buy them for 879 i think 11:34
Golynxhmm, so the copy wont work11:35
Kiloswin7 basic for 87911:35
Kiloswhy wont it work?11:36
Kiloswin7 pro for R149911:36
GolynxThe serial numbers and stuff windows restrict for not making copies of their os's11:36
Kilosmine is also a copy11:38
Kilosbut dont go online with it11:39
GolynxMy biggest issue in ubuntu is, the upgrades are too large , its more than a gig, and java dont run by saving cpu use here, so i cant use android emulator and blackberry emulator. Aswell as the apache server permissions stuff on ubuntu gives me too much headaces11:39
GolynxThis laptop is not that well supported by ubuntu11:41
Kilosthere i gave you the price of new legal copies of win711:42
GolynxOn windows 7 everything works fine. The most intensive programs run at below 40% there with this laptop compared to over 100% on ubuntu.11:43
Kilosi dont have a legal one11:44
GolynxEverything is fucke up now! My future flushed like crap11:44
GolynxThanks for nothing Kilos11:48
GolynxI bet your laughing now11:49
GolynxHow you convinced me to fuck up this pc11:50
Kilosif you had of listened and done the correct upgrading everything would wor11:50
Kilosif you knew as much as you think you do you would have unlocked the locked win7 stuff and installed alongside11:51
Kilosbut if blaming me makes you feel good then carry on11:52
GolynxYou keep pushing on upgrade nonsene wont fix anything. I installed the drivers and this thing wont even run the basic 3D programs11:52
Kiloslast time i waste time and money sending anyone anything11:52
Kilosyou must listen fool11:52
GolynxYou only told me you found the unlock option after i already installed ubuntu11:53
Kilosubuntu needs those security upgrades after a clean install11:53
GolynxI'm not blaming you11:53
Kilosthats correct my son told me about them we he came to visit11:53
GolynxI dunno what security upgrades have to do with system performance11:55
GolynxUbuntu's supposed to be secure 11:55
Kilosits not security as windows peeps see it , it is necessary stuff in ubuntu11:55
GolynxWhy is it neccassary11:56
Kilosits to complete the packages that of which there were basic installs11:56
GolynxI dont understand11:57
Kilosand you dont want to try understand11:58
Kiloslittle things like acpi get upgraded with clean installs11:58
Kilosand everything else11:58
Kilosif ubuntu installed a complete system the dvd would be large11:59
Kilosty vince11:59
GolynxThat link still dont satidfy me Vince-012:03
GolynxKilos what version was your dvd 12.04.2 ?12:03
Kilosmost likely yes12:04
Golynx12.04.3 ?12:04
Kilos.3 i think12:05
GolynxThose are just patches made to the base version, why would a newer patch improve anything 12:05
Vince-0updates are for security, bug fixes, patches etc12:06
Vince-0performance can be affected by this12:06
Vince-0you're having graphics display performance issues?12:06
Vince-0welcome to Linux, get Googling on Ubuntu sites for graphics driver fixes12:06
Vince-0DONT come in here and get rowdy, we're here for free so you're lucky to even get a comment12:07
GolynxYes Vince-0 , plus java working overtime12:07
Vince-0now get lost, go do some reading for a week before accusing Kilos of anything12:07
Kiloshe hasnt done a first update/upgrade since installing12:07
Vince-0java? did you google that? Java is a piece of crap12:07
Vince-0let me guess, you're running a Celeron CPU?12:07
Vince-0but PULEEZ, go read some Google12:08
GolynxI need java for android emulator and blackberry its not crap12:08
Vince-0you will get nowhere otherwise12:08
Golynxno its a dual core AMD cpu , that ubuntu hates, Intel supposed to be the most prefered cpu for ubutnu dunno why12:09
Vince-0there's two Java's for Ubuntu - SUN and IcedTea12:09
Vince-0repo comes with IcedTea. Try Sun 1.6 JRE package?12:09
Vince-0there's always a way but you have to help yourself first otherwise I'm going to say GTFO12:10
GolynxOpenJDK suposed to work best for linux12:11
Vince-0I doubt it but you need to try a few things first12:11
Vince-0those emulation apps will have preffered JREs12:11
Vince-0I always use Oracle's12:11
GolynxOK, fine i appologise12:12
GolynxSorry Kilos for overreacting12:12
GolynxI will be back next month, take care12:13
Kilosbut seriously when you do the proper upgrade everything will work better and properly12:13
Kilosyou too12:13
Vince-0Java is a magical creature, so hack away12:13
Vince-0the worst kind of noobs12:13
Kilostough ya12:13
mazalWat gaat hier aan ?12:13
Kilosty for the help12:14
Vince-0mazal, noob raas omdat hy n noob is12:14
Vince-0I'll be the first to be accommodating to noobs but jeez that guy needs to catch a wake up12:15
Vince-0*lols - back to work!12:15
Kilospeeps dont realize how important the first update/upgrade is12:16
Kilosthats why its over 200m12:16
mazalI checked that part about complaining about updates, that is just a part of all os's now. A fresh Win 7 install has over 1gig updates currently12:17
Kilosyes but with 7 it works without the update12:18
Kilosubuntu needs the first one to work properly12:18
Kilosits like lots of packages only have a basic install12:18
inetproKilos: I'm still not convinced he would be happy even after an update12:19
inetprosaying that the update will fix everything might be the wrong thing to say12:19
Kilosi felt soory for him losing his work and all12:19
Kilosbut maybe thats why12:20
Vince-0lol no backups?12:20
Kilosim mean his job12:20
nuvolarioom Kilos, I might be running late tonight. Have a competition reward ceremony at 18:00 (photo club)12:20
Kiloswhats happening tonight nuvolari ?12:21
Kilosmeeting next tuesday my man12:21
liamT#Kilos - what media card you using ?12:22
Vince-0nuvolari ! long time no see12:22
Kilosme? nvidia something or other12:23
Kilosfx5500 i think12:23
liamTsurely through the nvidia settings you can change the screen settings12:23
Kilosand i have nvidia-173 installed 12:23
liamTi've also got a samsung extra screen, it works fine once I use that12:23
liamTand I'm using nvidia 8400M gs12:24
Kilosaha lemme see if i can do that12:24
Kiloscan you open them settings from cli?12:24
liamTas in shell or gui ?12:25
Kiloseverything else hangs off the end of the screen so no apply buttons12:25
Kiloscommand line interface12:25
liamTi have nvidia-current, nvidia-settings-304 installed12:25
Kiloshere too i think12:25
liamTyou don't run X ?12:26
Kilosi dunno12:26
liamTyou use xfce or unity or kde ?12:26
Kilosworks fine with genisat screen12:26
Kiloson  here now that is12:26
liamTyou should be able to find it in there, the nvidia settings program12:27
=== smile is now known as Guest54440
=== Guest54440 is now known as smile
smilehi :)12:27
Kiloshi smile12:27
KilosThe NVIDIA X driver on P4:0.0 is not new12:32
Kilosenough to support the nvidia-settings Display Configuration page.12:32
Kilosnot serious ill get back to the good screen tomorrow12:35
smileNVIDIA drivers suck ;)12:36
Kiloslemme reboot and see if the 304 drivers make a diffs12:49
Kilosnow i can work on the 2TB in peace and not sukkel on this pc12:53
Kilosdanke liamT 12:54
liamTit work ?12:55
MaazliamT: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell liamT Thanks alot installing the 304 settings sorted the prob" 59 seconds ago12:55
liamTno prob12:55
Kilosi didnt have to do anything more except reboot12:56
Kilosinetpro, you will all be happy. ive made maverick into 12.04 and no 10.10 cd to go back12:58
Kilosim now on 12.04 here with 10.10 home intack12:59
liamTit has a convenient screen for dragging screens any which way13:00
Kiloslol dont give me more to play with and mess up liamT 13:00
Kilosweird though, the additional drivers option chose nvidia-17313:01
Kilosso i used gdebi to install 304 from my archives13:02
liamTi think I installed current, and 304 comes with that, i'm on 13.1013:07
liamTthought whatever works13:07
Kilosyeah thanks again13:07
liamTI also install dkms, just in case things need to be recompiled for the kernel, i remember having a problem with that a few years back13:08
Kilosi inastalled 304 and 304 settings and the install did the dkms stuff automatically13:09
Kilossjoe inetpro storm is hier. hopelik varby as jy huis toe gaan13:29
Kilosi go pump water quick13:29
Kilosdit sous13:47
KilosVince-0, i think hell be back. he knows buntu is better but just doesnt want to admit that he messed up with unticking security updates14:12
Kilosif he was so hard up for data he wouldnt be trying to make a webcam work14:12
Squirmhey all14:13
Kiloshi Squirm hows things?14:15
somaunnHello everyone14:17
Kiloshi somaunn 14:17
somaunnKilos, how are things doing here14:17
Kilosgood ty and there?14:18
somaunngood too14:28
Kilosgreat. can i ask where you are?14:28
somaunni having an hard time with some updates on my lin box14:29
somaunnKilos: i'm in Congo (central africa)14:29
Kiloswhat probs14:29
Kiloshow are you updating?14:29
somaunnjust doing normal updates14:30
charlphew need to take a break14:30
charldeveloping a cool application in spring14:30
somaunnbut stuck at initscripts, nfs-utils, selinux-policy-targeted14:30
somaunnthey don't get updated like it supposed to be 14:31
Kilossomaun do you have aptitude installed14:31
somaunnKilos: using fedora with yum 14:31
Kilosaptitude gives work arounds normally14:31
Kiloslook for a yummitude14:32
KilosSquirm, can you help somaunn ?14:32
Kilosis fedora and red hat the same thing?14:33
KilosSquirm, is the redhat man here14:33
somaunnhey that mean Squirm is my man14:33
Kilosas a matter of interest what error message do you get?14:36
Kilosif its lots paste to slexy.org14:36
SquirmKilos: they're not14:43
Squirmthey're very different14:43
Squirmalthough they're by the same company14:43
Kilosnow where we find someone to help him?14:43
SquirmFedora is a community version, funded by Red Hat14:43
Kilossomaunn, havent they got an irc channel14:44
Squirmif they like ideas that are in Fedora, they will bug test the hell out of it and release it in RH14:44
Squirmwhat's the problem?14:44
Kilossee what somaunn say above14:44
Kilosupdate errors14:44
Kilosbut stuck at initscripts, nfs-utils, selinux-policy-targeted14:45
Kilosbut stuck at initscripts, nfs-utils, selinux-policy-targeted14:45
SquirmI see14:45
somaunnSquirm, Kilos: look here for what it shows me14:46
somaunnKilos: yes they've got an irc channel but have to register etc.14:47
somaunnKilos: i went to the french irc channel but the help is not that good there14:47
Kilospaste the error message14:47
somaunntried to connect to the #rhel but no succes14:47
KilosSquirm, is normally clued up14:48
somaunnKilos, Squirm: sorry i forgot to paste, look here http://pastebin.com/9iAwa3Bg14:48
Kilosin future use slexy.org. my pc struggles with pastebin14:48
Squirm(28, 'Operation too slow. Less than 1000 bytes/sec transferred the last 30 seconds')14:48
Squirmso your download rate was less than 1kb/s for 30s14:49
Squirmit fails on that14:49
Squirmhave you tried another update?14:49
Squirmyum update14:50
Squirmit should just download the packages which never downloaded14:50
somaunnSquirm: yes, it's now since a couple of days14:50
Squirmhave you tried a different mirror?14:50
somaunnthis morning i've do,e some updates 47meg but only these packages failed (once again)14:50
somaunnSquirm: not 14:51
Squirmso everything except those packages update?14:51
somaunni guess i wil have to add another mirror14:51
somaunnSquirm: already using the fastestmirror pluggin14:52
Squirmfrom what I see, your download speed is to blame, with those 3 packages14:52
Squirmthen, try a local install14:52
Squirmwhat fedora version do you have?14:52
SquirmI see14:53
Squirmsomaunn: go here14:53
Squirmdownload that package to your PC, using your browser14:53
somaunnSquirm: yes using fedora 20 x6414:54
Squirmor in terminal: wget http://mirror.west.ig2ad.com/Fedora/linux/updates/20/x86_64/selinux-policy-targeted-3.12.1-117.fc20.noarch.rpm14:54
somaunnSquirm: i also thought it was the speed but i tried late in the night when i'm "alone in the dark" with full BD but still the same14:55
Squirmthen type, yum localinstall /path/to/downloaded/rpm/selinux-policy-targeted-3.12.1-117.fc20.noarch.rpm14:55
Squirmsomaunn: try that14:55
somaunnSquirm: done with selinux-policy14:56
Squirmnow try a yum update14:57
somaunnSquirm: processing14:57
Squirmif it doesn't do the last 2, you're going to have to do the same with the next two14:57
somaunnSquirm: you are a boss, went like a charm14:58
Squirmstrange that it was only that one package though14:58
somaunnso i believe the problem was with selinux-policy14:58
* Squirm shrugs14:58
Squirmbut if it's from the same repo, surely the transfer speeds should be exactly the same14:59
SquirmI don't like selinux :/14:59
Squirmit's a bitch when you need to sys admin14:59
Squirmexcuse my language :/14:59
KilosSquirm, well done. ty15:00
somaunnSquirm: no problem, i sometime use hard words too15:04
somaunnSquirm: if you don't like selinux, what you prefer then15:04
SquirmI guess selinux is put there for a purpose, I recognise that purpose15:08
Squirmit's just hard to get used to15:08
Squirmit's basically file security on steroids15:08
Squirmlocks programs/users to use certain ports/files15:09
somaunnSquirm: good, i'm currently learning to pass my RHCSA certificate and in few months i expect to pass the RHCE certificate too15:09
somaunnSquirm: as the redhat guys arround what can you advice me to do ?15:10
SquirmI failed my RHCE15:12
Squirmtoday I booked to do my RHCE on the 4th of April15:12
Squirmcan't really say anything in terms of the exam15:12
Squirmyou must just follow the course outline you find on the RH site15:13
somaunnbut you get the RHCSA already or not ?15:13
SquirmI do15:13
somaunnthat cool15:13
Squirmso now to start learning again...15:14
somaunni found few similarities points between RHCSA/RCHE and Security+ from Comptia15:14
somaunnthats why i want to go Redhat on both RHCSA/RHCE and the end pass my Security+ exam i will be more confident if i go that way15:15
somaunnby the way THANK YOU SO MUCH Squirm15:15
SquirmI want to pass my RHCE, then maybe do LPI15:17
Squirmdownload and use CentOS15:17
SquirmCentOS = Red Hat15:17
somaunnSquirm: to be honest i worked with CentOS for few days but was not that impressed, a lot of missing things in there15:27
somaunnthen i just moved to RHEL 6.1 Beta and got al my stuff working out of the box15:27
somaunnnow i'm just waiting for RHEL 7 Beta that i've asked to a friend of mine then i will make it as my default OS and work from there15:28
somaunndon't like gnome 2 model at all15:28
somaunngnome 3.10 rocks15:28
somaunnwhat are the topics you recommand to focus on as an RHCSA15:29
somaunni'm back 15:44
somaunnnetwork issue15:45
somaunnKilos: cool15:48
somaunni'm back16:45
somaunnOS issues16:45
somaunninstalled VMware and gave 2048MB of RAM out of the 4GB i have 16:46
somaunnmy laptop just froze i don't know why16:46
somaunnstill need to investigate16:46
Kiloshi pogodina 16:56
Kilossomaunn, is vmware like running virtual box?16:58
Kilosmaybe your ram is too little16:59
Squirmsomaunn: I can't tell you what to focus on17:05
Squirmand like I said, CentOS is a package for package clone of RH17:06
Kiloshi smile17:06
smilehi Kilos :)17:06
somaunnKilos: i'm not getting you well17:11
somaunnSquirm: it is an obligation to use resize2fs after using of lvextend command17:24
Kilosoh sorry, is vmware like making a virtual drive on your system?17:25
somaunnKilos: Yeah17:31
somaunnit's works even better than Vbox from what i've seen up to now17:32
Kiloswhen i wanted to do that here i was told 2 gig ram is not enough17:32
somaunnKilos: i just reduced the size of the needed memory to 1024MB and the Vmachine is working like a charm17:33
somaunnKilos: which os did you tried to install 17:33
somaunnKilos: on my VMware i'm running redhat 6.1 beta in full screen no problem17:33
Kilosi think win 7 into ubuntu virtualbox17:33
Kilosit worked but was very slow17:34
nuvolari:O I'm late17:45
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 17:45
nuvolarilo somaunn 17:45
Kiloshi nuvolari 17:45
Kilos Next Meeting: Tue, 28 January 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1bmNi0u17:45
charlgood evening17:46
nuvolariwhy do my notifications start a week early :-/17:46
nuvolariI worried for nothing17:46
nuvolarihello charl 17:46
Kilosi told you today when you said you would be late17:46
Kiloshi charl 17:46
Kilosnuvolari, note its tuesday hey!17:49
charlhi nuvolari 17:51
charlhi Kilos 17:51
charli just got this sinking feeling when i saw this17:51
charlas if, the internet has just been flushed down the drain17:51
Kilosevening superfly 17:51
superflyhi Kilos18:00
henkj_hi kilos and superfly 18:06
superflyhiya henkj_18:07
henkj_superfly: I should have followed up about nomanini ages ago, but it slipped my mind18:07
henkj_how's it going?18:08
Kiloshi henkj_ 18:08
Kilosgood ty and you?18:08
henkj_good thanks18:08
henkj_so it's almost time for a new LTS18:09
henkj_I'm quite comfortable on 12.0418:09
Kilosme too18:09
Kilosvery stable now18:09
henkj_yeah, no issues with it really18:09
henkj_would be nice to get more recent kernels18:10
henkj_but I can't be bothered to compile my own18:10
Kiloswas a new kernel update 2 weeks ago18:11
* henkj_ checks18:12
Kilosmaybe 3 weeks18:17
inetprogood evening18:17
Kiloshi inetpro 18:18
inetprohello oom18:18
Kilosi need to find a linux os thats not so sensitive to dicey drives18:19
Kilosnot today though18:20
inetproKilos: just stop using dicey drives18:23
Kilosi like fixing them man18:24
Kilosbut dont enjoy using win to do it18:24
inetprosometimes it's not worth it18:24
Kilossometimes ya18:24
inetprowhat's the problem?18:25
inetprotry making multiple smaller partitions18:26
Kilosi have the 2tb with xp install on it but even running livecds take forever then wanna send crash reports18:26
Kilosthe first bit is ok then there is 200g bad stuff18:27
inetprolike a partition for /boot, /usr, /home, /var, /usr/local18:27
Kilosthe live cd dont even boot like a live cd man18:27
Kilostake forever18:27
Kilosthis is a weird bug on this drive18:28
Kilosi made a 7g part for xp18:28
inetproif you can put /boot, /etc and /usr on stable partitions the system should be rock solid18:28
Kilosand 200m not used18:28
Kilosthe xp installs and calls that 70g d:18:28
Kilosand makes the bad 200g c:18:29
inetprogood morning magespawn18:29
magespawnGood day18:29
Kiloslivecd should boot fast but something in the drive upsets it18:29
Kilosho magespawn 18:30
Kiloshi also18:30
Kilossome one needs to invent a way to make mbr and boot sectors at the end of a drive18:31
Kilosmaybe even just the boot sector18:33
magespawnHey Kilos18:33
magespawni still have the old meeting times on my calender18:34
Kilos Next Meeting: Tue, 28 January 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1bmNi0u18:35
magespawnI also have the new ones so no worries18:35
Kilosi think this is gonna be an interesting one18:36
Kilosim sure the fly has some plan18:36
inetproKilos: so why not use another small drive just for the boot sector?18:37
Kilosi forget that linuc can do that. like first suse i saw18:38
Kilosbooted from floppy18:38
Kilosi already have 4 drives in the pc18:39
inetproall 4 unstable?18:39
Kilosno man18:39
Kilosunity kde 12.0418:39
Kilosand another unity18:39
Kilosand the 2tb18:40
inetproso what is the problem? Anyone of those can hold the mbr18:40
Kilosya but when the 2tb is connected even those drives boot very slow and dont show the 2tb in home or gparted18:41
inetproyou only have one of them physically connected at any one time?18:41
Kilosonly the diskutility sees it18:41
Kilosi was even wondering if it aint that uefi stuff18:42
inetprosounds like you're doing something wrong18:42
Kilosor a mix uefi and mab18:42
Kiloswhile working on it from dvd then i have the others disconnected18:44
Kilosdont want them maybe corrupted as well18:44
Kilosbut dont forget for 6 months or so it was totally dead hey, now it has xp on at least18:45
Kilosits like building a kit car bit by bit18:46
inetprobut you never know when it's gonna fail18:47
Kilosas long as the mbr and boot sector hold out i will install ubuntu far from any bad stuff18:48
inetproanyway, I'm off18:48
Kilosand run badblocks and stuff18:48
inetprogood night18:48
Kilosn ight old man18:48
Kilossleep tight18:48
magespawncheers inetpro18:49
Kilosno man the pro is going18:49
Kilosoh sorry18:49
Kilosi missread that18:49
somaunnhi nuvolari19:01
somaunnhi charl19:02
somaunnKilos: wich live cd did u use for that operation ?19:11
Kilosive tried all the ubuntus from 9.10 to 13.1019:12
Kilosnext will be xfce19:13
smileKilos: Xfce is great :D19:15
smileBut please don't use Xubuntu :p19:15
smileit implementation sucks :p19:15
somaunnKilos: give a try to gparted and see what will be the result19:16
smileinstead, use Linux Mint Xfce :p19:16
Kilostrying xubuntu now there19:16
somaunni've got similar issues when i tried to fix/recover certain hdd 19:16
Kilossomaunn, do you use the recovery tools19:16
somaunnmy ubuntu was just useless or get slow or even get stuck somewhere in the beginning19:16
Kilostestdisk scalpel and foremost19:17
Kilos12.04 runs well even on my single core p419:17
somaunnyes i do, i sometime use recovery tools but only for peoples who struggle with win19:17
somaunnyes i know a bit about testdisk, not scalpel, not foremost19:18
somaunnKilos: yes i know it runs well but you when it to certain operations on hdd i found my ubuntu/fedora wasn't help so much19:18
Kilosyou run testdisk then foremost and foremost fills in what testdisk missed19:18
somaunnso what i did is; i gave a chance to other distro oriented to hdd only then it works quite well19:19
smilebye :)19:19
Kilosbye smile19:20
smilegood night19:20
somaunni have 3 distro i'm using for that kind of jog: TRK3 (trinity rescue kit); Gparted, HirenBootCD 19:20
somaunnthey are just good enough19:20
Kilosi use gparted and have a rescue cd but havent tried it19:21
Kilosother one i dont know19:21
Kilosi see now what xp has done here19:23
somaunnjust give it a try 19:23
Kilosits used sda2 for booting19:23
somaunnit may help with your problematic hdd19:23
Kilossda1 must have probs in19:23
Kilosis it free somaunn ?19:24
somaunnyes sure it's free 19:24
somaunni don't go nonfree tools19:25
Kiloswhich one is best there19:25
somaunni use opensource to help other19:25
somaunnbut also for my personal day to day job19:25
Kilosgparted i have19:25
somaunngive a try to hirenbootcd19:25
Kilosi also have ubcd19:25
somaunnfrom what i've read on the internet, gparted is no more free19:26
Kilosthats good but you gotta learn it first19:26
somaunnif you want a free version then you only get the older one19:26
Kilosi have gparted in all ubuntu cds19:26
Kilosubuntu comes with it on the live cd/dvd19:26
somaunnlearn what hirenbootcd ? or opensource ?19:26
Kilosultimate boot cd19:27
Kilosgot many tools19:27
somaunnis ubcd a linux based tool ?19:28
Kilosmust be19:29
Kilosit does nearly everything19:30
Kilosother good tools are supergrub disk19:30
Kiloscan use it to fix mbrs or boot into windowws or linux drives that cant boot19:30
somaunnlong i used ubcd but was running a sort of win Env.19:31
Kilosi think whats wrong with this drive is the boot sector is corrupt but xp boots from a second partition on its own19:33
Kilosi need a tool to move the boot sector so linux doesnt look for it in sda119:34
somaunnKilos: what brand is the hdd19:39
Kilossamsung hd204ui19:39
Kilosthere has been lotsa probs with them i see online19:40
Kilosused to give i/o error all the time but at least now i can do stuff on it19:40
Kiloswas super dead19:41
somaunnthen use it as a time to time hdd then 19:41
somaunnyou know what it all about so why u suffer trying to resurect it19:41
Kilosi wont to get ubuntu on it and work it hard to see if it crasjes or where i can use say 1.5 TB and keep it stable19:42
Kilosim old and unemployed so its my hobby to fix broken things19:42
somaunnKilos: Okay i see, you want to see deep truth about that hdd19:42
somaunnKilos: you are not old for me, your knowledge compensate the rest19:43
Kilosno man19:43
somaunngive a try to fedora; just to see if it works 19:43
Kilosim 62 and only started learning about pcs about 6 years ago19:43
SilverCodeKilos: HDD issues?19:43
somaunnif it works then you know something new if not then you something new too19:44
Kilosthe guys on this channel have helped me fro  total stupid noob19:44
somaunnKilos: you are a rock star 19:44
somaunni'm 29 and still struggling with linux when you teach me a lot19:45
KilosSilverCode, im trying to resurect a discarded 2tb so i got a bigger drive19:45
Kilosno man somaunn i point you to the right guys thats all19:45
Kilosim the greeter bot here19:45
somaunni did PC/network/security courses and worked for years but still i feel like i know nothing 19:45
SilverCodeKilos: most important thing I learnt recently about hard drives ... smartctl19:46
somaunnSilverCode: thank, Kilos you see we all missed that19:46
Kilossmart dont even wanna look at it. it says trash it19:46
somaunnKilos: do a smartclt19:46
Kilosso ive disabled smart19:46
SilverCodethen trash it :)19:46
Kiloslol no man i cant afford to trash 2TB. ill try save 1.5tb19:47
SilverCodesmartctl usually tells you that the drive is failing mechanically19:47
SilverCodeso while you may be able to keep it alive for a short time, it will die sooner or later19:48
SilverCodeit isn't like bad sectors19:48
Kilosmy main 500g drive i use also was trash according to smart but i installed xp on the first 20g and then ubuntu and its been running nearly a year i think19:48
SilverCodethat you mark as duds and carry on ... smartctl talks to the firmware on the drive controller which will say if it can or can't reliably save information19:49
Kilosall ubuntu wants is a stable boot sector19:49
somaunnKilos: then do a backup of of what you have there and make ready19:49
Kilosi have backups somaunn 19:49
somaunni personally never trust hdd not passing smartctl check19:50
Kiloswell if i get it going then we see how long it lasts19:50
somaunnKilos: i admire you19:51
Kilosaw ty. its fun playing with stuff other peeps throw away19:51
somaunnmy project for this year is to setup a Server at my place and make it workk like companies server runs19:52
SilverCodesomaunn: heh, hopefully not how most companies servers run :)19:53
somaunnevething i mean 19:53
Kiloslol i setup a ubuntu server here but didnt know what to do with it19:53
Kilosnow that drive is running kubuntu19:53
somaunnthat's my project and to do so i choosed Redhat as my main distro on both desktop and server19:54
somaunnSilverCode: can't get you (remember i'm a french guys)19:54
somaunnsome sentences in very deep english are just mystery for me19:55
SilverCodesomaunn: completely understand19:55
SilverCode* I19:55
SilverCodebest way to learn about server admin though is to set up a media server19:56
somaunna media server ?19:56
SilverCodeteaches firewall rules, port forwarding, cron jobs, scripting19:56
somaunntell me more SilverCode19:57
SilverCodesomaunn: for instance, I have a media server plugged into my TV that automatically checks for new TV shows that I specify, townloads them via torrents, renames the files and places them in my XBMC folder and sends me an email saying I have a new episode of X to watch19:58
SilverCodethat server then runs XBMC19:58
SilverCodeit also allows me to browse youtube on my tablet on then play it on the TV19:59
SilverCodeor connect to it remotely and ask it to download something19:59
SilverCodeand should my phone ring while I'm watching TV, it pauses the TV and tell me there is an incoming phonecall from X20:00
somaunnSilverCode: that's fun20:00
SilverCodesomaunn: indeed20:00
SilverCodesomaunn: and well worth the effort .. mostly because you learn so much while doing it20:00
somaunnnext year maybe, i wish i will impress my wife and my kids with 20:01
Kilosok guys. bed time for me. sleep tight20:01
Kilossee youall tomorrow20:02
SilverCodenight Kilos 20:02
SilverCodesomaunn: the easy route is to look into Sickbeard20:02
somaunnthis year i've targeted to become an RHCE and develop couples of things in my country arround opensource20:03
somaunnSickbeard ? what's that again SilverCode you got to tell me more about20:03
SilverCodesomaunn: what things are you thinking about developing?20:03
somaunnok ! first of all increase my linux skills and knowledges20:04
SilverCodeSickbeard does abour 90% of what I just described, but using news serves instead of torrents :)20:04
somaunnsecondly create (actually re create) the LUG of my town (we don't have one official LUG here)20:05
SilverCodesomaunn: where you from?20:05
somaunnthat's why i want to increase in capacities and knowledges 20:06
somaunncuz i know you can't take where never been before20:06
somaunnCongo Brazzaville 20:07
somaunni'm even currently there20:07
SilverCodelooking at Google Maps, you look like you are living near some really scenary20:09
somaunnreally ?20:11
magespawnHey all, been lurking a bit20:11
somaunnhi magespawn20:12
magespawnHi somaunn20:12
SilverCodesomaunn: well, yeah, you have that massive delta to your right20:12
magespawnhi Silvercode20:12
SilverCodehi magespawn 20:12
magespawnWhat phone are you using?20:13
SilverCodeme? Gaalxy SII20:13
somaunnan iPhone 4s + ZTE Skate20:13
somaunnfor me20:13
magespawnSo that trick with the tv, are they on a network together ?20:14
somaunni guess SilverCode runs a sort of in house wifi network20:14
SilverCodeyeah ... using Yatse20:15
magespawnDon't know that20:15
* magespawn goes to google20:15
SilverCodemagespawn: very good paid for XBMC remote20:15
SilverCodewell worth the money20:15
magespawnI see20:15
SilverCodesomaunn: yes, I have most of my electronics connected up via Wifi20:16
SilverCodeto my home network20:16
somaunnyeah that's great 20:17
somaunni actually do that tough i'm sitting into parents house since close a year20:18
somaunni wish i will do that when go stay at my place20:18
=== mage2 is now known as ghosttsessebehou
somaunnbut SilverCode i'm learning a lot 20:21
=== ghosttsessebehou is now known as magespawn
magespawnRight now20:22
magespawnSilvercode  how does that compare to mediguntu?20:22
magespawnGood night all20:25
somaunnnight all20:32
somaunnhave to leave now20:32

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