
daftykinsdiddledan: yeah it's becoming a bit crazy the whole sex scandal stuff, don't know whether it's legit or what00:13
daftykinsthough a mates uncle apparently said something about such things being a lot more acceptable back in the day :S00:14
daftykinswhatever that means00:14
diddledandaftykins: sorta like <croaky old-man voice>"back in my day you could fiddle with whoever you liked"?</croaky>00:37
diddledanI think rather than it being acceptable it was more not known and/or swept under the carpet and placed behind closed doors00:38
daftykinscould well be00:42
daftykinsi'm a bit torn though 'cause you've got the likes of Rolf Harris as a national treasure that will likely never work again, regardless of which way the court ruling goes00:43
diddledanI really don't want the stories of Rolf to be true00:44
daftykinsbut obviously justice should be served =/00:47
daftykinsthough i'm not sure anyone really gets any result from seeing someone locked up so many years down the line00:48
diddledanthe only benefit I see from doing so is if there's a chance they'll reoffend00:49
daftykinsseems a bit late given most have had so many years to do whatever00:49
shaunoanyone know if it'd cause any problems to wire the usb power rails together on a Pi?  (ie, from the two usbhost ports to the power microusb)00:58
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ali12341shauno: check the schematic - the usb rails are all connected together anyway iirc, except that there's the polyfuse on one of them01:24
ali12341so basically all you'd be doing is removing the polyfuse from the circuit01:24
shaunofair enough.  I jsut recall getting odd looks when I had the previous revision backfed  (powering the usbhost sockets powered the board; I'm not sure if this is still the case)01:26
ali12341i'm pretty sure that hasn't changed, but removing the polyfuse is risky of course01:27
daftykinsshauno: maybe you had the big monkey with you at the time? :>01:51
daftykins"here's my incredibly small r-pi and here's my incredibly large monkey!"01:52
shauno:(  don't judge me, I like my monkey01:54
shaunoI think that one was a happy accident; I used one of the Y cables from a harddrive to power a 3g modem, and discovered that unplugging the pi didn't reboot it01:55
daftykinsoh no i'm supporting you and your monkey, sir01:58
* mapps is excited about ibiza07:07
MartijnVdSmapps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXXRHpVed3M ?07:30
mappsfor smoke07:32
knightwisemorning everyone07:36
MartijnVdS\o knightwise07:39
knightwisejeu MartijnVdS !è07:43
MartijnVdSknightwise: that's not a word ;)07:46
* popey waves from that london08:03
AlanBello/ popey08:04
AlanBellthat is bright and early to be in the city08:04
knightwiseit is now :)08:27
knightwisehey popey AlanBell08:28
SuperMattmorning all08:28
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Data Privacy Day! :-D08:40
SuperMattwhat a nice day08:41
diploMorning all08:41
* popey can hear davmor2 08:42
mappshi popey08:51
mappspopey, youre in farnbirough?08:51
mappsim quite close to where you are i think :)08:52
jussihrm, anyone know any standalone *desktop* (not a php/cloud solution) lead management tools? (like pipedrive.com, but standalone, desktop client)08:53
MartijnVdSjussi: desktop CRM? Why?!09:08
davmor2Morning all09:08
MartijnVdSjussi:  "installed on own server" close enough? AlanBell in that case :)09:09
jussiMartijnVdS: I need something personally. not for sharing with anyone else, that runs stand alone here on My PC.09:10
davmor2hey popey  fancy meeting you here :)09:11
MartijnVdSjussi: Yeah, so you run it on your own PC, listening only on
jussiMartijnVdS: openerp doesnt seem to cut it at the moment - it doesnt have a proper sales process for anything apart from tangible goods.09:11
jussioh wait, I can install more modules, lemme play more...09:12
mappsgooing on Ibiza MartijnVdS  :D09:12
popeymapps: no, I'm in London ☻09:13
jussiMartijnVdS: hrm, actually that might be an interesting Idea, install openerp locally...09:14
mappsi tought you were near me popey09:15
mappsim from Biskey09:15
popeyi am09:15
popeyI live in farnborough09:15
popeyi know bisley a bit09:15
mappsyou know bisley then09:15
mappsand pirbright09:16
ali12341ha biskey?09:17
mappssurrey's nice popey09:17
mappsi domt live there anmore anyway09:17
popeyfriend of mine lived in arethusa way09:19
popeyactually, first date with wifey, we went to the pub at the end of bisley, near brookwood09:19
mappspopey,  thats real cose tpo where i am09:20
mappsbis;leys nice like no?09:20
mappsi wish i still lived there:D09:20
mappsits where my dad lives09:21
popeyyeah, nice area09:21
Laneybisley pellets09:23
Laneyforever burned into my eyes09:23
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:23
Laney(not literally)09:23
Laney(that would be painful)09:23
bigcalmWould it? Are there nerve endings in the eyeball?09:24
bigcalmThe front bit that is09:24
Laneyever poked yourself in the eye?09:25
bigcalmYes, but that's pushing the whole ball back into the socket. I'm wondering if you'd feel anything if the lens was damaged09:26
MartijnVdSbigcalm: have you ever had a branch (of a tree) hit you in the eye?09:27
MartijnVdSbigcalm: that's painful and teary for a week at least09:28
foobarryyou guys are grim09:28
jussiIm pretty sure there are - how else do you feel a peice of dust in your eye?09:28
* bigcalm keeps quiet09:28
popeydavmor2: options iwlwifi 11n_disable=109:28
foobarrymy problems with intel 6230 wifi were made better by disabling powersaving09:29
davmor2popey: ta I'll try it and and report back :D09:32
bigcalmdavmor2: you're up early09:34
davmor2bigcalm: in London I've been up since 040009:34
bigcalmdavmor2: ah, it's a Calonical day09:35
bigcalmIt's a running joke from our LUG09:38
foobarrynote to self. its not cex.com, its cex.co.uk for the electronic exchange store09:40
davmor2bigcalm: remind me to hurt you when I see you next :D09:40
DJonesAre there any offline roadmap/navigation apps people would recommend for android, starting to try a couple out, wondered if there are any really good ones to try09:43
ali12341the tomtom one?09:46
DJonesThe two that seem to get really good comments are Sygic and MapFactor09:46
DJonesTomtom one seems to have pretty poor reviews09:48
MyrttiDJones: google maps 'offline' maps aren't available?10:02
DJonesMyrtti: No as far as I know, that facility was removed a while back10:02
Myrttiwell android still kinda has it, but it's not available everywhere10:03
dwatkinsDJones: this appears to be a list: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Android10:03
dwatkinsmany of the apps mention offline10:03
DJonesYou can get a small area if you download it beforehand, but doesn't have full details from what I've read10:03
DJonesJust downloading Mapfactor to compare to Sygic10:05
brobostigongood morning boys and girls.10:19
SuperMattmorning brobostigon10:22
brobostigonmorning SuperMatt10:22
diddledanfoobarry: the .com is blocked by opendns' malware detector10:25
bigcalmIs there an easy way to awk/sed/grep (I don't know what) the current tag for a git repo?10:35
MartijnVdSbigcalm: my propmt does it, so probably :)10:36
bigcalmMartijnVdS: mine too, good point10:36
bigcalmexport PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w\[\033[31m\]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") \[\033[01;34m\]$\[\033[00m\] '10:37
* bigcalm scratches his head10:37
MartijnVdS__git_ps1 is defined in /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt10:37
MartijnVdSmaybe "git describe" is what you want?10:38
bigcalmThis is for an automated deploy script. Need to create remote directories based upon the tag10:39
MartijnVdSbigcalm: have a look at "git describe"10:39
MartijnVdSit does tag + sha10:39
bigcalm$ git describe10:40
bigcalmfatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.10:40
bigcalmI'm guessing I need to tag before it'll work?10:40
MartijnVdSmaybe add some options.. --help ;)10:41
bigcalmNo, I expect other people to do my work for me! :P10:41
MartijnVdSbigcalm: well, look at stackexchange then ;)10:41
bigcalmHehe, some people are rather lazy on there10:42
bigcalmI hope I'm not being hypocritical now10:42
ali12341bigcalm: what do you actually want to do?10:44
bigcalm<bigcalm> This is for an automated deploy script. Need to create remote directories based upon the tag10:44
ali12341ok. yeah, git describe is almost certainly what you want10:44
bigcalmGrand :)10:44
ali12341by default it does <repo name>-<tag>-<number of commits since tag>-<commit sha>10:45
ali12341so it's always unique to where you are in history10:45
ali12341see also git archive10:47
bigcalmaquarius: found the holy grail of printers yet?10:50
aquariusIt's not even *for* me10:51
aquariusmy dad has two printers, a cheap laser and an inkjet, and is sick to the back teeth of both of them not working10:51
aquariushence him asking me for advice, and me asking you lot :)10:51
bigcalmI'm happy with the Lexmark laser printer I have. I understand that other people have problems with devices though...10:51
ali12341we've got a HP M175NW10:54
ali12341it works fine. cheap printer but the toner is expensive, but that's not a problem if you don't print very much10:54
ali12341the demo cartridges have lasted a year already10:54
MartijnVdSaquarius: I have an HP CP1515n, had it for several years, haven't replaced the demo carts yet10:55
MartijnVdSAlso, it works very well (no malfunctions yet)10:55
aquariusso, "works fine" and "no malfunctions" means that you never get the thing where you send a page to print and nothing happens, or the computer can't see the printer, or the printer won't print and needs to be power-cycled, or...?10:57
ali12341they are both network printers10:57
aquariusyou just go "file > print" in some app and it prints, every time?10:57
ali12341(on linux)10:57
MartijnVdSaquarius: the only times it didn't print, was when I broke cups10:57
ali12341windows printing is totally random, doesn't matter what printer you have10:57
aquariusooh, man, that HP M175NW is two hundred quid.10:58
aquariusthat's cheap?10:58
ali12341it was £99 on argos last year10:58
ali12341also it's a scanner and copier10:58
MartijnVdSisn't that the one popey has as well?10:58
bashrcavoid printers unless there really isn't any alternative10:58
ali12341don't think so10:58
aquariusbashrc, there isn't. I made that argument and was rebuffed.10:58
bashrcin my experience, printers are always trouble - even if you buy the most fancy expensive machinery10:59
aquariusbashrc, I agree wholeheartedly with that assessment. However, no choice here, hence looking for recommendations for the least worst.10:59
ali12341i generally find network printers work best, as they're not relyng so much on the OS11:00
aquariusnetwork is a good idea. My laser is networked.11:00
aquariusI assume network printers have wifi these days?11:00
ali12341the 175 does11:00
ali12341and ipv6 too11:00
bashrcyes, a network printer might reduce any compatibility problems11:00
ali12341and it comes configured to serve up a public access point into your network11:01
ali12341which is not so good11:01
popeythat is the printer I have11:01
popeythis one has wired and wifi11:01
ali12341yeah. i'm using it wired11:01
ali12341didn't notice it was also letting the general public onto our network11:01
popeymostly wifey uses it. I don't use it much11:01
popeyon nice11:01
aquariusI mostly don't care about the public access point thing. :)11:02
directhexoh, it's aquarius11:02
aquariusand I can probably turn that off, anyway11:02
aquariusheya directhex11:02
ali12341you can, i have :)11:02
aquariuspopey, you've got the M175NW?11:02
* aquarius looks at wifi HP laser printers.11:02
ali12341you can make it just join your existing network too of course11:03
aquariusali12341, which is exactly what I shall do11:04
aquariusI suspect I'll need to connect it with usb first to get at a config util to set the wpa key, or something.11:04
ali12341i've never plugged it in on USB11:04
aquariusali12341, how did you teach it the wpa key?11:05
ali12341i didn't - i use it wired11:05
ali12341but you can configure it over the network, so either get a ethernet cable or join it's default public wifi11:05
popeyaquarius: ya11:05
aquariusoh, sneaky11:05
ali12341USB requires installing the silly drivers11:05
MartijnVdS200GB drivers, probably, on Windows?11:06
aquariusyeah, I'll just make it be wired for five minutes.11:06
ali12341MartijnVdS: yeah, exactly11:06
aquariushplip supports it, so dad'll be fine11:06
ali12341i thinky ou still need the drivers to print from windows11:06
popeyits not a fast printer11:06
popeyi haven't printed to it from linux yet11:06
ali12341it works perfectly with ubuntu11:07
bigcalmDoes it offer airprint? - found this to be a requirement by my mother for their new printers11:07
ali12341it's not fast but that's not a problem unless you are self publishing your novel or something11:07
popeywell, wifey wants to print lots of school work11:07
popeybut yeah, mostly thats fire and forget11:07
ali12341it's also not eaxctly slow compared with say, any inkjet11:08
MartijnVdSalso, you can touch the paper later on without it streaking11:08
Dave2I wonder if you can sensibly get a dot matrix printer shared via CUPS.11:09
aquariusdon't care about print speed, as long as it's not taking half an hour per page or something :)11:09
ali12341it's mostly warm up/warm down11:10
ali12341printing 10 pages only takes slightly longer than printing 1 page11:10
aquariusbigcalm, don't need airprint -- parents are both Android phones, and I honestly can't imagine for the life of me them ever printing anything from phone anyway ;)11:10
aquariusali12341, yeah, that's how most stuff works in my experience11:10
popeyi dont find that's the case with what I print11:12
popeytakes an age to print complex pdf things11:12
popeyif i print a 10 page doc, it takes as long for each page, sometimes a minute11:12
Dave2...huh. Apparently you _can_ print to a dot matrix printer using CUPS, which means you could share one over the network. Learn something new every dya.11:13
MartijnVdSDave2: Why not?11:14
diploDave2: We have probably 800+ dot matrixs with CUPS :/11:14
diploOver over customer base11:14
Dave2I didn't expect CUPS and dot matrix support being relevant to have a huge overlap.11:14
Dave2diplo: nice.11:14
Dave2People still make printer paper?11:15
aquariusdiplo, eight hundred printers. That's terrifying.11:15
diploMoved mainly to printer servers now, and slowly getting them to spend money on laser printers11:15
aquariusI was going to ask where you got fanfold paper from these days too!11:15
diploPaper is the easy part, the printers are extortionate and hard to get11:15
MartijnVdSaquarius: ebay ;)11:15
ali12341TIL that rivers don't meander because the water on the outside of the bend travels faster than the water on the inside11:15
ali12341it's actually because the outside bank does all the work of redirecting the centripetal force11:16
MartijnVdSali12341: that's the effect, not the cause.11:16
diploaquarius: we are a software/hardware company, we support the printers for 95% of our customers and they're skin flints when it comes to renewing hardward11:16
diploStill have 1 customer running Redhat 711:16
ali12341MartijnVdS: it's not even true because of vortex flow, apparently11:16
brobostigonis it possible, to boot usb deviced using grub2, without bios usb boot support. ?11:16
ali12341i was lied to in school, yet again11:16
aquariusdiplo, well... dot matrix printers were, in my experience, considerably more reliable than newer inkjet/laser printers in terms of actually printing rather than pretending to print, not lying about how much ink they have left, etc.11:17
aquariusof course, they jammed and ate paper like it was going out of fashion, but you've gotta take the rough with the smooth.11:17
diploI don't know, I'd take networked printers 100% over dot matrix now days from my experience11:18
ali12341aquarius: that's because dot matrix printers accept one character at a time and print it immediately11:18
bashrcyes, I bet there are still companies out there using dot matrix printers and fanfold paper11:18
aquariusali12341, yeah.11:19
diploMuch easier to maintain/fix/swap out11:19
aquariusI agree that it's easier to make it work when it's simpler. :)11:19
MartijnVdSaquarius: http://r.ebay.com/PBCQXX11:19
aquariusclearly the answer is.... a networked dot matrix printer!11:20
MartijnVdSaquarius: Raspberry Pi + serial dot matrix printer + some glue11:20
ali12341i've got a MPS-802 in the loft11:20
aquariusactually I'm sure I've got a parallel jetdirect around here somewhere.11:21
ali12341so old it's not even serial11:21
diplojetdirect \o/ we have lots of those as well11:21
bigcalmGoing back to git tags, looks like phing can do a lot for me anyway :) http://www.phing.info/docs/guide/stable/apcs23.html11:21
diploActually :( they're more of a PITA than dot matrix's11:21
diplobigcalm: Get back off topic!11:22
bigcalmHa :P11:22
bigcalmKilled the convo. yay11:26
ali12341a project builder written in PHP based on ant? are you completely insane??11:27
bigcalmI love the hate PHP gets11:28
ali12341i working on some php code right now11:28
ali12341it's horrible11:28
ali12341instead of functions, they wrote one function that takes a string param and has a huge switch inside it11:28
diddledanali12341: ouch11:29
bigcalmI'm sure you could do that in pretty much any language11:29
Dave211:20:22 <      aquarius> clearly the answer is.... a networked dot matrix printer!11:29
ali12341then instead of using functions like doSomethingWithAUsefulName() they call hugeFunction("123")11:29
Dave2hey, that was what started me off on this, wondering how easy it'd be to share via CUPS. And apparently you can.11:29
ali12341and literally all the params are just numeric codes11:29
Dave2(It'll even print non-character data. Very slowly.)11:29
popeyLaney: you run spotify on 14.04? crashy?11:30
Laneyyes, no11:30
ali12341bigcalm: but only a php developer would actually do it in production code11:30
popeyLaney: when running do you have 2xspotify and 5xspotifyhelper processes?11:30
Laneylaney@iota> pgrep -fc SpotifyHelper                                                                                                        ~11:31
popeytrying to figure out which process to attach to in gdb11:31
bigcalmpopey: spotify works for me in 14.0411:32
ali12341this huge function controls all the SQL queries in the entire website, so anywhere else in the code you don't see getArticles() or whatever. you see query("123")11:32
bigcalmpopey: not crashed any more than in 12.04 - 13.10 for me11:32
ali12341to add insult to injury, every case works by getting the entire table and then selecting rows inside php code11:32
ali12341and some page views call it multiple times11:32
ali12341spotify is very crashy on 13.10 for me11:33
Laneyit used to be like that for me, but then it got fixed11:34
LaneyI'd see deadlock messages when running it from the terminal11:34
Laneyforget if that was 13.10 or trusty11:34
bigcalmSome times spotify will take control of the whole system. I fix that by pressing alt and typing exit11:35
bigcalmBut this has happened for me since I 1st used Spotify in Unity11:35
ali12341the new flash plugin has developed a nasty bug where it deadlocks the GPU. there's no recovering from that :/11:35
bashrcflash is the spawn of the devil11:36
popey  Installed: 1:
popeyand thats the version of spotify you guys are on?11:36
* bigcalm gets his laptop11:37
* popey deletes .config/spotify and starts fresh11:37
bigcalmThat's from Spotify's only Help -> About Spotify...11:39
bigcalmAs much as I love my new laptop, I keep forgetting how heavy it is11:44
bigcalmDoes anybody else get this: viewing a terminal with black background, lines of red and green text, brain wobbles as it keeps seeing the alternating colours in a 3d type way11:47
bigcalmI suck at describing things11:47
ali12341there's a reason for that11:47
ali12341it involves different wavelengths11:47
bigcalmViewing git diffs it happens all the time11:48
popeyoh i see11:49
ali12341you could change the colours if it's really bad11:49
popeyi thought you meant you saw lineds11:49
bigcalmI could, it amuses me. I will if it ever stops me from reading :)11:49
ali12341red/blue to make the effect "worse"11:50
ali12341(because they are the most different wavelengths)11:50
bigcalmOf course, opposite ends of the visible light spectrum11:50
ali12341apparently it's because of chromatic abberation, ie you can't quite focus on them both at the same time because of the different wavelengths11:51
bigcalmGreen pops out while red sinks back11:51
ali12341yeah. different focal length tricks your brain into thinking it is further away11:51
ali12341presumably this would still happen even if you are colour blind11:52
bigcalmCoo, that's unexpected11:55
foobarrynew dr who costume looks like barney stintsons magician dad11:56
SuperMattI just don't think it's different enough from the last two, tbh11:56
SuperMattdifferent colours, to be sure, but it's still quite a stuffy look11:57
SuperMattI liked 9's look11:57
foobarrythey are going for jon pertwee look11:58
=== JGJones_ is now known as JGJones
=== JGJones is now known as JGJones_
popeyyou know a whovian by the fact that they say "9" rather than the actor name11:59
=== JGJones_ is now known as JGJones
DJonesSuperMatt: 9... as in 7 of 9 ? Thats a different series :)12:01
diddledanwhere does the doctor that almost destroyed galifrey fit in the timeline?12:01
MartijnVdSdiddledan: 8.512:01
bigcalmDJones: she was called 7 though12:01
SuperMattpopey: All right, I mean Christopher Ecclestone12:01
SuperMattwho I think is extremely underrated12:02
diddledanSuperMatt: no e12:02
DJonesbigcalm: Good call, looking at too many numbers12:02
SuperMattah, I have been told12:02
ali12341i'm with you on that one. eccleston is by far the best actor to play doctor who in colour12:06
ali12341also as a northerner he's the closest they've ever got to casting a minority actor12:07
MartijnVdSali12341: they have a Scot now12:08
ali12341good point12:08
ali12341i'm looking forward to the new series12:08
MartijnVdSali12341: only 7 more months12:08
shauno10 was a scot too?12:09
MartijnVdSshauno: yes, but he hid it12:10
bigcalmDid he hide it when they went to Tourchwood in Scotland?12:10
shauno(and 9 was a northerner  lol)12:11
shaunomy biggest problem with capaldi's apparent costume, is that it means that I now have to find & reattach the bottom button on my jacket, less people think I'm aping him intentionally12:15
SuperMattI've already noted that I have almost everything I need for a capaldi cosplay12:16
SuperMattjust need the jacket really12:16
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: just rob shauno12:20
shauno:|  please don't.  it's cold12:21
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: just robe shauno12:22
shaunospotted in the news this morning that dutch courts have struck down the IP block of TPB.  rather impressive12:23
shaunoseems to boil down to "the blocks obviously don't work, so we shouldn't force companies to bark up the wrong tree".12:28
MartijnVdSshauno: yes :) \o/12:33
MartijnVdSyay completely unfiltered internet again12:34
brobostigonanways, can grub2 boot off usb devices, without bios usb support?12:34
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: no, because the BIOS can't boot into grub2 if it can't read grub2 off the USB device in the first place12:35
shaunowhat if grub is on something it can boot?  eg grub on the hdd where you'd expect it, but with an option to loop boot an iso off a thumbdrive?12:36
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i see, ok. cant i just tell grub2 which is already on the hdd, and point it at the grub thats on the usb device?12:37
MartijnVdSProbably not, as grub doesn't have USB drivers12:37
diddledanhas anyone played with openvz enough to find out what might cause a guest mysql server to be unable to access it's files? I've just had a website go down where mysql reported that the tables didn't exist yet all the files were visible on the filesystem12:38
diddledanI'm wondering if doing a live migration to a different server might cause it?12:39
MartijnVdSdiddledan: shared memory, I think12:39
MartijnVdSdiddledan: postgresql can't run in OVZ instances either12:39
diddledanMartijnVdS: ouch12:39
diddledanMartijnVdS: I'm not telling the client they bought a duff vps :-p12:39
diddledan(they organised it and told us to put their site on there without asking us whether it's a good idea or anything. just unilaterally decided to buy a server and impose it upon us)12:40
MartijnVdSdiddledan: The Googles suggest it's an innodb+openvz thing12:41
brobostigonoh dear.12:41
bigcalmCan you check if two file names point to the same inode (hard links)?12:46
diddledanbigcalm: ls -i12:47
shaunoI usually end up searching for them (assuming they're not in the same folder), find -samefile is your friend12:48
diddledanshauno: nie12:48
shauno(and -xdev to stop it bothering searching other filesystems, since that's not a possibility.  so find /path -xdev -samefile /as/this/file )12:50
bigcalmThat does look handy12:51
shaunoseems silly that that's not a default behaviour.  find will happily wander across mounts where the hardlink can't possibly be12:51
* popey just learned that we're going to backport 3.13 to precise.13:01
MartijnVdSpopey: as part of the LTS enablement stack?13:02
MartijnVdSsounds logical, 12.04 still has a few years of support left, even after 14.04 comes out13:02
MartijnVdSI can imagine people want to run the same version everywhere13:02
MartijnVdSand not a mix of 12.04 and 14.0413:03
popeysuspect 3.13 will be the last one13:03
MartijnVdSYeah, with newer LTS enablement (14.10 etc.) going into 14.04 only13:03
MartijnVdS"time to wake up and smell the upgrade" ;)13:03
MartijnVdSalso, 14.10 -- 10 years of Ubuntu13:04
knightwise10 years ? has it been that long ?13:04
MartijnVdSknightwise: 4.10 was the very first, warty warthog :)13:04
* knightwise thinks that is where he started too13:05
MartijnVdSknightwise: it's the one with the naked people backgrounds13:05
knightwiseYep ! :) that was the one :)13:05
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MyrttiI dug up a 5.10 disk yesterday when I was doing my "emptying and clearing one mess at a time before moving" strategy13:07
MartijnVdSMyrtti: I found a 6.06 disk this weekend. Didn't try it :(13:08
MyrttiI ordered a massive box of 5.10's for a school project13:08
Dave26.06 the number of the ...drake13:11
popeyignore anything davmor2 says now.13:12
davmor2popey: is apparently fantastic13:12
bigcalmA swapping of machines I guess13:13
davmor2bigcalm: no he broke his beloved fs13:13
MyrttiOH NO13:14
davmor2no it's x13:14
davmor2we just blamed btrfs cause we knew it upset popey13:15
MartijnVdSoh it's his memory leak? :)13:18
bigcalmAnybody here using an office 365 account in thunderbird and find it takes a long time for the smtp connection to be made when sending email?13:19
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I have used it in the past, and yes it takes forever13:21
MartijnVdSbigcalm: also imap disconnects randomly13:21
popeyfor some strange reason compiz exploded then lightdm wouldn't start13:22
popeyall find now13:22
bigcalmpopey: somebody has moved your keys around13:23
popeyunfortunately davmor2 left his desk with his laptop locked, so i couldn't dick about with it13:23
davmor2popey: yeah not that dumb :P13:24
bigcalmSomething he never did at our work place days. I think you guys have some trust issues to work out13:24
foobarrywhy is it that some iphone users don't know how to upload a photo to facebook but they know how to upload a screenshot of a photo? is it that hard?13:31
knightwiseNo , taking a screenshot is too easy13:31
foobarrybigcalm: YES13:32
MartijnVdSknightwise: sure but don't they end up in the same place as photos?13:32
MartijnVdSknightwise: with the same "Share" button?13:33
foobarrysending a mail via smtp takes > 30 s13:33
foobarryi asked for onsite smtp realy but they didn't understand the words13:33
bigcalmfoobarry: yes?13:33
bigcalmAh, okay13:33
foobarrysucks harder than any mail system i ever saw13:33
foobarryimap is super slow too13:33
bigcalmAt least it gave me the chance to cancel sending, alter the email and resend :)13:34
bigcalmNot to be relied upon though13:34
foobarrythe response from work is "thunderbird is not supported"13:34
bigcalmRight, lunch time!13:34
MartijnVdSfoobarry: "Use outlook!"13:34
foobarrythats funny because it was supported before you introduced the problems13:34
foobarryMartijnVdS: they did say that13:36
awilkinsYick, yes13:36
foobarryi'd rather go without email than use outlook13:36
awilkinsAlas, Outlook is the only sensible option for NHS mail13:36
awilkinsIMAP is only available if you're inside the NHS network13:36
awilkinsBecause you dare not expose Exchange's IMAP implementation (or, actually, Exchange) to the naked internet13:37
foobarryMS do13:37
awilkinsSure it's not through an app proxy?13:37
awilkinsWe have Exchange available over the internet but it's via this other thing that's an XMLRPC proxy13:38
MartijnVdSfoobarry: but they're the only ones who have people on their payroll who can look at the source and go "Ah, there's the problem" is something goes horribly wrong13:38
popeyfoobarry: yeah, I've wondered why people do that too13:38
awilkinsThey bought it from an Israeli security firm13:38
popeyi think it's because people see a picture on facebook and can't figure out how to save it13:38
popeynot that they can't figure out how to share13:38
foobarryits a photo they took13:38
popeysharing is easy, saving content from facebook is harder13:38
popeyoh, thats even more demented13:39
foobarrybut maybe they shared on another fb page first13:39
awilkinsLots of pages intentionally take steps to stop you saving images now13:39
popeyI'm actually susprised they know how to screenshot13:39
awilkins(easy to default with "Inspect Element" but still... beyond the muggles)13:39
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popeyon a phone13:39
popey"Inspect element"?13:39
awilkinsOk, not on a phone13:40
popeyyou have press, and long press13:40
foobarryregret eating that pasty now13:41
foobarryhow do i delete a twitter account?13:53
=== stuphi_ is now known as stuphi
popeyhit the cog and choose settings iirc13:54
popeyat the bottom13:55
foobarrydeactivate..in small letters13:55
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
foobarryi notice chrome now has "do not track" option, so i don't need the do not track extension...or do I?14:03
popeyhttps://twitter.com/Ubuntu_Borat is @bkerensa I believe14:07
foobarrypretty lame14:08
foobarrythoguht it was funny till i read it.14:08
foobarryi like devops borat thoguh14:08
foobarryso are canonical going to complain about MS "onedrive" name?14:09
popeywhy would we?14:11
foobarrybecause it causes confusion14:11
foobarryover a similarly named product14:12
popeyjust got a text from my mother in law "I am just on my way over with some cat food. Are you dressed?"14:12
popeyi replied "I should hope so, I am in London."14:12
popeyI would imagine google would be more interested with it having "Drive" in the name14:13
* popey shrugs14:13
MartijnVdSMicrosoft cloud:\ ?14:23
dwatkinsSuch a simple name, why didn't they think of it?14:23
dwatkinsquick, copyright it...14:23
awilkinscloud:\ looks kinda dubious about the value of itself14:34
awilkinsSort of like Cloud --- hmmmm :\   -- not sure I want to trust my files to MS14:34
MartijnVdSawilkins: so.. perfect really ;)14:37
awilkinsPoetically accurate branding14:39
dwatkinsCloud:\> therefore suggests it's poking its tongue out up and to the side?14:55
bigcalmI broke Jenkins :D14:56
bigcalmBoss got emailed and I didn't14:56
bigcalmMost amusing14:56
dwatkinsI signed-up for Bitcasa before their prices went up, it would have been nice to get infinite storage with a linux fs module as well, but I gather they're only providing that to their higher paying customers.14:57
foobarrynimbus is a nice name for a cloud service15:02
foobarryor fluffy15:02
MartijnVdSfoobarry: you've been reading too much Harry Potter15:03
foobarryi've never seen or watched it15:03
MartijnVdSread then?15:14
foobarrythey're kids books i think15:15
MartijnVdSthe first few are sort-of, but he grows up quickly15:24
Myrttieh. http://vimeo.com/8496039515:28
Myrttia bit... overboard.15:29
dwatkinssomeone's been watching too much Game of Thrones, methinks.15:37
diddledanMyrtti: I am at a loss for words15:43
Myrttiso am I15:43
foobarryanother thing i haven't read/seen15:53
foobarrylots of rumpy pumpy with dwarves from what i hear15:53
bigcalmSounds like fun15:54
SuperMattah, when you said dwarves, I imagined the embeardened miners15:55
bigcalmIs it not?15:55
foobarrydunno. short people15:56
Dave2short people :(15:56
SuperMattstop mocking short people!15:57
marxjohnsonthere's a lot more rumpy-pumpy in the tv series than the books15:59
marxjohnsonsame amount of dwarves though15:59
bigcalmDave2: at a Depeche Mode gig last night. Had this feeling that I'd seen the guy on the left somewhere before: http://nme.assets.ipccdn.co.uk/images/gallery/2012DepecheModePR200212.jpg16:00
popeytoo tall16:01
foobarryi bought violator the other day16:01
foobarrysounds a bit dated now16:01
foobarryused to have it on tape as a kid16:01
bigcalmThe gig was great, what I saw of it any way16:02
popeyi used to work in Martins newsagents when 101 came out, used to play it when i was on the record counter16:02
SuperMattI would say violator has stood the test of time16:03
SuperMattcompared to a lot of music of the time16:03
SuperMattI listen to it quite a lot16:03
bigcalmNot so much fun when people who pay for a seated ticket spend the whole gig standing up16:03
foobarryenjoy the silence is epic16:03
foobarryso is the nada surf cover16:03
bigcalmTo this: https://twitter.com/bigcalm/status/427910428086501377/photo/116:05
MartijnVdSdarkest blackness of space?16:06
bigcalmMy view of the stage :(16:06
bigcalmThey sounded great though :D16:07
foobarryfeb 14th booked as holiday \o/16:07
foobarrywill take son out for the day as a valentine gift..giving her time to herself16:07
popeytaking me out somewhere nice?16:07
popeyI am disappoint, son.16:07
foobarryyou can meet me there tohugh popey...16:07
foobarrywe're going to the RAF museum at hendon16:08
foobarryepic day out16:08
bigcalmThanks for reminding me that I need to book a table for 14th Feb16:08
foobarryi realise i should be spending time with the missis but at this stage of life, a rest is the best gift16:11
diddledanwhat's the diff between dwarves and dwarfs?16:12
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diddledanI need a missus first16:13
foobarrythe massive building dwarfs the neighbourhood16:13
foobarrysnow white and the 7 dwarves16:13
foobarryi may be wrong, i didn't google16:13
diddledanthe dwarf dwarves dwarfed the pygmy?16:14
foobarrymidgets have feelings too16:14
* diddledan eyes shauno 16:14
foobarryhow should I disable network manager doing stuff on a centos server install?16:18
diddledanfoobarry: does chkconfig network-manager off not work?16:22
foobarryit does, but no device appaers in system-config-network strangely16:23
diddledanand then running service network-manager stop, of course16:23
foobarrywill go the /etc/sysconfig route, ta16:23
diddledandoesn't system-config-network use the network-manager framework now?16:24
diddledanwelcome to #centos16:24
diddledanaww, that one doesn't exist16:24
diddledanin #wordpress it says "just because you're using WordPress doesn't mean your question is related"16:25
diddledanor similar16:25
diddledanit's annoying the two bots are very similar but differ in ways that make me head-desk every time I try to use one of them16:26
diddledanlubotu3: !command; doc-bot: .command; lubotu3: !command | redirection; doc-bot .command > redirection16:27
lubotu3diddledan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:27
diddledanshaddup lubotu3 , I wasn't talking to you16:27
foobarryaww poor bot16:27
diddledanit's a bot. until it develops emotions I'm not going to worry about humanity16:28
diddledanalthough, if she's as sexy as six then I might have to speed up the emotion program design16:30
foobarryUSERCTL=no in ifcdfg-eth0 file?16:30
diddledanI believe that's for use with ifup and ifdown16:31
diddledanallows ordinary users the ability to bring the network up and down without root privs16:31
foobarryah, cheers16:33
foobarrynew settig for me16:33
diploCentos channel is awful, find the people in there quite confrontational, only ask if I'm really stuck :)16:36
foobarrythat imac on a train picture, was that actually running ubuntu?16:36
foobarrylooks like software centre16:36
shaunoI saw depeche mode last year .. being at the front wasn't actually a good thing.  that's when you realised you were watching a middle-aged man make love to a microphone stand.16:47
foobarryin tight leathers?16:47
dwatkinshow would you get power for an iMac on a train?16:48
shaunofrom the wall sockets?16:49
JGJonesDon't think the wall sockets give enough juice for that? Although an iMac doesn't use much power mind you, on par with a laptop (since most of internals of an iMac is mobile chips etc)16:50
shaunoours have regular mains-level outlets16:51
shaunowherever you see this sign :)  http://www.irishrail.ie/media/Symbols_wifi_sockets_150x100px1.png16:55
foobarrybut was it ubuntu?16:55
shaunoI didn't see the picture16:56
popeymany trains over here have power too16:57
shaunomost diesel locos use the diesel to run a generator and then have electric powertrains, so they tend have more than enough juice to share16:58
foobarrymy commuter train has power sockets for cleaners16:59
bigcalmI caved in and ordered the managed switch with wifi17:02
diddledanI think that's been photoshopped17:05
Laneycan you tell by the pixels17:05
diddledandefinitely the pixels17:05
directhexwell, it takes experience to spot a shop17:19
directhexhave you seen many shops in your time?17:19
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popeysays no18:19
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* foobarry is reinstalling wifeysphone to see if that fixes the problem19:43
foobarryotherwise...new  phone  :(19:43
MyrttiI've dabbled with rewriterules19:44
Myrttiresult: http://myrtti.fi/tip-jar goes to my freenode tip jar.19:44
Myrtti(and yes, if you click the link you know why I'm actually not ashamed at all to tell you this)19:45
Myrttibut I'm also not going to spam it more19:45
diddledanMyrtti: spam away - it's a good cause19:50
diddledanplus who doesn't like spam with their egg n chips?!19:51
Myrttihm, new Humble Bundle20:01
Myrttiquite surprised they donate to EFF and not, say, PEN International on that one20:02
MartijnVdSooh wow, first time I've seen that:20:13
MartijnVdS[1405908.645054] microcode: CPU0 updated to revision 0x17, date = 2013-08-1620:13
MartijnVdS(etc, for CPU0-7)20:13
diddledanyour system has been online for some time20:17
diddledan1405908 seconds is..... *calculator*17.2720833333... days20:18
MartijnVdSdiddledan: 16 days20:18
diddledansorry mistope20:18
AzelphurHey folks, anyone bored and mind telling me about the control characters in a terminal? I'm trying to capture the output from a process, and write what would be visible into a text file20:22
ali12341i know a lot about that stuff20:23
ali12341too much really20:23
Azelphurali12341: so for example, I'd want to have one "frame" of top always written into a text file, that's the goal20:23
AzelphurI can capture the raw output, with all the control codes and such20:23
ali12341well there's no such thing as "frames"20:23
MartijnVdSAzelphur: man script20:23
AzelphurMartijnVdS: interesting, that might do it, haha20:24
ali12341why do you actually want this?20:24
ali12341pu top on a webpage or something?20:24
MartijnVdSAzelphur: script -t timings outputfile20:24
MartijnVdSAzelphur: then replay using "scriptreplay timings outputfile"20:25
Azelphurali12341: spot on, I'm being stupid and feel like dumping the output of cgminer to a minecraft computer.20:25
AzelphurMartijnVdS: yea, that doesn't sound like what I want20:25
MartijnVdSAzelphur: it's like recordmydesktop for terminals :)20:25
ali12341right and you're using computercraft?20:25
Azelphurali12341: yup20:25
Azelphurfun fun \o/20:25
ali12341whch can only fetch web pages basically20:25
ali12341what you really want is ssh implemented in lua20:26
ali12341i put some thought into how to make cmputercraft more interesting20:26
ali12341the most interesting way would be to connect it up to user mode linux instances instead of lua vm20:27
ali12341and then put the redstone hardware into /dev/20:27
ali12341anyway, back on to the question20:27
ali12341you might be able to do this with screen20:28
AzelphurI was wondering if I could do something like that with it20:28
ali12341you can do it interactive with C-a h20:30
ali12341"write a hardcopy of current screen contents"20:30
Azelphuroh hey, that'll work20:30
shaunoif you name your screen sessions, you can do it non-interactive too20:30
Azelphuryou can stuff commands into screen20:30
Myrttips has some sorting options20:31
Myrttiand formats and columns20:32
ali12341yeah but *really* he doesn't care about top at all, just wants to monitor some other program that happens to have a UI a bit like top20:32
Azelphurali12341: has it down ;)20:32
Myrttiwell, ok.20:33
MartijnVdSyou could run it on a vt and dump /dev/vcs<num> ;)20:35
shaunodon't you get a whole lot of noise that way?20:38
MartijnVdSevery other character is a colour code(ish)20:38
shauno:hardcopy filename is nice because it's basically printscreen; it kicks out clean ascii.  if you dump it straight from the term you get all the ansi stuff they use to move the cursor etc20:39
ali12341screen -X hardcopy foo.txt20:40
ali12341this works if you only have one screen with one window20:40
ali12341it is a little bit strange with cgminer though, it only outputs the top part of the display20:40
Azelphurali12341: yea I already found it20:40
Azelphurand it works for me20:40
foobarryso the tube didn't stop at my station tonight, and hence took me into zone1, so my jounrye cost £5 extra :(20:47
Azelphurali12341: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2014/Jan/2014-01-28_20.51.50.png that was fun \o/20:52
mappsmonths till ibiza20:54
ali12341C  [libc.so.6+0x7d71a]  _obstack_memory_used+0x49a <- does anyone know what it means when java does this?20:58
shaunoAzelphur: witchcraft?21:03
Azelphurali12341: hilarious idea, HTTP Post, screen -X stuff, screen -X hardcopy21:04
Azelphuryou now have computercraft SSH, in the ugliest most laggy way ever.21:04
shaunoI can't keep track of all the server forks anymore.  seems bukkit isn't "in" anymore?21:11
diddledanwtf @ screenie21:13
diddledanhe not nuts, he cwazay21:13
AzelcraftHi folks!21:18
Azelphurdiddledan: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2014/Jan/2014-01-28_21.19.09.png xD21:19
Azelphurthis is the most hilariously pointless thing ever.21:21
diddledanyou've completely lost the plot?21:21
Azelphurpretty much21:21
Myrttiyou are mad as a hatter21:29
AzelphurI think I'm taking this too far, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2014/Jan/2014-01-28_21.24.29.png21:30
Azelphurminecraftception :P21:30
Myrttiyou are mad.21:30
MartijnVdSAzelphur: have you read Snow Crash?21:33
MartijnVdSyou should. :)21:34
Azelphurnope hehe21:34
neurothere's only four things we do better than anyone else21:35
neuromicrocode (software)21:35
neurohigh-speed pizza delivery21:35
MartijnVdSneuro: that one, yes :)21:38
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
AzelphurMyrtti / diddledan I implemented buffering and some other optimisations, upped the framerate22:31
AzelphurI'm watching that telnet star wars now22:32
diddledanaciimation ftw?22:38
Azelphurindeed :)22:39

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