
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
CimiSaviq, I don't know why it's failing on CI00:34
CimiI mean, those two tests..00:35
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tsdgeosMacSlow: any help with the notification thing?08:53
MacSlowtsdgeos, not yet... still stuck with all those ap-tests failing...09:00
MacSlowtsdgeos, I've no idea why they all fail with http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/682721209:01
tsdgeosMacSlow: are you running them with make autopilot?09:01
MacSlowtsdgeos, yes09:01
tsdgeosyou're compiling in /tmp/bla/unity8/ ?09:03
MacSlowtsdgeos, yes09:03
SaviqMacSlow, that error says autopilot can't find the running unity8 process to introspect - maybe not running with testability?09:06
SaviqMacSlow, got a branch so we can test?09:06
MacSlowSaviq, for this I'm just using plain unity8 trunk09:07
SaviqMacSlow, and all tests fail for you like that?09:08
MacSlowSaviq, yeah09:10
SaviqMacSlow, feels like a dbus issue, when did you last reboot?09:10
SaviqMacSlow, like your dbus session got confused between your terminal and upstart, maybe09:10
MacSlowtsdgeos, Saviq: about an hour ago... so I compiled unity8, cd builddir, LC_ALL=C make install, LC_ALL=C PYTHONPATH=../tests/autopilot autopilot run ...09:11
MacSlowI can do a reboot and see if that solves anything...09:11
CimiSaviq, hi09:16
SaviqCimi, yo09:16
CimiSaviq, can you give me feedback on https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8.previews_audioPlayer/+merge/203387 ?09:16
CimiSaviq, I would like to know what you wanted with the preview widgets09:16
CimiSaviq, apart from adding tests and cleaning code, is something like this correct?09:17
SaviqCimi, don't actually integrate it with the old previews, they're going away09:18
CimiSaviq, so I dimly separate them, but leave them unused in a folder?09:19
SaviqCimi, yes, and test them09:19
SaviqCimi, they need to be self-contained, too09:19
SaviqCimi, so the actual Audio { } component needs to be inside, too09:20
CimiSaviq, but this will imply having one audio component per track09:20
SaviqCimi, that's my next sentence09:20
SaviqCimi, in this particular case, the widget needs to support a model, not just one item09:20
SaviqCimi, so you need a Column+Repeater here09:21
sil2100jamesh: hi! Sorry for the mediascanner2 LP problems - I actually thought that the team configuration I prepared was enough09:22
MacSlowtsdgeos, Saviq: same problem even after a reboot... but starting unity8 via the run script works as usual09:22
sil2100jamesh: I made you an administrator of the mediascanner team now so you have ultimate power09:22
jameshsil2100: yeah.  It looked like mediascanner and mediascanner2 had the same ownership config, so I wonder what is different?09:22
SaviqMacSlow, if you have unity8 installed system-wide, remove ~/.config/upstart/unity8.conf09:22
jameshI can certainly update things on the old project09:23
SaviqMacSlow, otherwise cp data/unity8.conf ~/.config/upstart/09:23
sil2100jamesh: that's indeed a valid question09:24
MacSlowSaviq, copying over data/unity8.conf to ~/.config/upstart did the trick... although I'm not seeing any of the assets (images) in the notifications09:26
SaviqCimi, it won't be a real model, but an array of hashes instead, so access them like so: modelData['title'], modelData['subtitle'], modelData['source']09:28
CimiSaviq, so I'll just create a property var for this, and write a mock?09:29
SaviqCimi, yup09:29
MacSlowtsdgeos, hm... with the fixed unity8.conf none of the notification ap-tests fail for me on the desktop (using trunk of both... unity-notifications and unity8)09:29
tsdgeosMacSlow: you sure you're using trunk unity-notifications? try usign
* Saviq reboots09:31
MacSlowtsdgeos, just pulled lp:unity-notifications  about 30 minutes ago...09:31
MacSlowtsdgeos, I retry with that .deb09:32
SaviqMacSlow, I can confirm, with the .deb it fails09:38
MacSlowtsdgeos, Saviq: yes... that .deb also fails for me here.09:41
tsdgeosMacSlow: i have the same when using the deb that results from compiling unity-notifications trunk09:42
tsdgeosMacSlow: you sure you did install the deb after compiling it?09:42
MacSlowtsdgeos, Saviq: I'll work on the fix (for the test) now09:42
MacSlowtsdgeos, I saw that I used fixed trunk I did locally yesterday and copied over the wrong directory.09:43
MacSlowtsdgeos, sorry for the mixup09:43
tsdgeosmzanetti: ping09:47
mzanettitsdgeos: pong09:48
tsdgeosmzanetti: i was having a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1271676 and found out it's because of the preview09:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1271676 in Unity 8 "Launching an app from the app scope causes app scope to jump to the top" [High,Triaged]09:49
mzanettihmm.. ok09:50
tsdgeosmzanetti: can it really happen in rendererLoader.item.onClicked that scopeView.scope.activate will trigger a preview?09:50
mzanettiyes.. that's how it normally works09:50
mzanettifor everything except installed apps09:50
mzanettiwait... need to read the code09:51
tsdgeoswell, everything except installed apps goes through the else, no?09:51
mzanettitsdgeos: true... should not happen in there09:52
tsdgeosso basically could move all the previewlist stuff inside the else?09:53
mzanettiI'd say yes...09:54
mzanettiwhen you guys are creating all the new Scopes API's, are you keeping the previews in mind? so we eventually will have a PreviewModel which is just filled with data instead of throwing all those pointer forth and back09:55
Saviqmhr3, see https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1NmiM4UCnJgf6IEawmfyTOHRNAA5ZGrqpyrPqPOibwc8/edit#heading=h.6fng39a8onr for a reference on how data for widgets will be provided09:55
SaviqCimi, ↑↑09:55
Saviqmhr3, ignore09:55
CimiSaviq, dziekuje09:56
SaviqCimi, nie ma za co09:56
Saviqmzanetti, I'm not entirely sure what the lower-level plan is there, mhr3, pstolowski?09:57
mhr3Saviq, meaning?09:57
mhr3"lower-level plan"?09:57
Saviqmhr3, how will the plugin expose the preview as received from the scope? how will we match previews to result items?09:58
mhr3Saviq, the plugin exposes previews as models of the widgets09:58
mhr3you request a preview for specific result09:59
Saviqmhr3, current issue is the preview just comes in at a random time, and there's no way to associate it with a result item, and we're jumping all kinds of hoops because of that09:59
Saviqmhr3, yeah, but it comes back async, how do we match it back to the result?09:59
mhr3Saviq, i changed the semantics the way i mentioned yesterday09:59
mhr3Saviq, ie a preview request gives you back an empty model right away, once all data is there a signal is emitted10:00
mhr3up to you to ignore it :)10:00
mzanettiok.. the model right away is good10:00
Saviqyup, we can then associate it with the result10:00
mzanettiideally it would be a model just the same size as the actual item model, just containing the prviewdata :)10:01
tsdgeosthe day we get rid of10:01
tsdgeosterminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >'10:01
tsdgeos  what():  could not activate surface with eglMakeCurrent10:01
tsdgeoswill be an awesome day10:01
mzanettihaha... indeed10:01
mzanettibut this one is not as bad as "address already in use"10:01
mhr3mzanetti, hm, theoretically the result model could have previewdata role, a that thing would be filled in only if you asked for it10:03
mhr3but that doesn't play overly nice with being able to do that lazily10:03
mzanettimhr3: you can just fill the stuff on demand...10:04
mzanettiwith an additionaly property, "loaded: bool" so we know if we should show the spinner instead10:04
mzanettibut we wouldn't need to catch a signal with a pointer later and try to find what it belongs to...10:05
mhr3mzanetti, i can easily emit such a signal on the preview model itself if you want that10:06
mzanettimhr3: for defining something I'm a bit far off the topic right now... would need to read through it again.10:06
mzanettibut I'm sure Saviq can handle this ;)10:07
Saviqmzanetti, mhr3, if a role in the model, it'd have to be a stack of previews (think payment confirmation page)10:07
mzanettiah yeah... that's another issue10:07
Saviqwhich might not be an overly bad idea anyway10:07
Saviqmhr3, data() is only called on a role when that particular role is requested, so having that there might be a good enough idea10:09
mhr3Saviq, but it's const :P10:09
mhr3so isn't exactly lazy-init friendly10:09
Saviqmhr3, not like that can't be worked around ;)10:10
mhr3but those workarounds are awful10:10
Saviqmhr3, we should write down all the usecases and see what's problematic where and why10:11
Saviqmzanetti, btw, remember how you spent countless hours to get the "highlight item under preview" work properly?10:11
Saviqmzanetti, you'll be pleased (?) to know it's going away completely - previews are going to cover full screen now10:12
mzanettiits totally broken all over already :/10:12
Saviqand there's going to be a back button, simply10:13
mhr3Saviq, for me it doesn't feel right, previews can be dynamic and stuffing it into the model makes it feel like it's immutable10:14
Saviqmhr3, only the mapping between result and "preview stack" is immutable, what's in that preview stack is a different issue10:14
mhr3still, you'll never need multiple previewstacks active10:17
Saviqmhr3, that is true10:17
Saviqmhr3, well, when switching between previews we will10:18
Saviqmhr3, can't destroy the old one before requesting / creating the new one10:18
mhr3that's looking at it from a different angle10:18
Saviqmhr3, sure, the old one isn't "active" any more, and arguably we could just use a snapshot of it10:19
Saviqmhr3, OTOH it depends on how persistent their state is supposed to be10:19
Saviqmhr3, but I doubt it is meant to be persistent10:19
mhr3and if you were deep in the stack and come back i would expect it to start over10:19
Saviqmhr3, you would probably be prevented from going away from an unconfirmed or cancelled page (again, preview confirmation)10:20
Saviqmhr3, and yeah, once you switch away you start over10:20
mhr3Saviq, i'd say there isn't a strong need to put it in the result model10:21
mhr3but we do have the option to change it if we do want it that way10:22
Saviqmhr3, sure, you're probably right, we can request a stack for a particular result on getting into a new preview, and the old one would get deleted when its preview page gets off screen10:22
Saviqmhr3, as long as you make sure that a preview for a particular result will always end up in the stack it's been requested for, it should be fine10:24
dednickmhr3: you going to be in office today?10:24
mhr3dednick, yea, for 2nd half :)10:25
mhr3Saviq, i think that navigating in the stack will be done by invoking methods of the preview itself10:26
Saviqmhr3, yeah, so they can be "confined" to that particular preview stack, sounds good to me10:26
Saviqmzanetti, ↑ ?10:27
dednickmhr3: hehe, now that you have to do your 8:30am start you're slacking off again?!10:27
mhr3dednick, shush, you came in at 9:30, i can see it here, imagine you'd have to be there an hour earlier :P10:28
dednickum, yeah :) trip in was a bit of a mightmare10:29
mzanettiSaviq: not entirely following... but you know what the issues are with how it works right now... if you're happy with it I'm sure were fine10:29
mhr3Saviq, anyway, we don't have api that would tell us about nested previews yet... cc pstolowski :)10:30
Saviqmzanetti, workflow would be like so: activating an item will get you an empty preview stack, that you can start displaying straight away, the preview data would come into that model and any subsequent preview interaction will be "confined" to that preview stack for that result10:30
Saviqmzanetti, when you switch to a different preview (left/right), you'd request another preview stack for that result, and drop the other one when it goes off screen10:31
mzanettibut that's mostly how it is right now, no?10:32
Saviqmzanetti, problem right now is that you don't get the model straight away10:32
mzanettithat's one, yes10:32
Saviqmzanetti, you request a preview and you never know when it'll come (hence the cancellation we did)10:32
mzanettithe other is that I need to build a model in qml which reflects the scope category but holds previews10:32
mzanettihave to run to a right-edge meeting now...10:33
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, but that model is only ever max 3 items, and the append/prepend operations are pretty simple I'd think10:33
Saviqmzanetti, sure10:33
mhr3Saviq, what this means though is that we can't update the result models when preview is showing10:39
mhr3(when we have async notifications about changes)10:39
Saviqmhr3, I think the fact that we're not showing the results any more precludes result updates anyway10:40
Saviqmhr3, as suddenly switching between items would get you somewhere you didn't expect10:40
mhr3well that would be weird even if we were showing the results10:41
mhr3plus weirdness like current result disappearing10:41
karniSaviq: I've probably spammed you a bit with merge proposals before I left yesterday"today"10:42
Saviqmhr3, indeed10:43
Saviqkarni, it's fine, didn't respond to the emails, though, wanted to wait for you to show up10:43
karniSaviq: :)10:43
karniSaviq: fire at will when you have a moment, I'm all ears10:44
Saviqkarni, re: carousel, yes I know the problem, didn't dig into it, though, Carousel has a huge number of properties I've no idea what they do ;P10:44
karniSaviq: so, it's something we're aware of? (i.e. there is a problem, and we already know)?10:45
Saviqkarni, yes, we are aware, no one looked at a solution yet, though10:45
karniyeah, fixing that one will be challenging.10:45
karniSaviq: ack10:45
Saviqkarni, as for the filtergrid, I suspect there's a binding loop somewhere there, and you're falling victim of that10:47
karniSaviq: It seemed like sometimes FilterGrid wouldn't "unwind", the opposite to the way it nicely collapses. The fix works fine, the problem only surfaces when you start *changing* collapsedRowCount in the mean time.10:49
Saviqkarni, for https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/fix-card-header-height/+merge/203411 - if you feel like it, approve away, otherwise we can ask mzanetti to put another set of eyes on it10:49
karniSaviq: can you explain me just one line from your MP? line 91, header.y + header.height10:50
Saviqkarni, that's the lower edge of the  header10:52
Saviqkarni, so its top edge + its height10:52
karniSaviq: Right. I understand that, what I don't understand why would you test that against *height*10:52
Saviqkarni, hmm let me look again10:53
Saviqkarni, because that's the height I expect the card to be10:53
Saviqkarni, we need the card's bottom edge to be the same with the header's bottom edge10:54
karniand we're only testing on 1 card, so bottom edge == height10:54
karniSaviq: I feel confident top approving this10:54
Saviqkarni, go for it, then10:55
karniSaviq: how about https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-carousel5/+merge/203444 ?10:59
Saviqkarni, well, doesn't x <= 6 eq x < 5 for integers? ;)11:00
Saviqno it doesn't11:01
karnino :D11:01
karni^ ^11:01
Saviqkarni, but anyway, I'd rather not touch that value in lp:unity8, as it's working fine here11:01
Saviqkarni, make the test work with <= 6 for now11:01
karniSaviq: shall I rebase to new-scopes?11:01
Saviqkarni, and we'll tweak it in new-scopes for the new rule, yes11:02
karniSaviq: ack!11:02
Saviqmzanetti, ok, shall we go through the release process then?11:09
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Saviqmzanetti, I'm thinking let's push trunk to lp:unity8/devel, uncommit trunk up to the latest release, propose a merge from devel to trunk, and go through the process with that?11:11
Saviqwonder how we can get the changelog message for this, though11:12
karniSaviq: okay, this effectively just adds a tests, that passes in unity8 trunk [1]. I'll get the tweak ready for new-scopes now, aye? [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-carousel5/+merge/20344411:13
Saviqkarni, yup11:13
Saviqkarni, one thing: var renderer...var renderer - the second "var" is not needed, and will be frowned upon by qtcreator, for example11:15
karniSaviq: oh, that wasn't intentional. shall I fix?11:15
Saviqkarni, yes please11:15
Saviqdidrocks, do you have the daily release dch generator somewhere so that we could use it locally?11:16
didrocksSaviq: hum, it's a in library, but what are you trying to aciheve?11:16
karniSaviq: fixed11:16
Saviqdidrocks, we're going the staging/devel branch route for lp:unity811:16
didrocksSaviq: hum, talk with asac, it's not what we want people to go with11:17
Saviqdidrocks, as the overhead for Train CI is just to big for us for every MP11:17
tsdgeosdidrocks: maybe you should not create guidelines that make it impossible to devel stuff if you don't want that11:17
didrocksSaviq: well, it seems you didn't even try it and already decided about the guidelines11:17
didrocksSaviq: would have been great that you try before talking about the overhead11:18
didrocksespecially as you are bundling multiple MPs together11:18
didrocksso not sure what you mean by overhead11:18
Saviqdidrocks, well, I wasn't even schooled yet, but we just know how long it takes to build/run the test suites locally11:18
Saviqdidrocks, manual testing time11:18
didrocksSaviq: and you are not applying the same level of quality in your "devel trunk"?11:18
tsdgeosdidrocks: we are not doing manual testing for a one liner, no11:19
Saviqdidrocks, we do, but we let CI do the testing for us11:19
tsdgeosdepending on the one liner of course :D11:19
didrockstsdgeos: well, you can bundle multiple MPs all together11:19
didrocksand accept/reject all of them11:19
tsdgeosdidrocks: that means that everyone has to wait for the very obvious oneliner fix because it has to be bundled11:19
asacSaviq: *shrug* ... i am with didrocks that you should really first try using the system and see how fast you can go before investing in workarounds11:19
tsdgeosbundling MPs is just a workaround for the thing being a pain11:20
asacSaviq: you realize that you can land 100 MPs in one shot if the quality your engineers submit is good11:20
Saviqdidrocks, meaning that we can put several MPs into Approved, and land them all together?11:20
didrocksSaviq: right11:20
Saviqasac, no, I was not11:20
asacSaviq: thats the point :)11:20
didrocksas seb128 is doing with system-settings11:20
Saviqok well that changes things11:21
asacSaviq: use the system for a bit... it ultimately is the same approach. you take a bunch of MPs, create a temp branch for everything you feel is safe to land11:21
asacand land it all in one shot ...11:21
Saviqasac, so if I need the temp branch, what's the difference between a staging branch that we merge periodically into trunk then?11:21
didrocksSaviq: look at https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=drive_web#gid=111:21
didrocksSaviq: see that there are 2 MPs listed here11:22
didrocksthe merge is done for you11:22
Saviqso I don't need the temp branch11:22
asacSaviq: you disconnect the process11:22
dednicklarsu: ping11:22
asacSaviq: the temp branch is created by the system for you (just used this to explain it)11:22
asacSaviq: how about you join and get trained?11:23
Saviqasac, I was planned to, but was off last week11:23
asacright. so lets move you in, then you will see11:23
Saviqasac, when's the next slot for training?11:24
asacSaviq: guess we can make a special session for you this week?11:24
asacdidrocks: ?11:24
asaclike in 1h :)?11:24
larsudednick: hey, what's up?11:25
dednicklarsu: howdy. q about the message indicator. It doesnt use telepathy does it?11:26
Saviqtsdgeos, +Component.onCompleted: console.log("SDFDFSD", scope.id)11:26
tsdgeosneed that or won't work!11:27
larsudednick: no, but there's talk that it should11:27
dednicklarsu: ok.11:27
Saviqasac, not necessary, we've got mzanetti and tsdgeos trained (although apparently there's been some miscommunication, then)11:27
karniHrm... I pulled trunk and I have failing tests for testGenericScopeView, even though they were passing last evening.11:27
tsdgeosSaviq: i wasn't trained, just mzanetti11:28
larsudednick: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-messages/+bug/1267063/11:28
Saviqtsdgeos, ah ok11:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1267063 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Retain user-selected presence state, optimize daemons usage" [Undecided,New]11:28
mzanettiSaviq: re (sorry. had to go to buy some food)11:28
Saviqmzanetti, don't be11:28
Saviqasac, didrocks, we'll get the first process through and I'll join the next planned slot11:28
dednicklarsu: cool. thanks11:29
didrocksSaviq: we are going to do a landing with thostr_, I won't reash all the concepts, but I'm happy to prepare that with you in advance11:29
Saviqdidrocks, I'm yours11:30
didrocksSaviq: do you have time like now for a quick hangout?11:30
didrocksso that I explain the basic workflow11:30
didrocksthen, you will follow their first landing :)11:30
Saviqdidrocks, sure11:31
* didrocks is going to a free room11:32
didrocksSaviq: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpj79bppufnts1b6cjfcq8u811:36
karnimhr3: Cimi: in new-scopes, testGenericScopeView fails on test_hiddenPreviewOpen, test_previewCycle, test_previewOpenClose, test_showPreviewCarousel, test_show_spinner - are you guys aware of this? Is this because of undergoing preview work?11:43
mhr3karni, the tests weren't much updated so far11:44
karnimhr3: okay, was just double checking you guys aware we have failing tests.11:44
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
popeytsdgeos: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1271676 on your radar to be fixed soon? It's quite jarring and will be obvious when giving demos at MWC12:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1271676 in Unity 8 "Launching an app from the app scope causes app scope to jump to the top" [High,Triaged]12:14
tsdgeospopey: it is fixed in a MR12:14
tsdgeospopey: needs a test, but then i found out an existing test was broken, so i'm fixing that test first12:14
tsdgeospopey: so if you need it *now* ping saviq and we can fast track it without test12:15
popeynot *now* but /soon/12:15
tsdgeosotherwise wait till the end of the day and i hope i've fixed the mess12:15
popeygreat great!12:15
popeyglad I asked12:15
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tsdgeosmzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/testCyclePreviewBroken/+merge/20352912:41
mzanettitsdgeos: hmm. fails to build12:44
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tsdgeosmzanetti: really?12:44
mzanetticrap... yeah. but my fault... it just printed mock preview warnings exactly before crapping out12:45
tsdgeosmzanetti: i changed 2 qml files, how can it fail to build?12:45
mzanetti... what are the odds...12:45
tsdgeosmzanetti: it's not your fault really, it's my fault when i redid the previewlist to be global instead of per genericscope12:46
mzanettitsdgeos: approved, thanks12:49
* mzanetti goes back to the right edge animation12:50
karnitsdgeos: hey, maybe you don't mind taking a look :)? https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-carousel5/+merge/20344412:51
karnitsdgeos: and tweak for new-scopes (that's what we decided with Saviq) https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/new-scopes-fix-carousel5/+merge/20351712:51
karnitsdgeos: If you prefer to leave it to Michał, that's fine12:52
tsdgeoshe approved the first one already12:52
tsdgeoslooks ok to me, i guess he'll aprrove the second one later12:53
karnitsdgeos: yeah, thanks :)12:53
Saviqtsdgeos, Cimi, dandrader, elopio, kgunn, greyback, mzanetti, karni, MacSlow|lunch, dednick: please have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/Unity8 and see if it sounds sane, bear in mind it's ultimately us who decide whether answers to those questions are good enough, so if e.g. there was no design review, because it's still too difficult to get it, it's fine13:01
* dandrader reads on13:01
* karni looks13:01
CimiSaviq, how about setting an highlighted word to type that we all sync in our irc clients? so when we want to gather attention to the whole team we simply type that keyword13:02
* mzanetti uses "all:"13:02
SaviqCimi, mzanetti, you decide ;)13:02
Cimilike unityuiteam: hello team13:02
CimiI think it's nice13:03
greyback"expound" that not a word I see too often :)13:03
mzanetticauses a few false positives when someone pastes "dh_install:" error messages13:03
Cimior cimirocks13:03
mzanetti+1 ^^13:03
Cimicimirocks: standup13:03
Cimicimirocks is actually my playstation network id :)13:03
kgunni like uiteam13:04
karniCimi: we used @all for hilight13:04
Saviqgreyback, I had to look it up ;D13:04
kgunni actually use "expound"13:04
karnithat worked for 2 of the teams I've been on13:04
Cimikarni, but a lot of people can say all13:04
Saviqkgunn, yeah, you wrote it, too13:04
karniCimi: "@all" not "all"13:04
Cimiin normal chat13:04
Cimikarni, ok, other teams then :)13:04
karniCimi: whatever works for you. this works for u1-client and phone delivery :)13:04
Saviqkgunn, I adapted the checklists a bit, hope the changes are fine with you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/Unity8?action=diff&rev2=18&rev1=1613:05
dandraderSaviq,  "Did you perform an exploratory manual test run of your code change? " would like to have "test run" properly defined. e.g.: run unity8 on the device and play around with it, performing a couple of fundamental usecases and something that your MP affects, if any"13:05
karnihaha I like cimirocks13:05
kgunnSaviq: yep, looked good...i'm for paring them down to bare minimum13:05
Cimikarni, +1 ;)13:05
Saviqdandrader, we have the definition in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/Unity813:05
Saviqdandrader, but it's more extensive than what we want per-MP13:06
Saviqdandrader, per-MP we just want to apply reason13:06
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mzanettiSaviq: "First please copy & paste into the MP the checklist " <- into the description field?13:06
greybackSaviq: when you say "core-dev" you mean what exactly? (for the packaging change bullet point)13:06
Saviqgreyback, right, I want it to be a team13:06
kgunnmzanetti: maybe into a comment ?13:06
Saviqgreyback, but there isn't one yet13:06
Saviqgreyback, so ubuntu-unity, /me fixes13:07
kgunnif description is weird13:07
mzanettiSaviq: description can be altered, comments not13:07
Saviqkgunn, mzanetti I'm for description, yes13:07
mzanettiso you could change something from "no" to "yes" or add a better expound later :D13:07
kgunnright...i did think comment let's you reply to expound13:07
kgunnbut i'm originally for description13:08
kgunnbbiab, a.m. house duties13:09
dandraderSaviq, not sure I got it. so "exploratory manual test" is more lax than https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/Unity8 ?13:11
Saviqdandrader, yes13:11
Saviqdandrader, it's more about testing your code change and any related functionality, rather than checking for regressions13:11
mzanettiSaviq: what's the plan on getting an image to test?13:12
Saviqmzanetti, add a ppa, dist-upgrade from it13:12
dandraderSaviq, ok. better have it written down there somewhere13:12
Saviqmzanetti, for now, will get improved later13:12
mzanettiSaviq: is that already working or tbd?13:12
Saviqmzanetti, works13:12
mzanettiwhich ppa?13:12
Saviqmzanetti, it's a per-landing silo13:13
Saviqmzanetti, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-004/ for example13:13
Saviqmzanetti, when you create a landing, you get assigned one of them13:14
mzanettididn't know it creates a ppa we can use13:14
Saviqmzanetti, the ppa is there, it just cleans it up and uploads new packages13:14
Saviqmzanetti, there's 10 "silos" at the moment13:15
mzanettiyeah, I know13:15
Saviqmzanetti, and each has a PPA13:15
dandraderSaviq, so the reviewer also changes the MP description?13:15
Saviqdandrader, yes13:15
Saviqdandrader, or well13:16
Saviqdandrader, actually maybe not13:16
Saviqdandrader, because there can be more reviewers13:16
dandraderSaviq, why not in a regular comment?13:16
Saviqdandrader, just changed13:17
Saviqdandrader, reviewers put their answers in review comments13:17
dandraderSaviq, so merging to trunk is going to be manually done by someone and that guy will perform the TestPlan?13:18
Saviqdandrader, no, not manually13:18
Saviqdandrader, the "Lander" lists the MPs to be landed in https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=drive_web#gid=013:18
Saviqdandrader, all the MPs are built into a corresponding PPA, the test plan is to be executed13:19
Saviqdandrader, packages are put into archive and code merged into trunks13:19
karniSaviq: You seem to be quite busy.. this one is almost the same as the one you approved, just for new-scopes:13:22
Saviqkarni, yeah, will wait for the one to trunk to merge13:23
Saviqkarni, and merge trunk into new-scopes13:23
karniSaviq: ach, gotcha!13:23
Saviqkarni, can you please fill the answers in https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-carousel5/+merge/20344413:23
Saviqdandrader, fill in answers in https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/draghandle_lp1269022/+merge/202484 please13:23
Saviqelopio, fill in answers in https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/unity8/wait_for_category/+merge/202523 please13:24
Saviqkarni, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-card-no-artimage/+merge/203520 here too13:25
Saviqtsdgeos, I already linked the OSK bug with the keyboard13:26
kklimondahey, anyone got any idea how to disable alt+button1 window resize in 14.04?13:27
Saviqkklimonda, isn't that window move, not resize?13:28
* karni uses it all the tim13:29
* Saviq too13:29
Saviqkklimonda, regardless, dig into compizconfig-settings-manager13:29
kklimondaright, it's window move13:29
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
kklimondaI wouldn't try to disable it if it werent for the fact that it's messing the game I'm playing13:30
kklimondaI tried in ccsm, the setting is there indeed, but if I try changing, it gets reverted somehow13:31
Saviqkklimonda, I just disabled the "window move" plugin in ccsm and it worked fine?13:32
kklimondaSaviq: when I did that I couldn't move windows at all after restarting unity - a rather undesirect side-effect13:34
Saviqkklimonda, hmm indeed13:35
Saviqkklimonda, sounds like a bug, disabling the button1+Alt shortcut indeed does not seem to change anything here13:41
seb128Saviq, do you know where is the default launcher config for unity8/touch?13:41
Saviqseb128, same as for desktop13:41
seb128Saviq, is the config the same?13:41
Saviqseb128, no, we've an .override in place IIRC13:42
Saviqmzanetti ↑ correct?13:42
seb128Saviq, right, what package is shipping the override is my question I guess13:42
Saviqseb128, gimme a minute please13:42
mzanettiyeah, correct13:42
seb128Saviq, sure, thanks ;-)13:42
mzanettiseb128: its in ubuntu-touch-settings or however the package is called13:43
Saviqseb128, ↑ yup13:43
karnihrm. flashed trusty-proposed, applied demo-stuff, and scope-onlinemusic wouldn't show up13:43
karniaaah fuuu.. used -b when flashing, blew away my home13:44
seb128Saviq, mzanetti: ok, got it, thanks13:44
Saviqkarni, do you see any issues in ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log?13:44
* karni looks13:44
karniSaviq: nothing immediately obvious, no. rebooting the device.13:46
karnistill nothing. strange. will install anothe scope.13:48
seb128Saviq, mzanetti: is there a design document or something describing what the launcher should include by default? that key seems out of sync with reality (seeing the number of elements listed compared to what is listed on the device)13:49
Saviqseb128, not that I know of13:49
mzanettiseb128: nope. I think ssweeny created this override13:49
mzanettior cwayne13:49
tsdgeosSaviq: oki13:50
seb128Saviq, mzanetti: do you any idea who I could ping in design to ask about what should be there?13:50
mzanettihmm... vesar or JohnLea probably13:51
Saviqkarni, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-card-no-artimage/+merge/203520/comments/47498113:51
seb128Saviq, mzanetti: in fact my initial goal was to add ubuntu-system-settings (mpt stated on the settings design that it should be in the launcher by default), but I'm happy to try to get the set sorted while I'm at it13:51
seb128mzanetti, thanks13:51
karniSaviq: How about these? https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1n880Fih5KyGPcoP5chidnHDG_8TxXUgSuij7f4rHpuk/edit?pli=1#13:51
seb128Saviq, mzanetti: other question, do you if/how I can make ubuntu-system-settings be listed in the top items of the app lens (so it doesn't need to expand the section to see it)?13:52
seb128mhr3, ^13:52
mhr3seb128, yes, change the qml :)13:52
seb128mhr3, that's an hardcoded list? do you know what qml that is?13:53
karniSaviq: so.. basically, it comes from the spec. and I believe it's something Scott tried to use, and had this empty art shape box13:54
karniso called "minimum configuration" (I'd call it minimal ;) configuration)13:54
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
elopioSaviq: reading the checklist, it looks a lot better than the default. Thanks.14:19
elopioSaviq: I'd add to make sure the code follows the code standards14:19
elopioSaviq: to check that all changes come with unit tests.14:20
elopioand to check that all changes to user stories have autopilot tests.14:20
karniSaviq: heh, dunno. installed another scope, rebooted the device, and music scope showed up. I think there was a known deadlock problem, it's not the first time I've seen this behavior (it was similar in trunk some time ago)14:25
MacSlowtsdgeos, Saviq: I've found the issue(s) in the ap-test causing the failure of unity8.shell.tests.test_notifications.InteractiveNotificationBase.test_sd_incoming_call14:27
MacSlowtsdgeos, Saviq: lp:unity-notifications does not need to be touched at all14:28
Saviqelopio, right, will incorporate those somehow14:29
MacSlowtsdgeos, still it's odd... at least one of the found issues... the non-odd was changed paths for the graphics-assets14:29
elopioSaviq: I replied to the checklist on my two branches.14:31
Saviqelopio, cheers14:31
mzanetticimirocks: standup!14:31
Cimimzanetti, I'm in :P14:32
mzanettiSaviq: ^14:32
karniSaviq: updated description, left comment: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-card-no-artimage/+merge/20352014:32
karniah, /me looks at + id: artImage possibly not used14:33
kgunngreyback: are you still in disagreement with this one ?14:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1251330 in unity-mir (Ubuntu) "Keyboard orientation incorrect when brought up by side stage app" [Critical,New]14:34
greybackkgunn: my comment was poorly phrased - it is a bug, but I didn't think it was a qtubuntu bug14:35
karniSaviq: yeah, that was a left over. pushed update to that MP I liked above.14:35
greybackkgunn: since there's no OSK guy any more (and I know it a bit) I can take it on14:36
kgunngreyback: alternately...maybe dandrader could take a look14:36
kgunngreyback: worried you may be busy with rotation?14:37
greybackkgunn: sure14:37
kgunndandrader: would you mind ?14:37
kgunntaking on the bug above ^^14:37
dandraderkgunn, yeah, I could check this bug14:37
dandraderno problem14:38
kgunndandrader: thanks14:39
elopiothis is ready for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/unity8/generic_preview/+merge/20279314:44
elopiocan somebody please take a look?14:44
tsdgeosSaviq: commented in the two bugs i approved14:46
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks14:47
MacSlowtsdgeos, btw... do we have a bug-entry for the failing notification ap-test?14:47
tsdgeosMacSlow: not that i know14:48
MacSlowtsdgeos, just wondering if I can attach my fixing branch to a bug-#14:48
MacSlowtsdgeos, ok14:48
vesarseb128, Hi you were asking about the launcher default apps on the phone14:48
seb128vesar, hey, yes14:48
vesarseb128, we have a design doc for launcher: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1OnCNVhXPDAE41zI_S8lou2xPQ4ILy5BysVy6tBfIw-g/edit#14:48
vesarseb128, but it a bit in working state and doesn't list any default apps at the moment14:49
Saviqgreyback, you said you could help sil2100 with the OSK a bit?14:49
vesarseb128, the current set is from the bottom to top: Home, Telephony, Messeging, Contacts, Camera, Gallery, Browser14:50
* sil2100 waves to greyback 14:50
vesarseb128, I think that's defined by mzanetti and to me it's a good set of apps. And I agree that system settings should be there as well.14:50
sil2100greyback: you have a moment for some consulting?14:50
greybacksil2100: ok, gimme 10 mins14:51
seb128vesar, mpt wrote in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemSettings "“System Settings” should be in the Launcher by default"...14:51
mzanettidefined by mzanetti is wrong...14:51
seb128vesar, ok, great, so I'm going to keep that list and add system-settings at the bottom14:51
seb128vesar, works for you?14:51
vesarseb128, I would add it between Contacts and camera14:51
vesarseb128, Bottom most should always be the home icon14:52
mzanettivesar: he means top-most14:52
sil2100greyback: sure14:52
mzanettiseb128: vesar: bottom in the list == bottom-most on desktop - top-most on phone14:52
mzanettigiven the phone-launcher is inverted14:52
karniSaviq: hey, I know you're swamped. I'll drop you my links on priv, and you'll get to them when you have a moment, okay? :)14:53
vesarmzanetti, seb128: I would give it a bit more priority and put it next to "phone essential" apps14:53
seb128vesar, ok, that works for me, between contacts and camera it is14:53
seb128vesar, mzanetti: thanks14:53
Saviqkarni, I'm managing ;)14:53
seb128mzanetti, reverse-order ack, I didn't think before writing ;-)14:53
karniSaviq: hehe14:54
vesarseb128, mzanetti: cool. works for me! I'll update the spec from that part14:54
mzanettivesar: seb128: thanks. works for me too14:54
greybacksil2100: ok I'm free now14:54
kgunnmterry: so i'm gonna claim flu-fog :)...but can you explain how/why nested mir testing needs this14:57
kgunnalan_g: ^14:57
Saviqkarni, for https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-card-no-artimage/+merge/203520 - I know it's not necessarily related14:58
mterrykgunn, that's an integration testing to make sure the unity8 session can talk to NetworkManager.  This broke with nested mode because my 'switch-to-nested' branch accidentally misconfigured lightdm in a way that the user session was inactive, so it wasn't allowed to configure NetworkManager14:58
karniSaviq: Yes?14:58
Saviqkarni, but it doesn't seem to react to card-size, nor center the title14:58
karniSaviq: Right, as far as centering the title - that's what I noted in the description. I wanted to get rid of an ugly rendering view (empty artShape)14:59
Saviqkarni, the centering I don't think was implemented, but card-size should work (and I think it's not working because it relied on art size)14:59
kgunnmterry: ok...so more of a true integration test, not really directed at mir per se14:59
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karniSaviq: Card size you say..14:59
mterrykgunn, yeah.  The bug wasn't really Mir at all14:59
mterrykgunn, just a misconfiguration of the new lightdm path I was using15:00
kgunnmterry: is that misconfig fixed ?15:00
kgunne.g. if i go for another landing of mir 0.1.4 is it gonna work ?15:00
mterrykgunn, yeah, in my 'switch-to-nested' branch15:00
mterrykgunn, yes, because the bug & fix is in code that isn't a part of the image yet15:00
* kgunn little confused as to how code not in the image got mir backed out 2 weeks ago....15:01
kgunndidrocks: ^15:01
mterrykgunn, not Mir, I don't think.  But my switch-to-nested branch got backed out15:01
didrockskgunn: can you give me some context?15:01
Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/testCyclePreviewBroken/+merge/203529 could we merge that, too? checlists, please15:03
kgunndidrocks: so mir 0.1.4 got backed out per the release mail, a couple of weeks back...and my understanding that backing out was tied to the nested feature...however, mterry is saying, the bug wasn't with mir, but his greeter branch15:04
Saviqdednick, tsdgeos, how about https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicators.better-visible-items/+merge/201789 ?15:04
karniSaviq: ah ok. While it looked acceptably in horizontal, it looks pretty darn bad to just hide the art in vertical Cards. /me looks at Card sizing15:04
kgunndidrocks: meaning i've been holding off for a retry to promote mir...when in reality...it probably shouldn't have been back out15:04
Saviqkarni, ah right, horizontal is always full-width, forgot about that15:04
karniSaviq: oh, it's okay, Card width is fixed, and height is == childrenRect.height.15:05
mterrykgunn, oh I didn't realize 0.1.4 was backed out15:05
dednickSaviq: it's ready to go...15:05
karniSaviq: so, it would just be better to make the view "gone" instead of "invisible" (in Android terms haha)15:05
kgunndidrocks: mterry ...its ok, i'm not mad...just want to get to where i can go re-try on mir promotion15:05
dednickunless that was a request to go through this new release process15:05
karniI can change it's width.15:05
* karni investigates15:05
mterrykgunn, the reason was because of the nested regressions?15:05
kgunnmterry: that's what the mails indicate....15:05
kgunnagain i was in flu fog...then travel15:06
Saviqdednick, can you fill the submitter checklist in there please15:06
kgunnpoor excuses...but anyway15:06
mterrykgunn, huh.  Yeah, all that needed to be backed out IIRC was my enable-nested branch15:06
kgunnmterry: thanks...just trying to confirm here with didrocks if he remembers some other reason mir was backed out15:06
tsdgeosSaviq: for the first yes, could merge it15:07
tsdgeosSaviq: for the second, still need to do more stuff i'd say15:07
Saviqtsdgeos, ok15:07
Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti, can you please fill in checklists for https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/testCyclePreviewBroken/+merge/20352915:07
elopioSaviq: thinking about an extra point for the landing checklist:15:07
elopioif the UI change is big, ping davmor2 to make sure he will do an extra exploratory testing on that section when the image is ready.15:07
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/delegateRangeBugfix is quite visually bad in the phone (once you know how to trigger it), but i understand noone has had time to review it yet15:08
karniSaviq: setting artShape width to 0 is the proper way to hide it? (like you did with comment field height)15:08
Saviqelopio, that'd be for the landing checklists, though?15:08
dednickSaviq: done15:08
karniIt bothers me, because the view is still in the hierarchy. Meh.15:08
Saviqkarni, we could try and use a Flow there15:08
* karni reads15:08
Saviqkarni, it will disregard invisible items and not position them15:09
davmor2elopio: also let me know what is meant to of changed15:09
Saviqtsdgeos, it's fine, we don't have to release everything today15:09
elopioSaviq: yes, before it's considered to go into the new image.15:09
karniSaviq: sounds interesting. looking at docs.15:09
Saviqkarni, that's something that anchors can't do15:09
Saviqor childrenRect, for that matter15:09
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, done my part15:10
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks15:10
mzanettiSaviq: "Did CI run pass? If not, please explain why. " Is this really to be answered by the reviewer?15:11
Saviqmzanetti, I think so, yes - in case it did not pass, the reviewer needs to have a good excuse to approve anyway15:11
mzanettiSaviq: but we're not going to merge to trunk if it doesn't pass15:12
Saviqmzanetti, in this case, yes we will15:12
Saviqmzanetti, 'cause we have an unrelated failure that's not fixed yet15:12
Saviqmzanetti, but we don't want it to block us15:12
Saviqmzanetti, it should be a rare occurence for sure15:13
mzanettialso in this case we shouldn't merge it imho15:13
mzanettias long as ci isn't passing15:13
mzanettia unrelated failure might hide a real one15:13
karniSaviq: sounds good. and sounds like a significant update to Card code (which I'd be happy to take on). I'd like that versus the fact that by Thursday/Friday we need to decide whether we're go or no-go with new scopes API for MWC :| Would it make sense to size down the artShape to (0,0) if the artImage source is not set for time being, or that's plain dirty? If it sounds bad, let's shelve that work for couple hours, and I'll ask Scott if we ...15:13
karni... need that as opposed to other minor fixes.15:13
Saviqkarni, it's fine15:14
Saviqkarni, to size it to 0,0 I mean15:14
karniSaviq: ok, I'll try that15:14
karniit should look fine15:14
MacSlowtsdgeos, could you give lp:~macslow/unity8/unity8.fix-test_sd_incoming_call a try and verify it fixes the autopilot-test failure of unity8.shell.tests.test_notifications.InteractiveNotificationBase.test_sd_incoming_call for you too.15:14
MacSlowtsdgeos, used lp:unity-notification trunk with this15:15
Saviqmzanetti, ↑ we might not need to merge with failure in the end15:15
tsdgeosMacSlow: just create a merge request and see if CI is happy15:15
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... that's what I thought15:15
tsdgeosMacSlow: i'll check asap, but want to finish something first15:15
MacSlowtsdgeos, ok... just wanted to point you to the fixing branch15:16
Saviqmzanetti, I know, it's a rare occasion, but when CI is failing on us for random reasons, we need to be able to override15:16
Saviqmzanetti, that question just gives us the ability to do so15:16
elopioSaviq, mzanetti: if it's not a common practice, for me, that flexibility is ok. Just please make sure there's a critical bug for the unstable test, and it's schedule to be fixed really soon.15:17
Saviqelopio, yup15:17
mzanettiI think we should use this only for *very* rare exception. i.e. release deadline and the test cannot be fixed by then15:18
SaviqMacSlow, I'm getting the same failure still with the downloaded package15:20
MacSlowSaviq, :/15:21
Saviqdidrocks, Ready → yes15:21
MacSlowSaviq, you're talking about the .deb tsdgeos mentioned yesterday?15:22
SaviqMacSlow, yes, from naartije15:22
MacSlowSaviq, I used lp:unity-notifications and compiled the .deb locally and installed that... with that it worked15:23
SaviqMacSlow, will try15:23
MacSlowSaviq, I'll try that precompiled .deb again too15:24
Saviqdandrader|bbl, why "not yet" for the manual testing? didn't you check that your code fix the issue?15:24
Saviqsil2100, could we get a landing silo for unity8?15:29
MirvSaviq: mumble?15:31
SaviqMirv, yup, coming15:31
Mirvgreyback: bzoltan is asking if you could join too15:31
greybackMirv: uhh ok15:32
SaviqMacSlow, nope, built from trunk, same failure15:32
sil2100Saviq: uno momento ;)15:33
Saviqsil2100, just uno? I can live with that :)15:33
MacSlowSaviq, misssed a change to commit... just verified again that it works... both with the prebuilt .deb and lp:unity-notifications trunk15:38
MacSlowtsdgeos, ^15:38
SaviqMacSlow, +115:39
sil2100Saviq: silo assigned, let's wait for it to be ready and you can build ;)15:39
Saviqsil2100, actually sorry, I just added one more MP, you need to reconfigure the silo don't you?15:42
sil2100Saviq: oh noes! Give me a moment15:43
Saviqsil2100, sooorry15:44
SaviqMacSlow, FWIW, I still don't get the assets15:44
MacSlowSaviq, hm15:46
SaviqMacSlow, ah, os.getcwd() assumes you run the tests in tests/autopilot15:46
SaviqMacSlow, you should use os.path.dirname(__file__)15:46
MacSlowSaviq, trying...15:46
MirvSaviq: did you mean this or something similar? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/270/builds/50650/testcases15:47
SaviqMacSlow, actually you need os.path.abspath(__file__) first15:48
SaviqMirv, no, http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/150:20140128:20140115.1/6308/15:48
MirvSaviq: ah, yes, the usual, right15:48
SaviqMirv, yup15:48
karniSaviq: Is there any obvious problem with this code? I also tried regular if else clause - test_art_layout(Horizontal) fails, and one dumps core haha. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6832660/15:49
karnithat, applied to lp:~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-card-no-artimage15:50
Saviqkarni, I don't think ? : should be used within15:50
Saviqkarni, I mean the interpreter might get confused15:51
Saviqkarni, which : belongs to which ?15:51
karnithat's okay, let me confirm the regular if-else didn't work :)15:51
karnisure, I'll change that15:51
SaviqMacSlow, os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../../../../qml/graphics/" + icon_name15:52
SaviqMacSlow, instead of os.path.abspath)_15:52
Saviqinstead of os.path.getcwd()15:52
karniSaviq: it looks great, it just freaks out on tests :| http://paste.ubuntu.com/6832681/15:54
sil2100Saviq: I reconfigured it a moment ago, should be ok now!15:54
Saviqsil2100, thanks, and sorry for that :)15:54
dandrader|bblSaviq, I checked on my desktop. didn't run on the device15:54
dandrader|bblSaviq, and used "make tryDragHandle" for that15:55
Saviqdandrader, I'd say that's enough for the "apply reason" part of the test15:55
* dandrader|bbl "bbl" for good now. taking dog to the vet. 15:56
Saviqkarni, the segfaults I've had happening sometimes - it's a race - try adding a wait(50) at the beginning of the test to see that it settles15:56
Saviqkarni, the failure looks legit, though15:56
karniSaviq: I also tested this on new-scopes branch. Looks great, like I said :|15:56
karniok, I'll have to track down which test segfaults. re: the failure, no idea - the art is visible, so the change should not apply :/15:57
Saviqkarni, can you visually confirm that everything's ok?16:00
karniSaviq: yes, let me run through the tests without change right after my teams SU16:00
saohey all I am trying to create a new master scope but could't find any documentation - see question here http://askubuntu.com/questions/390683/what-to-do-when-my-scope-does-not-fit-into-any-master-scope anyone has a hint?16:03
karniSaviq: yes, I went visually through all cases, all look exactly the same, excluding my case - which shrinks the artShape to (0,0)16:03
davidcallesao, hi, is it a master specific for your scope?16:04
davidcallesao, or do you want to enter an existing master scope?16:05
saodavidcalle no it would for a clipboard related content16:05
saodavidcalle and the clipboard manager I am writing could be one of the scope providing information for that master scope16:06
davidcallesao, one interesting thing to know is that you don't need a master scope. You can just add your .scope file to /usr/share/unity/scopes/ and kill unity-scope-home, this will add it to the Home scope. Then, if you want a Dash bar icon with a specific view for your scope, you just need to open dconf-tool and add your scope to the list at com.canonical.unity.dash.scopes16:10
Saviqkarni, so at least when looking at the test run, the layout gets confused and you can see that the art is pushed away from the left16:11
karnibrb SU16:12
* karni looks16:13
saodavidcalle That sounds fairly easy. I haven't tried this yet. This should then also support categories right?16:13
davidcallesao, on the other hand, if you want a master to aggregate several scopes : look at /usr/share/unity/scopes/books.scope and replicate it for your needs. The thing you need to pay attention to are the categories declarations, they need to be the same as the ones used by your scope(s).16:14
karnidoes make support cherry picking test to run?16:15
davidcallesao, sure, if you add a Dash bar icon. Categories will be mixed into one when in the Home scope.16:15
davidcallewill always*16:16
saodavidcalle OK I will try this then just having a lens with a cateogry icon. Just out of curiosity in the books.scope the group name is com.canonical.Unity.Scope.Home resp uniquename /com/canonical/unity/masterscope/books. How would I provide this in my own scope service? Is there a special class?16:19
Saviqkarni, no16:19
saodavidcalle considering when I would write my own master scope of course with adjusted unique name and group name.16:20
karniSaviq: heh. adding wait(50) at the beginning of all tests makes them pass.16:20
Saviqkarni, you'd need to get the qmltestrunner command from the make16:20
karniSaviq: Is that acceptable "fix" for the test suite?16:20
karniSaviq: ack16:20
Saviqkarni, hmm pass? they don't segfault here, but still fail...16:20
karniah wait..16:20
karniSaviq: ignore me. I was rushing, had stuff shelved. yeah, 2 failing.16:21
davidcallesao, look at the tuto http://developer.ubuntu.com/scopes/tutorial/, step 1 in Defining the scope16:22
davidcallesao, oh wait, misunderstood your question16:22
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davidcallesao, you create a /usr/share/unity/scopes/<scope name> folder, where you put .scope files of your various scopes. That's it.16:23
Saviqsil2100, didrocks, does that build look right https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-003/+build/5530676 ?16:24
Saviqit only says "Start" for a few minutes now16:24
karniSaviq: test_art_size(HorizontalWidth) was seg faulting here, added wait(50), now 2 tests failing. looking into it (like I have been for a while :))16:24
sil2100Saviq: uh wtf, never saw anything like that16:25
sil2100didrocks: ^ ?16:25
Saviqkarni, yeah, it's kinda weird, TBH, as you can see for the 5s when it's checking the value, that the art is shifted to the right somehow16:25
Saviqkarni, couldn't come up with why, though16:25
karniSaviq: ack, thank you. I agree, something's wrong, even though the change shouldn't have caused that behavior.16:26
tsdgeosMacSlow: your MR doesn't follow the new processes16:26
tsdgeosMacSlow: need to answer all those questions16:26
MacSlowtsdgeos, yeah... :)16:26
MacSlowtsdgeos, fixing...16:26
saodavidcalle OK. I thought I tried this and had an error that a function was missing in the dbus unique name I had defined in the master scope file. Cannot rember the exact error message though. I will try again and will otherwise ask again if it doesn't work. Thanks a lot for your ideas.16:26
tsdgeosMacSlow: so did you kill the placeholder notification we had in unity-notifications?16:27
Saviqkarni, can you paste your `bzr diff --old=lp:unity8` please? I want to try something16:27
karniSaviq: appreciated :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/6832847/16:28
davidcallesao, sure, no problem :)16:28
Saviqkarni, I wanted the wait(50)s, too ;)16:28
karniSaviq: in all tests?16:29
karniI can add them16:29
Saviqkarni, nvm, I'll manage16:29
MacSlowtsdgeos, not that I'm aware of... but I need to check something related anyway and look after that too16:29
karnithat one fixes the segfault I had16:29
tsdgeosor it's still there?16:29
tsdgeosseems there16:29
tsdgeosMacSlow: works here fwiw16:30
MacSlowtsdgeos, the MR-branch?!16:30
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tsdgeosMacSlow: yes16:35
karniadded this to UbuntuShape, all tests pass: anchors.left: template && template["card-layout"] === "horizontal" ? parent.left : undefined16:36
karniSaviq: ↑ What do you think.. ? I have mixed feelings heh.16:36
Saviqkarni, all pass? didn't for me, but that's exactly what I did16:36
Saviqkarni, and it's kind of correct, as when the anchor is lifted, the shape doesn't really know where to go16:37
karniSaviq: yes, visual inspection also fine. that's the only line I changed from the diff I sent16:37
karniSaviq: like.. if it's not horizontal, what does the anchor.left === undefined mean? Left aligned? It's unclear to me.16:38
Saviqkarni, it doesn't mean anything, that's the thing16:38
Saviqkarni, it's undefined, so if an item was applied an anchor, and then that only anchor got lifted16:39
Saviqkarni, then it won't do anything16:39
Saviqkarni, it will treat itself like it had x/y defined (that resulted from the anchor)16:39
karniok. so basically we had missing anchor.left in horizontal layout. that makes sense.16:40
karniwhy it didn't work before - that I don't understand.16:40
karniwhy it *did* work, sorry.16:40
karniSaviq: want to mumble for a sec about this.. ?16:40
Saviqkarni, am there16:40
karniSaviq: can you hear me?16:41
karnimumble dance16:41
Saviqtsdgeos, did you do something for your phablet user to not have /sbin in its path?16:47
tsdgeosSaviq: do you have it?16:49
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, our AP tests wouldn't work if it wasn't there by default16:49
tsdgeosSaviq: ↑16:50
tsdgeosthat's an almost clean phablet-flash'ed thing16:50
MacSlowtsdgeos, the placeholder is still there being added to the model upon is contruction... just checked lp:unity-notifications16:50
Saviqtsdgeos, ah, I wonder if su - phablet is broken16:50
tsdgeossu phablet16:50
tsdgeosdoes indeed give me /sbin16:50
Saviqtsdgeos, sudo -u phablet -i16:51
Saviqtsdgeos, that's what I use, and is recommended16:51
Saviqtsdgeos, your change is good nevertheless, but was just wondering16:51
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MacSlowtsdgeos, I'll update the ap-tests for the new visual snap-decisions queue feature anyway and will also add a placeholder-related test along the way16:51
karniSaviq: Is this a legal QML/JS operation? Because I refactored the isHorizontal function as well (line 5 of diff) and that works, but hasArt does not. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6832974/16:52
karniI could have pushed without this, but it makes it so much more readable.16:52
Saviqkarni, this breaks bindings16:53
Saviqkarni, and you'd need () in there anyway16:53
Saviqkarni, basically, you have to think of anything that's after : in a propert16:53
karniThought so (about bindings). thanks :)16:53
Saviqkarni, that's what the binding will be updated on16:53
karniSaviq: What if I used Qt.binding(hasArt) ?16:53
karnistill no go?16:53
Saviqkarni, still, the thing that changes must be explicitly called out16:54
karniQt.binding(function() { return cardData && ... }) would work16:54
Saviqkarni, otherwise Qt would have to introspec the function16:54
karniI see, thank you16:54
Saviqkarni, yeah, but that's the default16:54
Saviqprop: foo === prop: Qt.binding(function() { return foo; })16:54
karnitoo bad. QML is pretty smart already, tho :)16:54
Saviqthe important difference is:16:54
Saviqprop = foo; !== prop = Qt.binding(function() { return foo; });16:55
Saviqso when you assign a value in javascript16:55
Saviqthat's when you need Qt.binding, otherwise it's a one-time assignment16:55
Saviqkarni, FWIW "|| false" is not needed16:55
Saviqas undefined && undefined evaluate to undefined, whose boolean is false16:56
karniSaviq: right, that assignment thing causes me a tiny bit of troble, but I guess with time I'll wrap my head aroud it :)16:56
karnia, great16:56
Saviqso "undefined && undefined || false" === "undefined && undefined"16:56
Saviqkarni, one tricky thing here, though:16:57
Saviqkarni, "" || "foo" evaluates to "foo", not true16:57
Saviqkarni, so "" || "foo" === "foo"; "" || "foo" == true; "" || "foo" !== true16:58
Saviqso if you go:16:58
Saviqo && o["prop"]16:58
karnigot it! :)16:58
Saviqthat evaluates to o (when it's boolean false) or o["prop"] (when o is boolean true)16:59
Saviqkarni, it's a shortcut for:16:59
karnithis is so much fun :D16:59
Saviqo && o["prop"] ? o["prop"] : undefined16:59
Saviqfor example16:59
Saviqonly problem is you don't have control of the "negative" value17:00
karniI'll re-read it all, thank you for the explanation, thanks so much :)17:00
karniSaviq: fixed and pushed. https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-fix-card-no-artimage/+merge/20352017:14
Saviqkarni, you don't need the wait()17:19
Saviqkarni, it only really helps when there are failures17:19
karniSaviq: it still seg faulted here Michał :(17:19
karnithat very test, on a single (last?) case17:20
Saviqkarni, hmm, does not, here17:20
karniI could try running tests without17:20
Saviqkarni, please do17:20
Saviqkarni, also, compare() is generally dangerous, but in this case you've a tryCompare() before, so should be fine17:20
karniSaviq: pff.. now it doesn't segfault. pushed change17:21
Saviqkarni, yeah, I found that it only segvs when it's failing17:21
karniSaviq: how about slapping a sweet +1 on this, too :) you've read the trunk counterpart. https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/new-scopes-fix-carousel5/+merge/20351717:25
Saviqkarni, don't want this before we merge the trunk counterpart to see the actual diff17:25
karni\o/ thanks for reviewing and help on that no-artmage branch, Saviq, you rock17:25
karniSaviq: blarhg, right! you said it before17:25
Saviqkarni, FWIW you should be able to set the other one as prerequisite17:26
Saviqkarni, LP should then realize17:26
Saviqwhat the actual diff is17:26
karniSaviq: done, and resubmitted17:26
Saviqkarni, will hopefully be done before you're up tomorrow17:27
Saviqkarni, I'm going for food now o/17:27
karniSaviq: enjoy!! :)17:27
Saviqsil2100, apparently was a buildds issue, back on track17:29
karniit's marked as superceded :/ ayay, I marked a prerequisite, but they have differen't parents17:29
karniapproved one goes to trunk, that one awaits trunk, but goes to new-scopes17:29
Saviqkarni, well, they have a common ancestor nevertheless, so thought it'd work :?17:29
karniI think only if they're proposed to be merged to same branch, which is not the case17:30
karnidon't worry. I'll resubmit if I can.17:30
karnican't resubmit. I'll prepare a new one.17:31
karnid'oh, resubmit proposal => new URL17:37
karnihere it is, safe and sound. https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/new-scopes-fix-carousel5/+merge/20359717:37
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karni-> eod18:22
dandradergreyback, when I hold the tablet in portrait mode, what should happen to the app in the side stage?19:01
dandraderor to the side stage itself19:02
greybackdandrader: rotation not supported by shell, so sidestage remains open and the app inside rotates if it wants19:02
dandradergreyback, does an application know somehow it's on the side stage? I mean, is there any global variable or anything telling it19:25
Saviqdandrader, why would it need to?19:26
greybackdandrader: not that I'm aware of. The qpa plugin does know, but if that info is available higher up, I don't know19:26
dandraderSaviq, I don't know, just asking19:26
Saviqdandrader, greyback, ultimately when you change orientation, side stage should follow19:27
* dandrader is trying to get familiar with how all that side stage magic happens19:27
Saviqto always be on the right edge, that is19:27
dandraderSaviq, would look horrible19:27
Saviqdandrader, what would? side stage in portrait?19:27
dandraderSaviq, yes19:28
Saviqdandrader, even worse when it becomes bottom-stage ;)19:28
dandraderSaviq, does it even makes sense in terms of usability19:28
dandraderSaviq, also horrible19:28
dandraderIMHO a side stage only makes sense when the device is in landscape19:29
dandraderSaviq, are there other OSes implementing this concept? what do they do?19:29
Saviqdandrader, on one hand I agree, on the other what happens with apps that can only support phone layout19:29
Saviqdandrader, Win8 on tablet does, not sure what it does in portrait19:29
dandraderSaviq, is there a design doc or something explaining all those side stage situations and corner cases?19:30
Saviqdandrader, the closest I know of is https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/folderview?id=0B2WkkoWiZT_TVVpRbWZHaUZYR0U19:31
Saviqdandrader, but I'm not sure it deals with those details, we've only gotten somewhere with the right edge last week19:32
Saviqdandrader, and I probably don't have all the details atm19:32
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kdub_building platform-api, i get not able to find  #include <org/freedesktop/dbus/codec.h>, anyone know a workaround?22:22
greybackkdub_: file appears to be in dbus-cpp-dev22:42
greybacksurely apt-get build-dep platform-api should install all you need22:42
kdub_greyback, yeah, something must be messed up with my packages or something22:43
kdub_trying to install that package gives Note, selecting 'libdbus-cpp-dev' instead of 'dbus-cpp-dev'22:43
greybackdpkg -S lies22:45

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