
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
mitya57Can anybody please check why Launchpad didn't pick up xpdf 3.03-16+experimental1 in Debian experimental?06:23
mitya57It was uploaded 2 days ago, but I still can't sync it.06:23
=== isha is now known as Guest44405
Guest44405Hi, I need some help with the launchpadlib api: http://pastebin.com/cwTYysi909:43
Guest44405I am missing binaryFileUrls() ... am I using a wrong version of launchpadlib?09:44
Guest44405(I want to download a package that has been superseded)09:45
cjwatsonGuest44405: you need to use the devel API version09:52
cjwatsonversion='devel' to Launchpad.login_anonymousely09:53
Guest44405I see, I'll try that09:53
Guest44405so that works, but returns an empty list - maybe I need to provide some aruments ... the apidoc mentions ws.op. what is that supposed to mean?09:59
gesershouldn't binaryFileUrl on the source_package_publication_history object also work? or does it return something different (it exists in both versions of the API)10:00
geserGuest44405: you don't need to care about ws.op, launchpadlib takes care of that10:01
Guest44405geser: ok. I need binaries, not sources. how do I get the actual url for the package in question?10:02
geserGuest44405: packages = archive.getPublishedSources(source_name='grub2', version='1.99-21ubuntu3.10', pocket='Updates') and then packages[0].binaryFileUrls()10:15
geseryou need to filter the .deb from that list that you are interested in10:15
geserI guess getPublishedBinary() doesn't return the expected list as the package isn't published anymore (but superseded)10:16
Guest44405I can get the package via the web interface, so it should be accessible somehow.10:17
geseryes, the source_package_publishing_history has all the .debs listed in binaryFileUrls()10:19
Guest44405Ok, that seems to work. Do I understand correctly: in order to get a superseded binary file, I can get the download link via the getPublishedSources? (a bit counter intuitive for me)10:23
Guest44405if I know I want grub-common, I will have to search for sources of grub2. How do I know which source package I should query, in order to get the url for the actual binary?10:25
=== charles_ is now known as charles
josehey guys, anyone has time to look at #42155?17:10
jose(that's on the feedback system)17:10
czajkowskijose: they're on sprint this week could be slow to reply17:15
joseczajkowski: oh, ack then17:15
=== teward is now known as TheLordOfTime
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
dobeyanyone around? the branch scanner seems to be borked. :(19:55
roadmrzyga: hello20:31
zygalaunchpad is not generating any diffs for a while for our project20:31
zygais it broken or just very *very* busy?20:32
beunozyga, in maintance20:32
beunowill be back soon20:32
roadmrbeuno: oh so we don't need to fear for launchpad's health :D20:32
* beuno doesn't have any further comments20:33
roadmrbeuno: it's ok, we can wait. thanks!20:34
jtayloris there a way to work around this recipe issue: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/163708425/buildlog.txt.gz20:34
jtaylorutf-8 filename added to the source recently which seemd to have caused this20:35
reedhi evgeny22:53
evgenyreed: hello22:54
evgenywgrant, StevenK: may I ask a question about the launchpadlib and the api.staging.launchpad.net?22:55
reedevgeny, they may not be around, timezone diffferences :)22:56
evgenyreed: in what time zone are they?22:57
reednot sure, but maybe other people here can answer or they read the logs when they wake up22:57
wgrantevgeny: staging's down at the moment for a DB updagte, but what's the issue?23:04
wgrantIt should be back in a day or so; you ca nuse qastaging.launchpad.net in the meantime.23:04
evgenywgrant: we're trying to import launchpad answers into ask.openstack.org23:05
evgenywgrant: so we should just wait?23:05
reedwhy would we want to use staging as opposed to production?23:06
evgenywgrant, reed: in production I'm getting AttributeError: https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/nova object has no attribute 'searchQuestions'23:06
reedevgeny, nice, I didn't know that... different codebase between staging and production?23:07
evgenytrying qastaging23:07
wgrantevgeny: The seachQuestions method isn't in the 1.0 API23:08
wgrantYou need to use version='devel'23:08
wgrantAnd this hotel wireless is dreadful, forgive typos23:08
wgrant1.5s latency ftw.23:08
evgenyI have the same issue with qastaging - no method available, trying devel23:09
wgrantSure, the API versions are currently identical across all LP instances.23:09
cjwatsonwgrant: Have you noticed the special local network configuration yet?23:09
wgrantcjwatson: 192/8?23:10
evgenywgrant: "devel" does not work at all23:10
wgrantIt's pretty amusing23:10
wgrantevgeny: How are you trying to use it?23:10
evgenywgrant: ValueError: devel is not a valid URL or an alias for any Launchpad server23:10
evgenylaunchpad = Launchpad.login_with(         'Extract Answers',         'devel',         credential_save_failed=no_credential )23:10
wgrantevgeny: Launchpad.login_with('some consumer', 'production', version='devel')23:11
wgrantI think that is right23:11
wgrantBut I cannot see what I am typing for like 10 seconds23:11
wgrantso we'll see...23:11
wgrantyes, what I said is corret23:11
wgrantdevel is an API version, not an instance23:11
evgenywgrant, reed: working now, thanks!23:13
reedevgeny, auth is working and no issue with seachQuestions?23:13
evgenyreed: downloading the data now23:14
evgenyworks fine23:14
* reed is happy23:14
reedthanks wgrant23:14
evgenyyes, thanks!23:14
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
jtaylorok I'll file a bug then: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/127348723:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1273487 in Launchpad itself "daily recipe fails for utf-8 filenames" [Undecided,New]23:59

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