
josedaker: checking...00:55
dakerjose: read my comment first00:55
joseI am aware00:56
dakerif they don't have meetings recorded, then just merge00:56
dakersomeone just got his teams merged00:56
dakerbug 126099700:57
ubottubug 1260997 in LoCo Team Portal "ubuntu-us-mi does not have ubuntu-michigan data" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126099700:57
joseso, meetings would have to be manually moved, right?00:58
dakerfor now yes00:58
dakerthey don't have meetings...00:58
dakerso just merge them00:59
* jose does00:59
josedaker: I also merged ubuntu-swiss users with ubuntu-ch01:01
joseI don't know if you could please check on that01:01
dakerthe swiss team doesnt appear to have any meetings record01:03
joseawesome, then!01:08

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