
frankbanrick_h_: I have some git questions, please ping be when you are available11:05
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterfrankban and jujugui generally: I am sorry for the short notice but I have to have another call this morning.  I will ping you to reschedule asap, as necessary.  hopefully it won't be too big of a disruption12:56
hazmatfrankban, fwiw feedback branch merged12:57
frankbanhazmat: great! thanks12:57
frankbangary_poster: np12:57
frankbangary_poster: re the quickstart call, I suppose the timeframe we are interested in is from now to the trusty release, right?12:58
gary_posterfrankban: right12:59
frankbangary_poster: cool thanks12:59
gary_posternp thank you12:59
rick_h_gary_poster: rgr13:01
frankbanhazmat: I will work on a follow up branch so that the guiserver can use the new feedback stuff, sounds good?13:01
hazmatfrankban, sounds good, i'll hold off on a new release then13:02
frankbanhazmat: cool13:02
frankbanrick_h_: following the git workflow described in the GUI docs, I get this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6802788/13:03
rick_h_frankban: what is the current branch you're on?13:03
rick_h_git branch -a13:03
frankbanrick_h_: ^^^13:03
rick_h_frankban: what version of git? 13:04
rick_h_frankban: so like it's saying the branch isn't tracked yet. So you've not pushed it up yet?13:05
rick_h_frankban: e.g. git push origin dying-service13:05
rick_h_oh hmm, I do see the branch13:05
frankbanrick_h_: this happens before and after the branch push to origin.13:05
rick_h_so it did not track it. Ah, there's a snippet in the demo .gitconfig I think I must have for this13:06
rick_h_frankban: ok, so even though you pushed it's not tracking. You can fix that with the command from the help in the error13:06
rick_h_git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/dying-service dying-service13:06
frankbanin gitconfig I have [push]13:06
frankban    default = tracking13:06
rick_h_oh, you do have that. Was just getting ready to paste that13:07
rick_h_well, let's see if setting tracking helps first and go from how it's not tracking as a follow up13:08
rick_h_if you --set-upstream does the rebase command work?13:08
frankbanrick_h_: trying13:08
frankbanrick_h_: now I have nano opened, do I need to write the new commit message?13:10
rick_h_frankban: so it should bring up an editor for you to choose to keep/squash commits 13:10
rick_h_frankban: after you choose which to keep/squash you then get to adjust your commit message13:10
rick_h_frankban: see http://gitready.com/advanced/2009/02/10/squashing-commits-with-rebase.html13:11
frankbanrick_h_: I see this in the editor: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6802845/13:12
rick_h_umm, ok...13:13
rick_h_try this please13:13
rick_h_git rebase -i HEAD~~~~13:13
frankbanrick_h_: so to abort that I have to delete all lines, right?13:13
rick_h_oh hmm, there's not multiple commits13:14
frankbanrick_h_: I did multiple commits13:14
rick_h_frankban: no, just quit that editor without aking any changes13:14
rick_h_frankban: right, but the line "Rebase 1de177e..1de177e onto 1de177e"13:14
rick_h_means that the rebase it was trying to do was all on the same commit, nothing to do13:14
frankbanrick_h_: yeah13:14
frankbanrick_h_: trying "git rebase -i HEAD~~~~"13:14
rick_h_does that look better having the last 4 commits in the branch history?13:15
frankbanrick_h_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6802858/13:16
frankbanrick_h_: the last 3 commits are the relevant ones for my branch13:16
rick_h_frankban: ok, and the last 3 are yours?13:16
frankbanrick_h_: yes13:16
rick_h_frankban: ok, so you can rebase them here and force push13:17
rick_h_frankban: the --autosquash didn't work because you've already pushed all three commits to your remote (origin dying-service)13:17
rick_h_frankban: --autosquash tries to help you squash new commits locally that you've done since your last push to help limit your rebase activity to only things you've done.13:18
rick_h_so that explains the "Rebase 1de177e..1de177e onto 1de177e"13:18
rick_h_and we're still left with the mystery of why it didn't track when you pushed originally13:18
frankbanrick_h_: how do I have to change that document?13:19
rick_h_frankban: k, sec13:19
* rick_h_ hates how our pastebin doesn't have a reply/edit13:19
rick_h_frankban: so the notes at the bottom help you figure out what to do. You want to squash the last two commits into the first so it should look like http://paste.ubuntu.com/13:20
rick_h_frankban: when you save that document, it should bring up a new editor window with a diff up top and your changelog history for those 3 commits below13:20
rick_h_frankban: and you can edit the commit message to be the complete clean history of what this branch is/does13:20
frankbanrick_h_: the link you sent is the pastebin home page13:20
rick_h_frankban: sorry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6802873/13:21
* rick_h_ forgot to put in the username to paste13:21
frankbanrick_h_: so you pick everything including your first commit, and swuash your other commits, right?13:21
rick_h_frankban: correct, it works backwards13:22
rick_h_so you're "squashing" the extra commits down into the first and left with one clean one13:22
frankbanrick_h_: so, we do this so that the juju-gui develop branch only includes relevant changes, one commit for each branch, right?13:23
rick_h_frankban: yes, or more if it makes sense13:23
rick_h_but this is the git way of replacing the way bzr would layer it's commits on merge to different branches (trunk)13:24
rick_h_frankban: and it's why we work off in our own forks until review is done. 13:24
rick_h_frankban: so if you look https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/commits/develop you can see I kept two commits for my one branch that landed noting out specifically the IE fix required to land. 13:25
rick_h_frankban: once you're ok on that and have pushed it up with -f to force overwrite your remote history, please run git config --list and let me know if push.default was picked up right13:26
frankbanrick_h_: cool, ok so now doing "git push -f origin dying-service"13:27
rick_h_frankban: correct13:27
rick_h_and when you go to https://github.com/frankban/juju-gui/commits/dying-service13:28
rick_h_it's cleaned and one commit in the history now13:28
frankbanrick_h_: yes13:28
rick_h_which you can use for the pull request to the juju version13:28
frankbanrick_h_: git config --list -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6802927/13:29
gary_posterfrankban: not sure yet when we should reschedule, but we'll do it.  rick_h_can call when you are ready13:29
frankbangary_poster: ack13:30
rick_h_gary_poster: rgr, sec let me get it fired up13:30
rick_h_frankban: afk for a bit13:30
bachazmat: i made the changes you requested in https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/juju-deployer/parse-constraints/+merge/202674.  please merge this branch if you approve.  thanks.13:33
hatchI've been reading a lot of people's pipes freezing because of this new weather.... I don't get it, how do the pipes freeze? Aren't they IN the house?13:46
hatchor do building practices over there have the pipes in the outside walls or something?13:47
gary_posterhatch, basements aren't insulated terribly well, and also the pipes coming into the house are often the problems.  When you don't have to worry about really cold weather very often, you don't have good demonstration that everything is working properly very often13:54
gary_posterbenji no rush but https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/Z2FyeS5wb3N0ZXJAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.8vsks3qndr814s6te61qlkqn8g when you wanna13:54
hatchohh gotcha, yeah our pipes come into the house 8ft underground and then everything runs on the inside walls, that must be the difference13:55
rick_h_frankban: off call. did you get the pull request ok or hit any other snags?13:55
bacgary_poster: what time is our call today?  the email has something different from google cal.14:00
gary_posterbac 2pm my time.  ok?14:00
bacgary_poster: nm, subsequent email is correct14:00
bacyes, 2 us/east14:00
hatchat least I'm not the only one getting emails from google rescheduling meetings lol14:02
frankbanrick_h_: on call, will ping later14:06
hatchevilnickveitch it would be nice if the headers in the juju docs were hrefs so that we could link to their # without having to do it manually llike https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charms-deploying.html#local14:08
bacgary_poster: i'd like to do the charm testing stuff today and probably tomorrow.  that alright?14:13
gary_posterbac sure14:13
rick_h_oh right, /me moves my card back and goes to download amulet14:13
bacrick_h_: it's on lp but authoritative on github14:13
rick_h_bac: yay14:14
bacrick_h_: so do i really have to write charm tests until 9pm, per the invitation?14:23
rick_h_bac: I plan on cheating and writing a *still hacking...hacking..* bot to make it 14:23
bachey, we should collaborate on that.  clojure?14:24
rick_h_hah, been thinking of trying that14:24
evilnickveitchhatch, sure, not all of the headers have ids, i have been adding them when i refresh pages.14:36
evilnickveitche.g authors-hook-debug.html14:36
frankbanrick_h_: is there a way to make git remember the remote branch when pushing?14:37
rick_h_frankban: my understanding that's what the config is supposed to do14:38
rick_h_frankban: I wanted to walk through a test branch and see if we could dupe or see something slightly off in the last branch14:38
* gary_poster on call now, and out 9:50-10:40 FWIW (that is, I'll be out in 10 minutes, and back about 50 minutes later)14:41
hatchevilnickveitch cool thanks, I just noticed it today as a nice-to-have :)14:47
frankbanguihelp: could anyone please review and QA https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/85 ? thanks!14:49
gary_posterrunning.  biab14:50
hatchfrankban sure, it'll take me a bit, doing a couple things at once here14:52
frankbanhatch: np and thank you14:52
hatchfrankban do you know if in 1.17.1 they changed the output of juju status in local envs? This is what I get after bootstrapping and deploying the gui https://www.evernote.com/shard/s219/sh/e97b60b5-20e8-4d3e-bded-3c0f62efa179/23d15a7ed70c5bdade557146fc08e37715:01
hatch1.17.1 being trunk 15:01
frankbanhatch: that does not look right15:02
hatchhaha nope15:02
hatchmaybe I'll ask in juju-dev15:02
frankbanhatch: no idea, worth pinging them15:02
frankbanhatch: didn't we decide to still use isTrue and monkey patch assert?15:18
hatchfrankban I thought that was the last-resort method so that we didn't have to fix all of the old ones15:38
hatchso any new ones we could do the 'old fashioned way'15:39
frankbanhatch: :-/ 15:41
hatchhey! I'm just trying to save us headaches, blame Chai :P15:41
frankbanboo chai!15:42
hatchthere we go! and I agree15:42
hatchI have a huge craving for a SODA15:44
hatchi'd say a POP but noone would know what I was talking about :P15:45
hatchMakyo so I was doing some research lastnight on the vagrant stuff and it looks like the typical file sharing system is the virtual box file sharing not NFS15:46
gary_posterjujugui call in 7 btw15:52
hatchfrankban I'm just spinning up a juju env to test your branch right now, shouldn't be much longer15:53
frankbanhatch: cool thanks15:54
gary_posterjujugui call in 215:58
bacrick_h_: will webops grab log files via an IRC request or do they require an RT?16:19
bachatch: POP is a smtp protocol16:19
rick_h_bac: I've had good luck just getting vangaurd16:19
rick_h_bac: only once I think I got asked to file an RT16:19
bacrick_h_: thx16:19
frankbangary_poster: I am available for 1on1 anytime, also tomorrow if that works better16:21
gary_posterthanks frankban.  I moved it to tomorrow at today's time. You can change the time in the calendar if that is bad for you 16:22
hatchgary_poster we have a regression with the inspector and destroying services https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/127198616:23
frankbangary_poster: tomorrow same time works for me16:23
hatchfrankban qa done16:23
frankbanhatch: great thanks16:24
gary_posterthanks frankban, great16:24
gary_posterhatch, looking16:24
hatchand in other news - people are asking for putcharm :) http://askubuntu.com/questions/409637/deploy-local-charm-from-juju-gui/16:25
gary_posterhatch :-/ do you know if it is in release?  my guess is yes16:25
hatchgary_poster it's in frankban's branch so most likely16:26
gary_posternot horrible, but me no likey regressions.  putting on high list in kanban16:26
frankbanhatch: did not encountered that while QAing my branch :-/16:27
gary_posterpre-existing IIUC16:27
hatchfrankban it might only happen if the service is pending when you destroy it16:27
hatchnot sure16:28
frankbanhatch: never waited for the service to be ready...16:28
hatchwell then....it was your branch heh16:28
frankbanhatch: trying it again16:28
hatchthe bug wasn't caused by you though16:28
frankbanhatch: maybe it's intermittent16:28
hatchoh boy, intermittent failures when the 'test' cycle is 15mins lol16:29
frankbanthis is nothing16:29
rogpeppegary_poster: just checking: if you were implementing the debug-log stream in a REST interface (not RPC-oriented like the API) what would be the most appropriate way of transferring the data? would a long-lived GET request work OK? perhaps a unidirectional websocket connection would be better?16:40
rogpeppegary_poster: i am currently pushing back on the currently mooted design, which uses the normal API for streaming the debug-log data, because it's not a very efficient way of streaming large quantities of data16:41
hatchrogpeppe you mean via the RPC?16:41
rogpeppehatch: yeah - that's the current design, which i don't think is quite right16:42
hatchI disagree, websockets were designed for exactly this16:42
rogpeppehatch: yes, websockets, but not RPC-over-websockets16:42
rogpeppehatch: so you'd suggest a unidirectional websocket rather than a long-lived streaming GET request?16:43
hatchrogpeppe that would be my preference 16:43
rogpeppehatch: ok, cool.16:43
hatchI haven't been following the api discussion though16:43
gary_posterrogpeppe: interesting question.  long-lived GET feels reasonable at first cut.  I'd be interested in hearing what the strategy was for both sides protecting themselves from too much content/insufficient read speed.  websocket might give more options there16:43
rogpeppegary_poster: well, TCP flow control should do the job sufficiently16:44
gary_posteralthough perhaps "drop the connection when problems happen" is the right strategy16:44
hatchlong polling is so....1995 :P16:44
rick_h_gary_poster: rogpeppe I'd want to peek at how/if multiple websocket lmitations and such. 16:44
frankbanhatch: FWIW I am not able to reproduce the inpector bug (using my branch). what charm did you use?16:44
rogpeppehatch: the advantage of long polling is that there's zero protocol overhead above TCP16:44
rick_h_it's interesting if we can run a couple at a time as we're monitoring a couple of units at a time, or getting something allows multiple watches over the single websocket16:44
hatchbut really though streaming data like debug-log is what a websocket was pretty much designed for - it's similar to games sending data between the server16:45
rick_h_hatch: except that's usually bi-directional16:45
rogpepperick_h_: you should be able to run any number; but you'd use a connection for each stream.16:45
hatchsure, which our current websocket also is16:45
rick_h_which isn't needed (I don't think)16:45
hatchso you guys would like to open up an additional websocket for each debug-log stream?16:46
gary_posterrogpeppe: had to refresh my flow control knowledge.  16:46
rogpeppehatch: that's my suggestion, yes16:46
hatchsorry maybe I should just go read the thread16:46
gary_posterthis is the thread I think? :-)16:46
hatchrogpeppe hmm16:46
rogpeppegary_poster: +116:46
* hatch is processing16:46
gary_posterrogpeppe: I don't see an issue with the GET for this use case atm16:47
gary_posterwebsockets seem unnecessary16:47
rick_h_gary_poster: yea, my only thing there was we hit limitations in long-poll of 6? per browser in LP?16:47
rick_h_I'm trying to recall when it hit a limit but know some people hit it16:48
rick_h_was per domain based if I recall16:48
gary_postertrue, though we already were thinking that we needed a relatively low limit like that16:48
hatchok Im ready16:48
rick_h_right, but two browsers doubles that and hits limit faster16:48
rick_h_two tabs16:48
rick_h_not sure why you'd have it but want to think on it16:48
hatchI'm throwing my hat in with websockets because of the limitations rick_h_  mentioned (although I think that's going to be more work for us)16:49
rogpeppei'm thinking that if you want to monitor many units/machines, it would be better to have a single stream multiplexing all of them16:49
gary_posterthat seems like a safer choice16:49
hatchif we do that, then we can use the current websocket16:49
rick_h_rogpeppe: yea, we were going to look at what that number is. 16:49
rogpeppehatch: not really16:49
hatchrick_h_ it's different for every browser16:49
rogpeppehatch: the current websocket is strictly RPC-only16:49
rick_h_I'm pro second websocket connect from the top of my head16:49
hatchrogpeppe oh ok, I'm not familiar with how it's setup on the core side16:50
hatchso second websocket which multiplexes the data?16:50
rick_h_hatch: right, that allows requesting watches for units 1-516:50
gary_posterhow would you add a new stream?16:50
gary_posterin the multiplexed story16:50
hatchgary_poster just throwing this out there....that ws could also accept requests16:50
rogpeppegary_poster: you'd ask for a new stream with the new set of units/machines16:50
hatchor the rpc one could handle that16:50
* hatch wishes he knew more about how core worked16:51
rogpeppegary_poster: we'd have to be careful about how to deal with the potential overlapp16:51
gary_posterRight, the RPC channel affecting the secondary channel on the fly seems a bit odd16:51
rogpeppegary_poster: i don't think that's a good idea16:51
hatchso how would one open the secondary connection? It would have to be through the rpc no?16:51
rogpeppegary_poster: because you might actually be talking to two different API servers16:51
rogpeppehatch: the same way charm upload is done now16:52
gary_posterfeels more natural to let the debug log websocket be bidirectional then16:52
gary_posteris that what you are describing rogpeppe?16:52
hatchrogpeppe http?16:52
hatchso http get to open a connection then bidirectional websocket after?16:52
rogpeppegary_poster: actually, a bi-directional (but not RPC-oriented) websocket connection could work well16:52
hatchthat feels weird16:52
rick_h_rogpeppe: +116:52
rick_h_log socket16:52
gary_posterhow so hatch?  you open a debug log channel, you tell the debug log channel what you want to hear16:53
rogpeppehatch: you'd open the websocket connection in exactly the same way you'd open the current API RPC connection (except with a different URL path)16:53
hatchright sorry my mind was being stupid16:53
hatchignore what I just said16:53
hatchI like this idea16:53
gary_posterrogpeppe: so this is trashing existing work, yeah? :-/16:54
hatchok +1 to new non-rpc based bidi websocket 16:54
rogpeppegary_poster: i'm afraid so16:54
gary_posterrogpeppe: is the win really worth it?16:54
hatchoh poo16:54
rogpeppegary_poster: but i really feel that using an RPC-based API is not good16:54
hatchI didn't think this was already implemented16:54
gary_posteralmost landed, almost approved by william16:54
rogpeppegary_poster: you're usually dealing with a very high latency connection16:54
rogpeppegary_poster: and we'll really feel the slowness if every read of a set of debug messages involves a round trip16:55
rogpeppei haven't looked at the implementation yet. i'll just do so. the adaptation might be easy, in fact16:56
gary_posterrogpeppe: on the face of it, it feels like getting current solution landed and planning other solution later would be reasonable.  If this can happen quickly (without slowing things down) then I'm +1; otherwise, if this pushes things out, I'm pretty concerned16:57
hatchyeah we would like the feature sooner rather than later16:59
hatch*sigh* I swear something is trying to stop me from finishing this branch17:13
gary_posterhey jujugui.  Is everyone available for a quick call?  Or alternatively, who is available for a quick call?17:28
hatchi am17:28
hatchI need a break from trying to build juju-core anyways :)17:29
frankbanI am17:29
gary_posterok cool17:30
gary_posterjujugui, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/team-call (Makyo and rick_h_ will fill in later--ping me or come on by)17:30
hazmatrogpeppe, whats wrong the log push down the existing websocket connection.. its just multiplexing the connection17:33
hazmatargh... what's wrong with17:33
rogpeppehazmat: because if it fills up, then it DOS's the rest of the connection17:33
hazmatrogpeppe, meaning the client wasn't consuming fast enough... which could happen either way.. failure recovery is effectively the same though.. reconnect17:34
rogpeppehazmat: no, if the client isn't consuming fast enough and there's a separate connection, there's no problem. TCP flow control will work fine there.17:35
rogpeppehazmat: we're talking about a potentially large volume of data here17:35
rogpeppehazmat: that will probably be very bursty too17:35
hazmatrogpeppe, this feels a bit theoretical. the gui isn't going to be subscribing to the entire env all the time, but more targeted as a context, it will close flows when the focus changes.17:37
rogpeppehazmat: we're going to be using this interface for the command line too17:37
rogpeppehazmat: and individual units/machines can produce large quantities of data too17:38
rogpeppehazmat: plus this way is *much* simpler17:38
* Makyo starts sending emails behind gary_poster's back :T17:38
gary_posterMakyo: heh17:39
benjiI couldn't resist: http://tinyurl.com/g-day-countdown17:42
hazmatrogpeppe, individual hooks spewing large amounts  isn't very normal.. disks are finite...  while having a separate stream is nicer for flow, its going to be some rewrite/lost time. not really sure how its simpler isn't the traffic effectively the same?17:42
hazmatrogpeppe, also just curious, is this going to include filtering and subscribing to individual contexts of interest (unit/machine), or the current read from the firehose with replay approach?17:43
rogpeppehazmat: if you're talking about using the existing websocket connection to stream data unidirectionally, that's a significant architecture change and would require quite a bit of attention17:43
rogpeppehazmat: the former17:43
rogpeppehazmat: (i've almost done it)17:44
hazmatrogpeppe, ah.. simpler because it doesn't need to work around the existing json rpc server, ic..17:45
rogpeppehazmat: yeah.17:45
rogpeppehazmat: i like having one protocol per connection17:45
bacrick_h_: we're seeing this on m.j.c.  -- does prod have a different port? ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=2464): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/3/bundle/proof (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 111] Connection refused)17:46
hatchfrankban still hrere/17:50
frankbanhatch: almost, maybe, go ahead17:51
hatch:) frankban I'm wondering if you have ever run into an issue with go where it cannot find some dependencies? cannot find package "code.google.com/p/go.crypto/ssh" for example17:52
hatchthis error comes when I run `go install` and i have run `go get` already17:52
frankbanhatch: weird...17:52
frankbango get -v?17:53
hatchyeah, I didn't get this issue in my vm's but on metal it is throwing this17:53
hatchfrankban I'm running it again17:53
hatchmaybe it dropped some before?17:53
frankbanhatch: it's possible... check inside $GOPATH/src/17:54
rick_h_bac: I'm not sure. It'll be in the production.ini17:55
rick_h_bac: have them get that file and check the port in the config for the app running17:55
frankbanhatch: it should contain a directory named code.google.com17:55
rick_h_bac: but it sounds like it can't hit itself locally?17:55
hatchfrankban ok I'll figure this out, it's past your EOD so you can take off :)17:55
rick_h_bac: for proof calls?17:55
bacrick_h_: yeah, proof calls.  recall this was part of the charmproof subclassing i did to allow us to specify the server?  but it uses the config value in the ini file on both sides of the connection.  same variable.18:05
rick_h_bac: is the variable added into the base that the production.ini is generated to?18:07
rick_h_bac: I'm trying to look and see. the ini file in production is generated in the charm hooks to be a combination of a base file + overrides18:10
bacrick_h_: i don't understand the question18:10
rick_h_bac: and I forget what that generation starts with18:10
bacrick_h_: oh, that18:10
rick_h_bac: so if a new variable is added to the ini file, it must be added to whatever that hook uses as a base and changed by the overrides in production18:10
bacrick_h_: i'm looking to see if that port is exposed to the charm. and if so will have them set it.18:10
bacrick_h_: but it was not new18:11
rick_h_bac: it shouldn't have to be exposed if it's access via localhost?18:11
rick_h_at least I didn't think so18:11
rogpeppehazmat: here's the code (well, i haven't actually *run* it) for the log streaming. the deleted code is the currently proposed implementation. https://codereview.appspot.com/56100043/18:11
bacrick_h_: not exposed as in "opened firewall".    i mean exposed as part of the charm's config.yaml for juju get and juju set.  sorry for bad word choice.18:12
rick_h_bac: ah ok 18:12
hatchfrankban figured out the issue with the juju-core deps18:15
hatchoh he's gone :)18:15
bacrick_h_: i'm asking for the production.ini file18:21
bacon staging proof.port=6543.  on production it is trying to use 2464.18:21
rick_h_right but what is the service running on on prodstack? Do you have the production.ini?18:23
rick_h_use = egg:Paste#http18:23
rick_h_host =
rick_h_port = 246418:23
rick_h_is the default.ini18:23
rick_h_staging might change that, wonder if prodstack is on the default port18:23
hatchgary_poster looks like my issues with juju-core were related to the vm, it appears to be working as expected on metal....18:24
bacrick_h_: yeah, 'port' and 'proof.port' are different in the production.ini file.  hmm, seems like a DRY violation ass biting18:33
rick_h_bac: rgr18:33
rick_h_bac: so have to trace the code in the charm that's generating the file and see where the mixup is and correct18:33
rick_h_bac: but a cowboy patch of fixing the ini file on prodstack should get us unstuck18:34
bacrick_h_: i *think*  I.S. maintains a custom version of the charm with custom production_overrides.ini18:34
rick_h_bac: ah, is that part of the 'IS block box' bit we don't see?18:35
rick_h_gary_poster: when you get a chance can we catch up on the debug log discussion? it was simu-cast and want to make sure I'm caught up18:44
gary_posterheh sure18:44
gary_posterwill ping soon18:44
BradCrittendenthanks rick_h_18:50
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
rick_h_bac: np, sucky to hit a bug in that. It's not had an issue so far and I don't see anything freaky in looking at the config files18:51
gary_posterbac, no rush, but I'm ready in https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/Z2FyeS5wb3N0ZXJAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.b6tepoq090fnj4qfdg23a3okhg when you are19:01
bacrick_h_: dang -- http://manage.jujucharms.com/heartbeat19:01
rick_h_bac :(19:02
marcoceppirick_h_: if it makes things easier, I can take your current pull req for amulet, merge it then merge mine and do a quick conflic resolution19:12
marcoceppiif that frees you up19:12
rick_h_marcoceppi: sec, I've got to finish fixing my sysdeps and add the test deps bits19:13
rick_h_marcoceppi: I'll have an update and rebase it up clean in a few min19:13
hatchgary_poster There appears to be some sort of bug in juju-core which is returning a 405 when I attempt to post a charm. If noone gets back to me in juju-dev I'll have to wait until Dimiter gets in in the morning19:18
gary_posterhatch ack19:18
hatchI've also added a card to the needs spec column for fakebackend support. I think we will require the js zip lib which is required for DD'ing of a folder but I figure we should have a call as to weather we even want to support fakebackend support19:20
gary_posterhatch, it's not a matter of if we want it, IMO: it's a matter of cost/value.  If we can get it done in a few days it is a no-brainer IMO.  This is teh kind of thing we want to be able to demo.19:22
gary_posterif it takes more than a few days, harder call19:22
hatchyeah sorry that's what I meant. I don't have any experience with the zip libs in general so hard to say without more research19:23
bacrick_h_: sorry dropped out and had a call with gary_poster.  did you dig any further?  i just asked for the new app.log.19:26
rick_h_bac: no, was waiting to hear what you found out sorry19:27
bacrick_h_: i'll handle this from here, though.19:27
rick_h_bac: let me know if I can help19:27
bacugh, deej disappeared.19:27
gary_posterbenji fwiw, I think @media max-width was the css thing I was vaguely recalling that I mentioned yesterday: https://github.com/huwshimi/juju-gui/commit/cbd64eaa00ff4d956bf956f9fda3dec51ff6850419:49
* benji looks19:49
benjiooh, that's nice19:50
benjiwait, is that the width of the display or the width of the viewport?19:50
* benji googles.19:50
gary_posterviewport I think19:50
bacbenji: this error should've been solved by your r479 in charmworld, no?19:51
bac2014-01-23 19:12:36,165 ERROR [charm.update-bundle][MainThread]         E: opens19:51
bactack: The requested relation nova-ceilometer to nova-ceilometer is incompatible19:51
benjibac: nope, the error is real, my branch made the error give you a hint about how to fix it (reverse the order of the relation)19:51
bacmy misunderstanding19:52
gary_posterbenji you found "width" in https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Media_queries ?  "The width media feature describes the width of the rendering surface of the output device (such as the width of the document window, or the width of the page box on a printer)."19:52
bacbenji: the hint is logged, fwiw19:53
benjibac: cool19:53
gary_posterMakyo or others: did you happen to have any ideas for Huw with his projector support branch (https://github.com/huwshimi/juju-gui/commit/cbd64eaa00ff4d956bf956f9fda3dec51ff68504)19:55
gary_poster Unfortunately19:55
gary_poster> while I can scale the content I can't get it to fill the browser.19:55
hatchok I think I have found the issue....the post is being made to the gui charm, not to juju-core and not being redirected19:55
gary_postermakes sense19:55
hatchguess I should have figured that out sooner :/ 19:56
hatchso....anyone want to have a pre-imp on the best approach for this?19:56
gary_posterso charm needs change.  for now, to not be blocked by that, you might be able to figure out the juju port, expose it and connect to it directly?19:56
hatchcan I do that without changes to the charm? from the browser I don't really have access to anything along those lines19:57
hatchI could fake it I suppose with a ssh tunnel or something19:58
gary_posterfor pure hackety hack there are options, I think.  ssh is one19:58
bacrick_h_: i just watched mjc drive the queued charms and bundles to 0/020:00
bacrick_h_: then it queued back up to ~2350 and 26.20:01
bacthat all looks normal.  i'm not sure why bundles ever are allowed to go over 2620:01
bacbut it was at 104 (26 * 4) when i started watching20:01
rick_h_bac: well bundles only run after charms right?20:02
rick_h_so if charms don't complete then bundles would get backed up over and over?20:02
bacrick_h_: yes.  but in one process, until completion20:02
rick_h_bac: if it's getting through every so often can we look at it in the morning? so it's not 100% broken.20:04
rick_h_bac: I want to finish this thing for marco before EOD and I've got to look at the ingest code again. I must be missing how something is working. 20:04
bacrick_h_: yes, tomorrow is fine.  ingest has probably changed a lot since you looked20:05
rick_h_we start a process, that fills queues and we empty them one at a time so I would think if we didn't get the charm queue to 0 before the next ingest cycles the bundle ones would get put in a holding pattern20:05
gary_posterrick_h_ whenever you get a chance we can hangout and I can tell you the debug log saga AIUI :-)20:10
rick_h_gary_poster: sure thing20:11
rick_h_gary_poster: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpi7muavq74fq2ibqs44nhb0?hl=en20:11
hatchit can' t be a 'saga' King will sue you for their trademark20:11
bacrick_h_: aha -- staging never got the charm updated.  the charmworld app gets updated automatically by CI but the charm has to be one manually.  so apples-mangos20:21
* bac runs off to hopefully break staging20:21
rick_h_bac: yes!20:22
rick_h_bac: this is true20:22
bacrick_h_: dang, false alarm.  it is running -57, the latest20:26
rick_h_bac: so catchup call in the morning and go from there? I got amulet working (well build/tests pass) and sent a pull request in20:45
rick_h_bac: and then we can catch up on wtf charmworld hates now20:45
bacrick_h_: a-ok20:46
hatchgary_poster did you create a card for the gui charm support of putcharm? I don't see one but want to make sure I"m not missing it somewhere21:24
gary_posterhatch, no, thought you were.  sorry for miscommunication.  want me to?21:24
hatchnope, on it!21:24
gary_posterthank you21:28
hatchgary_poster should I assign it to someone? I could take a peek at it but I'm not so sure my python is up to snuff about proxying https :)21:31
gary_posterhatch: assign it to frankban, send him a note about the background, and cc me?21:32
hatchmorning huwshimi 22:11
huwshimihatch: Do you use vagrant?22:15
hatchI do22:16
hatchI also use virtual box and parallels22:16
hatchdid you have a question about it?22:17
huwshimihatch: Trying to get everything set up in os x, just wondering what's easiest?22:18
hatchyeah the vagrant workflow is by far the easiest 22:18
hatchbut the virtual box file sharing is really slow for running things like make lint etc22:19
hatchat some point I will add the nfs setup to the vagrant but....some time22:19
huwshimihatch: I think this is the first time I've booted into os x since I installed ubuntu :)22:20
hatchhaha, I'm waiting for 14.04 before trying to tackle that on this mbp22:20
hatchwhy are you now working in osx?22:20
huwshimihatch: Safari testing22:21
hatchhuwshimi the vagrant ip is
hatchjust fyi22:54
huwshimihatch: Ah great22:55
huwshimihatch: What box image do you use?23:02
hatchumm sec23:02
hatchhuwshimi it should auto set that up when you set up your vagrant image23:03
hatchfrom the vagrant file...23:03
hatchconfig.vm.box_url = "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/raring/current/raring-server-cloudimg-amd64-vagrant-disk1.box"23:03
huwshimihatch: Oh, so maybe I need to ask what vagrant file you use?23:04
huwshimiI'm confused23:04
hatchso you should install vagrant then virtual box then type `vagrant up` in your gui dir23:04
hatchso have you installed both vagrant and virtual box?23:04
hatchok so now clone your gui fork23:05
hatchand navigate to the root dir in that repo23:05
hatchthen type23:05
hatchvagrant up23:05
hatchand wait for a while (subsequent startups will be muuuuuch faster because the image is already set up) 23:06
huwshimioh I see, we have vagrant specific stuff in our tree23:07
hatchyup thanks to Makyo 's hard work :)23:11
MakyoShit, what'd I do?23:11
hatchin fact in London my vm went totally bonkers and I coudln't connect to it through the network there and vagrant allowed me to actually work haha, so I was happy23:11
hatchMakyo don't worry, this time it's a good thing :D23:11
MakyoI accidentally a good thing.23:12
hatchhaha, it was a good idea23:14
hatchat some point I'll add nfs support to it23:14
hatchgary_poster huwshimi  is the daily call AUS edition on today?23:15
huwshimihatch: I believe so, up to gary_poster I guess23:15
gary_posteryes! :-)23:15
hatchhuwshimi do Australians like their sausage? https://twitter.com/rharris334/status/42647224341824716823:20
gary_posterhuwshimi and jujugui who wanna: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/Z2FyeS5wb3N0ZXJAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.dd77sn7kjl6unba21lutdr0p7023:31
huwshimigary_poster: Haaving to install a plugin. Be right with you.23:32
hatchhuwshimi just for reference http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/UA.html#property_os23:53

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