
cmaloneyApparently schools are closing left and right for tomorrow.01:36
cmaloneyOCC closed for tomorrow01:37
cmaloneyOU closed for tomorrow01:37
rick_h_yea, it's all the rage to complain about schools closing for 'cold'01:38
rick_h_poor neighbor's heat went out :/01:39
rick_h_they came by to borrow space heaters, fortunately I've got a bunch01:39
rick_h_and https://twitter.com/benbangert/status/427977310755508224 makes me smile01:39
rick_h_but OT01:39
cmaloneyWEll, I think they're smart for closing for 'cold'.01:46
cmaloneyBecause it's fucking cold out there. :)01:46
rick_h_yea, love high tomorrow of 2...high01:47
cmaloneygreg-g: Would you change the topic pls?02:01
rick_h_yea, pretty much13:08
rick_h_hmmm, I'm supposed to run up to the day care and make sure the boy goes to tumbling class...except that involves going outside13:35
cmaloneytumbling is overrated.13:36
rick_h_man-up? I barely got out of bed this morning13:37
brouschDon't those steroids get you pumped up?13:38
cmaloneyI'll get the fallout shelter.13:38
rick_h_treatment is done, but they just make me angry and snacky13:40
_stink_your daycare stays open on these days?  our closes every time Birmingham schools close.13:42
_stink_thankfully WSU also wimps out so i am home too.13:43
rick_h__stink_: yea, they close when the schools close because of snow, but so far they've not used 'cold'13:43
rick_h_heh, proof it's too cold: https://github.com/mitechie current streak 8 days. Not warm enough to woodwork13:44
brouschWe use an in-home daycare, so it is open on snow days13:44
rick_h_brousch: heh, I'd get nothing done at home then13:44
brouschSomeone else's home :P13:44
rick_h_when the wife and kid are 'off' on thursdays I have to go mobile13:44
rick_h_brousch: oic, that's cool13:44
rick_h_http://www.buildwithchrome.com/builder# wheeee16:57
rick_h_must ... not ... get ... sucked ... in16:57
widoxoh, neat17:05
brouschrick_h_: nice find!18:12
wafvery cool. so the idea is that we place lego creations at actual GPS coordinates?18:18
wafcould have some neat augmented reality concepts18:18
brouschcmaloney: This looks like something you would use http://imgur.com/a/yzLLf19:13
cmaloneybrousch: Um, no. :)19:29
cmaloneyBut neat nonetheless. :)19:30
cmaloneyI'm more of a dice tower fan19:30
brouschThat seems like a lot of work to replace a random number generator19:31
cmaloneyIt's for those people who think /dev/random doesn't have enough entropy.19:31
greg-gcmaloney: windows xp!19:36
cmaloneyWhat is getting no support in April, Alex?19:36
greg-gthe OS used for that dice tower optical recognition part19:37
cmaloneyyeah, not sure why they went with XP.19:37
cmaloneyMight be a case of "go with what you know"19:37
greg-gwhich is also sad19:40
cmaloneymeh. I come to relish the scrambling machinations Microsoft is putting folks through19:41
brouschrick_h_: Would this work for the Bookie Chrome extension? http://thenextweb.com/google/2014/01/28/google-brings-chrome-apps-android-ios-lets-developers-submit-google-play-apples-app-store/#!tFVxd20:07
brouschAh, nevermind, this is apps, not extensions20:08
rick_h_brousch: yea, could write one but it'd have to be a full chrome app20:09

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