
glitsj16MouseTheLuckyDog: you'll need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list for that, inside the file you'll need to uncomment the lines starting with deb-src .. after editing, run a 'sudo apt-get update' and from than on you can use the build-dep feature00:01
millertiWhat group do I need to add a user to to enable access to KVM?  I tried the kvm group, but that doesn't work.00:06
Ubuntu1having a problem with java, it is not installing correctly, how do I install in terminal? software center not working00:07
rwwUbuntu1: sudo apt-get install default-jre00:08
Ubuntu1rww: thanks00:09
quidnuncdefault-jdk if you want to do development00:09
glitsj16millerti: did you relogin after adding to the kvm group?00:10
millertiglitsj16: Well, eventually.  I quit the screen in gnu screen and created another one, but that's not good enough.  I had to log all the way out completely.00:10
glitsj16millerti: might also be the libvirtd group you need, not sure00:11
millertiNow I'm having issues with connecting to vnc.  :)00:11
glitsj16typical :)00:12
glitsj16https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation confirms it should be the libvirtd group00:14
millertiglitsj16: Is it a bug that installing qemu didn't add a libvrtd group?  Also, it's working with no warnings of fallback now that I'm in the kvm group.  Is that an alias?00:15
computerkid9_can someone help me with ubuntu 12.0400:17
SchrodingersScat!anyone | computerkid9_00:17
ubottucomputerkid9_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:17
glitsj16millerti: never used qemu, it probably only creates the libvirtd group without adding users to it, that's up to the sysadmin i would think00:17
computerkid9_my question does not start with that ubottu00:18
daftykinscomputerkid9_: stop getting smart and ask your question00:19
computerkid9_Does anyone know if they can help me with ubuntu 12.0400:20
glitsj16millerti: you could check what the qemu install did by looking at the relevant files in /var/lib/dpkg/info .. like the preinst and postinst files00:20
computerkid9_i use ultimate 3.4 which is based-off ubuntu 12.04 lts so i can get support here00:20
millertiglitsj16: addgroup --quiet --system kvm00:21
computerkid9_u guys are wierd00:21
millertiWhat was that all about?00:21
millertiI had to do VNC through an ssh tunnel.  Sheesh.00:22
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glitsj16millerti: documentation could be outdated, but i can't tell sorry, try adding your user to the libvirtd group to test i'd say00:23
millertiglitsj16: This is on 12.04 LTS, so the software could be out of date.  :)00:23
glitsj16millerti: indeed00:23
Guest23510hola a todos00:24
millertiSo, I was nervous about putting 14.04 on the hardware, so I'm installing it in a VM.  Just for fun.00:24
Guest23510necesito ayuda00:24
=== thell is now known as Guest595
glitsj16millerti: good idea with development still going on00:25
millertiWhat filesystem does that use by default?00:25
glitsj16!es | guest2351000:25
ubottuguest23510: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:25
Guest23510someone who speaks Spanish00:26
k1lGuest23510: see the bots message00:27
KLVTZMasa Menos xD00:27
glitsj16millerti: 14.04 ? still ext4 i assume, #ubuntu+1 to make sure, i plan to do a 14.04 test next week when raring gets eol00:27
millertiglitsj16: I'm surprised they're not going with btrfs.00:27
millertiSome other distros are doing that.00:27
millertiMind you, btrfs still needs some tools.00:28
sikHow do I force Ubuntu to use the VESA drivers instead of OpenChrome? I managed to get it to the login screen, but after login it outright hangs :|00:28
glitsj16millerti: i suspect that they won't go there yet for an LTS release00:28
millertiAh, makes sense.00:28
Guest23510he idea is to interact with users from other countries with different languages00:28
millertibtrfs is one of those "really important" projects that isn't getting enough help.00:28
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millertiHmmm.... 14.04 is trusty, right?00:30
millertiThe installer says i'm installing 13.10.00:30
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millertiBut the iso has 'trusty' in the name.00:30
millertiMinor oversight?00:30
daftykinswhere did you get it?00:30
k1lmillerti: 1404 is still not release so please ask in #ubuntu+100:30
rwwmillerti: testing builds of Ubuntu tend to not have version information 100% accurate, since it's done close to release (in case the release date slips)00:32
millertiMakes sense.00:32
millertiFor a second there, I thought I'd downloaded the wrong thing.  :)00:32
Miesco_Hi which kernel does ubuntu use?00:37
ulkeshMiesco_: uname -r   or   uname -a  in terminal and you can see which one you're running00:37
Miesco_ulkesh: I dont have ubuntu00:37
k1l!info linux-image00:38
ulkeshMiesco_: then it will depend on which release of Ubuntu as to which kernel was shipped with it, and it can change post-apt-get upgrade00:38
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB00:38
sikUpgrading to 13.10 made it impossible to log in the graphic shell anymore because OpenChrome doesn't support my chip, is there any way to get Ubuntu working again? (and that doesn't involve reinstalling the entire thing please) I'm starting to get tired of asking00:46
josePHPagodaI'm looking at getting a home NAS for use as a backup destination for the desktops and laptops.  I'm wondering if deja-dup is smart enough to deal with my laptop not being in the office when a backup is meant to run00:50
josePHPagodaI'm wondering how it will handle that and such00:50
insmusic114does ubuntu use 3.13?00:51
rww!info linux-image-generic00:52
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 2 kB, installed size 33 kB00:52
chrohow can I create a new folder, using unity, when I'm viewing items as list00:53
k1lchro: click on the settings button in nautilus and chose new folder?00:54
chrok1l, oh cool00:54
=== dominic_ is now known as mihdih
jjgalvez__I still have "tracker" installed on my system (13.10) its not really used anymore is it? should I or can I remove it?01:04
zapsodaIs there a way to know if somthing is still installing or I got disconnected from SSH? Besides pressing Cntrl+C/Z?01:05
josePHPagodact187: ?01:06
k1ljjgalvez__: isnt tracker used with nautilus and the unity scopes?01:07
josePHPagodact187: ?01:07
k1ljosePHPagoda: dont mind the trolls :)01:07
josePHPagodai found a good way to combat them is to just simply throw a question mark, there isn't a good trolly response to that01:08
josePHPagodaanyways, i'll talk w/ you all later!01:08
jjgalvez__k1l: not sure I thought they had migrated away from that technology, which is why I'm asking :)01:08
k1ljjgalvez__: its still used by gnome etc01:10
jjgalvez__k1l: thanks for the info good to know I'll leave it be then01:10
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k1l!away > gbyers[Away]01:12
ubottugbyers[Away], please see my private message01:12
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akuninRunning lucid on a appliance and trying to change the default gw by editing /etc/network/interfaces, but after a reboot my changes are reverted. What am I missing? Something to do with this aufs thing that I have no clue about?01:15
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k1lakunin: on virtual servers some of that settings are set by the host01:17
akunink1l: Cheers. Not sure if that thing runs a virtual server. How would I go about making changes to the host?01:21
ramborocksim wondering if theres a way to get aramok to transcode flac to mp301:29
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ramborocksany idea how i can hide 'login / logout status of people in the room01:33
ramborocksim using xchat01:33
k1lramborocks: right click on the channelname in the tab, then settings, hide ....01:34
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NictraSaviosHello, I can't seem to get VMware WS 10 working on Ubuntu 13.10,  the patches I found here do not work http://askubuntu.com/questions/372391/ubuntu-13-10-install-vmware-9-0. The only problem is that the Virtual machine communication interface failes to start, which causes VMWare WS to fail out with error 7 due to a missing module, vmci (Modinfo vmci returns http://paste.ubuntu.com/6783482/)01:36
Ben64!vmware | NictraSavios01:37
ubottuNictraSavios: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware01:37
NictraSaviosAlso, modprobe vmci returns ERROR: could not insert 'vmci': Exec format error.01:37
ramborocksby chance can i disable join and stuff for all channels when i log in?01:40
ramborocksor does it save the 'hide option ' automaticly?01:40
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NictraSaviosBen64, None of the instructions on those pages fixed the errors.01:40
GeorgeJonesHey all! I'm having trouble installing ubuntu12.04.3 on my computer. After the grub, it goes to a blank screen.01:41
Ben64NictraSavios: did you notice the part where the bot says "VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives."01:41
k1l!nomodeset | GeorgeJones01:41
ubottuGeorgeJones: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:41
NictraSaviosBen64, Yes I did, Neither of those alternatives allow for seperate window management.01:41
GeorgeJonesthanks K1l: & ubottu:!!01:42
NictraSaviosBen64 In "unity" mode I mean, neither allow you to manage guest windows as seperate windows.01:43
Ben64NictraSavios: not sure what you mean by that, but we can't really support vmware issues here. its not an official package, you should see if vmware has support for it01:43
NictraSaviosBen64, Alright, thank you.01:43
Bashing-omGeorgeJones: also: Often a graphics driver issue: try "nomodeset"-> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313201:43
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GeorgeJonesthanks Bashing-om:!01:45
AndroidLoverInSFis there a good video editor for ubuntu. i use openshot fairly easy to use but seems slow. and sometimes not stable. on a thinkpad w520. i edited a video on a macbook pro 2013 and it was fast 4x faster. i love linux but i may think about getting a mac to get some native apps that can take advantage of the hardware.01:45
AndroidLoverInSFof course my w520 is much older, but 4x difference is pretty big01:46
terrasapienis there a cli command to display screen resolution?01:50
Ben64terrasapien: xrandr01:53
terrasapienBen64, nice one, thanks01:53
KLVTZWhat's the command or plugin that allows me to search files in vim live as I type a file name? For example: http://i.imgur.com/XMZYziM.png01:58
KLVTZi would ask in #vim but i can't post for some reason?01:58
Ben64you may need to be registered to talk there01:59
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rwwubottu: register02:02
ubottuError: That operation cannot be done in a channel.02:02
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:02
AndroidLoverInSFis there a good alternative to virtualbox for virtualization desktop? like running lightroom, etc on ubuntu?  it seems vmware is unreliable, and virtualbox is slow02:02
AndroidLoverInSFmaybe the xen or that other one, is too hard to use, or poor graphics UI wise? anyone using xen or the other one?02:03
Ben64virtualbox is only slow if your computer is slow02:03
quidnuncKLVTZ: command-t02:03
Wh1teBoi77any way to get wow 3/3/5a on Linux Lite02:04
quidnuncKLVTZ: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1317117/ido-mode-filenames-for-vim02:04
NictraSaviosVirtualbox isn't slow... its just annoying.02:04
rwwWh1teBoi77: what is "wow 3/3/5a", and what is "Linux Lite"02:04
k1lWh1teBoi77: linux lite is not supported here02:05
Ben64rww: linux lite is a linux distro, not sure if its based on ubuntu or not02:05
rwwah. #linuxlite, I guess02:05
Ben64they have a channel here for support --- #linuxlite02:05
k1lnope, its redhat stuff02:06
rwwmanual says Ubuntu derivative02:06
rwwregardless, not supported here02:06
KLVTZquidnunc: it's not CtrlP?02:07
k1lahh, i had "linpus linux lite" in my mind.02:08
KLVTZquidnunc: actually, its ControlP02:09
KLVTZquidnunc: right next to number 202:09
KLVTZon the pic02:09
quidnuncKLVTZ: There are several fuzzy completion plugins for Vim. Maybe http://kien.github.com/ctrlp.vim is the one depicted in your image02:10
sacrelicioushey guys linux newb here,02:13
sacrelicioushow do i add more space to my linux partition using gparted?02:14
sacreliciousalso, how do i delete my trash from the terminal?02:14
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=== james_ is now known as Guest57507
loostrohi, I created a dir under /home/tmp with 1777 chmod and root:root chown, then I removed /tmp and symlinked /tmp to /home/tmp + reboot02:20
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FreewheelinFrank# get device model02:21
FreewheelinFrankdetect_device() {02:21
FreewheelinFrank  echo "Connect device to install Ubuntu installer to."02:21
FreewheelinFrank  DEVICE=$(adb wait-for-device shell getprop ro.product.device)02:21
FreewheelinFrank  CM_DEVICE=$(adb wait-for-device shell getprop ro.cm.device)02:21
FloodBot1FreewheelinFrank: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:21
loostrosystem works fine, i have more space in temp, but mysql fails to start with error "Can't read/write /tmp"02:21
FreewheelinFranksorry, is this correct?02:21
loostrowhy does mysql fail to write to /tmp symlink to 1777 dir? it should be readable/writeable to everyone02:22
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quidnuncloostro: I don't know but you probably want a bind-mount and not a symlink02:25
loostroquidnunc, i cannot create another partition, i reached the limit02:28
quidnuncloostro: http://docs.1h.com/Bind_mounts <---- There is an example of mounting tmp to another directory02:28
quidnuncloostro: You don't need another partition02:28
loostroso i remove the /tmp symlink02:29
loostroand create a bind-mount, right?02:29
quidnuncloostro: yes02:29
quidnuncloostro: Add it to your fstab02:29
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loostroquidnunc: ok, i succefully mounted and i see the contents of ls /tmp and ls /home/tmp are the same02:32
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quidnuncloostro: Now add it to fstab and you shouldn't have any problems with mysql or any other application02:33
loostroyes, im looking for a tutorial on that :)02:33
loostrothis is my 1 year in linux, and about 3rd time i need to use fstab :P02:34
loostrostill dont remember how it works :P02:34
quidnuncloostro: Just a sec I'll find something02:34
Aprelwhat is the package responisble for the window titles? For ex., when you open a terminal, the window title displays "Terminal". Compiz? lightdm?02:35
quidnuncAprel: What do you want to do?02:35
Aprelquidnunc: report a bug02:35
Aprelquidnunc: if you open a gnome-terminal or xterm, then ssh into a server, then exit, the window title still syas "user@server" in 13.10.02:36
quidnuncAprel: I think it is the window manager (sawfish for gnome). I would report it against the desktop manager though (gnome).02:36
quidnuncloostro: http://superuser.com/questions/306407/why-bind-mount-var-tmp-to-tmp02:37
loostrothx alot man! you're my hero of the day:)02:37
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dgiaffeSo I installed Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS and when I rebooted, I only had a blinking cursor.. What could cause it? I have an Intel i3, 16Gb RAM with a 500Gb SATA drive02:38
quidnuncloostro: You should probably remove the noexec (prevents executables from running in tmp) and nosuid (prevents substitute user) options02:39
quidnuncloostro: you're welcome02:39
karllllll_dgiaffe,  partition not active02:39
Aprelquidnunc: k, I'll report it against gnome in launchpad. Thanks.02:39
dgiaffehow can it be done? some kind of command line i assume?02:40
karllllll_aprel it's prbably gnome-terminal02:40
Aprelkarllllll_: no because I tried in gnome-terminal and xterm and see the same behavior.02:41
ramborocksstupid question02:41
ramborocksbut my clock isnt showing anymore in the ubuntu display02:41
Aprelkarllllll_: which I was surprised because I figured every program managed its own windows. Unless gnome-terminal and xterm share code...?02:42
sleepie^^I need to remove gnome-shell and install unity from recovery shell prompt but I cannot because it is mounted read only!! What do I do?02:44
quidnuncsleepie^^: remount rw?02:44
ramborocksany tips to get the clock to show back up?02:45
quidnuncsleepie^^: But why do it from a recovery shell?02:45
sleepie^^Can't use umount, for some reason, gives me an error that it's due to mounted r02:45
sleepie^^guidnunc, strange thing with gnome-shell, I cannot do anything with it, just a black screen.02:45
quidnuncsleepie^^: Do you know the difference between gnome-shell and a terminal?02:46
Aprelsleepie^^: really? You can't do `umount /` ?02:46
sleepie^^quidnunc: Not sure, I did umount /dev/sda102:46
quidnuncAprel: Of course you can't umount root02:46
sleepie^^quidnunc: I will try that hold on.02:47
quidnuncmount -o remount,rw /02:47
quidnuncsleepie^^: Try what?02:47
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Aprelha, I figured you could. Never had to, tho02:47
sleepie^^umount with your syntax02:47
quidnuncI didn't say to unmount, I said you could remount, if that's really what you want to do.02:48
sleepie^^It says unable to open tty102:48
quidnuncBut I think you are confused about what your problem is02:48
quidnuncsleepie^^: Nothing to do with gnome-shell02:49
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quidnuncsleepie^^: What were you doing before the problem occurred?02:49
sleepie^^quidnunc: I know that, this is a process to try to get a working WM.02:49
sleepie^^quidnunc: Nothing related to breaking half of gnome-shell, It just went haywire it's an error or some kind02:50
quidnuncsleepie^^: I doubt it spontaneously went haywire.02:50
sleepie^^quidnunc: What I need is a working WM installed, that will load by default, because gnome-shell is not functinoal.02:50
ethermonkgetting a permission denied error. any ideas? http://pastebin.com/gfpmWGbL02:51
quidnuncethermonk: What are the permissions on /var/lib/php5?02:52
sleepie^^quidnunc: What is the exact command that in recovery prompt should remount as not read only, so that I can install unity?02:52
quidnuncsleepie^^: What does "mount" say?02:53
sleepie^^already mounted on boot/efi02:53
quidnuncsleepie^^: Just "mount"02:53
ubunity/dev/sda4 on /media/user/Documents ?02:53
quidnuncThe output of just "mount"02:54
karllllll_aprel this is how it's done in ubuntu i believe http://serverfault.com/questions/69312/automatically-change-the-gnome-terminal-title-for-the-window02:54
sleepie^^warning: /etc/mtab is not writable02:54
quidnuncsleepie^^: That's it?02:55
sleepie^^No, then it goes on to explain how it is possible that information reported by mount is not up to date02:55
quidnuncsleepie^^: Is your root partition mounted?02:55
sleepie^^quidnunc: Yes and I'm logged into it.02:56
quidnuncsleepie^^: Just paste the output to a pastebin02:56
sleepie^^I can't the laptop has no WM and is offline.02:56
quidnuncsleepie^^: What is your root partition and where is currently mounted *as reported by mount*02:56
sleepie^^I just need to install a WM, and have it set to default.02:56
quidnuncsleepie^^: Yes, so we need to mount your root partition rw but I don't know where it is mounted until you tell me02:57
quidnuncor its device name02:57
sleepie^^Root partition is /dev/sda1 and is mounted  on /boot/efi type vfat (rw)02:57
sleepie^^I says rw, strange. It's not right.02:58
ethermonkquidnunc,  rw-w-w02:58
quidnuncethermonk: Who owns the directory?03:00
sleepie^^Are we giving up?03:01
quidnuncethermonk: And what UID is the process?03:01
quidnuncsleepie^^: No, just difficult to have multiple conversations03:01
quidnuncsleepie^^: try "sudo mount -o remount,rw /boot/efi"03:02
quidnuncor "sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1 /boot/efi"03:02
quidnuncbut something is fishy. Is your root partition FAT?03:02
Aprelsorry, damn Putty has a bad copy-and-paste interface.03:03
quidnuncethermonk: You can "sudo chmod a+r /var/lib/php5/" but I'm not sure if that directory is safe to have world readable03:03
Aprelkarllllll_: thanks for the link.03:03
ramborocksim using the organize files in amarok03:04
ramborocksshould i worry about it deleting my files?03:04
jn_so, Unix is a kernel?03:05
ramborocksim doing alot of music but its already started. I see in the main folder it created new folders but so far it looks like they are all empty03:06
cfhowlettjn_, see the "unix" entry on wikipedia03:06
eigma[precise 12.04.3] trying to troubleshoot Unity greeter's 'Shutdown' being broken. tracked it down to /usr/lib/indicator-session/gtk-logout-helper hitting a dbus AccessDenied when calling ConsoleKit Stop method. can reproduce using dbus-send. how do I troubleshoot from here?03:07
haneefmubarakAlright so I have a really odd bug.03:08
AprelSo that link suggests the bug may be in the default bashrc file. I'll take a look into that. But if the bug is in basrc, what would be the appropriate channel to report it?03:09
haneefmubarakWhen I access a large file, after a while, my memory usage will start to jump, and activity on the other cores will hit 100%.03:10
jn_is a compiler for C lang... and Linus has make the kernel, right?03:10
haneefmubarakIt doesn't matter whther I use cat or dd or pv or whathaveyou, the mem use just increaases.03:10
neworder24HI guys03:10
Aprelhaneefmubarak: what program are you using to access the file? And what kind of file is it? Binary? Text?03:10
haneefmubarakI thoguht it might be caching, but when I echo 3 to drop_caches nothing happens, in fact, the memory usage increases03:11
neworder24I was wondering why there are 2 desktop folders in ubuntu03:11
ethermonkjn_,  might want to bring this to #ubuntu-offtopic03:11
neworder24Shouldn't there be only one?03:11
haneefmubarakAprel: its a tarfile03:11
jn_ok sorry guys :D03:11
haneefmubaraklooking through the process list with htop and top doesn't reveal any processes with high memory usage, slabtop doesn't say anything bad either03:12
neworder24Someone kindly explain =)03:13
neworder24Why are there 2 folders03:13
neworder24Why are there 2 Desktop folders in Home folder03:13
Aprelneworder24: maybe you upgraded from a previous version of ubuntu, and the new install added another...03:13
haneefmubarakwhent eh memory usage gets near 100%, it starts swapping or the OOM killer killes a few apps03:14
haneefmubarakif the OOM killer comes up, magically the problem also goes away and memory goes back to normal03:14
haneefmubarakif it swaps the system renders too slow to use, to the point where it doesn't even respond to USB anymore even for SysRq03:15
neworder24Hmm, I think I created it probably03:15
haneefmubarakany ideas on what it could be? anyone?03:15
neworder24gonna delete it03:15
neworder24Yup, I'm the one who created it :P03:16
haneefmubarakAprel: any ideas at all?03:16
anth0nydunnim having trouble with ubuntu 12.04: when I go to shutdown my pc stops at the splash loading screen and will not shutdown no matter how long I sit there. I have to hard boot it. Can someone please help me fix this?03:17
Aprelanth0nydunn: what happens if you do `sudo shutdown -h now` instead?03:18
anth0nydunni have not tried i will try and be back03:18
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Aprelhaneefmubarak: well I thught at first you were trying to load in into a text editor or something...but the terminal should free memory as it ofills past its max size.....03:19
quidnunchaneefmubarak: How old is your disk? Any messages in dmesg?03:19
haneefmubarakmy disks are new03:19
haneefmubaraknothing that seems to relate to memory use03:19
haneefmubarak(relatively new, theyve been going for two years now in RAID0)03:20
quidnunchaneefmubarak: Run a quick smart check with gsmartcontrol03:21
haneefmubarakAprel: I get the feeling the people who wrote dd and cat have a decent idea on what they're doing, aha :D (also, tehy both stay below 500M memory usage)03:21
quidnuncI had a similar problem, my disks were bad03:21
haneefmubarakcan't check smart -- my RAID0 controller is opaque03:21
Aprelhaneefmubarak: Does RAID use memory while it reads/writes to both disks...?03:22
haneefmubarakno, its built onto the MB (Marvell RAID SATA controller)03:22
haneefmubarakthe kernel sees it as one disk03:22
quidnunchaneefmubarak: What about dmesg messages relating to *disk or raid* errors?03:22
haneefmubarakiotop says reads and writes are fine03:23
=== The_Alpha_Omega is now known as GeorgeJones
haneefmubarakdmesg doesn't have anything listed past boot03:23
haneefmubarakI ahve 32 GB of hard memory03:23
quidnunchaneefmubarak: Other files of same size work fine?03:24
anth0nydunnAprel  I tried the shutdown command and recieved the same results03:24
Aprelanth0nydunn: whne you ran shutdown, it prints stuff to the terminal. What was the last thinkg it printed before it shalled?03:24
haneefmubarakbasically issues with anything past 100GB03:24
haneefmubarakafter I add up all of the resident memory + all of the caches, I have ~ 24 GB of unaccounted used memory03:25
anth0nydunni didnt see really wasnt paying attention <- dumb move03:27
quidnunchaneefmubarak: I don't know, I suspect a problem with interaction with the RAID. Try posting to serverfault03:27
anth0nydunnbut i hit F8 and saw that i had two failed items03:27
leblaaancWhat's easiest, backport rsync 3.10 from trusty or just compile it on my own?03:27
quidnunchaneefmubarak: What is the model of your raid controller03:27
haneefmubarakthe kernel sees it as a single drive03:28
haneefmubarakfrom lspci03:28
haneefmubarak0b:00.0 SATA controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9128 PCIe SATA 6 Gb/s RAID controller with HyperDuo (rev 11)03:28
quidnunchaneefmubarak: Yeah but it might act in a way the kernel doesn't expect03:28
ajbrandt1anyone use GNOME 3 in lieu of Unity?03:28
haneefmubarakquidnunc: the kernel is using the standard AHCI interface as far as I can tell03:29
quidnuncleblaaanc: backporting can be painful03:29
quidnuncespecially if there are dependencies03:29
quidnunccheckinstall is quick03:29
leblaaancquidnunc: what am I looking for?03:30
haneefmubarakajbrandt1: I do.03:30
Aprelhaneefmubarak: what does `ps aux` say what processes are using the moemory? If it doesn't add up, then maybe it's something ubuntu can't see, like quidnunc suggested the raid driver.03:30
leblaaancquidnunc: if I just want to install http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/rsync03:31
quidnuncleblaaanc: What is the question?03:31
Ben64leblaaanc: i'd suggest waiting for 14.04 to be released and upgrade to it. installing packages not for your version could cause issues03:31
leblaaancnot really an option03:32
haneefmubarakAprel: sudo htop doesn't show anything with high mem  usage03:32
cfhowlettleblaaanc, so you're FORCED to install an alpha release?  ...03:32
leblaaancno I just want rsync 3.10+03:32
Aprelhaneefmubarak: then yeah, it's something the kernel usn't dealing with, possibly the RAID....03:33
haneefmubarakits been working for two years now03:33
Ben64leblaaanc: why? there are no major improvements03:33
AprelAlthough I've never heard of RAID interacting with mem like that, but otherwise the kernel would keep track of its own processes.03:33
leblaaancyes there's —info=progress2 which i want03:33
quidnunccfhowlett: This happens all the time and *every* time Ubuntu/Debian devs get adverserial and claim that no one could ever possibly want to have a newer upstream version03:34
Aprelhaneefmubarak: there's no way to get SMART through aRAID controller?03:34
leblaaancBen64: any more uneducated assumption you'd like to make??03:35
quidnunchaneefmubarak: You can disconnect the disks from the raid and check them03:35
haneefmubarakit appears to the OS as a single SATA drive03:35
cfhowlettquidnunc, not what I was saying, but yes.  I'm merely asking why we can't wait until release.  point taken03:35
quidnuncleblaaanc: Backporting is a nightmare. Moreso if you haven't done it before. Compile from source and use checkinstall03:35
Ben64leblaaanc: sorry, we cannot support non official packages here. feel free to do it on your own.03:35
haneefmubarakquidnunc: i cn't mount them w/o using the raid controller03:35
quidnunchaneefmubarak: You don't need to mount to do a smart check03:35
leblaaancquidnunc: gotcha03:35
haneefmubarakplus disconnecting them from raid causes the raid controller to lose the config, and all data is lost when that happens03:36
Aprelleblaaanc: I've compiled for ex the latest ffmpeg on ubuntu without problems. It helps if the source devs have a compilation guide for you, and if you've compiled things before, but if done right, you shouildn't face any rpoblems.03:37
quidnunccfhowlett: Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine how hard it is to get newer upstream versions in Debian/Ubunu (compared to say Arch) and how Ubuntu/Debian devs claim it isn't an issue (because users don't need it or it is too "unstable" or backporting isn't that hard)03:37
quidnunchaneefmubarak: Yeah, that doesn't sound good03:38
cfhowlettquidnunc, :)  pet peeve away.03:38
leblaaancAprel: good idea to remove the apt-get package first?03:38
quidnuncleblaaanc: There is "backportpackage" if you really want to do a backport03:38
anth0nydunnim having trouble with ubuntu 12.04: when I go to shutdown my pc stops at the splash loading screen and will not shutdown no matter how long I sit there. I have to hard boot it. Can someone please help me fix this?03:38
Aprelleblaaanc: yeah, sudo apt-get remove03:38
anth0nydunn i didnt see really wasnt paying attention <- dumb move03:39
anth0nydunn<anth0nydunn> but i hit F8 and saw that i had two failed items03:39
anth0nydunn<Aprel> it's okay. You can run it again and check. Whatever it stops at is probably your problem...but it's still weird because I thought ubuntu would kill any process that takes too long in shudown.03:39
anth0nydunn<anth0nydunn> ok brb03:39
anth0nydunn Tcl interface unloaded03:39
FloodBot1anth0nydunn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:39
anth0nydunn Python interface unloaded03:39
haneefmubarakanth0nydunn: BURNED03:39
quidnunchaneefmubarak: even if the computer is unpowered?03:39
haneefmubarakno its all good if the computer is powered off but i dont have any other computers that i can use to test it03:40
quidnuncyou don't have sata ports?03:40
=== hdevalence|away is now known as hdevalence
anth0nydunnim having trouble with ubuntu 12.04: when I go to shutdown my pc stops at the splash loading screen and will not shutdown no matter how long I sit there. I have to hard boot it. Can someone please help me fix this?03:41
haneefmubarakcan definitely say this doen't happen until the 100th or so GB is accessed from a file03:42
=== Guest57507 is now known as James0r
quidnunchaneefmubarak: I don't think you'll get help here (especially since it's realtime only). Try the kernel mailing list or maybe server fault03:43
haneefmubarakty for your help anyways, quidnunc and Aprel03:44
haneefmubarakwhile I'm here do you ahev the email for the mailing list?03:44
anth0nydunnim having trouble with ubuntu 12.04: when I go to shutdown my pc stops at the splash loading screen and will not shutdown no matter how long I sit there. I have to hard boot it. Can someone please help me fix this?03:44
quidnunchaneefmubarak: there is also dtrace and systemtap if you want to try and investigate yourself03:45
AndroidLoverInSFanybody have a w530?03:45
Aprelanth0nydunn: what were the last lines printed to the terminal in shutdown before it hangs?03:45
Ben64!anyone | AndroidLoverInSF03:45
ubottuAndroidLoverInSF: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:45
anth0nydunncould not write bytes: broken pipe03:46
AndroidLoverInSFhow long does it take to encode a 20min video using x264 codec into an mp4?03:46
anth0nydunnsaned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned03:46
cfhowlettAndroidLoverInSF, depends completely on your system specs.03:47
cfhowlettand the video itsel03:47
Aprelanth0nydunn: if you google the saned disbaled, the posts suggest it is a video-card -realted issue, but most people have it at startup, nbot shutdown.03:48
James0rAndroidLoverInSF: i've tested a small sample video on my system to test.03:48
=== rosh is now known as jhonny
jhonnyhey i installed ubuntu using wubi installer03:48
cfhowlettAndroidLoverInSF, I have a 10 minute 1080  that I merely wanted to rotate 90 degrees and encode a title in with ffmpeg.  After 8 hours, it was still running ...    I've got 4 gigs of ram03:48
cfhowlettjhonny, then you installed with a dead method03:49
jhonnyi want to know if there is any possibility if i can convert from ntfs partition to ext403:49
cfhowlettjhonny, wubi is no longer supported and should be not used.03:49
Ben64jhonny: nope. backup, format, put files back03:49
AndroidLoverInSFi mean just cutting sections, then rendering to mp4, 720p, 2MB/sec, x26403:49
cfhowlettjhonny, ^^^ and never, ever wubi again03:49
leblaaanchow can I make the "screen" terminal app show my bash colors?03:50
jhonnyno other options because i didnt have a usb/cd03:50
cfhowlettAndroidLoverInSF, as I said, depends on your system and the source video.03:50
cfhowlettjhonny, wrong.  virtualbox03:50
AprelAndroidLoverInSF: why not encode a small portion of the video and get an idea for the totla on your system?03:50
jhonnyI wanted to dualboot03:50
leblaaancooh nm found it03:51
cfhowlettjhonny, wubi,, even when alive, was for TESTING ubuntu, not for long term installations03:51
Apreljhonny: you can install over ethernet, if your _really_ desparate.03:52
jhonnycfhowlett: ok is there a way i can partitions now??03:52
jhonnyAprel how?03:52
anth0nydunnso is there nothing i can do?03:52
cfhowlettjhonny, can't speak for others, but I'm not about to help configure a piece of unsupported software, especially not wubi.  recommendation: install virtualbox in windows.  put ubuntu in a vbox.  enjoy your cheerios03:53
Apreljhonny: here's a start. Bear in mind intsalling over network is not for the faint of heart. It's easier to just buy a cheap pen drive: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot03:54
ramborocksim using ubuntu and love it03:55
ramborockslearned more from ubuntu than i ever did in windows03:55
Aprelanth0nydunn: search for those terminal linesonline and see what others have done. Thety more likely have devoted more time to this issue than any of us have experience with directly.03:56
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quidnunchaneefmubarak: linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org03:57
faulkmoreopps ignore last one03:58
jhonnycfhowlet, Aprel: after 4 years I got back to ubuntu... I wanted to use now as my MS couldn't handle the load....so VM is not an option though I would like to try that too03:59
cfhowletty no VM?03:59
Apreljhonny: You can still dualboot without wubi.04:00
cfhowlettprofligacy, completely offtopic and spammy.  stop04:02
profligacyworing channel04:02
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=== han_solo is now known as han_solo_
leblaaancis it common practice or is there a way to make your bash automatically invoke a "screen" ?04:06
Aprelleblaaanc: going out on a limb, but what if you add `screen` to the end of your bashrc?04:07
Sibi__Is there a way to automatically execute scripts when I login through virtual console ?04:09
MandalordSibi__: .bashrc04:09
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
andrew__1anyone have experience in running a VOIP system (elastix, freepbx) on a VM in Ubuntu server?04:10
leblaaancAprel: is that pretty common practice?04:10
Sibi__@Mandalord thanks.04:10
ubottuandrew__1,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server04:10
Aprelleblaaanc: haha, I doubt it, but neither is starting in screen. Does it work?04:11
=== han_solo_ is now known as I_am_not_han_sol
leblaaancbet I should do screen -r tho04:12
leblaaancoh shit haha i think it infinitely starts screen04:12
Aprelleblaaanc: good to know. Never thought about doing that before, but could be useful.04:13
Aprelleblaaanc: waht about `exit`? You're already in screen, so screen -r sjut takes you deeper....04:13
leblaaanchrm not sure exactly whats happening tbh04:13
leblaaancI think when you try to exit it runs screen -r again04:14
leblaaancwhich is actually kinda neat but might have some serious drawback04:14
Aprelleblaaanc: oh! You mean you want to always resume to the current screen,n ot start a new screen with each termminal...yeah, start a screen once, then use screen -r in .basrc to keep resuming to it.04:14
quidnunchaneefmubarak: Check /proc/meminfo to see where the memory is being lost to confirm it is a kernel leak04:15
leblaaancAprel: well i was trying to prevent the whole screen -r everytime i login04:15
leblaaanc(and indirectly ensure i'm always in screen so I don't lose my session)04:16
AprelAprel: ok, what if you open up scrren once, before altering bashrc, then detach, and then add screen -r YOUR_SCREEN_PROC to bashrc?04:16
leblaaancproblem with putting it in .bashrc is screen  runs .bashrc so I think you are always two levels deap04:16
I_am_not_han_solI have been trying to install the drivers for my brother dcp-7040 for hours, its a bit above my level, is this the right place?04:16
Aprelleblaaanc: ah, nm, you're right04:17
cfhowlettI_am_not_han_sol, it is.  details?04:17
ubottuI_am_not_han_sol,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:17
firefly2442what's the difference between the firmware listed here: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k_htc#Firmware    and kernel modules that are listed via "lsmod"?04:17
FreezingColdIf I package a program for Debian, is there anything I need to worry about for ubuntu users?04:17
ubottuFreezingCold,: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring04:18
rhetthey guys04:19
Aprelleblaaanc: I wonder if there is some environmental variable you can check like if [ ! IN_SCREEN ]; then screen -r; fi04:19
leblaaancyea hrm04:19
Aprelleblaaanc:  but at this point is doesn't seem like a good practice lol04:20
Psil0CybinHey guys everytime I boot into my system I get this message "The disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present" than eventually my system boots, What can I do to fix this? and make sure that my swap is encrypted?04:20
JerbotAfter installing Windows, is it possible to partition off some space and install Ubuntu on that separate partition?04:21
cfhowlettJerbot, yes.04:22
leblaaancAprel: i'll keep asking around, someone has bound to have done this04:22
cfhowlettJerbot, when you launch the ubuntu installer, select "install next to operating system (windows)" option04:22
JerbotFor general server usage, do you think 10 gigs is enough?04:22
JerbotI want to install 13.10, though.  Is that a mistake/04:23
terranb0yim new04:23
JerbotAlso, reading that for 64-bit installations, I shouldn't be using the win installer.04:23
terranb0ycan somebody help me04:23
terranb0yi had ubuntu 12.0404:24
cfhowlettJerbot, depends.  if you want long-term support, go with 12.04 and then get 14.04 in a few months.  if you want bleeding edge and you're prepared to deal with it every 9 months then go with 13.1004:24
ubottuterranb0y,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:24
cfhowlettJerbot, 10 gigs is plenty for the OS but data ...04:24
cfhowlett!server|Jerbot, also04:24
ubottuJerbot, also: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server04:24
I_am_not_han_solDoes anyone know how to set up the brother dcp 7040 drivers for ubuntu 13.10? They arent available in the gui in printer set up, and the instructions dont seem to work for me.04:24
terranb0ymy ubuntu allways send me a error massage04:25
cfhowlettterranb0y, crystal ball is in the repair shop so you'll have to actually TELL US THE MESSAGE!04:25
terranb0yjust moment04:26
terranb0yMassage; Sorry Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an interal error04:28
terranb0ywhich version of ubuntu you guys recc04:29
Aprelleblaaanc: got'chu, just modify this to always be in csreen, regardless of whether local or remote: http://techblog.conglomer.net/automatically-launch-linux-screen-command-plus-advanced-screen-configuration/#autolaunch04:29
leblaaancAprel: excellent find04:31
=== Pebbe|Away is now known as Pebbe
leblaaancAprel: only concerning thing is if you forget about how you've configured this, you'll probably end up with a squilion screens04:33
leblaaancwonder if you can make it always detach and reattach that one screen instead04:33
Aprelleblaaanc: lol, yeah, modify it carefully. But I think, as is, it forces one screen session, with SCR and RES vars.04:35
leblaaancAprel: i just noticed that, mine keeps thinking there isn't a screen session oddly04:35
Aprelleblaaanc: hm04:36
Aprelleblaaanc: did you kill all screen and revert bashrc to back before you started editing it (i.e. no other leftopver screen code)?04:36
leblaaancya and just dumped that in the end04:37
Aprelleblaaanc: did you remove the first if clause: if [ $SSH_TTY ] && [ ! $WINDOW ]; then04:38
Aprelleblaaanc: and the last fi?04:38
leblaaancno that code is jacked04:38
leblaaancif you run screen -ls | grep pts | sort -n | awk '{print $2}'  it doesn't return what that if statement needs04:38
Aprelleblaaanc: hm04:38
leblaaancneeds to be print $504:38
leblaaancRES is correct04:39
Aprelleblaaanc: how about now?04:39
Jerbotcfhowlett: Just planning on running a few small websites--like picture websites with maybe 10 hobbyist contributors.  Maybe ubuntu desktop 12 is fine, huh?  So, probably 10 gigs is fine, right?04:39
nfisherhi all! i have a little problem with my 2 soundcards here (1 onboard 1 PCI).. lspci lists my pci-card, but it is not available in alsamixer.. what do i do?04:41
AprelJerbot: depends on how complicated the websites are built, e.g. backed with sql, allow user-submitted content, etc.. 10GB including install? If I were you, I'd want to give myself some more room just in case.04:41
leblaaancAprel: ya works, dumps your other session out of screen if it's in it04:42
AndroidLoverInSFanyone can recommend an openshot alternative?04:42
Aprelleblaaanc: okay. ...and that's what you wanted, right?04:43
leblaaancAprel: we'll see haha, I think :)04:43
Aprelleblaaanc: lol, good luck :)04:43
cfhowlettJerbot, confused04:44
cfhowlettJerbot, are you running the server version or the desktop version?04:44
AprelAndroidLoverInSF: pitivi , it's been a little buggy in the past, but when it works, it's good.04:44
cfhowlettJerbot, as Aprel suggested: more /home !  the filesystem can be done with about 8 gigs but you don't want to skimp on the data storage so ...04:45
AndroidLoverInSFdo you like it better than openshot, is it faster and better with cpu?04:45
AndroidLoverInSFopenshot is easy to use. but seems like a cpu hog, maybe slow too not sure04:45
AndroidLoverInSFcan i use handbrake to cut segments from the video?04:46
AprelAndroidLoverInSF: tbh I couldn't even get openshot to work without dumping out. Pitivi is easy. It's not like kdenlive, which ius very buggy and not user firendly for video-editing newbies. I'm not a video editing expert at all, so I liked pitivi. It's close to Windows Movie Maker, that simple style.04:47
milamber AndroidLoverInSF: not really. handbrake is more for transcoding04:47
AprelAndroidLoverInSF: as far as cpu, if you select the right encoding options, you can get it to make full use of a multicore cpu, which is good.04:47
milamberAndroidLoverInSF: lots of people will say kdenlive, there is also cinelerra (which you have to compile from source), shotcut, flowblade, and blender04:48
AndroidLoverInSFyeah openshot seems to take a long time04:48
terranb0ywhy I can't compile "C" code on my ubuntu i already had installed gcc compiler04:49
AprelAndroidLoverInSF: do you need to do a lot of video editing? Or do yuo just need to,like, cut off x mins:secs from the start oor end, or break into equal sized segments?04:49
AndroidLoverInSFi just need to cut pieces, thats all simple04:50
cfhowlettAprel, I've done a bit of editing.  I'm used to openshot - a bit of a learning curve, but do able04:50
Aprelterranb0y: you can , but we can't help without an error message.04:50
AndroidLoverInSFbut need to see preview with sound as that makes it easier to place the cut points04:50
terranb0ythnx dude in next post i write error message04:50
nfishernobody any idea? its kind of urgent :/..04:50
Psil0CybinHey guys everytime I boot into my system I get this message "The disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present" than eventually my system boots, What can I do to fix this? and make sure that my swap is encrypted? ( I posted a few commands that I posted in the console, I think my problem is that swap is being linked to another partition or something) http://pastebin.com/jgkDx0Cc04:51
AprelAndroidLoverInSF: ffmpeg can cut segmnets _withoutr_ _transcoding_, so you use virtually no cpu at all.04:51
AndroidLoverInSFman ubuntu software center has an ancient version of pitivi 0.15.2 when 0.92 is the latest04:52
AndroidLoverInSFsounds awesome but no gui for ffmpeg, also how to preview with sound so i know where to place cuts04:52
milamberAndroidLoverInSF: try shotcut, you can run the latest version without compiling from your local install04:53
AprelAndroidLoverInSF: depends on how any cuts you have to do. If it's only a couple, you can preview in a video player, write down the times, and pass to ffmpeg, or write a script to help. But if you need to do this a lot, it might not be the best option.04:54
Aprelnfisher: mssed your first post.04:54
cfhowlettAndroidLoverInSF, also see avidemux04:54
leblaaancis it possible to make my samba shares use local auth instead of having to create smbusers ?04:54
Aprelleblaaanc: local auth meaning...?04:55
nfisherAprel, hi all! i have a little problem with my 2 soundcards here (1 onboard 1 PCI).. lspci lists my pci-card, but it is not available in alsamixer.. what do i do?04:55
leblaaancAprel: auth to the samba machine's users?04:55
AndroidLoverInSFthanks for all the options. i use to use avidemux on windows, was great for cutting without transcoding. great for getting small clips from big files. but prob want to transcode to 720p or something to save more space for bigger clips.04:55
AndroidLoverInSFthanks Aprel , cfhowlett i'll check those out04:56
Aprelnfisher: hm, I don't know, sorry. My wild guess would be alsamixer just can't access it over pci.04:57
Aprelleblaaanc: I know this is possible with ftp. Let me skim the dssmaba docs......04:58
terranb0yI try to compile simple code like this """#include <stdio.h> main () {printf("Hello World"\n);} error messesage is the next Test1.c; In function 'main': Test1.c:5:2: error: stray '\' in program, Test.c:5:24: error: expected  statement before ')' token04:58
Aprelterranb0y: That's a C error, not an ubuntu error.04:58
terranb0yi knoe04:58
terranb0yi know*04:58
Aprelterranb0y: put \n inside the """04:58
leblaaancwith smbclient can you test your creds for mounting a specific share?05:00
terranb0yi will try that write now05:00
terranb0ywhich protocol is for backtrack05:00
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (now end of life - see kali-linux)05:00
Aprelleblaaanc: is this what you want? : http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch09.html05:04
hiteshtrmy apache is unable to start on startup in ubuntu 13.10 and when i run service apache2 start command following error comes \n The apache2 configtest failed.\n Output of config test was: \n mkdir: cannot create directory '/var/run/apache2': Permission denied \n chown: changing ownership of '/var/lock/apache2.uVbKjZIeNg': Operation not permitted05:07
terranb0ycoud somebody tell me irc channel for backtrack05:07
Aprelleblaaanc: maybe not, you want to use your unix user ands password to acees the share, right? Looks like that pag especifies a way with a passwd file (redundantly), but not sure if it shows support for /etc/passwd05:07
Aprelhiteshtr: you're running `sudo service apache2 start` right?05:08
terranb0yi'm going afk05:08
hiteshtrAprel: when i use sudo their is no problem05:08
Aprelhiteshtr: you _have_ to use sudo.05:09
hiteshtrAprel: but why apache is not starting as service when i boot ubuntu automatically05:09
linuhi all i have weighngscal bluetooth device i would like to pair that with my pc and need to use  bluetooth spp to get data from weighing scale machine.i googled but i could not get enough idea,can you please help me05:10
_DenverJimCPU:intel(r) core(tm) i7-3630qm   @ 2.40ghz Memory:8078MB In-use:34% Display:1920X1080 Microsoft Windows 8 Professional Edition, 64-bit (build 9200) Uptime:00:06:22:38 client:ThrashIRC05:10
terranb0ybacktrack irc channel name???? somebody???? 'j/k e05:10
ubottuterranb0y,: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (now end of life - see kali-linux)05:11
terranb0yok tnx man05:11
Aprelhiteshtr: iirc, try `sudo update-rc.d apache2 default`05:13
Aprelhiteshtr: or `sudo update-rc.d /usr/local/apache--v2.4.6 default` or something like that05:13
leblaaancAprel: ya i gave up heh05:14
Aprellinu: does the PC running ubuntu you want to pair data with have bluetooth support in the hardware? ie.., branded as supporting bluetooth or you bought a bluetooth dongle fo it?05:15
leblaaancwhat's the best way to force all files be oug+rw on a mount OR samba share?05:15
Aprelleblaaanc: for the record, this is supported with ssh; I'm just not sure about samba.05:15
Aprelleblaaanc: umask05:16
leblaaancumask at mount or samba?05:16
leblaaancthis is interesting hah, samba reimplements all of the linux file system stuff it seems.05:16
AprelFor samb,a you can specify in your samba config in /etc. For anything else mountable, you can specify w mount -o umask=....05:17
Aprelleblaaanc: ^05:18
Aprelleblaaanc: I think your configuration specified on the server in the samba config file "trumps" any options the client has in the mount -o switch05:20
Aprelre umask05:20
linuAprel i bought a dongle for my pc which is Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode),i can use bluetooth spp between 2 ubuntu device using minicom but i realy want to transfer data between weighing scale to my pc.05:21
leblaaancright, it's really just a matter of preference I think, that is whether the local mount should have those mask params05:22
Aprellinu: so you're saying you've already got the bluetooth working on the ubuntu pc? Good, then you just have to have it discover the scale and pair it, then it should work from there. You may have to go into the ubuntu bluetooth setting and enable it to reciev files from the devoice.05:23
shrinethello admin05:25
AprelGoodnight all!05:26
leblaaancdoes mount cifs dir_mode and file_mode  only affect new files?05:26
leblaaanc(and dirs)05:27
linuAprel i just followed this doc http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/NLCP_Bluetooth_Command_Lines it follows the bluetooth with minicom to get spp data, on my pc side i can open   cat /dev/rfcomm0,but where i can use to send the data using minicom in weighing scale,i confused.05:27
Guest44963after installing a package and removing it, how do i remove all installed packages that weren't removed with autoremove?05:27
Aprellinu: unless the scale comnes with a linux-supported program, or you're creating a program to recieve the data yourself, at best the scale with shoot the data to the ubuntu pc and a txt file and ubuntu will drop it in your Downloads. Tah's what happens when I transfer a flie over BT from my phone to my pc. Otherwise you need a program on the pc that can read the data over bluetooth and do sonmehing useful wi it.05:29
leblaaancGuest44963: autoremove removes dependencies that are no longer needed by that package (or any other package)05:29
Aprelleblaaanc: probably05:30
leblaaancAprel: I'll let you head out haha… just last question, any idea why dir_mode and file_mode wouldn't list when running mount?05:30
Guest44963leblaaanc: i installed k3b, had a bunch of dependencies, but when i remove k3b and autoremove it doesn't remove them all05:30
leblaaancGuest44963: that sucks, maybe look up k3b package and run remove on it's dependencies?05:31
leblaaancsomething I bet didn't remove05:31
Aprelleblaaanc: eh, maybe I'll stay up alittle longer. But don't follow your question.....05:33
Aprelleblaaanc: you mean yuo're specifying dir_mode and fikle_mode with mount to mount a samba share and it's still using different perms?05:34
leblaaancwell that and it doesn't seem to display dir_mode=xxx,file_mode=xxx when running mount05:35
leblaaanc(to display the mounts)05:35
leblaaancmy def looks like credentials=/root/.smbcredentials/xxx@xxx.tld,noexec,rw,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=066605:36
Aprelleblaaanc: oh, I don't know. Isn't file_mode and dir_mode just two different umasks for dirs and files? Maybe you can't specify this for a share...or the smaba share doesn't advertise this to the client...at leats not to mount.05:36
Psil0CybinHey guys everytime I boot into my system I get this message "The disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present" than eventually my system boots, What can I do to fix this? and make sure that my swap is encrypted? ( I posted a few commands that I posted in the console, I think my problem is that swap is being linked to another partition or something) http://pastebin.com/jgkDx0Cc05:37
Psil0CybinI have refereced everything here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2200549&p=12905003#post1290500305:37
Psil0Cybinjust wondering if I am on the right track / understand it all05:37
leblaaancAprel: let me step back a second to clarify… so i have a shared cloud storage which allows cifs mount… i'm having trouble allowing users (local) to write to it because it sets it's own user/group so the next best thing is to ensure everything is oug+rw05:38
leblaaancI was assuming i could do that with that mount option, is that not what that does?05:39
Aprelleblaaanc: no, you should go to the samba config on the server and speciy the umask there. I don't think what the client wants to mout the share as matters. The server dictates. Then chmod all files on the share to at least 666 and dirs at least 777. _I_ _think_ the client has no say on the perms.05:42
AprelAdd all the users you want to a gruoup like "sambausers" then make sure all the files have group perms.05:43
Aprelor setup guest05:44
leblaaancthat doesn't make sense that the client has no say on perms given the credentials allow them to create in those said perms05:44
shadyHi, is there any possibility to run .exe program on ubuntu 13.10?05:45
cfhowlett!wine|shady,   ,maybe.  MAYBE.05:45
ubottushady,   ,maybe.  MAYBE.: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:45
Aprelleblaaanc: you're right. I use samba in guest mode to communicate with windows. If you use with users, then yes, it makes sense they should be able to control their own files.05:46
shadythanks (y)05:46
leblaaancAprel: ya this thing has to run with credentials given it's a cloud service05:47
leblaaancthis is megadumb...05:48
Aprelleblaaanc: Mmm, you are on yuour own then becausde you're outside my expertise on samba. :) But if you're doing this over the unsecure internet (I assume), why not use ssh?05:48
AprelAnd do away with samba ltogther and user your unix users directly?05:49
leblaaancthe shared storage only offers certain protocols… webdav and samba are the two that have fuse capabilities05:49
leblaaancwebdav is slower than donkey buttocks.05:50
leblaaancI just encrypt the dir to make cifs mildly secure.05:50
zapsodaIf there is a package for ubuntu 10.04 I should be able to get it in 10.10 right?05:50
cfhowlettzapsoda, not necessarily.  either way; 10.10 and 10.04 have reached end of life so - no support.05:51
zapsodaIs it possible to upgrade a 10.04 VPS to 12.04 or another supported release without having to contact the host?05:52
Aprelleblaaanc: ok. Yeah, yoou'll be able to hash ouit the mounting and perms and umasks in samba. It just sucks that smab's what it is and super complicated at timese. Even in guest mode I've run into permission issue frequently. Not to mention different rewleaes of ubuntu prefer slightly different options or fail to mount.05:52
cfhowlettzapsoda, as 10.04 was LTS, you can directly upgrade to 12.04 - "contacting host" I don't know  about.05:52
cfhowlettzapsoda, LTS to LTS upgrades are easily done: edit your upgrade manager settings05:53
zapsodaSorry, What about 10.10 to 12.04?05:53
cfhowlettzapsoda, nope.05:53
cfhowlettzapsoda, incremental upgrade from 10.10 to 12.04.05:53
zapsodaSo would my best bet be to downgrade to 10.04 then go to 12.04?05:53
cfhowlettzapsoda, as opposed to just clean installing 12.04?05:54
zapsodaOn a VPS?05:54
cfhowlettzapsoda, I don't know enough about VPS to discuss intelligently.  ask in this channel.  lots (well, most) are smarter than I am.05:54
Ben64not sure why vps matters, but if you're on 10.10, the best option would be a fresh install05:55
AprelIf you could somehow clean install, that would be great...the ditsro upgrade process...leave something to be wanted...I couldn't imagine incrementally upgrading with it.....05:55
leblaaancAprel: seems "noperm" works but it doesn't do anything to do perms themself.05:56
zapsodaI assume you mean ask my full question, Is it possible to upgrade ubuntu running on a VPS without having to work with the host?05:56
Aprelleblaaanc: hmm.05:56
Ben64zapsoda: if you upgraded when you should have, sure05:56
cfhowlett... ow05:57
Ben64as it stands now, you'd have to do 3 upgrades from EOL releases, a huge hassle. just contact the host, thats what you pay them for05:58
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AprelAll right, good night for real. leblaaanc: good luck with samba :)06:08
ubottucaowei,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:12
ubottucaowei,: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin06:12
cfhowletthey mods: might want to consider adding #ubuntukylin info to the Chinese language factoids06:13
rww#ubuntukylin isn't a channel06:15
cfhowlettrww, ?  no?06:15
rwwnot as far as I can tell. There's #ubuntukylin-dev, but it has like 15 people in it06:16
cfhowlettrww, OK, well, might the kylin info be linked to the CN factoid?06:16
cfhowlettrww, they've got a different type of support arrangement.  I can't really access it as I don't read/write/speak Chinese but it doesn't seem to reference IRC06:17
marandihi guys , i have a problem with hotkeys in 13.10 , after i installed 13.10 sometimes hotkeys messing with me and not working properly ! such as changing language and open terminal hotkey ( CTRL+ALT+T ) , what should i do ?06:17
rwwcfhowlett: I'd rather just point at #ubuntu-cn, if Kylin is popular they'll probably mention it in there06:18
cfhowlettrww, fair enough06:18
rww(and modifying unicode factoids is annoying, especially when one doesn't know the language)06:18
leblaaancthis is mega dumb…. how in the world can a samba mount not obey "force create mode" ?06:25
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cfhowlettnehemuel, greetings06:31
nehemuelHow are u?06:32
marandihi guys , i have a problem with hotkeys in 13.10 , after i installed 13.10 sometimes hotkeys messing with me and not working properly ! such as changing language and open terminal hotkey ( CTRL+ALT+T ) , what should i do ?06:32
milamber!doesntwork | marandi06:33
ubottumarandi: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:33
marandimilamber: i dunno how to specific more , it actually happen sometimes without any reason , for example right now , my language switch hotkey wont work , and also i cant open terminal with CTRL+ALT+T , i even changed my keyboard , but still i have it !06:36
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milambermarandi: stock install of ubuntu? what version? how did you edit the hotkeys?06:38
nehemuelAlguien habla español06:38
ubottunehemuel,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:39
marandimilamber: i installed 13.10 , and i should mention that i had 12.10 before and i install whole new version , for language switch i set the hotkey from text entry but for the rest of hotkeys i didnt do something specific06:40
milambermarandi: is there anything consistent about what you are doing when the keys don't work? for example does it not work when all windows are minimized? only when certain programs are running?06:42
marandimilamber: nope , when i boot ubuntu , first thing i try is if hotkey work or not and sometimes it works fine sometimes not !06:43
kazak13771hay everybody. Does anybody know a good icon theme for ubuntu with dark panel icons, that suitable for elementary os?06:52
rainbowwarriorhello , anyone know how to solve the java execption error with java 8 please ?07:01
Pwnnawtf. X-server now using 805MB of ram07:02
karllllll_PWNNA RESIDENT OR VIRT?07:03
Pwnnakarllllll_: RSS07:03
Pwnnahighly unusualy07:03
Pwnnait uses more than my webbrowser07:03
Ben64rainbowwarrior: java 8 isn't out yet and wouldn't be in the ubuntu repositories even if it were07:03
Pwnnai've had this problem for a while07:03
Pwnnaafter i reboot. about 1-2 days of usage will make it go to ~1GB07:03
marandimilamber: sorry , disconnected , ok what should i do now ?07:06
milambermarandi: try clicking on the desktop before you try the hotkey07:11
Pwnnajust flushed my swap.07:11
PwnnaX is actually using 981MB of RAM07:12
kazak13771Pwnna: o_007:12
Pwnna... i know.07:12
Pwnnai'm just as baffled07:12
Pwnnanow i'm using the OIBAF graphics stack because 13.10 has 9.2.1 as mesa and it has that nasty bug with stuck in rendering loops07:12
Pwnnaor else it is unusable too, because keeps on freezing my UI07:13
kazak13771Pwnna: i don't even hear about OIBAF. What is that? Something like X and Wayland?07:14
Pwnnakazak13771: it's the latest mesa07:14
Pwnnahttp://i.imgur.com/WprMeIx.png WAT07:14
Pwnnahelp? :307:14
jesusthenotoriouhey having problems with wired connections. For some reason there's no activity in the network boxes like usual but wired connections work in 8.04 but don't work in 10.04+07:15
Ben64Pwnna: not with your ppas and stuff07:15
cfhowlettjesusthenotoriou, if you're still on 10.04 you are end-of-life and then some ...07:15
PwnnaBen64: if i revert there's a worse issue... and there's a fix too. just no one packaged it07:15
kazak13771aaaa... Nice. But i have an hybrid graphics, so i wouldn't update it. Just in case;)07:15
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kazak13771Pwnna: about your screenshoot - that is firefox;) it can)07:16
Pwnnakazak13771: look above it07:16
Pwnnasorry for the highlight.07:16
kazak13771lightdm login 980mib?!07:17
kazak13771whats wrong with your PC?07:17
Pwnnai'm trying to figure that out07:18
kazak13771Pwnna: btw, do you know, how can i show elemenatary battery indicator in mate-panel?07:19
Pwnnaso that bug.07:19
ubottuFreedesktop bug 70151 in Drivers/DRI/i965 "[snb blorp] GPU hang" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]07:19
Pwnna> Fixed in Mesa 9.2.3 (out today), the upcoming Mesa 10.0 release, or Mesa master.07:20
jesusthenotoriouin 8.04 wired connection works but in later versions it doesn't07:20
jesusthenotoriouany solutions to this problem?07:20
Pwnna13.10's mesa is 9.2.107:20
Ben64jesusthenotoriou: come back here with 12.04 or 13.10 and maybe we can help you07:20
cfhowlettjesusthenotoriou, end-of-life versions are not supported.  *not* *supported*  sorry.07:20
kazak13771jesusthenotoriou: try installing newer kernel;)07:21
MattiasIsn't he saying it does work in that old version but not in the latest?07:21
Ben64kazak13771: don't suggest things that obviously are not a good idea07:21
jesusthenotorioucfhowlett: what do you mean? I'm saying in 10.04+supported versions wired connections don't work07:21
jesusthenotorioumeaning my interface works correctly but not in supported versions07:21
ubottujesusthenotoriou,: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.07:21
Ben64jesusthenotoriou: 8.04 is not supported, 10.04 is not supported. come back with something supported07:21
jesusthenotoriouwell it doesn't work in 13.1007:22
Ben64are you on 13.10 now?07:22
jesusthenotoriouwhat info do you need from 13.1007:23
cfhowlettjesusthenotoriou, need to know that it's installed on your computer07:25
jesusthenotoriouwell tell me what command output you need?07:25
cfhowlettjesusthenotoriou, lsb_release -a07:26
buffaloAlexhey ther #ubuntu, what does it take to build the synaptic package manager tarball?07:27
buffaloAlexdoes ubuntu server have synaptic package manager?07:28
buffaloAlexi have the cd07:28
Pwnnawell i don't really have a choice but to reboot..07:31
KI7MTbuffaloAlex, by default, dpkg and apt are the default package manager tools.07:32
buffaloAlexi like synaptic because i can generate package download scripts. and use dpkg for all the individual packages07:33
buffaloAlexis that how wubi works?07:33
buffaloAlexwubi for windows means more users07:34
cfhowlettbuffaloAlex, wubi and apt/dpkg are unrelated.  morevoer, wubi is dead, unsupported and not at all advised07:34
KI7MTbuffaloAlex, I've not used wubi in a very long time, maybe others can comment.07:34
buffaloAlexok ok. ubuntu as the operating system!07:35
cfhowlettbuffaloAlex, dual booting is "best" but if not that, see virtualbox - put VBox in windows, put ubuntu inside vbox07:35
buffaloAlexno. i am not interested in dual-boot07:36
milamberbuffaloAlex: wubi is no longer supported07:36
buffaloAlexi am actually07:36
buffaloAlexi am using a dual boot configuration but i am not using a virtal machine07:36
cfhowlettbuffaloAlex, wubi is not dual booting ...07:36
buffaloAlexok. it is still apart of kernel.org07:37
buffaloAlexi am not using wubi07:37
milamber!synaptic | buffaloAlex07:38
ubottubuffaloAlex: A Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:38
murlidharhow to delay a start up app ? i remember it is something like appname &&07:52
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chareok how the hell do I use python on ubuntu08:06
chareImportError: No module named pika08:06
charehow do I get imports working?08:06
supaulichare: you need to install the corresponding packages08:06
charei installed python-pika08:06
chareerr i mean python-pip08:06
supaulii would go with repository python packages but i guess thats matter of choice08:07
supauliif you do install from non repository take care of python search paths08:07
chareomg what search what paths what?08:08
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chareoh wait nm08:09
charegot it working08:09
KI7MTsri, wrong window.08:10
RepoxHi. I'm trying to accomplish some server administration with lxc and I'm having some issues regarding port forwaring. I have a linux container containing a mysql database; to connect to this from an external resource I need to forward the incoming traffic to the right linux container. But I'm unsure as to how to forward the traffic correct. Could someone point me in the right direction?08:12
ubottuRepox,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server08:12
Repoxcfhowlett: I'll try in #ubuntu-server instead. Thank you.08:14
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milamberRepox: the forwarding has to be done on the network side through the router/firewall08:23
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|ntegra|hi, I'm doing a usb install for the first time08:32
cfhowlett|ntegra|, congratulations!08:33
|ntegra|I'd like to install ubuntu 12lts to usb and make is bootable (I'm using from pendrive linux - universal usb installer)08:34
|ntegra|and I want my changes to be persistent08:34
ubottu|ntegra|,: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence08:34
milamber|ntegra|: do you want to be able to save files or do you want the pen drive to be a full fledged installation?08:35
|ntegra|I'd llke it to be a full install really (I think)08:36
milamber|ntegra|: that is <slightly> advanced and requires 2 thumb drives. if you are just trying ubuntu out, i would say just go with the live cd (usb) and don't worry about persistence until you are more sure this is something you want to do08:38
|ntegra|oh ok08:38
GreekFreakhi all08:38
GreekFreakIs it better to use the X.Org X Server driver for my graphics card, the AMD fglrx-updates or the AMD fglrx ?08:39
YogaI am running 13.10 with 32 bits, I wonder if I can install and use the ATI Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver 8.28.8, instead of the default opensource ATI driver.08:41
Stanley00GreekFreak: I will go for the radeon driver, unless your card is too new :D08:42
rwwubottu: fglrx | Yoga08:42
ubottuYoga: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:42
rwwoh, that's silly08:42
rwwYoga: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD08:43
arulmagihello guys, will ubuntu 14.04 will have gnome classic?08:43
ubottuarulmagi,: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+108:44
YogaMy ATI card is 9200 quite old, the lates ATI Proprietary Driver won't support it, so I am thinking of using the older version which suppose to suport my card, will it work?08:44
GreekFreakStanley00, thank you. And which of the 2 options? The fglrx-updates or the fglrx (does the one automatically get updates?)08:44
arulmagithank you ubottu08:44
Stanley00GreekFreak: "the radeon driver" means you shouldn't install none of fglrx driver. Radeon driver is installed be default.08:46
GreekFreakStanley00, thank you08:47
phuhWhat does "*filter" mean in iptables?08:52
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MindSparkhey, does anyone know if there's something like setgid/setuid for other?09:12
Stanley00MindSpark: what're "others"?09:14
llutzMindSpark: no09:14
MindSparkllutz: for some reason, a user when writing over sshfs creates files with absolutely no permission for others09:14
MindSparkStanley00:  there's u for user, g for group and o for other (thos who are neither the owner nor in the group)09:15
llutzMindSpark: check umask09:15
MindSparkugoa = user, group, other, all of the above :P09:15
MindSparkllutz: umask works on files? I thought that would be set on mounts...?09:16
llutzMindSpark: it controls the permissions being set when creating files/dirs09:16
MindSparkllutz: alright, reading man, thanks!09:16
Stanley00MindSpark: OK, I got it09:17
llutzMindSpark: like: sshfs -f -o umask=000209:17
MindSparkllutz: oh, nice! good idea09:17
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geirhaMindSpark: on a side note, setgid on a dir does not say anything about what permission bits a new file gets09:18
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MindSparkgeirha: it doesn't? that's what I've been reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setgid#setgid_on_directories09:19
llutzMindSpark: it inherits group-ownership, not permissions09:19
MindSparkoh… right, ownership without permissions is still useless, heh09:20
MindSparkwe're using sshfs for mac, gotta find a workaround to get that umask option working then I guess...09:20
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zzh1hi all , my 12.04 got hacked and now suffers high ping loss, i think it's network conf problem , any ideas?09:22
cfhowlettzzh1, hacked?  how?09:22
zzh1weak passwd09:22
jattreinstall the whole operating system09:23
jattand plug it off09:23
cfhowlettzzh1, ^^^^^09:23
zzh1forgot to change passwd before connected to internest09:23
zzh1i 've read many ping loss was caused by wrong conf to IP confs (in /proc or sysctl)09:24
cfhowlettzzh1, as jatt said: reinstall09:25
marandihi guys , i have a problem with hotkeys in 13.10 , after i installed 13.10 sometimes hotkeys messing with me and not working properly ! such as changing language and open terminal hotkey ( CTRL+ALT+T ) , what should i do ?09:25
Myrttizzh1: did you btw enable root account on that install?09:26
Myrttizzh1: if you did, next time don't. Or disable it before connecting it to the Internet09:26
zzh1i believe so, thanks09:26
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LordDeathI have a website which I can reach only over the intranet on my ubuntu workstation09:33
LordDeathbut I can reach that ubuntu machine over SSH from the outside09:34
LordDeathis there a way to open that intranet website over ssh?09:34
zzh1like ssh -D ?09:34
ActionParsnipLordDeath: you can use an SSH tunnel then wen you connect to the tunnel you can access the site09:34
Guest18646Hi. is it possible to sort out just deamons when using ps aux09:35
Guest18646or px in general09:35
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LordDeathActionParsnip: thx, I will look into that09:36
ActionParsnipGuest18646:  ps -ef | grep \\[09:38
ActionParsnipGuest18646: maybe....09:38
Guest18646ActionParsnip: ...:D09:38
marandihi guys , i have a problem with hotkeys in 13.10 , after i installed 13.10 sometimes hotkeys messing with me and not working properly ! such as changing language and open terminal hotkey ( CTRL+ALT+T ) , what should i do ?09:39
Guest18646ActionParsnip: i think it works, but i am not sure09:39
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Guest18646ActionParsnip: no there is some that doesnt get included09:40
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LinuxAtSchoolActionParsnip: switched name from guest09:40
ActionParsnipGuest71680: you could use /etc/init/servicename status and grep that.09:40
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llutzLinuxAtSchool: " ps -lA | awk '$12 == "?" {print $4, $14}' "09:47
llutzLinuxAtSchool: assuming daemons aren't associated to any TTY (other processes might fit too, so no guarantee)09:50
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|ntegra|Ive installed ubuntu to my usb and made 80mb for persistent changes -- will programs I install stay installed? is there anything special I should do? <Id like to install reaver now>09:59
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linuhai is there any option to use bluetooth spp without using minicom or picocom?10:04
ThaCynicCan someone help me with an issue with my keyboard not being recognized? I cannot even install Ubuntu, due ot the screen that prompts me from my user information.10:05
ThaCynicTh keyboard in question is a Gamdias Hermes.10:06
rturHi guys, I want to change my default shell with chsh -s $(which zsh) and it complains that my username isn't in the /etc/passwd. The problem is that it is really not there since we are loading usernames with NIS. How else could I change my shell ?10:10
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ActionParsnipThaCynic: does the system have a make and model?10:13
ThaCynicActionParsnip: I built the computer myself, and the issue has persisted through a change of graphics card and motherboard.10:14
ThaCynicActionParsnip: I know all the specs of the computer though.10:14
cfhowlettThaCynic, replace the keyboard - cheaply ...10:16
shajifreenas howto10:16
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ThaCyniccfhowlett: It works just fine in Windows, and the keyboard in question is $100+.10:16
gordonjcpThaCynic: sounds like you got ripped off10:17
cfhowlettThaCynic, you've changed everything BUT the keyboard ... do the math.10:17
ThaCyniccfhowlett: Well it doesn't really make sense that the keyboard works perfectly fine in Windows, but not in Linux.10:18
cfhowlettThaCynic, makes perfect sense.10:18
cfhowlettThaCynic, OEM's support windows far more pervasively than they do linux.  no driver = no support.  no magical fix.10:19
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:19
gordonjcpThaCynic: it might not actually be a keyboard10:19
ThaCynicgordonjcp: ? What do you mean?10:19
gordonjcpThaCynic: if it's not a class-compliant device it may need some additional driver10:19
gordonjcpThaCynic: if it is a proper class-compliant keyboard it cannot fail to work10:20
ThaCynicgordonjcp: Is there a way to check in Device Manager?10:20
Myrttidoing a quick google search reveals that this is not a unique situation10:20
ThaCynicI have googled, but I have yet to find a solution.10:20
gordonjcpThaCynic: check what lsusb and dmesg say10:20
ThaCynicI cannot install Linux, so I can't run either of those commands.10:21
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shajifreenas  better or not10:21
rcw2are kubuntu iso downloads updated regularly?  would a 13.10 iso be much different in june that its january counterpart10:21
cfhowlettThaCynic, go to Goodwill/Salvation Army.  Pick up some keyboards - probably $5 - $10.  try them out.10:22
ThaCynicOk, thanks everyone! I guess I'll have to buy another keyboard. :/10:22
Ben64it may be possible to get working once you're in ubuntu10:22
ThaCynicHow so?10:23
zacariasHi. How do I route all system sounds to an external firewire card?10:23
cortezprobably jack10:25
gordonjcpzacarias: right click on the little speaker symbol, down to Sound Preferences, pick your output10:25
cortezor that... :)10:25
gordonjcpzacarias: firewire isn't well supported in Pulse10:25
gordonjcpas far as I can see10:25
ActionParsniprcw2: I believe there are daily builds...10:27
rcw2tsimpson, you disagree?10:28
cfhowlettrcw2, later builds will include the point releases.10:28
rcw2cfhowlett, what is a point release10:29
cfhowlettrcw2, 12.04, 12.04.1, 12.04.2 ...10:29
zacariascortez: it's working well with jacck, but I normally use it with ardour. I would like to use it system wide10:30
shajifreenas howto in ubuntu 12.0410:30
zacariascortez: jack, I meant10:30
cfhowlett!info freenas10:30
ubottuPackage freenas does not exist in saucy10:31
shajifor network access storage10:31
marandiguys , i have a problem , when i plug in my wireless keyboard , my ubuntu hotkeys wont work ! what is that ? how can i fix it ?!10:33
tsimpsonrcw2: daily builds aren't stable10:35
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rtwhrthow are you?10:42
rcw2tsimpson, ?10:42
YogaI answer my own question: Older Ati Proprietary driver won't work on new Ubutnu distribution.10:42
tsimpsonrcw2: they are built from the current unstable development version10:44
=== Devil is now known as Guest9885
daedelothwhat do you guys use to connect to remote servers? regular ssh connections10:45
daedelothI'd like to use something that stores passwords10:45
FloodBot1dracor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:46
buffaloAlexis ubuntu server installation just as easy as ubuntu alternate or desktop versions?10:47
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MyrttibuffaloAlex: alternate10:48
Ben64buffaloAlex: its very similar to the alternate install10:48
daedelothbuffaloAlex, don't use ubuntu on a server...10:48
jpds_daedeloth: Excuse me?10:48
Ben64daedeloth: and why not?10:48
daedelothuse debian stable. like normal people.10:48
daedeloth(what have I don't?! :D)10:48
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.10:49
jpds_buffaloAlex: It's just as easy and even easier if you use preseed.10:49
buffaloAlexyeah debian is apart of the supported operating systems for bitdefender10:49
daedeloth(that should have been: "what have I done")10:49
OnkelTemHi all10:49
Myrttidaedeloth: if people come for Ubuntu Server support, that's what we support. It's their job to decide if they want Ubuntu server or something else.10:49
jpds_daedeloth: I think you will find that most things these days use Ubuntu Server, especially in cloud environments.10:50
daedelothyea, I know. And I understand. It was a silly comment.10:50
OnkelTemI wonder how anacron logs data. I can't find any mention of any script from e.g. /etc/cron.daily10:50
buffaloAlexi still have to use ubuntu server since being a ubuntu person has to use it eventualy10:50
rcw2tsimpson, im referring to the main download here: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu10:50
jpds_daedeloth: So if you have nothing helpful to say, please don't say anything.10:50
tsimpsonrcw2: there are no daily build listed there, and the ISOs listed aren't updated after they are released. though the installer has the option to install updated packages while installing if you have the internet enabled when installing10:51
daedelothso, any nice terminal app that lets me store ssh passwords?10:52
rcw2tsimpson, ok, so that's an iso from last year, and the updates are done after installation always, you're saying?10:53
LordDeathis the ubuntu live dvd capable of booting from an USB stick on an UEFI PC?10:53
tsimpsonrcw2: or during10:53
altinI am using ubuntu 13.10 with gnome 3, I am trying to create a hotspot, everything is ok, but why can't I see any options button10:54
altinwhen creating a hotspot10:54
OnkelTemDoes anybody know how to check if anacron runs anything?10:54
altinI don;t like my hotspot being WEP and having a random generated password10:55
OnkelTemI don't see any script anacron runs10:55
=== dean|away is now known as dean
OnkelTemLooks like Ubuntu 12.04.3 has broken cron tasks completely11:02
OnkelTemNothing from cron.daily is executed11:02
OnkelTemJust made some tests, and this became evident11:03
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OnkelTemI simply placed a script into /etc/cron.daily/ with `echo 123 > /var/log/lastrun`. Then I made `echo -n > /var/spool/anacron/cron.daily` and then ran `anacron -n`. And the file was not created, while syslog displays anacron invocation11:05
geirhaOnkelTem: They don't run if you're on battery11:05
OnkelTemThis is PC11:05
geirhaOnkelTem: Also, if the file has an extension, it will be ignored11:06
OnkelTemgeirha: yes, I know that. It has no an extension11:06
Julie_where did you make ot execyeable?11:13
geirhaand did you add a shebang?11:14
=== Julie_ is now known as Aha
semendickmani need help please11:17
semendickmanim poor guy please11:17
semendickmanguys please11:17
FloodBot1semendickman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:17
semendickmanany asshole who can help me with my problem..who are not assholes like floodbot1 here?11:18
kadakasI have no idea how to google this, so im just gonna ask: does Ubuntu 12.04 LTS support multiple monitors and hotplugging? Like can I plug in my monitor to my laptop, then plug it out and plug in a projector (completely different resolution) - all of this happens via the VGA port without a need to restart Ubuntu or restart the DE (Mate Desktop in my case) ?11:20
k1l_kadakas: yes11:21
Guest69339Hey I had a partion that I installed Ubuntu in a ehdd via USB port. Now I installed slack reinstalled Ubuntu and bios is still not recognizing it. Any hints what's going on?11:22
k1l_Guest69339: did you use wubi?11:23
kadakask1l_: but it does not work for me, at the best the extra monitor/projector will display some image with the wrong resolution. This change only occurs if I open the Display Settings app (note that I just need to open it, not make any changes in it)11:23
Guest69339k1l_: umm well I used the boot loader.11:23
kadakasI have found no one with the same issue, so maybe im doing something wrong on a fundamental level11:23
k1l_kadakas: possible problems depend on the video card, the used video driver and the monitor/projector11:24
kadakask1l_: I am using the ATI driver from the repo, installed it with the restricted drivers manager11:24
GabrielI want to only send mail notifications from my new installed Ubuntu 12.04. in order to be notified by the Nagios system. I have the mail relay address and I have added my servers address to the Relay. still can't send any emails out. ??? I have configured Exim set to internet mail... ? any ideas???11:24
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k1l_kadakas: the vga devices send a called edid with information about the maximum resolution etc. maybe there is something wrong. i dont understand what the real issue is right now11:26
ActionPa1snipGabriel: can you telnet to port 25 from the server to the relay and send an email via telnet ok?11:26
GabrielActionPa1snip, Yes.11:27
ActionPa1snipGabriel: then its the config in nagios. If the telnet failed then the relay would be blocking it or the network link would be bad11:27
kadakask1l_: I have to manually change the Xorg.conf for multiple monitors to work and then restart the X session. If I unplug the extra monitor and close the lid on my laptop, the screen goes white when I reopen it - I then have to restart (ctrl+alt+backspace is not responsive)11:28
GabrielActionPa1snip, I tried with cat /var/log/syslog | mail -s "test" My@email11:28
GabrielActionPa1snip, And no go ):11:28
k1l_kadakas: so its more a standby issue?11:31
kadakask1l_: sorry, I forgot to mention that when I close the lid my laptop just locks the screen and stays running11:31
k1l_kadakas: and ctrl+alt+backspace is turned off since some time. to restart the xserver is sysreq+k11:32
kadakask1l_: I have re-enabled it, normally it works fine11:32
ActionPa1snipGabriel: did you set the server in /etc/mail/sendmail.cf ?11:33
kadakask1l_: http://pastebin.com/diff.php?i=C1jiXRaM ( old version = only laptops monitor; new version = extra monitor via VGA)11:34
ActionPa1snipGabriel: try:  mail -v -s "test" my@mail11:35
GabrielActionPa1snip, doing so now11:36
GabrielVerbose does not indicate a problem.11:36
ActionPa1snipGabriel: weird, no email on the other side?11:36
ActionPa1snipGabriel: isit in spam?11:36
GabrielActionPa1snip, the exit status is 0.11:37
kadakask1l_: Might this issue be caused by Mate? Which layer of the desktop handles multiple monitors? Ubuntu core, Xorg, LightDM, Mate?11:37
MunsterHello ppl11:37
GabrielActionPa1snip,  No, email, I even tried to my gmail11:37
ActionPa1snipkadakas: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:37
kadakasActionPa1snip: Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \l11:37
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ActionPa1snipkadakas: how did you install Mate?11:38
kadakasActionPa1snip: its running lightdm 1.2.3-0ubuntu2.3  and mate-desktop 1.6.0-3+precise11:38
ActionPa1snip!info mate-desktop precise11:38
ubottuPackage mate-desktop does not exist in precise11:39
kadakasActionPa1snip: I used an external repo: deb http://packages.mate-desktop.org/repo/ubuntu precise main11:39
ActionPa1snipkadakas: we cannot support 3rd party package sources here, does it work ok in the Unity session11:40
k1l_kadakas: well, if you manually set parameters in the xorg.conf the automated stuff will not work. so make sure the parameters are correct. and mate desktop is known to cause problems and is not supported11:40
GabrielActionPa1snip, all of my other Ubuntu servers are working fine. This one is running on VMware 5.5 along side with CentOS system on the same VLAN, no problems there ...11:40
kadakasActionPa1snip: I will reboot and try with Unity11:40
kadakask1l_: what would the automatic xorg.conf look like?11:40
k1l_kadakas: there is even not xorg.conf needed. you can rename it and see if it works without it11:41
ActionPa1snipkadakas: all you have to do is logoff, a reboot isnt necessary11:41
kadakask1l_: my OS has been upgraded from previous (beta) Ubuntu distros and also the hardware has been upgraded/changed - starting from Ubuntu 7.0411:41
kadakasI've had this on 3 laptops11:42
kadakasjust put the old hard drive into the new laptop and reconfigured11:42
kadakasso maybe my OS is so full of trash, that something is affecting the multi monitor support?11:42
k1l_kadakas: again: rename the xorg.conf and see if it works automated (like it should)11:43
k1l_if not, try a supported desktop instead of mate11:43
kadakask1l_: does this require a system restart or is a logoff all I need?11:43
k1l_kadakas: relogin is enough11:45
kadakask1l_: well, Mate did start fine without the xorg.conf, wow :D11:50
kadakaswill test with Unity11:51
kadakasMate recognises the extra monitor, but says the virtual resolution is not sufficient11:51
kadakask1l_: ActionPa1snip: the same issue was present in ALL other desktops (Gnome2, Gnome3, Gnome 3 fallback, Unity):12:04
kadakasThe selected configuration for displays could not be applied12:04
kadakasrequired virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(3360, 1050), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1680, 1680)12:04
kadakask1l_: ActionPa1snip:  my laptop is 1650x... and the extra monitor is 1900x..., the projector was 640x...12:05
SrRaven-workHi, i'm having problems configuring my server with phpmyadmin, I always get a "Not Found" error.It's running 12.04 and I've been following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin12:05
kadakask1l_: ActionPa1snip: could it be because im using LightDM ?12:06
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Guest69339My partions on ehdd use to be seen as hdd on boot manager now since rest all they don't see them.12:11
Guest69339My wired connection isn't working on 10.10 any idea?12:13
daclaesits full of virus, you must cut it and drain the virus out of the cable12:13
linuxuser1000which command should i use for launching steam games with an nvidia optimus card12:14
linuxuser1000should i do primusrun12:14
linuxuser1000or optirun12:14
linuxuser1000i'm gonna try both to see which one gives me the most fps i think12:14
=== nuru is now known as Guest53555
linuxuser1000right after tf2 finishes downloading12:15
Guest69339No clue. Ur running wine?12:15
linuxuser1000no native steam12:15
linuxuser1000on linux12:15
linuxuser1000from the software center12:15
Guest69339Oic yeah12:15
linuxuser1000i finally managed to fix all it's library problems12:15
linuxuser1000by setting up a config file12:16
linuxuser1000that points to the 32bit libgl12:16
linuxuser1000if i can get tf2 running with optimus12:17
linuxuser1000it will be awesome12:17
Guest69339I bet.12:17
linuxuser1000installing mesa-utils to test the fps12:17
Guest69339Hey anyone know about usb-zip?12:17
Guest69339In boot manager?12:18
Npclinuxuser1000: i think i used primusrun but reinstalled so i can't see the settings anymore12:18
Npclinuxuser1000: what's mesa-utils and why do you need that for fps?12:18
linuxuser1000what's the difference anyways12:18
linuxuser1000the glx spheres stuff12:18
linuxuser1000so i can see how many frames i get12:19
Npcoh yeah12:19
linuxuser1000with primus or optimus12:19
Ben64those aren't meant to be benchmarks12:19
NpcBen64: well it helps with debugging the optirun and primusrun12:19
Npcso you can see if you are running the correct commands with correct parameters so you can put that to steam12:20
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CaptainQuirkHI there12:31
CaptainQuirkI removed the splash login to log in console mode12:32
CaptainQuirknow, when starting X with sudo startX12:32
CaptainQuirkI just get the ubuntu desktop background12:32
k1l_CaptainQuirk: dont startx, start lightdm12:32
ActionParsnipCaptainQuirk: running startx with sudo is not smart12:32
CaptainQuirkk1l_, ActionPa1snip, can you both elaborate ?12:33
ActionParsnipCaptainQuirk: it runs the X server as root, which is not secure12:33
k1l_CaptainQuirk: use "sudo lightdm start" instad of startx on your own12:33
CaptainQuirkwhat will lightdm start actually12:34
CaptainQuirkwill lightdm load unity and all the rest12:34
geirhalightdm starts the login screen12:34
k1l_the DM, and there you can login to the desktop you want12:34
CaptainQuirkI don't want the login screen12:34
k1l_or setup autologin12:34
CaptainQuirkThe whole point of what I'm doing is to avoid the login screen12:34
geirhathen you want startx, but without sudo. Though running it with sudo once might have broken it.12:35
k1l_CaptainQuirk: again: there is autologin12:35
k1l_no need to break all systems ubuntu is based on, just to have no login screen12:35
TJ-CaptainQuirk: see "man lightdm-set-defaults" and in particular "--autologin=" and related settngs12:35
CaptainQuirkI don't have any lightdm-set-defaults entry in the manual12:36
TJ-CaptainQuirk: which version of Ubuntu?12:37
k1l_or he deleted lightdm, sounds like he did alot so far12:37
CaptainQuirkk1l_, he is there12:38
CaptainQuirkand I'm on a virtual box12:38
CaptainQuirknow, it's interesting that bypassing the splash screen to start ubuntu from the console is considered « breaking things »12:38
k1l_CaptainQuirk: "lsb_release -a" will tell the right ubuntu version12:39
TJ-CaptainQuirk: See then "/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults --help"12:39
CaptainQuirkk1l_ I'm on 11.10 for xchat, 13.04 on the virtual machine12:39
kadakasdoes dual monitor support come from the linux kernel, graphics card driver, lightdm or mate/gnome/unity ?12:39
CaptainQuirkbut that's hardly the point12:39
k1l_CaptainQuirk: that is not the spash screen you are talking about12:39
CaptainQuirkI don't want to log automatically12:39
illreputeI was installing the latest OpenCL SDK for my AMD graphics card and managed to get up with a black screen. I've booted into a live cd, can someone help me fix this right quick?12:39
TJ-CaptainBreastBea: running X as root is considered a security risk12:39
CaptainQuirkTJ-, ok I get that12:39
CaptainQuirkagain, virtual box12:40
TJ-tab complete is ... idiotic sometimes!12:40
CaptainQuirkno harm done yet12:40
k1l_CaptainQuirk: you are changing (meaning fiddeling) with the whole xserver setup. not just disabling the login screen like we told you now alot of times12:40
CaptainQuirkk1l_, you mean telling grub to avoid the graphical login (whatever it is) screen to start x is fiddeling ?12:41
TJ-CaptainQuirk: If you want to do it another way, that is fine, but don't think that the mass of Ubuntu users would be better served since most are technically in the dark about how the system works, so Ubuntu defaults to be as secure is reasonable with still getting things done :)12:41
CaptainQuirkTJ-, exactly what I wanted to know12:41
CaptainQuirkso basically, wrong distro for me I guess12:41
linuxuser1000get arch lol12:42
k1l_CaptainQuirk: text as kernel parameter and starting lightdm (with configured autologin) will work just fine as you need it12:42
LinuxAtSchoolwhy cant i hardlink a directory ?12:42
Ben64CaptainQuirk: its not the distro that is wrong, its is your methods12:42
CaptainQuirkBen64, I don't think so.12:43
k1l_CaptainQuirk: for the case you want a tty login and a non loginscreen if needed a X12:43
kadakasI have a Mobility Radeon HD 3650 and Ubuntu 12.04, I need multiple monitors to work. Should I install the 13.1 AMD CCCle drivers from the AMD/ATI site?12:43
CaptainQuirkOr, hasn't there been someone who started X from the command line12:43
ActionParsnipCaptainQuirk: if yuo want rid of plymouth, just remove the boot options: quiet splash to leave the quotes present but without any text in12:43
ActionParsnipkadakas: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx    have you used this?12:44
k1l_CaptainQuirk: what are you trying to do anyway? speed up the boot process?12:44
CaptainQuirkNo, I just want to get to my desktop from the command line12:44
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CaptainQuirkdidn't know it was that complicated12:44
k1l_CaptainQuirk: start lightdm12:44
CaptainQuirkk1l_, autologin is just cheating12:44
Ben64it really isn't that complicated, you're making it more difficult than it would ever need to be12:45
k1l_if you dont want a loginscreen, set autologin12:45
CaptainQuirkBen64, depends on what you want to do12:45
CaptainQuirkI want to log and start my machine from the command line12:45
k1l_CaptainQuirk: you could already be done instead of ranting how "not good" ubuntu is12:45
CaptainQuirkk1l_, first, I'm on a personal project12:45
CaptainQuirkso, no rush here12:46
CaptainQuirkI'm wondering12:46
k1l_CaptainQuirk: the answer wont change just because you ask another 10 times. set autologin and start lightdm12:46
kadakasActionParsnip: yes, it works when I set the monitors and virtual resolution manually using xorg.conf files, but this requires a logoff - I would like to hot plug monitors. See the confs here: http://pastebin.com/diff.php?i=C1jiXRaM12:46
CaptainQuirkk1l_, weird distro12:46
CaptainQuirkand weird answers12:47
linuxuser1000i know arch does what you want12:47
linuxuser1000but that's a ton of configuring crap12:47
Ben64anything *can* do what he wants12:47
Ben64but nobody should ever do it12:47
CaptainQuirkNot that's seriously biased12:47
ddoom_I installed xubuntu-desktop, how can I turn off the gui and only start x when needed?12:48
k1l_"i want no login screen and start xserver when needed" "use autologin and start lightdm" "noooo that is weird"  o_O12:48
k1l_ddoom_: set "text" as kernel parameter in grub and then start lightdm when you need a x12:48
CaptainQuirkk1l_, yes because it's a way to avoid a problem I have, rather than facing it. Like TJ_ said, it's not the problem of what I want to do12:49
k1l_CaptainQuirk: dont think "startx" is the only and right way to start-x. i think that is your main problem here12:49
ddoom_k1l_: TY12:50
toilIs it possible to recreate wrapped-passphrase with ecryptfs, if you have the unwrapped passphrase?(i.e, the md5/hex)12:50
CaptainQuirkk1l_, now you see, at the 11th times, I get something else12:50
=== eskimio is now known as Eskimio
illreputeI was installing the latest OpenCL SDK for my AMD graphics card and managed to get up with a black screen. I've booted into a live cd, can someone help me?12:51
linuxuser1000illrepute:same thing happened to me with nvidia12:52
linuxuser1000i just uninstalled all the nvidia related stuff from a tty12:52
linuxuser1000reinstalled from a repo12:52
linuxuser1000and i was up and running12:53
k1l_!nomodeset | illrepute try that12:53
ubottuillrepute try that: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:53
linu1hi is there any opensource tool available for bluetooth spp in linux ?12:53
ActionParsniplinu1: blueman12:54
flakshow do i fix the following error: W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com saucy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>12:54
ActionParsniplinu1: pulse can send audio over bluetooth12:54
ActionParsniplinu1: you can send files over bluetooth using nautilus12:54
toilNoone? :/12:55
=== mass_ is now known as massy
ActionParsnipflaks: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B512:55
linu1ActionParsnip, yes i just want to use spp over bluetooth to connect weighing scale bluetooth device,12:55
ActionParsniplinu1: connect to do what?? 'connect'means nothing at all12:56
illreputehow can i repair it from a livecd, i don't know how to do that12:56
llutzlinu1: use rfcomm to bind bluetooth, any terminal (minicom etc) to use data12:56
ActionParsniplinu1: as I have just demonstrated12:56
toilo im stupid. i can just make a new password and it wil overwrite ok12:56
linu1ActionParsnip, it is just bluetooth weighing scale ex 00:12:6F:27:52:D8Serial Adaptor, i just want to connect that to ubuntu pc over bluetooth  to get data in serial port.12:58
illreputelinuxuser1000: how can i remove it via tty?12:58
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flaksactionparsnip, processed #1 unchanged #1, but still the error12:59
linuxuser1000on your installed system12:59
illreputethat's the emergency console, right?13:00
illreputei forgot the damn command13:00
illreputehad forgot*13:00
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CaptainQuirkI rephrase my question : is there a way to start the whole ubuntu desktop like I just let fluxbox be used by X13:03
CaptainQuirkjust exec startfluxbox in .xinitrc13:04
ikoniayou could just start the window manager, which will use all the session files and load it all up13:04
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ActionParsnipflaks: try changing to the main server, may help13:05
ActionParsnipflaks: or: http://askubuntu.com/questions/131601/how-to-overcome-signature-verification-error13:07
TJ-Other than "mdadm --build /dev/md1 --level=linear --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda4 /dev/sda5" can anyone suggest a way to concatenate two block devices to have the appearance of 1?13:11
llutz!info mhddfs | TJ- like this?13:13
ubottuTJ- like this?: mhddfs (source: mhddfs): file system for unifying several mount points into one. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.39+nmu1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 24 kB, installed size 88 kB13:13
rainbowwarriorhi, i am having a problem with java and getting this error " AccessControlException13:16
rainbowwarrior access denied (“java.net.SocketPermission””mediumystic.com:80” “connect,resolve”)13:16
rainbowwarrior" how can i fix it please ?13:16
TJ-llutz: no, I need to combine block devices.. Specific issue is repairing a borked Windows partition, and I need to create a 'fake' MBR and prefix it onto the partition that contains the NTFS partition, in order to fool the DVD system-restore into not refusing to work on it (issues with 32 vs 64 bit and it's on a BIOS/GPT layout natively.)13:16
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fpghost84Hi, I would like to turn off my discrete ATI card using vga switcheroo. For some reason , /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch does not exist, why would that be?13:17
trijntjerainbowwarrior: what are you trying to do?13:17
TJ-llutz: I think my best approach is "dd if=/dev/zero of=MBR-2048.bin bs=512 count=2048 && losetup /dev/loop0 MBR-2048.bin && mdadm --build /dev/md1 --level=linear --raid-devices=2 /dev/loop0 /dev/sda5 && qemu-system_x64 ..."13:17
fpghost84(I should note, I don't have fglrx drivers installed, but have blaklisted radeon)13:17
rainbowwarriortrijntje , i am trying to run a java chat applet but i get that error13:18
phuhTJ-: is this TJ, the king of node.js?13:18
trijntjerainbowwarrior: which applet? And are you running a server or a client?13:18
rainbowwarriortrijntje , its volano chat applet and running as a client13:19
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pepi_hi, i have a serious pro blem, i have formated boot partition and i can't load Ubuntu13:33
pepi_i write from a Live CD13:33
trijntjepepi_: ok, what other partitions do you have?13:34
ActionParsnippepi_: chroot to the installed OS then reinstall the kernel packages13:35
pepi_i have ubuntu i don't have aany partition with windows13:35
ActionParsnippepi_: you dont need windows, you can chroot using the liveCD13:36
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pepi_ActionParsnip, i want reinstall grub13:37
ActionParsnippepi_: yes, use a chroot to do that13:37
linuxuser1000100 fps13:37
pepi_i don't want reinstall uBUNTU13:37
ActionParsnippepi_: omgubuntu has a guide called 'sticking it to grub'13:37
ActionParsnippepi_: you aren't you just need to put the files back in boot13:37
ActionParsnippepi_: you can do that from a chroot13:38
leblaaancis it possible to reattach screen with it's window splits intact?13:38
ActionParsnippepi_: I have adcvisd this many times now...13:38
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roSieversHi, I recently upgraded my ubuntu to 13.10 and now „Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down“ doesn't move around windows anymore13:43
roSieversHoweve, “Ctrl+Alt+Right/Left” still does as it is supposed to13:43
roSieversCan you tell me how I can fix this?13:43
dave305i cant play mp3 files in rhythm player.pls help13:44
roSieversI am unable to find the right configuration switch.13:44
rcw2my desktop becomes unreadable on my other computer running k13.10 soon after i plug in a lan cable.  wireless connections have been ok, though.  /var/log/syslog has a line of triangles at the time of the error, like these: http://tinyurl.com/m8abt6m ... just before, NetworkManager says disconnected, then kernel says 'do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? '  Then Network Manager removes the connection from keyfile.  any suggestions?13:44
MarkDaviesDoes somebody of you experience problems with Firefox in Ubuntu?13:44
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:44
trijntjeroSievers: ^13:44
ShazbottI installed ubuntu without a desktop but now I would like to install the desktop, is there a single command I can run to do this or do i have to install everything manually?13:45
roSieversok, I got that one installed and looked in there13:45
k1l_MarkDavies: no. but what is the real issue?13:45
roSieverstrijntje: so at least that is the right track :-)13:45
trijntjeShazbott: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:45
leblaaanchey guys i have a samba share with this definition http://pastie.org/private/ol43eqskqgzbntrlbfmd5w… the perms get set properly when mounting on windows but on linux it creates -rw-r--r-- instead… thoughts?13:45
trijntjeShazbott: that is, if you want the unity desktop13:46
leblaaancI wouldn't think I'd have to adjust my umask on the user...?13:46
ogzyi want to install rails 2.3.17, but i have 2.3.18 already installed, # gem install rails -v 2.3.17 says Could not find a valid gem 'rails' (= 2.3.17) in any repository any good way to downgrade?13:48
roSieverstrijntje: thank you, with more seaching in the ccsm I was able to find the right option13:50
jam3smam i able to use the ubuntu 13.10 x64 onto a system with windows 8 and dual boot? or will it destroy conection to the windows part?13:50
MarkDaviesk1l_: strange and unjustified activity. It often takes up a lot of memory and processor resources even if it's clearly supposed to do nothing. It isn't always the case, but it happens very often. It is just a problem with firefox or with poor performance of my hardware, because on Windows firefox works really fine and I observed such a behaviour not only at this specific installation, but at the previous ones. So the problem is somewhere13:50
MarkDavieson Ubuntu+firefox+hardware line, but I don't have idea what exactly is the issue. I've read something that it may be caused by firefox trying to take advantage of OpenGL drivers and a graphic card not having a good support, but, in my opinion, it isn't a convincing explanation.13:50
MarkDavies*It isn't just a problem with....13:51
trijntjeroSievers: you're welcome, glad you got it to work13:51
trijntjejam3sm: I think that should work, but I've never tried it myself. I'm sure someone here knows though13:51
k1l_MarkDavies: to compare to windows is always difficult since it got way another driver support. but there are alot of bad scripted flash and other sites our there which cause a lot of problems with browsers13:53
ubottuiggog: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:53
rainbowwarriorjam3sm :- you may like to read this , http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2013/09/install-ubuntu-linux-alongside-windows.html13:53
MarkDaviesk1l_: clearly, it's not the case. Let's say that I've just run Firefox with the google site displayed and that's all. Then I can be freely afraid that in a few moments it will start consuming enormous processor and memory resources .13:54
jam3smhope so reason bieng is a i have a spare partition on my hdd i want to use gona do a custome /, /home drives but do i need a swap part for 12gb of ram?13:54
k1l_MarkDavies: hmm13:54
MarkDaviesk1l_: I don't even use flash, it often works badly on very simple, text sites, that are very well handled by browsers like links etc.13:55
k1l_MarkDavies: try a new profile without and addons13:55
k1l_maybe there is some personal settings that was made and that is causing this13:56
MarkDaviesk1l_: oh, I've just checked firefox processor usage... 85%... then, after a while 20%.. then <1%.13:56
k1l_MarkDavies: what machine specs are we talking about?13:56
MarkDaviesk1l_: intel processor13:57
k1l_MarkDavies: firefox is not what we call lightweight :)13:57
MarkDaviesk1l_: On Windows it works very well.13:57
MarkDaviesk1l_: besides, why does it take such enormous resources when it is just supposed to be idle? It is NOT always like that.13:58
trijntjejam3sm: nah, I never bother with swap partition and I have only 3 GB of ram. Just create a swapfile after you are done installing13:58
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trijntjejam3sm: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/13:58
k1l_MarkDavies: yes, i already said that windows got a very different backing by manufacturers and developers due to marketshare (better drivers and better optmizations like flash etc)13:58
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jam3smi know how to add one but would i need to if i have 12 gb ram13:59
TJ-MarkDavies: 1) What make/model of PC?  2) How much RAM? 3) What video card ("lspci -nnv | grep -A2 VGA") 4) which version of Ubuntu ("cat /etc/issue") 5) which version of Firefox ("apt-cache policy firefox")14:01
MyrttiMarkDavies: you can see how much it's using memory with about:memory, have you checked that out yet?14:01
trijntjejam3sm: there's no way for anybody to know. If you know that you'll never user 12 GB you don't need it, but you'll get nasty crashes when you try to use more RAM than you have14:01
MarkDaviesMyrtti: I've checked that with top, currently it's ~25% memory usage14:01
ActionParsnipMarkDavies: have you tried different browserd?14:01
jam3smhmm so seting it to 4 gb would be a good idea then14:02
MyrttiMarkDavies: yes, but the internal memory use, how much which part of firefox itself is using stuff14:02
MarkDaviesActionParsnip: yes, the text ones goes very well. All the graphical browsers seem to give me troubles.14:02
trijntjejam3sm: just remember that you won't be able to suspend your pc unless you have at least 12G swap14:02
MarkDaviesMyrtti: "memory" is a command? It doesn't work on my machine, and system doesn't seem to know anything about it.14:03
ActionParsnipMarkDavies: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue14:03
MyrttiMarkDavies: go to firefox and type on the address bar "about:memory"14:03
rcw2my desktop becomes unreadable on my other computer soon after i plug in a lan cable. wireless connections have been ok, though. /var/log/syslog has a line of triangles at the time of the error, like these: http://tinyurl.com/m8abt6m ... just before, NetworkManager says disconnected, then kernel says 'do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? ' Then Network Manager removes the connection from keyfile. any suggestions?14:04
MarkDaviesMyrtti: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l14:04
ActionParsnipMarkDavies: have you tried the Unity 2D session?14:04
jam3smi dont suspend ever14:04
MarkDaviesActionParsnip: I don't even have idea what it is14:04
MarkDaviesa browser, ActionParsnip?14:04
Umer_h r u14:05
Umer_i m new hele14:05
Umer_any onle admin help me please14:05
k1l_!details | Umer_14:05
ubottuUmer_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:05
Umer_i have a problm.. i have registed my kiwi irc. nd also reg my nick . but please tell me how i go to op..14:06
k1l_Umer_: please ask in #freenode for freenode specific topics, this is the ubuntu OS support14:07
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ActionParsnipMarkDavies: log off, click the Ubuntu icon near your username and change to the 2D session, then log in14:07
MarkDaviesOK, I will try it.14:07
Guest65945Hi! How do I map the play/pause buttons on my keyboard to work in Ubuntu? thx in advance14:07
ActionParsnipGuest65945: if you run:  xev    then press the keys, do they make events?14:08
Guest65945ActionParsnip, yes, they work.14:09
Guest65945ActionParsnip, the volume buttons works.14:09
ActionParsnipGuest65945: then go into keyboard settings and double click things, then press the keys to acssign the button14:09
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Guest65945ActionParsnip, maybe they work, maybe it's just that Spotify won't recognize them?14:12
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ekim28is it possible to upgrade ubuntu from an older version14:15
Unforgivenekim28: what older version is that14:15
rcw2my desktop becomes unreadable on my other computer soon after i plug in a lan cable. wireless connections have been ok, though. /var/log/syslog has a line of triangles at the time of the error, like these: http://tinyurl.com/m8abt6m ... just before, NetworkManager says disconnected, then kernel says 'do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? ' Then Network Manager removes the connection from keyfile. any suggestions?14:17
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rcw2my desktop becomes unreadable on my other computer soon after i plug in a lan cable. wireless connections have been ok, though. /var/log/syslog has a line of triangles at the time of the error, like these: http://tinyurl.com/m8abt6m ... just before, NetworkManager says disconnected, then kernel says 'do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? ' Then Network Manager removes the connection from keyfile. any suggestions?14:26
raiderturborcw2, can you pastebin the output from dmesg? eg.    ->           dmesg | pastebinit14:31
raiderturborcw2, I might not be able to help you but it might help other help you...14:31
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Jinxed-How do I reload rc.local after I add a line to /etc/rc.local14:32
MarkDaviesWhat do you think about the idea of using Google Chrome with Ubuntu?14:33
raiderturboMarkDavies, Why aren't you using it already?!?!? ;-)14:33
raiderturboMarkDavies, Chrome is best browser - end of question on any device/OS...14:34
raiderturboMarkDavies, (or Chromium)14:34
MarkDaviesraiderturbo: what's the best way to install it on Ubuntu?14:34
somsipMarkDavies: the unsupported PPA14:34
PessimistMarkDavies, it's spyware and using chrome is like helping google improve spying on you... they don't care about your freedoms, they just don't. Stop using chrome. And btw, there is no 'best' browser and this is not a place to talk about this14:35
path0genJinxed-: sudo /etc/init.d/rc.local start14:35
raiderturboPessimist: Name says it all...14:35
MarkDaviesPessimist: perhaps it is, but with firefox not working properly I need a browser that will simply do its job.14:36
raiderturboMarkDavies, You can install Chromium via the Ubuntu Software Centre14:36
path0genUse wget and parse the html by hand14:36
irrFor some reason calling setgid on upstart fails because it can't find "nobody" but when I do id -g nobody it returns the id.14:37
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MarkDaviesraiderturbo: what ppa should I use?14:41
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ThePendulumHey. I was wondering if there's a way to have the Unity Launcher act normal again, instead of it creating a second icon for every program I open14:44
glitsj16ThePendulum: what version of ubuntu are you using?14:51
ThePendulumglitsj16: 13.1014:51
glitsj16ThePendulum: there's instructions for resetting unity here --> http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html14:52
ThePendulumI hope that fixes it, then14:52
glitsj16ThePendulum: at least something to try, never saw unity do what you describe .. just a suggestion14:53
ThePendulumHmmm. Unity just died entirely :p14:56
ThePendulumDidn't seem to work, unfortunate :(14:56
glitsj16ThePendulum: which method did you try?14:57
ThePendulumThe unity reset program on the top of that page14:57
glitsj16ThePendulum: i'd try the manual method too14:58
ThePendulumHm, I'll try that one after dinner14:59
ThePendulumglitsj16: Thanks for the link!14:59
dave305I cant play mp3 files in rhythm player..pls help.15:00
glitsj16ThePendulum: you're welcome, hope you get things back to normal15:00
ThePendulumdave305: Do they work in other plays?15:00
ThePendulum*players, sorry15:00
Brutus|Hi, what is the correct way to restart a service automatically every hour?15:11
Brutus|what I normally do is /etc/init.d/<name> restart15:12
PiciBrutus|: service servicename restart15:12
Brutus|Pici: lol no15:15
Brutus|I wish to automate it15:15
Brutus|the command works, but I wish to do it every hour15:15
PiciBrutus|: So put it in root's crontab.  sudo crontab -e and then add an entry like 0 * * * service servicename restart15:16
PiciBrutus|: see man 5 crontab for more info15:17
rcw2would someone like to help with Network Manager?  my desktop becomes unreadable on my other computer soon after i plug in a lan cable. wireless connections have been ok, though. /var/log/syslog has a line of triangles at the time of the error, like these: http://tinyurl.com/m8abt6m ... just before, NetworkManager says disconnected, then kernel says 'do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? ' Then Network Manager removes the connection from keyfile.15:17
rcw2any suggestions?15:17
rainbowwarriorhi , i am having problems with my Ubuntu 14.04 , it was working fine a minute ago then i done a reboot and now when i enter my password correctly it no longer logs me in, how can i fix this please ?15:18
llutz!14.04| rainbowwarrior15:19
ubotturainbowwarrior: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+115:19
rainbowwarriorthank you llutz15:19
chronospazzIs there a guide for running multiple monitors on ubuntu?15:22
chronospazzi couldnt find a recent one that dealt with intel graphics15:23
dave305how to install tar.gz files in ubuntu15:23
chronospazzdave305: install or unpack? you can double click them in file manager to unpack them15:24
chronospazzdave305: install means setup a program; if you just have data in a tgz you merely unpack the data. what specifically are you trying to do and what do the tar.gz contain?15:25
dave305flash player for mozilla firefox15:25
kostkondave305, open the software centre, search for it and install it from there. or better search for "ubuntu-restricted-extras" and install that15:26
chronospazzdave305: install that from the "ubuntu restricted extras" in software centre but before we continue are you aware that it's an older flash player, and google chrome has a newer one?15:26
TeraJLon the wiki, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve, they tell to install experimental beta, but i don't find it on the "Additional drivers" app... i'm using ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:28
chronospazzTeraJL: Not sure what you are trying to do? the steam download direct from steam's website works on 12.0415:29
chronospazzTeraJL: Oh i get it, drivers for video card. sorry15:29
chronospazzi am stupid today15:29
chronospazzTeraJL: which video card do you have?15:30
rcw2would someone like to help with Network Manager? my desktop becomes unreadable on my other computer soon after i plug in a lan cable. wireless connections have been ok, though. /var/log/syslog has a line of triangles at the time of the error, like these: http://tinyurl.com/m8abt6m ... just before, NetworkManager says disconnected, then kernel says 'do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? ' Then Network Manager removes the connection from keyfile. any15:30
rcw2 suggestions?15:30
TeraJLchronospazz: :) , no problem, i have nvidia 525M15:30
twilysparkle_doesn't the option install restricted software in the setup install it already?15:31
twilysparkle_the restricted extra stuf15:31
decafhi. it seems hd-media installs kernel version is not the same in 12.04.03 iso. how can I find correct hd-media vmlinuz?15:31
chronospazzTeraJL: you  have the additional drivers page though? what options/versions does it offer?15:31
TeraJLolder version, post-release of older, recommended, and post-release of the recommended.. almost like the screenshot, but no "experimental beta"15:32
chronospazzTeraJL: i am not sure on the numbers as i dont use nividia; i would check the version numbers as the experimental beta might now not be experimental... those instructions are old. however im not sure if you need to enable a ppa15:33
ksmthhey guys15:35
ksmthis there any official *non*-iso download for ubuntu server?15:36
decafksmth: what do you need exactly?15:36
chronospazzksmth: what are you trying to do?15:36
ksmthI want to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a machine. I have to use the providers installer and it doesn't expect an .iso15:37
ksmthit expects a tarball15:38
decafksmth: check providers docs to find what kind of tarball they need15:38
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ksmthcomplete operating system, no /dev, /proc or /sys folder and the grub bootloader15:40
ksmthjust one kernel inside /boot15:40
decafI'm not aware of such a generic tarball exists. virtualization involved?15:41
chronospazzWell you have sympathy ... Can you install into a VM and then tar the files yourself?15:41
ksmththat's what the installer expects ... so, in any case - either I need to find a preexisting tarball or I'll have to extract the iso myself -.-15:41
TJ-ksmth: or a different provider!15:41
ksmthTJ- not an option15:42
ksmthchronospazz well, I could do that15:42
ksmthchronospazz at least I think I could15:42
chronospazzit never is with those kind of questions, if it was i'm sure yo would have walked away much earlier ;-)15:42
ksmthchronospazz well, I guess I wouldn't be here ;)15:43
oaulakhhow to decrease brightness of screen in ubuntu15:43
chronospazzoaulakh: there s a "brightness and lock" in the system settings15:44
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chronospazzoaulakh: click the ubuntu logo at top left, type in "brightness"15:45
ksmthcan't I just extract the files of the iso and zip the contents up in a tarball?15:45
chronospazzksmth: i dont know - booting worries me - I am sorry I cant help15:47
ksmthisn't grub the default bootloader?15:47
countthestars185I have a second hard drive slaved on my computer that holds nothing except movies.  I am using my computer to stream movies to my smart TV, the problem is that every time I want to watch one of these movies, I have to come and make sure that the HDD is mounted, and that it is shared so that the TV can access the files.  How can I tell ubuntu to automatically mount and share this HDD every time it boots up?15:48
chronospazzksmth: grub2 but i dont know how it would interact with your provider's system15:48
chronospazzcountthestars185: in your /etc/fstab file15:48
ksmthchronospazz the provider says grub is required, so ... it sounds fine, doesn't it?15:48
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chronospazzksmth: i really dont know, but i imagine others here might if wait around15:49
countthestars185chronospazz: can you take me through it step by step?15:49
ksmthwell, I have to download the image and then upload it again after extracting it ... I'll be around a little more15:49
chronospazzcountthestars185: depends on your hardware config. see the fstab guide first https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab15:49
countthestars185chronospazz: thanks!15:50
chronospazzcountthestars185: that will mount automatically; for sharing look at the docs for "cifs"15:52
MarkDavieswell... I've observed one interesting thing: firefox doesn't grab so much memory when the Internet is cut off.15:53
ksmthI have observed I use Firefox much less when the internet is cut off15:54
ksmthok ... in what way is the Mac image modified?15:57
ksmthit seems like I can't mount the default image on OS X15:57
chronospazzksmth: macs should be able to mount an iso ... the mac image has a different boot/install15:58
ksmthchronospazz well, I thought so, too15:58
ksmthmaybe a corrupt download then15:59
nivramwhat up16:01
jhutchinsksmth: You might need to use the disk manager to convert it to a dmg.16:01
ksmthyeah, the md5 checksum is correct16:01
ksmthjhutchins still greeting me with a ghastly error message16:03
ksmthno mountable file systems16:03
chronospazzIf you have osx or newer you *should* be able to just double click an ISO to mount it. if not in finde,r there's file -> mount image16:03
chronospazzit's been a white since i used macos16:03
ksmthchronospazz I have tried mounting it numerous times, and it's trying but then erroring out16:04
chronospazzksmth: I am 100% sure a mac can mount ISO by double click. This seems like "oops wrong file" or a mac issue.16:05
ksmthchronospazz seriously, it tries mounting the image and then it pops up with the mentioned error message.16:06
chronospazzoh i see, so it mounts but cant read the filesystem?16:06
ksmthchronospazz I have double clicked it, tried mounting it with Disk Utility, but I get the error regarding the FS16:06
chronospazzksmth: does this help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/153833/why-cant-i-mount-the-ubuntu-12-04-installer-isos-in-mac-os-x16:07
chronospazzksmth: they say the new ISOs are a different format that the mac can't read and they provide a workaround16:08
ksmthchronospazz ah, that's what I just discovered as well. Seems like it's working ... uploading16:10
countthestars185chronospazz: I used pysdm to create an fstab entry that will automount on boot.  I'm having trouble setting up the share though.  I've read through the CIFS info, and even installed the utility, but I'm not sure how to use it16:12
Tincup74Is there a dang easy way to get AMD drivers installed in ubuntu 12.04?  I am trying to set some miners (litecoin) up and having a doozie of a time with it.16:16
chronospazzcountthestars185: does your TV using windows file sharing protocol?16:18
chronospazzcountthestars185: if so, you need to install and configure 'samba' on the server according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba16:18
chemist^Hello everyone, i've got a problem that's probably easy to solve. I use 2 displays with my Ubuntu (xfce4). One is my LCD monitor and the other is a Sony Bravia LCD TV connected to my graphics card via HDMI cable (My graphic card is Asus HD 5450), which delivers sound to my TV as well. Every time i turn OFF my TV, i can't get the sound to work on it. I have to logout/login in order for it to "recognize" it. Is there a way to just re16:21
chemist^set the sound manager or something instead of logging out every time this occurs?16:21
chemist^If i disable/enable it in pulseaudio control - doesn't work16:22
chemist^would resetting pulseaudio help?16:24
countthestars185chronospazz:  Thank you for all of your help, I've configured Samba, I will reboot to see if it worked, if I have anymore problems, I will be back.  Thanks again16:25
diuneighcan someone help me with an error?16:27
k1l_!details | diuneigh16:28
ubottudiuneigh: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:28
k1l_!ru | Slonjk_16:30
ubottuSlonjk_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:30
yeyemanwhich is the libreoffice program for making pdf?16:33
Daekdroomyeyeman, you can use LibreOffice Writer and export it to PDF.16:34
diuneighI am having a problem running synaptic.  the error is E: Type '<html><head><meta' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list16:35
diuneighE: The list of sources could not be read.16:35
diuneighGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.16:35
diuneighE: _cache->open() failed, please report.16:35
Daekdroomyeyeman, LibreOffice Draw and Impress can do it as well. Choose whichever suits more the type of document you need to make.16:36
diuneighI believe this happened from trying to install sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update16:36
diuneighsudo apt-get install libdvdcss216:36
FloodBot1diuneigh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:36
llutzdiuneigh: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list.disabled16:36
k1l_diuneigh: what dies a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list" give you? please put in a pastebin16:36
hitsujiTMOdiuneigh: medibuntus dead16:36
illectronicim trying to send custom log files to a log server using syslog. How can I do this?16:36
k1l_diuneigh: well yes, medibuntu is outdated16:37
diuneighsorry.. let me use pastebin16:37
llutzk1l_: medibuntu is dead, no matter what his malformed sources.list file contains16:37
diuneighhow to remove medibuntu?16:37
llutzdiuneigh: sudo /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list && sudo apt-get update16:37
llutzdiuneigh: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list && sudo apt-get update16:37
llutzdiuneigh: and for libdvdcss https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs16:39
diuneighllutz thanks..16:41
diuneighI see that I don't need that if I installed restricted extras..16:41
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Serres_hello People, I need some help installing ubuntu on my old desktop. Could anyone help me?16:48
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fer755i have a trouble whit X startx works but X dont work to initiate a login manager how can resolve it?16:51
juzemackcan anyone help me with a user/group/permission question?16:52
jrib!ask | juzemack16:52
ubottujuzemack: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:52
juzemackI have 3 groups all containing a few users, I want to change permissions to a directory for all users of 1 particular group16:53
juzemacknormally I would su as each individual user and do chmod g=rw *directory*16:54
juzemackis there a way that I can change the group permissions for all users in a specific group?16:54
somsipjuzemack: chgrp -R {group} {directory} && chmod g+s {directory}16:54
jribjuzemack: a directory only has one group16:54
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somsipjuzemack: so that will allow any oft he 3 users to create files in there, or access existing ones.16:55
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jribsomsip: your command doesn't affect permissions though16:56
llutzsomsip: with default umask=0022... writing will be a problem16:56
juzemackthe g+s does that?? could i also do: ...&& chmod g=rw {directory} ??16:57
jribjuzemack: does what?16:57
somsipjuzemack: true, true. Adapt this: find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 sudo chmod 770; find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sudo chmod 66016:57
jribsomsip: that won't affect any new files though16:57
llutzsomsip: still the problem when user1 creates a file, user2 won't be able to write/delete/change it16:58
jribjuzemack: i still don't even know what you want to do.16:58
asshat_if you apply it to the folder then it should16:58
somsipjrib: k - I'm missing something as I use this all the time, and recommnd it here too16:58
juzemackjrib: Im wanting to change an entire group of users permissions for a directory instead of su'n into all users individually to change their group permission to a specific folder16:59
jribjuzemack: why would you su to users individually?  What does that accomplish?16:59
juzemackthats why Im asking this lol :)16:59
juzemackim a student16:59
asshat_so you want to give sudo permission to all users in a specific folder?16:59
juzemackin 1 case yes17:00
blacRoseHas anyone set up an HP ProLiant 380 G3 with Ubuntu? I've got it installed, but it doesn't seem to want to even go into GRUB.17:00
juzemackI have a group called accounting and they need g=rwx permissison for the accounting sub directory17:00
somsipjuzemack: maybe clearer if you state your end goal. I may have misunderstood you17:00
juzemackno worries17:01
TJ-blacRose: boot disk order?17:01
juzemacki appreciate all the help17:01
jribjuzemack: to what end?  What do you expect the permissions to allow the users in the group to do?17:01
asshat_giving them group permissions with chgrp doesn't work?17:01
juzemackthey need to be able to read write and execute content in their specific folder ie: xxx/accounting17:01
jribjuzemack: what is xxx?17:02
blacRoseTJ-: no, it appears to be booting from the RAID array, however, it just goes to a blank black screen once it does17:02
juzemackjrib: xxx represents a parent folder17:02
somsipjuzemack: ok - I totally misunderstood. Late-night help was a bad idea :) Good luck17:02
juzemacklol no probs somsip, thanks17:03
jribjuzemack: is there more than one xxx/accounting directory...?17:03
jribjuzemack: ok17:03
juzemackeg. bill and jane are in the accounting group.17:03
juzemackby default they dont have rwx permissions but I want to change that on a group scale17:03
jribjuzemack: should bill be able to edit files that jane creates in xxx/accounting?17:03
juzemacknot by individual chmod command17:04
juzemackyes, if they are both in the accounting group17:04
asshat_juzemack: chgrpso you need 770 permissions17:04
llutzasshat_: won't help on newly created files/dir17:04
juzemackso chgrp -R g=rwx {group} {directory} ?17:05
jribjuzemack: use access control lists if you want fine-grained control; otherwise you can setgid on xxx/accounting, change group ownership to accounting, and change bill and jane's umasks to 002.17:05
jribjuzemack: the latter option will not work recursively (i.e. if you have subdirectories in accounting that you want the behavior to persist in)17:05
TJ-blacRose: In the ACU, have you defined the boot controller (which must have a bootable logical volume)17:05
juzemackjrib: okie17:06
MarkDavieswhy does the tab structure look differently in OpenOffice Writer and in vi?17:06
MarkDavieshow can I deal with this problem?17:07
blacRoseTJ-: I don't think I have. However, I've only got one logical volume configured at the moment17:07
TJ-blacRose: E.g. "controller slot=X modify bootcontroller=enable" and "controller slot=X ld 1 modify bootvolume=primary"17:07
hitsujiTMOMarkDavies: you mean the tab widths?17:07
MarkDavieshitsujiTMO: OK, I will show exactly what I mean17:08
blacRoseWell, i'm downloading a the last version of the SmartStart software to see if I need to play with anything in there. I'll go check the BIOS setup again. I'm used to consumer hardware... this proprietary crap is such a waste of time17:09
MarkDaviesjust a moment17:09
blacRoseand I'm not sure what ACU stands for, could you expound on that acronym?17:10
TJ-blacRose: You need to configure most of that offline, at POST time17:11
Barrytheboyhigh could someone help me create a folder in themes as it won't let me unless I do it as root17:11
blacRoseyeah, that's what i'm trying to do17:11
TJ-blacRose: I think you need to read the basic manuals for that system17:11
hitsujiTMOBarrytheboy: do it in ~/.themes17:11
blacRoseyeah, probably :/ I was hoping this would be a quick: put ubuntu disk in, install, done17:12
Barrytheboyim an complete novice I don't really know how17:12
Barrytheboy@hitsujiTMO I am a complete novice and don't really know what to do with that command17:12
BarrytheboyI tried copying it into terminal but I get nothing17:13
blacRoseBarrytheboy: probably means: mkdir -p ~/.themes/NEWFOLDER17:13
blacRosethat's just a guess though17:13
hitsujiTMOBarrytheboy: mkdir ~/.themes; nautilus ~/.themes17:14
juzemackis llutz still here?17:14
BarrytheboyI gone usr/share/themes but I cannot create a folder or drag one in17:14
llutzjuzemack: ?17:14
asshat_Barrytheboy: sudo nautilus17:14
juzemackwhat you were saying before how the chgrp and chmod wont affect any future files, is that to say I will have to do the chgrp and chmod commands after any new subdirectories or files are created?17:15
asshat_Barrytheboy: then you can make stuff17:15
llutzjuzemack: yes17:15
juzemackthus meaning its a shitty way to do things :)17:15
fer755Barry theboy sudo nautilus or create dir with sudo mkdir <dir>17:15
hitsujiTMOBarrytheboy: just use the personal themes directory (~/.themes), not the global one17:15
llutzjuzemack: use ACLs17:15
juzemackokie thanks, I think what I have done is acceptable for my assignment but I am curious about this beyond school17:15
hitsujiTMOBarrytheboy: also, don't sudo nautilus. thats a really bad thing to do17:15
juzemackI will do some reading17:15
FloodBot1juzemack: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
fer755hitsujiTMO is right u dont want create a global dir17:16
llutzjuzemack: a start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissionsACLs17:16
Barrytheboycool thanks guys17:16
juzemackthx llutz17:16
fer755u may sudo nautilus but u wont do that17:17
hitsujiTMOfer755: gksudo not sudo for X apps17:17
asshat_llutz: could juzemack make a user, change the umask for that user and then set the suid on the folder?17:17
llutzasshat_: might do, but i'd suggest using ACLs17:19
fer755hitsujiTMO tks for that i dont know17:19
MarkDavieshitsujiTMO: I've identified the problem, tabs look differently when displayed in 10 size font and when displayed in 12 size font, but I still don't know how to fix it.17:22
blacRoseTJ-: boot disk test output17:24
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=== Guest94601 is now known as kamhagh
kamhaghHi!!! i have a boot problem can i ask it here?17:25
asshat_kamhagh: that's what we're here for!17:26
MarkDaviesHow can I identify the very command that Ubuntu uses when printing?17:26
kamhaghwell i installed ubuntu on my new pc for less then week i was happy but suddenly it now stucks at purple dots screen17:26
TJ-blacRose: Did you install Ubuntu-server or Desktop? which version? which architecture (32 or 64 bit) ?17:26
kamhaghit happened after i booted into windows 8 for showing game ubuntu desktop 64-bit17:26
blacRoseserver, 32-bit, 12.04 LTS17:27
blacRoselooks like it's a 3.0.x kernel17:27
asshat_kamhagh: what have you tried?17:27
blacRosejust the most recent 32 bit image from the ubuntu site17:27
kamhaghoh oh sorry! i thought  your talking to me:) anyway i had to run this: chkdsk /f to isntall17:27
SargunDoes anyone have info on how to create an S3 Ubuntu mirror?17:28
kamhaghhmm im accualy new to linux!! but when i press (ALT + CTRL + F4) i can log in!17:28
TJ-blacRose: OK, was the array configured when Ubuntu was installed? Because if even the GRUB boot-sector *was* being read by the BIOS at POST time, then you'd end up with a "grub rescue>" prompt. If you don't even get that, then the system's boot device order is incorrect17:28
kamhaghand tried reisntalling using liveCD but the option to reinstall is grey17:28
blacRoseand in RBSU, i set it to be linux instead of server 200017:28
blacRosehm, the first thing in the boot device order is (now) the hard drive. still goes to just a blank black screen17:29
kamhaghIf you want i will post where it stock when i press ESC i also saw 3 fails17:29
asshat_kamhagh:  hit esc while it's booting and you can aat least see what it's stuck at17:29
blacRose*hard drive array controller i should say to be precise17:29
TJ-blacRose: Are you able to boot it from a live ISO CD/USB so we can check what is there?17:29
hibbanHey, can anyone help me with some issues? I'm new to the Ubuntu platform.17:29
kamhaghim posting it:)17:29
kamhaghim able to boot using a liveCD anyay17:30
blacRoseit's only usb 1.1, but i did boot from the server install CD and ran through all of that17:30
asshat_hibban: yes17:30
fer755!give hibban ask17:30
ubottufer755: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:30
kamhaghalways stuck here  "stopping startpar bridge for notification of upstart job start/stop"17:30
blacRosecan the server install CD be used to get shell and mount the disk?17:31
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fer755!ask | hibban17:32
ubottuhibban: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:32
TJ-blacRose: long time since I used that directly; I can't remember.17:32
kamhaghblacRose : do you want me to post the fail parts too?17:32
blacRoseweird, putting the server install CD in immediately started to do something.17:32
TJ-blacRose: I seem to recall it does have a "rescue" option17:33
blacRoseoh sorry kamhagh i wasn't trying to help you :)17:33
kamhaghsorry so ok17:33
hibbanSo, I can't get Adobe Flash Player. Whenever I click "Download Now" on the website, after choosing Ubuntu 13.04+, it opens up Ubuntu software center. Then, the Software Center says "PAckage not found".17:33
blacRoseTJ- nevermind17:33
blacRoseit appears to have booted now17:33
kamhaghasshat_ it stucks here:  "stopping startpar bridge for notification of upstart job start/stop" always17:33
wctaiwanhow does Ubuntu's website sniff my language? It's not in my user agent string; I use an English OS with Chrome in English, and yet it offered a download link in Chinese (albeit simplified, rather than traditional, which is the variant I use)17:34
blacRosei put the CD into the drive then opened it and it started going through boot process sutff17:34
blacRoseso confusing17:34
TJ-blacRose: what was it? Array rebuild delay?17:34
blacRosei'll bet that's it17:34
blacRoseyeah, probably17:34
TJ-blacRose: try a few reboots to be sure!17:34
juzemackhabban: have you done a sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade17:34
hibbanDid anyone see my issue?17:34
blacRoselol i will do17:34
asshat_kamhagh: this is 13.04 64bit?17:35
hibbanNo, I haven't.17:35
kamhaghasshat_: 13.10 64bit17:35
juzemackdo that first17:35
ferbivorehibban: try searching for it through Software Center17:35
TJ-wctaiwan: probably some Javascript that looks at the system languages17:35
juzemackhibban: try doing the update and upgrade first then try again17:35
wctaiwanTJ-: Hmm okay, a bit creepy :P17:35
aguiteli installed ubuntu in spanish ,how remove spanish and install english ?17:36
TJ-wctaiwan: Try it with Javascript disabled :)17:36
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wctaiwanTJ-: still sniffs o_O17:36
wctaiwanit's also not geolocating since I'm outside chinese speaking countries atm.17:37
TJ-wctaiwan: intriguing17:37
asshat_kamhagh: well it's a known bug so at least you're not alone, doing a bit more research into it17:37
kamhaghasshat_: i can login using ALT + CNTRL + F4 and run command like sudo apt-get install and get results while its showing booting!! and when isntalling i had problem installing alongside windows 8 so i ran chkdsk /f it fixed it17:38
TJ-wctaiwan: Have you used the Web developer tools to monitor the network traffic... maybe it is sending a language header17:38
hibbanIs the update and upgrade the same thing?17:38
asshat_kamhagh: it's a problem with light dm17:38
wctaiwanTJ-: I'll do that.17:38
ferbivoreaguitel: there should be a settings panel for language; selecting English and letting it install the language packs usually does the trick.17:38
kamhaghasshat_: what is light dm?17:38
juzemackhibban: no17:39
kamhaghasshat_: oh its multi boot?17:39
asshat_kamhagh: it's a display manager17:39
TJ-wctaiwan: I'd bet it's the HTTP "Accept-Language:"17:39
juzemackhibban: update gets a new list and upgrade actually installs packages retrived from update17:39
ferbivorekamhagh: it's the thing that lets you log in17:39
kamhaghasshat_: hmm i got it! but anyway to fix it:(17:39
asshat_kamhagh: you might try installing gdm17:40
kamhaghasshat_ or download olderversion17:40
kamhaghasshat_: oh ok i will search net for download thanks so much:)17:40
asshat_it should be in apt-get17:40
asshat_so apt-get install gdm17:40
kamhaghasshat_: oh ok thanks rebooting will tell you results:) thanks so much:) i hope i will also learn more about linux:)17:41
hibbanIt says unpacking replacement of different things, should this work?17:41
juzemackhibban: upgrade may ask you for a yes or no to continue just hit enter or type y17:42
juzemackother than that update and upgrade is pretty much done on its own17:42
hibbanI pressed Y. It's in the process atm.17:43
LockziHello, I am using OpenMediaVault (Debian based NAS distribution). I have mounted an NFS share, but am experiencing permission problems. What's best practice regarding setting up groups on NAS and on the clients? Currently all directories and files are owned by the group "users"17:44
juzemackhibban: if you have never done an update/upgrade it may take some time17:44
LockziDo you adapt the permissions on the client or server?17:44
CelelibiI have a friend Ubuntu 12.04 that needs to up upgrade g++ to some version that support c++11.17:44
CelelibiWhat's the good way to do this?17:45
kamhaghasshat_: hi its a little bit silly but it said for lightdm already isntalled and for gdm no package but incldued in gnome-control-center that when i wanted to install that said package not available17:48
asshat_kamhagh: sudo apt-get install gdm didn't find any packages??17:48
kamhaghasshat_: no but included in gnome-control-center-something i forgot:)17:49
fpghost84does anyone know possible reasons "cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch" would be missing (there is no fglrx driver installed)?17:49
kamhaghasshat_: sudo apt-get install lightDM also said last version already17:49
asshat_kamhagh: that machine has internet access right?17:50
kamhaghasshat_ yes it has17:51
kamhaghasshat_: its same also it showed me otehr packages17:51
wctaiwanTJ-: Nope. Accept-Language:en,en-GB;q=0.8 xD17:51
hibbanIf I upgrade with sudo, will all non-admin accounts on my computer get the upgrades as well?17:51
wctaiwanthis is getting curioser and curioser.17:52
Trudkohi  guys I have windows next to ubuntu on one partition and I would like to safely remove ubuntu, is there anything whici I need to care about or can I just create bootable usb with gparted and reformat ubuntu part of disk?17:52
juzemackhibban: all other users should see system updates and upgrades17:52
hibbanI still don't have Flash. Also, Firefox says "would you like to install Flash?" then it says "No Suitable Plugins were found".17:54
TJ-wctaiwan: Did you see any other headers being sent by the browser that might explain it?17:54
wctaiwanI'm going to check my system settings and see if there's anything there...17:55
asshat_kamhagh: does it show anything unusual in dmesg?17:55
wctaiwanthe only thing I can think of off the top of my head would be my input method (I have a chinese input method enabled)17:55
wctaiwanbut I don't know how it can get that.17:55
kamhaghasshat_:havent tried dmesg i guess did one time forgot thats suppost to show dev/sda 1 or... right?17:56
asshat_kamhagh: it shows some logs17:56
kamhaghasshat_: rebooting again!17:56
asshat_kamhagh: you don't have to reboot17:56
juzemackhibban: hold17:57
TJ-wctaiwan: I think you need to tcpdump/wireshark the port 80 traffic to figure it out... with javascript disabled of course. Does the page have any embedded <object> tags or advanced HTML5 stuff - that could do it17:57
kamhaghasshat_: than what should i do? windows command? oh i guess17:57
asshat_then login17:57
asshat_then do sudo dmesg17:57
kamhaghasshat_: didnt work in cmd i apologize my noobness:(17:57
juzemackhibban: try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:57
ferbivorejuzemack: isn't it adobe-flashplugin nowadays? From the partner repo?17:58
kamhaghasshat_: oh then i should reboot to Ubuntu coz im using dualboot rebooting!17:58
kamhaghi mean do it?17:58
juzemackferbivore: you are prolly right17:58
asshat_kamhagh:  yeah and read through it ans see if anything looks like an error17:59
asshat_kamhagh: shift pg up and pg down to scroll17:59
kamhaghrebooting... !17:59
hibbanI believe this may work. Will I have to get Flash for different browsers? Or will this work for all.17:59
belgianguywill 3.13 appear in the mainline repo for saucy?17:59
juzemackhibban: should work with firefox17:59
juzemackif that doesnt work, try ....install adobe-flashplugin like ferbivore said18:00
wctaiwanTJ-: mystery solved. It's not sniffing at all.18:00
hibbanjuzemack: What about Chromium?18:00
wctaiwanit just links to the chinese version regardless.18:00
TJ-wctaiwan: :)18:00
wctaiwanI have no idea why.18:00
juzemackhibban: not sure, may have to read into that18:00
wctaiwanI tested on a computer other than my own. Link is still there.18:00
juzemackI dont use ubuntu for much other than programming and irc chatting18:00
TJ-wctaiwan: what link ?18:00
wctaiwanTJ-: http://ubuntu.com/ Under the download dropdown, chinese is shown as the last item.18:01
wctaiwan(more precisely, Ubuntu Desktop in Chinese.)18:01
hibbanjuzemack:  Success on Mozilla.18:02
ferbivorewctaiwan: it does that globally, indeed.18:02
juzemackhibban: excellent!18:02
TJ-wctaiwan: I know why that is; Canonical is doing a big push with Chinese ODMs and has staff and an office there with people who don't have good English18:02
wctaiwanAh, okay.18:02
TJ-wctaiwan: Probably trying to capture the "next billion" :)18:03
wctaiwanIt's as good a starting place for that as any, I suppose.18:03
wctaiwanit helps that their home grown Linux didn't really go anywhere >_>18:03
AAP__i wanna install ubuntu in my office18:03
AAP__around 50 desktops are here18:03
AAP__is it right choice to move from windows to ubuntu ?18:04
hibbanjuzemack: And with Chromium! :D Thank you!18:04
ActionParsnipAAP__: if it suits the needs of the office, yes18:04
kiw0AAP__, what applications do you use?18:04
juzemackhibban: glad it worked out :)18:04
ActionParsnipAAP__: I think you need to research what ubuntu can o then perform a feasibility study18:04
rootвсем привет18:04
AAP__basically browser , FTP client , word processing18:04
ActionParsnipAAP__: yes it can do all that18:05
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AAP__but heard ubuntu crashes sometimes18:05
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest2409018:05
ubottuGuest24090: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.18:05
kiw0ok, than thera are not problems...18:05
hibbanjuzzemack: Also, how do I lock apps onto the bar on the left?18:05
ActionParsnipAAP__: every OS crashes sometimes18:05
AAP__but my friends said ubuntu crashes often18:06
krishnanhere after a long time18:06
kiw0AAP__, if you research stability you can chose debian18:06
AAP__sometimes it crashes the windows18:06
ActionParsnipAAP__: I have fewer crashes in Ubuntu than Windows18:06
AAP__i mean the open windows of applications18:06
ferbivoreAAP__: for an enterprise deployment, you may want to try either the LTS version (12.04) or something completely different (e.g. CentOS)18:06
AAP__LTS versions are more stable than non LTS versions ?18:06
ActionParsnipAAP__: yes, and supported longer18:07
asshat_kamhagh: put in these commands "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-next & sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging"18:07
AAP__what about debian ?18:07
AAP__someone said debian is good now18:07
glitsj16hibban: right-click on their icon --> Lock to launcher18:07
juzemackhibban: im pretty sure you can just drag them there, no?18:07
ActionParsnipasshat_: really? something as crucial as the DE and ou are using a 3rd party source.18:07
ferbivoreAAP__: Debian tends to be harder to set up.18:07
ActionParsnipAAP__: both ubuntu and debian are decent. Again, you will need to test18:07
kiw0debian is stable because use old package that are very tested18:07
AAP__kiw0: you support debian ?18:08
kamhaghasshat_: nothing sounded so wired but these things maybe 1% error! ::18:08
ActionParsnipkiw0: debian is rolling release so is more up to date18:08
hibbanjuzemack: Actually, I just did and it worked. For some reason it didn't before. Thanks. Good bye my friend. I've appreciated your kindness.18:08
AAP__ActionParsnip: so ubuntu is good for networking ?18:08
glitsj16AAP__: hardware specs of the 50 desktops will have a big impact, check if all the hardware is supported18:08
asshat_kamhagh: it looks like from what i'm reading you either have to go to 13.04 or install gdm instead of lightdm18:08
ActionParsnipAAP__: yes, I cant think of a single modern OS that isnt18:08
juzemackhibban: any time18:08
kamhaghasshat_: eth0: link down for 2 times link is not read link becomes ready18:08
tiblockHi. What desktop environment used ubuntu 8? I liked it very much.18:08
kamhaghasshat_: if its only login screen i dont ahve problem whit gdm18:09
ActionParsniptiblock: Gnome, like it always has been18:09
asshat_kamhagh: gdm=gnome desktop manager=login screen18:09
asshat_kamhagh:  you are using lightdm right now light desktop manager18:09
AAP__anyone who quit windows completely ?18:09
ActionParsnipAAP__: there isnt a windows PC in my house18:09
ferbivoretiblock: Gnome 2.x. If you want something similar, look up MATE.18:09
kamhaghasshat_: failsafe main something killed i can read you others but i did: sudo apt-get install gdm didnt find but inclduded in gnome-control-center18:09
tiblockActionParsnip, i saw current gnome. Its different, so i thought its not gnome. What exacly version it was and can i use it now?18:10
AAP__ActionParsnip: really ?18:10
tiblockferbivore, thank you18:10
ActionParsniptiblock: its just a differnet shell, Unity. It's still Gnome18:10
ActionParsnipAAP__: yes18:10
tiblockActionParsnip, thank you.18:10
ActionParsniptiblock: Cinnamon is in the official repos of Ubuntu now, may want to use that18:10
asshat_kamhagh:  you can add the ppas for gnome to get it or you can go back to 13.0418:10
AAP__what if you need to use any windows app ?18:10
kamhaghasshat_: when i did sudo apt-get install gnome-control-stuff it didnt find im searching net for how to isntall anyway i will download 13.04 if didnt work thanks btw:)18:10
ActionParsnipAAP__: I web browse and chat online, why would I need to pay for an OS when a free one does what I need.18:10
ActionParsnipAAP__: I havent used a windows app in over 10 years outside of work18:11
asshat_kamhagh: to add the ppas sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-next & sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging18:11
asshat_kamhagh: then do sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get install gdm18:11
AAP__ActionParsnip: you a web developer or programmer ?18:11
ActionParsnipkamhagh: install gnome-panel and you can use that session. You dont need any PPAs to get the classic Gnome session18:11
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ActionParsnipAAP__: no, like I said, web browsing and chat18:12
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AAP__but web designers need to use photoshop18:12
ActionParsnipAAP__: no they don't18:12
ActionParsnipAAP__: they can use any graphic package they like18:12
AAP__ActionParsnip: really ?18:12
AAP__GIMP is good ??18:12
ActionParsnipAAP__: They can use MS Paint if they want. they don't "have to" use anything18:13
kamhaghasshat_: im rebooting to try:| thanks anyway will tell you if worked else i will download 13.04 tonight!!!! my net is data limited every mb costs me lot of money:) r18:13
cspeakI know a lot of people that use GIMP and do amazing things with it.18:13
asshat_AAP__:  GIMP is good if you know how to use it18:13
AAP__any problems with 13.10 release ?18:13
ActionParsnipAAP__: why do they "need to" use Photoshop if they dont want to?18:13
cspeakPersonally, I can't use Photoshop or Gimp haha18:13
asshat_cspeak: amen to that!18:13
ActionParsnipAAP__: why do they "need to" use Photoshop if they dont want to?18:13
kiw0cspeak, i have installed GIMP on my pc some days ago, then I have watched  video tutorial on youtube18:14
AAP__ActionParsnip: any problems with 13.10 release ?18:14
ActionParsnipAAP__: none here, will you kindly answer my question please18:14
kiw0I think that it can to learn the fundamental in this way18:14
AAP__photoshop has more features18:14
ActionParsnipAAP__: Trusty Tahr (Ubuntu 14.04) is out in a few months, you can upgrade directly to Trusty from Saucy (Ubuntu 13.10) in one jump18:15
kiw0yes AAP__ but photoshop is expensive18:15
cspeakkiw0: I tried using photoshop for YEARS, tutorial after tutorial. Then I tried GIMP for another year when I switched to Ubuntu. I just don't have an eye for graphical/UI design in ANY way, which really sucks. When it comes to system design, I love it!18:15
ActionParsnipAAP__: But that doesnt mean they have to use it, Gimp is very modular so can have just as many features as photoshop18:15
ActionParsnipAAP__: your view of software is very skewed18:16
AAP__any bloggers here using ubuntu ?18:16
compdocphotoshop is pretty easy. doesnt speak much for your skillz18:16
infern0I want to make a windows version of lose lose anyone else interested?18:22
daninozhi, how can I update the menu on ubuntu 13.10 gnome?18:26
kamhaghasshat_: add-res no command :( also gdm was already in a package that was the lastest! im donwloading 13.04 tonight:((( but also it works from 13.10 live CD and this problem happened after 3 days:(((  btw i guess i had taht 2 years ago my cousin fixed it hes in Germany now!18:26
infern0What do you mean update the menu?18:26
kamhaghasshat_: thanks for the help anyway:)18:27
itshelp. i have made an iso image in chroot environment using remastersys. however, when i boot with qemu it boots but when i made a usb bootable with it , it fails to boot. HELP18:27
daninozinfern0, sorry, edit the main menu18:28
itshelp. i have made an iso image in chroot environment using remastersys. however, when i boot with qemu it boots but when i made a usb bootable with it , it fails to boot. HELP18:28
infern0Ah, not sure in gnome sorry18:28
infern0usually use kde18:28
ActionParsnipkamhagh: Raring is EOL in a few weeks.18:29
ActionParsnipkamhagh: in fact, 7 days today18:30
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ubottumax68: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:35
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=== Ainsey11 is now known as potatomasher
xxx123I'm some what new to linux, besides linux admin jobs what are some other jobs you can get with knowing linux?18:38
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asshat_xxx123: development positions18:39
AAP__whois satyanash218:39
ActionParsnipxxx123: developer jobs, the commands for iptables and such are common in routers and switches whichCisco uses18:40
ActionParsnipxxx123: graphic and audio packages may get you creative jobs18:41
AAP__ActionParsnip: you know networking cisco products ?18:41
AAP__ActionParsnip: you done Cisco certifications ?18:41
asshat_AAP__: i have, pain in the ass18:41
AAP__why asshat_ ?18:42
ActionParsnipAAP__: I query switches etc, not done courses but I can diagnose issues18:42
asshat_AAP__: why was it a pain in the ass?18:42
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xxx123if i wanted to get my foot in the door somewhere what linux certification would i get ?18:42
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ActionParsnipxxx123: LPI-101 and LPI-102 as a start18:42
asshat_xxx123: start off with linux+ through comptia. that will get you lpi 101 and 102 as well18:43
asshat_AAP__: everything seems like it was made to be much more complicated than it needed to be18:43
asshat_xxx123: oh yeah, stay away from trainsignal stuff, they are out of date18:45
ActionParsnipxxx123: besides windows admin jobs, what are some other jobs you can get with knowing windows18:45
ActionParsnipxxx123: same question, sam answe18:45
ActionParsnipxxx123: or are you unfamiliar with Windows to?18:46
Teduardohow do you disable xwindows on boot on 13.10?18:46
asshat_ActionParsnip: don't be an ass18:46
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ActionParsnipTeduardo: add the boot option:  text18:46
ActionParsnipasshat_: i'm not, its a legit question to gauge ability and knowledge etc18:46
itshelp. i have made an iso image in chroot environment using remastersys. however, when i boot with qemu it boots but when i made a usb bootable with it , it fails to boot. HELP18:47
itsplease can someone help18:47
xxx123no i know windows fairly well and i know some linux18:48
ActionParsnipxxx123: then my question is: how is knowing Linux any different to what your job prospects are if you know windows well?18:48
xxx123i dont want a windows job18:51
ActionParsnipasshat_: making the user think is not being an ass18:51
nearsthow to install ia32-libs on amd64 saucy ?18:51
ActionParsnipnearst: its not needed if memory serves18:51
itsplease can someone help18:51
itshelp. i have made an iso image in chroot environment using remastersys. however, when i boot with qemu it boots but when i made a usb bootable with it , it fails to boot. HELP18:51
ActionParsnipxxx123: then you will need to reskill, its a different OS yes, but the job prospects are fairly evenly spread18:52
ActionParsnipits: if nobody knows, nobody will answer18:52
itshelp. i have made an iso image in chroot environment using remastersys. however, when i boot with qemu it boots but when i made a usb bootable with it , it fails to boot. HELP18:52
nearstActionParsnip, but its require for some package to install18:52
jhutchinsits: How are you transferring the image to the USB?18:52
ActionParsnipnearst: like what?18:53
xxx123so what your saying is that the 2 OS's  have pretty much the same jobs just in different flavors?18:53
BWKi have a fedora partition on my hdd and I want ubuntu boot loader to recognize it and i'll be able to choose which one to load. How would I do this?18:54
asshat_BWK: add it to the menu.lst18:56
belgianguyis it possible to use 13.10 with the 3.13 kernel?18:56
jhutchinsBWK: update-grub should detect it and add it automatically.18:56
asshat_BWK: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19082-01/819-2379/fvbbb/index.html18:57
DJonesbelgianguy: Has it been released in the official Ubuntu repo's, if yes, then it should work fine, if not, then there's going to be a reason for that18:57
hitsujiTMObelgianguy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds pull the trusty mainline 3.1318:57
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belgianguyhitsujiTMO: yeah, I usually used those, but was wondering if my saucy would get upset with a trusty kernel18:59
amaroksI have onboard Intel G41 express video card and another AMD radeon card and I have 1 screen connected to each, on windows 7 both screens are detected while on UBuntu (latest) just 1 is detected any idea?18:59
hitsujiTMObelgianguy: its not exactly a "trusty" kernel. just package. It contains none of the pataches18:59
hitsujiTMOubuntu patches*18:59
asshat_amaroks: is the intel or amd card not detected19:00
hitsujiTMObelgianguy: why do you want to use it?19:00
asshat_amaroks: oh shit real job calls. sorry19:00
belgianguyhitsujiTMO: to see if AMD is getting better at their GPU support19:00
belgianguybut as I'm on catalyst, I'll probably have to reinstall the driver for that kernel19:01
amaroksscreen connected to AMD is not detected so AMD, even thpough I have the driver installed19:01
bigbadbenif I wanted to find some source code of a glib function is there a way to find it on my computer itself?19:01
hitsujiTMObelgianguy: afaik its the open drivers that have the improvements in the kernel, not the flgrx19:01
jhutchinsamaroks: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/hybrid_graphics19:02
belgianguyhitsujiTMO: true, but I am curious about it, I probably am better off waiting19:02
belgianguybecause I'll break my fglrx again19:02
jhutchinsbigbadben: Sure, if you've installed the source code.19:03
belgianguybut I've broken it so many times that root shell is starting to feel like a second home :p19:03
SlartibartfassCan someone tell me why ubuntu is better then Debian?19:04
belgianguySlartibartfass: 'better' is in the eye of the beholder methinks19:05
hoodoowoo(running 12.04) With a USB keyboard attached, I'm apparently not able to suspend my computer.  Symptoms: I select "Suspend" through the GUI, and the external monitor shuts off.  After about 15 seconds, it turns back on requesting my password.  /var/log/syslog suggests that it did suspend, but only for about a  tenth of a second.  Given that I want my USB keyboard to turn my computer on if I touch a button, is there a way to still all19:07
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lazypowerCan someone confirm this is still relevant to controlling a fan? Its dated 2011 so im' a bit leary of just randomly hacking on lmsensors http://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed19:10
lazypowers/a fan/a gpu fan/19:11
TJ-belgianguy: re: kernel versions. I hit a major issue with 3.12 and 3.13 yesterday causing massive libata/AHCI disk read/write errors on boot on one of my test servers; not had chance to bisect it yet, but there can be unwanted effects like that19:12
belgianguyTJ-: ah, good to know, I don't know why, but 3.12 only got me into serious trouble once19:14
belgianguybut that was an RC iirc19:14
TJ-belgianguy: Not had a problem with any of the mainlines up to now; I use them by default.19:17
belgianguyTJ-: I'm very happy with them as well, but am a bit too eager to upgrade sometimes19:17
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lindgrenj6so who wnats to discuss getting ubuntu installed alongside windows 8.119:20
ksmthand again ... GOSH I hate my provider for making this so painful19:20
Sungamoff topic: someone know about a channel about sysadmin stuff, or know how dynamic DNS works?19:20
PiciSungam: ##networking perhaps? see also /msg alis help list19:21
TJ-belgianguy: I found 3.12+ fixed a nasty bug in the iwl4965 drivers causing errors/lost packets. Got a fleet of laptops with those cards so was pretty important19:22
EuclidisMy hp pavilion dv6 is now running overheating. 70° C ...19:23
TJ-Has anyone had experience with GRUB's custom.cfg from "/etc/grub.d/41_custom" ?19:25
EuclidisTJ-: Suggest you install grub-customizer to do that with gui.19:27
thirupathiji hii roryhuges19:29
TJ-Euclidis: no thanks! I work at the command line only19:29
thirupathijihave a kik19:30
pancakes9hi, if I am setting up a new ec2 instance that lots of people are going to be using, what's the best way to work with file permissions?19:31
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pancakes9whether I ahve groups setup or not, do I just have to chmod everything these users will be using? or is there an easier way to do it?19:31
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TJ-Anyone with experience of installing tianocore's DUET with GRUB instead of syslinux?19:38
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yaccWhat packages provides 32bit runtime libraries for Ubuntu 13.10 64bit?19:40
TJ-yacc: multi-arch libs are installed as <libpackagename>:i38619:41
Gamer-Xthis works great for getting the 32 bit binaries in 64 bit19:41
Gamer-Xits what I use all the time19:41
Gamer-Xjust install them and be done with the error messages19:42
yaccTJ: libpng-12-0:i386?19:42
yaccGamer-X: a nice 249MB download ;)19:43
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Gamer-Xhope it helps... It stopped most of my 64 bit headaches.  I ultimately went back to 32 bit, as I could not really tell that much of a difference and the errors for 64 bit get frustrating over time.19:45
culpn8ris there anything like http://www.beelinereader.com/ for terminal. mainly trying to have a way to colorize text for reading on the terminal with less19:45
juzemackhow can I add a user to sudoers that allows them to change passwords of other users except the root19:47
starratshelp please, loaded up ubuntu on my partitioned HD this AM and it got all the way past the little red dots going back and forth and then it just stalled, would not open up at all, waited a good 5 minutes or longer,19:47
TJ-juzemack: You can't easily; you'd have to create an application that controlled their access19:49
Corpsman_General Question: Is there a build of Ubuntu Server 13.01 for x86, or it only on x64 arch now?19:49
TJ-juzemack: then add that application to a restricted list of applications the user(s) can launch, in the sudoers config19:49
Corpsman_<sorry not 13.01 but 13.10)19:49
Euclidisis there any driver with video tearing problem fixed? AMD19:50
Corpsman_General Question: Is there a build of Ubuntu Server 13.10 for x86, or it only on x64 arch now?19:50
TJ-Corpsman_: "PC (Intel x86) server install image"  http://releases.ubuntu.com/saucy/19:50
Corpsman_k. why is that difficult to find on teh mainpage? am I teh dumb, or is it forcing x64 on everyone?19:51
Corpsman_thank you @TJ19:51
TJ-Corpsman_: because except for legacy, there's almost no demand for i386 on server platforms nowadays19:54
starratsNEED HELP!  see above post19:54
Corpsman_Ya. unless your a developer of .deb packages and have to support and test all x86 and x64 versions of Ubuntu =)19:55
Corpsman_thanks again @TJ19:55
leonbravoI'm using ubuntu 12.04 currently, I'm expiencing troubles for using the gtalk pluging in firefox and chromium.  I tried installing Chrome, but as all executables are installed in /opt/... all these files seem to be banned for execution. I tried all flavours of commands to allow execution, but It only can be accessed for sudoers.   other words: If I try /opt/google/chrome$ ./google-chrome I get a permission denied  and with sudo ./19:59
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diuneighcan someone help me with some function of xchat?20:00
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Picidiuneigh: You might get faster/better help by asking in #xchat20:05
starratsno one wants to help me or anyone else, maybe there is a dev mtg everyone is at20:08
anewhow can i just echo something back at me from bash20:08
Picianew: echo "something"20:09
jhutchinsstarrats: We're just fellow users here.  Sometimes someone knows what's happening on your system, sometimes nobody who's around knows.20:09
starratsah okay jhutchins20:10
jhutchinsstarrats: The more you can tell us about what you've tried to do and how you'ce tried to fix it the easier it will be for someone to make a suggestion.20:10
starratswell if you scroll up the page and find my nick I did explain my problem.20:10
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starratsI posted it at 14:4720:11
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jhutchinsYep.  Installer stalled out.  Did you check the alternative consoles?20:11
starratsalternative consoles?20:12
jhutchinsstarrats: One of the problems with installer problems is that most of us only run the installer once per computer we own.20:12
jhutchinsstarrats: Alt-F1, F2, etc.20:12
ferbivorestarrats: did you actually install Ubuntu? Or is the installation media not booting?20:12
starratsah okay, this is a Toshiba laptop running win720:12
jhutchinsstarrats: I run the RedHat installer a lot, it has four screens, not sure about ubuntu.20:12
Euclidisis there any driver with video tearing problem fixed? AMD20:13
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starratsit got as far as the little red dots going back and forth and then it went blank then purple and so on20:13
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Euclidiswhy people install 32bits libraries on 64?20:14
jhutchinsEuclidis: Some software has not been portd to 64 yet, typically media software.20:14
ferbivorestarrats: again, did you install Ubuntu, or is it just the installer DVD not booting?20:14
ubotturovi889: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:14
starratsthen it just stalled, waited for 5 minutes and gave up.  I installed ubuntu20:15
Euclidisjhutchins: does it fix tearing problem with radeon card?20:15
starratsubuntu DVD did not boot all the way then20:15
jhutchinsEuclidis: No idea.20:15
jhutchinsEuclidis: You're the first to mention such a problem.20:16
Euclidisjhutchins: at all? Nobody get video tearing problem using amd driver?20:17
tworkinim having trouble at installation time. my partition table isnt being read correctly, it sees the disk as empty20:17
mknightMKRAND - A Quantum Cellular Randomness Well : http://www.tag.md/public/mkrand-TA1.tar.gz20:17
anewi am trying to system(qw(sudo killall openvpn)); in a perl script but it doesnt seem to be executing?20:18
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Munsterwe see you dinges20:35
dingesjesus christ20:35
jhutchinstworkin: gpt?20:36
tworkinjhutchins: yes using the graphical tool that 12.04 LTS uses during install20:37
tworkinjhutchins: current theory is that enabling hw RAID is causing some difference between windows/linux partition reading20:38
tworkinjhutchins: changed the controller to IDE compat mode and reinstalling windows first20:38
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate20:39
Munstertried to give Unity a chance, but I went with gnome shell instead. It's more to my taste due to easier access20:42
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aarontchi guys, I have an Ubuntu VM which kernel panic'd, and dmesg shows this: http://hastebin.com/gequyeqube.xml20:46
aarontcis it a lost cause?20:46
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nooobLol, I was tweaking the start up programs and I accidentally uninstalled unity, when I log in I get my screen background and nothing else, I used hotkeys to open the terminal and typed unity to start it, but it says unity is not currently installed XD20:50
ferbivoreaarontc: google turns up https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/22598 and a few oops.kernel.org logs. Try booting from a livecd and running fsck on your filesystems.20:50
tworkinagh GPT still isnt reading my partition table20:51
TJ-tworkin: GPT *is* the partition table!20:51
aarontcferbivore: okay, thanks20:51
tworkinTJ-: whatever you call this graphical paritioning tool20:52
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aarontcferbivore: could take a while, it's a 50TiB partition :)20:52
jhutchinsnooob: Start with apt-get -f install, then apt-get install unity20:52
TJ-tworkin: ahhh... "gparted" by any chance?20:52
jhutchinsnooob: I'm not sure what the key package for unity is.20:52
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity20:52
tworkinTJ-: most likely. the one that the installation media uses20:52
lawrIs this channel ran by Marxists?20:53
jhutchinstworkin: Did you read the links that ubottu supplied about the installer?  There might be something about gpt there.20:53
Bashing-omnooob: Ya might try -> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop <- see if that will get your desk top back (??) .20:53
Guest60984Can someone help me out with a bootable USB drive? If anyone has knowledge of partions, and disk management, formatting, etc please text me one on one.20:53
yaccaarontc 50TiB?20:53
tworkinjhutchins: yes20:53
TJ-tworkin: which version of Ubuntu?20:53
ferbivoreaarontc: in light of this information, I wish to restate the obvious fact that I offer no warranty of any kind.20:53
aarontcyacc: yes, 50TiB, with about 15TiB used IIRC20:54
nooobjhutchins: I was trying to get rid of the bloat ware like zeitgeist etc, and I accidentally got rid of the whole unity desktop, will reinstalling it also reinstall zeitgeist,etc?20:54
aarontcferbivore: understood ;)20:54
tworkinTJ-: 12.04 lts20:54
jhutchinsnooob: Try it and see.20:55
yaccwell, 16 4TB discs?20:55
jhutchinsnooob: You might want to run with the default configuration until you figure out what different parts do and how they're related.20:55
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Bashing-omGuest60984: we work in the open here to beifit all, state your problem.20:56
TJ-tworkin: This ought to help http://askubuntu.com/questions/225439/create-a-gpt-on-a-new-volume-during-installation20:56
aarontcyacc: 22 4TB disks20:56
tworkinTJ-: there is a builtin RAID controller, which I've disabled in bios. Windows is isntalled and boots fine, but gparted only sees a blank disk20:56
* yacc managed to break the 10TiB level20:57
lawryacc: badman20:57
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Guest60984Bashing-om: I want to make a bootable USB drive, in order to boot a password recovery tool for Windows 7.20:57
yaccin his desktop ;)20:57
aarontcyacc: I'm running a storage cluster with Ceph... desktop only has 3TiB :)20:57
Guest60984I need help as I am not very experienced20:58
ferbivoreGuest60984: is it linux based? Unetbootin can usually handle anything you throw at it.20:58
TJ-tworkin: Is the existing partitioning scheme MBR or GPT? Is the motherboard firmware BIOS or UEFI?20:58
jhutchinsGuest60984: The source for the tool should have instructions on how to set it up.20:58
jhutchinsGuest60984: This is not really a Ubuntu question, is it?20:59
Bashing-omGuest60984: here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1958073 and http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/20:59
kanchaI need some help, I am new in sed command. I need to delete the content of file after line 3021:00
kanchahow to delete it21:00
kanchahee namaskar21:00
yaccaarontc well it's just my home office PC, not exactly a storage cluster21:00
Guest60984ferbivore: I'm on an Ubuntu computer, but I want to make the bootable USB drive, with the program on it from this Ubuntu computer. Using the USB, I want to boot from it on a Windows 7 computer to recover my password on that computer. But as far as21:00
aarontckancha: 'head -n 30 file' > newfile?21:00
tworkinTJ-: MBR i believe. whatever win7 defaults to. I see both UEFI and BIOS options in the boot menu21:00
kanchabut I had one more problem21:01
tworkinTJ-: I just deleted everything, created a GPT via gparted, and two partitions for the two OSes. now installing windows again and try to leave the partition table alone during install21:01
Guest60984ut as far as needing someone's help here, I need someone to make it so I can make that flash drive bootable.21:01
yacckancha, just a guess "30,$d", but is really just guess21:01
kanchathat is: I had one folder that has 10 folders, in each of the folder there are 80 files21:01
aarontcGuest60984: try just 'dd if=myimage.iso of=/dev/sdZ' where 'sdZ' is your flash drive, that should do it for you21:01
kanchanow I want to do for all of them at once21:01
TJ-tworkin: If it is Win7 64-bit it'll be a UEFI+GPT system.21:02
yacctworkin, stop, you need at EFI partition on top of the OS partitions21:02
jhutchinsGuest60984: Ok, so it IS an Ubuntu question. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:02
Guest60984Could someone take remote accesss to mycomputer and do it?>21:02
kanchaI had one folder that has 10 folders, in each of the folder there are 80 files and each files content need to be deleted after line 3021:03
kanchathis is the problem21:03
tworkinyacc: the 100mb junk partition windows creates for restore or whatever?21:03
TJ-tworkin: Looks like we're both having fun then! I'm currently installing win7-64bit images on BIOS+GPT systems. That requires the BIOS->GRUB>Tainocore DUET EFI shim21:03
yaccguest60894 not exactly a good strategy on a public internet channel21:03
ferbivoreGuest60984: so your password cracker is an application, not an entire distribution like ophcrack. Grab a Ubuntu .iso and use the built in "USB creator" to put it on a stick.21:03
jhutchinskancha: Look at the manpage of find, see the exec option.21:03
tworkinTJ-: does this mean i should boot the installation media via UEFI instead of via BIOS?21:03
kanchaaarontc I had one folder that has 10 folders, in each of the folder there are 80 files and each files content need to be deleted after line 3021:04
jhutchinskancha: Look at the manpage of find, see the exec option.21:04
yacctworkin the junk partitions where the junk boot loader lives21:04
TJ-tworkin: the Win7 100MB system-reserved partition, on BIOS installs, contains the boot-loader.21:04
tworkini see21:04
TJ-tworkin: Yes, if you want an UEFI install you have to start it in UEFI mode21:05
kanchajhutchins: I had gone through but could not find that much helpful21:05
yacctworkin UEFI has kind of changed the boot process quite a bit21:05
ihreIs there an easy way to overstretch the vertical height of the screen? I'm trying to remove the tool bar from Google Earth for a kiosk style pc.21:05
kanchaI had one folder that has 10 folders, in each of the folder there are 80 files and each files content need to be deleted after line 3021:06
tworkinwin7 reporting an error installing on a GPT partition :|21:06
tworkinat least it sees the work gparted did..21:07
kancha\msg aarontc I had one folder that has 10 folders, in each of the folder there are 80 files and each files content need to be deleted after line 3021:07
tab1293I have ubuntu server running in virtual box within ubuntu desktop. I have virtual box guest additions installed but when I maximized the vm's window it still is only like a quarter of the screen. how can I fix this?21:07
aarontckancha: as was mentioned by jhutchins,read the 'find' man page :)21:07
ferbivoreihre: you know you can move windows, right? Alt+click & drag with most window managers, and there are command line tools to do it automatically.21:07
ihreferbivore: sorry, I had to mention I use tinywm, instead of Unity. Which tools are you referring to?21:08
tworkinTJ-: yacc:boot mode and partition table format at separate problems right? i.e. either boot mode for the installation media should be able to see the hdd identically?21:09
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ferbivoreihre: wmctrl, maybe? http://tomas.styblo.name/wmctrl/21:10
kancha\msg aarontc  jhustchins http://pastebin.com/PeYhChHX21:10
jhutchinskancha: No, not the exec manpage, the find manpage.21:11
kancha\msg jhutchins you are talking "find" manpage. I was thinking sed will help me21:13
kanchaI had gone through sed21:13
kanchaalready but the problem is I had delete the conent not only of one file but also 100 files that are stored in separte folders21:13
aarontckancha: that's why you use 'find' to exec whatever command you want to run on each of the files separately21:14
jhutchinskancha: Yes.   You will use find to obtain the name of the file.  You will pass that filename to the -exec function of find, which will execute your sed command ( or beter yet, the head command that was suggested earlier ).  You can then use the name provided by find as the output file, or as a portion of the output file.21:14
belgianguywell, seems fglrx isn't yet supported by 3.1321:15
belgianguygot to spend some time with my root shell again21:15
aarontcbelgianguy: I think you mean fglrx doesn't yet support 3.1321:16
belgianguyaarontc: correct, neither does the AMD binary driver btw21:16
kanchagreat thanks ,,, I will try21:16
aarontcit's always out-of-tree projects' responsibility to support the kernel, not vice versa21:16
aarontc(their own fault for not getting in-tree, really)21:16
belgianguyaarontc: ah, good to know that21:17
belgianguynobody has ever explained it that way to me :)21:17
belgianguybut that makes a lot of sense21:17
aarontcbelgianguy: :)21:17
aarontcthat's the biggest benefit of getting your code in the kernel tree, it will get upgraded with internal APIs change...21:17
jhutchinsbelgianguy: When the kernel is plunging madly ahead, it can be a good idea to hang back a bit while other projects catch up.21:17
aarontcbut that requires GPL licensing and certain coding standards which some people can't meet21:18
aarontcI think the licensing issue is why the AMD(ATI) and nVidia drivers aren't in-kernel, primarily21:18
belgianguyjhutchins: true, eventually it'll arrive naturally for Ubuntu21:18
belgianguyaarontc: yeah, they're closed source21:18
jhutchinsaarontc: Also, there are things that are not logical parts of the kernel tree and don't belong there.   Traditionally, the GUI is not part of the kernel tree, KMS notwithstanding.21:18
jhutchinsaarontc: fglrx will probably never be part of the kernel.21:19
aarontcjhutchins: true, but that's being fixed. X's direct access to hardware is kind of a major problem :)21:19
belgianguyI tried reading a kernel rc changelog once, I didn't understand a thing of it21:19
belgianguyunrelated btw, but is fglrx forever broken? I seem to have read something in that regard21:19
belgianguythat something went wrong at one point, but never got corrected21:20
belgianguybut I assume it still gets updates21:20
jhutchinsaarontc: The Windows model of the GUI being an essential part of the base system is a major problem.  It's why a lot of people leave Windows for Linux.21:20
aarontcjhutchins: the kernel's ability to abstract a GPU the same way it abstracts a NIC has no relation to 'GUI being an essential part of the base system' ;)21:20
jhutchinsaarontc: I believe the GUI should be entirely seperate from the kernel and base system.21:21
jhutchinsaarontc: If it gets much more integrated, we'll have to fork the kernel.21:21
aarontcjhutchins: entirely true, but the hardware should be fully abstracted for whatever GUI you want to run. just like you have a collection of ethN devices that all behave the same way in user space, so should gpu0..gpuN21:22
aarontcthe kernel's job is to manage the hardware and present it uniformly to user space21:23
jhutchinsaarontc: I believe your analogy is flawed, networking is a kernel function, graphics are not.  We are off topic though, continue in ubuntu-offtopic if you want.21:23
aarontcfair enough on the off-topic point :)21:23
yaccaarontc nics are one or two magnitudes simpler21:24
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nooobjhutchins:  Bashing-om, alright I tried what both of you said and rebooted and there is no change,  btw the login screen is normal, it's only once I log in that there is no dash or anything like that, workspace switcher also works as well21:32
=== Pebbe|Away is now known as Pebbe
donj_can someone tell me how to install the opera internet browser using the terminal?21:33
donj_sudo apt-get install opera doesnt work21:33
roninnis there any command to "empty" a file21:33
aarontcroninn: "echo > file"21:33
roninn"file exists"21:34
ham1donj_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser21:34
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aarontcroninn: are you saying it didn't work?21:35
nobitanobiHi. Where can I download the Tahoma font for Ubuntu/Linux? I need the ttf file21:36
kiw0donj_, wget http://www.opera.com/download/get/?id=35889&location=360&nothanks=yes&sub=marine21:36
beandogaarontc: isn't there some way to do it with touch?  maybe? *poor memory*21:36
kiw0dkpg -i "name package"21:37
beandogaarontc: oh, n/m, that'd work for new files21:37
aarontcbeandog: there are at least 20 different ways to do it, I just remembered that way first :)21:37
beandogaarontc: heh, yah, I was just wondering if echo would create a newline or not21:37
roninnaarcane, yes21:37
roninnaarontc, yes21:37
ham1nobitanobi, do you want to know how to install the ttf or.. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=tahoma+ttf21:37
aarontcroninn: well, you must not have permission to the file, because it does work21:38
kiw0donj_, sudo dpkg -i21:38
nobitanobiham1, I need to put the fonts into my .fonts folder and push it to a remote repository21:38
roninnI'm root21:38
aarcaneroninn, I think not.21:38
beandogaarontc: ooh, it does.  intrasting.21:38
roninnmaybe it affects that I have solaris21:38
nobitanobiham1, how do I know that ttf is for Ubuntu or Windows?21:38
beandogaarontc: echo -n > /tmp/foo21:38
beandogthere we go21:38
Bray90820Anyone wanna help me silence the fans on my "MacPro"21:38
aarontcroninn: maybe :)21:38
roninnbeandog, no difference21:38
aarontcBray90820: only if you want to damage hardware... otherwise, reduce your CPU load ;)21:39
donj_kiw0 can you pm me21:39
beandogroninn: do you have write access to it?21:39
beandogthat's not gonna return any output21:39
k1lroninn: what ubuntu version are you on?21:39
aarontcroninn: try it from within bash21:39
roninndoesn't root have all access21:39
roninnoh yeah bash works21:40
roninnstupid old sh21:40
Bray90820aarontc: it's not because of cpu load it's just because ubuntu doesn't have proper fan control by default21:40
aarontcBray90820: every mac system I've ever seen has a builtin system management controller that handles that in hardware21:40
Bray90820aarontc: this is the tower mac which doesn't have it21:40
aarontcBray90820: you can look here for pointers: http://www.idleengineers.com/topics/projects/laptop-fan-control/21:41
Bray90820aarontc: it's a desktop not laptop21:41
rJaspurhi, on my osx machine i connect to my nas with the afp-protocol. is it possible to do something like that, to connect to a specific folder of my vps with ubuntu 12.04 ?21:41
aarontcBray90820: doesn't matter, the principle is the same, and that bash script can give you a place to start21:41
aarontcBray90820: (direct link to script: https://redmine.techtonium.com/projects/automatic-laptop-fan-control-script/repository/revisions/master/entry/custom-fancontrol )21:42
Bray90820aarontc: thanks21:42
aarontcBray90820: of course, you mess with that stuff at your own risk ;)21:43
Bray90820aarontc: of course :)21:43
aarontcBray90820: I actually have to kill the VM hosting that site but it'll be back in a minute, just a heads up21:45
yaccaarontc, sorry my new laptop does fan control nicely, so I guess it's a question how will the BIOS of firmware handles it21:45
Bray90820aarontc: just ping me when it's back21:46
aarontcyacc: why are you apologizing?21:46
yaccirc on a tablet with an auto correcting keyboard sucks21:47
beandogyacc: heh21:47
fpghost84Could anyone please help me discover if my GPU is muxed or muxless?21:47
waterlubberI have a corrupt hard drive, one of my partitions is reading "FAILURE IS IMMINENT" qnd Ubuntu is giving me bad heath reports21:47
waterlubberHow do I fix the bad sectors? It's on an NTFS partition, I partitioned the drive before installing Ubuntu. Luckily, its on the Windoze side.21:48
aarontcwaterlubber: you should copy your data off ASAP because the drive might fail at any moment21:48
yaccwaterlubber you replace the hardware21:49
waterlubberWell it's on another patition, Ubuntu is nice and happy on it's side.21:49
bubbasaurewaterluber, do you have it backed up of not due it now21:49
waterlubber99% of the important pictures. It's an old machine, nothing important other than old pics21:49
fpghost84I have a iGPU: Intel HD 4400, and dGPU: AMD Radeon 8670 M (8000M) series, would anyone know if this is muxed or muxless, and how indeed I find out either way21:49
yaccwaterlubber HDD tend to die as a while21:50
yaccwhat do you mean by muxed?21:50
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beandogyacc: glad I'm not the only one ....21:51
aarontcBray90820: site back up :)21:51
Balzyhello, I have an Issue with standby, when I close my laptop it goes into standby mode regularly, but when I open it back it seems to wake up for a second and suddenly falls back into standby again, latest kubuntu version, any idea please?21:51
Bray90820aarontc: Thanks21:51
k1lyacc: on muxless hybrid video systems the strong video card is just used for rendering and is not connected to the output devices21:52
waterlubberSorry. Thunderbird froze.21:52
waterlubberCan't I just delete the bad partition, or is the corruption physical?21:52
yacci see, and why does that matter?21:52
fpghost84yacc: That is a good question! My understanding is muxed each of the two cards is connected to the display and can work independedtly, we can power one off say, but muxless only iGPU connected to display , but i can offload calcs to the more powerful dGPU if it selected....21:53
fpghost84yacc: it matters to me because, I'd like t kill the dGPU as the drivers are buggy21:53
Bray90820aarontc: it says there are instructions on the get repository but i can't find any21:54
waterlubberI think it might have to do with the fact that for years the computer was randomly killing the CPU since the heat sync by the fan was entirely fully clogged with dust.21:54
bubbasaurewaterluber, your description reqds as physical.21:54
waterlubberLet me open up disk utils and tell you what it says21:54
fpghost84But I am really not sure how I find this kind of thing out....21:55
k1lfpghost84: best is to ask the manufacturer21:56
yaccfpghost you can run only with the intel drivers21:56
aarontcBray90820: the instructions are in the README file, but they are basically just how to make it run as a system service on Gentoo Linux... you can just modify the bash script to suit your particular SMC chip's services in /proc and go from there21:56
fpghost84k1l: you think I will need to email AMD then? sigh21:56
bubbasaurewaterlubber, I have to return to class, good luck.21:57
Bray90820aarontc: alright21:57
Bray90820i don't know enough so i think i'll pass21:57
k1lfpghost84: no the manufacturer form that notebook21:57
fpghost84yacc: what do you mean?21:57
fpghost84k1l: Oh, Lenovo then...yeah maybe I should give them an email then21:57
waterlubberHere it is: Reallocated Sector Count: FAILING:  Normalized: 135 Worst: 135 Value: 519 sectors21:58
waterlubberCan that be fixed with a defrag?21:58
yaccfpghost84: well at least my laptop has been running Intel only water install, and too get Optimus running i had to manually install the stuff21:58
yaccafter install21:58
infern0I want to make a linux or windows version of lose lose so I beat the high score21:59
waterlubberWhat does that mean?21:59
yaccwaterlubber nope, that means harddisc hardware is failing21:59
fpghost84yacc: Yeah, my laptop runs also with just intel (I've blacklisted the radeon driver and have not installed the proprietary fglrx), but the dGPU still draws a lot of power and heat21:59
TJ-fpghost84: See this post (and maybe use "aticonfig --px-dgpu" or other options of aticonfig) to find out. http://ubuntuforums.org/printthread.php?t=1930450&pp=7521:59
Balzyposting again, if someone can help:22:00
Balzyhello, I have an Issue with standby, when I close my laptop it goes into standby mode regularly, but when I open it back it seems to wake up for a second and suddenly falls back into standby again, latest kubuntu version, any idea please?22:00
fpghost84yacc: I'd like to turn the dGPU completely, but for some reason vgaswitcheroo is not present, despite all my various attempts. The wiki says the system must be muxed for it to be there...so hence...22:00
waterlubberHow? The realltocated sectors might be from just a R/W error since the computer had a lot of overheats (The heat ducts were completly filled with dust)22:00
TJ-fpghost84: according to that thread "aticonfig --pxl" lists activated GPU and "aticonfig --px-igpu" activates the iGPU22:00
fpghost84TJ: thanks, I;ll have a read22:00
kmitchel1Hey, my update-grub isn't recognizing my fedora partition.22:01
fpghost84TJ: yes, I've played with aticonfig, when I had fglrx installed, but does the ability to switch through that really tell me anything about if I'm muxed/muxless?22:01
waterlubberHave to try another IRC since thunderbird hangs every letter I type22:02
beandogwaterlubber: xchat is nice22:02
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TJ-fpghost84: If by muxed you mean the outputs are multiplexed, then by implication they must be otherwise the entire scenario would be pointless22:03
fpghost84TJ: as far as I can see, it just tells me I have dual switchable graphics, aticonfig -- px-dgpu, could just route off the hard calcs to the dgpu, but if my machine is muxless they';; need to come back through the igpu to the display22:03
yaccfpghost84 well my laptop is a desktop replacement so it's expected to work as a heater :-)22:03
esiodohi there22:03
glitsj16Bray90820: there's a package called macfanctld that might offer what you're looking for --> http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/tag/macbook-pro/22:03
TJ-fpghost84: It does say "aticonfig --px-igpu # Activate integrated GPU (Power-Saving mode), must re-start X to take effect"22:04
fpghost84TJ: whereas selecting aticonfig --px-igpu makes the igpu do the hard calcs to and send them direct22:04
yaccfpghost try it, reboot if the display goes dark22:04
fpghost84TJ: so?22:04
TJ-fpghost84: that says "power saving mode" which was the aim of your original question, wasn't it? To save power?22:04
moldy_diaperi have Ubuntu running in a VM and I have configured it with two virtual network adapters.  However when Ubuntu starts up, it only activates one of the network adapters. i have to ifconfig up eth1 every time i reboot the VM.  how do i get Ubuntu to bring it up automatically instead?22:04
Tritonioso i've set my swappiness to 100. yet the swap is barely used. Is there something I am missing?22:04
Bray90820glitsj16: thanks i'll have a look22:05
TJ-fpghost84: for more technical details you'd need to check the technical references for the make/model of PC you have, and possibly check with the manufacturer22:05
yaccmoldy etc/ network/interfaces22:05
fpghost84TJ: Here is the story, I started life out with fglrx and switching my gpus with aticonfig, but the driver is buggy as anything, hence I had to get rid. Now I am running solely with the intel drivers/intel card, and no bugs...all good...the one problem is the dgpu still draws power and heat22:06
yacctritino, w hat's your ram size22:06
fpghost84TJ: so the real question is how to turn off the dgpu without the bugg fglrx22:06
fpghost84TJ: I was hoping I could do it (now that I have uninstalled fglrx) with vga switcheroo22:06
TJ-fpghost84: Could you do it via KMS and radeon?22:06
fpghost84TJ: that was my hope22:06
moldy_diapersorry i forgot to mention, yacc, this is ubuntu server and I don't have a desktop installed22:06
moldy_diaperyacc, do you know how to go about it via command line?22:07
yacctritino dd if=/dev/zero bs=16384kk count=1 of=/dev/null22:07
fpghost84TJ: but /sys/kernel/debug/vga/switcheroo does not exist for me, and after trying all the suggestsions I found, I wondered if it might be because my system is not muxed. Hence I landed here to find out22:07
yaccmoldy man interfaces22:07
moldy_diaperyacc, ok thanks22:08
yaccthhatsthe traditional config file22:08
fpghost84TJ: I've tried booting with modeset=1, confirmed that switcheroo=y is on in kernel config opts, confirmed the fs is mounted, but still not switcheroo22:08
fpghost84TJ: it's bizzarre22:08
TJ-fpghost84: Isn't it provided by the OS drivers, radeon or nouveau?22:09
moldy_diaperlol so yeah adding the entry to /etc/network/interfaces was all i had to do... thanks yacc!22:09
yacctritino the dd command allocates 16GB memory to pushout memory22:09
fpghost84TJ: no, not directly, if you use radeon and intel drivers, the literature seems to point to use switcheroo22:09
fpghost84TJ: (if nouveau maybe it's bumblee project instead)22:10
fpghost84TJ: but for me switcheroo isn't there oddly22:10
fpghost84TJ: and the only reason I could think maybe why is that my system is indeed muxless, cf https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics22:10
marloi'm having a problem with ejabberd, and finding that it's based on erlang that may have some bugs in it; question: how do I down-grade erlang using apt?22:10
TJ-fpghost84: "drivers/gpu/vga/vga_switcheroo.c:8: * vga_switcheroo.c - Support for laptop with dual GPU using one set of outputs"22:11
TJ-fpghost84: make/model is?22:11
fpghost84TJ: Laptop is Lenovo Thinkpad S540, dGPU is AMD Radeon 8670m, iGPU is Intel HD 440022:11
TJ-fpghost84: "  /* we're ready if we get two clients + handler */"  ... that suggests you need both radeon and intel kernel modules loaded (the 2 clients) in order for it to work22:12
fpghost84TJ: very interesting22:13
=== frobware is now known as zz_frobware
TJ-fpghost84: Just to check you've done this? "In the BIOS settings you have to select "Switchable Graphics" and the computer will boot up with the internal graphics card (in my case Intel 4500) turned on."22:13
KI7MTTJ-, did re-seating the RAM fix your md5 issue?22:14
fpghost84TJ: This is the thing I am confused about, and another small twist in the tail: so radeon doesn't offically support my card yet (8670M) it is too new. So to get my laptop to work without the fglrx driver, I needed to have an xorg.conf that only specified the intel device, if I try radeon there my system does not boot22:15
fpghost84TJ: nevertheless the radeon module has loaded (lsmod | grep radeon confirms)22:15
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fpghost84TJ: I don't have such an option in my BIOS unfortunately22:15
TJ-fpghost84: I'm guessing you are the "Azrael84" in some forum posts on this subject?22:15
fpghost84TJ: you guessed correctly :)22:15
fpghost84TJ: it's been driving me crazy for a few weeks22:16
TJ-fpghost84: that's good - gives me more context22:16
TJ-fpghost84: If the BIOS doesn't have the option I'd say that is a BIG clue that system can't do it22:16
aarontcis there some configuration I can add to grub to prevent the occasional issue where my Ubuntu VM will boot but there is no console? (just left with 'fsck from util-linux 2.20.1' on a line by itself and nothing else)22:17
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aarontcdisabling framebuffer or something maybe?22:17
dash09hi #ubuntu, i'm having a strange graphics issue that only affects USER_1 but not USER_2? how can i make sure they have identical configurations?22:18
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dash09i have tried Ubuntu Unity Plugin through ccsm, i have tried in Terminal, mkdir ~/.old-gnome-config/ && mv ~/.gnome* ~/.old-gnome-config/ && mv ~/.gconf* ~/.old-gnome-config/ && mv ~/.metacity ~/.old-gnome-config/ && mv ~/.cache ~/.old-gnome-config/ && mv ~/.dbus ~/.old-gnome-config/ && mv ~/.dmrc ~/.old-gnome-config/ && mv ~/.mission-control ~/.old-gnome-config/ && mv ~/.thumbnails ~/.old-gnome-config/   && ~/.config/dconf/* ~/.old-22:18
fpghost84TJ: yeah, so I think it's probably muxless? everything routing through the intel which is only one connected to the display? Hence the aticonfig selection, never really turns off the intel, it just outsources hard calcs to dgpu22:19
dash09and still the problem persists for USER_1. any thoughts for where to look woudl be appreciated as i can't find my problem on askubuntu22:19
kmitchel1ay how do I cure my boot loader to include fedora?22:19
ayodhyagetting error when installing jdk22:19
fpghost84TJ: Nevertheless, whilst muxless would mean the intel always had to be on, I can't see why it couldn't fully turn off the dgpu22:19
fpghost84TJ: I just worry that because xorg dies when I try to configure radeon (possibly because of the fact the card is too new), this could maybe be the reason instead that the vga switcheroo is not loading, despite the fact lsmod shows radeon module22:20
Jordan_Ukmitchel1: sudo update-grub22:20
dash09i think i have a Unity problem22:20
fpghost84TJ: but that thought it completely unfounded22:21
TJ-fpghost84: Have you compared with the Windows installation? Does it provide a tool to switch?22:24
Jordan_Ukmitchel1: If "sudo update-grub" doesn't detect your Fedora installation then please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt.22:25
Jordan_U!bootinfo | kmitchel122:25
ubottukmitchel1: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).22:25
fpghost84TJ: windows installation has the fglrx like AMD catalyst control centre to switch, basically the equivalent of aticonfig command line but gui22:26
fpghost84TJ: in fact you can use this AMD ccc on linux too instead of aticonfig, same command22:26
donj_i crashed i think22:27
Bray90820aaearon: you seem to know somewhat about this22:28
TJ-fpghost84: The user manual just says "To achieve the best balance between the computer performance and a long battery life, depending on the graphics quality demand of the running program and the settings of the power plan that you use, the AMD Switchable Graphics feature automatically switches between High Performance Graphics and Energy Saving Graphics, with no need to restart your computer, close programs, or intervene manually."22:28
Bray90820would you happen to know how many sensors are in a 2010 MacPro22:28
Bray90820aarontc: or aarcane sorry i don't remember who i was talking to before22:29
fpghost84TJ: Interesting, I'm not sure about the know need to restart, and dynamic switching..hmm..obviously not on linux, but I swear restart was needed in windows22:29
aarontcBray90820: output of 'ls /sys/devices/platform' ?22:29
belgianguyfpghost84: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTU3Njg about 8670 AMD GPUs...22:29
dash09hello, any ideas where i might look to solve graphics/display problems on USER_1 and have no problems on USER_2? when i click dash, the desktop panel becomes illegible22:30
Bray90820aarontc: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=8ejbDw1K22:30
fpghost84belgianguy: I think the Oland (see islands series) is not mine, mine is 8670M (solar system series)22:30
aarontcdash09: post screenshots to compare expected vs the current problem22:30
donj_who helped me?22:30
belgianguyfpghost84: oh I see, learned something22:31
dash09aarontc: will pastebin allow a screenshot?22:31
dash09if not, where?22:31
aarontcBray90820: ls /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768 ?22:31
goosie2020Has anyone here ever installed Ubuntu to a USB drive with persistence and changed Unity to something like KDE?22:32
aarontcdash09: I know imgur.com will22:32
goosie2020Sorry I didn't say hello!22:32
fpghost84TJ: anything in the vga switcheroo source that suggests some other requirements? does it looks for some muxed/muxless signiture?22:32
Bray90820aarontc: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=sYQrjaV722:33
belgianguygoosie2020: why not use Unetbootin and get the distro you want from the start?22:33
belgianguythe Ubuntu installer is fine, but Unetbootin offers nearly all linux flavours22:33
goosie2020That's what I did originally but I had issues with the persistence working with Unetbootin so I switched to UUI22:34
belgianguy(including the *Ubuntu ones)22:34
aarontcBray90820: output of 'for x in /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/temp*_input; do echo $x:; cat $x; echo; done'22:34
TJ-fpghost84: I see this suggests the S540 *is* switchable (check the last post on 01-17-2014) http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/ThinkPad-Edge-S-series/Windows-8-1-update-S440-ThinkPad-black-screen-with-flickering/td-p/1275313/page/1222:34
goosie2020I really don't necessairily want KDE I just want the old look and feel of Ubuntu...not the Unity look22:35
Bray90820aarontc: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=9bZgbV2g22:35
TJ-fpghost84: Can you do "lspci -nnk | grep -A2 VGA | pastebinit" ?22:36
fpghost84TJ: It is certainly "switchable", as I say I have no problem performing the switch with aticonfig, if I could live with the other bugs in fglrx, but I'm not sure that implies "muxed" (by which I mean each gpu is independently connected to monitor), since it could just mean outsourcing to dGPU from iGPU, but always rereouting back through iGPU for high performance mode22:37
aarontcBray90820: I would ignore all the ones with values of 0 or -127000... the rest look like they are probably valid values in centidegrees Celsius22:37
aarontcBray90820: I mean millidegrees, sorry22:37
Bray90820So that would be how many?22:37
fpghost84TJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6788574/22:37
fpghost84TJ: the ati card does not show as VGA22:37
aarontcBray90820: you can count them as easily as I can ;) and you can look at the tempnn_label filese to see if they have sensible labels, too22:37
Bray90820i will do that22:38
marloif i want to roll erlang back a version or two, how do i query apt to see what older versions are available?22:38
fpghost84TJ: but here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6788577/22:38
Bray90820aarontc: also what is an max tenp22:38
aarontcBray90820: for what?22:38
Bray90820The computer22:38
aarontcdepends on what's being measured22:39
Bray90820The internal temp22:39
TJ-fpghost84: thanks... I needed the PCI vendor:product IDs to compare with the driver code. Which version of Ubuntu are you using, and in particular, which kernel ("uname -r") ?22:39
aarontcyou have a couple sensors showing 80 degrees Celsius, which is quite high unless it's the GPU or CPU...22:39
fpghost84TJ: 13.10 and uname -r22:39
Bray90820aarontc: It probally is gpu and cpu22:39
fpghost84TJ: sorry 3.11.0-15-generic22:40
aarontcBray90820: not likely... those have builtin temperature diodes which are measured via their own drivers, this is just thermocouples that the Apple system management controller can measure22:40
fpghost84TJ: many thanks22:40
Bray90820aarontc: someone told me that the mac pro doesn't have that22:40
aarontcBray90820: well they were wrong. the files you're looking at right now are from the kernel driver for the Apple system management controller22:41
aarontc(which, by the way, controls your fan speeds automatically based on temperatures without you having to do anything)22:41
Bray90820aarontc: well they also said that a mac pro was the only mac that was safe to put ubuntu on so i probably shouldn't trust them22:42
TJ-fpghost84: with the radeon driver, if it finds vgaswitcheroo facilities you'll see in dmesg/kern.log "radeon: switched on" or "radeon: switched off"22:42
aarontcBray90820: on second thought, the 80 degree measurement could be one of your hard disks, those get pretty warm without bad consequences... but 80 is still really high22:42
aarontcBray90820: so there is probably a reason your fans are going full tilt22:42
Smrtz|LabHey, I'm getting a lot of errors at boot after I've installed a new dameon.  Is there a way to just skip the current dameon, or do I have to use recovery mode to fix this?22:42
Bray90820aarontc: there not full speed but they are louder then they are with osx22:43
aarontcBray90820: when you turn the system on and it's cold, do the fans run at full speed from the moemnt you turn it on?22:43
donj_I'm trying to install mplayer but I'm getting missing dependencies. Can anyone help?22:43
dash09aarontc: here is my screenshot after left-click on Dash Home, http://imagebin.org/28787122:43
fpghost84TJ: nothing like that, but wouldn't that be after I utilised switcheroo?22:43
dash09this only occurs on USER_1, not USER_222:43
TJ-fpghost84: That's in the radeon device init routines22:43
dash09so it is a user-specific problem22:43
fpghost84TJ: the logs do show "[drm] radeon: power management initialized" however22:43
milamberdonj_: what is the exact error message you are getting?22:43
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TJ-fpghost84: just prior to those messages is a test for the vgaswitcheroo functionality... that test immediately returns if there is no support, thus not printing those messages22:44
Smrtz|LabCan anyone help me skip the current dameon please?22:44
Smrtz|LabMy computer won't boot.22:44
fpghost84TJ: so why would there be no switcheroo found?22:45
TJ-fpghost84: that message is unrelated, it comes from "drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_pm.c"22:45
dash09my Unity graphics problem, when i left-click on Dash Home, i see things like this: http://imagebin.org/287871  --any ideas why?  this only happens for USER_1, not USER_222:45
rabah_wheezycan any  one help me the problem of ffmpeg when i use vokoscreen22:45
TJ-fpghost84: either that combination/model isn't supported yet, or the hardware probes return false22:45
milamberdonj_: please keep messages in channel22:45
milamber!pastebin | donj_22:46
ubottudonj_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:46
aarontcdash09: that looks like a problem with your compositor or your GPU RAM22:46
milamberdonj_: did you do: sudo apt-get -f install    ?22:46
dash09aarontc: so why do i only see problem when working as USER_1, but not as USER_2 on same machine?22:46
fpghost84TJ: well that is eminantly probable, as radeon driver does not support my card yet...but I thought it just might run well enough (with the NoAccel option set or some such) to turn the darn thing off22:47
aarontcare you running the same compositor for both users, dash09?22:47
fpghost84TJ: could you link me the source code please?22:47
fpghost84TJ: do you happen to know which bit probes the HW or decides whether vgaswitcherroo switches..22:47
motherbrainthis is a very general question is if one went thru most linux distro's from the 3 branches debain , slack , redhat  and also went thru the 3/4 versions of "free" bsd based os's (i.e free, open,net,dragonfly,..etc) would there be any other linux/unix like operating systems that he would be missing interms of uses or learning different commands/skills22:47
aarontcBray90820: more specifically, does the speed of the fans vary at all while you're in Linux, from a cold system? I realize they might go to full when you turn the system on and then slow down or something, but by the time you see any sign of Ubuntu running, do the fans vary at all?22:48
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merandusHow can i change my system's time? i want to set it to a specific timezone. with commandline ofc22:48
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donj_sorry had to use the restroom22:50
donj_no i didnt use that sudo command22:50
Bray90820aarontc: the fans are fine with every os but ubntu and it does not very speed just one constant speed not full speed tho22:50
milamberdonj_: you should try that first22:50
motherbrainI know we have the solaris but that didn't really have to much difference in things ones I learned the above22:51
donj_its doing stuff22:51
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aarontcBray90820: well, I find it very unlikely that the fans are regulated by a software driver in OS X or windows on your machine, since every apple machine I've encountered does that in hardware (although it can be overridden by software...) either way, I would find out what those really high temperatures are before you do anything to the fans, because you might have some process stuck that's making your CPU get really hot or22:51
donj_i think its working haha22:52
Bray90820aarontc: on my macbook they are quiet22:52
motherbrainOs/2 and eComStation IBM based OS I never got to uses since they are properiatry/not free so curious to see what they look like or how hard they are to uses22:52
TJ-fpghost84: source is in "drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/" and "drivers/gpu/vga/vga_switcheroo.c"22:52
aarontcBray90820: exactly, so there is probably a problem that is making the fans run, rather than a lack of control22:52
fpghost84TJ: thanks22:53
motherbrainMac OS/X though I never really used it it seems to be the same as BSD or linux distro's when it comes to terminal non X-11 graphical enviroment22:53
dash09aarontc: i'm not sure if i'm using the same compositor or not, i don't yet know what a compositor is. however, i think the easy solution would be to make the 'graphics files' of USER_1 look like those of USER_2 (where there are no problems)22:54
motherbrainThe browser for Mac OSX is easy to uses22:54
Bray90820aarontc: i should note from the time I boot my computer till the time OSX loads the fans are the same speed as when booted to ubuntu but when OSX is loaded the fans are much quieter22:54
fpghost84TJ: from the radeon_switcheroo_set_function, I'm surprised I don't see either switched OR switched off in the logs22:54
dash09aarontc: is it possible that using 9 workspaces instead of 4 is an issue?22:54
motherbrainThe rest cann't really say HFS+ ,...Cocoa, xcode22:54
fpghost84TJ: surely the if else, must do one or the other there..22:54
merandusi have changed my time zone using webmin, but my logs still show show logs with the previous  timezone settings22:54
xuphi, how networkmanager configures 3G network? I need to do the same he does, but, I can't install him22:54
OerHeksBray90820,  did you install the mactel ppa for fancontrol ?22:55
aarontcdash09: that could be it... I'm not really sure since I don't use unity. you can always solve the problem by just running as the new user22:55
Bray90820OerHeks: that made the fans actually run at full speed22:55
motherbrainDoS is fun to go back and see how trivial it was. As well as other disk based os's22:55
aarontcmotherbrain: is there a point to your rambling?22:55
k1lmerandus: urgs, webmin :/22:56
motherbrainDon't know about novell netware only saw pictures and read about a few of there protocals22:56
k1lmerandus: use tzdata to set timezone22:56
motherbrainMy point is I am curious if somebody know a list of exotic os's out there that I haven't tried22:56
merandusk1l: tzdata? the command doesn't seem to be exist....22:57
k1l!ot | motherbrain22:57
ubottumotherbrain: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:57
dash09aarontc: i could, but i have copied my /home/USER_1 folder and already done a reinstall and done a unity --reset and now see this problem22:57
aarontcdash09: so don't copy your user folder22:57
k1lmerandus: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata22:57
merandusk1l: thank you22:58
motherbrainI have to say with a virtual system one can test any OS that is free or able to obtain in realitively quick time.22:58
k1lmerandus: and think about using webmin. it was banned form debian and ubuntu repos for ruining config files22:59
k1l!ot > motherbrain22:59
ubottumotherbrain, please see my private message22:59
aarontcthank you, k1l :)22:59
fpghost84TJ: one message in my logs "radeon 0000:06:00.0: No connectors reported connected with modes" is that relelvant?22:59
merandus learn linux entirely and never use web UI, but is there any alternative solution?k1l:  i'll have to23:00
tworkinTJ-: thx for help earlier, dual boot is finally in place23:00
fpghost84TJ: I think it is the same message I get when I try to configure xorg.conf for radeon and the system does not boot23:00
merandusk1l: wo that was messy. i mean is there any other free softwares like webmin?23:00
k1lmerandus: its easier to take 15min and to read how to setup the right way instead of using some "helper" that makes a lot more work afterwards23:01
TJ-fpghost84: "no connectors" suggests it isn't muxed .. can never share the output ports, but I'm not familiar enough with that code to be certain, you'd need to talk to Dave Arlie23:01
Tajhaokay, this is probably a really stupid question, but I haven't messed around with command line stuff too much. I'm getting bash: [directory]: No such file or directory. Where is it getting that directory from? (it's when running a version request)23:02
merandusk1l:  right23:02
goosie2020Not trying to interupt the convo...but if I could have your attention for just a second. Is there a way to set the default window manager? And, as I have installed Ubuntu to a USB drive...everytime it boots up you see the menu "Try Ubuntu/Install Ubuntu" and I have to click try and then it goes in to the OS. I've created a User account now so I was wondering if there is a way to make the normal23:02
goosie2020Ubuntu login show up instead of the "Try/Install" menu23:03
k1lTajha: can you pastebin the whole command and the output please?23:03
fpghost84TJ: OK, if it isn't muxed, does that mean I will never be able to use the AMD card except via fglrx drivers?23:03
fpghost84TJ: I am fine with that, I am just curious23:03
lassegsafter an update that failed, i havent been able to load iwlwifi module. That means i cannot connect to wireless networks and 'lshw -c network' says my wlan card is unclaimed. How can I fix this? Maybe i can reinstall iwlwifi somehow?23:04
TJ-fpghost84: I'm not sure that's what it means, I'd suspect it just means the outputs are only connected to the Intel GPU... which hands off intensive work to the AMD part23:04
Tajhak1l, do you really want me to use pastebin for two lines?23:04
k1lTajha: i dont know how much it is :)23:04
fpghost84TJ: yeah, I suspect that too, maybe when the radeon updates to support my card, I can use switcheroo to switch even if it is muxless...hmm23:06
lassegssudo modprobe iwlwifi returns libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:791 kmod_module_insert_module: could not find module by name='iwlwifi'23:06
cloneGhello may I ask you something?23:06
cloneGis there a way to tell ubuntu system to shutdown after a virtualbox machine ends installing updates?23:07
bekksYou would have to script that, heavily.23:07
Jordan_UcloneG: Why does the host need to reboot when the guest finishes updating?23:08
BSperoAm I in the right place to get some guidance on installing some software on my 13.10?23:08
TJ-Jordan_U: so you can go to bed leaving the host to shutdown after the VMs have updated :)23:08
Jordan_UBSpero: It depends a little bit on the software, but probably.23:09
HDRDannyWas using ! in query chat.23:09
Jordan_UTJ-: Ahh, I misread "shutdown" as "reboot", that does make sense.23:09
damn3drhello, need a hand on dependencies erros on ubuntu 13.10 trying to install gnome-shell ( 3.10)23:09
BSperoIt is phppgadmin23:09
TJ-cloneG: The way I do it is to monitor the cpu usage of the host's hypervisor process ... once it has been at its lowest point for 5 minutes, the cron job initiates a shutdown if it is after midnight23:10
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cloneGJordan_U not reboot but shutdown23:10
KI7MTdamn3dr, What have you done thus far?23:10
Tajhak1l, it's kind of a generalized question.... like I said, the command was a version request and the output was bash: [directory]: No such file or directory I just want to know where it would be looking to find [directory].23:10
HDRDannyJordan_U, "sudo shutdown -r now"23:10
damn3drdepends on gir1.2-mutter-3.0 (>= 3.10.0) but won t be installed, tryed to install gir1.2 got another depedency with same error, tried to install the missing package23:10
HDRDannyis what you're looking for.23:10
maxlefouhi there. I have a sound issue with ubuntu 13.10. the sound is crackling in some softwares like audacity (but is strangely find on other things like audacious)23:11
damn3druntil i got into the packaged is allready installed and is updated23:11
HDRDannymaxlefou, try changing drivers.23:11
maxlefoumy soundcard is a HDA intel23:11
cloneGTJ- and how do you script that?23:11
k1lTajha: that depends heavily on the command you are running23:11
maxlefouwhere can i find drivers for that one?23:11
Bray908201aarontc: i guess i could live withe the noise it's not really all that loud23:12
KI7MTdamn3dr, Did you add the ppa before trying to install ?23:12
damn3drKI7MT: yes23:12
damn3drKI7MT: added ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-next . ppa:gnome3-team/gnome323:13
Bray908201aarontc: what's a safe RPM for the fans anyways23:13
cloneGTJ- is there an easy way to schedule that?23:13
aarontcBray908201: it depends on the temperature of the system23:13
Bray908201What would be a safe temp then23:14
KI7MTdamn3dr, This is a descnt how too .. I'd first try purging the ppa, then add and -f update, then install the packages again: http://askubuntu.com/questions/364781/try-to-install-gnome-shell-in-saucy23:14
fpghost84TJ: thanks for all the help23:15
damn3drKI7MT: ill try thanks23:15
xuphi, how networkmanager configures 3G network? I need to do the same he does, but, I can't install him23:16
KI7MTdamn3dr, you may also need staging and the gnome-shell0extensions: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging && sudo apt-get -f update  &&  sudo apt-get install gnome-shell gnome-shell-extensions23:17
KI7MTdamn3dr, also, make sure to update && upgrade "before" installing gnome-shell or the extensions23:18
lassegsi solved my problem. seemed the kernel headers, linux image etc wasnt installed because of the broken update. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   fixed it.23:20
lowrezguycan I specify which monitor I want to add a new mode to with xrandr? doing xrandr --newmode places my mode on the wrong monitor23:20
ruthHi, guys, I have minecraft and want to download some free mods. I downloaded mod installer and tried to get "mini clay soldiers" but it doesn't work, so I took off my system.  Soooo, does anyone know how to get mods for minecraft in Ubuntu 12.04? already have minecraft.23:21
ruthor I don't know how to use it. I downloaded the linux version.23:22
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ruthanyway, ya, I erased from my system23:22
pmohey im having issues installing ubuntu with my dvd drive, can anyone help me?23:23
aMonikerI manually downloaded, compiled, and replaced /usr/local/sbin/nginx23:23
glitsj16maxlefou: there's a couple of things you might try to deal with crackling sound .. take a look at your /etc/pulse/default.pa and find the 'load-module module-udev-detect' line23:23
maxlefoui did23:23
aMonikerBut now /etc/init.d/nginx won't restart correctly - I have to kill the process and run /etc/init.d/nginx start23:23
glitsj16maxlefou: do you have any other params on that line?23:23
wh1ppmo: how can you have issues installing ubuntu xD23:23
pmowhen i put ubuntu in my dvd drive it wount even close proper23:23
maxlefoui found it and tried to add tsched=023:23
maxlefoubut nothing changed23:23
maxlefouyes, lemme show you23:24
pmoi can use other dvd's23:24
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maxlefouload-module module-udev-detect use_ucm=023:24
TJ-cloneG: Use the "sysstat" package and the "pidstat" tool23:24
cloneGoh cool thanks23:24
pmoi took a picture of the drive http://i.imgur.com/Din8SOQ.jpg23:24
cloneGwith gui?23:24
merandusi've changed my timezone with  tzdata, still my logs (the auth) for example is using my prevous timezone23:25
glitsj16maxlefou: did you append the tsched=0 or took out the use_ucm=0 part?23:25
maxlefouload-module module-udev-detect use_ucm=0 tsched=0 actually23:25
rwwpmo: #ubuntu is a support channel, take amusing anecdotes to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks :)23:25
maxlefouwasn't sure if i should take off the use_ucm23:25
glitsj16maxlefou: i'm not sure, but i'd try the one or the other23:26
maxlefoummmok i'm gonna try with the tsched only23:26
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maxlefouthanks for the suggestion :)23:26
KI7MTaMoniker, try with initctl and upstart: http://wiki.nginx.org/Upstart23:26
glitsj16maxlefou: and restart pulseaudio ofc, no problem, frequent issue it seems23:26
aMonikerKI7MT: I want to use init.d23:27
maxlefouhow do i restart pulseaudio though?23:27
KI7MTaMoniker, Then probably should stick with the repo package install.23:27
maxlefoui can still reboot the pc but if i can avoid it... :p23:28
aMonikerKI7MT: that doesn't let me compile with custom modules23:28
glitsj16maxlefou: pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio --start23:28
maxlefouthanks ^23:28
aMonikerKI7MT: It should be a pretty simple fix for someone who knows23:28
KI7MTaMoniker, Ok.23:28
donj_can anyone tell me how to install adobe flash using the terminal23:28
xrandrhello, I am trying to install Ubuntu on my Lenovo H505s. I have disabled secure boot, and set it back to setup mode. I can get to the DVD boot screen, but if I choose Try Ubuntu from the boot menu, it just gives me a blank screen. Any ideas?23:29
maxlefouwow thank you! :D removing both use_ucm and tsched fixed it ^^23:30
glitsj16maxlefou: heh, nice23:31
KI7MTaMoniker, may be obvious, but did you use the Nginx init. script and update.rc.d defaults23:32
maujhsndonj_ It is easier just to go to the adobe download page and follow the linux instructions!23:32
aMonikerKI7MT: No - how do I do that?23:32
brink55hi. have had multiple failed dls from webservers not just on this date, but others23:33
KI7MTaMoniker, sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f nginx defaults23:33
TJ-aMoniker: possibly because your custom build doesn't write its pid file in the directory where the init script expects to find it23:33
donj_i dont understand how to use linux23:33
aMonikerTJ-: That sounds likely. How can I fix that?23:33
=== nannes is now known as Nannes_Bathroom
Bray908201sudo modprobe coretemp doesn't seem to work23:34
k1l!away | Nannes_Bathroom23:34
ubottuNannes_Bathroom: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»23:34
KI7MTaMoniker, http://wiki.nginx.org/Nginx-init-ubuntu23:34
Nannes_Bathroomthat's not an away message23:34
Nannes_Bathroomjust a joke23:34
brink55currently getting poor speed from wallawalla.edu(lol cool name)23:34
maujhsndonji_ Than why confuse yourself with the terminal?23:34
brink55just an fyi23:34
donj_i understand how to use a command prompt not a bunch of different file types or programs only found on linux23:35
maujhsnWhat version of linux are you using?23:36
donj_on my chromebook23:36
KI7MT!manual | donj_ see command line section.23:36
ubottudonj_ see command line section.: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:36
donj_i dont want to learn linux23:37
donj_i want ot watch videos and movies23:37
maujhsnNow that's a smart bot! :)23:37
KI7MTdonj_, That manual will tell you how to do that also.23:38
bunjeehow does one install the new version of qbittorrent?23:38
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gschiltzI want to install a new server from scratch now and would like to upgrade it to TrustyTahr in April. What version would be the most pain-free to upgrade?23:40
KI7MTgschiltz, 12.04-LTS23:40
Bray908201"sudo modprobe coretemp" doesn't seem to work23:40
KI7MT*server-edition of course23:40
takumianyone know why i shouldnt do "makefs.ext4 /dev/sdb/" ?23:42
KI7MTBray908201, How did you build CoreTemp .. did you follow a how-too23:43
Bray908201KI7MT: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175443123:43
KI7MTtakumi, You need to fdisk /dev/sdb first .. makefs.ext4 expects a partition to be present.23:44
KI7MTBray908201, Those instructions are for a Mac, you using a Mac?23:45
Bray908201KI7MT: yes i am on a mac23:45
takumiKI7MT, i cant use fdisk because it defaults to 2.2tb mkfs.ext4 worked and im using it im just wondering the risks23:46
OldGnortjoin #travian23:46
bekkstakumi: What do you mean by "fdisk defaults to 2.2tb mkfs.ext4"?23:47
KI7MTBray908201, Ok, im not up to speed on Mac specific items, but in general, I've used this how-too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CoreTemp23:47
takumibekks fisk uses the dos partition table and i needed gtp for over 3tb,23:48
takumibekks, fdisk*23:48
bekksYou need GPT for partitions > 2TB.23:48
takumiwell dos caps at 2.2tb23:48
takumibut yes23:48
bekksThat 2.2 is just a conversion error, but yes. :)23:48
donj_anyone know why the audio in VLC is looping but the video plays fine?23:49
Bray908201KI7MT:  thanks23:49
KI7MTdeoesn't fdisk limit out at 2.0 TB and to get round that use GPT ?23:49
bekksKI7MT: Yes.23:50
Jordan_Utakumi: So create a partition table using parted or gdisk.23:51
KI7MTand in any case, I would use makefs.ext4 on a partition, not the device as in /dev/sdb1 .. not /dev/sdb I would think.23:51
dgarstang1I know this obscure, but has anyone tried to install Ubuntu with qemu-system-x86_64 ?23:52
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Jordan_Utakumi: A drive without a partition table is A: More likely to have its data overwritten by an OS like Windows B: Less flexible (you can't resize the partution to make room for another) and C: Can't reliably have a BIOS based bootloader installed (and can't have a UEFI based bootloader at all)23:53
Jordan_Udgarstang1: Yes.23:54
EuclidisI reached a plausible solution to prevent 'video tearing' and overheating using ubuntu 13.10 kde with apu of amd: I disabled the graphic card, and compiled a new kernel - 3.13 - Now it is working smoothly. I'm not a intrinsic gamer so  don'f feel about the card disabled.23:59

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