mhall119 | cjwatson: are there any docs for building click packages that doesn't involve QtCreator? Also any docs for installing click packages on desktops (knowing full well that it's neither safe nor recommended)? | 00:12 |
cyphermox | ricmm: poke, any news? | 00:35 |
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ybon | oh, unable to install click anymore since r144 it seems :s | 01:48 |
ybon | lets downgrade | 02:02 |
shiggitay | I knkow this channel is for the discussion and development of UT, but is there anyone here with an LG GPad 8.3 and is trying to get AOKP unofficial 1.01.14 running? I am and I can't get past the boot animation. | 02:11 |
shiggitay | I've factory reset, data formatted since I came from another ROM, and all that jazz. | 02:11 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
shapow | Hi! Anyone taking up a porting effort for the Nexus 5? | 03:32 |
shiggitay | rsalveti was last I knew | 03:33 |
rsalveti | shadeslayer: just got an experimental build | 03:33 |
rsalveti | ops | 03:33 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: ^ | 03:33 |
rsalveti | want to help testing that? | 03:33 |
shapow | yesyesyes | 03:33 |
rsalveti | I don't have a device, so never booted :-) | 03:34 |
shapow | I see. | 03:34 |
rsalveti | uploading, should take a few minutes (~5min) | 03:34 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, YES! link me in a PM! xD | 03:34 |
shapow | So brace for smoke is what you're implying | 03:34 |
rsalveti | :-) | 03:34 |
rsalveti | the instructions are basically, but I'm still uploading the nexus 5 image | 03:34 |
shapow | Ah will test overnight. Dinner and removing Arch trash tonight. | 03:35 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: before testing it, make sure you have a backup or such of your current image/data :-) | 03:35 |
shapow | Is this unflipped or flipped? | 03:35 |
shiggitay | omg this is exciting | 03:35 |
rsalveti | will erase everything | 03:35 |
rsalveti | flipped | 03:35 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, ya I'm about to that now | 03:35 |
shapow | Yes, this is pretty exciting | 03:36 |
shiggitay | all those trolls on the XDA forums saying this wasn't going to happen | 03:36 |
shiggitay | HAH | 03:36 |
shapow | They can eat dirt | 03:37 |
shiggitay | IKR | 03:37 |
shiggitay | with no sugar | 03:37 |
shiggitay | lol | 03:37 |
shapow | With some salt | 03:38 |
shiggitay | haha fine | 03:38 |
shapow | afk fooooood please pm when its up | 03:38 |
shiggitay | same | 03:39 |
rsalveti | hahaha, current ETA is ~5min (scp) | 03:40 |
shapow | who needs a backup of android anyway? that ish gets synced to sergey's NAS anyhow :> | 03:40 |
shapow | must.. use.. blowfish! | 03:41 |
shapow | *poof* | 03:41 |
shiggitay | now DLing the factory image for 4.4.2 | 03:45 |
lotuspsychje | is it workable on nexus? | 03:46 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, doesn't have hammerhead | 03:46 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: | 03:46 |
rsalveti | has now :-) | 03:47 |
shiggitay | haha ok | 03:47 |
rsalveti | upload completed | 03:47 |
shiggitay | OMGGGG | 03:47 |
rsalveti | please flash, and then let me know what happens | 03:47 |
rsalveti | might not even boot, but we'll see :-) | 03:47 |
rsalveti | if you boot and have access with adb that would be a huge step already | 03:47 |
shiggitay | in process | 03:47 |
shiggitay | backup of my CM11 nightly almost done | 03:48 |
shiggitay | yay for USB OTG mSD readers | 03:48 |
shiggitay | hmm rsalveti would I nede to be running a desktop Ubuntu to get this all running? | 03:49 |
shiggitay | need* | 03:49 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: nops | 03:50 |
shiggitay | ok | 03:50 |
rsalveti | as long you have adb at your host | 03:50 |
shiggitay | where would the ppa be added then? | 03:50 |
shiggitay | within the UT enviro? | 03:50 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: yeah | 03:50 |
shiggitay | k | 03:50 |
shiggitay | how would I issue phablet-network? over ADB shell or something? | 03:50 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, heh | 03:52 |
shiggitay | 9min until the UT image is done | 03:52 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: we can do that step manually | 03:52 |
shiggitay | okay | 03:52 |
shiggitay | lemme get stuff flashed first heh | 03:52 |
shiggitay | it's being a slow foo <_< | 03:53 |
shiggitay | 1 min!!! | 04:00 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, annnd done! | 04:01 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: able to flash it already? | 04:05 |
shiggitay | well I got the HAL in | 04:06 |
shiggitay | when I try adb push trusty it tells at me | 04:07 |
shiggitay | er wait | 04:07 |
shiggitay | I think I forgot to let it boot to the HAL | 04:07 |
rsalveti | you need to flash the trusty image before being able to boot it | 04:07 |
shiggitay | aka the original 4.4.2 image | 04:07 |
shiggitay | ya lol | 04:07 |
rsalveti | oh, ok | 04:07 |
shiggitay | now booting to the stock ROM | 04:08 |
shiggitay | yells* | 04:08 |
shiggitay | blah it's taking forever to boot up | 04:09 |
shiggitay | o_O | 04:09 |
rsalveti | yeah, ages | 04:09 |
shiggitay | so that's normal? | 04:09 |
rsalveti | yup | 04:09 |
shiggitay | it's not soft bricked? | 04:09 |
shiggitay | adb sees it | 04:09 |
rsalveti | android first boot sucks | 04:09 |
shiggitay | well I know that | 04:09 |
shiggitay | xD | 04:09 |
shiggitay | yeahhh it'd help if I actually flashed the factory image <_< | 04:11 |
shiggitay | does it matter if I first flashed boot/recovery/system.img and then did the factory image 2nd? | 04:13 |
rsalveti | yeah, you need to flash the factory image as your first step | 04:14 |
rsalveti | then oem unlock | 04:14 |
rsalveti | boot, reboot bootloader | 04:14 |
shiggitay | I've been unlocked :) | 04:14 |
rsalveti | flash system, boot recovery | 04:14 |
rsalveti | recovery -> flash ubuntu zip | 04:14 |
rsalveti | and reboot | 04:14 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, ok well it's booted up to the select language screen | 04:16 |
shiggitay | that's when I fastboot flash'd boot/recovey/system BEFORE doing ./ | 04:16 |
shiggitay | for the factory image | 04:16 |
shiggitay | should I start over? | 04:16 |
shiggitay | the welcoem screen rather | 04:17 |
shiggitay | welcome | 04:17 |
rsalveti | right, just reboot and flash boot, system and recovery again | 04:17 |
rsalveti | should be enough | 04:17 |
shiggitay | okay | 04:17 |
shiggitay | gah I gotta set it up enough to get to enabling android debug | 04:17 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, okay so that's all done... boot into 4.4.2 and try the push? | 04:20 |
rsalveti | boot into recovery | 04:21 |
shiggitay | ok I'm in recovery, but when I try and push the trusty zip it b*tches | 04:22 |
shapow | Hi | 04:22 |
shiggitay | I'm trying a sideload install | 04:23 |
shiggitay | man is that CWM a hi res | 04:23 |
shiggitay | almost can't read it | 04:23 |
shiggitay | at* | 04:23 |
rsalveti | haha, yeah | 04:23 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: what is the error? | 04:23 |
shiggitay | just adb syntax stuff | 04:24 |
rsalveti | like /sdcard not found? | 04:24 |
shiggitay | no | 04:24 |
shiggitay | errors with how I tried to use 'push' | 04:24 |
shiggitay | missing parameters I think | 04:24 |
rsalveti | right, ok | 04:24 |
shiggitay | and sideloading seems to have worked since I see it installing xDD | 04:24 |
rsalveti | yeah | 04:24 |
shiggitay | though it seems frozen | 04:25 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: yeah, that's fine | 04:25 |
rsalveti | should take 1,2 min | 04:25 |
shiggitay | the android recovery dude is all f'd up | 04:25 |
rsalveti | yup | 04:25 |
shiggitay | okay! I'mma attempt a reboot! | 04:26 |
rsalveti | good luck :-) | 04:27 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: able to see the device with adb at least? | 04:27 |
shiggitay | lemme check | 04:27 |
shapow | *drum roll* | 04:27 |
shiggitay | YEP | 04:27 |
rsalveti | awesome | 04:28 |
shapow | sweet | 04:28 |
rsalveti | please paste me your dmesg output, ifconfig -a and /system/bin/logcat | 04:28 |
shiggitay | it's on the Google pad loc kscreen | 04:28 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: yeah, that's fine and expected | 04:28 |
rsalveti | need to install lated mir from my ppa and enable mir | 04:28 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, | 04:32 |
rsalveti | awesome, wlan0 is up | 04:32 |
shiggitay | coo | 04:32 |
shiggitay | that's wifi right? | 04:32 |
rsalveti | yeah | 04:32 |
rsalveti | E/Diag_Lib( 727): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 | 04:33 |
rsalveti | E/Diag_Lib( 728): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 | 04:33 |
rsalveti | this might be because of the missing bins, will check later | 04:33 |
shiggitay | root@ubuntu-phablet:/# sudo apt-add-repository ppa:rsalveti/ppa | 04:33 |
shiggitay | Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:rsalveti/ppa'. | 04:33 |
shiggitay | Please check that the PPA name or format is correct. | 04:33 |
rsalveti | hm, using I/SurfaceFlinger( 721): Using composer version 1.3 | 04:33 |
rsalveti | mir might not work out of the box, but let's see | 04:33 |
rsalveti | need to setup your network first | 04:34 |
shiggitay | root@ubuntu-phablet:/# phablet-network | 04:34 |
shiggitay | bash: phablet-network: command not found | 04:34 |
shiggitay | brb gotta take trash out | 04:34 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: mind pasting dmesg as well? | 04:35 |
shiggitay | sure | 04:35 |
shiggitay | dmesg: | 04:36 |
shiggitay | brb.. trash smells | 04:36 |
=== jono is now known as Guest22834 | ||
shiggitay | rsalveti, back | 04:40 |
shiggitay | how do we setup network? | 04:40 |
shiggitay | and could this same principle be applied to the LG GPad? | 04:40 |
rsalveti | hm, seems it failed to start the wlan kernel driver, but other then that nothing exploded | 04:40 |
rsalveti | which is good | 04:41 |
shiggitay | heh | 04:41 |
shiggitay | What's the next step? | 04:41 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: create something like | 04:42 |
shapow | wlan kernel support :) | 04:42 |
rsalveti | adding your ssid and your wlan passwd, let's see if it works somehow | 04:42 |
rsalveti | then chmod 600 /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/active_ws_connection.conf | 04:43 |
rsalveti | found what might be causing the issue with the wifi driver, rebuilding the kernel | 04:48 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, awesome, but I'm a bit confused regarding some of that conf file I'd need to make | 04:49 |
shiggitay | what would I need to change? | 04:49 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: just create the same file, and put your ssid and wlan sp password | 04:50 |
rsalveti | *ap | 04:50 |
shiggitay | that's all I need to change? | 04:50 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: yup | 04:50 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, you find any evidence of the cell radios working yet? | 04:51 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: not yet | 04:51 |
shiggitay | okay | 04:51 |
shiggitay | the stupid sack of shit won't let me save the file | 04:53 |
shiggitay | enter key isn't registering | 04:53 |
shiggitay | sorry for my language but I hate it when it does that | 04:53 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, | 04:53 |
shiggitay | using nano | 04:54 |
rsalveti | yeah, it sucks over adb | 04:54 |
shiggitay | so how the hell do I appened the file? >_> | 04:55 |
shiggitay | is ssh on by default? | 04:55 |
shiggitay | ssh over adb possible? | 04:55 |
rsalveti | you can start it, and use over adb | 04:55 |
shiggitay | yeah | 04:55 |
rsalveti | adb shell; start ssh; logout; adb forward tcp:9999 tcp:22; ssh phablet@localhost -p 9999 | 04:56 |
shiggitay | still can't append a file | 04:56 |
shiggitay | damnit | 04:56 |
shiggitay | w000t I made the file locally on my Hackintosh and then I pushed the file to the proper location | 04:58 |
rsalveti | just run chmod 600 on it now | 04:58 |
shiggitay | I did | 04:59 |
rsalveti | otherwise NM will not use it | 04:59 |
shiggitay | phablet-network stills says nope | 04:59 |
rsalveti | that's fine, that's basically what you did manually now | 04:59 |
shiggitay | ah ok | 04:59 |
rsalveti | this command needs to be executed from the host side | 04:59 |
rsalveti | check /var/log/syslog to see if NM saw your connection now | 04:59 |
rsalveti | and ifconfig to see if you're able to get any iw | 05:00 |
rsalveti | ip | 05:00 |
rsalveti | will probably fail with the current driver, uploading a new boot img in a few | 05:00 |
shiggitay | yeah it's complaining of permissions for wpa_supplicant | 05:00 |
shiggitay | I can use an open ssid from downstairs for the moment lol | 05:01 |
shiggitay | and ya ifconfig only shows the loopback | 05:01 |
shiggitay | lo | 05:01 |
rsalveti | right | 05:01 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: new boot.img just uploaded | 05:02 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, thanks for being awake right now lol... I was bored and I wanted a project | 05:02 |
shiggitay | ok | 05:02 |
rsalveti | adb reboot bootloader; fastboot flash boot boot.img; fastboot reboot | 05:02 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: then give me your dmesg output again | 05:02 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, | 05:06 |
shiggitay | that's not good | 05:07 |
shiggitay | ubuntu-phablet wpa_supplicant[1039]: Could not set interface wlan0 flags: Operation not permitted | 05:07 |
rsalveti | I think that's fine | 05:07 |
shiggitay | k | 05:07 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: mind running dmesg again? want to see if more stuff appeared | 05:07 |
shiggitay | YES I GOT AN IP | 05:07 |
rsalveti | fuck yeah | 05:07 |
shiggitay | XD | 05:07 |
shiggitay | you still want dmesg again? | 05:08 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: yes, please | 05:08 |
rsalveti | now you should be able to add my personal ppa | 05:09 |
rsalveti | sudo apt-add-repository ppa:rsalveti/ppa | 05:09 |
rsalveti | then apt-get update | 05:09 |
rsalveti | and apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:09 |
shiggitay | | 05:09 |
rsalveti | yeah, looking good now | 05:11 |
rsalveti | nothing exploded :-) | 05:11 |
shiggitay | haha | 05:11 |
shiggitay | all apt-get's done | 05:11 |
shiggitay | reboot? | 05:11 |
shiggitay | or can I start mir without? | 05:11 |
rsalveti | run $ touch /home/phablet/.display-mir | 05:12 |
rsalveti | and reboot | 05:12 |
rsalveti | let's see what mir tells us, but I'm also fixing the support for sF | 05:12 |
rsalveti | so we can have something to see if mir fail us | 05:12 |
shiggitay | okay rebooting... properly from bootloader | 05:14 |
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rsalveti | cool | 05:14 |
shiggitay | sitting on Google padlock screen still tho | 05:14 |
rsalveti | right | 05:14 |
rsalveti | run ps and see if unity8 is running | 05:14 |
rsalveti | or top to see if it's trying to run and crashing | 05:15 |
rsalveti | /var/crash should have something as well | 05:15 |
shiggitay | I don't seem to see mir running | 05:15 |
shiggitay | or unity8 | 05:15 |
rsalveti | right, then hold on, let me give you another package to see if SF works this time | 05:16 |
shiggitay | ps shows this | 05:16 |
shiggitay | root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ps | 05:16 |
shiggitay | PID TTY TIME CMD | 05:16 |
shiggitay | 1662 pts/10 00:00:00 bash | 05:16 |
shiggitay | 2033 pts/10 00:00:00 ps | 05:16 |
rsalveti | run ps aux | 05:16 |
shiggitay | wanna see ps aux output? | 05:17 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, | 05:17 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: download | 05:18 |
rsalveti | and install it: dpkg -i qtubuntu-android_0.53+14.04.20140114.1-0ubuntu1ppa1_armhf.deb | 05:18 |
rsalveti | then: rm /home/phablet/.display-mir | 05:19 |
rsalveti | and reboot | 05:19 |
rsalveti | that should give you a working unity8 with SF | 05:19 |
shiggitay | I have the crash log with the current build tho | 05:21 |
rsalveti | that's fine, we can use it later :-) | 05:22 |
rsalveti | want to see if unity8 comes up | 05:22 |
shiggitay | okay | 05:22 |
shiggitay | kk rebooting | 05:23 |
shiggitay | er wait | 05:23 |
shiggitay | forgot to axe that file | 05:23 |
shiggitay | >_> | 05:23 |
rsalveti | :-) | 05:23 |
shiggitay | ok that file be dead lol | 05:24 |
shiggitay | reboot again | 05:24 |
shiggitay | rebooted* | 05:24 |
shiggitay | Unity8 hasn't loaded | 05:25 |
shiggitay | wait.. | 05:25 |
shiggitay | the Google logo brightened | 05:25 |
rsalveti | hm, was expecting it to disappear | 05:25 |
shiggitay | and it dimmed | 05:26 |
rsalveti | give me your /system/bin/logcat output | 05:26 |
shiggitay | ok | 05:26 |
rsalveti | power should turn it on/off | 05:26 |
shiggitay | so hard reboot it? | 05:26 |
shiggitay | like that? | 05:26 |
rsalveti | no, just saying that the power button should be able to turn the screen on/off as well | 05:27 |
rsalveti | like android | 05:27 |
shiggitay | oh yeah it can | 05:27 |
shiggitay | I tried that | 05:27 |
rsalveti | is the google log still part of the screen? | 05:27 |
rsalveti | logo | 05:27 |
shiggitay | ya | 05:28 |
shiggitay | inc enter | 05:28 |
shiggitay | er in center | 05:28 |
rsalveti | weird, that would bean SF didn't even start | 05:28 |
shiggitay | bottom center is the padlock | 05:28 |
shiggitay | what is SF? | 05:28 |
rsalveti | paste me your logcat and 'ps aux' | 05:28 |
rsalveti | surfaceflinger | 05:28 |
shiggitay | ah lol | 05:28 |
shiggitay | screen dimmed | 05:28 |
shiggitay | rsalveti, okay here's a combined logcat/psaux/crash paste: | 05:37 |
shiggitay | | 05:37 |
rsalveti | hm, seems unity8 is running | 05:39 |
shiggitay | I don't see it tho | 05:39 |
rsalveti | maybe just crashing over and over | 05:39 |
shiggitay | hm | 05:39 |
rsalveti | E/Adreno-GSL( 3416): <ioctl_kgsl_driver_entry:456>: open(/dev/kgsl-3d0) failed: errno 13. Permission denied | 05:39 |
rsalveti | got it | 05:39 |
shiggitay | should I make an updated crash paste? | 05:39 |
shiggitay | ah | 05:39 |
rsalveti | didn't create the udev file for it | 05:40 |
rsalveti | hold on | 05:40 |
shiggitay | k | 05:40 |
rsalveti | we're close, that should be the last missing step | 05:42 |
shiggitay | okay | 05:42 |
shiggitay | damnit LockeAnarchist fix your connection! | 05:45 |
LockeAnarchist | this is my router, sorry | 05:50 |
shiggitay | heheh | 05:50 |
shiggitay | s'ok | 05:50 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: | 05:51 |
rsalveti | create the following file and reboot | 05:51 |
shiggitay | okay | 05:51 |
shiggitay | ok file placed and rebooting | 05:53 |
shiggitay | still in google screen tho atm | 05:53 |
shiggitay | on* | 05:53 |
rsalveti | give me your logcat again | 05:54 |
rsalveti | just logcat should be enoug | 05:54 |
rsalveti | enough | 05:54 |
shiggitay | OMG IT LOADED MIR | 05:54 |
rsalveti | with SF I believe :-) | 05:54 |
rsalveti | but yeah, you should have unity8 running now | 05:55 |
rsalveti | first one that is able to see UT running on a nexus 5 | 05:55 |
rsalveti | congrats | 05:55 |
rsalveti | :-) | 05:55 |
shiggitay | XD | 05:57 |
rsalveti | take a picture, let me see :P | 05:57 |
shiggitay | camera works | 05:57 |
rsalveti | awesome | 05:57 |
rsalveti | also, check /usr/share/ofono/scripts | 05:58 |
rsalveti | run ./list-modems | 05:58 |
rsalveti | and paste me the output | 05:58 |
shiggitay | okay | 05:58 |
shiggitay | most of the UI looks good but in the settings and some other places there's this huge line down the center | 06:03 |
rsalveti | yeah, need to adjust the pixel x screen size still | 06:04 |
rsalveti | what is the resolution used by nexus 5? | 06:04 |
rsalveti | the native one | 06:04 |
shiggitay | 1080p | 06:04 |
shiggitay | 1920x1080 | 06:04 |
shiggitay | I think | 06:04 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: create and reboot | 06:05 |
rsalveti | might need to adjust the grid_unit_px though | 06:05 |
shiggitay | | 06:12 |
rsalveti | cool, seems to be on-line | 06:12 |
rsalveti | try calling a random number | 06:13 |
shiggitay | I can't hear any dialing sounds or ringing or dial tone etc | 06:15 |
rsalveti | right, that indeed might need some other changes | 06:15 |
rsalveti | but the modem seems to be recognized at least | 06:15 |
shiggitay | yea | 06:15 |
rsalveti | shiggitay: and I'm done for the day, we can continue tomorrow or monday | 06:17 |
shiggitay | sure | 06:17 |
rsalveti | later tomorrow I'm traveling to london | 06:17 |
shiggitay | UK? | 06:17 |
shiggitay | or ON | 06:17 |
shiggitay | Ontario, Canada ON | 06:17 |
rsalveti | UK | 06:17 |
shiggitay | nice | 06:17 |
shiggitay | are you from there? | 06:17 |
rsalveti | nops, from brazil, but we'll have a sprint there next week | 06:18 |
shiggitay | cool | 06:18 |
shiggitay | quick question: | 06:18 |
shiggitay | how do I make a backup of what we've accomplished so far so I won't have to redo it? | 06:18 |
shiggitay | hm I guess I could go into recovery and nandroid | 06:19 |
rsalveti | yeah | 06:19 |
rsalveti | that should work | 06:19 |
shiggitay | okay | 06:19 |
shiggitay | Thanks for working with me.. you don't know how excited I am to see this working, even if it's rudimentary at | 06:19 |
shiggitay | m | 06:19 |
rsalveti | yeah, it's quite cool | 06:20 |
AlanBell | morning all, I am trying to run unity 8 in a window on 13.10, but it only displays a tiny (1px wide) window and throws up the following errors | 09:24 |
AlanBell | | 09:24 |
AlanBell | I was following these instructions | 09:24 |
popey | AlanBell: #ubuntu-unity is probably going to be a better place to ask, but I suspect there's not many people about | 09:37 |
AlanBell | ok, thanks popey | 09:52 |
Nickn | Hi, does Nexus 4 support desktop convergence ? | 10:37 |
ogra_ | Nickn, nothing supports convergence yet ... thats a 15.04 or 15.10 thing | 10:38 |
ogra_ | first we need a proper phone OS before we can move on | 10:38 |
ogra_ | (and tablet OS) | 10:38 |
Nickn | thats not good :/ i wanted to buy new phone that will support it. i will have to wait :) | 10:39 |
ogra_ | Nickn, it would have happened earlier if theUbuntu Edge had succeeded ... but since it didnt, there isnt even hardware around today that woulld fulfill the needs | 10:41 |
AlanBell | is the convergence stuff going to be implemented like a responsive design? | 10:42 |
AlanBell | so you expand the window and bits move about to take advantage of more screen real estate | 10:42 |
Nickn | :/ :) thank you for answer | 10:42 |
AlanBell | or is it loading one QML layout for phone mode and one layout for desktop mode? | 10:43 |
ogra_ | AlanBell, no idea, that will be discussed later ... for now we concentrate on phone/tablet and try to keep convergence in the back ofour head with everything we design | 10:44 |
ogra_ | so that once we get there only minor changes are required | 10:45 |
ogra_ | i would expect the desktop to look like today in converged mode ... just on a different code base | 10:45 |
AlanBell | but isn't desktop going to land in 14.04? | 10:45 |
ogra_ | and flawlessly switching to a different mode if the in/output devices change | 10:45 |
ogra_ | no, desktop is planned for 14.10 | 10:46 |
ogra_ | the LTS will use the stable existing stuff | 10:46 |
ogra_ | you will be able to install unity8 in 14.04 and it should work, but it will be the touch UI | 10:47 |
AlanBell | yeah, I was trying to run that earlier on 13.10 but it wouldn't start | 10:47 |
ogra_ | yeah, saw that above | 10:47 |
AlanBell | I can upgrade my laptop to 14.04 if that might help | 10:47 |
ogra_ | well, i cant tell, i never ran unity8 on a desktop machine :) | 10:48 |
ogra_ | as popey said, the #ubuntu-unity gusys would know ... | 10:48 |
ogra_ | *guys | 10:49 |
AlanBell | I might upgrade anyway, about time to jump in I think :) | 10:49 |
ogra_ | trusty is quite stable ... havent had issues with it since months | 10:49 |
cjwatson | mhall119: "click build" but obviously you have to put the pieces together yourself (there's a man page and such, but anything higher-level I have not been involved with). I'm going to refuse to answer your latter question until I've done the work of integrating click with aptdaemon, sorry | 10:49 |
AlanBell | hmm, upgrade failed with 404 errors on ppa things, I probably need to clean up and try again later | 10:51 |
ogra_ | didnt you use update-manager ? | 10:52 |
AlanBell | sudo do-release-upgrade -d | 10:52 |
ogra_ | iirc it disables PPAs temporarily | 10:52 |
ogra_ | weird | 10:52 |
AlanBell | here is the end of the upgrade log | 10:56 |
ogra_ | i would just disable them naually .. | 10:57 |
ogra_ | *manually | 10:57 |
AlanBell | yeah, I will | 10:57 |
* ogra_ stares at his fingers | 10:57 | |
ogra_ | i guess there are simply no trusty packages in these PPAs | 10:58 |
AlanBell | yeah, I wouldn't expect them to have trusty packages yet | 10:59 |
AlanBell | trying via update manager now before manually picking stuff apart | 10:59 |
* ogra_ would just use the UI ... uncheck the checkboxes in software-sources for all PPAs | 11:00 | |
TheRedFox | Why does ubuntutouch use a swapfile by default and can it be disabled? | 11:03 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, it was safer in the beginning to have one ... we just havent removed it yet | 11:04 |
Tachyon` | does the ubuntu touch dual boot installer work on android 4.4.2 yet? | 11:05 |
ogra_ | the plan is to drop it, but we will need to do pretty deep testing to make sure the backgrounding of apps and the like still work properly | 11:05 |
Tachyon` | in fact has it had /any/ updates since before christmas? | 11:05 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, by trusty release it will be gone ... | 11:05 |
Tachyon` | | 11:06 |
TheRedFox | Mkay :p | 11:06 |
Tachyon` | that's the usual result here in 4.4.2 | 11:06 |
ogra_ | Tachyon`, did you check the bugs ... there might be workarounds | 11:07 |
ogra_ | and with 4.4.2 you will have to re-flash the 4.3 radio firmware, else phone calls wont work in ubuntu | 11:08 |
Tachyon` | at the time yes, recently, nto so much, it seems to be failing in its quest to get cache write permissions, hence thinks it's writing but isn't, tried creating folders it's trying to create and setting selinux to permissive | 11:08 |
Tachyon` | no gsm radio, nexus 7 | 11:08 |
ogra_ | ah | 11:08 |
Tachyon` | the problem is 4.4.2 related, not 4.4.x radio related | 11:08 |
Tachyon` | simply cannot install it | 11:08 |
Tachyon` | did have such useful advice as 'downgrade android' | 11:09 |
* ogra_ hasnt used dual boot ... its not an official project ... | 11:09 | |
Tachyon` | that's not an option, I use this tablet all the time and it would take some time to reinstall over 16GB of software over this net connection | 11:09 |
Tachyon` | ahh | 11:09 |
ogra_ | ubuntu touch will (with luck) switch to a 4.4 base by end of next week though | 11:10 |
ogra_ | i guess the dual boot guys will then update their stuff | 11:10 |
Tachyon` | the problem isn't the os, it's the dual boot fails to get the right permissions to put the OS anywhere as it downloads it, never actually gets to trying to install it -.- | 11:10 |
Tachyon` | ahh | 11:10 |
Tachyon` | wouldn't have let it put 4.4.2 on if I'd known there'd be problems but once it's on you can't non-destructively get it off -.- | 11:11 |
ogra_ | yep | 11:11 |
Tachyon` | could I run any window manager with it? like, get it on then apt-get lxde/fvwm in the usual way? | 11:15 |
* Tachyon` is not a fan of unity | 11:15 | |
popey | on phone? no | 11:15 |
Tachyon` | bah, why not | 11:15 |
popey | the phone doesn't have x | 11:15 |
* Tachyon` blinks | 11:15 | |
ogra_ | no, Ubuntu Touch uses Mir, you would need a WM that can dael with it | 11:15 |
Tachyon` | oh good lord | 11:15 |
popey | I know! Awesome isn't it? | 11:16 |
Tachyon` | that's one word, I can think of others, lol | 11:16 |
ogra_ | well, X would be painful on the phone, wayland and Mir dont drag along so much cruft | 11:17 |
Tachyon` | well, aye, I'd just like an interface that isn't designed for five year olds, I have a keyboard and mouse for my tablet -.o | 11:17 |
ogra_ | how does android get along with that ? | 11:17 |
TheRedFox | KDE supports mir :p | 11:18 |
Tachyon` | very well in fact | 11:18 |
Tachyon` | other than the control key randomly not working in certain terminal apps | 11:18 |
Tachyon` | but yeah, bt kb, usb otg mouse | 11:18 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, KDE runs on XMir ... which is an X compatibility layer ... it doesnt support Mir itself | 11:18 |
ogra_ | (in fact i think all desktops can run on XMir ... but thats not the same as natively using it) | 11:19 |
TheRedFox | Ohderp :p | 11:21 |
ogra_ | (and the kwin maintainer refuses to take Mir patches for political reasons ... so i doubt you will see native Mir support in KDE soon) | 11:22 |
Tachyon` | have noticed the mir/wayland politics, depressing, heh | 11:23 |
ogra_ | yeah | 11:23 |
ogra_ | and so pointells | 11:24 |
ogra_ | *pointless | 11:24 |
* ogra_ is happy he doesnt have to be involved with any of that .... | 11:24 | |
Tachyon` | you'd probably have to wear a suit to be involved -.o | 11:25 |
ogra_ | nah, i dont think i have any of the Mir guys (or the bashers) ever seen in a suit | 11:26 |
Tachyon` | hrm, usually when politics appears, suits are the uniform, perhaps things have changed (bit worrying really, how can you spot them if not by the built in strangulation devices) | 11:37 |
ogra_ | :) | 11:41 |
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w-flo | not sure if anyone reads this on weekends, just a warning.. after yesterday's fix for GPG validation in system-image-upgrader, it seems like all updates fail to verify because $2 should be $3 in at least 2 places. so it's impossible to install further updates if/after the current system-image-upgrader lands. | 14:34 |
shiggitay | ogra_, you hear the news? rsalveti and I got UT running on the Nexus 5!! | 15:20 |
ogra_ | shiggitay, yes, indeed i did | 15:21 |
shiggitay | w00t :) | 15:21 |
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cwayne | hows it run shiggitay? | 15:38 |
* ogra_ tests the new ppa function in rootstock-ng | 15:58 | |
doomlord__ | when is desktop integration likely to appear | 16:08 |
doomlord__ | very much looking forward to that | 16:09 |
ogra_ | doomlord__, starting with 14.10 unity8 will be proted to the desktop .... probably in 15.04 you will see integration between phone and desktop | 16:11 |
fafafa | hello friends | 16:16 |
fafafa | i have a question | 16:17 |
fafafa | i have samsung galaxy s3 mini.... want to install ubuntu mobile | 16:17 |
fafafa | Can it be done | 16:18 |
fafafa | on the easy way? | 16:18 |
ogra_ | !devices | 16:19 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 16:19 |
ogra_ | see if there is a port ... if there is, there should be a link to install instructions (or an XDA thread) | 16:19 |
fafafa | omg | 16:21 |
brandon_ | I am unable to get WiFi to work on hammerhead. I'm sorry if this has been posted elsewhere. | 16:21 |
fafafa | my phone is not list on this | 16:21 |
brandon_ | I've tried to add my SSID and password to ws-active-connections.conf but it doesn't appear to be working | 16:21 |
ogra_ | brandon_, answer to the mail thread, so rsalveti can ask for the logs and info he needs | 16:22 |
fafafa | okay thanks above all | 16:22 |
brandon_ | Great! Thanks! | 16:22 |
ogra_ | brandon_, you used phablet-network to set it up (like the instructions say) ? | 16:22 |
ogra_ | (point 6 in the list) | 16:23 |
brandon_ | I thought I read that it wouldn't work so I needed to create the .conf file myself | 16:23 |
ogra_ | it should definitely work | 16:23 |
brandon_ | | 16:24 |
ogra_ | where did you read it wouldnt ? | 16:24 |
ogra_ | heh, he claims there would be no phablet-network :) | 16:24 |
ogra_ | phablet-network is part of the phablet-tools package | 16:25 |
TheRedFox | build@utouch:~/ubuild$ repo sync -j32 | 16:25 |
TheRedFox | fatal: unable to connect to | 16:25 |
TheRedFox |[0:]: errno=Connection refused | 16:25 |
brandon_ | So I need to be using Ubuntu on my computer in order to use phablet-network? | 16:25 |
TheRedFox | ;-; | 16:25 |
ogra_ | brandon_, well, i dont think phablet-tools have ben ported to other distros yet | 16:26 |
ogra_ | *been | 16:26 |
brandon_ | Ok, that makes sense. | 16:26 |
brandon_ | I was misunderstanding. I thought phablet-tools needed to be downloaded to the phone | 16:26 |
ogra_ | heh, no | 16:26 |
ogra_ | phablet-tools are usually all the tools you need to manage the device from your desktop ... | 16:27 |
fafafa | bye guys | 16:27 |
brandon_ | I should be able to figure it out from here. | 16:27 |
brandon_ | Thank you very much | 16:27 |
ogra_ | inclusind phablet-flash, phablet-test-run and phablet-network | 16:27 |
ogra_ | *including | 16:27 |
brandon_ | Ok, I'll make sure I get those as well | 16:27 |
brandon_ | Thank you | 16:27 |
w-flo | ogra_, how are updates to the android bits / recovery image handled? I suggested a fix to the gpg verification yesterday and that is now in git, but today I noticed that while it refuses updates with a bad signature, there's another bug that refuses even correctly signed .tar.xz files. I hope there's some testing before the git code lands in proposed OTA images to prevent breakage caused by this? | 16:29 |
ogra_ | w-flo, indeed there is ... | 16:30 |
ogra_ | a change usually takes a few days before landing ... being tested | 16:30 |
ogra_ | thats what we have trusty-proposed (or devel-proposed) for | 16:30 |
w-flo | okay, thanks. Is there a place to report bugs for system-image-upgrader? It seems like it lives in git only. | 16:31 |
ogra_ | if we build a new image it lands there ... then has to pass the tests on and after that has to pass manual smoketesting | 16:31 |
ogra_ | if any of that fails the changes get backed out | 16:31 |
w-flo | ogra_, that bug will probably go unnoticed until someone tries to update a second time | 16:32 |
ogra_ | w-flo, well, you could report against the android package ... that should get into the right channels eventually | 16:32 |
ogra_ | also alerting the people in #ubuntu-ci-eng if you think it is urgent can be helpful (though only during the work-week) | 16:32 |
w-flo | ogra_, anyone updating to the current git code will have a broken recovery that no longer installs any further updates | 16:33 |
ogra_ | well, nobody uses it directly for official stuff | 16:34 |
w-flo | ogra_, then it's not urgent I guess :) | 16:34 |
ogra_ | and non-official installs cant do OTA | 16:34 |
TheRedFox | The ubuntu git server hates me ;-; | 16:41 |
TheRedFox | repo keeps crashing and getting connection refuses | 16:41 |
* cwayne flashes hammerhead image | 17:07 | |
* ogra_ uploads a rootfs zip with the ppa mir | 17:07 | |
cwayne | ooh | 17:07 |
cwayne | that's relevant to my interests | 17:07 |
ogra_ | (30min to go ... slow upload here) | 17:08 |
cwayne | meh ill just add the ppa :) | 17:08 |
ogra_ | ... once it is done | 17:08 |
cwayne | ogra_, any luck with private ppas? | 17:08 |
ogra_ | is the rootstock-ng build log | 17:08 |
Tassadar | cwayne: where, can you give me a link? | 17:09 |
ogra_ | cwayne, dude ! i only just managed to get the ppa code going ... one step at a time :) | 17:09 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, on the mailing list | 17:09 |
cwayne | ogra_, lol, just givin you a hard time :) | 17:09 |
ogra_ | :) | 17:09 |
ogra_ | i'll try to get private going too | 17:10 |
* Tassadar proceeds to make a flashable ZIPs from those | 17:10 | |
ogra_ | Tassadar, i dont think AOSP recovery understands zip | 17:10 |
ogra_ | at least thats what i was told | 17:10 |
Tassadar | why would I use AOSP recovery | 17:10 |
ogra_ | we do ... with 4.4 | 17:11 |
ogra_ | oh, right, your multiboot stuff doesnt | 17:11 |
ogra_ | might work then | 17:11 |
Tassadar | I'm not gonna replace my Android with it) | 17:11 |
ogra_ | right | 17:11 |
Tassadar | (not yet anyway) | 17:11 |
ogra_ | well, just a warning that our 4.4 builds arent CM nbased | 17:11 |
Tassadar | yeah, I saw that you have aosp repos in now | 17:12 |
ogra_ | right | 17:12 |
Tassadar | so how do OTAs work when you use AOSP recovery? | 17:12 |
ogra_ | same way as before | 17:12 |
ogra_ | our OTA never used zips | 17:12 |
Tassadar | oh, it's modified, I thought "stock" instead of just AOSP-based | 17:13 |
Tassadar | that's okay then | 17:13 |
ogra_ | | 17:13 |
ogra_ | thats the index of files used for OTA | 17:13 |
Tassadar | yeah, I know that, I'm using it already with my multiboot thingy | 17:14 |
ogra_ | ah, nice | 17:14 |
ogra_ | our recovery simply ships tar, xz and gpg ... | 17:14 |
ogra_ | (and its own ubuntu OTA script) | 17:14 |
Tassadar | I've ported that to TWRP which I use | 17:15 |
Tassadar | (by the way, system-image-upgrader script is written in a way that doesn't fail when gpg binary is not present, and I well...forgot to add it initialy, and didn't notice it) | 17:15 |
ogra_ | you should file a bug then | 17:16 |
ogra_ | and let stgraber know | 17:16 |
Tassadar | is it a bug? | 17:16 |
Tassadar | anyway, I have to go afk for a while now, sorry | 17:16 |
ogra_ | if it cant use gpg it should afil | 17:16 |
ogra_ | *fail | 17:16 |
ogra_ | else the signing is kind of moot i guess :) | 17:16 |
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs ... 19min to go | 17:17 | |
danny | hello i installed ubunt quantal on my samsung galaxy tab2 10.1 | 17:18 |
danny | how do i restore back to my android | 17:19 |
ogra_ | aww, quantal ... | 17:19 |
danny | i backed up my android rom | 17:19 |
ogra_ | well, whatever instructions you used for backing up should surely also have instructions to restore | 17:20 |
danny | ive searched through that xda and coudnt find the instruction to restor | 17:23 |
cwayne-hammerhea | oh hello nexus 5 | 17:36 |
Tassadar | ^^ | 17:37 |
cwayne-hammerhea | rsalveti, hammerhead works like a champ | 17:39 |
FuLgOrE | hi guys :) nice to see, that hammerhead works | 17:42 |
Tassadar | does 4.4.2 android in container have selinux turned on and working? | 17:42 |
FuLgOrE | cwayne-hammerhea: in the logs i red that sounds are not working at the moment. is that fixed already? If phone calls and sms are working, I also would like to flash it | 17:44 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, urg, hopefully not | 17:47 |
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ogra_ | Tassadar, since our kernel has apparmor by default i doubt it would work | 17:47 |
ogra_ | iirc selinux and apparmor are mutually exclusive | 17:48 |
Tassadar | ogra_: is that rootfs upload of yours done? | 17:53 |
ogra_ | yep, see the ML | 17:53 |
Tassadar | whoa | 18:13 |
Tassadar | it runs so much better than on grouper :o | 18:13 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, did you try my zip ? | 18:14 |
Tassadar | yeah | 18:14 |
ogra_ | yay | 18:14 |
Tassadar | (but not with mir yet) | 18:14 |
* ogra_ hasnt tried it himself | 18:14 | |
ogra_ | thanks for being my guineapig | 18:14 |
* ogra_ hands Tassadar a carrot ... well deserved :) | 18:14 | |
Tassadar | and it is multibooted, too | 18:15 |
ogra_ | :) | 18:15 |
Tassadar | let's try mir | 18:15 |
OttOmanTR | Guys, how will Ubuntu Touch users get updates? Will it be through manufacturers like in Android? | 18:15 |
Tassadar | reboot in adb shell doesn't work -.- | 18:16 |
ogra_ | OttOmanTR, yes, over the air updates are already used in the nexus installs (for the supported devices at least) | 18:17 |
ogra_ | its the default method in ubuntu touch | 18:18 |
Tassadar | mir works fine too | 18:18 |
ogra_ | yay | 18:18 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, thanks so much | 18:18 |
Tassadar | well | 18:18 |
Tassadar | there is a black rectangle on the right side when I open an app | 18:18 |
OttOmanTR | What about OEM devices, let say if samsung decide to make an ubuntu touch phone, will I get os updates from samsung or from canonical? | 18:19 |
Tassadar | *left side | 18:19 |
Tassadar | is that sidestage | 18:19 |
Tassadar | ? | 18:19 |
Tassadar | ooh | 18:19 |
Tassadar | yeah | 18:19 |
Tassadar | it opens apps in sidestage by default | 18:20 |
Tassadar | at least some (system settings) | 18:20 |
Tassadar | that doesn't seem right | 18:20 |
OttOmanTR | ogra_: Let me ask this way, if samsung decide to make an ubuntu touch phone and I buy it, will I still be begging to samsung or I will get it from canonical like Google Nexus devices? | 18:22 |
ogra_ | OttOmanTR, depends on the contract i guess ... the images wont have to go through the weeks long google validation process though ;) | 18:28 |
OttOmanTR | are you saying when samsung releases a firmware update for the previous flagship device, it has approved by google? I don't think so | 18:30 |
OttOmanTR | ogra_: Samsung is intentionally taking down previous devices to sell new ones. Almost all the manufacturers doing this. And I don't Ubuntu Touch to be same. | 18:37 |
Tassadar | ogra_: is this the "sidestage"? | 18:52 |
Tassadar | ooh, flo images are in there too | 19:11 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, sidestage doesnt work right atm | 19:38 |
Tassadar | k | 19:38 |
Tassadar | is mobile network supposed to work? | 19:38 |
ogra_ | OttOmanTR, all android releases that use the play store have to go through google apptoval wich usually takes several (6-8) weeks | 19:39 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, probably not yet, not sure | 19:39 |
Tassadar | flo works fine too | 19:39 |
ogra_ | OttOmanTR, but i dont think there are any big chances to see a samsung device with ubuntu touch soon ... i would put my bets on tizen rather than on firefoxOS or ubuntu touch | 19:40 |
ogra_ | it is more likely that Ubuntu Touch devices come from rather unknown vendors in the first year ... and very likely also regional rather than worldwide | 19:42 |
ogra_ | (that has simply less risks for the vendors) | 19:42 |
OttOmanTR | after all the developer hostility from samsung, I can't say I'm a big fan of samsung. I just gave Samsung as an example | 19:43 |
OttOmanTR | I really don't understand why we can't get updates directly since we get it in Linux for PC | 19:44 |
OttOmanTR | is it lack of hardware driver source codes? | 19:45 |
ogra_ | well, if you go with something like cyanogenmod you can get updates pretty fast | 19:49 |
ogra_ | vendors have multiple validation processes ... and limited developer resources ... its all about the money .... devs need to work on the next cashcow, not on a 1 year old product | 19:50 |
* rsalveti waves | 19:53 | |
ogra_ | hey hey | 19:56 |
rsalveti | cwayne: cool | 19:56 |
rsalveti | now just need to add mir support for hwcomposer 1.3, which is what nexus 5 uses | 19:57 |
rsalveti | ogra_: when are you traveling? | 19:57 |
ogra_ | tomorrow afternoon | 19:57 |
* rsalveti is waiting at sao paulo already | 19:57 | |
rsalveti | ogra_: easy | 19:57 |
ogra_ | its only a 1h flight for me ... the train ride to the airport is longer | 19:57 |
rsalveti | indeed | 19:57 |
ogra_ | my hometown got an airport last year | 19:58 |
ogra_ | fully equipped with staff ... | 19:58 |
rsalveti | awesome | 19:58 |
ogra_ | like ... 9-5 ... | 19:58 |
ogra_ | and no flights | 19:58 |
rsalveti | that's great :-) | 19:58 |
rsalveti | ogra_: thanks for creating the image with the ppa enabled | 19:58 |
ogra_ | firs regular flight (one per week) starts end of the year | 19:58 |
rsalveti | ogra_: was going to suggest that to you yesterday, but you were faster :-) | 19:59 |
ogra_ | rsalveti, hah, thanks for givining me a ppa to try with | 19:59 |
TheRedFox | Yay, got my port of ubuntutouch compiling :D | 20:19 |
TheRedFox | Time for the exciting flashing time | 20:19 |
ogra_ | whee | 20:20 |
ogra_ | rsalveti, w-flo pointed out some recent changes in out git tree that seem to break the upgrader in recovery | 20:20 |
rsalveti | hm, the only changes that might affect that are those done in the recovery itself | 20:21 |
rsalveti | mostly done by stgraber | 20:21 |
Tassadar | ooh, right, the gpg bug | 20:21 |
rsalveti | would be nice to have more info about what might be happening there | 20:22 |
ogra_ | right ... i mentioned it because he just joined :) | 20:23 |
ogra_ | so he can probably point to the commit :) | 20:23 |
Tassadar | ogra_: which project I should file that gpg bug under? Ubuntu TOuch recovery isn't on launchpad | 20:24 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, well, i would go for the android package, i guess thats as close as it gets to the git tree | 20:24 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: feel free to use the android package | 20:24 |
rsalveti | eah | 20:24 |
rsalveti | yeah | 20:24 |
Tassadar | as in the android dual-boot app? | 20:25 |
ogra_ | no, the android package | 20:25 |
Tassadar | oh, got it, thanks | 20:26 |
Tassadar | hm, the whole verify_signature function is written in a way that returns 0 even if the verification fails | 20:30 |
TheRedFox | # ubuntu_chroot shell | 20:31 |
TheRedFox | :c | 20:31 |
TheRedFox | /system/bin/sh: ubuntu_chroot: not found | 20:31 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, heh, thats long dead and bburied | 20:32 |
Tassadar | w-flo: you were talking about system-image-upgrader failing to verify gpg signature after some fix, but I see only code from like 6 weeks ago in | 20:33 |
Tassadar | (in aosp/platform/bootable/recovery repo) | 20:33 |
TheRedFox | ohlol | 20:34 |
TheRedFox | Nice outdated porting guide :D | 20:34 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, yeah, sorry ... we're really behind on maintaining it | 20:35 |
TheRedFox | So i got an ~40MB system image lol, honestly i don't know what to do further :x | 20:35 |
ogra_ | for a first test grab the zip your build produced | 20:36 |
ogra_ | first flash that one, then grab the zip from cdimage for the ubuntu rootfs and flash that one ... and see if you can boot | 20:36 |
TheRedFox | Ah okay :p | 20:36 |
ogra_ | you will most likely not get graphical output on your first boot ... getting into adb on the ubuntu filesystem is the first big step | 20:37 |
TheRedFox | I should clean my sdcard, 13mb free :x | 20:39 |
ajalkane | Anyone have good guess how long Touch emulator takes starting inside virtualized Ubuntu? | 20:43 |
TheRedFox | ajalkane, depends on host hardware i guess :p | 20:45 |
ajalkane | TheRedFox: I think I got the shell login in 15 minutes. So all good so far. | 20:46 |
TheRedFox | wtf, rootFS installer first copies the tar.gz to /data and then extracts it from /data into /data? | 20:47 |
TheRedFox | I hope my 1,1GB /data can handle that lol | 20:47 |
TheRedFox | Okay, how can i view logs or see whats going on on my device? idk if it's booting or stuck lol | 20:49 |
TheRedFox | And no logcat :x | 20:50 |
TheRedFox | I guess it's doing nothing, /data isn't mounted ;-; | 20:50 |
brandon_ | So I'm still having problems with WiFi on hammerhead. I am getting this after trying to run phablet-network... "Network connection file "No active wifi network connection, exiting" cannot be read" | 20:51 |
brandon_ | I've created the active_ws_connections.conf file. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong | 20:51 |
ajalkane | is there application store in the emulator? I want to install file manager | 20:52 |
cwayne_ | brandon_, is the machine you're running it from on wifi? | 20:54 |
cwayne_ | ajalkane, yes there is, and file manager is preinstalled anyway | 20:54 |
brandon_ | No, it's an Ubuntu VM that is using the VMnet | 20:54 |
ogra_ | heh | 20:55 |
brandon_ | It's considered ethernet | 20:55 |
cwayne_ | that'd do it | 20:55 |
ogra_ | brandon_, phablet-network tries to copy existing wifi settings | 20:55 |
cwayne_ | brandon_, phablet-network copies over your active wifi connection | 20:55 |
ajalkane | cwayne_: I must be blind. Where can I find it? Swiping and seeing Installed apps I didn't see it | 20:55 |
brandon_ | Oh! | 20:55 |
ogra_ | :) | 20:55 |
brandon_ | Am I just dense? Where is all this information? | 20:55 |
ogra_ | hidden on the wiki somewhere | 20:55 |
cwayne_ | brandon_, honestly phablet-tools needs better documentation | 20:56 |
ogra_ | cwayne_, it will be gone soon | 20:56 |
ogra_ | sergio is rewriting the world in go :) | 20:56 |
cwayne_ | well, itll be moved | 20:56 |
brandon_ | I realize that hammerhead isn't officially supported, but I am very interested in testing per | 20:56 |
cwayne_ | not really gone :) | 20:56 |
ogra_ | it will be different | 20:56 |
ogra_ | but yeah, not gone | 20:56 |
cwayne_ | fair enough | 20:56 |
cwayne_ | brandon_, if you try with ogra_'s rootfs, you wont need to to the phablet-network step | 20:57 |
cwayne_ | i think... | 20:57 |
cwayne_ | cus that's only to get the ppa | 20:57 |
ogra_ | well, i assume he wants to install one or the other app :) | 20:57 |
brandon_ | And that works with hammerhead? | 20:57 |
ajalkane | nevermind my question, suddenly in installed apps there arrived lots of new apps, including file manager | 20:58 |
ogra_ | oh, SF is broken, i get where you are going | 20:58 |
brandon_ | All I've been able to do is get to the Google splash screen and access adb shell | 20:59 |
cwayne_ | yeah, that's where you'd need to add the ppa to update mir | 20:59 |
cwayne_ | i mentioned ogra_'s rootfs cus i think he built one tht already has that updated mir | 20:59 |
ogra_ | yeah | 20:59 |
ogra_ | that shoudl work after you touched /home/phablet/.display-mir | 21:00 |
ogra_ | without further modification | 21:00 |
brandon_ | Oh, ok. Is there documentation on how to install that | 21:00 |
ogra_ | booot into recovery and flash it from there | 21:00 |
ogra_ | like an android zip | 21:01 |
ogra_ | | 21:01 |
brandon_ | Sweeeeet! Thank you guys!!! | 21:01 |
ybon | fun: | 21:01 |
brandon_ | I'm sorry I'm such a n00b | 21:01 |
ogra_ | brandon_, no need to be sorry, we all were like that once :) | 21:02 |
ogra_ | ybon, heh, cool, canonical should give them free phones once there are some on teh market :) | 21:03 |
cwayne_ | ooh, if you set the gu pixels to 20 on hammerhead, no more crazy sidestage | 21:04 |
ogra_ | oh, there is a sidestage on hammerhead ? | 21:04 |
ogra_ | heh | 21:04 |
brandon_ | cwayne, I'll try that | 21:04 |
TheRedFox | [ 4.699157] initrd: Couldn't find data partition. Spawning adbd ... | 21:04 |
ybon | ogra_: :) | 21:05 |
TheRedFox | | 21:05 |
TheRedFox | Hmm | 21:05 |
cwayne_ | ogra_, yeah, its' not great | 21:05 |
cwayne_ | ogra_, how do we find out the actual number of pixels for a given display | 21:05 |
ogra_ | cwayne_, i know, i have a manta here | 21:05 |
TheRedFox | I guess there's something wrong with ramdisk/init | 21:05 |
ogra_ | cwayne_, thats on the list of the shell guys i think | 21:05 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, nope | 21:05 |
TheRedFox | ? | 21:06 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, you can edit the kernel args to provide the datapart= option ... point it to the disk holding your /data partition | 21:06 |
TheRedFox | I'll try :p | 21:06 |
ogra_ | then it should boot that (and likely provide you with the next thing to fix :) ) | 21:06 |
ogra_ | porting isnt an easy task ;) | 21:06 |
TheRedFox | Do i sound like a newb if i don't know howto adjust kernelargs? :x | 21:07 |
TheRedFox | Or in fastboot i think :x | 21:07 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, no, you dont :) | 21:07 |
cwayne_ | ogra_, right, but even if i were to figure out the actual number manually | 21:07 |
ogra_ | grab the boot.img from your build ... install abootimg on your PC ... then you can modify the boot.img and after doing that you can flash it with fastboot | 21:08 |
TheRedFox | Oh editing boot.img, i actually hoped there was a faster lazier way xD | 21:08 |
TheRedFox | But i'll do :p | 21:08 |
ogra_ | abootimg makes that pretty easy | 21:08 |
ogra_ | abootimg -i /path/to/boot.img ... | 21:08 |
ogra_ | that will show you the existing cmdline | 21:09 |
TheRedFox | Mkay, downloading & compiling it now | 21:09 |
brandon_ | What is the most efficient way to change the gu pixels to 20? | 21:09 |
ogra_ | abootimg -u /path/to/boot.img -c "cmdline=... put the old cmdline here ... add your option" | 21:09 |
ogra_ | thne chec again with abootimg -i | 21:09 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, abootimg is packaged in ubuntu | 21:09 |
ogra_ | just install it | 21:10 |
ogra_ | brandon_, editing /etc/ubuntu-touch-session.d/$device.conf | 21:10 |
TheRedFox | ogra_, I'm running fedora :p | 21:10 |
brandon_ | So it should be hammerhead.conf for me? I figured that, but didn't want to assume | 21:10 |
ogra_ | brandon_, and check /home/phablet/.bashrc | 21:11 |
ogra_ | yes | 21:11 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, ah, well ... :) | 21:11 |
cwayne_ | brandon_, yep | 21:12 |
brandon_ | What should I be looking for in .bashrc? | 21:12 |
ogra_ | look at the bottom there should be the same variables as in hammerhead.conf | 21:12 |
ogra_ | it dumps them in there | 21:12 |
brandon_ | Oh I see | 21:12 |
ogra_ | either remove them or edit them | 21:13 |
ogra_ | if you remove, the ones from the .conf will be put in place on reboot | 21:13 |
TheRedFox | ogra_, Should i provide an absolute path or relative(/dev/mmcblk0p23 or mmcblk0p23)? | 21:13 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, hmm, i forgot, i think it was absolute | 21:13 |
brandon_ | Great, thank you. You guys are awesome | 21:13 |
TheRedFox | Mkay :) | 21:13 |
* ogra_ hasnt seen that code in ages :) | 21:13 | |
TheRedFox | emmc power! | 21:14 |
ajalkane | What's up with this: (from wiki): | 21:14 |
ajalkane | adb forward tcp:9999 tcp:22 | 21:14 |
ajalkane | error: device not found | 21:14 |
ajalkane | I have the emulator running | 21:15 |
TheRedFox | Yay!, bootloop xD | 21:21 |
TheRedFox | 4.487487] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p23): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: discard | 21:22 |
TheRedFox | [ 4.754486] S1@240,22 | 21:22 |
TheRedFox | [ 4.971618] [K] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! | 21:22 |
TheRedFox | ;-; | 21:22 |
TheRedFox | ogra_, Any thoughts on what i just posted?, i'm sortof stuck ducking it on the internets | 21:30 |
TheRedFox | Could it be a problem with enabled SELinux in the kernel? | 21:38 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: ogra_: ppa is needed to have a newer mir and a working SG | 21:38 |
rsalveti | *SF | 21:38 |
rsalveti | hammerhead is still not working with MIR, afaik | 21:38 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: mind help testing some values for /etc/ubuntu-touch-session.d/hammerhead.conf ? | 21:39 |
Tassadar | rsalveti: it is working with MIR with ogra_'s rootfs | 21:41 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: cool then :-) | 21:42 |
shapow | rsalveti: hi | 21:56 |
shapow | raring to debug | 21:57 |
shapow | have the images from yesterday changed at all? | 21:57 |
TheRedFox | | 22:00 |
TheRedFox | I'm really stuck :x | 22:00 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, sure | 22:01 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, so far 25 looks pretty decent | 22:02 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: cool, and browser? 2.5? | 22:02 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, haven't tested out browser yet, ill try it out and let you know | 22:02 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: thanks | 22:03 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, do we just do this with trial and error? or is there some way to determine the best way | 22:03 |
rsalveti | shapow: no, just that ogra_ created a zip file with the ppa changes in it | 22:03 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: | 22:04 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: but it's kind of trial and error to see how comfortable it gets with such values | 22:04 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, ah, alright | 22:05 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, i'll play around with it and let you know | 22:05 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: thanks | 22:05 |
shapow | rsalveti ogra_: care sharing the zip link? | 22:08 |
ogra_ | shapow, i sent it to the mailing list | 22:11 |
rsalveti | shapow: | 22:11 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, looks like your kernel config needs some changes to provide a proper console | 22:11 |
TheRedFox | | 22:12 |
* TheRedFox goes look into it | 22:12 | |
shapow | ogra_: cool rsalveti: thanks | 22:12 |
ogra_ | TheRedFox, sorry, you will have to find the right ones by trial and error ... HX_CONSOLE ... CONFIG_VT are usual suspects | 22:13 |
TheRedFox | Mkay | 22:13 |
ogra_ | err, HW_CONSOLE | 22:13 |
ogra_ | probably even FBCON | 22:13 |
TheRedFox | Lol, i only have CONFIG_VT | 22:14 |
TheRedFox | Would disabling that be a good idea? | 22:14 |
ogra_ | no | 22:14 |
ogra_ | do you use menuconfig ? some only get enabled if you enable others | 22:14 |
TheRedFox | I don't use menuconfig, only a defconfig | 22:15 |
TheRedFox | ogra_, link: | 22:15 |
ogra_ | well, use menuconfig ... there are interdependencies between options manual editing wont catch | 22:15 |
TheRedFox | okay :) | 22:15 |
ogra_ | in any case you got to init already :) | 22:16 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: uploaded with 25 & 2.5, if it's too high for the browser, let me know and we can change (or just do a merge proposal) :-) | 22:16 |
ogra_ | (which needs a properly working console device now) | 22:16 |
* ogra_ goes afk again ... packing stuff | 22:16 | |
rsalveti | ogra_: mind creating another image once ubuntu-touch-session is published? | 22:17 |
deiu | Hi all! :) | 22:17 |
* deiu is wondering if there's a way to have the phone vibrate (for calls/texts) when volume is turned down. | 22:18 | |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, will do :) | 22:20 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: and what else is not yet working? proximity sensor? sound? calls? | 22:23 |
curious_ | Hey, just curious about battery life with current build on the older Nexus 7. I heard somewhere that it was pretty poor and performance was slow. Has there been any improvement in battery life? | 22:24 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, i think calls are working, but there's no sound during calls | 22:25 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: cool | 22:25 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, proximity sensor, haptics, sms, mobile data, front + back camera all work :) | 22:25 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, okay, so phone calls do work, but audio doesn't (either microphone or headset or speaker) | 22:31 |
Tassadar | cwayne_: on hammerhead? mobile-part didn't work for me at all (I don't have mobile data, but dialer had the "make call" button disabled) | 22:34 |
cwayne_ | Tassadar, works for me, just called my gf's phone and verified it actually made the call | 22:36 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: awesome, not much more for it to be fully functional | 22:36 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: check /usr/share/ofono/scripts, and run ./list-modems | 22:37 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, yeah, this + audio would be usable daily for me | 22:37 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: is normal audio broken as well? like music | 22:37 |
Tassadar | oh, nevermind, it's probably broken because of multiboot, I've not updated parts for non-system.img Ubuntu Touch builds in ages | 22:38 |
Tassadar | it probably doesn't mount /radio or something | 22:38 |
rsalveti | right | 22:39 |
deiu | has anyone experienced the clock in the status bar (top) not updating after setting the timezone? | 22:39 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, music doesn't work either | 22:40 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: ok, thanks | 22:40 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, any logs i could get for ya? | 22:41 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: dmesg and logcat would be useful already | 22:41 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, emailed dmesg, adb logcat fails for some reason | 22:44 |
jjohansen | Tassadar, ogra: right currently with the LSM there can only be one security module so apparmor and selinux are mutually exclusive. There is a stacker patchset by Casey Schaufler that allows LSMs to be stacked, which could allow for selinux in the android container | 22:46 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: weird, adb shell /system/bin/logcat ? | 22:46 |
cwayne_ | rsalveti, that worked, emailed | 22:48 |
rsalveti | cwayne_: thanks | 22:48 |
CMDann | Do you guys think that there will be money to be made developing apps for Ubuntu Touch or do you think it will be primarily free stuff? | 22:53 |
netforyu | i would like to help to make ubuntu stable for the Samsung Galaxy s3 | 23:01 |
shapow | rsalveti: With ogra_s image no need to add your ppa? | 23:09 |
rsalveti | shapow: nops | 23:10 |
shapow | ok. also 3g's working though can't get wlan to work - is phablet-network ubuntu/ppa only? | 23:10 |
shapow | btw, superb job to all so far - many things working | 23:11 |
ybon | popey (and everyone interested :) ): feedback needed on :) | 23:18 |
ybon | I've pushed some UI enhancements, plus "display POIs around" feature | 23:18 |
ybon | WiP, but yet feedback can be useful | 23:18 |
deiu | ybon, how does one install it? | 23:23 |
deiu | classic apt-get? | 23:23 |
ybon | nope, you need QTCreator at the moment :s | 23:23 |
ybon | I'm on my way to provide a 0.1 which should be click installable one day ;) | 23:24 |
deiu | how stable is osmtouch? | 23:26 |
ybon | like an app started to dev three days ago :) | 23:26 |
ybon | but well, it's not like this app should damage your device ;) | 23:27 |
Tassadar | cwayne_: right, now mobile-parts work for me too :) | 23:30 |
cwayne_ | Tassadar, nice! | 23:30 |
cwayne_ | Tassadar, no audio though, right? | 23:30 |
Tassadar | yeah | 23:30 |
Tassadar | (and the sim card still needs not to have PIN/the UI parts are not there yet, but that's expected I guess) | 23:31 |
popey | hi ybon | 23:31 |
ybon | o/ popey | 23:31 |
Tassadar | and sms work too (my carrier just sent me a message, notifying me that they took money from me for connecting to mobile data -.-) | 23:32 |
cwayne_ | Tassadar, yeah, calls will work too, just without audio :P | 23:34 |
w-flo | Tassadar, it's actually in the cyanogenmod recovery repo on phablet.u.c | 23:34 |
popey | ybon: | 23:35 |
StephenGregory | Hi there. I was wondering if it is feasible to port Ubuntu Touch to the BeagleBone Black? | 23:35 |
Tassadar | w-flo: good, that fixed my bug too I think | 23:35 |
w-flo | seems like the aosp one still has the bug where no verification actually takes place | 23:35 |
popey | ybon: not all of them work. railway didnt work, and i see two on my map. restaurant showed two, supermarket showed none | 23:35 |
ybon | yes | 23:36 |
ybon | two things | 23:36 |
popey | ybon: ah, zoom related | 23:36 |
popey | zoomed in, and now the stations show up | 23:36 |
ybon | first, it display only what is on OSM | 23:36 |
ybon | second, it's shows only what's on 1000 meters around map center | 23:36 |
ybon | I need to use bbox instead | 23:36 |
popey | ahh | 23:36 |
popey | makes sense | 23:36 |
popey | yeah, works well | 23:36 |
popey | nice one! | 23:36 |
Tassadar | w-flo: okay, thanks, I'll be keeping an eye on that bug report you filled | 23:37 |
w-flo | rsalveti, | 23:37 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1272711 in android (Ubuntu) "Update GPG verification always fails" [Undecided,New] | 23:37 |
=== vying is now known as Guest85524 | ||
ybon | popey: have you clicked one marker? | 23:37 |
popey | yes | 23:38 |
ybon | (I need to refine the icon, btw) | 23:38 |
popey | | 23:38 |
popey | | 23:38 |
popey | very nice. | 23:38 |
ybon | great | 23:38 |
ybon | if there is a phone number, it's displayed (need to make it clickable) | 23:38 |
ybon | same for website | 23:38 |
ybon | also, I'm planning to group POI categories, like shopping, services, health | 23:39 |
popey | i only get zoom option | 23:39 |
popey | dont see contact details | 23:39 |
ybon | because they are missing in OSM certainly | 23:39 |
popey | ah okay | 23:39 |
popey | where would that show? | 23:39 |
ybon | just below the name | 23:40 |
ybon | let me make a screenshot, one sec | 23:40 |
popey | the zoom is incredibly quick here | 23:40 |
popey | are you agressively caching tiles? | 23:40 |
popey | it doesn't feel at all laggy | 23:41 |
ybon | no, I'm not caching anything at the moment :s | 23:41 |
popey | crikey | 23:42 |
ybon | popey: | 23:42 |
popey | impressive | 23:42 |
ybon | example of phone | 23:42 |
popey | oh wow | 23:42 |
ybon | certainly QTLocation does that | 23:42 |
popey | i clearly live in the middle of nowhere | 23:42 |
ybon | I need in any case to extend QTLocation to add some features, like possibility to swich tiles | 23:43 |
ybon | hehe, it's in the middle of Paris ;) | 23:43 |
StephenGregory | Hi guys. I was wondering if it is feasible to port Ubuntu Touch to the BeagleBone Black? I'm not getting any response from the community. Thanks! | 23:43 |
popey | haha this is more like it.. central london.. | 23:44 |
ybon | :D | 23:44 |
popey | StephenGregory: pass, sorry. | 23:44 |
popey | wow, gets a bit sluggish with that many pins | 23:44 |
popey | unsurprisingly | 23:45 |
ybon | clustering will be needed | 23:45 |
popey | yeah | 23:45 |
popey | | 23:45 |
popey | example with phone and url | 23:45 |
ybon | arf, I've added a Rectangle below the map, and still I've no background at all sometimes :( | 23:45 |
ybon | great :) | 23:45 |
ybon | I need also to make the name maybe bold | 23:46 |
popey | and make the url clickable? | 23:46 |
Tassadar | cwayne_: would you please measure how long does Ubuntu Touch boot on your N5? It takes ~80s on mine, and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it is "supposed" to be like that | 23:46 |
ybon | popey: yes! | 23:46 |
ybon | and the phone number | 23:46 |
popey | ooh yes | 23:47 |
popey | so much work to do ☻ | 23:47 |
ybon | hehe | 23:47 |
cwayne_ | Tassadar, hm, it seemed a bit long for me, but not quite *that* long | 23:47 |
cwayne_ | it was maybe a minute | 23:47 |
ybon | but not that much for a 0.0.1 I think | 23:47 |
popey | sure ☻ | 23:47 |
popey | impressive already | 23:47 |
ybon | I need to start a small todo list of things needed to push an app to everyone | 23:48 |
popey | - maybe there needs to be a little link to allow people to correct stuff, or at least a link to where they can contribute | 23:48 |
popey | in the spirit of OSM | 23:48 |
ybon | I'm gonna share it with you | 23:48 |
popey | great. | 23:48 |
w-flo | Tassadar, first boot? apparmor-parser does a lot of work on first boot.. it takes like 5 minutes on my device. I think there are some optimizations now, might be faster | 23:48 |
popey | what do you use for to-do lists? | 23:48 |
ybon | yes, I'm planning to add notes support | 23:48 |
popey | (we use trello quite a bit) | 23:48 |
ybon | (re errors in map) | 23:48 |
popey | right | 23:48 |
ybon | I use .txt files :p | 23:48 |
ybon | maybe I will just start issues in the bug tracker | 23:48 |
popey | ☻ | 23:49 |
Tassadar | w-flo: no, not first boot, but I might have done something that makes it do that every time - can I somehow tell if it is doing that? some log files? | 23:49 |
ybon | in Github, there is now the possibility to have todo lists in an issue, very very handy | 23:49 |
popey | ybon: that would work. you could prioritise and milestone them | 23:49 |
ybon | yep | 23:49 |
w-flo | Tassadar, I don't know, i usually "adb shell top" to see if there are any apparmor-parser processes | 23:49 |
popey | yeah, github > launchpad for that. | 23:49 |
ybon | let's start that | 23:49 |
popey | right, time for bed, thanks for sharing the updates ybon. | 23:50 |
ybon | welcome! Thanks you for the feedback :) | 23:51 |
ybon | And good night :) | 23:51 |
Tassadar | w-flo: no, that's not that, the longest part is before adb even starts | 23:54 |
w-flo | Tassadar, oh.. no idea then. adb comes up pretty seen even on my ex-gingerbread device | 23:55 |
w-flo | *soon | 23:55 |
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