=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [05:12] Good morning [07:50] Good morning [07:55] pitti, what is the result of autopkgtest on ARM, is it stable? [07:57] jibel: two nodes finished their quarter of tests this morning, two more are still running [07:58] libnih hung and one node got firefox etc. [07:58] jibel: but so far the tests are progressing well indeed, no crashes or anything \o/ [07:58] jibel: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/fails-armhf.txt [07:58] jibel: these are my notes so far for tests "pandas" to "z.." [07:58] jibel: I'm re-running the failed ones on my amd64 LXC to see which ones fail due to LXC, and which ones are ARM specific [07:59] jibel: would it be possible to use your superpowers to install byobu or at least screen on wazn? [07:59] I already had to interrupt a test run due to my reboot [08:00] pitti, it is much more reliable than Pandaboards [08:01] indeed [08:01] I'm quite happy about them [08:01] pitti, how much slower than x86 is it? [08:01] jibel: hm, I didn't make precise measurements yet, and I ran these tests without apt-get update/dist-upgrade [08:02] but compared to the ones I'm currently running on x86 (I'll brief you in a minute), my gut feeling is factor 2 to 4 [08:02] most tests are really IO/network bound due to having to install lots of dependencies [08:03] pitti, screen is installed [08:03] jibel: thank you [08:04] jibel: so, doko asked me to run all our autopkgtests against https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/python3 which flips the default python3 to 3.4 [08:05] jibel: so I took our list of autopkgtests, removed the ones which are obviously not related to python and are big (linux, libo, and the like), divided them in four, and started running a quarter each on alderamin, aldebaran, and wazn [08:05] jibel: their results go into ~auto-package-testing/py34-$pkgname [08:05] jibel: I run them serially, so that they don't take too many resources away from the "real" autopkgtests [08:06] jibel: I now want to do the same on albali, but it's configured differently; is that still the user ~usit, or ~auto-package-testing? both exist, but I don't know how to log in as usit [08:08] pitti, for historical reason jenkins is running under usit. I can sudo to it but if you don't retoaded can give you access [08:11] jibel: or could I just ask you to start running the tests there? [08:11] jibel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6807223/ is the command (run-run-adt-test path might need adjusting) [08:12] jibel: otherwise I'll distribute them evenly to the other three nodes; they ought to have enough horsepower anywa [08:12] y [08:17] pitti, it is running on albali [08:18] jibel: merci [08:19] jibel: I see py34-python-tornado/ already, so it's working [08:21] jibel: btw, the failures are not that specific to a clear subset of packages; I think it might be best to run them for all packages, and only consider failures in britney if the test ever worked [08:21] pitti, I changed the workspace to ~usit/py34/ [08:21] jibel: not only on arm, but on all platforms; that would also stop blocking packages with new autopkgtests which are broken [08:22] pitti, and there is a log in /tmp/run-adt-py34.log [08:22] jibel: ah, so you can remove /var/lib/ubuntu-iso-testing/py34-python-tornado ? [08:22] yes [08:22] nice, so I can tail [08:23] pitti, agreed, in britney we should consider only regression [08:23] +s [08:29] jibel: did you get any autopkgtest fail/fixed notifications today? I didn't [08:29] and I got some yesterday, but some were missing, too [08:29] and we definitively got failures this morning due to some uninstallability and VM failures [08:29] I fixed the uninstallability and retried the packages, so it's all good now, but I didn't get mail [08:29] pitti, nothing, only notifications from ubiquity tests [08:30] yay. not. [08:33] pitti, I asked the CI team, now waiting of UK to wake up [08:33] thanks [08:34] jibel: btw, some failures were due to having en_US locale on the nodes; I fixed the nodes and their containers to use en_US.UTF-8 now, and re-ran a few tests which looked like they failed due to that [09:02] balloons, plong, we need to dicsuss -qa logos ;) [09:10] pitti, configuration of precise amd64 with all of main finally finished. 8125 packages, 54GB. I didn't install extra kernels, and skipped cgroup-lite (fails in a container) and the following packages fail to install on Precise http://paste.ubuntu.com/6807376/ [09:11] I'll do an upgrade to Trusty an see how it goes before automating it. === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [09:29] pitti, that was quick :) It cannot calculate the upgrade [09:30] pitti, python-sip is held back due to python-kde4 === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr [09:40] jibel: heavy trucking :) [09:40] jibel: sip> ah, does that need another rebuild due to an ABI change? [09:42] pitti, I dont think so, python-kde4 depends on sip-api-10.1 which is provided by python-sip [09:44] pitti, ah, kde-runtime has been demoted to universe [09:44] jibel: ah, I guess that'll hit us quite often for upgrades [09:44] packages being un-upgradeable due to universe demotion [09:44] so the whole kde stack is not upgradeable [09:45] pitti, how should it be handled? [09:45] jibel: I think for this case we should enable universe for the dist-upgrade [09:45] jibel: and limit the "main only" requirement for an upgrade of the default install [09:45] the latter really ought to work without universe [09:46] but as "all of main" includes the other flavours which used to live in main, it's not going to work with main only, I'm afraid [09:46] and "main only" is also interesting for servers [09:46] pitti, okay, I'll enable universe to see if it improves the situation. We already have profiles with main only for desktop and server [09:50] meh, 414 packages are going to be removed. 1147 new packages are going to [09:50] be installed. 6523 packages are going to be upgraded [09:50] :/ [09:50] jibel: i. e. "takes effing long", but "upgrade calculated successfully"? [09:50] jibel: I take it that doesn't fit into RAM/ephemeral any more? [09:51] pitti, yup, pressing Y, and see the result on monday :) [09:51] there, data center, no weekend for you! [09:51] pitti, I'm trying with an ephemeral on disk [09:52] that won't fit in memory, the download only is 10GB [09:53] jibel: this is at least as much a test for overlayfs as for apt/dpkg :) [09:53] jibel: btw, the espeak-data workaround landed after the a2 freeze; /me checks current jenkins whether that shows as fixed now [09:54] jibel: ah, can we re-run http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Upgrade/job/upgrade-ubuntu-quantal-trusty-desktop-amd64/ ? [09:54] Morning all [09:54] jibel: last run was two days ago, then we didn't have the fix yet [09:54] pitti, oh sure, I'll setup a periodic run [09:54] jibel: i. e. is it safe to just click on "play"? [09:54] poor wazn [09:54] pitti, it is [09:55] these upgrade tests, your "all of main", plus my "python3.4" ones [09:55] + image smoketests [09:56] oh, I thought these were on albali [09:58] jibel: ok, starting upgrade-ubuntu-quantal-trusty-desktop-amd64 [09:58] pitti, scheduled at 1934UTC every days [09:59] jibel: btw, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/Upgrade%20Testing/ is empty, but https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/search/?q=upgrade has them; is that a problem for retoaded? [09:59] morning all [10:22] pitti, yeah, he'd like to wait for rick and create the view next week. it is tracked in RT67161 [10:23] jibel: cheers [10:34] jibel: meh, http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/upgrade-ubuntu-quantal-trusty-desktop-amd64//6 failed again; it still got the previous espeak version without the workaround :/ [10:35] the new one landed in trusty 17 hours ago, maybe squid is lagging behind or so [10:35] but these run automatically now, right? so I'll just check on Monday [10:39] pitti, I'll have a look, on another system the version is correct [10:39] Installed: 1.46.02-0ubuntu1 [10:39] Candidate: 1.47.11-1ubuntu1 [10:39] no hurry/worry for now [10:40] during this Quantal upgrade dpkg reloaded its database 132 times :) === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === _salem is now known as salem_ [13:40] pitti, albali is done with py34 autopkgtests [13:40] pitti, do you want the results somewhere? [13:45] jibel: yep, let me scp them (already done for two other boxes; aldebaran was still busy) [14:00] jibel: they are all on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/autopkgtest-py34/, so you can clean up [14:00] jibel: I'll clean up on the other three boxes [14:01] pitti, done, thanks [16:36] jibel: *phew*, I'm done staring at test logs all day; I sent results to u-devel@ [16:36] have a nice weekend everyone! [16:37] cya pitti [16:40] pitti, I've read your post, it is very good. Have a nice week end. [17:21] balloons, just saw your post with the core-apps contributor stats... awesome stuff! on a related note, I'm gonna update my gource video for core-apps.. did you ever see this one I did in november? http://coreygoldberg.blogspot.com/2013/11/gource-visualization-of-ubuntu-touch.html === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk [17:38] cgoldberg, yes I remember it well [17:38] good idea :-) [17:39] balloons, cool.. I'll make one either today and this weekend [17:39] there's a new app as well, reminders :-) === TheLordOfTime is now known as teward [19:57] hallo dkessel [19:57] buonasera Letozaf_ [19:57] Happy Friday to you all.. Happy Saturday to you Noskcaj :-p [19:57] balloons, buonasera [19:58] hey balloons [19:58] balloons, happy Friday to you too :) [19:59] hello balloons. hm. seems xchat still is not unminimized but launched a second time... [20:00] how are you? it's been a busy start of the year for me... [20:00] dkessel_, I'm doing well. Just had to run the dog to the vet, but he'll be ok, so :-) [20:01] good to hear that :) [20:01] balloons, I found another issue with calendar-app and dates: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwSy2uwGals0cmFjcEtHbVVXVUE/edit [20:02] balloons, :( sorry for your dog [20:02] awesome Letozaf_ .. looks like the current Year is instead the current date and time [20:03] as a unix timestamp :-) [20:03] balloons, and it's not today 24 but 23 yesterday [20:03] Thanks for the thoughts.. The hard part now is getting him to take it easy so he recovers [20:03] balloons, should I upload this to the bug I reported or open another one [20:04] Letozaf_, I think this is a bit different.. how did it come up? [20:04] balloons, oh yes I think it will be hard, dogs don't like to stay calm [20:05] balloons, I was trying to fix other locale issues and had a test on year tab that didn't work due to locale so I was looking for another way to run the test in autopilot vis [20:06] balloons, looking for something to inspect in autopilot vis made me run into this [20:06] balloons, should I report another bug ? [20:06] Letozaf_, which page is it on? [20:06] we can look into the qml file a bit [20:06] it might simply be misnamed [20:06] but yes, this would be a separate bug I think [20:08] balloons, the page should be YearView.qml [20:08] balloons, property var currentYear: DateExt.today(); [20:10] Letozaf_, ahh.. so indeed it's showing up as per the qml.. but property var currentYear: DateExt.today(); is not going to be equal to the currentYear :-) [20:11] so it's a bug perhaps in the naming [20:12] balloons, ok but shouldn't it be 24 Jan instead of 23 Jan ? [20:12] balloons, today = 24 not 23 [20:12] Letozaf_, ohh, well right, hehe [20:13] so that might be a side effect of your bug from yesterday [20:13] I get it now :-) [20:13] balloons, don't think it important though that property might not be usede [20:13] used [20:31] balloons, I'm not sure if it's better I wait for that bug to be fixed to continue with locale issues in test failures as I'm finding other properties with weired dates [20:32] Letozaf_, I would link what you found and say you see lots of weird dates [20:32] and you are right, they are probably connected [20:33] balloons, ok [20:35] good night, bb [20:37] Letozaf_, calendar hack day is monday [20:37] we can poke the devs then :-) [20:37] balloons, right! good idea === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem