
valorieahoneybun, apachelogger: you are asking the wrong person about export and tarballs!00:42
* valorie knows nothing of such things00:42
valoriehowever, I can ask the KDE-Doc people to run the script and turn our docs into docbook when we are satisfied with 1. the text, 2. the images, and 3. the translations00:44
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ahoneybunvalorie: hey02:35
ahoneybunhey sgclark02:37
sgclarkhey ahoneybun02:38
ahoneybunbug reports! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+bug/127139002:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 1271390 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "[ubiquity-frontend-kde] Incorrect version number in installer slideshow" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:38
ahoneybunso I guess we could use the docbook to html or can xml(docbook) be used for doc.kubuntu.org02:41
sgclarkahoneybun, valorie it is Yuri that has the magic script to convert wiki to docbook, I can email when we are ready02:42
sgclarkahoneybun, sorry I don't know about docs.kubuntu.org format02:45
sgclarkdocbook to html is simple though, I know how to do that02:45
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shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK kdeconnect in binary new07:01
lordievaderxnox: Thank you for the feedback. Guess I selected one that isn't available on the cd. Should I report a bug for the missing test case?07:26
lordievaderGood morning.07:51
shadeslayerScottK: could you have a look at http://paste.kde.org/pd4263890 and check if it's correct?08:01
shadeslayerScottK: specifically the python2 part08:03
21WAB71EHlol my nick08:51
21WAB71EHi think thats actually a good thing08:52
valorie21WAB71EH: your point?08:55
21WAB71EHvalorie:  its good to have short description of files on software center09:05
valorie21WAB71EH: I agree09:08
valoriehowever, we wouldn't make such a demand by ourselves09:09
xnoxlordievader: can you give URL or screenshot to explain what you mean by "isn't available on the cd" ?09:51
jarkko<baxeico> hi all, do you know if kde sc 4.12.1 will be released for Kubuntu 12.04 (through backports ppa)?10:06
yofelit's planned yes, we're just a bit shorthanded so it'll take a few more days10:08
jarkkosomeone asked on kubuntu channel, i replied him10:09
Riddelljarkko: nows your chance to get into packaging :)10:11
jarkkoRiddell: how would that happen10:11
Riddelljarkko: read some guides, ask for a tutorial, get stuck in :)10:11
Riddelljarkko: I'm always happy to take people through making a basic package10:12
jarkkoRiddell: can you gimme a  basic link?10:12
Riddelljarkko: we have a script to do stuff like the 4.12.1 backports but you need to know the basics of packaging to get into it10:12
Riddelljarkko: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ might be a good start10:13
jarkkolets assume i read that all what then?10:13
Riddellhttp://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ might be another one but that's got a lot about UDD bzr branches which most people don't actually use10:14
Riddelljarkko: then you can maybe packaging something in KF5 to get the hang of it10:14
apacheloggervalorie: so there is tech in place and all that?10:14
Riddelljarkko: I often take people through that on a shared server so we can work together to start it10:14
Riddelljarkko: you could also work out how to run the backport script10:15
Riddelljarkko: then you need to get someone with permissions to sign it so it can be uploaded10:15
jarkkoRiddell: i play one dota2 game and i look those links then 10:15
jarkkois there lots of packaging to done?10:16
jarkkoamount of work10:16
Riddelljarkko: after a few weeks you can get permissions to upload to PPAs and before you know it you can get permissions to upload to the archive10:16
Riddelljarkko: loads :)10:16
Riddellalways news releases and backports to be done10:16
Riddellsee the last link at http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/10:17
Riddellfor new packages10:17
Riddellhttps://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas-frameworks list of new stuff from KDE Frameworks all need new packages made10:17
Riddellhttp://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas notes on 4.12 packaging needing done10:18
jarkkohow many kde versions you support ?10:19
Riddell4.11 still gets monthly releases, 4.12 gets monthly releases and KF5 is now getting monthly releases10:19
Riddelland precice is LTS, saucy is the current release and trusty is the development release10:20
Riddellso plenty of combinations :)10:20
yofelRiddell: could you take a look at kde 4.11.5 in saucy-proposed? It's still stuck in Unapproved10:23
jarkkowhats KF410:23
yofelI get the feeling ~ubuntu-sru is overworked10:23
apacheloggerI think anyone but ScottK simply doesn't wanna look at a kde sru :P10:26
apacheloggerso dangerous :)10:26
yofelwhy? It's only 90 packages10:26
yofeland that even includes l10n :S10:26
lordievaderxnox: What I ment was I selected Dutch in ubiquity hit "Try Kubuntu"and the live session would be in English. But following your explanation that there are only a few languages available for the live session, the Dutch language is probably not among them.10:26
jarkko<baxeico> jarkko: thank you. will kde sc 4.12.* be default in the upcoming kubuntu 14.04?10:27
xnoxlordievader: yeah, dutch is not a top world language.10:27
xnoxlordievader: there is a bzr branch with the "algorithm" which languages get included based on remaining space on the cd or some such.10:28
lordievaderxnox: No, indeed. No worries, was just wondering.10:28
yofellordievader: we actually only ship very few languages on the images, takes quite a bit of space :/10:28
lordievaderyofel: I understand that. Like I said I was just wondering ;)10:29
jarkkoyofel: why they take so much space then?10:29
lordievaderThe rest of Ubiquity was in Dutch, so that was nice :)10:29
tsimpsonjarkko: KDE Frameworks 5 http://dot.kde.org/2013/09/04/kde-release-structure-evolves10:30
yofeljarkko: because the compiled translation files for a language end up being several MB, now take a dozen languages and you end up using 200 or 300MB of image space just for translations10:31
yofeland with our ~1GB limit KDE and base system already takes a lot10:32
jarkkoyofel: how is that possible?10:32
jarkkowhat format language files are10:32
yofelgettext usually (http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/)10:35
jarkkoyofel: but how is possible that they eat so much space?10:36
jarkkodo they contain pics?10:36
yofelno, it's just lots of text in a lot of applications. An example:10:37
jarkkois it compressed?10:37
yofelthe german *application* translations for just kde are installed 18MB, the package also ships documentation stuff etc. and is 35M. The image is ofc. a compressed squashfs so you don't use 18M but less. Still a few M10:38
yofelnow add the other translations in it like manpages, sometimes even translated sound files, etc. and each language uses quite a bit of space10:40
jarkkowould it be possible to offer different links that if you want your distro with this language, download this lso10:41
yofelthat would mean generating another ISO (we had a DVD image in the past with more languages), that means that for every milestone you need to run all the ISO tests for yet another image10:42
yofeland it's hard to find enough testers....10:42
* yofel -> lunch10:43
jarkkobut adding just languages to iso shouldnt break things so much10:45
ScottKapachelogger: I can probably look at it tomorrow.11:29
jarkkois 6kk months developemnt  cycle too fast?12:00
apacheloggermore like too slow12:00
apacheloggerScottK: netbook?12:01
apacheloggerScottK: I already did, there is no kmail in the favs at all it seems12:01
apacheloggeralso some plasmoid is broken, but my hebrew is too bad to know which one :S12:01
apacheloggeroh, now it's broken in general12:02
jarkkobut speaking about language files that consume installation space12:02
apacheloggerjarkko: how does one relate to the other?12:02
jarkkowhere are those language files used? on kde?12:02
jarkkoon installation?12:02
apacheloggerI do not follow12:04
jarkkothe language files are for kde or other programs too?12:05
yofelif you want a fully translated system you need them for... everything?12:05
apacheloggererror: 'the language files' is undefined and this scope (parser.cpp:301883)12:08
yofelthat's a long parset.cpp :D12:08
yofelmeh, file not found™12:08
jarkkowhy the maximum size of iso is 1gb?12:09
jarkkoand what's eating most of it?12:09
apacheloggernow that I can answer12:11
jarkkowould it be possible to off er additional languages as downloadable files that just need to add on certain directory on iso?12:11
apacheloggerthe size is 1gb because it was defined to be 1gb12:11
Riddelljarkko: it's an arbitrary limit we agreed on which balances enough software with download speed, we can decide to increase it if we want12:11
jarkkowho defined, why12:11
apacheloggerand the top space hogs are listed here http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/cdimage-size/kubuntu-trusty-cd-amd64.htm12:11
apacheloggerjarkko: why add languages?12:11
apacheloggerif you want languages, use the dvd ISO12:12
yofelwe don't have one12:13
apachelogger(FWIW most space is consumed by semi-tiny stuff btw)12:13
apacheloggeryofel: why is that?12:13
yofelsame reason as alternate? nobody wanted to test it?12:13
jarkkoi have done kubuntu install few times, there has been some partion crash bug...that has been irritating, but as irritatitng has been that i have to download some language files (i use english on all my programs, even its not my native language), those language files download quite slowly12:13
yofelI guess we could re-introduce the DVD as 'desktop+all languages'12:14
jarkkohow much would it increase the iso size?12:14
apacheloggeryofel: why does the DVD need testing beyond "boots, installs, system boots"?12:15
yofelwell, it doesn't. It's just that barely anyone was doing even the few testcases on the iso tracker12:16
apacheloggerjarkko: >limit12:16
apacheloggerbecause right now we are ~limit12:16
Riddellall languages is a lot of languages12:16
apacheloggerand I already had to remove the german translations to get to ~limit12:16
yofelshadeslayer: do we actually have a *working* instruction set how to manually reproduce an image by now?12:16
apacheloggeryofel: IIRC the dvd had the same amount of test cases as the desktop iso12:17
apacheloggerwhich seems utterly pointless to me12:17
yofelor is that still a set of googe docs from cj12:17
yofelapachelogger: they do share some of the squashfs, so might be true, but you theoretically still have to test the full procedure12:18
yofel(which is kinda nonsense as that covers a tiny amount of the use cases)12:18
yofeland at least the installer should behave mostly the same12:18
apacheloggerthat is my point12:18
apacheloggerISO validation is limited to the installer12:19
* Riddell high fives lordievader for being the i386 tester king12:19
yofelMail to the ML about adding desktop+l10n* as DVD?12:19
apacheloggernow unless there is a completely obscure bug in the installer there is no point in validating it again simply because the ISO size is increased and addtional mumbo jumbo is in the pool12:19
yofeland I mean *only* l10n, not stuff like digikam etc. again12:20
apacheloggeryofel: please do :P12:20
jarkkoapachelogger: i agree12:21
apacheloggerTBH I'd still gauge use of such a thing first12:21
yofelwell, you could then go and kick of all l10n from the standard install. Would ofc. mean that people with slow network connection need to know english12:21
yofelbut I think we barely have an l10n on the image anyway12:22
apacheloggermost people will install every 6 months at the most, and most people will only ever use one language, so the bottom line still is that the regular image is more efficient as it fetches the necessary l10n, not all the l10n12:22
apacheloggeryofel: I did kick all l10n from the standard install12:22
BluesKajHiyas all12:22
yofelah ok12:22
apacheloggerwell, s/standard install/desktop seed/12:22
yofelhm... ubiquity is still translated though?12:22
Riddellubiquity ships with its own translations12:23
apachelogger(we only had -de on the ISO)12:23
apacheloggerand even without it amd64 is still oversized...12:23
Riddellso the idea is if you speak only a language not in the image you can still install it and install the langpacks as you do so and it's all good12:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: how's the driver installer thing coming?12:23
apacheloggerfor the plasma2 transition we'll likely need to bump the ISO (temporarly) in size btw12:24
apacheloggerthere's no way in hell we can fit both a kde4 and a frameworks5 stack into 1 gib12:24
apacheloggereven if we dropped some of the insanely huge font and print drivers12:25
jarkkoi checked those packages, half of them12:25
jarkkoi dont even know what most of them are12:25
apacheloggeras I said, the problem are the <=500kb packages12:25
apacheloggerthey make up like 80% of the ISO12:26
apacheloggerand the other 20% proably amount to some 100-200mib of space12:26
apacheloggerand most of them are not really optional anyway12:26
apacheloggeryou've got your kernel and your libreoffice and your runtime/artworks12:27
apacheloggerI know why amd64 is still oversized12:30
apacheloggerlibreoffice moved to gstreamer112:30
apacheloggerand gstreamer1 pulls in all sorts of rubbish12:30
apacheloggerno wait12:32
apacheloggerwrong seed12:32
jarkkohow are those packed in iso?12:32
jarkkothose files12:32
Riddelllzma compression12:32
jarkkoare they one big file, or several smaller12:32
Riddellit's the while filesystem put into 1 file which is mounted loopback when running the live system12:34
Riddellit's the whole filesystem put into 1 file which is mounted loopback when running the live system12:34
apacheloggerScottK: I really don't think plasma-netbook works as great as it should :S12:39
apachelogger * so just patch kdebase-workspace for now12:42
apachelogger /* This doesn't seem to work when loading from live CD and needs to be set to ubiquity or oem-config12:42
apachelogger * so just patch kdebase-workspace for now12:42
apacheloggeroh right, the page was broken somehow so I removed it12:43
apacheloggernever added it back apparently12:43
apacheloggerwhat that comment is about I do not know though12:43
apacheloggerso, we had a kubuntu-settings script to generate the favs12:43
apacheloggerexcept on the livecd we need different paths12:44
apacheloggerso someone took the easy way out and decided to patch workspace instead12:44
apachelogger<- enjoys this course of action lots12:44
apacheloggerScottK: theres's no kmail because the patch still adds kmail12:45
apacheloggerwhich does not exist so netbook simply doesn't display it12:45
apacheloggeruhhh, the patch has been there since 4.412:47
apacheloggerexciting how it managed to get through some >=3 patch reviews12:47
yofelI think most people reviewing kde-workspace patches get a headache after ~half of them12:48
apacheloggerI wonder why that is...12:50
yofelgood think kde-workspace is going away in the feature I guess? ^^12:51
apacheloggeryeah, we can then apply 3000 patches violating the patch policy to each of the 10 packages12:52
apachelogger10 times the patchery \o/12:52
yofelbut but - the reviews are more atomic then! :D12:53
apacheloggeryeah, I really don't think the problem is the amount it's the attitude12:55
apacheloggerif I look for shit that can be upstreamed then I will obviously ignore our favorite patch12:56
apacheloggerif I look for us doing something wrong then I probably would find that patch and rage for an hour12:56
apacheloggerbecause that is the point of a review, looking for things that are wrong12:57
apacheloggerotherwise we'd call it a patch-upstreaming-assessment12:57
apacheloggeror patch upstreamery for short12:57
apacheloggerbut we don't12:57
apacheloggerScottK: bug fixed13:05
apacheloggerI added a card to remove that patch13:05
Riddellapachelogger: which patch is that?13:09
Riddellapachelogger: what does/did that do?13:10
Riddelland why don't we want it now?13:10
jarkkothe link that shows the packages and their sizes, would it be any good to have somekind of translation what does what?13:15
Riddelljarkko: translation?  you can look up the package descriptions with apt-cache I guess13:16
jarkkothere was a time that you could choose what packages to install on linux install, are we ever going back to that?13:17
Riddellyou still can with the netbook installer which uses d-i but not with the live image installer no (can't be technically implemented and not wanted anyway, one of the focuses of ubuntu is to choose that sort of stuff for you)13:18
kubotuRiddell meant: "you still can with the netboot installer which uses d-i but not with the live image installer no (can't be technically implemented and not wanted anyway, one of the focuses of ubuntu is to choose that sort of stuff for you)"13:18
apacheloggerI always missed ksystemlog when doing l10n reviews13:22
apacheloggerthat thing has no localization whatsoever13:22
apacheloggeror is it from the SC13:24
apachelogger!info ksystemlog13:24
ubottuksystemlog (source: ksystemlog): system log viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.11.2-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 379 kB, installed size 954 kB13:24
apacheloggerit has an SC version, internetz says it is not13:24
apacheloggerit lives in kdeadmin, yet it is not localized for me13:25
apacheloggermaybe not complete in hebrew :S13:25
apacheloggernot translated in he13:27
apacheloggerall goody \o/13:27
apacheloggerthat thing totally should polkit though13:27
lordievaderRiddell: \o/14:04
Riddellhum, virtualbox dosen't want to run amd64 images on this computer complaining I only have i386 kernel running, but uname says I'm running x86_6414:06
Riddellso foo, I guess I can't test any more14:07
Riddelllordievader: are you able to do any of those amd64 tests?14:07
sgclarkRiddell: make sure you choose 64bit version of type when creating the vm14:16
sgclarkRiddell: files ready for you ktextwidgets being first priority14:16
Riddellsgclark: where's that option?14:18
sgclarkFirst screen when naming it, scroll down box eg: ubuntu 64 bit for kubuntu14:18
sgclarkI have made that mistake before :)14:19
sgclarkRiddell: unfortunately I have not found a way to change after made, will have to start over afaik14:20
Riddellsgclark: wow that is not obvious at all14:22
sgclarkRiddell: yup I agree, it has got me a few times : /14:22
Riddelloh "VT-x/AMD-V hardware accelaration has been enabled but is not operational" I guess my cheap laptop here is missing some processor extentions14:23
Riddellah hah, a quick twiddle in the bios settings and it seems to work14:29
RiddellI wonder why you'd ever want those turned off14:29
shadeslayeryofel: sorta, you have to use scripts provided in ubuntu-defaults-builder IIRC15:13
shadeslayeryofel: that is the most reliable way to build ISO's15:14
shadeslayeryou can then customize things by copying over the entire auto folder and modifying auto/config15:15
shadeslayeryofel: see the neon iso builder15:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: ping15:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: if I call File.new on a existing file, will it overwrite it's contents?15:20
shadeslayeror only modify contents of said existing file15:21
Riddellwaa, can anyone successfully login to wiki.kubuntu.org ?15:33
jussiRiddell: I have something for you... http://vimeo.com/84685858 - enjoy! :D15:34
Riddelljussi: aah the crunch of the ice as you paddle through it, nothing like it15:36
Riddelljussi: anyone you know?15:36
jussiRiddell: no, just came to my FB stream from some outdoors guy I follow15:37
lordievaderRiddell: Still need someone for the amd64 testing?15:39
lordievaderGood afternoon, btw.15:40
Riddelllordievader: there's 1 marked undone on amd64 but I marked it ready anyway15:40
lordievaderRiddell: Should I still test it?15:41
Riddelllordievader: if convenient yes that would be nice15:41
lordievaderRiddell: Sure, I'm on it ;)15:42
lordievaderRiddell: The auto-resize should be tested right, not the Non-English live session?15:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: in what language?15:47
apacheloggerkubotu: google ruby class file15:47
kubotuResults for ruby class file: 1. Class: File (Ruby 2.1.0) - Ruby-Doc.org: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/File.html | 2. Class: File::Stat (Ruby 1.9.3) - Ruby-Doc.org: http://ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/File/Stat.html | 3. Including a Ruby class from a separate file - Stack Overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1050749/including-a-ruby-class-from-a-separate-file15:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: ruby has rather excellent class documentation15:47
shadeslayerI looked15:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: new wouldn't do anything though I think15:47
apacheloggeryou actually have to open a file to change it :P15:47
apacheloggersame in every language15:47
apacheloggeroh, you can actually open it right away15:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: depends on the mode flags15:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.0/File.html#method-c-new15:48
shadeslayeryeah was looking at that15:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: rewrite branch has no lib/starter?15:49
apacheloggerthat block points to http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.0/IO.html#method-c-new15:49
apacheloggerand that block explains the flags15:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah15:49
sgclarkRiddell: I have tons of collisions with HTML docs, can I change the HTML_INSTALL_DIR in extra-cmake-modules or do I have to rename tons of files?15:49
shadeslayerso ... should I remove the line that says require lib/starter15:49
apacheloggerstarter was a cruch to force procedural descreteness of execution flow ^^15:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: :O15:50
shadeslayerI was getting inspired from libqapt15:50
apacheloggerif you want to try rewrite you need not write a script15:50
apachelogger<apachelogger> ruby tarme.rb --origin trunk --version 0.0 kcm-touchpad15:50
apachelogger<apachelogger> no clue if it will produce a valid tarball tho :P15:50
shadeslayeroh heh15:50
shadeslayerda de dum dum15:51
Riddellsgclark: hmm, can you give some examples?15:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: still fails15:52
sgclarkRiddell: the entire /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kioslave folder15:57
sgclarkRiddell: well most of it15:57
shadeslayermy brain is a complete potato right now15:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.kde.org/pnu2jleti/xcxl8k/raw15:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: sudo apt-get install subversion15:59
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shadeslayeroh heh, I thought it couldn't find anything on anonsvn16:00
shadeslayerlike I said, brain is a complete potato right now16:00
apacheloggeryou are not alone with that assumption16:00
apacheloggerthe problem really is that people don't know what svn output looks like16:00
apacheloggercause when svn doesn't find a file it throws walls of text at you16:00
shadeslayerI see16:01
* apachelogger totally managed to link kcm_language against libkubuntu16:01
shadeslayerhurray paste.kde.org is totally broken now16:04
shadeslayerdoesn't even give me a url to copy16:05
shadeslayerlooks like it's went into some sort of loop?16:05
Riddellsgclark: well, hum, you have come across an interesting issue16:08
Riddellsgclark: do you have any others?16:09
lordievaderRiddell: The auto-resize amd64 installs fine, runs fine too :)16:09
Riddelllordievader: awooga!16:09
lordievaderThat is on this kvm machine ;)16:09
sgclarkRiddell: not yet, only kio16:09
Riddellsgclark: but I guess this will affect everything16:09
sgclarkRiddell: yeah, tis why I asked before doing anything16:10
Riddellsgclark: but it would be nice if khelpcentre could read both kf5 and kdelibs4 based documentation16:10
Riddellthen again, who really uses khelpcentre?16:11
sgclarkRiddell: I only use it to test documention16:12
Riddellsgclark: I guess for now just change it in extra-make-modules to /doc/kf5/HTML16:12
sgclarkRiddell: but I suspect some use it, not everyone is genious, trust me I have done user support16:12
Riddellor doc/kde5/HTML since upstream uses "kde5" for other directories (against all upstream branding guidelines)16:12
sgclarkRiddell: yeah I was thinking kde5, will go with that16:13
lordievaderMan pages are read, so why not KDE documentation.16:13
Riddelllordievader: when was the last time you read it?16:14
lordievaderEuhh... man pages today. I've read the Kubuntu doc quite recently to check for errors... 16:15
Riddellit doesn't count if you're proofreading :)16:16
sgclarkRiddell: I know what you are saying, but you  have to remember there are everyday regular users out there :)16:16
Riddellright, I just wonder if they read the documentation16:17
Riddellanyway, academic discussion16:17
lordievaderWas afraid of that one. Then never I guess for the KDE documentation. But I guess I'm not a typical user.16:17
sgclarkThese days most search the web, wikis are more important16:18
lordievaderPerhaps askin the Kubuntu (support) mailing list if they use it is an ide?16:18
lordievaderTrue, true.16:18
Peace-apachelogger: fantastic article for ppa :)16:21
Peace-meant ==> http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2014/01/16/neon-5s-many-ppas-apt/16:21
apacheloggerI should have become professional blogger shouldn't I :P16:23
apacheloggerglad you liked it16:23
Riddellsgclark: ktextwidgets uploaded!16:37
sgclarkRiddell: woohoo ty16:37
Riddellsgclark: I tidies up the line endings on the end of files, added one to rules and removed some exess ones from .install, may as well start off tidy16:37
Riddellsgclark: oh also removed the header text from debian/watch, again just to be tidy16:38
sgclarkRiddell: ok grabbed that from another package, will remove the header from now on and try to remember new lines "grabs sticky note"16:39
sgclarkRiddell: extra-cmake-modules ready16:47
Riddellsgclark: kemoticons uploaded!16:48
Riddellsgclark: the .symbols file was missing the symbols from the various plugins in that package so I ran the "Updating multiple symbols files at once" bit at http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/symbolfiles.html to complete it16:48
apacheloggerl10n part of libkubuntu pretty functional and most of the KCM is now based on that (not pushed yet)... only missing is actually qapt specific cache handling (i.e. when you open the kcm right after installation it will display a busy progressbar while the cache is being updated and opened ... currently libkubuntu has no encapsulation for that)16:49
sgclarkOh thank you, that will come in handy for kio16:49
* Riddell high fives apachelogger 16:50
apacheloggercode in kcm patch down 70 lines :)16:51
apacheloggernot that it would make that big a difference at large, my busy indicator has like 500 sloc and is part of the patch ;)16:51
apacheloggercome to think of it, maybe I should move it to libkubuntu16:51
apacheloggerI think we'll need it for the wallpapers installation thing as well16:52
apacheloggercurrently that just disables everything and adds a progressbar at the bottom or something16:52
* apachelogger shall do bloggsies tomorrow16:58
apacheloggerRiddell: if you are still around when alpha is out it would be lovely you could upload ubuntu-release-upgrader from bzr, the changes there possibly will help with upgrade testing tomorrow17:00
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Blue is the new Orange | https://trello.com/kubuntu | LTS upgrad testing on Fri https://trello.com/c/UrVXhl1K - get your VMs ready | 4.12.1 WIP http://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs https://tinyurl.com/ovfcj78 | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | ISO testing http://goo.gl/cRAawa `
* apachelogger disappears into thin air17:01
Riddellsgclark: kdesu uploaded!17:04
Riddellsgclark: I added in this to debian/rules   override_dh_auto_configure: $(overridden_command) -- -DKDESU_USE_SUDO_DEFAULT=true17:05
Riddellbecause we like to use sudo17:05
Riddellplus that was the very first code I wrote for Kubuntu so it would be a shame not to use it :)17:05
Riddellsgclark: extra-cmake-modules uploaded!17:07
RiddellI changed the version in debian/changelog from ppa7 to ppa817:07
sgclarkahh, that is how that works, ty17:07
sgclarklearn new things everyday :)17:08
Riddellsgclark: normally we'd add a whole new changelog entry at the top using  dch -i  but I don't think that's useful to keep the history for this early work17:09
=== jono is now known as Guest52764
Riddellalpha 2 is out!18:44
Riddelllordievader: awesome working on the testing18:44
jarkko__is there any changelog alpha 1 --> alpha 2?18:46
lordievaderRiddell: Thanks, glad I could help :)18:51
sgclarkRiddell: kxmlgui ready for you, lots depend on it19:11
jarkko__how different are these *ubuntus from  each other?19:31
yofelwtf, did something completely trash virtuoso o.O? http://paste.kde.org/pa51d9c0020:06
NoskcajRiddell, Can you see why modemmanager is still in -proposed? It's holding up bug 1257315 and bug 1257316 here, plus a heap of gnome stuff21:08
ubottubug 1257315 in libmm-qt (Ubuntu) "Please update libmm-qt to 1.0.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125731521:08
ubottubug 1257316 in libnm-qt (Ubuntu) "Please update libnm-qt to" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125731621:08
soeei see osme updates to lightdm21:09
soeewill try if it owrks now :/21:09
ahoneybunhey valorie22:24
valoriehi ahoneybun22:35
valoriethe tilesetters are here in my new back bath today22:35
valorieexciting to see stuff finally taking shape22:36

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