
hitsujiTMOmarkovirc_ in #ubuntu is a bot. auto replying to everyone that says hello04:25
Ben64Hi, markovirc_ in #ubuntu is a bot, saying hello to anyone saying hello...04:30
phunyguytis true04:32
DJones!13.04 is Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on January 27, 2014.  See !upgrade and !eol for more details.09:55
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, DJones said: !13.04 is Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on January 27, 2014.  See !upgrade and !eol for more details.09:55
DJonesNot sure whether that needs adjusting on !raring or !13.0409:57
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (gimnazjum,)10:46
=== LjL-Hybrid is now known as LjL-Mario
k1lSN3: hi13:52
k1lSN3: is there anything we can do? if not please dont idle in here, thanks13:54
PiciI updated !raring.  and fixed some of the other release factoids as well.13:58
=== Mohi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
ubottuIn ubottu, dupingping86 said: What is a bot?15:13
ubottuIn ubottu, dupingping86 said: I only know bot net. What is different between bot and botnet?15:14
k1l_SN3:  SmallR2002 hi18:06
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu.  Supported ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring18:37
geniibazhang: Better upgrade to 13.10!18:37
bazhangoh right, the 9mos18:37
bazhanggenii, there already!18:38
bazhangwas thinking about early upgrading to 14.04, but not sure18:38
geniibazhang: It's working well for me here, but then again I'm on Kubuntu18:39
bazhangwish gnome would switch to qt18:41
bazhangis that heresy?18:41
geniiMaybe ;)18:45
=== LjL-Milan is now known as LjL
=== h00k_ is now known as h00k
=== LjL-Mario is now known as LjL-Hybrid
phunyguySN3: hi.20:33
phunyguySmallR2002: hi....20:33
bazhangLjL-Hybrid, HI!20:34
LjL-Hybridi was in the UK, they haven't yet got internet there20:35
rwwLjL-Hybrid is not identified, is probably an imposter *nod*20:35
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, wolfzrat said: ubottu, this link is not the GNOME version is it because i d/l tha one already20:36
LjL-Hybridhmm, how to show i'm not - is a dilemma20:36
LjL-Hybridmaybe i could ghost some bots?20:36
LjL-Hybridwait, rww would like that ;(20:36
rwwyou could identify ;(20:36
LjL-Hybridthat's also a possibility20:36
LjL-Hybridbut no20:36
phunyguy@comment 54330 User SN3 is not responding in #ubuntu-ops to highlights. Been Idling in here for at least a full day on more than one occasion.20:36
ubottuComment added.20:37
LjL-Hybridthere, is enough proof20:37
rwware we still murdering idlers20:37
LjL-Hybridwho knows20:37
rwwi feel mean today20:37
LjL-Hybridmaybe the rest of the days you are mean without feeling20:37
phunyguyWho is the other guy?20:38
rww20:40:04 -!-  idle     : 15 days 16 hours 29 mins 32 secs [signon: Mon Jan 13 03:21:54 2014]20:40
ikoniaLjL-Hybrid: have you left the uk ?20:41
LjL-Hybridi am afraid so20:41
DJonesI thought that just meant you were driving a Prius20:42
LjL-Hybridi don't text while i drive!20:43
Myrttiwould you guys want a drink? I've got a fine selection here, both alcoholic, caffinated, and fruit juices and spring waters...20:44
LjL-Hybriddo you have ginger ale20:44
Myrttisure *PFFSSSFT* *blublublublub* *thunk*20:44
phunyguyI have Coca-Cola Classic (R)20:45
Myrtti*blows dust off a Coke glass* *ssssppppffffyyy* *blublublublub* *thunk*20:46
phunyguyman has it been that long since you had Coke?20:46
LjL-Hybridi probably haven't had coke in maybe 5 years20:46
MyrttiI'll be gracious and I won't point you to my new, sparkling clean and empty tip jar I just started today, I'll just hint it exists.20:47
* phunyguy puts an I.O.U. in the tip jar.20:47
* rww puts a dogecoin in the tip jar20:47
* LjL-Hybrid puts one of these useless pence in the tip jar20:47
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangtip jar? doge accepted?20:54
Myrttino, just money.20:55
Myrtti(it's a Cancer Research UK fundraising page)20:56
ikoniahello sarnold21:15
sarnoldhello, there's recurring spam from ~InfoIRCNE@ ~NewInform@  in #ubuntu-server21:15
sarnoldhey ikonia :)21:15
ikoniayeah, I'm just taking a look at that21:17
geniisarnold: I'll +b him shortly. I also reported him to #freenode just now in case he's on other channels21:17
sarnoldwoo, thanks ikonia and genii :)21:17
genii@comment 59386  SpamBot21:21
ubottuComment added.21:21

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