
gema1i suggest reinstaling xubuntu and make sure you follow steps correctly00:02
gema1are you installing on a different partition?00:02
Unit193xubuntu523: How new a computer?  UEFI?00:02
gema1on my experience i havent have problems with uefi always you install first windows and then xubuntu or ubuntu on a different partition00:03
xubuntu523yeah i installed it to another partition, actually what i did was install it to a 2nd hard disk which has music and games on it from my windows installation, and its now missing in windows..that wasn't what i wanted to happen...00:03
xubuntu523can i save it?00:04
xubuntu523or did i just erase it? :(00:04
gema1u cant install xubuntu on a ntfs partition00:04
xubuntu523it was unknown it said00:05
gema1i belive you parted you second harddrive to have a partition with your windows data (nfts) and then a second partition for xubuntu (ext4)00:05
xubuntu523i don't see my 2nd hard drive right now, only the main one00:06
xubuntu523and that concerns me00:06
xubuntu523because i have steam games and stuff on that one00:07
gema1puff, overheated my laptop with flash player to the point it crashed00:14
gema1·$·$%·$%· flash on linux00:14
gema1so i guess no solution for flash player?00:22
gema1it will be a pitty to have to go back to xp just coz flash player is not well supported in linux00:25
gema1there are billions of devices running flash player games correctly00:25
drcso use one of them00:26
gema1i though linux was the best OS00:26
gema1i will have to go back to windows00:27
gema1by device runs perfectly flash player with other os but linux00:27
drcIf flash games are your primary concern, then yes, I'd go back to windows.00:27
gema1is coz my syster00:28
gema1is here primary concern00:28
gema1i cant get here use linux if there is not a solution with flash player00:28
gema1she only use the laptop to play those stupid "farm ville" like games00:29
* drc remembers having problems with flash and the last Summer Olympics live streams...overheating...confirmed my "I don't give a **** about flash" attitude :)00:31
gema1i had an i5 wich i could run those game perfectly under my ubuntu, but i just broke it, so im trying to use my sister laptop but i cant work anymore with windows, so meanwhile i get another laptop i wanted to have xubuntu on my syster laptop00:31
gema1if being trying to get her to use linux many years but i always came to same problem, i dont understand how such a big linux community havent found the solution allready00:32
gema1they can decode any software and crack it and copy it but they cant with flash player, i really dont understand it00:33
drcgema1: I'd hazard a guess that linux devs don't really care about Faceboot/Flash games, or they would have already.00:33
drcOf course <you> are more than welcome to sit down and spend <your> time doing it.00:35
gema1yes i belive so, nevertheless during all this years i have read many tries, even flash alternatives, so i thing or the buildiers of the alternatives have got much money from adobe to stop building competence or they may have being harrased to stop trying to build a software wich can do the same thing on linux that a patented protected software does00:35
xubuntu759Hello - Is anybody here ?00:48
gema1i am00:50
xubuntu176Hello - I am new to linux - I have been trying for five days to get xubunto to install from usb onto another usb - It installs but does not boot from the install01:11
xubuntu176My motherboard is a Gigabyte H87 HD3 with Radeon R9 graphics01:12
xubuntu176Any insight would be appreciated01:13
ballIs there some way to purge Xubuntu's package system? I can't seem to update it, fetch new packages etc.01:53
ethermonkwhat error are you getting?01:54
ball"Reading package lists... Error!"01:56
ethermonksudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf01:57
ethermonkthen sudo apt-get update01:57
sixdegreesJust moved from Ubuntu to Xubuntu - loving the speed. Gradients appear banded though, I think it's an issue with the color depth. Is this a common bug? Graphics chip is embedded Intel 82865G04:28
kRusheverywhere or just with the default wallpapers? because those suck04:29
cfhowlettsixdegrees, if ubuntu rendered properly then I'd guess it's not your chip.  you seem to have a different gpu driver with xubuntu?04:29
Unit193sixdegrees: Different version of Ubuntu?  xdpyinfo | grep root04:30
Unit193kRush: They may not fit your needs, but they don't blend badly.04:30
sixdegreesthx all. It is a different version, I was on ubuntu 12.04, now xubuntu 13.1004:31
sixdegreesroot window id:    0x63  depth of root window:    15 planes04:31
Unit193sixdegrees: Yeeep, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/117364904:32
sixdegreesit's not just on the wallpapers, gimp and photos too04:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1173649 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "incorrect color depth - intel graphics card" [Undecided,Opinion]04:32
Unit193It's a driver "feature", I had it and fixed that.04:32
sixdegreesah, great feature :) thanks. did you fix it by making an xorg.conf file?04:35
Unit193Yep, but with different content.04:35
Unit193Oh, nope.  Looked again, we came out the same.04:37
sixdegreesUnit193: ubottu: I applied the fix at #51 in the bug (1173649) and all is well. Sure seems like a bug to me.05:04
sixdegreesThanks heaps for your help05:11
Unit193Something else newer, you're using SNA now which is noticably faster.05:12
sixdegreesUnit193: interesting05:27
deltwhere is the equivalent of the DIR_COLORS file in *buntu?05:41
ethermonkdelt,  LS_COLORS ?06:27
=== GTB3NW_AWAY is now known as GTB3NW
deltethermonk: nope, cant find it06:29
deltoh great. even the manpage for dircolors doesn't say where the default is :/06:30
delt[pts/0][user@laptop]:/etc/profile.d$ grep -i dircolors *06:31
delt"find" is only finding stuff on my slackware partition...... i could hack up something using /etc/profile but i want to know the "proper" way to do it06:33
ethermonkim seeing you can mess with it in the .bashrc file in your home dir06:34
ethermonkaround line 7506:35
xubuntu494I'm in the middle of downloading Xubuntu and it has been stuck on Configuring the bcmwl-kernal-source for almost an hour, maybe more16:14
=== xubuntu176 is now known as WinterOgChange
* WinterOgChange Waves to all18:38
* WinterOgChange nod at xubuntu-pat18:40
xubuntu-patI just installed the "LTS release: 12.04", network is working fine with cable. but how do i install a wifi conection?18:41
xubuntu-patsome one here?18:42
WinterOgChangeifconfig to see where it is installed then ifconfig wlan(x) up18:43
holsteinxubuntu-pat: many are here..18:43
holstein!wifi | xubuntu-pat18:43
ubottuxubuntu-pat: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:43
holsteinyou might need to just wire up and install a proprietar driver.. for broadcom or whatever18:43
xubuntu-patcool thanks will read this now18:44
xubuntu-patthanks a lot guys, will see if it works otherwise i will conect here again18:44
ToolsDevlerhi, anyone knows something about Linux for NSC Geode GX1-S (300Mhz)? I'm looking for a non-gui build...18:50
starratsHELP please!  This AM burned a good copy of ubuntu  and had the partitions perfect with the help of my winbox7 and I restarted and clicked on the ubuntu partition and it went to loading on the desktop with it's purple background and 4 or 5 little red dots going back and forth and then nothing happened.  It w ouldjust bounce between the black and the purple with the cursor arrrow.19:21
starratsWhy did it not open up is my ?.19:21
xubuntuNoobI am a noob19:22
xubuntuNoobwill this version work with crossover linux?19:23
xubuntuNoobso I can have internet explorer and such19:23
starratsmust be at a 'dev' meeting, no one to help atm, that's cool.19:40
pleia2xubuntuNoob: a current version of crossover should work fine with xubuntu, if you're worried you can try it on a live session19:43
OneWithWavesHi, all! Is anyone an expert with private key management in Xubuntu?19:43
pleia2starrats: this channel is for xubuntu, our startup screen is blue :) I think you want #ubuntu for help with purple19:43
starratsI know pleia2, realized afterwards19:44
starratsbut thank you for getting back to me on that19:44
starratsthought they were almost the same but I guess not19:45
starratsoh btw pleia2 my xubuntu is working perfect on my VirtualBox.19:57
xubuntu437Hi, I am sorry for asking...  I cannot set higher  resolution on an external monitor than my laptop is. Is there any way around ?20:18
=== GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY
utkuI just installed Xubuntu and can't get USB drives work at the moment.21:03
utkuAnswers on both Ask Ubuntu and Ubuntu Forums didn't really help.21:03
utkugvfs-mount --list shows devices, but none of them gets mounted automatically.21:04
Sysiwhat filesystem are the drives formatted to?21:05
utkuLet me find out.21:07
utkuSysi: GParted says it doesn't know.21:08
utkuI dd'ed the drive to Xubuntu's ISO actually.21:08
Sysiokay, create new partition table to that drive with gparted and then add fat32 or ntfs partition, it sholud work after replugging21:14
utkuSysi: That's not the only device that doesn't work though.21:15
Sysiwell, how are they formatted? do they mount at all with file manager or just not automatically?21:16
Sysialso, are they usb3 ones and what version of xubuntu are you running?21:17
utkuSysi: It actually can read NTFS.21:17
utkuThe main issue that I have is that Xubuntu doesn't mount the partiton of my USB modem which has the drivers for the modem.21:18
utkuThat thing is read only so formatting would obviously not work.21:18
alfatauhello all. i bought a new display to attach to my laptop. i would like to have the laptop on the left and the new monitor on the right. I'd also like the new monitor is the primary monitor.21:19
utkuAlso, a friend of mine will be use the PC and I don't want him to deal with command line stuff.21:19
Sysiutku: there probaly is a better way to get the driver if it doesn't work by default21:19
Sysiusually they contain just windows drivers21:19
Sysidid you try just connecting with the networking applet, you might need to manually create new mobile broadband connection in settings21:20
alfatauif i set the new monitor at the right of the laptop's one, the upper xfce panel is left on the laptop monitor while the side one appears on the new display.21:20
alfataucan you help me?21:20
utkuSysi: Linux drivers are there, I am sure. (Although it says it needs Qt3 as dependency but I'll deal with it later)21:20
Sysialfatau: unlock panels in their settings and drag to desired screen21:21
utkuSysi: I was able to mount the USB stick after formatting, thanks for that one.21:21
Sysiutku: actually modems usually work OOTB if you can actually get system to see them as a modem and not storage device21:22
Sysithey use standard protocol, usually problem is that they appear as cd or memsting and not modem21:23
utkuSysi: Connecting the device using the applet also worked.21:24
SysiI have a good wibe today21:24
utkuOne last thing, wlan0 doesn't work because it is "hardware locked"21:24
alfatauSysi: ok, but it seems always being not primary, because the icons are left on the laptop monitor. any idea?21:25
utkurfkill unblock didn't help.21:25
knomeutku, look for a hardware switch21:25
utkuknome: The device doesn't have one.21:26
Sysicheck from bios21:26
knomeutku, might also be a setting in the bios21:26
xubuntu882hi im a newbie at ubuntu. tried to setup ssh server. but  unable to connect to it23:31
xubuntu882ssh -v localhost - even that command from the local machine returns an error of23:31
xubuntu882permission denied okease try again23:31
xubuntu882im using the username and the password that i used to setup ubuntu and login23:32
xubuntu882also says authentication that can continue public key, password23:32
xubuntu882could someone please let me know what i am doing wrong23:33

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