
=== Guest72010 is now known as balloons
dholbachgood morning07:58
popeyGreetings from the London office!08:09
dholbachhey popey08:11
dpmhi popey08:15
popeythe office is suddently very busy with lots of people09:14
elfycrawl under the desk?09:20
jussiand shoot your neuf gun at them...09:24
jussistart a neuf war :D09:24
jussiexcept I cant spell nerf  :P09:25
elfythe thought was there :p09:25
=== Mohi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
josejono: hey, you're holding your Q&A in ~20, right?18:38
jonojose, yep18:52
samertmjono: I enjoyed the Q&A20:20
jonothanks samertm20:20
samertmLearned a lot, I'm now totally bought into the idea of convergence :P20:21
samertmjose: Jono says that you're one of the people to get in touch with regarding merch and promoting Ubuntu. I'm the President of the George Mason University Linux User Group and we have a number of Ubuntu geeks in our membership.20:23
samertmWe can test drive the Ubuntu Advocacy Kit, and we can put any merch you send us to good use20:23

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