
khey could someone01:08
ksuggest me a plug in for audacious01:08
kum for...01:08
=== k is now known as Guest41288
holsteinGuest41288: they are well labeled in the menu01:08
holsteinGuest41288: if you dont find what you are looking for, you are probably going to have to move on01:08
Guest41288the speed and pitch plugin01:09
Guest41288is not precise enough01:09
Guest41288is there something else01:09
Guest41288to change the pitch01:09
holsteinGuest41288: ok.. there are no other options.. you should try one for ardour01:09
Guest41288oh listen to music in ardour?01:09
holsteinGuest41288: ?01:10
holsteinGuest41288: VLC has plugs if all you are doing is listening01:10
Guest41288I want to change the pitch of the music I listen to in audacious01:10
Guest41288but i want something more precis than01:10
holsteinGuest41288: audacity has plugins.. VLC01:10
holsteinGuest41288: i understand01:10
Guest41288example 99,8% i want 99,88%01:10
Guest41288or more01:10
holsteinGuest41288: you are using the pitch change plug in audacious, and you want something else01:11
holsteinGuest41288: have you tried VLC?01:11
Guest41288also i have problem with channels with jack and vlc01:11
holsteinGuest41288: so, stop jack, try VLC, and see if it fits your needs01:11
Guest41288where is that01:12
holsteinGuest41288: where is what? vlc?01:13
holstein!info vlc01:13
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.8-1 (saucy), package size 1052 kB, installed size 3347 kB01:13
Guest41288no the pitch thing01:13
holsteinsudo apt-get install vlc ..or the package manager of your chioce01:13
Guest41288im in show settings all01:13
holsteinGuest41288: AFAIK, they have a plug in01:14
Guest41288wa what01:15
holsteinshould be similar there ^01:15
Guest41288could it not be a video01:15
Guest41288what is that?01:15
holsteinGuest41288: its a video that represents someone doing what you are asking help for01:16
holsteinGuest41288: but, i'll open vlc, and look in the menu and let you know where i find it01:16
holsteintools - preferences - *on the bottom left, radio button for "all" rather than "simple" - input/codecs "play back speed"01:18
holsteinGuest41288: ^^ thats where i found the speed settings01:18
Guest41288oh no but thats fine01:19
Guest41288I want the pitch setting01:19
holsteinsox should let you get as detailed as you please http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13368283/sox-and-pitch-change-of-multiple-audio-files01:21
Guest41288thats fine01:21
Guest41288you just did it01:22
Guest41288i thinkl01:22
Guest41288yeah using sox will do it01:22
holsteinwell, you can change the pitch with it01:23
Guest41288thats what i was thinking01:24
Guest41288the only thing I wanna know now isss01:24
Guest41288how to I redirect everything to jack01:24
holsteini dont, so i dont know.. and you really dont need to01:25
holsteinyou can use sox to change the file, and play it in audacious via JACK01:25
holsteinor, you can use the integrated pulse to jack dbus01:25
Guest41288oh no i mean that01:26
Guest41288for like01:26
Guest41288web browsing01:26
holsteinGuest41288: the included pulse to jack dbus, as stated above01:26
holsteinGuest41288: ?01:27
Guest41288i dont know how it works XD01:27
holsteinGuest41288: the dbus for routing pulse audio through jack01:27
holsteinGuest41288: you dont need it anyways01:27
holsteinGuest41288: i disble it.. personally01:27
Guest41288I dont?01:27
holsteinbut if you want it, its there..01:27
holsteinyou would open jack connections and route the dbus output to your jack device01:28
Guest41288how do I do that?01:28
Guest41288Connections - Jack Audio Connection Kit window?01:29
holsteinGuest41288: you literally click 'start' to start jack, and, as i stated above, you open connections and route the traffic accordingly01:29
Guest41288With commands?01:29
Guest41288oh patchbays?01:29
holsteinGuest41288: however you make connections.. you can click and drag a virtual cable.. or use another patchbay.. or altC for connect01:31
Guest41288do you have any01:32
Guest41288documentation on that process01:32
Guest41288im completely lost01:32
holstein!proaudio | Guest4128801:32
ubottuGuest41288: For information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro01:32
holsteinor, just read what i typed above01:33
holsteinopen qjackctl, start jack, open "connect", route the pulse dbus output to the jack device you are using01:34
Guest41288and what codec do I need to play dvds?01:36
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:36
Guest41288got it01:37
holsteinyou should be prompted when trying to play one01:37
Guest41288yeah do i have to install that proprietary mp3 plug in?01:38
Guest41288or gstreamers extra plug in01:38
holsteinGuest41288: you dont "have to" do anything01:38
Guest41288oh i just cant play them?01:38
holsteinGuest41288: if you want to play mp3's, you'll need to add the ability to do so01:38
Guest41288no i mean01:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:38
Guest41288I want to play a dvd in vlc01:39
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:39
Guest41288but vlc doesnt play it01:39
holsteinGuest41288: ^^ thats what i refer to, and still suggest you refer to01:39
holsteinGuest41288: you should be prompted, but if you are not, the guide above will tell you the exact packages you need01:39
Guest41288DVD Source01:40
Guest41288is that it?01:40
holsteinGuest41288: let me pull up the link i gave, and copy paste the information here01:41
holsteinsudo apt-get install libdvdread401:41
holsteinthen you run..01:42
holsteinsudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh01:42
Guest41288thats what mplayer is telling me01:42
holsteinthats from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs01:42
Guest41288libavformat version 53.21.1 (external)01:44
Guest41288Mismatching header version 53.19.001:44
holsteinGuest41288: i would need much more information01:44
holsteinGuest41288: run this first..01:45
holsteinsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:45
holsteinyeah? yeah what?01:45
holstein!paste | Guest4128801:45
ubottuGuest41288: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:45
holsteinpaste the error output01:46
Guest41288i will its just that im very limited01:46
holsteinthats text01:46
Guest41288no i mean01:46
Guest41288for the update01:46
Guest41288also itsss slow01:46
holsteinthen, after the update, you will run the others again..01:47
Guest41288man ubuntu studio is fast01:55
Unit193We could slow it down for you if you'd like.01:56
Guest41288im scared.01:56
Guest41288and why would you do that01:56
Unit193Kidding. :P01:59
kuh wait02:03
=== k is now known as joeblow831274012
joeblow831274012Playback failure:02:04
joeblow831274012DVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd".02:04
joeblow831274012Your input can't be opened:02:04
joeblow831274012VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'. Check the log for details.02:04
joeblow831274012sorry about that02:04
holstein!paste | joeblow83127401202:04
ubottujoeblow831274012: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:04
holsteinjoeblow831274012: that could be due to the device.. try some other players..02:04
joeblow831274012Playback failure:02:04
joeblow831274012DVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd".02:04
joeblow831274012Your input can't be opened:02:05
joeblow831274012VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'. Check the log for details.02:05
holsteinjoeblow831274012: please use a pastebin02:05
joeblow831274012ahhhhh ok02:05
holsteinjoeblow831274012: you should test with another player.. not vlc.. just to make certain the system is capable of playing DVD's02:05
joeblow831274012im the guest who just left btw02:05
Unit193Right, /dev/dvd doesn't exist anymore, try /dev/sr002:06
joeblow831274012oh ok02:07
Unit193Or, check what exists under /dev/ but there will be a fair amount.02:07
joeblow831274012oh ok02:07
holsteini have just gone through them manually before, but what i finally did was play it wth another player, and it "just worked", and i looked at the device name it was using02:08
Unit193VLC generally is pretty good, parole is the one that has problems. (Bug 1098323)02:08
ubottubug 1098323 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole failes to play DVD" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109832302:08
joeblow831274012oh got it02:09
joeblow831274012bye bye02:14
mlpugwhat is the most straightforward way to produce youtube compatible video of given length16:39
mlpugI want to submit music to youtube and it seems to require a video file16:40
mlpugI intend to replace video content with youtube slideshow meaning this original video can be totally empty, black or whatever16:40
mlpugas long as its something that youtube accepts16:41
mlpugmencoder, ffmpeg or similar commandline method is preferred16:42
=== polo is now known as Guest21474
studio-user128ciao a tutti21:30
studio-user128c'รจ qualcuno che puo aiutarmi? vorrei installare ubuntu studio ma non riesco..21:31

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