[07:43] good morning [07:44] cihelp: can I please have screen (or even better, byobu) on wazn? [08:03] cihelp: unping, jibel installeld screen for me (thanks!) [08:48] fginther, hi [08:48] fginther, could you help me to understand what is happening on this build: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/address-book-service-trusty-amd64-ci/38/console [08:51] I do not have any idea what is causing the error, [08:52] only if this is mixing different headers === ev changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: ev | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: - [09:26] * cjwatson unsticks hud from trusty-proposed, again === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr [10:01] cjwatson: sorry, I didn't follow why it was blocked the first time (just mentionned it in the call), is there anything we should change? [10:02] or is it again the tests being stuck while building? (not all processes killed) [10:03] The previous upload built packages for more architectures than the current one [10:05] ah ibgsettings-qt-dev [10:05] l* [10:05] and so Qt 5.2 [10:06] it's all Mirv's fault! :) [10:07] * didrocks chases dbus-cpp build-dep now [10:08] sil2100: I assumed that properties-cpp was Mir, wasn't it the case? [10:08] sil2100: that's why it can't see it's build-dep [10:08] its* [10:10] didrocks: it was only "again" because the revert brought the previous full set of architectures back after I removed them the first time [10:10] I wasn't complaining, it was all reasonable, just mentioning [10:10] cjwatson: ah ok, was confused. Yeah, I noticed it this morning that it was blocked after the freeze. Thanks for looking at that! :) [10:12] didrocks: aaah! [10:13] didrocks: ok, makes sense - there's a MIR for that, but doko asked for it to be 'pulled in' by something so he can MIR approve it [10:13] didrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/process-cpp/+bug/1270234 [10:13] Ubuntu bug 1270234 in properties-cpp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] process-cpp properties-cpp" [Undecided,Incomplete] [10:13] sil2100: so, I guess you can ping him :) [10:13] didrocks: what does it mean 'needs a team subscriber'? ;p [10:15] sil2100: need a team to susbcribe to the bug reports [10:15] didrocks: ah, in LP you mean? [10:15] yeah, against the package [10:19] didrocks: ok, this will sound really noobish, but how can I do that ;)? [10:19] sil2100: go to the package LP page: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/properties-cpp [10:20] click on subscribe to bug mail (in the upper right) [10:20] Aaaaaaaaaa [10:20] and you can subscribe bug mail recipient, (teams included) [10:20] you need to have someone part of that team subscribing of course [10:20] So you can actually subscribe something else than just myself? [10:20] Got it, thanks! [10:21] didrocks: Qt 5.2 should not yet be affecting anything unless the fixes made around the packages somehow break some archs. actually, after Qt 5.2 Qt should build on more archs because getting rid of V8 engine :) [10:21] Mirv: yeah, I was just kidding telling "we need it to be able to build on all archs" :p [10:22] ok :) [10:22] build on more archs> that is indeed the point [10:22] looking forward to it for the arm64 and ppc64el stats :) [10:42] guys, is there any way i can get shell access to the machines running https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/2262/? ? [10:42] it's failing constantly in CI but i can't reproduce neither in my desktop nor in my phone [10:42] ev: ↑↑↑ [10:47] tsdgeos: looking into your test failure now [11:02] didrocks: so rerunning the maguro tests impacted by qmlscene crash does not help. the crash is reproducible and the tests are failing again. [11:02] tried twice.. running once more [11:03] I jump out for some minutes to buy insurance for the trip [11:04] psivaa: thanks for the head's up, seems a promotion blocker then [11:04] psivaa: can you try to revert the content of the image one by one? [11:04] (and then, the previous image) [11:04] psivaa: weird that's it's "reliable" :/ [11:06] ;/ [11:07] didrocks: ack, will do that. [11:08] psivaa: keep us posted! thanks! ;) [11:09] Mirv: tell us when you got more infos/debugs from ricmm [11:10] sure [11:28] ev: is there no change i get access to the machine instead of you looking at it? It'd be probably faster if i do the research than if you do (no offense) since i know more about unity8 and it's stuff [11:28] s/change/chance [11:37] hey guys, could you help me with this build: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/address-book-service-trusty-amd64-ci/38/console [11:37] the error is very strange, looks like jenkins is trying to use a old header .h with a new .cpp file [11:40] looking at the build log looks like jenkins does some file copies and updates, what I guess is that the header file has moved in the new version but jenkis did not notice that and now I have 2 headers [11:44] ' [11:44] tsdgeos: no, I really do not want to start handing out access to these machines. I'd much rather we solve the underlying problem of there being inconsistencies between what you're seeing on your local machine and what we're seeing in the CI infrastructure. [11:44] renato [11:44] alo123ola [11:44] ev: ok [11:44] sudo reboot [11:44] It should be dead-simple to reproduce the same environment. [11:44] renato: that looks bad :D [11:44] alo123ola [11:45] ev: yes, should is always the magic keyword :-) [11:45] :) [11:46] tsdgeos, hi [11:47] renato: i think we saw your password or something [11:47] :D [11:48] yeah, my machine freezes :D, I changed that already [11:50] oki === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [12:14] psivaa: any luck yet? [12:15] didrocks: not yet. i remember we had qmlscene crash with 143 as well so going thorough http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20140122.1.changes as well [12:16] psivaa: yeah, but it' wasn't 100% of the time like that one [12:16] davmor2: hey, meanwhile, can you dogfood latest of latest? :) [12:17] didrocks: yea, just to make sure if any combination of this list in 20140122.1 and those in 20140123.1 is causing it [12:18] ok ;) [12:20] didrocks: sure [12:20] thanks! [12:47] seb128: on the bluetooth setting page if you turn blutooth off should you see the spinner for searching still? [12:47] davmor2, I guess not [12:48] seb128: I'm assuming it isn't searching and it's just the spinner spinning for no reason just looks odd [12:49] davmor2, seems like a bug, please open one ;-) [12:49] seb128: certainly I'll do it at the end of the testing :) [12:51] psivaa: seems this time was better on the dashboard? [12:52] didrocks: the failures have gone down but the crash still occurred [12:52] psivaa: hum, interesting… [12:52] didrocks: yea, quite confusing as to what's causing this crash.. [12:53] ev: so did you have any luck finding out what is wrong? [12:53] psivaa: maybe, we just got lucky yesterday? [12:53] psivaa: try upgrading everything again, and run, BUT with fingers crossed? :p [12:53] tsdgeos: no, it's taking forever and a day to bootstrap my environment [12:53] psivaa: to see if it's really 100% or if crossing fingers influence ;) [12:53] I'm going to have to hand this off to the next vanguard as I'm coming up on the end of my shift [12:54] didrocks: :), quite possibly [12:54] tracking it here https://app.asana.com/0/8736198969650/9782553540311 [12:54] oki [12:56] ev: how do i login there, with my canonical sso? [12:56] oops, need to add you as a follower on the task [12:56] but yes, canonical sso [12:58] should work now [12:59] tx === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [13:01] seb128: feel free to unsub yourself but you seem the obvious target for system settings :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1272317 [13:01] Ubuntu bug 1272317 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth spinner spins when bluetooth is disabled" [Low,New] [13:02] davmor2, I'm subscribed to the package so I get the new bugs anyway, not need to subscribe me, but thanks [13:03] seb128: assign no subscribe sorry wrong term [13:04] davmor2, oh ok, it's one for charles (he wrote the bluetooth panel), I'm got to reassign, no worry [13:05] seb128: thanks === ev changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: - [13:10] didrocks: 146 is looking pretty stable here looks like popey is seeing the same [13:10] +1 [13:12] popey: have a look at you national rail app and see if you can set a date for travel :) [13:13] k [13:15] works for me [13:16] popey: last night I wanted to check times and prices for the trip down I had a floating list view of numbers [13:16] screenshot? [13:16] popey: I'll grab one in a second === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [13:18] popey: davmor2: great! thanks guys :) [13:19] psivaa: it's on you now, to know if we can promote (like the crash magically disappeared and we were just unlucky) or really reliable [13:19] popey: oh so now the date works but doesn't change unless you change another bit [13:19] didrocks: ack, give me about 30-45 mins..? [13:20] psivaa: perfect :) [13:37] ricmm: hey, did you get any luck looking at psivaa's stacktrace on qtubuntu? [13:37] popey: slowly the script gets more refined, now errors out nicely when there is no device attached :) [13:37] (qmlscene crash) [13:37] davmor2: make it work with more than one device attached ☻ [13:37] e.g. two phones or one phone and the emulator [13:38] popey: it's probably possible but I doubt my head can handle it :) [13:38] davmor2: ping me the link to the code I'll look [13:39] popey: https://code.launchpad.net/~davmor2/+junk/is_there_an_update nice and simple [13:40] kk [13:43] didrocks: status update with bug #1271879 is that we replied to ricmm about that yes it's multiple apps and on maguro, no further updates at the moment [13:43] bug 1271879 in qtubuntu (Ubuntu) "qmlscene crashed with SIGABRT in qt_message_fatal()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1271879 [13:43] Mirv: ok, thanks, let's see once ricmm is freed [14:04] didrocks: qmlscene the crash keeps occurring, no luck with reverting packages. Since the crash has been occurring even before 144, i dont see why we should not promote 146 [14:05] psivaa: well, it wasn't happening everytime in previous images [14:05] now, it does [14:05] ricmm_: this is blocking promotion FYI [14:16] morning [14:18] didrocks: a batch of packaging ACK's required o/ === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [14:22] didrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6808577/ :) [14:25] ogra_: maybe you have a momento for some packaging ACKs? These all seem to be related to the introduction of unity-control-center [14:25] ogra_: I prepared for non-VPN access [14:25] ogra_: [14:25] ogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6808584/ [14:27] sil2100: +1 for all [14:36] psivaa: what apps does it happen with [14:36] all? or just that one [14:36] ricmm_: calendar and clock apps easily reproducible on maguro [14:36] can you reproduce on mako? [14:37] psivaa: balloons was looking at calendar yesterday with some testing help from me I think he got the issue mostly resolved then tried to tweak it and broke it again :( [14:38] ricmm_: ^ [14:39] davmor2: but it does not explain the crash during clock app tests [14:39] ricmm_: no, the crash has not occurred on mako [14:40] psivaa: ah sorry are you talking crashes not tests fails sorry [14:40] davmor2: np :) [14:41] ricmm_: the qmlscene crash that we see now has never occurred on mako iirc [14:41] but it doesnt happen every single time, right? [14:42] psivaa, clock is crashing on maguro? [14:42] tedg: did we (you/gerry) ever resolve that timing issue with upstart signals and the shell's authroization or processes? [14:42] tedg: sounds like it could be it ^ [14:42] ricmm_: with 146 almost every calendar and clock AP tests [14:42] balloons: it's not clock but qmlscene crashes during clock AP tests [14:42] and calendar [14:43] ricmm_, Yeah, we created two events. We block on Unity replying before starting the app. [14:43] It does have a timeout of 2 seconds. [14:43] Perhaps that timeout is getting hit on the emulator. [14:43] its maguro thats crashing [14:43] (seems like a long time though) [14:44] Hmm, probably not timing out. [14:44] Is there anything in the application log? [14:44] psivaa: I think this might be the issue I saw. Due to the low memory on the maguro if you close an app and the memory level is not fully released and you reopen the app it locks up and your screen goes grey but the app never fully opens. [14:45] why are we testing maguro [14:45] if asac deemed it EOL'd [14:45] side question :) === ricmm_ is now known as ricmm [14:46] ricmm: because we didnt move over yet [14:46] until its dead its alive :) [14:46] davmor2: probably. any sign of crash files in there when that occurs? [14:46] asac: understood [14:47] psivaa: only really in the apps log no really crash report. I've not had it recently though. [14:47] ricmm: once the emulator is ready we do the 4.4. migrate [14:47] i hope noone thinks we go earlier to 4.4 [14:47] at leaast not without discussing [14:48] * asac hopes for next week [14:48] psivaa: if you have a look at the log for calendar it tells you if it failed to open the app let me dig out the bug it had all the logs I could get in place [14:49] psivaa: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1268693 [14:49] Ubuntu bug 1268693 in Unity 8 "Possible bug in mir/memory on maguro" [Undecided,New] [14:51] davmor2: here the qmlscene is crashing on every try, so it's not random anymore [14:52] im charging a maguro [14:52] thanks ricmm [14:53] didrocks: was less frequent when I reported it though :) Let me grab htop and run the calendar tests and see what happens [14:53] davmor2: great! [14:57] davmor2, I guess I'll try my heand again at calendar before you EOD [14:57] I'll let you know [14:58] didrocks: i've rerun those tests after reverting all the packages that changed between 144 and 146 and still it's the crashes occur with the same freq btw. so we should have been lucky with 144 i guess [14:58] balloons: cool I'm here till 20:00 UTC [14:58] psivaa: yeah, really weird, can you try to reinstall directly 144 and rerun? [14:59] didrocks: ack, will try. (dint think of that :)) [14:59] psivaa: let's see, as rw + revert != flashed image [14:59] thanks psivaa, keep going :) [15:07] didrocks: alright so which app is easiest to crash [15:07] clock? or calendar [15:15] psivaa: davmor2 [15:16] ricmm: I had issues running tests on calendar [15:16] ohh ricmm any of the two would do to repro the crash [15:17] and you were able to reproducing by running qmlscene manually from terminal? [15:18] ricmm: no, i've been running the AP tests === alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch [15:49] ricmm, psivaa, didrocks: I have the grey screen, I have the _usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_qt5_bin_qmlscene.32011.crash and the memory look like it was climbing whoever the shutdown and startup of the app was making unity8 (I'm assuming mir) leap to the top of the htop and was maxing out the cpu cores. So still looks like a mir/gfx memory/memory/cpu issue which is possibly why we don't see it on mako [15:49] it took 3 runs for me to grey the screen and get the crash [15:50] I dont know what you mean by grey scren [15:50] screen [15:50] ricmm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1268693 like in the image in here [15:50] Ubuntu bug 1268693 in Unity 8 "Possible bug in mir/memory on maguro" [Undecided,New] [15:51] ricmm: the app holder opens but the app itself doesn't [15:51] oh that [15:51] yea thats a shell component, nothing solid or to do with mir [15:51] just the app when it first fails to start, that stays up there [15:51] because unity/upstart get out of sync on whats currently running === alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g [15:54] davmor2: that sounds like the crash that we see [16:16] fginther: seems like some CI problems, can you check: https://code.launchpad.net/~bfiller/address-book-app/disable-predictive-text/+merge/202776 [16:16] didrocks: davmor2: ricmm: so i have run clock app test on a maguro with 144 thrice and was able to reproduce the crash each time [16:17] bfiller, looking [16:18] bfiller, some automatic translations were added 2 days ago and it looks like the packaging wasn't updated to match [16:19] fginther: oh really, shoot [16:19] bfiller, any idea how that is supposed to work. Appears to be a good way to break the build [16:20] fginther: no, dpm any idea what is needed for address book packaging to pick up the translations? enabling them seemed to break the build ^^^ [16:21] bfiller, otp, will have a look as soon as I'm done. Where's the build log? [16:22] dpm: thanks, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/address-book-app-trusty-armhf-ci/69/console [16:23] fginther: sorry to bug you on this one, I should have looked at the log more closely. [16:25] bfiller, no worries. It's always good to keep an eye on these things for the next time it comes up [16:48] dpm: think I got it, just missing this in address-book-app.install [16:48] usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/address-book-app.mo === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox [16:58] bfiller, ok, I'm off the phone. Did that solve your issue, or do you still want me to look at it? [16:58] dpm: solved [16:58] ok, cool [17:00] popey, didrocks, cyphermox: just confirming I will be there Tuesday \o/ so see you all then :) [17:00] yay [17:02] ogra_: plars: coming? [17:02] yep [17:02] davmor2: looking forward to see you! [17:02] davmor2: cool [17:02] cyphermox: anything other than the bluetooth headset you want me to bring down? [17:02] I'll put it on charge Monday :) [17:03] didrocks: yes, brt [17:10] davmor2: tbh, any bluetooth thingy is cool [17:11] I'm bringing two headsets that can do a2dp and hsp, one LE SDK device, and one BT keyboard [17:11] cyphermox: bt headset/dongle/laptop/ps3 controller it is then [17:11] mmm [17:11] haha [17:11] perhaps I could bring a wiimote then [17:12] not that those things are very much useful to test [17:12] but at least they prove input support works === retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: retoaded | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: - [17:12] ricmm: if you get any progress, please check to release that with cyphermox/robru [17:13] the worst I guess is going to make sure we have batteries === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk [18:16] kenvandine, cyphermox: anybody have time for a trivial review? https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/cupstream2distro-config/friends-packages/+merge/203143 [18:18] robru, done [18:18] kenvandine, thanks === retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: - === retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: - === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [20:52] I have a unity8 autopilot test that is failing in jenkins but not on my device. Is there a special setup to get a more jenkins-like environment? [21:01] fginther, ^ ? [21:01] mterry, is this a touch device? [21:01] fginther, mako [21:04] mterry, I'll send you something, give me a few minutes please [21:04] fginther, sure thanks! [21:15] ricmm, any updates on qtubuntu? ready for testing?