
=== ev changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp (sprinting this week; please expect slow response times) | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
rsalvetiogra_: added a new landing ask for indicator-power https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=110:09
tsdgeosguys, anyone knows what is on deb trusty/ ?10:19
tsdgeosi'm trying to run the jenkins jobs but don't want to spend time makind the phone access that10:19
tsdgeosso if there was a public ip or something that contains the same things as that ip10:19
tsdgeosit'd be great10:19
sil2100rsalveti: see the landing ask, we'll add it for today10:23
rsalvetisil2100: thanks10:25
sil2100Mirv: I added one landing for you today - nothing big, so concentrate on the big Qt5 bits10:30
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Mirvsil2100: alright!11:03
Mirvdidrocks: in case friends testing goes alright, I'd need an ack for this (interesting) packaging change http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/cu2d/view/Head/view/Friends/job/cu2d-friends-head-3.0publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_qml-friends_0.2.0+14.04.20140124.3-0ubuntu1.diff11:22
MirvI reproduced it on my device, but I couldn't find any other explanation than apt resolving complexities causing the problem. I could use apt-get install just fine to upgrade, first the account-plugin-* and then the rest, and tested that adding the dependencies directly fixed the issue so that just apt-get build-dep works too.11:23
Mirvthe merge request with the build logs and diff at https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/qml-friends/fix_qt52_ftbfs_adding_dependencies/+merge/20301211:25
sil2100Mirv: if anything, we'll do a meeting here personally, so you're free today from hangouting ;)11:31
sil2100Mirv: just take a look at the spreadsheet when you have a free moment and land that friend-thingy11:31
Mirvsil2100: ok, I was wondering if anyone is coming :)11:32
Mirvthanks for the info11:32
Saviqcihelp: hey, we've been trying to reproduce the unity8 failures in otto testing, but failed to, miserably - everything works on both phone and desktop for us, could we please get one of the otto runners for a half hour for debugging?11:39
popeydidrocks: are landing meetings not happening?11:44
fgintherSaviq, I'll have to get back to you on that after my meeting.11:47
Saviqfginther, thanks11:47
Mirvpopey: see above, they're having a meeting onsite today (if having something)12:24
popeycouldn't find mention in the above, thanks12:25
didrockspopey: sorry, got distracted by talks, We'll get it in ~1h, not sure if you want to join (as we are doing it live, can be hard for you to follow)12:34
popeydidrocks: yeah, I'll skip if I'm the only external person, just lemme know what you want testing, probably easier12:34
didrockspopey: let's do that, until seeing you tomorrow! :)12:34
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=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
fgintherSaviq, do you have a pointer to a failing job?13:40
fgintherSaviq, there is a machine set aside for debugging, but it has a slightly different config and I'd like to see if the problem is reproducable there first13:42
ogra_psivaa, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20140125.changes look at the new packaages at the top13:45
Saviqfginther, sure13:46
Saviqfginther, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/2292/?13:46
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sil2100Mirv: you read our minds!13:53
sil2100Mirv: don't publish anything!13:55
ogra_Saviq, could we land this pertty soon ? https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/mir-socket-dbus-activation/+merge/202499 (it blocks nested Mir mode currently)13:59
didrocksdavmor2: popey: basically, don't dogfood anything. We have no promotion candidate for now ;)14:01
Saviqogra_, will try14:01
ogra_Saviq, thanks !14:01
davmor2didrocks: no worries14:17
davmor2didrocks: is this week the final push for getting 4.4.2 up and running across the supported devices?14:18
didrocksdavmor2: some people are continuing pushing that this week. Not sure it's the end of the run though ;)14:18
sil2100psivaa: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/cu2d/view/Head/view/Phone/job/cu2d-phone-head-1.1prepare-address-book-app/334/console14:43
psivaasil2100: thanks14:43
sil2100psivaa: the 2 previous builds have the same issue14:43
sil2100psivaa: and it seems to be the only app having problems - others went through fine14:43
psivaasil2100: ack, will take a look14:44
Saviqogra_, it looks good from my PoV, who else (that knows dbus activation) should review it?14:50
ogra_Saviq, hmm, dunno ... probably ricmm14:52
sil2100didrocks: where will the bootcamp take place? In what room?14:52
ogra_thugh i know he looked into it together with mterry14:52
ogra_after all it only exports two variables into the dbus session14:53
ogra_err, even one14:53
didrockssil2100: I guess in the room I'm having the current meeting14:53
ogra_do you have to bring boots for it ?14:54
Saviqogra_, sure, I just don't know anything about dbus activation ;)14:54
ogra_Saviq, i think tedg knows a bit about that too14:55
Saviqtedg, could you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/mir-socket-dbus-activation/+merge/202499 please?14:56
Saviqtedg, just sanity-check14:56
psivaasil2100: that test has gone through now: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/cu2d-phone-head-1.1prepare-address-book-app/335/console14:57
sil2100psivaa: oh! Thanks, did you do anything to fix it?14:58
psivaasil2100: yea, it was complaining that RSA pub key missing for that package so i imported it14:59
tedgSaviq, The dbus stuff works fine, but who's setting UNITY_MIR_SOCKET if it's not Unity8 ?14:59
sil2100psivaa: \o/ excellent14:59
Saviqtedg, UNITY_MIR_SOCKET is unity8-internal, nothing others should be concerned about14:59
Saviqtedg, MIR_SOCKET is what apps want to connect to15:00
tedgSaviq, Sure, but that doesn't answer my question :-)15:01
Saviqtedg, not sure I understand the question, then - that job is the unity8 job15:02
tedgSaviq, would we want to switch the socket over in unity8's post-start?  Would it be bad if apps connected to the socket before it existed?15:03
tedgSaviq, Who's creating the socket?15:03
Saviqtedg, unity8 is15:03
tedgSaviq, The value is apparently known in the pre-start section of the script, so unity8 hasn't been started?15:03
Saviqtedg, apps would die before the socket existed15:03
Saviqtedg, the socket *name* is known, but the socket is not there yet15:04
tedgSo then how does UNITY_MIR_SOCKET get set?15:04
Saviqtedg, in the pre-start script15:04
Saviqtedg, there's two MIR_SOCKETs basically15:04
Saviqtedg, the socket which unity-system-compositor creates15:05
Saviqtedg, and that's MIR_SOCKET at the beginning of the pre-start job15:05
Saviqtedg, we're saving that in our pre-start script as UNITY_MIR_SOCKET, as we then modify MIR_SOCKET to the one that unity8 will create, and clients are supposed to connect to15:05
tedgSaviq, So, I guess my question is why are we testing if UNITY_MIR_SOCKET is set?  Nesting?15:06
Saviqtedg, but we still want to connect to UNITY_MIR_SOCKET if restarted15:06
Saviqtedg, yes, nesting15:06
sil2100sergiusens:  test_music.TestMainWindow.test_create_playlist_from_songs_tab15:06
Saviqtedg, basically on first unity8 start MIR_SOCKET points at unity-system-compositor's socket15:07
tedgSaviq, I don't see any harm in it, but it seems like we shouldn't encourage apps to connect to it until it exists.15:07
sil2100sergiusens: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/149:20140127:20140115.1/6294/music-app-autopilot/705498/15:07
tedgSaviq, But the MR isn't the issue there.15:07
Saviqtedg, so you mean it should only be set in post-start?15:07
tedgSaviq, Yeah15:07
Saviqtedg, they would connect to unity-system-compositor in that case15:07
Saviqtedg, as the env is already theres15:08
Saviqonly pointing at u-s-c, not at u815:08
tedgSaviq, Well, you already have a race if things are starting at the same time as unity8, it'd just be more obvious.15:08
Saviqtedg, OSK starts "on unity8 started", would unity8's post-start be early enough for OSK to get the new MIR_SOCKET?15:09
Saviqtedg, and things that connect to unity8 should not be starting at the same time as it does, should they...15:09
tedgSaviq, I'm going to have to double check, but I believe post-start runs before started is emitted.15:11
Saviqtedg, anyway, ACK on the MP?15:12
tedgSaviq, Yeah, seems post-start is executed before "started" is emitted: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#post-start15:12
tedgSaviq, Yes15:12
Saviqtedg, thanks15:14
sergiusenspopey, sil2100 https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/music-app/flaky_1272996/+merge/20334915:20
psivaadidrocks: ogra_: plars: the unity8 crash is not reproducible in mako on the reruns. seems like very less freq flakiness/race15:21
popeysergiusens: done15:21
didrockspsivaa: hum, we have too many of them so that it's gone15:24
didrockspsivaa: I think you are continuing rerunning and checking?15:24
plarspsivaa, didrocks, ogra_: And for clock tests on maguro, I reran it twice, first time got me down to 8 failures, and the second time we got back down to 2... So it doesn't appear this is a real regression15:24
plarspsivaa: that was without uninstalling anything?15:25
plarspsivaa: or had you already installed the older version of hud?15:25
psivaaplars: didrocks: yep, im running without any modification to the pkges.. have run 14+ times15:26
didrockspsivaa: hum, ok, keep me posted if you see anything more15:27
didrocksbut sounds like a good running already15:27
psivaadidrocks: ack, i'll run my test jobs continuously. wondering if any packages that were installed are doing something funny15:29
plarsweird too15:29
didrocksplars: keep me posted!15:29
plarspsivaa: which device is this on?15:30
psivaaplars: mako-0615:30
psivaaplars: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/psivaa-trusty-touch-mako-smoke-friends-app-autopilot/ and http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/psivaa-trusty-touch-mako-smoke-unity8-autopilot/ are the test jobs15:31
plarspsivaa: yeah, I was just double-checking, it's running 149 on it now15:32
* davmor2 keeps thinking about trying out 4.4.2 on his mako but that would mean moving the blame for everything from ogra_ to rsalveti and I'm not sure he'll handle that amount of grief :D15:34
ogra_davmor2, you can use my rootfs zip with rsalveti's android imgs ... that would spread the blame :)15:35
davmor2ogra_: see now it's more tempting :D15:36
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=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
robrudidrocks, meeting today? hangout says I'm not allowed to join...?17:01
didrocksrobru: in a meeting, but coming in 5, the not allowed is weird though17:01
didrocksrobru: count 10 ;)17:01
balloonssergiusens, what did you plan to do with the music app?17:11
sergiusensballoons, oh, I need to push a new click now17:13
balloonssergiusens, how did it get promoted? Lots of new stuff landed but I hadn't reviewed it yet17:16
sergiusensballoons, it's not promoted yet17:16
balloonssergiusens, ohh17:16
sergiusensballoons, however, what do you mean by plan?17:17
sergiusensballoons, I can't really revert packages in the store17:17
balloonssergiusens, well it's failed in the dashboard..17:17
balloonsI'm confused how it go promoted through..17:18
sil2100didrocks: packaging ACK! http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/cu2d/view/Head/view/Phone/job/cu2d-phone-head-3.0publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_address-book-app_0.2+14.04.20140127-0ubuntu1.diff17:28
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kgunnfginther: ping21:28
kgunncihelp ping ?22:12
josephtkgunn: hi22:14
kgunnjosepht: hey, i was just bird-dogging this mp....22:15
kgunnbut it keeps failling due to22:15
kgunn"unstable" output from otto ap test runner22:16
kgunn...and just wondering what it means ?22:16
kgunnis it something someones already looking into?22:16
josephtkgunn: I'mlooking now22:17
kgunnjosepht: cool...it feels kind of circular when i dig (altho i'm no expert reading the outputs)22:18
josephtkgunn: it looks like it's due to these test failures: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/2304/22:22
kgunnjosepht: thanks...that helps...22:26
kgunnjosepht: i'm getting info from my team right now that (some) has been addressed22:27
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