[00:20] Hello. I'm having a bit of an issue with Lubuntu. [00:20] I can't login, and I can't accesss it over ssh [00:21] after typing in my password a black screen flashes too quickly for me to read [00:21] sasha-: into tty? [00:21] and then goes back to the password prompt. I know that the password is correct because if I type it in wrong it tells me so. [00:21] holstein I guess [00:22] !tty | sasha- i'll wait if you'dl ike to check [00:22] sasha- i'll wait if you'dl ike to check: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution [00:22] something about "Failed to open" something "database" something "no such file or" something [00:23] sasha-: try with tty.. see if you can login locally in tty [00:23] that doesn't seem to work [00:24] ah hop, ok I'm in tty1 [00:24] sasha-: you mean, you can login with your user and pass via tty? [00:24] yes [00:25] sasha-: so, i propose the issue is with the x session [00:25] sasha-: in your users config.. you can test this by removing/moving your users config and trying.. or try as another user [00:26] yeah I had issues with that earlier today, I couldn't see the task bar (the bottom bar in Lubuntu), so I tried to startx from terminal [00:26] nothing happened, just gave me an error [00:26] but then I had to reboot in order to reset something with the IP address [00:27] ok well now it's just repeating "No protocol specified" after I ran startx from tty [00:28] sasha-: dont run "startx" [00:28] sasha-: remove your users config files.. or just move them.. or try a different user [00:28] sasha-: trying as a different user can be handy. then, you will be able to see that the issue is not with the system, but with your user configs [00:29] you can just grab them all, and move them temporarily [00:29] the only other user I have is the guest account [00:29] and that does login [00:29] sasha-: you can always create a new one to test with, or go with the other suggestion [00:30] ok and where are the user config files? [00:30] sasha-: its just good to konw, so you dont waste time fiddling with the system in any way [00:30] sasha-: in the user /home [00:30] wait, you want me to move the entire home folder for my user? [00:31] sasha-: i dont want you to do anything [00:31] sasha-: im suggesting that, if you remove the bad configs for your xsession, then your user will be able to log in [00:31] sasha-: the config files are hidden.. .config [00:32] sasha-: you can get to them from another user account, or a live CD, or the recovery console, or tty [00:32] could be anything in the config for the GUI though.. if you said you were having issues with the panel [00:32] I logged into the guest account and did 'su username' [00:33] so you want me to move the entire .config file temporarily? [00:33] sasha-: if you would like to do that, you can test your users with a fresh config [00:39] Ok, I did that, it said 'failed to load session GNOME' [00:39] and then preceded to load something (team viewer opens) but not the task bar [00:50] sasha-: lubuntu isnt shipping with gnome, or teamviewer... but, if you can login with another user, the issue is in your users config [00:51] no no I installed teamviewer :) [00:51] sasha-: you can always just move *everything* out of there.. reboot, and test.. then, put back what you need/want [00:51] dunno how gnome got there [00:51] sasha-: you installed it [00:51] sasha-: and teamviewer [00:51] judging by my incompetence, yes, yes I probably did :P [00:52] sasha-: no worries.. just keep in mind, its likely just an issue there in your users config, so you dont need to waste time reinstalling applications or messing with the system files [00:52] yeah [00:52] I dunno if I made it clear, but I created a new 'test' account and logged in [00:52] the user config test would be the best first effort.. easy to revert from, and generally non-destructive [00:52] sasha-: and user "test" logs in as expected? [00:53] no, no on the contrary [00:53] sasha-: then, that doesnt support the theory that the issue is with the user config [00:53] it doesn't start the UI or whatever you call it.. the task bar on the bottom [00:53] but it does open team viewer [00:53] but there is no connection to the internet, which is weird [00:53] sasha-: if it were me, i would reinstall, and be more cautious about what i install [00:54] reinstall what? everything? [00:54] sasha-: for me, since i have my data all backed up, becase *all* hard drives fail.. i would just reinstall. a reinstall takes 8 minutes or so.. and if you say you didnt install teamviewer and its running at login, thats bad [00:55] that could be anything that you have copied and pasted in and given root access that could be breaking anything [00:56] no no no I did install team viewer [00:56] all of this is the result with my fiddling earlier today [00:56] my root is secured I noticed a ton of SSH attempts to my computer, all failing, so I changed the port for SSH and set up two factor auth [00:56] so no one has root to my computer [00:57] the only two things I did earlier today were to attempt to set a static IP, and to reset the UI (lxde or whatever you call it) [00:57] then after I couldn't reset the network config, I decided to reboot the computer [00:57] after rebooting, it prompted me for a password, which wasn't usual [00:57] I put in my password, and the black screen happened [00:57] so then I logged into the guest account, (everything worked there) and set up a guest account [00:58] then I opened the guest account, team viewer openned automatically (it always does), and the gnome message appeared [01:01] how did you "reset the ui"? [01:02] typed startx in terminal [01:03] sasha-: no, to "reset the UI".. what did you do? [01:04] that's what I did.. I didn't end up resetting it [01:04] sasha-: what did you do to do whatever it was you referred to above as "resetting the UI"? [01:04] .... [01:04] I typed 'startx' in terminal [01:04] this didn't do anything [01:04] but I just thought I'd mention it in case it's helpful in resolving this issue [01:04] sasha-: you did that because the session wouldnt start, after you tried to do some things [01:05] those things are what im tring to determine [01:05] no, the session was already started and I was logged in [01:05] but the UI (lxde, a.k.a the task bar at the bottom with the menu and the time/status stuff) was not present [01:05] sasha-: if the session was started, you wouldnt need to type "startx"... so, im not following [01:05] sasha-: that the lxde panel, assuming you are using lxde still [01:06] gah idk [01:06] sasha-: what did you use to install? the lubuntu 32bit iso? [01:06] the thing at the bottom [01:06] I think [01:06] it's on 13.10 now [01:06] sasha-: what iso did you use.. the 13.10 32bit iso? [01:07] hop an earlier one.. I installed it in ~may last year, so I'm guessing 12.04 or something [01:07] i686 so it's not 64bit [01:07] sasha-: i konw what i would do.. and it would take about 8 minutes [01:08] yes I know [01:08] sasha-: otherwise, you'll need to just keep troubleshooting [01:08] but there's so much shit that I've done to this system I'd have to reinstall everything and it would take days [01:08] sasha-: you'll need to have that data backed up regardless, since all hard drives fail [01:08] oh yeah I have a few 'now_failing' entries in the SMART thingie [01:09] sasha-: that is hardware failure. which can cause these issues you are seeing [01:09] sasha-: so, you should backup what data you can, that you want to save, and then test all the hardware.. the ram and the hard drive specifically, then go on from there with repair or fresh install [01:10] gah I just need a new computer [01:10] RAM keeps crapping out on bios all the time, I need to manually take it out and put it back in every few months for some reason [01:10] sasha-: what i read says you need a new hard drive [01:10] the computer is like 8/9 years old [01:10] also I meant this: https://lh3.ggpht.com/-vsvdyqomY0A/UH_XN4kqeUI/AAAAAAAALCs/VWOiPbIhokE/s1600/lubuntu%2B12.10.png [01:10] I don't see all of that [01:11] I only see the background [01:11] sasha-: i have many older machines.. new hardware can fail [01:11] sasha-: if you have failing hardware, all bets are off in any os [01:12] man… you should see the state of the machine [01:12] all from the junkyard [01:12] hard drives, ram, the actual computer... [01:12] sasha-: but, that is irrelevant.. if the hardware is functional.. it doesnt matter [01:12] the hard drives range from 160gb to 320gb [01:13] no all I'm saying is that if I'm going to go backing up and replacing hard drives I'm just going to get a completely new machine [01:13] i have many machines i literally got from the trash.. they work fine, because i test the hardware and repurpose them [01:13] gah look I'll see what I can do tomorrow but today is getting quite late and I'm getting confused talking to 3 people at once [01:13] sasha-: the brand new hard drive you are discussing buying will fail [01:14] sasha-: all drives fail... its a good idea to work on a backup plan for either this hardware or the new hardware [01:14] I know… I know… but I'm broke atm [01:15] sasha-: this costs no money.. its a matter of good practice [01:15] I don't have spare hard drives [01:15] Look I said I'll see what I can do about it tomorrow [01:15] unless you have no other media, then, you'll need to make an investment, but that same investment will need be made on the new hardware [04:48] Hi [04:52] I tried to install a less crashy version of pcmanfm 1.14, but when i installed pango 1.16.5 as it asked fore it, whole system crashed and could not boot in to gui, is there some work around to be able to use a better version of pcmanfm? [04:53] Maybe an yet newer version of pango [06:45] Hi. I have a serious problem. Finally got around to backing up my windows data and restoring the windows partitions to a single partition. at the same time I expanded the extended partition and the logical volumes for lubuntu [06:46] all was well, and I was about to close up, when I remembered to add the boot flag to sda1 - and then I decided maybe I should click "create partition table" [06:47] !testdisk [06:47] suddenly, WHAM - entire disk went blank with no partitions. not a huge deal, except I spend a lot of time farting around in lubuntu and it's a pain in the butt to start from stock [06:48] surely they are still there and gparted was just glitching? I am afraid to reboot now [06:48] I think your best bet is to see if you can use testdisk to recover it. [06:49] ok, so they are gone then. well testdisk ought to be able to find them, as I haven't done anything since to the drive. I hope [06:49] only lubuntu had any data [06:50] I notice you had that answer before I sent my line containing the actual problem. I'm guessing this is a routine pitfall for the inexperienced? [06:51] No, I read the 'I decided maybe I should click "create partition table"' line. [06:52] what was I missing there? [06:54] ok testdisk found them easily enough . . . what commmand do I use to recover them? it gives the options to A add, L load backup, T change type, and P list files [06:54] Create = overwrite. Huh, just noticed, in gparted Help > Contents > Recovering from writing tables, it lists testdisk. Should be able to write it, but I'd list and see what it looks like. [06:57] (It also says "Enter to continue") [06:57] appears to be as expected. using livecd and came here immediately following the event, so nothing touched the drive since [06:57] Good move. [06:57] yes it does, but I omitted that part. ok I hit enter, picked write, and all appears well. [06:58] When I tried to resize a partition, gparted crashed half way through. :/ [06:59] I was sort of half-expecting there to be some issues resulting from enlarging the linux partitions, when I boot into lubuntu. [06:59] ugh, yeah. I learned last year that you should never do more than one operation on an ntfs partition without running chkdsk in between [07:00] lost less than I had feared though, since most of it was recoverable [07:00] some wasn't, which is when I learned "don't write anything to the disk until it's fixed" [07:03] well, thanks. probably would have arrived at the same conclusion had I googled it and/or read the documentation, but it's usually faster and safer to ask in irc when it comes to this sort of thing [07:03] Sure, glad it was easy and safe for your data. [07:05] windows disasters started me in linux in the first place, and I long ago decided that it was an essential windows tool to have. later I found lubuntu (helping a buddy with a low-memory laptop needing a decent os) and it swiftly became my distro of choice. using it more and more regularily -- frankly if wine worked just a tad better I wouldn't install windows at all [07:08] I think steamOS might change the home desktop playing field quite a lot in that regard. since the casual facebook crowd went mobile, if the gamers migrate to linux, that doesn't leave an awful lot of reason for anybody to use windows at all. even office environments run by people whose thinking is behind the curve have ample and easy alternatives to their habitual windows software [07:11] alright, I am going to reboot now and see what happens [07:11] thanks again === CiPi is now known as cipi === cipi is now known as CiPi [14:53] having problems with my sound output; its stuck on hdmi, and i can find no simple way to change it back [14:55] just installed 13.10 a few days ago. [14:57] anyone know how i can fix the sound so that it will NOT come out of the hdmi? I can find no way to switch it back to audio output jack [15:16] sorry, not sure if i should ask my question again, or just wait patiently. I suck at waiting patiently. I just installed lubuntu 13.10 and everything worked fine until i plugged in my hdmi monitor; now the sound output is stuck on hdmi, and i can't find any nice way to change it back. [15:25] hello [15:28] hello [16:02] so how do i change audio ouput device in lubuntu 13.10? === TheLordOfTime is now known as teward [18:36] Wow, Google is making really strange things http://goo.gl/YEkaMA [18:36] funny haha xD [18:49] Is there anyway to get the newer version of pcmanfm to play on 12.04? [18:50] jirido_: yep. compile it yourself. [18:51] jirido_: if someone's created a .deb somewhere for 12.04, that's another possibility. since development of pcmanfm doesn't occur on launchpad, i'm thinking no. [18:51] wxl: i tried that but it complained about to old version of pangolin so i compiled that and then everything crached [18:51] jirido_: compiling ain't for wimps, but that's the way to do it, if it will work at all. [18:52] Im no wimp but i like to have a working UI :) [18:52] jirido_: then muscle through all the dependencies until you get it all working. [18:53] have you heard about it to actually work? [18:53] jirido_: no, i would generally just get the new version of lubuntu. [18:54] jirido_: it's doubtful you will find anyone that's went through the effort when all they have to do is get the new version. [18:54] hm.. i like LTS and not to have to reinstall all of the programs.. [18:55] you won't have to reinstall the programs [18:55] jirido I do think the v5 and v9 of pcmanfm are so different (it was a complete re-write). [18:55] 12.04 lubuntu was not lts [18:55] you just upgrade [18:56] Vould love it to be a rolling release.. i have 0.9.10 and would like to have 1.17 as 0.9 crashes all of the time [18:56] wxl: I did building of pcmanfm... and he does document it up :) [18:56] long story short, jirido_, you're making more work for yourself for no good reason. [18:58] phillw: r u the developer of the awesome legendary pcmanfm? [18:58] phillw: did you compile 1.1.4 on 12.04 [18:58] koell: no, that's why he said "I did building" but not "I did document" [18:58] koell: I certainly am not... I'm just digging you the links up [18:59] koell: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXDE:PCManFM_build_and_setup_guide [18:59] omg :) [18:59] well you say there is a dockument on how to .. yess [19:00] Intresting.,. Thanx [19:00] I did manage it... albeit with some help from others (read as lots of help) [19:00] I still a lot of work [19:00] s/I // [19:03] wxl: btw... I've had it finally realised as to why the non-pae kernel was not working.... With a lot of help and patience from people, I am quietly confident that I do now know why my builds where not working. [19:04] If i then take the source will it be the latest 1.1.4? [21:03] hello [21:05] ?? [21:05] hello?? [21:32] hi there [21:39] i ve got a question about lubuntu, i ve googled but i didn t find anything helping me [21:40] could somebody help me maybe? [21:40] !ask [21:40] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [21:40] :) [21:41] ok sorry, how do i update my lubuntu 10.04 to another without a cd? [21:42] the typical command is: sudo do-release-upgrade [21:42] my kernel doenst support 13.10 or 12.x from cds [21:43] ok thanks, so it should work that way sudo do-release-upgrade? [21:43] Anyone knows why do I get this error message in my Lubuntu 13.10 64 bits? [21:43] Software can't be installed or removed because the authentication service is not available. (org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed: ('system-bus-name', {'name': ':1.33'}): org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages [21:44] I ca't open synaptic, nor add remove programs in Lubuntu/Ubuntu software center [21:45] Synaptic gives me this: [21:45] E: The value 'precise' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources [21:45] E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [21:49] will sudo do-release-upgrade work to update my 10.04 to a newer lubuntu as my cpu is non PAE? or should i stay on 10.04?