=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [06:15] hmmm... should I got saucy, precise, or trusty on my rax desktop? [06:16] *go [06:58] morning all [07:13] meh [07:14] "morning" [07:19] morning ! :) [07:20] how are you knightwise Myrtti [07:21] doing ok. finally found the root cause of my slow wifi at home [07:21] knightwise: brill what was it? hardware? signal interference? [07:21] hardware [07:22] turns out you have to disable the N spectrum on intel wifi cards under ubuntu [07:22] bad driver/firmware/update thingie [07:22] tired, stressed, wondering if I'm coming down with a flu [07:22] my daughter got me up at 3am :( [07:22] funny thing is : i didn't have that problem when I had my airport extreme router. [07:22] and with the asus i do .. Funny [07:22] Myrtti: take good care of yourself [07:23] hot coco and stuff [07:23] DId a nice google search . I pasted part of my Plex media servers configuration webpage url into google [07:23] :) Been watching stuff on random plex servers all over the world :) Funny :p [07:29] hrmphf... flaky connecton to home server today [07:29] even irc is slow [07:31] not built my home server yet, need drives/memory for it [07:32] I have an I5 with 16 gigs of ram and about 6Tb of storage running a couple of VMs [07:32] works pretty fine [07:32] I've got a dell poweredge server, but it only support 500gb drives, which will do [07:33] storage is not that important unless you also use it as a media server [07:34] Good morning all; happy Hugging Day! :-D [07:34] knightwise: nah, looking to have a play with openstack [07:35] Cool :) [07:35] * knightwise now needs to figure out how to disable N on his network card. [07:36] knightwise: why? because it's flaky? [07:37] MartijnVdS: no , because of the known issue I had. Terrible wifi speeds, dropped TCP packets .. The works [07:38] knightwise, is this the Intel card with those problems? [07:39] knightwise: if it's intel, /sys/modules/iwlwifi/11n_disable (or something) -- just "echo 1" into it. And for after a reboot, put a "local.conf" in /etc/modprobe.d/ with "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1" (or whatever the file in /sys/modules is called) [07:39] knightwise: but 11G is a lot worse than 11N for performance, consider upgrading anyway :) [07:39] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/924099 [07:40] Ubuntu bug 924099 in linux (Ubuntu) "8086:4236 iwlagn kernel module must disable n-support to work with Intel 5300 wireless card" [Medium,Expired] [07:41] Actually, MartijnVdS got the more recent version, I think. [07:44] yeah, and in iwlwifi the problem *should* be fixed, afaik [07:45] ah: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2134937 [08:07] MartijnVdS: JamesTait : I thikn its an intel card [08:08] I think there is a command that lets you check right ? [08:08] knightwise: read the kernel log, it'll tell you. Also, lsmod. [08:09] knightwise: also, lspci :) [08:09] I found this link http://askubuntu.com/questions/119578/how-to-fix-slow-wireless-on-machines-with-intel-wireless-cards [08:10] knightwise: like I said.. use the 11n_disable module parameter [08:10] knightwise: that's what that page also suggests [08:10] 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 2230 (rev c4) [08:11] yes, and Centrino network adapters are know to flake out with some brands of router [08:11] Gonna give it a try. [08:11] *cough*Linksys*cough* [08:11] Asus [08:11] knightwise: Asus also use Broadcom chips, like Linksys [08:11] * MartijnVdS only buys TP-Link these days. Yay atheros. [08:11] (also, openwrt ;)) [08:12] Error: Module iwlwifi is in use by: iwldvm [08:12] knightwise: so rmmod that as well [08:12] ? [08:12] i'm afraid you lost me there [08:12] knightwise: rmmod iwldvm [08:12] then rmmod iwlwifi [08:15] ok, followed the rest of the tutorial [08:15] you should see more stability now [08:15] This command gave me an empty file though gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi-disable11n.conf [08:15] knightwise: yes, because you're creating it [08:16] so i just pasted the line in there [08:16] and putting that one line in there [08:16] gonna reboot the machine now [08:16] ( The machine is at home , I'm accessing it vai SSH ) [08:17] but I just noticed that my network traffic at home is getting a lot faster now that i'm rebooting the laptop [08:17] so it seems it is sending out quite a bit of network crap [08:17] thanx again for your help in this guys [08:17] knightwise: maybe it's compromised and spamming? Bittorrenting? [08:17] Nope, just did a clean nuke and pave [08:18] maybe the NSA installed some custom firmware that does it for you ;) [08:18] will you guys shush i'm trying to snoop knightwise's lan [08:19] MartijnVdS: that would be tax dollars wasted :p [08:19] ;) [08:19] MooDoo: Find the my little porny vids yet ? [08:19] or the Belgian equivalent [08:19] knightwise: yes and i'm quite impressed, you're bendy :D [08:19] lol [08:19] Pony videos? knightwise = brony? ;) [08:20] NOOOOOO [08:20] * knightwise runs away every time he sees furries [08:20] (and pony's) [08:20] knightwise: don't be ashamed, lots of adult men are bronies [08:21] WTF is a bronies? [08:21] MooDoo: http://whatisabrony.com/ [08:22] holy sh*t balls [08:22] True ;) there are some cool MLP mods out there [08:22] Terminator-pony, borg-pony etc [08:22] get out, just get out [08:22] MooDoo: learn something new every day ;) [08:22] go to bronycon [08:23] * knightwise is listening to some chilly tunes on cmd.fm [08:27] nice geeky streaming radio that looks like a command line interface :) [08:35] http://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamuniverse/discussions/1/648817378243644036/ [08:36] directhex: need any torrent seeders? [08:37] Mobaxterm is a great replacement for Putty for those of you on Windows btw [08:38] Xforwarding, Socks Tunnel, SFTP , all in one :) [08:38] does it support URL clicking? [08:38] In a chatrroom ? [08:39] erm .. no i don't think so [08:39] bugger [08:40] right, can't recommend to irssi/weechat heavy users then [08:40] oh well [08:40] I haven't kept up to nutty / puttytray development so maybe they're still alright [08:40] Morning all [08:42] Myrtti, i don't know what's coming next for Ye Olde SteamOSe - much of its raison d'etre is gone with valve's merging in of changes [08:42] whee [08:55] MrGarlic: Weechat ? [08:58] !info weechat [08:58] weechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-2 (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB [09:00] Myrtti: weechat? sounds like the thing you do while.. doing your business at the urinals [09:01] I didn't name it, don't blame mee [09:02] morning boys and girls. [09:04] morning brobostigon [09:04] directhex: why haven't they hired you yet? [09:04] morning MooDoo [09:12] someone want to hire me, I make good tea :D [09:13] MooDoo: hmmm tea [09:13] coffee :) [09:13] brobostigon: heathen! [09:14] heh :( [09:14] :P [09:15] need to find a new strap for my pebble, the rubber strap isnt ideal. [09:17] MartijnVdS: 24k a year to make you tea and you're on ;) [09:18] MooDoo: only if you do the dishes too 8-) [09:18] MartijnVdS: steady on there [09:37] Good morning peeps :) [09:38] morning [09:41] cold this morning [09:42] hey Laney [09:42] good morning :) [09:42] ey up [09:42] it is .. and it is supposed to be cold :) [09:42] quite rfreshing [09:43] high time it got chilly . Weather has been so fracked up , my neighbours peacocks are screaming in the morning. [09:43] normally they dont do that untill march [09:44] "AAAAAAARGH" - a peacock, yesterday [09:45] yeah, saw some plant shoots the other day that shouldn't have happened for a couple of months [09:45] bet these frosts have done them in [09:46] surprised it's sunny here i am, was expecting rain. [09:46] Laney: you've had frost then? We haven't even had that.. [09:47] MartijnVdS: was quite thick yesterday not so much this morning [09:52] directhex: what's next in store for ye old Ye Olde SteamOSe? [09:53] retro gaming? 8-) [09:53] * MartijnVdS actually fired up an old PS/2 (386DX!) this weekend. And it still worked [09:54] bigcalm, excellent question. i don't really know - much of its reason to exist is gone now [09:54] radical change in scope? hmph [09:55] What features didn't they include? [09:55] i haven't had a chance to analyse yet [09:55] am on the clock [09:56] Fair enough :) [10:31] Argh. Has anyone here worked out how to get an SMTP server delisted as a spam-sender by google? [10:32] by not sending spam? [10:32] yeah we stopped doing that three days ago [10:32] * don't be on "residential IP space" [10:32] and everyone else delisted us about two and a half days ago [10:32] nah, it's a proper smtp server [10:32] * have your host name + reverse mapping correctly (so foo.com -> AND -> foo.com) [10:32] yep [10:33] it's a shared mailserver, and at least some of the domains are spfed up [10:34] but everyone else at least has a form where you can fess up and say "but we've fixed it, take our mail?". It took MS about 15 minutes... [10:34] BigRedS: apparently, Google's 5xx rejection code contains an URL [10:34] * popey bites the bullet and orders 16GB for his X220 [10:35] BigRedS: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/81126 [10:35] popey: \o/ 16G === roht is now known as wadzi [10:37] popey: where you get that from, I've just had a look at crucial and their system says it'll only hold 8gb, might be wrong - http://www.crucial.com/uk/store/listparts.aspx?model=Thinkpad%20X220&Cat=RAM [10:37] MartijnVdS: yeah, that one ends with suggestions on how to form marketing emails [10:37] its wrong [10:37] obviously if you purchased 16gb lo [10:37] i canvassed the internets first [10:37] I did find a form for bulk senders to apply for some sort of permission which I've filled in, but it's very much "I send lots of mail" and not "I run this mailserver" [10:39] ah it officially supports 8gb, but people have been putting in 2x8gb chips into the 2 slots. [10:58] Morning all [10:59] Morning davmor2 [11:00] morning davmor2 [11:00] MooDoo, bigcalm: how are you both? [11:01] davmor2: experiencing a very long day [11:01] davmor2: I'm fab :) [11:02] bigcalm: must be a long day if you are experiencing it this early on :) [11:02] MooDoo: excellent :) [11:03] davmor2: my spy camera, I mean laptop, arrives tomorrow [11:07] I've been wearing my headphones since 9am and yet haven't listened to any music yet. Forgetting they are there and getting engrossed in my work... [11:10] bigcalm: comfy then [11:10] my ones hurt the top of my head :( [11:10] need more cushion [11:11] MooDoo: this headset is surprisingly so, more so than my cans which are meant to be higher quality [11:14] I borrow my sons over the ear ones, but they are terrible and leave me ear sore after about 10 min [11:14] s [11:17] I wish I could get another pair of sennheiser HD457s [11:17] That's what my cans do as well as leaving a dent in my hair where the connecting band sits [11:17] I am using bluetooth headphones [11:17] wired [11:18] because bluetooth sucks [11:19] Heh [11:19] bluetooth is great. To connect my phone to my car stereo (for navigation & music) [11:20] it keeps timing out [11:20] dont know if its the cans or ubuntu [11:20] popey: try them on your mac? [11:26] * MartijnVdS wonders how to work the NFC bit in his laptop [11:26] apparently, a driver has been loaded. [11:26] popey: desktop or phone or both? [11:26] hah [11:26] desktop [11:26] phone doesn't work at all [11:27] popey: I have a feeling it is ubuntu I tried my headset on android and it works fine [11:27] yeah [11:28] I have become attached to the Synapse App that I installed last night , successfully , in Ubuntu-Mate_Desktop 13.10 , https://twitter.com/Noobslab/status/169558718122426368 . : Nothing else to say ..no-Comeback . Off to Smithfields .. Applets FTW ! . [11:28] https://imgur.com/AqHbiTm [11:28] * Seeker` can't find any good headphones :( [11:29] Bloomin spammers [11:31] Is it Wednesday yet? [11:32] bigcalm: NO! [11:34] nicest usb creator i've found is windows only :( [11:34] called rufus [11:34] Is it friday? [11:34] foobarry: dd? :-P [11:34] yeah, i use dd [11:35] dd doesn't work for all isos [11:35] ...does it? [11:35] I'm one of those people whose never had a problem with unetbootin :) [11:35] which ones dont work? [11:35] this is for a esxi installer iso [11:35] I've not had one not work for a long time. [11:36] Don't the ISOs have to be crafted with that in mind? or does USB boot Just Work with an iso9660 image? [11:36] if dd worked, then why did vmware write this page ? https://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.vsphere.install.doc_50%2FGUID-33C3E7D5-20D0-4F84-B2E3-5CD33D32EAA8.html [11:36] There was a nice one that ran on ubuntu that I tried a while ago. Weird English translations, as it was French, but it worked. [11:36] gosh thats complicated [11:37] the ISO needs to be crafted with that in mind [11:37] VMWare seem to have put some effort in to making that not-straightforward [11:37] basically you stick an MBR boot sector in the first few bytes of the ISO9660 image, in a space which is basically padding [11:37] you only need 432 bytes for a boot sector [11:37] yeah, that's the sort of thing I thought was going on [11:38] Ah, multisystem. http://liveusb.info/dotclear/ [11:38] That's the one I used for a while. [11:38] Lets you stick multiple isos on and not had any issues with anything. [11:39] there are basically 4 different ways to boot: BIOS from CD, BIOS from USB, UEFI from CD, UEFI from USB. you need 4 boot loaders - one for each [11:40] UEFI from CD: you create a tiny FAT32 partition with a boot loader EFI application inside, and embed it in an el torito floppy record [11:40] UEFI from USB: just make sure the first partition on your USB stick is FAT32, and contains an EFI boot loader [11:40] BIOS from CD: 432 byte boot sector in an el torito floppy record [11:40] BIOS from USB: 432 bytes at the start of the drive, with a small offset [11:41] the trick is making a .iso which is all 4 of these things at once [11:41] this also ignores macs, which expect HFS+ [11:42] C4RR3: Just £16.99 a month [11:42] Phone cost Free [11:42] Grr [11:42] Mis-paste [11:44] Miss Paste? Sounds lovely [12:11] hi @all . On my ubuntu 13.10, sound goes to maximum sometimes. Why is that? [12:18] Sometimes my workstation boots with audio muted. One of those things (tm) [12:19] Yeah, me too. [12:19] I can catch the mouse roller wheel and sometimes that takes it to maximum [12:23] I wish that devices with wifi all came with a standard port to attach an external aerial [12:24] Ran out of ethernet ports on my router in my office so I'm not using the wifi on my workstation [12:24] was "not" meant to be "now"? [12:24] Yes [12:25] The workstation in under my desk and about 4 feet from the wifi router - yet my workstation isn't showing a stong signal [12:25] Plus, I get about 3MB/s max when transferring between server and workstation :( [12:25] Might I suggest buying a switch [12:25] s/in/is [12:26] Dave2: I want this one but don't have the money: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Netgear-Wireless-N-Port-Gigabit-Firewall/dp/B005UGRIIG/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=LXT6MFP2WUWA&coliid=I3M4BGF1YGV466 [12:26] To replace the wifi router I am using [12:26] Really need to keep down the number of mains sockets in use [12:28] I'm intrigued; why do you care how many sockets are in use? [12:28] that's... a bit pricy [12:28] ormiret: because one _can_ have too many [12:28] Dave2: yep, a cheaper alternative would be nice :) [12:28] Cheaper alternative: a switch and a power brick thing [12:29] *grumble* [12:29] I used to have a switch until I gave it away on freecycle [12:30] Was only 10/100 though [12:30] you can buy a switch for £hardlyanything [12:30] http://www.amazon.co.uk/TP-Link-TL-SG1005D-Gigabit-Unmanaged-Desktop/dp/B000N99BBC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1390307440&sr=8-2&keywords=tp-link+switch £12.48 [12:31] I have one of those in white I think [12:31] works great [12:31] Instant Order Update for Dave Wickham. You purchased this item on 20 Nov 2011. View this order. [12:32] 8-) [12:32] I have one of those TP Link ones as well, is good [12:32] I guess [12:32] I should buy the 8 port one though, because I'm running out of sockets and have run out of network ports. [12:32] This is a switch that's attached to my router. [12:32] I should build some shelves to put the server and other bits on. My desk it getting messy [12:34] * MartijnVdS ponders http://www.amazon.co.uk/TP-Link-TL-SG1016DE-16-Port-Gigabit-Management/dp/B00DQ4ED7S [12:35] hah [12:35] My understanding is that the cheap TP-Link switches have the same chipset as that one, and so are effectively dumb managed switches [12:35] (May be wrong on that) [12:36] Dave2: except the cheaper ones don't have an IP to talk to for management [12:36] Hence the dumb bit [12:37] My router is running openwrt, so I don't really need a managed switch [12:37] Those two statements don't really follow on from one another [12:37] Ta for the advice, I might order an 8 port plastic one [12:37] They don't? [12:37] Dave2: well, the ethernet ports built into a router like that could be used like managed switch ports [12:38] For my use, I just need extra ports. So unmanaged seems to make sense? [12:38] No; your router has a managed switch built in, but if you did want to have vlan tagging, then you would lose the ability to have a trunked port going to the switch with different vlan tagging going on there. [12:38] bigcalm: usually, yes. [12:38] Of course, you probably don't actually care about any of that [12:38] though managed switches can be higher throughput (paradoxically) [12:38] Dave2: I see and you are correct in this instance :) [12:40] Any advantage of getting a metal one rather than plastic? [12:40] I'm not sure what the other differences are. [12:40] Metal is nicer. [12:40] This is true [12:40] you could connect the metal case to ground, I suppose [12:42] * bigcalm measures his office for putting up shelves [13:02] Can't decide if I want to put shelves on the whole of the wall behind my desk or to leave space for art work [13:02] bigcalm: behind your desk as in "in front of you when using the desk" or "behind you when using it" === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [13:03] MartijnVdS: in front of me when I'm using it [13:04] bigcalm: then use it for art. Put the shelves behind you [13:04] * MartijnVdS wishes he'd done that [13:04] MartijnVdS: not enough room behind me. This is the smallest bedroom in the house and only really fits my desk and my chair [13:05] MartijnVdS: https://twitter.com/bigcalm/status/414351141859000322 [13:05] bigcalm: ah. hmm [13:06] Time for a new photo [13:11] MartijnVdS: https://twitter.com/bigcalm/status/425616683739262976/photo/1 [13:13] bigcalm: Corner shelves above the printer ? [13:14] diplo: I was wondering about using the whole of the left hand wall for shelves and include the corner [13:14] So many choices [13:15] In the very bottom left of the photo you can see the door handle of the open door [13:17] hullo [13:18] hi [13:19] how are we all today? [13:19] meh [13:19] oh [13:20] something happened? [13:20] it's a grey day outside here [13:20] i think everyone is having one of those dayas todya [13:21] http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/archives/date-taken/2014/01/21/ greetings from Finland [13:21] it was extremely foggy here at raxtowers this morning [13:21] MooDoo: i certainly am having one of those days [13:22] foobarry: yeah me to, but mine is coz i'm tired 3 hours of sleep last night [13:23] MooDoo: been out partying? [13:23] MartijnVdS: no little one came into the bedroom at 3am wide awake [13:24] MooDoo: ah, so someone else was out partying ;) [13:24] MartijnVdS: if she was she's in trouble. then again who knows what 2 year olds get up to while we're asleep ;) [13:25] :) [13:32] yay, my ram is coming via DPD [13:32] if my boy doesn't wake me up in the night he gets to put marbles in his reward jar [13:32] popey: already? that's quick! [13:33] so the laptop will break 1 week from now? [13:33] or 1 day after support runs out [13:45] its got a year or so support left [13:45] What was the bz2 method that people suggested I used for compressing a 4.2GB mysql dump? [13:46] rm [13:46] that's the most efficient compression I know :-P [13:47] bigcalm: you know when you open a browser and in the middle is this google text box :P were you after the compression format or the command to do it? [13:48] davmor2: I use `tar jcvf foo.tar.bz2 foo`. Somebody suggested a better method === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:50] bigcalm: there's create_dump_on_stdout_somehow | bzip2 -9 > dump.bz2 [13:50] bigcalm: if you want moar compression, try xz [13:51] I have the dump now. Just want to compress it for xfer to my server [13:52] xz -9 file -- why tar if it's one file? [13:52] I normally use zxvf for one handed quickness but thought that bz2 was meant to be better for some reason [13:52] MartijnVdS: muscle memory :) [13:52] bigcalm: tar is smart with extensions now I think -- the "j" or "z" don't matter anymore -- at least when extracting [13:53] Oh, xz is a utility. I'll give it a go :) [13:53] gz < bz2 < xz (compression-ratio wise, usually) [13:53] (some files might gzip better or bzip better, but most will xz the best) [13:55] MartijnVdS: so for the next person to beat xzip they will need to do zzip but then it just sounds like your machine is sleeping when you run the command zz [13:55] davmor2: well they could do yzip instead [13:55] davmor2: and/or skip to greek letters [13:55] µzip sounds nice and micro :) [13:55] MartijnVdS: yeah but then it sounds like a question [13:56] why zip [13:56] * MartijnVdS used "arj" last week [13:56] well, unarj [13:56] MartijnVdS, bigcalm: I quite like 7zips archive it is pretty compact [13:56] I'm looking for speed more than compression I guess [13:56] davmor2: 7zip uses lzma, same as xz, but xz actually has a unixy file format ;) [13:57] I'll give xz a go [13:57] bigcalm: 7zip is fast so I assume that xz should be too [13:58] 7zip decompression is fast [13:58] compression isn't really [13:58] if you want fast, try gzip -1 ;) [13:59] I do need to actually compress the file as well :P [14:00] Ah, lunch is ready :) [14:04] "3 billion devices run java" [14:04] i wonder how many are up to date [14:05] 3 [14:08] javacard. [14:08] runs on SIM cards [14:09] isn't that a very special very stripped-down thing though === Hornet- is now known as Hornet === alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk === alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g [15:22] 4.1GB MySQL dump -> xz for 9m43.448s -> 165MB .xz file [15:22] shhh [15:23] Sorry, didn't mean to wake you [15:26] That amused me more than it probably should... [15:28] ETA (from pv) to import the database is 1 hour [15:29] * bigcalm does some other stuff === alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea === alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g [15:52] bigcalm: that sounds a bit more portable [16:12] Can anybody recommend some very simple software for chopping section out of an mp3? [16:13] a specific section or just splitting it? [16:13] more simple than audacity? [16:13] A specific section [16:13] foobarry: I currently know of no software, so any suggestions would be good [16:13] audacity is good [16:13] Ta, I'll give it a go [16:14] ffmpeg can cut sections too [16:14] Simple implying GUI ;) [16:14] i refer you to prevous answer :) [16:16] ooer http://travel.stackexchange.com/questions/20207/why-are-airline-passengers-asked-to-lift-up-window-shades-during-takeoff-and-lan?utm_source=google&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=travel-promotion&utm_content=travel-promo-windows-google [16:16] got a summary? [16:18] so that there's more eyes to see if there's problems and the passangers eyesight is acclimatized to the outside lighting if there's a need to evacuate [16:18] same reason why during takeoff and landing in the dark the lights are turned off [16:19] so for crashy reasons [16:19] yeah - apparently european officials require that the plane needs to be able to be evacuated in 90sec [16:19] My db import finally finished: 4.08GB 0:40:35 [1.72MB/s] [16:20] i was a fire marshall once, only to find out when the fire drill was [16:20] get the lift down 26 flights before you have to walk [16:20] http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1uzne_a380-emergency-evacuation-test_tech === Hornet- is now known as Hornet [16:26] Love the comment "That was really funny! anyone want to chat with a cutie like me^^? :))" [16:26] bigcalm: yeah, I would. you cute thing you. [16:27] o.O [16:27] :-p [16:27] * foobarry closes irc for a bit [16:28] foobarry: was it _that_ offensive that I might think bigcalm is cute? :-o [16:29] umm [16:29] * foobarry goes away [16:29] lol [16:29] I think that's a yes then [16:30] i'm not used to seeing the word cutie on irc [16:30] true, let's tru QT [16:30] try* === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [16:30] ubuntu phone ftw [16:31] \o/ [16:33] One of the advantages of recording all sky calls is getting rather odd snippets like this one: http://discworld.cuth.eu/dump/yelling.mp3 [16:34] SKY CALLS [16:34] skype [16:34] Heavenly conversations [16:34] Hello, I have a question about my computer. It was given to me by a friend and she told me the password but it will not take it anymore and i cannot do anything but basic stuff. No administration stuff. Is there any way to override the password [16:35] firefox, ubuntu computer? [16:35] yes [16:35] firefox: you need to reboot into single user mode and replace the password using `passwd` utility. [16:36] either that or do some dohickery in the live dvd [16:36] ok thanks [16:36] i will try it [16:36] that might be easier but needs another pc available to burn the dvd [16:37] I hate that grub is so difficult to get to appear with quiet boot - I've still not found a sure-fire way of getting the menu up [16:37] ask it nicely! [16:38] left shift key? [16:38] "computer... oh computer..."; "scotty, try this"; "oh a keyboard, how quaint" === map is now known as Guest13800 [17:54] AlanBell: http://designspark.com/eng/blog/day-one-with-parallella === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:59] popey: nice, I am looking forward to it turning up [19:01] * MartijnVdS has soup! [20:13] bigcalm: You know that laptop you ordered? Has it arrived yet, or are you going to cancel and order one of these http://www.maximumpc.com/dell_reaffirms_commitment_project_sputnik_launches_new_ubuntu_laptop_developers2013 [20:25] thats the touch screen one? I do like the look of them [20:26] if they're like the XPS12, they're great [20:38] i don't understand how they can put an i7 in a 13" and not have it melt a hole through the floor into the core of the earth [20:39] china syndrome style... [20:40] ali1234: Magic [20:41] thems look sleek [20:45] for anyone looking seriously at them: http://www.dell.com/uk/business/p/xps-13-linux/pd [20:54] DJones: it's due to arrive tomorrow [20:54] Though the order tracking page says that it is still in Cina [20:54] curse of the big clam [20:54] in other news http://lifehacker.com/the-most-and-least-reliable-hard-drive-brands-1505797966 [20:55] So me not buying seagate is a good decision [20:56] no no no they used GREENS? [20:56] are they freaking mentally ill? [20:57] any bad seagate ones are probably maxtor in their genes [20:58] annual failure rate of one specific piece of kit is running around 15% so far, and still 3 months left [20:59] only 8 GiB of RAM? [21:02] * popey will be looking out for DPD guy for his 16GB RAM! :D [21:02] ali1234: that's a massively underclocked i7, remember? [21:03] yeah i suspected something like that [21:03] U series [21:04] popey: you are going to get your ram before I get my laptop. Slightly miffed about that for some reason [21:04] hah [21:54] Wifey has gone to a friend's place for a wee drink. Which means I'll be picking her up later. Which means I'm off the sauce tonight [21:54] * bigcalm twiddles thumbs [21:58] Sod it, I'll fix some broken unit tests [22:11] bigcalm: your spy cam arrived yet? [22:13] moreati: order tracking page says tomorrow. Then again, it also says that it's still in China [22:13] moreati: I was hoping to bring it to the LUG [22:28] Greetings all [22:29] I have an issue with my machine, if I type into my browser, my browser advises that it is unable to connect, how can I resolve this? [22:30] um... why do you expect something to reply on port 8081? [22:30] directhex I'm following a tutorial to stream my webcam over my network, link http://cjjulius.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/creating-a-simple-linux-webcam-server/ [22:31] lsof -i :8081 [22:32] copy and paste to terminal? [22:32] yes [22:33] Done [22:34] Leaves me back at the default prompt scratman@scratman:~$ [22:34] Still unable to connect at [22:35] lsof would tell you which apps are running and listening on port 8081 [22:35] did it report anything? [22:35] One moment [22:36] Nothing [22:36] Did running motion do anything? [22:36] Just restarted the process, it's running, but lsof -i still reports nothing [22:36] ok, so you aren't running anything which would be listening to you on port 8081 [22:37] Scratman, which process is the motion process? you said it's running, do you know the PID? [22:37] px aux | grep motion [22:38] px: command not found [22:38] Oops [22:38] ps [22:38] Slip of the finger [22:38] ps aux | grep motion [22:38] Motion ID 8051 [22:40] in motion.conf under Live Webcam Server it states:- webcam_port 8081 [22:41] have I done something stupid, or is this confusing? [22:43] scratman 8051 12.6 0.3 46880 13656 ? Sl 22:35 0:50 motion [22:43] scratman 9386 0.0 0.0 4392 828 pts/3 S+ 22:42 0:00 grep --color=auto motion [22:44] there is definitely a motion process with PID 8051 [22:45] ps aux | grep motion returned 2 lines, first was : scratman 8051 12.6 0.3 46880 13656 ? Sl 22:35 0:50 motion [22:45] lsof -iPn | grep 8051 [22:46] lsof: unknown protocol name (Pn) in: -i Pn [22:49] grr [22:50] -i -P -n [22:50] lsof -i -P -n ? [22:52] sudo netstat -anp might help, also [22:53] directhex what am I looking for? [22:53] diddledan-- What am I looking for? [22:54] Scratman, evidence of the motion process actually listening on *any* port [22:54] Scratman: your motion process - if it's there then it'll tell you what port it's listening on [22:54] you _could_ pass the output through grep [22:55] Motion isn't listed in either result..... [22:55] then it hasn't opened aport at all [22:56] Well, that would explain why firefox doesn't find it.... [22:57] Now I need to work out how to make it open a port. [23:05] I don't understand why it's not opening a port..... [23:07] and to be honest, I'm too tired to work it out tonight [23:07] Thanks for the help guys, I'll have a think, check the man page tomorrow, and see how I get on [23:11] gOODBYE [23:11] Sorry, caps lock. Goodbye. [23:35] yey for ip6 [23:35] O_O