
SmallwoodDR82how do updates work on mythbuntu? seems like when the update manager shows up and if i install them all sorts of things break.  Should I not push updates?03:33
jbebelAny ideas why the mythbuntu 12.04.3 installer won't see my existing partitions made by a previous 12.04 installer?03:42
nv__you can access these partitions everywhere but mythbuntu installer enviornment?05:38
qwebirc53714I have an old AMD Athalon  1.2 Ghz CPU With an Invida GForce FX 500 GPU is there a version of myth that will work with my hardware?16:46
Steve-GoodeyStopping this screensaver from cutting in after 10 minutes is turning into a battle!19:49
=== Toast_ is now known as Toast

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