
=== DashieIsTheBest[ is now known as Mapley
Noskcajbluesabre-laptop, IT WORKS! :)00:32
NoskcajOnly issue is, the os.path.join fix wasn't complete. e.g. the .desktop says usr/binmenulibre00:33
bluesabre-laptopNoskcaj: great, so my latest commit should fix that01:16
NoskcajThen we should be all good from the packaging side01:16
bluesabre-laptopI'll do the release tonight and post a note about it here.  Thanks Noskcaj!01:17
Noskcajno problem. It's good to know 14.04 is pretty much where we need it to e01:18
NoskcajAs long as i can find a DD01:18
bluesabre-laptopyeah, it does help that you are on the debian python apps team though01:26
bluesabre-laptopNoskcaj: If you get a chance, can you pull the latest revision and see if building still works?  I think I've ironed out all the wrinkles now04:09
bluesabre-laptopand I can set you up as an admin so that you can upload packaging to a menulibre ppa tomorrow04:16
bluesabre-laptopheading to bed, night all!04:16
Unit193Good night.04:18
Noskcajg'night bluesabre-laptop.04:18
NoskcajTesting now04:18
NoskcajCurrent issues: .pot is generated at each build, no manpage, README is nearly empty, usr/share/menulibre/media/ is empty04:51
NoskcajAnd there don't appear to be any tests or advanced doc (todo list rather than an immediate issue)04:54
Noskcajbluesabre, you around?08:08
Noskcajthe power manager systemd fix is now in -proposed08:42
knome 10:13
slickymastermorning all11:07
bluesabre-laptopis Noskcaj were here, I'd say "manpage added, readme fixed, empty media is cleared, but I'm not sure how to keep the .pot file from updating on each build"12:22
bluesabre-laptopall thats left now is rearranging the menulibre launchpad page14:53
bluesabre-laptopand figuring out what to do with all the old releases that were number year.month.revision14:53
slickymasterhi bluesabre-laptop 14:56
bluesabre-laptophey slickymaster14:57
slickymasterif you want to take a look at what I've done so far with the Mugshot docs: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=mugshot-docs14:57
slickymasterping me if you notice something that isn't correct and/or needs to be changed14:58
bluesabre-laptoplooks great so far14:58
slickymastergood :)14:59
bluesabre-laptopNoskcaj: https://launchpad.net/menulibre/2.015:07
bluesabre-laptopknome ^15:08
bluesabre-laptopI'll work with Noskcaj to get this into Debian/Ubuntu and a PPA for testing15:08
bluesabre-laptopelfy ^15:08
bluesabre-laptopslickymaster: if you're interested, we can start the docs for menulibre here: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=menulibre-docs15:10
slickymasteryeah, I saw it bluesabre-laptop. As soon as I'll finish Mugshot's I'll assign myself to it, if by then no one has started working on it15:14
bluesabre-laptopslickymaster: thanks, I'll do it first if I can get these updates released :)15:55
elfybluesabre-laptop: thanks for letting me know :)16:19
slickymasterelfy, you around?16:48
DanChapmanlderan, hey :-) how are you? would you be able to put each test into it's own MP it's easier to deal with that way ;-p16:55
lderansure DanChapman :)16:56
elfyslickymaster: kind of 16:56
slickymasterhey DanChapman 16:56
slickymasterit's quick16:56
knomeautopilot testing, eh? how's that coming along?16:56
DanChapmanlderan, cheers mate16:56
DanChapmanhey slickymaster16:57
slickymasterregarding 125689816:57
slickymasterregarding bug 125689816:57
ubottubug 1256898 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed : xfce4 session handling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125689816:57
slickymasterI'm assuming we're talking about xfce4-session 4.10.1-3ubuntu216:57
lderanknome, getting started with the basic tests, some apps like Mines and gimp are not playing nicely sp trying to see what can be done with them16:58
knomelderan, aha, can we use autopilot testing with the xfce componenets at some point?16:58
lderanwe can do very minimal testing at the moment with the xfce stuff, pretty much to see if they open.16:59
knomewhat does "at the moment" imply? their codebase needs to be changed before we can, or some other tools need to be written?16:59
DanChapmanknome, anything Gtk2 based is not possible to do anything more than simply check window loads/visible and window title17:00
knomeDanChapman, now that's stupid :P17:00
lderancan't even see if the window title changes :(17:00
knome(thanks for the quick update!)17:02
elfyslickymaster: was that ^^ for me - if so it'll be whatever we are using, though I can't now even remember why we decided we needed it17:03
slickymasterelfy: yeah, that was for you17:06
slickymasterthat's why I was pinging you17:06
elfyyea - saw the ping and then nothing else :) 17:06
slickymasterit seems to me that the existing test already covers what you wrote in the bug description17:07
slickymasterelfy: ^^^17:07
elfyI *think* I was thinking about suspend missing and the new lock business 17:09
slickymasterhmm, I think it would be best just to add those to the existing testcase, don't you?17:10
elfynot lock - ochosi wants light-locker testing 17:10
ochosihey elfy 17:10
elfyneeds a conversation17:10
elfyhi ochosi :)17:10
ochosijust returned17:11
ochosiwhat's up?17:11
slickymasterochosi: my conversation with elfy ^^^17:11
ochosisuspend + lock in what where?17:11
elfyochosi: it's all tied up with the discussion we need to have with knome 17:11
brainwashochosi: yay, now I can bother you with theme glitches again :D17:11
slickymasterelfy, ochosi, I think I'll postpone bug 1256898 until you both discuss it with knome 17:12
ubottubug 1256898 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed : xfce4 session handling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125689817:12
elfyslickymaster: yep that's fine17:13
slickymasterin the meanwhile I'll continue to work on http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=menulibre-docs17:13
elfyyep 17:13
ochosibrainwash: haven't heard back from you about the powermenu patch in the greeter. however, i discussed this also briefly with bluesabre-laptop and knome and i think we'll just style the shutdown/reboot dialogs and add a notice that users are logged in17:13
slickymasterbah, wrong link17:13
slickymasterthe correct one is http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=mugshot-docs17:14
brainwashochosi: this patch is incomplete anyway, we need to check the permissions when the menu is actually opened17:15
ochosibrainwash: no, we don't. those permissions are only checked system-wide by lightdm afaik so they'll always be the same17:15
ochosielfy: you still haven't told me what that "discussions with knome" will be really about :)17:17
elfyochosi: the lightlocker testing - and whether to have suspend in the same test17:17
brainwashochosi: remember the missing restart menu entry? the user session was still active for ~30sec after the user has already logged out17:18
brainwashthis is still true for hibernate17:18
ochosielfy: right, well there's only one aspect connecting light-locker with suspend, and that's to check whether the session is locked when you wake up the computer17:19
ochosibrainwash: ok, but how is that related?17:19
brainwashochosi: it makes sense to check the permission to restart/shutdown/.. on the fly17:19
ochosinot really, it'll still mean if you open the menu in the first 30secs those entries will be missing17:20
brainwashyes, it's not perfect17:20
ochosino, it's an ugly ugly workaround17:21
ochosiif it's only about hibernate, then it should get fixed the same way as reboot/shutdown got fixed imo17:21
elfyochosi: so it makes sense to have suspend in the same testcase to you?17:22
ochosielfy: what other testcases could/would it go in?17:22
elfyexactly - it used to be in the old post install test - at the moment it's missing17:24
elfywe don't actually have tests for any restart/power off afaik 17:24
elfysuspend was the only one we tested iirc17:24
brainwashochosi: ok, different approach.. a local user logs out while a remote user is still active for 2min, after some more time the local user decides to shut down the pc17:26
ochosielfy: well the problem is that there are a gazillion reasons for suspend to fail17:27
ochosielfy: most of them light-locker unrelated...17:27
elfymmmm 17:27
brainwashochosi: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=732623#18817:27
ubottuDebian bug 732623 in lightdm-gtk-greeter "missing hardware actions after first logout on systemd/logind systems" [Normal,Open]17:27
ochosibrainwash: have you tested to shutdown from within the session while another user is still logged in?17:27
brainwashochosi: it preforms a shutdown?17:30
ochosibrainwash: i don't know, it was a question17:31
brainwashcurrently everything is possible, so shutdown17:31
ochosiso why should the greeter prevent any of that then, e.g. by hiding the powermenu?17:32
brainwashgreeter != user session17:33
ochosino idea how that's an argument17:33
ochosianyhow, what's up with that debian bugreport17:33
brainwashdunno, I think they want the dynamic check17:34
brainwashpatch also available17:34
ochosiyeah, but i thought we had just established that that's not really a fix17:34
brainwashyes, not for this particular case17:35
brainwashbut what about my scenario with local + remote user?17:36
brainwashbasically multi user environments 17:36
ochosithere are no remote sessions in xubuntu17:36
ochosionly unitygreeter handles that17:36
ochosiand i'm not sure i understand what you were getting at with your scenario17:38
brainwashok, without proper case this seems to lead nowhere17:38
brainwashplease mark bug 1264838 as invalid or so17:39
ubottubug 1264838 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Debian) "hardware actions disabled after first logout" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126483817:39
ochosiok, my point is: with physical access you can always shut down a computer, no matter whether a user is logged in or whatever17:39
ochosii can't, that's in debian17:39
ochosibut feel free to comment on it17:39
brainwashreported upstream17:39
brainwashLP report17:39
knomeelfy, ochosi: you two are good to have the discussion, that's why ochosi/knome ;)17:42
elfyok - then we've had it then17:42
elfyknome: so we're left with no suspend test :)17:42
elfyunless we do a whole power testcase I guess - or just add it back to the post install test17:43
knomea whole power testcase sounds better to me than add it bak17:43
knomemy c-key is still borked17:43
elfyok 17:43
elfyI completely lost Q once17:44
elfythen I couldn't change a password because it had q in it 17:44
knomemy problem seems to be quick, light taps17:44
elfymine ranged from those to thumping it with a mug ... 17:45
elfyslickymaster: ^^17:46
brainwashcan the image highlight/dim effect be disabled for the xfce4-panel class only? https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/blob/master/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css#L8217:47
knomeelfy, heh17:50
knomebbl again ->17:50
slickymasterelfy: hmm, so if I understand you guys correctly, the intention now is to make a Power test from scratch, right?17:50
ochosibrainwash: yeah, can be done i guess17:51
slickymasterelfy: if so, shouldn't bug 1256898 be closed as it has nothing to do with what is now intended?17:52
ubottubug 1256898 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed : xfce4 session handling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125689817:52
elfyslickymaster: yea - was on my list - done now17:54
elfyhi PaulW2U 17:54
PaulW2Uhi elfy17:55
slickymaster elfy ?! what is now done, closing the bug or the power testcase?17:55
elfyslickymaster: bug17:55
slickymasterelfy: ok. Are you going to open one for the power test?17:56
elfyI am 17:57
elfybug 127091118:01
ubottubug 1270911 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Xubuntu Power Controls" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127091118:01
elfyslickymaster: not sure if you know - but I made you an admin on trello18:03
slickymasteryeah, you already told me18:04
elfysigh ... 18:04
elfyI need sleep18:04
slickymasterI didn't remove that bug from Trello, because I assume you would do it18:04
ochosielfy: so if there's a separate power-test, put suspend there18:05
ochosibut if not, you can always pin it on light-locker18:05
slickymaster:) that makes two of us. Didn't sleep at all last night, due to a horrible, still afflicting, tooth ache 18:05
elfy:| I feel that pain18:05
elfyochosi: yep - just did a bug for a new testcase to include suspend18:06
elfywhich is really what we need anyway - was just looking for a shortcut :)18:06
brainwashochosi: adding "-gtk-image-effect: none;" to .xfce4-panel .menu {} works fine here18:11
ochosielfy: ok, so i presume that's resolved? :)18:17
ochosibrainwash: yup, wanna check how this affects other apps to see whether to disable it globally18:17
brainwashochosi: the ubuntu themes don't use these effects at all, how can it be even checked?18:18
elfyochosi: yep - always good for it to be a simple thing to deal with18:18
ochosibrainwash: you can use other gtk3 apps (like gedit or whatever uses a menu) and see whether it's there too18:19
ochosiand annoyingly so18:19
brainwashochosi: do gtk2 apps use this effect?18:19
ochosithey can't18:19
ochosiunless someone writes an engine that does that effect18:19
brainwashthe toolbar icons in gedit get highlighted slightly18:23
brainwashbut not the icons in the menus18:23
ochosicause they should be in a way18:24
brainwashor the change is so minimal18:24
ochosior otherwise the menu in the indicators is some inheritance problem18:24
brainwashnot noticeable at all18:24
ochosiso maybe an inheritance from buttons18:25
brainwashochosi: the indicators menu work properly the first time you open it, but on the second time the highlight glitch occurs18:25
ochosinever happens on saucy, is all i can tell18:26
brainwashwhen you move the cursor between menu and indicator button in the panel18:26
brainwashyou saw my screencast18:26
ochosiyeah, i saw your screencase18:26
ochosii can't reproduce it though18:26
brainwashtrusty only maybe18:26
slickymasterbluesabre-laptop: regarding http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=mugshot-docs:installation-preferences#preferences I don't see much material to work on doc wise speaking.18:26
brainwashgtk 3.1018:26
brainwashdo we have anyone here who runs trusty + gtk3 indicator stack?18:28
slickymasterbluesabre-laptop: What I mean is you just install it and there's no specifics configurations you have to make, other than start using it. What do you think? I could probably be seeing it wrongly18:28
slickymasterAnyway gotta go now. bbl after dinner18:28
ochosibrainwash: i will by the end of the week, so no rush with this18:35
NoskcajThe systemd power manager fix and the light locker xflock4 fix should both in in -proposed now19:03
ochosiNoskcaj: awesome work!19:07
Noskcajand bug 1246364 is semi-invalid now19:08
ubottubug 1246364 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier does not show a tray icon in xubuntu 13.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124636419:08
brainwashpower-manager is already in trusty, not trusty-proposed19:08
brainwashso, now SRU for saucy :)19:09
brainwashochosi: looks like we got an ugly issue in xfce, the session won't kill gpg-agent on logout and thus prevent logind from closing the session19:11
brainwashochosi: here another scenario: user closes the graphical session and returns to the greeter, then he closes the console session (tty1), so no more user sessions are running, but the greeter will still hide the hibernate menu entry19:35
brainwashno hibernate for us ubuntu users, but other distros allow the user to hibernate without manually editing configs19:36
brainwashjust in case you won't accept my "hibernate" scenario :)19:37
brainwashon top of that, the system maintainer is free to change the policykit rules for logind, so every power action could be affected19:38
brainwashNoskcaj: just wondering, light-locker is the 3rd option in xflock4, so xflock4 will first try to run xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver19:44
brainwashis that intended?19:45
bluesabre-laptopslickymaster: yeah, there are no preferences in mugshot, it just works19:47
elfybluesabre-laptop: I always find that using tabcomplete makes me sure people are in the channel :p19:59
bluesabre-laptopelfy: I just hope they review the #xubuntu-devel public logs when they're not around :)20:00
elfyha ha ha 20:00
Noskcajbrainwash, sort of, it's a temporary patch, although the order can be changed if it affects anything in a bad way20:11
elfyNoskcaj: thanks by the way20:12
Noskcajno problem.20:12
Noskcajgthumb 3.3.1 and settings 4.11.1 should both be up soon too. 20:12
bluesabre-laptopNoskcaj: good to hear20:14
Noskcajbluesabre-laptop, When you next have some time, could you try and merge lightdm-gtk-greeter from debian? It's a bit of a waste for us to be maintaining it separately20:15
bluesabre-laptopNoskcaj: sure thing20:15
NoskcajThanks. I'd do it, but i don't understand the package well enough.20:16
bluesabre-laptopI'll take care of it20:16
bluesabre-laptopand if you have some time, I just made you a member of ~menulibre-dev20:16
bluesabre-laptopcould you upload a trusty package for 2.0 to https://launchpad.net/~menulibre-dev/+archive/devel20:17
Noskcajthanks. Should i wait for an official release or just go from the bzr branch?20:17
NoskcajAnd did you see my list of issues yesterday?20:17
bluesabre-laptopI did a release a bit earlier today, I resolved all of the issues except the .pot updating on new builds20:17
Noskcajok. I have to go now, but is there an option  to disable the .pot thing i can use for debian?20:18
bluesabre-laptopyou're welcome to add a small quilt patch to remove the .pot file, or if you would recommend, I can remove it from the source package20:19
brainwashNoskcaj: /close20:21
brainwashwoops, wrong channel20:21
sergio-br2hey ochosi, this elementary icons are like tango icons, or not fully?22:00
Noskcajbluesabre-laptop, Do you have any idea what dependancy i'm missing that causes http://paste.ubuntu.com/6788413/ ?22:01
NoskcajDebian finally has a new version of blueman, merging now22:06
ochosisergio-br2: yeah, they're a bit like a tango-refresh22:15
ochosibut not following all the tango guidelines, e.g. the colorscheme isn't the same22:15
sergio-br2ahhh ok22:16
sergio-br2but the guideline for highlights in the edges is one thing true to elemetary?22:17
ochosibrainwash: pushed your patch for the indicator-menus22:17
sergio-br2but the guideline for highlights in the edges is one thing true to elemetary?22:17
sergio-br2but the guideline for highlights in the edges is one thing true to elemetary?22:17
ochosisergio-br2: are you referring to a specific document with icon-guidelines or just an observation of the existing icons?22:18
sergio-br2it's missing in package-x-generic22:18
sergio-br2well, bot22:18
sergio-br2is there a specific guideline for elementary?22:19
ochosii don't think that there are any written guidelines22:19
ochosithe icons were originally just created by one person only22:19
ochosiso no guidelines were necessary22:19
ochosiand i think still most icons are done by DanRabbit22:19
ochosii submitted lots of icons in new sizes, but not that many new icons per se22:20
brainwashochosi: thanks22:20
ochosiwith respect to package-x-generic, that's true, but i'm not sure it'd really look nice there22:20
ochosibrainwash: any other theme-glitches?22:20
brainwashah, speaking of icons.. I think we still need a high res icon for parole's about dialog22:21
brainwashnot sure, it's quite big22:21
ochosibrainwash: can you send me another screenshto?22:22
ochosijust to be sure...22:22
brainwashochosi: http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/parole0.php22:32
brainwashand here's a pic of the animated pending icon in the software center, notice the solid grey area, it disappears only when you hover over the button22:34
brainwashsame issue with unity's theme, but almost not noticeable because of the coloring22:35
brainwashI'll try to fix that one, so don't bother :P22:36
ochosiok nice22:42
brainwashochosi: any thoughts on my hibernate menu entry scenario? ironically I've just encountered this situation22:42
ochosii think the problem is that that's qt and not sure how that's handled22:42
brainwashno, gtk322:42
ochosione thing at a time, still drawing the 128px icon22:42
ochosiare you sure it's not qt->gtk3?22:42
brainwashubuntu's software center?22:43
brainwashit's python + gtk322:43
ochosithen they should stop using those fugly custom widgets22:44
brainwashit's strange indeed, the animation is defined via a python function and some cairo magic is involved too I think22:45
brainwashgtkparasite points to the animation function22:45
ochosii guess a regular gtkspinner didn't do it for them :/22:46
ochosithe whole toolbar looks terrible imo22:46
brainwashit's not that bad22:47
ochosii guess those icons are also hardcoded22:47
ochosiit could be fixed by using more of the standard widgetry22:47
brainwashyeah, the icons are provided by the usc package22:47
ochosibut in a usc dir or in pixmaps or hicolor?22:48
ochosiyeah, so hardcoded it is22:49
ochosiparole-appicon-patch pushed22:49
brainwashwow, awesome22:49
ochosiin case you can already test22:49
ochosii need to re-read your hibernate scenario again, there were too many other things happening in between22:50
ochosiright, so what do you suggest? loading the menu "on the fly" is possible, but it won't really solve the problem22:51
brainwashgot another tiny theme annoyance, greeter this time.. if you move the cursor to the top right and click, it won't activate the power menu22:51
ochosiwe can just as well put an hourglass cursor there and a tooltip saying "wait for your power-actions to appear while your session finally is closign down"22:52
brainwashyeah, maybe22:52
ochosihm, true, not sure where that 1px comes from22:53
brainwashsome recent change most likely :)22:53
ochosiare you sure? i mean: did that ever work?22:54
brainwashstrange, got the 1px too in saucy22:57
brainwashah wait, using greybird git22:57
brainwashmy mind is now blown.. so it was always like this? 1 px border? :D22:59
ochosiit's quite possible, i never tried that tbh22:59
ochosii don't see anything in the theme-code that would cause this23:00
brainwashnever mind then23:01
ochosimust be something in the themecode though23:01
ochosidoesn't happen with all themes, it seems23:01
brainwashand regarding the power menu, would building it on-the-fly come with any drawbacks?23:02
ochosiok, locally fixed the top-corner-click problem23:03
ochosiwell more (useless) system calls, the menu popping up with a delay23:03
ochosii don't know what repercussions it would have, but as i said, it doesn't fix the issue as that isn't in the greeter23:04
ochosii guess it should be discussed in the bugreport anyways23:04
brainwashlets focus on the greeter only23:05
brainwashmmh, right23:05
ochosiso basically the hibernate-issue that you have is also something that's only related to logind settings23:06
ochosior am i wrong?23:06
brainwashvery likely, not sure how it was handled before23:07
brainwashochosi: it's actually a two way issue, you boot the pc, switch to tty1 and login.. now you return back to greeter and the hibernate menu entry will be still visible23:23
brainwashshould be hidden now23:23
brainwashbut what should be done, if the power menu is keep opened while switching between tty1 and vt7? :D23:24
brainwashkept opened23:24
brainwashin this case policykit simply won't let you hibernate the system23:26
ochosii'm still reading this immensly long debian bugreport-discussion...23:26
brainwashthey mainly focus on the gpg-agent issue which keeps the logind session alive23:27
brainwashpulseaudio does the same occasionally23:28
brainwashbut this does not really justify the proposed change23:29
brainwashI don't mind delaying a final decision, maybe I'm just too exited about the release of trusty :)23:34
ochosido you have the link to the upstream logind policy change handy?23:35
ochosi(or at least the downstream merge-request @launchpad)23:35
brainwashthe restart multi session one?23:35
brainwashgoogle is not very helpful23:36
brainwashthe user is able to shutdown, reboot and suspend the system... but hibernate, no, that's evil :)23:41
ochosiwell why don't you report another bug against systemd's default policies then?23:43
ubottuFreedesktop bug 70237 in general "logind: Allow active session to hibernate while other sessions are active" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]23:46
brainwashwon't fix :(23:46
Unit193I love it, clearly these people have heard of VNC, RDP, and the like. :)23:48
ochosii really wonder why reboot is ok then23:50
Unit193Because it doesn't bring up the last session?23:50
brainwashor shutdown + suspend23:50
brainwashinitially: shutdown + suspend -> OK,  restart + hibernate -> NO23:51
brainwashrestart is OK now due to the change "forced" by us23:52
ochosiUnit193: right, but from the greeter it doesn't, it just brings you back to the greeter23:52
ochosi(or that's what it should do, anyhow i dont ever use hibernate so i wouldn't know)23:53
brainwashbut this isn't the point actually, the system admin can change this rules and disallow every power action when multiple sessions are active23:54
brainwashthey are just rules after all23:54
brainwashbut lets wait for more input23:55
brainwashmaybe ask robert23:55
ochosihm, not sure he has much to say on this23:59
ochosithey use gnome-settings-daemon for all this23:59

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