[00:10] jcastro, sudo service juju-db stop [00:10] shutsdown the mongo juju is managing [00:11] for local provider there's also a maching agent upstart job but its got the username/env name in it [00:12] * hazmat reads the askubuntu answer === gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away === timrc-afk is now known as timrc === tim___ is now known as thumper === mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob === timrc is now known as timrc-afk === timrc-afk is now known as timrc [12:38] marcoceppi: hi, do you know if we need two reviews for charms? Or can this one be merged? https://code.launchpad.net/~davidpbritton/charms/precise/haproxy/fix-service-entries/+merge/202387 [12:39] anyone else too, for that matter [12:39] without that fix, haproxy is broken for relation-driven proxying, it just erases the previous unit and keeps only the last one [12:42] ahasenack: sidnei isn't a charmer so he can approve stuff, but a charmer needs to review it, it's still sitting in the queue, http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/review-queue but I'll take a look at it now given the charm is broken without it [12:42] needs a charmer to merge* [12:42] marcoceppi: and sidnei did that rewrite that removed this feature, and he "approved" the fix [12:42] right, just a cursory review is needed at this point, then merge. [12:43] won't take me long [12:44] ok [12:44] thanks === rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe [12:45] ahasenack: merged and pushed, should be in the store in the next 15 mins [12:45] marcoceppi: thanks! [12:46] ahasenack: if there are other items in the queue, in the future, that repair broken charms, feel free to ping a charmer to have it reviewed. We don't want those sitting too long. Hopefully in the near future we'll have the review queue down to just a 1-2 days old [12:46] waves of backlogs keep cropping up [12:47] marcoceppi: is there a word that highlights all charmers on irc? [12:47] I don't know everybody [12:47] hum, not that I know of, the group of reviewing charmers is pretty small atm though [12:48] ahasenack: actually, looking at the list, it's pretty much me atm [12:48] so just ping me :) [12:49] haha :) [12:49] poor you :) [12:49] ahasenack: but bcsaller also has the ability to review and merge [12:49] that can't be right [12:49] just you, I mean [12:49] stuart and james are also chamers, but they are typically just as busy [12:50] ahasenack: we're working on bringing a few more charmers online [12:51] ok === gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster [13:31] marcoceppi: how goes the amulet tweaks? [13:31] rick_h_: good, I had to patch some of the make file, but the tests are running and I was able to get my changes rebased on top of your work [13:32] marcoceppi: coolio. did you get a release bac and I can use to write tests on then? [13:32] rick_h_: not yet, I plan to have one out around 10a EST [13:32] rgr [13:32] rick_h_: for some reason, when I created my venv, it put pip and everything else in venv/local/bin, not sure if you were seeing that as well [13:32] https://github.com/marcoceppi/amulet/commit/714b1308f2a1d71fcc4c19af30758845ea826d6d [13:34] marcoceppi: yes, but if you source it it adds it to your path [13:34] rick_h_: mabye I was doing something wrong, because it wasn't quite working for me [13:34] marcoceppi: but hmm, yea. it did that to me originally when I was doing a venv --upgrade and didn't do it locally once I changed that [13:35] either way that worked on my virgin box, so I'm happy it's been updated and we're rolling again [13:35] marcoceppi: yea I don't have a local dir in my venv at all [13:36] I started out by trying to do a python3 venv --upgrade . [13:36] ah, I just used what was in the make file, maybe that's why [13:36] which did the local stuff and caused issues. Going to the python3 -m venv venv worked all that out [13:37] which should be in the make file [13:37] right [13:37] yea, maybe you saw the old revision then [13:37] it was missing the activate script when I did it that way and found out all --upgrade does is update an existing venv to point to the current python used. [13:46] rick_h_: do you think you could do a code review for something small for me in about 20 mins? === wedgwood is now known as Guest12754 [13:51] oh crap, jujuclient isn't py3 compat [13:57] marcoceppi: sure thing on the code review [13:57] marcoceppi: and ugh on the jujuclient. It's not huge, but still [13:58] rick_h_: I'm going to have to postpone this feature until I can get jujuclient release py3, so I'll start cutting the release. 2to3 doesn't show much that's needed [14:00] marcoceppi: feature branches ftw [14:00] exactly [14:01] marcoceppi: I did want to see if you had any thoughts on putting amulet in the juju github repo and we could chat about setting it up on our test/landing setup. Not today, but to think on [14:02] rick_h_: my goal is to move it there, for sure [14:02] k [14:02] get it out of my namespace, as well as charm-tools and the few other straglers floating around [14:02] cool [14:02] amulet's easy, I don't use lp for anything but bugs, however charm-tools i'm using pretty much all lp for releases, milestones, etc [14:03] rick_h_: did you guys migrate your bug tracker for gui to gh? [14:03] marcoceppi: left releases and bugs on LP [14:03] only the source moved [14:03] rick_h_: ah, cool [14:03] I'll probably do the same for charm-tools [14:23] marcoceppi, If you (or I it appears were to cp charm-tools - 0.3+bzr179-3~precise1 in the ~charmer's ppa to saucy and trusty, a lot more charms would just work. now as you prepare a new package. [14:24] sinzui: yeah, that's the plan. I really want to get charm-helpers (latest) in to trusty, but I need to create another package that installs the legacy charm-helpers that were removed [14:24] marcoceppi, I thought as much [14:25] sinzui: I just kicked off a build in ppa:~charmers/charm-helpers hopefully it won't run in to any issues [14:26] rather, I lazily copied the binaries [14:28] marcoceppi, I would have done the same :) === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [16:01] hatch: will you have any time to help me today? [16:02] hey mhall119 I'm actually not the best guy to do that because I haven't run into those issues [16:02] I've been waiting until someone else has some free time to take a look [16:02] hatch: have you worked with webops? [16:03] not much [16:03] know somebody who has? [16:04] you could try asking in #juju-gui if anyone has a few minutes to take a look - we are in meetings right now though [16:05] thanks === kentb is now known as kentb-afk === kentb-afk is now known as kentb [18:59] smoser, When do you think hp cloud and azure will have trusty amd64 OS images? [19:07] sinzui, azure does have them. [19:07] they'ure just labled "daily" [19:07] oh, thank you smoser [19:07] i dont know about sstreams representation there. though. [19:08] oh. its there [19:08] http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.cloud:released:azure.json [19:10] smoser. I am incompetent. My browser cached the page, I see them now after a refresh [19:10] funny [19:10] :) [19:11] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6810004/ [19:11] as for hp i dont know. [19:11] we're not publishing image sthere yet. [19:12] smoser, ack. I will add azure+trusty+juju testing today. I wont panic over Hp since I have canonistack on openstack testing working === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob === gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away [22:37] rick_h_: couldn't you just add build to the test Make target? [22:38] err, install [22:38] though, I guess I see that it's .PHONY so it'll run every time and that'll be annoying [22:39] marcoceppi: no, because the variables are parsed through on the first pass. So it'll see there's no bin/nosetests and default to using local/bin/nosetests. Then we install it, so now it does exist at bin/nosetests [22:40] the issue with install in the test target is the same case, but for pip [22:40] "bin/pip doesn't exist, default to /local/bin/pip" [22:40] but that doesn't exist either [22:40] so then the pip install commands will fail [22:40] rick_h_: ack, thanks [23:08] marcoceppi: thx for the review, I put up a response: https://code.launchpad.net/~davidpbritton/charm-tools/fix-test-env-1271745 [23:10] .... and you already replied. nice.