
vrmoi, alguem do brasil00:58
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:59
rcw2how do i set wallpaper in saucy?01:21
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:22
ubottuTo change GNOME themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu (KDE) themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu (Xfce): !xfce-themes01:22
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
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keithzgHmm that's strange, on my officemate's computer as soon as he logs off, if he logs back on the displays are mirrored . . . and changing display settings accomplishes nothing.02:36
lacrymologyjust installed kubuntu in my girlfriend's laptop. It shipped with windows 8, and the battery life was HOURS (which is crazy, since it's got a huge screen), and now it's taking less than an hour to drain02:42
lacrymologyany pointers_02:42
keithzglacrymology: what make and model of laptop?03:12
keithzgYou might also look into https://github.com/fenrus75/powertop03:13
lacrymologykeithzg: I'm pretty sure it's this http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?cc=us&lc=en&docname=c0350235803:15
lacrymologykeithzg: I think the problem must be the video card03:15
lacrymologykeithzg: windows drivers handle the discrete VC and ubuntu is probably just running the accelerated graphics03:16
keithzglacrymology: Yeah, that sounds likely.03:17
keithzgbeing an A-series CPU the video card may not be so entirely discrete, heh.03:18
lacrymologykeithzg: explain?03:21
lacrymologykeithzg: and any clues what can be done about the CPU?03:21
keithzglacrymology: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_Accelerated_Processing_Unit03:22
keithzglacrymology: What version of Kubuntu did you install, btw?03:23
keithzgI see at least that there's a WOL bug that would eat battery while the laptop was supposed to be on standby that was fixed in 13.10 that affected some laptop models including that one. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/109869703:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 1098697 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP ENVY Sleekbook 6-1006sa] High Battery discharge rate when Laptop is off." [Low,Incomplete]03:23
keithzg(partway down someone mentions it affecting their dv6...well, okay, you have a dv7 at issue, but hey, how big of a difference can that really make? heh)03:24
keithzg(ah, someone else also had it on their DV7 too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1098697/comments/31 )03:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1098697 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP ENVY Sleekbook 6-1006sa] High Battery discharge rate when Laptop is off." [Low,Incomplete]03:25
keithzgAnyways, in case it really IS a discrete graphics card, I'd suggest checking what devices show up on the laptop, and then checking the Xorg logs to see which of them it's using.03:28
lacrymologykeithzg: 13.1003:35
lacrymologykeithzg: "-dv7" says nothing about the hardware, just about the casing03:36
lacrymologykeithzg: there's -dv7s with nvidia graphs, with intel i7 processors...03:36
lacrymologyit's retarded there's no way for you to know your own laptop's details unless you're running windows and some HP diagnose tool03:37
keithzglacrymology: You can still find out those details just fine from Linux. But yeah, I agree that it's dumb how they use the identifiers. But the WOL bug seemed to be more firmware/BIOS than specific platform, so seemed like it might apply to all HPs.03:38
keithzgGuess not since you're running 13.10 anyways.03:38
keithzgIf you're wondering what graphics cards are in it, though, a quick "lspci" should do the trick (or any of a dozen graphical hardware info tools). Unless I'm missing something.03:39
lacrymologykeithzg: well, but you cannot get their model number for easy lookup in the hp webpage or whatever03:49
keithzglacrymology: Well sure, but firstly that's usually written somewhere on the laptop itself, and secondly most of the time who cares what the HP model number or marketing term is? What matters is what the hardware itself actually is.03:51
lacrymologykeithzg: it's not. Believe me. It says so in their website.03:51
lacrymologyunless you've got to unscrew some back panel03:52
keithzgHuh. Well that IS exceptionally dumb. Remind me to continue not buying HP products ;)03:52
lacrymologyyeah, I know03:52
keithzgRegardless, a mere "lspci" will give you whatever graphics cards are in that machine.03:54
* keithzg finally leaves the office for the day04:19
=== Jacky is now known as jacky
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DroBuddyI have been having probelms with java, and after looking in /usr/lib/jvm, I noticed that I have the following packages there: java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64  java-6-openjdk-amd64  java-7-openjdk-amd64  java-8-oracle09:56
DroBuddyHow can I purge the earlier version while keeping java 8?09:56
DroBuddyI tried dpkg -r java-7* and it says it is not installed09:57
DroBuddyThe same happens with sudo rm oracle-java7-installer* while in /var/lib/dpkg/info/09:57
DroBuddyAny ideas? java --version provides the following error message: Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.09:58
DroBuddyError: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.09:58
DroBuddyI have limited bandwidth, otherwise I'd just purge java 8 and try and work my way backwards... But, I really can't afford to re-download java 8 even if that were to hypothetically work (which there is no guarantee).10:00
DroBuddyThis is on Kubuntu 12.04, btw10:00
DroBuddyYeah, I just double checked dpkg's info dir and it is only aware of java 8, so apt and dpkg wont let me remove the earlier versions. Other than manually removing them (which I shouldn't have to do since I installed them from the ppa), how else can I fix this? I can't find anything on Google for simply purging the older versions.10:03
DroBuddydpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep jdk10:07
DroBuddyThat shows the openjdk's...10:07
DroBuddyWell, I was able to remove them using sudo dpkg -r openjdk-* after removing the icedtea plugin, but java still can't init the jvm for java 8.10:09
DroBuddyI guess I'll just have to manually remove all of them and hope that the system remains stable... :: sighs ::10:09
DroBuddySo, I'm guessing no one is awake... lol.10:09
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:12
=== sanzante__ is now known as sanzante
BluesKajHiyas all11:44
linux I have problem with glide and magic lamp effect. it says cannot activate them12:02
BluesKajlievendag, use opngl and raster in sys settings>dektop effects>advanced12:08
harishnavnithow can I install qt-mobility using apt-get in kubuntu 13.10 ?12:17
harishnavnitapt-get install qtmobility-dev worked in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS12:18
rianoharishnavnit: maybe try   apt-get install qtmobility*    or   qt-mobility*   that aught to list the package if anything is available with that name. Careful not to just hit Y to install everything you get back from that though12:37
harishnavnit@riano , that doesn't seem to work either . This is the output log : http://pastebin.kde.org/plf35kzid12:44
harishnavnit#Interesting ?12:44
rianothat's funky. It's already installed but not really..12:50
rianoapt-get install --reinstall qtmobility-dev   ?12:50
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ovidiu-florinanyone here using Calligra?15:53
=== bernd_ is now known as berndk
berndk[kubuntu precise] question about samba file sharing: in dolphin there should be a "more samba options" button, at least that is mentioned on every documentation I could find with google. I don't have this button, see screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/duKBS3N.png15:59
berndkalso where does it store its smb configuration, its not in /etc/samba and I need to change the name of the nobody user, is there maybe another samba GUI I am missing?16:00
berndkif guest account is creating a file then smb will create it with user nobody:nogroup and afair this can be changed in the smb.conf on a per-share basis. Where is this config file?16:02
berndkit cannot be in /etc/ because it does not ask me for the password when i share the folder but i can't find it in my home directory either16:03
jjinco33_workTry /usr/share/samba/smb.conf16:05
berndkPici: this is the default but does not contain the shares I created in dolphin, also dolphin does not ask for PW, so it cannot change this file anyways16:08
berndki wonder where the "more samba options" button is gone, maybe I am missing a package? This is a completely fresh install, used only 3 days so far, i did not have the chance to mess up anything yet16:12
berndkbut the file sharing itself works, i can access the share anonymously and i can even create files but the files i create from remote need to be owned by me ans not by guest16:18
geniiMight need kdenetwork-filesharing16:20
berndkis installed16:20
genii!info kdenetwork-filesharing precise16:20
ubottukdenetwork-filesharing (source: kdenetwork): network filesharing configuration module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.5-0ubuntu0.2 (precise), package size 29 kB, installed size 164 kB16:20
berndkis this button only missing for me or was it removed?16:23
berndksee my screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/duKBS3N.png16:24
FloodBotK1pokemonmaster101: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:28
* genii makes more coffee16:29
berndki just grepped my entire home folder for an smb config file with "testfolder" in it and found nothing16:46
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berndkand nothing in /etc16:47
berndkthis stuff should be documented :-(16:47
lordievaderberndk: Samba is configured in /etc/samba/smb.conf16:48
geniiUsually, yes16:49
berndklordievader: but not the KDE file sharing, I don't even know if its using the same samba or its own16:49
berndkwhen i share a folder in dolphin, where is this configuratiuon stoored?16:50
berndkbecause the essetial user interface is missing16:50
berndkso i need to configure it manually16:50
berndkthe tutorials say i should click on "more samba options" but there is no such button. See my screenshot.16:51
lordievaderAh never used the KDE file sharing...16:52
ovidiu-florinhow can I install and use a network scanner?16:52
=== goran is now known as Guest90168
berndki have just returned to KDE since 4 years abstinence (3.5 was my last kde) and found the sharing option and it actually worked perfectly with only one little flaw: the guest user is creating files with nobody:nogroup and this is configured on a per share basis as far as i remember from the old days of configuring samba manually. It would be nice if I were able to use this nice new GUI if it would let me configure all samba options for that16:55
berndkparticular share and not only its name16:55
geniiberndk: config settings for KDE stuff is normally found in files in ~/.kde/share/config    directory.16:58
geniiSo if it's some setting in dolphin you want to examine, the file would likely be dolphinrc16:59
berndkwhat is the name of the service that shares the files? Its not samba because this share is not configured in smb.conf16:59
berndki have shares a folder "testfolder" and cannot find any file with the word "testfolder" in it anywhere in .kde/share/config17:02
berndkthis is beginnig to feel like windows: nobody knows how it actually works and everybody has to guess and reverse engineer because there is no documentation17:03
geniiberndk: I believe the default is NFS, with the list of shares to be found normally in /etc/exports17:03
berndkno, its a samba share, I can access it from windows. but its not in /etc/samba/smb.conf, this file is still the empty example config, unchanged.17:04
geniiberndk: At command-line, what does: testparm    ... say17:06
berndkit has sections [global], [printers] and [print$] but no mention of my "testfolder" share, although this share is accessible and working right now.17:09
berndkit just lists the default stuff from the default config files, not the stuff i have configured from the dolphin ui17:11
berndkhow can i find out where this file sharing config is stored?17:12
berndkshould I strace the entire KDE while adding a new share?17:12
berndkor where else could i ask this question? I guess the one who implemented this is still alive, maybe i can ask him directly?17:17
geniiberndk: I might try ( while accessing the share) : sudo lsof -i:135-13917:18
berndknmbd, kio_smbd and smbd17:24
berndksmbd    5631  root   25u  IPv4 436519      0t0  TCP Saturn.fritz.box:netbios-ssn->t40-intel.fritz.box:33024 (ESTABLISHED)17:24
berndkits a samba share but its not in the samba configuration anywhere. Its added to samba by some mysterious KDE  voodoo without shoowing up in any config file.17:26
geniiberndk: Since nmbd and smbd are supposed to use the global file in /etc/samba, then it's likely kio_smbd we want to find out about here.  So if you do now: ps aux | grep kio_smbd   ..it may say what file17:26
berndkps aux | grep kio_smbd17:27
berndkbernd     5649  0.0  0.0  12956   932 pts/1    S+   18:26   0:00 grep kio_smbd17:27
berndksurry, kio_smb17:28
berndkbut same result17:28
berndkoh, wait, was too slow...17:29
berndkdoesn't tell me much17:31
geniiberndk: Hm. I'm out of immediate ideas. What I find strange is it's not using the system /etc/samba/ config files. Unless maybe it is, but the changes have not been written back to file yet so grep doesn't find the name of the share17:35
geniiberndk: If you do: ps aux| grep smbd    ... does it maybe show more than one running, with config file some other place than /etc ?17:37
george_BluesKaj: Hello. I don't know if you remember that like a week ago or so, I've had that issue that after connecting my laptop to a TV uisng an HDMI cable, I could only passed KDE login screen if connect to the TV, otherwise it freezed at that screen. After doing what you've suggested, unchecked both HDMI and LVDS1m I've got a black screen and could only past KDE login screen connected to the TV. I've had to reinstall Kubuntu 13.1017:37
george_and I have no plans to connect my laptop to a TV using an HDMI cable any time soon. Thanks for helping me that day.17:37
geniiFood :) AFK a while17:38
berndkgenii: it shows 2 processes, both owned by root17:39
berndkoh wait, its 4 actually17:40
BluesKajgeorge_, that's really odd, unless you have a setting in your graphics driver gui that's interfering with the output to your tv.17:42
BluesKajsome graphics cards install a gui settings app, like nvidia and ati17:43
BluesKajgeorge_, unless it's an onboard gpu like intel which i suspect you have17:43
george_BluesKaj: I use Intel HD Graphics Card, onboard.17:44
BluesKajthen it should work without freezing17:45
geniiberndk: My thought was that perhaps the system-run samba is using the standard /etc/samba/smb.conf and maybe there is another instance running with a config file in somewhere like /var/tmp/kdecache-<your-username>/17:45
berndkbut shouldn't the Kubuntu team ("official support") **know** how their system works?17:47
george_BluesKaj: But it didn't, unfortunately. Anyway, thanks again. See you.17:48
geniiberndk: Most of us are users who volunteer to help, but not actual devs :)17:48
berndki'm going t try the kde dev mailinglist (if such a thing exists) tomorrow, need to make a break now, my eyes are hurting already, thanks for the help17:49
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David1977Hi @ all18:44
lordievaderHey David197718:45
David1977Ah...danke für die Antwort...Jetzt sehe ich wenigstens, dass das tatsächlich so funktioniert ;-)18:46
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:46
David1977ok, I'm sorry18:47
David1977please apologize18:47
BluesKajit's ok , no need to apologize, David197718:48
BluesKajthat post was for your info18:49
David1977I'm just testing irc chats for the first time18:49
David1977So i'm very new to this18:49
David1977is there any limitation of how many channels i'm able to join?18:50
lordievaderDavid1977: Not that I know. Welcome to IRC :)18:50
David1977Thank you ;-)18:50
David1977Just one more question...I wait for a response from another person in another channel. He told me to "ping" him...I did that and nothing happens till now. Did I something wrong? I pinged him via "right click" on the username, then "ctcp" and then "ping"18:53
geniiDavid1977: I believe more likely they meant for you to write a message to them so their IRC client would give them a highlight18:54
lordievaderDavid1977: Usually people on IRC mean with a ping that you reply to them with a pong. A statement that you are around. Preferably with a highlight on their name.18:54
bernd_found it. dolphin is using  the "net usershare" command which is part of samba to add shares without being root18:54
geniibernd_: I enquired on your behalf in the development channel, someone may asist if they are not too busy18:55
David1977thanks genii and lordievader. Then I did everything correct ;-)18:55
lordievaderDavid1977: No problem, have fun on your IRC adventure ;)18:55
bernd_genii: i think its solved. Its using this new samba utility that lets users add and remove shares dynamically at runtime18:56
geniibernd_: Ah, good :) Did you discover if it even makes some config file then?18:57
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bernd_and now i just changed the "guest account" in my smb.conf to make guests appear as a different user and now its usable for my purpose18:58
bernd_now all my usershares have the correct user when they create files18:58
bernd_its in /var/lib/samba/usershares/18:59
* genii makes a note for future use18:59
bernd_this is maintained by samba itself when this net command line tool is used18:59
bernd_"net usershare list" will list all useshares and there are also commands to add and delete19:00
bernd_there is a lot of outdated information around on the wiki, it seems at one recent point kde has moved from interacting with samba configuration to using this tool and now it does not have any more options than what net  usershare alows to set or what it can list when invoked with "info" and no "other samba options" button anymore.19:07
wget1Hi guys. I'm experiencing an issue with my Kubuntu install. I clicked on log out to rset the language to French. But KDM is aasking me a password for the default user install. What is that password?19:12
wget1I don't want to reboot the computer since it's a live usb.19:12
BluesKajafaik wget1, just leave it blank and continue19:15
wget1BluesKaj: I'm sorry but it doesn't work. Nothing happends after I typed on Return19:15
BluesKajyou will be asked  your name , username and19:16
BluesKajpassworg later19:16
wget1BluesKaj: No account has been created yet as the system isn't installed yet (it's a live usb system)19:16
lordievaderwget1: I noticed that bug with Trusty Alpha2 too. You can logout but not login since the live-cd user doesn't have a password.19:17
lordievaderwget1: Only *fix* is rebooting the live-session19:17
Poisoned_Dragonwell, if you set the password from the beginning, you can over come that.19:17
wget1lordievader: Well, I made a19:17
wget1# passwd kubuntu19:17
wget1from TTY but it doesn't work neither19:17
wget1lordievader: I even restarted X without much help19:17
BluesKajyes . that's why I suggested you leave it blank, just click in the password field without entering anything19:18
Poisoned_DragonI don't type passwd kubuntu.19:18
Poisoned_Dragonsudo -s19:18
Poisoned_DragonThen passwd19:18
Poisoned_Dragonit'll ask19:18
wget1BluesKaj: Leaving the password blank doesn't work either19:19
BluesKajwget1, then as lordievader suggested, reboot your live session19:20
wget1BluesKaj: How? Rebooting the X server doesn't help19:20
Poisoned_DragonI would just restart the live usb and change the password, before logging out to change the language.19:20
BluesKajPoisoned_Dragon, he has no acct19:21
Poisoned_DragonIn live you can change the live account pw. Or, in this case, set one.19:21
Poisoned_DragonI do it in Kali linux all the time.19:21
Poisoned_DragonI know, I know... different distro....19:22
lordievaderPress and hold the powerbutton ;) or use the magic keys.19:22
Poisoned_Dragonlol @ lordievader.19:22
wget1Ok guys.Rebooted. I'm gonna install the OS. Do you know if Kubuntu supports UEFI without Secure Boot enabled?19:22
wget1(I'm sorry I'm an Arch user)19:22
Poisoned_DragonI'm not an arch user, either. It's a good learning experience but.... It's not my cup of tea.19:23
BluesKajwget1, suposedly , but I've had better luck with legacy mode19:24
=== peter is now known as Guest21935
CourtJesterGis kubunti useing X11 or did it switch to wayland? Or is it going to switch to Mir?19:53
BluesKajCourtJesterG, only ubuntu is switching mir , wayland is supposed to be in kubuntu's future, but nothing has been finalized about the time line19:55
geniiCurrently X11, possibly in the future Wayland19:55
CourtJesterGDoes anyone know why X11 isn't using the latest build of mesa? As far as I know they aren't and are using a build from 200719:56
geniiguest-XJnZof: Hello! If you have some question regarding your Kubuntu, please just present it to the channel and see if someone is able to assist19:57
guest-XJnZofcould you tell me why when I install the linux ubuntu on the third part of my hard disk I can't get in windows 8.1 after?19:57
guest-XJnZofwhat is the problem?19:58
=== guest-XJnZof is now known as Wonder-Why
Wonder-Whycould you help me about it?19:58
geniiWonder-Why: I would suspect something to do with EFI/EUFI on your computer, but unfortunately that is not my area of expertise20:01
craigcal56hello everyone  just checking it all out new linux user no plans to go back to windows20:01
=== jacky is now known as jackyalcine
Wonder-Whycould you tell me how I can fix the alt+shift languages' switcher in ubuntu linux 13.10?20:01
craigcal56learning to program so this platform is perfect also a webmaster with 4 sites cant believe the page load speed running kubuntu and I love it desk top included goodbye windows20:04
=== KC is now known as Guest85048
Guest85048I was on here and fixed my wireless issue and now it has disappeared...hardwire only again..HELP!!20:15
Guest85048Kubuntu 13.1020:15
JKCI was on here and got my wireless fixed and now it has disappeared..Kubuntu 13.1020:20
geniiJKC: Do you remember how the issue got fixed the first time around?20:21
JKCI am not clear..I just did what another told me...was drivers and proper bios settings I think...I am novice in linux20:22
lordievaderJKC: Could you pastebin the output of "iwconfig" and "lscpi -k|grep -A2 Network"?20:24
lordievader!paste| JKC20:24
ubottuJKC: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:24
lordievaderJKC: Ah sorry I made a typo, the second command should be: lspci -k|grep -A2 Network20:28
* genii feeds lordievader more coffee20:29
lordievadergenii: Bit late for more coffee, I'd lay awake whole night if I drank more coffee. Guess I'm just distracted.20:30
lordievaderJKC: Thank you ;). Driver seems to be in order. Do you see wireless networks if you issue "iwlist wlan0 scan|grep SSID" (possibly you need sudo)20:31
lordievaderJKC: Try "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up", does <- error?20:33
=== Toast_ is now known as Toast
lordievaderJKC: I thought that would be the case. Could you give the output of "sudo rfkill list".20:35
lordievaderJKC: "sudo rfkill unblock all&&ifconfig wlan0 up&&sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep SSID" should do the trick.20:38
JKCsays operation not permitted20:38
lordievaderJKC: "sudo rfkill unblock all&&sudo ifconfig wlan0 up&&sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep SSID" hmm forgot sudo for the ifconfig command -.-20:39
cjwelbornmy laptop is running at optimal speed right now. I just got in from work, and left the heat off all day.20:41
lordievaderJKC: Now your wifi should work again, you can see wireless networks at least.20:41
JKCdo   I need to restart...not showing wireless icon...20:42
lordievaderJKC: Not sure, perhaps... though he might soft block it again.20:43
geniiMight need to put all those rfkill etc etc into rc.local for persistence20:44
JKChow I do that?20:44
trustytharsoory is good xrender o opengl ?20:44
Poisoned_Dragonif it is supported20:44
Poisoned_Dragonxrender basic20:45
trustytharxrender take minimum ram end cpu20:45
geniiJKC: There's a file called /etc/rc.local which runs commands after all the startup things are done. So you would open that file for editing ( with admin rights since it's owned by root) and put whatever commands you did before to make it work, then save the file.20:46
geniiThat's the basic idea, anyhow20:46
JKCok...gonna restart and see what happens20:49
JKCthks ya'll...peace20:50
JKCHey all...still not seeing avaiable networks...21:00
lordievaderJKC: Could you give the output of "sudo rfkill list" again?21:00
lordievaderJKC: Hmm it is softblocked again, could you pastebin your /etc/rc.local21:03
JKClost connection...21:10
JKCbrb   BR break...21:12
lordievaderJKC: Could you give the output of "sudo rfkill list" again?21:15
* lordievader sigh I really am not paying attention. Sorry JKC.21:23
lordievaderJKC: Could you pastebin your /etc/rc.local21:23
JKCwhere would that be?21:24
lordievaderJKC: That is a file, you've probably edited it on genii request/suggestion.21:25
lordievaderJKC: You can open it with "kdesudo kate /etc/rc.local", then you can copy it to pastebin.21:26
valorieJKC: as a shortcut, in the cli do `cat /etc/rc.local`21:26
valorieand pastebin the output21:26
* genii ponders pastebinit /etc/rc.local21:27
lordievadervalorie: That can be annoying for long files ;) (true rc.local shouldn't be very long...)21:27
lordievaderJKC: Right, add before the "exit 0" line: rfkill unblock all21:31
lordievaderJKC: And reboot to test (after the reboot run "sudo rfkill list" again and see is soft-blocked says 'yes'.)21:31
JKCboth say no now21:34
lordievaderJKC: After you've added the line to /etc/rc.local, yes.21:35
geniiAnd saved it :)21:35
JKCadded what line?21:36
lordievader28-22:31 < lordievader> JKC: Right, add before the "exit 0" line: rfkill unblock all21:36
lordievaderJKC: ^21:36
JKClike this?21:44
lordievaderJKC: Err, no. Everything below "exit 0" should not be in /etc/rc.local21:45
JKCLike this?21:48
lordievaderJKC: Yes, that looks alright.21:49
tertualright, so i've got this laptop.21:52
tertuwith fglrx installed OpenGL doesn't work.21:52
tertuwithout fglrx installed it won't sleep.21:52
tertu(it might not sleep with fglrx installed but i don't know)21:52
JKCjust save or do save as?21:52
lordievaderJKC: Save (+ close) and reboot.21:53
JKCstill no wireless..>;(21:58
lordievaderJKC: Can you give your /etc/rc.local and the output of "sudo rfkill list" again?22:00
Barb_Is this open for user support22:01
lordievaderBarb_: Yes, yes it is :)22:01
Barb_I have never heard of this before until my friend told me about her problems... to my surprise I never new an alternative to Microsoft other than MAC which I am a user and will never switch however my problem is simple22:02
Barb_I believe this is awesome for anyone who is computer savey22:03
Barb_I am not a savey and want to correct a few things for her before returning her computer22:03
Barb_The user name is jacky and should be Jackie and can't seem to find a way to correct this22:04
bpromptBarb_:    the logged user in windows is "jacky" and you want to change it?22:05
Barb_also there is a password that she has lost in her memory and must have tried many to resolve and still have been unable to... thats what brought me here today22:05
tertuno, it's linux22:05
tertuBarb_: can you log in at all?22:05
JKChow do I find it again..im such a dummy at this..22:05
Barb_Yes linux and unless you understand how to navigate its usless22:06
lordievaderBarb_: Err yeah, maybe I didn't specify this is Kubuntu support, not Windows support.22:06
Barb_I am on her system now22:06
tertushe's not using windows guys22:06
tertushe is logged in right now?22:06
geniiBarb_: So your friend is on a computer that runs Kubuntu, and she wants to change her user name from "jacky" to "Jackie" ?22:06
Barb_I don't think its a windows issue22:06
lordievaderJKC: Maybe it is usefull to install pastebinit: sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get install pastebinit22:07
lordievaderBarb_: Ok, haven't said a thing ;)22:07
Barb_The guy who set this up apparently set it up with jacky and not her correct name22:07
Barb_It isn't windows password its a sesson password22:08
tertuand she also doesn't know her passwd?22:08
Barb_Not only does she not remember what her password is she never knew this was the software he installed22:08
Barb_Unfortuntely I would prefer to write zeros and put on windows xp pro22:09
Barb_But frankly believe this is much better22:09
lordievaderBarb_: XP is going to be EOL in February... You can change the login by logging in as root. A quick and dirty way around the security is by booting the system in single user mode.22:10
tertudo you have another computer with you right now?22:10
lordievaderAssuming here nobody changed the root password...22:10
Barb_I am not familiar KDE and how it interfaces with kubuntu etc...22:10
Barb_I have gone into the terminal and don't believe another password exists22:11
tertuyeah, by default root is disabled22:12
Barb_Before I decide to  remove all of what was put on and start over with XP Professional I was hoping to get help here22:12
tertuokay first things first if you are going to use windows22:12
tertudon't use XP Pro nowadays22:12
tertusecond if you have another computer there is a way to reset the password and then change the account information22:13
bpromptBarb_:   you can just reformat the HDD and that'd wipe it clean for a new XP install, don't need a password for that22:13
Barb_I am limited to software due to hardware age22:13
tertuoh, alright then22:13
lordievadertertu: Booting into single user mdoe doesn't require a second pc ;)22:13
Barb_she can't afford anything newer so I thought it would just sufice to get this working for what she uses the computer for.. ie; email and internet22:14
lordievadertertu: What do you want to do with the second pc actually?22:14
Barb_Correct you don't need a password for that however I wanted to keep this software for her to use....22:15
Barb_From what I am hearing it seems to have KDE you need windows installed?22:15
Barb_This is one pc22:16
Barb_my other pc is a mac22:16
tertuIf you want to keep running Kubuntu, this guide (http://askubuntu.com/a/24024) should be roughly correct22:17
Barb_This is her computer to return as soon as all the bugs ie username, password is resolved22:17
tertuif you want to keep IRC open you can go to your other computer and go to webchat.freenode.net and join the channel #kubuntu22:17
Barb_I have read some of the stuff there and will try again I am just not as savey when it comes to computer language22:18
tertuthat guide will help you reset the password, then you have to use the User Manager22:18
tertuWait, actually, keep that computer on22:18
tertuOpen the K menu and then go to the User Manager22:18
tertuyou can just type User Manager in the search box to find it22:19
Barb_yes its on this one22:19
Barb_hold on22:19
tertuThis is assuming you're at the desktop, though.22:19
Barb_would that be through the run command22:21
tertuTry going to Settings>System Settings22:22
tertuand then the User Manager should be in there.22:23
Barb_ok I  found user management22:24
Barb_It says I need to enter my password22:24
tertuArgh. Do you know how to contact the person who set the computer up?22:25
Barb_but jacky isn't listed in the script22:25
jackyalcineI keep getting pinged :/22:25
Barb_the window pops up with this....22:26
tertucould you upload a screenshot, perhaps?22:26
Barb_my last didn't show up22:27
tertuI should note my current internet connection is extremely flaky.22:27
tertuWell, there are really two things I can think of now. Try to follow those password reset instructions, or just put Windows back on there.22:28
Barb_ok I will try what you said earlier22:29
Barb_the command: /usr/bin/kcmshell4 userconfig --lang en_US22:30
rbergdoes changing your username in User Manager do all thats required? such as rename ~/ and chown your files? or actually if the uid and gid are the same I suppose thats not necessary22:31
Barb_Then is wants a password.. so I will try the link you posted first to see if I can resolve this, if not I will most likely wipe the drives clean and install xp22:31
tertuchanging username doesn't change the uid or gid22:31
tertuGood luck, Barb_. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.22:32
geniiBarb_: During boot, to choose from the boot menu the choice of Recovery, then after a while another text menu comes up. From there choose to drop to a root prompt or shell, and put:  mount -o remount,rw /        ..and then: passwd jacky      ..which will change the password22:34
geniiThen to safely reboot: shutdown -r now22:34
Barb_This still doesn't help with correcting the username22:37
rbergit will get you the password you need to change that22:37
Barb_I am going to log off now and go onto my MAC then try the steps outlined in the link22:37
Barb_Ok I will give it a try... brb22:38
geniiBarb_: After the password is set, then return for instructions on how to use the password and usermod commands to change the user's name and home22:38
Barb_thank you I will22:38
Barb_thanks to all of you who helped me so far I hope it works... be back in a bit. logging off now.22:39
jackyalcineno more pinging \o/23:12
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