[08:03] !g test [08:03] Speedtest.net by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test http://www.speedtest.net/ [08:25] http://kendu.si/git/ [08:25] Git delavnice: basics & advanced [08:27] hm Cena posamezdne celodnevne delavnice za eno osebo je: 350,00 EUR + DDV [08:27] haha [08:30] kr drago, ja [08:41] well PHP and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) expert [08:41] ni zame nek expert [08:41] ce se mal zleht [08:43] aja posamezne uff [08:43] to je 2much [08:44] je pa zanimiv da zelo mal ljudi napiše da znajo z git [08:44] šele v zadnem času se to pojavlja [08:44] zgleda folk noče blefirat preveč pri tem [08:45] bols bit v takem primeru posten kot pa da naredis mess iz repozitorija :) [08:45] force pushing prank :D [08:45] jup :) [09:16] Jutro sasa84 [09:17] oj mihadroid :) [09:19] this is not the droid you're looking for [09:21] zdobersek, ti si itak moja miši... ne odstopam od tega! [09:25] http://www.juxtapoz.com/current/drawings-of-men-farting-from-the-japanese-edo-period-1603-1868 [09:25] Juxtapoz Magazine - Drawings of Men Farting from the Japanese Edo Period (1603-1868) [09:25] »These images, taken from scrolls produced during the Japanese Edo period (1603-1868), depict he-gassen or...« [09:25] :japan: [09:25] jutro idioterna :) [09:26] zdravo [09:26] o CrazyLemon, MIšiLemon [09:28] jao, keri prdci :)))) [09:57] lp sasa84 [10:00] a kej prevajamo CrazyLemon ? :) [10:19] CrazyLemon: a si vidu kolk je tvoje znanje vredno http://kendu.si/git/ [10:19] Git delavnice: basics & advanced [10:32] sasa84: ne :) [10:32] dz0ny: 350€ + ddv! [10:32] izkušnje z predavanjem že maš :D [10:32] sam pokasirat zdej [10:32] js bi v slovenskem jeziku opisal kaj sm počel za 350€ - ddv! :D [10:33] well jasno ne bi blo hands-on approach :> [10:33] dz0ny: bi! [10:34] bi .bash_history |grep git kopiral na tablo [10:34] in bi jim povedal naj probajo pa povejo kaj kateri ukaz naredi [10:34] :> [10:35] CrazyLemon, packonko! [10:35] later! :) [10:35] aligejtr :P [11:03] ce lih ne delas git carovnij [11:03] pa ce nimas nekih nested repozitorijev [11:03] ne vidis potrebe po advanced git [11:04] saj jaz se nism naletel [11:06] morm pa si enkrat tale rebase pod drobnogled uzet [11:22] [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: Zorin OS (bazira na Ubuntuju) https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41342/#p41342 [11:26] [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: wireless ne deluje - ubuntu 12.04 https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41343/#p41343 [11:35] https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=697745000247569&set=a.600327109989359.1073741825.285409488147791&type=1 [11:35] Binarytides - Slike s časovnice | Facebook [11:35] »What's your favorite distro ?#linux #ubuntu #centos #debian #fedora« [11:36] [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: Medion S6212T https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41344/#p41344 [11:42] kaj vse folk ne bo počel za denar [11:42] en možakar iz zagreba pršu po "donacijo" [11:42] za 6 letnega otroka [11:42] a to da je 6 let star je problem [11:43] sej to mine [11:54] [Ubuntu.si] ponkolan: Re: wireless ne deluje - ubuntu 12.04 https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41345/#p41345 [11:54] lol [11:55] problem je to da je iz zagreba..obviously [11:56] aja? [11:57] a bi blo boljs, ce bi bil z Dunaja? [11:58] u zagrebu nimajo kej dost kolesarske infrastrukture [12:51] ce bi kdo rad imel fairphone naj mi javi na privat [12:52] ... for free ? [13:03] fair is not free [13:03] ni freephone, fairphone je [13:04] how unfair [13:19] fairless. [13:48] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Rhythmbox CoverArt Browser Plugin Reaches Version 1.0 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/fdmy0DMCSy4/rhythmbox-coverart-browser-plugin.html [14:02] hm zakajnje wd40 zelo slab za verige pri kolesu? [14:02] sej ni zelo slab [14:02] sam nc ne nardi [14:03] [OMG! Ubuntu!] QupZilla Qt Browser Updated http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/wXpUA2pKCTI/qupzilla-qt-browser-updated [14:03] ne tle berem da skodi [14:03] no naredi..spuca rjo če je na verigi :) [14:03] odstrani rjo IN mazivo [14:04] no to :) [14:04] also ne sme prit zraven lezajev, menjalnika ... [14:04] to je tut nonsense [14:04] Tako da z WD40 lahko mirno očistiš verigo, samo potem jo moraš obrisati s krpo in ponovno namazati s mazivom [14:04] litijevih masti ne mors stopit z wd [14:05] na verigi ravno nimaš litijevih masti, sploh ker se le te uporabljao za višje pritiske... [14:05] ne, to glede tega da ne sme zraven lezajev prit [14:05] inb4 načeloma [14:06] z wd40 pac naspricas mal na hojladri da zascitis pred "vodo" [14:06] k je v teh casih zlo slana [14:06] Lahko pride zraven, fajn ga bo spucalo, ampak čez par dni bo suh kot poper [14:06] WD-40 works well as designed, but it isn't designed as a home fix all. It displaces water, that is it keeps bare metal from rusting. [14:06] More appropriate products: [14:06] PB Blaster -for getting something (metal) unstuck [14:06] White Lithium Grease - For keeping something lubricated/moving/not squeaking. [14:06] ja [14:06] mislm komot naspricas ketno z wd40 [14:07] sam pol mors se namazat [14:07] itak ce si pozabu ti bo skripat zacel po pol ure [14:59] [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: wireless ne deluje - ubuntu 12.04 https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41346/#p41346 [15:08] [OMG! Ubuntu!] Samsung To Unveil “New Tizen Devices” Ahead of Mobile World Congress http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/zACiG1Gbgpg/samsung-tizen-mwc-event [15:18] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Make Firefox Use Native Notifications In Linux With GNotifier http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/DW2WMr3esb4/make-firefox-use-native-notifications.html [15:40] [Ubuntu.si] ponkolan: Re: wireless ne deluje - ubuntu 12.04 https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41347/#p41347 [16:48] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Nautilus 3.10 Available In Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/tU_nBnaT8EM/nautilus-310-available-in-ubuntu-1404.html === NiceLurk is now known as Lurker69 [18:11] [Ubuntu Security] USN-2090-1: Munin vulnerabilities http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2090-1/ [18:23] [OMG! Ubuntu!] In Defence of Choice On Linux http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/sa-TSyqgYeI/defence-choice-linux === andrejpan2 is now known as andrejpan [18:58] [Ubuntu.si] ubuntu: Re: Zorin OS (bazira na Ubuntuju) https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41348/#p41348 [19:02] [Ubuntu.si] ubuntu: Re: Zorin OS (bazira na Ubuntuju) https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41349/#p41349 [19:43] sup [19:45] nathn [19:45] true detective v queueu [19:45] meh [19:45] no boobs this time [19:46] .vreme ljubljana [19:46] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): -1°C @27.01.2014 20:00 CET. [19:46] Vlažnost: 82% oblačno [19:46] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.05645089999999,14.5080702 [19:46] Ljubljana: -1.40°C, Sončni vzhod: 06:29:29, Sončni zahod: 16:00:05 [19:46] .vreme ljubljana brnik [19:46] ARSO: Letališče Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana (364m): -1°C @27.01.2014 20:00 CET. [19:46] Vlažnost: 88% oblačno rahlo sneži [19:46] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.23102,14.454972 [19:46] Uhk: -1.00°C, Sončni vzhod: 06:30:12, Sončni zahod: 15:59:51 [19:46] uhk? [19:47] https://lwn.net/Articles/582585/ [19:47] A call for votes in the Debian init system discussion [LWN.net] [19:47] le kaj si pokvaril [19:48] thats your code [19:48] not mine :D [19:48] !g where is uhk [19:48] The University of Hong Kong http://www.hku.hk/ [19:48] lol : [19:48] :) [19:48] !g uhk slovenija [19:48] Uhk Weather - AccuWeather Forecast for Vodice Slovenija (SL) http://www.accuweather.com/sl/si/uhk/1628915/weather-forecast/1628915 [19:49] fail [19:50] zgleda je spet ms dal geo podatke [19:50] jaz bi to ven vrgu [19:50] .vreme letališče portorož [19:51] ARSO: Letališče Portorož (2m): 6°C @27.01.2014 20:00 CET. [19:51] Vlažnost: 95% oblačno rahlo dežuje [19:51] http://forecast.io/#/f/45.4724999,13.616389 [19:51] Portoroz: 5.28°C, Sončni vzhod: 06:31:24, Sončni zahod: 16:05:17 [19:51] matr no..a nikjer ne piha veter [19:51] kaj bi vn vrgu? [19:51] stop ven [19:51] pa sam izračunal vzhod [19:52] mene ne moti :) [19:55] also cache that shit [19:55] cachez-vous cette merde! [20:02] keš it [20:06] !g cache cache [20:06] Vêtement femme Cache Cache : mode en ligne & prêt-à-porter ... http://www.cache-cache.fr/ === brodul is now known as I1II1II11II11I1 === I1II1II11II11I1 is now known as brodul [22:57] cer [23:00] [travis-ci] ubuntu-si/ircbot/#51/master (Janez Troha): The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-si/ircbot/builds/17732125 [23:02] .vreme celje [23:04] ne. [23:05] .vreme celje [23:06] heh 1390863972.004011 [0] "get" "cached:json:#{@(keyhash(url))}" [23:08] .vreme celje [23:08] ARSO: Celje (244m): -3°C @27.01.2014 23:00 CET. [23:08] Vlažnost: 86% [23:08] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.23974949999999,15.2677063 [23:08] Podatkov o vremenu ni mogoče pridobiti... [23:08] Forecast [23:08] »Full-featured, global weather service, complete with 7-day forecasts that cover world, beautiful weather visualizations, and a time machine for exploring the weather in the past and far future.« [23:09] .vreme celje [23:09] ARSO: Celje (244m): -3°C @27.01.2014 23:00 CET. [23:09] Vlažnost: 86% [23:09] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.23974949999999,15.2677063 [23:09] Podatkov o vremenu ni mogoče pridobiti... [23:09] Forecast [23:09] »Full-featured, global weather service, complete with 7-day forecasts that cover world, beautiful weather visualizations, and a time machine for exploring the weather in the past and far future.« [23:10] .vreme koper [23:10] ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4.0m): 5°C @27.01.2014 23:30 CET. [23:10] Vlažnost: 64% Veter: vzhodnik 3.2 m/s [23:10] http://forecast.io/#/f/45.54805899999999,13.7301877 [23:10] Podatkov o vremenu ni mogoče pridobiti... [23:10] Forecast [23:10] »Full-featured, global weather service, complete with 7-day forecasts that cover world, beautiful weather visualizations, and a time machine for exploring the weather in the past and far future.« [23:57] .vreme celje [23:57] ARSO: Celje (244m): -3°C @28.01.2014 0:00 CET. [23:57] Vlažnost: 86% [23:57] Sončni vzhod: 07:28:04, Kulminacija: 12:13:02, Sončni zahod: 16:58:00 [23:57] Dan je dolg: 9ur:29m:56s, Luna je v ščipu [23:58] .vreme koper [23:58] ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4.0m): 5.3°C @28.01.2014 0:30 CET. [23:58] Vlažnost: 63% Veter: vzhodnik 2.4 m/s [23:58] Sončni vzhod: 07:32:18, Kulminacija: 12:19:11, Sončni zahod: 17:06:04 [23:58] Dan je dolg: 9ur:33m:47s, Luna je v ščipu [23:59] [travis-ci] ubuntu-si/ircbot/#52/master (Janez Troha): The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-si/ircbot/builds/17734754