[07:42] dpm: ping [07:42] hola jose [07:42] hey! [07:43] estoy terminando de traducir el segundo set de diapositivas pero me entra la duda, los documentos de la API ya fueron movidos en su totalidad a developer.u.c? [07:43] o sigo haciendo la referencia al sitio de knitzsche en people.c.c? [07:45] jose: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2014/01/23/trusty-alpha-2-available-for-testing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=trusty-alpha-2-available-for-testing [07:46] elfy: did I make any mistakes there? [07:46] has your name against it - can you fix? if you can there is a dodgy ; in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu;/releases/trusty/alpha-2/ [07:46] * jose hides [07:46] :p [07:46] sure, let me do it real quick [07:47] but it's not your fault - I assume it's riddell's fault :) [07:47] all sorted now :) [07:48] cheers :p [07:48] dpm: ^ [07:49] * jose has to go to university tomorrow, paperwork paperwork and more paperwork! [07:51] jose, ahora te lo miro [07:51] genial, gracias :) [07:52] jose, los documentos estan todos en d.u.c. - si hay alguno en que te falta el URL nuevo, envíame una lista y te paso todos los URL [07:54] genial, entonces borraré la referencia al otro sitio [07:56] dpm: te acabo de enviar el segundo set traducido :) [07:56] ahora toca ir a la cama por unas horas, nos vemos más tarde! [07:56] jose, oh, wow, eres una máquina! [07:56] :P [07:56] gracias :) [07:56] no hay de qué :) [08:03] good morning [08:06] hey dholbach [08:06] hey dpm [13:28] * dholbach relocates - brb === TheLordOfTime is now known as teward [18:57] jono: hey, you know if ubuntu touch supports LTE? [19:06] jose, it is on the roadmap, not sure if it doesnow [19:06] maybe mhall119 will know [19:06] cool, thanks! [19:07] jose: just GSM right now as far as I know, mostly because our only officially supported devices are 3g/gsm [19:07] cool [19:07] jose: but like jono said, it's on the roadmap [19:08] mhall119: I'm presenting Touch to the Peruvian community tomorrow, so I wanna know the answer to most probable questions :) [19:23] jose: awesome, let me know how it goes [19:23] sure, will take lots of photos :) [19:23] jose: usually the questions I get are about what devices it supports [19:24] and what apps it will run (like, will it run Android apps, which it won't) [19:24] about devices, should I tell the galaxy nexus, N7 2012 and N10 are already deprecated? [19:25] jose: yes, though be sure to emphasize that they aren't dead as long as community people step up and take over maintaining and testing them [19:25] ok! [19:25] like community people already do for all the other devices that Ubuntu's been ported to