
=== ctracey|away is now known as ctracey
smoserfun bug14:56
natoriousIs there an easy way to disable modules via config on unsupported distro's?16:29
natoriousex grug_dpkg on gentoo16:29
smosernatorious, yes. you can disable modules. but there is no way to automatically do it based on the distro.16:54
natorioushmm, was trying to avoid redefining cloud_config_modules: in the config16:55
smoseryou should be able to do that.16:55
smoserfor certain you can do it in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg16:55
smoseralmost certain that you can do it via user-data also16:55
natoriousso distros like redhat would have the same default config as ubuntu and would try loading grub_dpkg too.  Was trying to clean up stack traces in the logs on a default install16:58
smosernatorious, right. at the moment there is no way to really easily no redefine those.17:03
natoriousk, should have a gentoo pr in shortly.  Just finishing a few things.17:04
natoriouswas going to look at adding Arch too17:04
smosernatorious, i'd be open to having config modules declare support also.17:10
natoriousright on.  I'll see what makes sense17:11
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
harlowjasmoser u see the venv stuff?18:13
smoserharlowja, no. i'll take a look.18:13
harlowjak, np, no more need to install all packages in your root system18:14
harlowjafor testing or for lint checks18:14
harlowjaharmw if u need some neutron advice/help, i can bug mark (the neutron ptl) we recently hired him @ yahoo19:05

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