[09:41] good morning zequence, I saw that the amd64 iso didn't build yesterday. Might it have been the change that was uploaded that broke it? [09:42] cub: No. The change in ubuntustudio-default-settings is just a configuration change. Doesn't involve any new dependency issues or anything like that [09:43] And good morning to you too :) [09:43] aha [10:37] zequence, is there something we should/could do for the iso? I browsed through the log file for the i386 yesterday and it only confused me. [10:39] cub: Most probably it's a change that might affect one or more flavors. [10:39] It's nothing we have done, but of course, it's not a bad thing if we find the cause for it [12:28] Anyone with powers and knowledge how clean up the spamming going on in #ubuntustudio ? [12:34] cub, what spamming? [12:37] some connections from xtec.cat [12:38] stopped (temporarily?) now [12:38] holstein might have [12:38] yeah but I think he's away [12:43] cub, you can also ask #ubuntu-ops if the situation seems bad [12:43] if the permissions are set correctly, ircc/staffers can help with it [12:47] aha I didn't know about that [19:56] zequence: i can.. i was out [19:56] zequence: i think you should have ops too.. or someone else you choose