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DanChapmangood morning08:07
elfymorning DanChapman09:03
DanChapmanelfy, hey there :-) how are you?09:04
elfyok :)09:10
slickymastermorning all09:48
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davmor2Morning all10:56
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pittijibel: did you happen to get a CI response wrt. non-working autopkgtest jenkins mails?12:15
jibelpitti, ev told me it was fixed Friday afternoon, which is obviously not because there was still failures in jenkins log file when I checked this morning.12:18
pittijibel: yeah, and e. g. apport failed ~ 1 hour ago12:18
jibeland still failing at Jan 27, 2014 12:13:25 PM12:19
jibelpitti, I notified cihelp12:20
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elopioping balloons: after a painful morning, I have added and removed an account as part of my test.19:26
balloonselopio, oO19:36
balloonsdid you make something magic happen?19:36
elopioballoons: on the weekend, I was trying with the UI, but it's crashing.19:38
elopioso I asked mardy and he recommended to copy the things accounts-console is doing.19:38
elopioI have a dirty implementation now, that needs heavy clean up to be turned into a fixture.19:38
elopiobut launchpad is so slow... I can't show it to you yet.19:39
elopioballoons: http://ubuntuone.com/4zYOjDc0ZwDAvAE84bpe9q19:43
* balloons looks19:45
balloonsbuonasera Letozaf_19:58
Letozaf_balloons, buonasera19:58
balloonsso elopio this uses the account manager to just signon19:59
elopioballoons: I don't understand your question. There are so many things I don't understand from this code :)19:59
elopioat least I know how to remove the sleep and keep it working.20:00
balloonslol elopio.. I remember poking around with the library behind things20:00
Letozaf_balloons, I see bug 1271726 has been triaged20:02
ubot5bug 1271726 in Ubuntu Calendar App "In Week tab labels displayed in HeaderDateComponent differ from date with localization other than English locale" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127172620:02
balloonsLetozaf_, I poked some of the devs about it20:02
Letozaf_balloons, oh fine, got news ?20:03
balloonsLetozaf_, lol that was the news20:05
Letozaf_balloons, :D20:05
Letozaf_balloons, I was looking at the year tab, autopilot tests check the month using labels, that's not good but cannot find any useful date to pick month's number to change the test20:07
balloonsLetozaf_, so you feel kind of stuck with the lables?20:12
balloonsare they stored in a numeric form in any way? If not, we could change the qml a bit to give us the data we need20:13
balloonselopio, so you plan to add this to the UITK emulator right?20:14
balloonshow are you testing it for now?20:14
* Letozaf_ is looking at autopilot vis so she can explain better to balloons20:16
elopioballoons: no, I plan to make this a fixture on ubuntuone_credentials. Which is in process of being packaged.20:17
elopioI also plan to add a bug for mardy, because most of this should be provided by online accounts.20:17
elopioand for now, I'm testing it in the most ugly way, copying code from everywhere and adding TODO: move this to a better place.20:18
Letozaf_balloons, in the MonthGrid I have no dates I can pick the month out, or said better I have dates but for instance on JAN these dates are December ones so I cannot use them (monthStart for instance), so yes I would need something numeric for the month20:22
balloonselopio, I was wondering if this would help me :-) and yes it seems like this should be possible in online accounts20:22
balloonsI could hack on online accounts a bit.. that's what I did at one point, but gave up after a bit20:23
balloonsmonthStart is Dec?20:24
balloonswhen in Jan?20:24
Letozaf_balloons, well if you look at the calendar the first week of JAN starts in Dec.20:25
balloonsthat's what I thought you might say :-)20:25
Letozaf_balloons, in the MonthComponent for instance I've got monthDate but that is set to Tue, 31 Dec 2013 23:00:00 GMT20:27
balloonsLetozaf_, well, hmm20:34
Letozaf_balloons, all the dates that I found for JAN are set to December, so I cannot use them in the tests20:35
Letozaf_balloons, and suppose that for the other months I will have the same issue20:35
elopioballoons: if you just need an U1 account, I hope I'll have everything ready for you even the fake servers.20:36
balloonsLetozaf_, we'll just add the property to MonthComponent.qml20:36
Letozaf_balloons, great that would help20:36
elopioif you need a different type of account, then we will need to refactor to make it more general.20:36
balloonselopio, I need an evernote account specfically, but a generic account yes is what I had in mind20:36
balloonsLetozaf_, give it a try20:37
Letozaf_balloons,I will give it a try20:38
balloonsLetozaf_, might need to look at or add something to dateExt.js20:39
Letozaf_balloons, thanks let me see ...20:40
daz_Hi All21:17
daz_Does anyone need any help?21:17
elfythat's refreshing - usually the other way around :)21:19
elfydaz_: help with what? I assume you've come to join in - that right?21:20
balloonselfy, :p21:20
balloonshi daz_21:20
elfyI was good boss - that could have gone rapidly offtopic :p21:21
balloonsrofl elfy.. ohh my21:21
FilyDear friends, I have a problem. I downloaded Virtual Box and Ubuntu 14.04 ISO AMD 64 and attached it on vbox. My laptop cannot support that release. I cannot install it. So I think I cannot test new version... I bought my laptop in 2007. What do you think about?21:25
balloonshello Fily, I'm not sure why you can't run 14.04 in vbox. But if you can't install trusty in a virtual machine you could try installing it on your machine directly if you are comfortable with that21:27
daz_Fily you could try installing the i386 release21:29
Filybaloons, I tried to install releases after 11.10 but my laptop doesn't support them. Maybe they require better hardware21:47
Filydaz_, I tried installing i386 release but I obtained the same result21:47
balloonsFily, ahh yes.. likely it's a PAE thing21:49
Filybaloons, what is a PAE thing?21:49
balloonsI'm not sure if that is your issue or not. releases after 12.04 use a pae kernel21:52
balloonsI'm thinking it shouldn't affect you as your laptop is new enough, but I thought I'd pass it along21:53
Filybaloons, I bought my laptop in 2007. It's not so old...21:53
Filybaloons, maybe21:54
balloonscat /proc/cpuinfo21:57
balloonscat /proc/cpuinfo | grep pae specifically21:58
Filybaloons, it suggested to install a light distro as Lubuntu22:07
Filybaloons, however Ubuntu 11.10 works very vell on my laptop. I don't think it is a light release isn't it?22:08
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