
sudormrffunky, I looked at rackspace, but they want a minimum of 5 accounts.00:00
sudormrfso $10/month.00:00
funkywell buy 500:00
funkythey are solid00:00
sudormrfI know they have crazy uptime.00:00
sudormrfam just shopping around for other options.00:00
ff29anyone able to help me out http://askubuntu.com/questions/411826/error-installing-amd-graphics-driver-in-13-1000:00
sudonoobTJ: /var/log/Xorg.0.log permissoin denied00:01
sudormrfat 10/month iCloud ends up being a bit cheaper, with a gotcha.00:01
sudormrfiCloud 50GB plan = $100/year = $8.33/month00:01
sudormrfgranted, that isn't my own domain.00:01
TJ-sudonoob: "sudo pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"00:01
luca"Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU"00:01
sudormrfluca, sounds like the version of linux you are trying to install won't work with your CPU00:02
sudormrfluca, meaning, your CPU may not support 64bit architecture but you are trying to install a 64 bit OS00:02
funkyanyone? how I can find mass replace string in files?00:02
jhutchinssudormrf: gmail is pretty much the best game around.00:02
lucasudormrf, yes I was running it on virtualbox. It is Xubuntu 13.10. Maybe the proble, is PAE flag00:02
sudonooobbTJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6829234/00:03
TJ-funky: "man sed"00:03
Bashing-omsudonoob: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit <- should workie.00:03
Jeruvyfunky sed/awk are worth investigating.00:03
jhutchinssudormrf: Some of the domain registrars will include or sell you email services as well.  That takes care of the address change.00:03
funkywhich one is easier?00:03
sudormrfjhutchins, I would prefer not to have all of my emails scanned so they can target ads.00:03
StonegateHi Everyone00:03
sudormrfluca, depends on your vbox settings and your host computer.00:03
jhutchinsfunky: For one-off jobs vi works well.00:03
sudormrfjhutchins, I saw that, but I wasn't sure how reliable they are.00:04
funkynice joles00:04
sudonoobBashing-om: link above mate :)00:04
funkyI simply download to win them and use N++00:04
Stonegatei have a small problem.. i just updated my kernel on a box and now it cant start the ETH0 network device anymore.. can anyone assist me to get the box online again ? i think it might be something udev or kernel related but i cannot find out what it is.00:04
funkyis there just simple command to do it?00:04
lucasudormr, really? doesn't depend on my CPU??00:04
funkylike grep is to find string00:04
funkybut to replace it after?00:04
sudormrfluca, it does, thats why I said your vbox settings AND your host00:05
luc_anyone knows the on demand service?00:05
funkyfor what?00:05
Bashing-omsudonoob: roget that, looking too.00:05
luc_how can config it?00:05
funkysed -i 's/old-word/new-word/g' *.txt00:05
luc_<funky> cpu scaling00:05
funkyluc aws00:05
funkyis very very nice00:05
lucasudormrf, they suggest me to install Xubuntu 12.04 always on my virtualbox00:06
luc_<funky> aws? what is it?00:06
funkysed -i 's/old-word/new-word/g' *.txt will that do resursive replacement?00:06
funkyamazon cloud00:06
funkyso nice00:06
sudormrfluca, I don't know who "they" are.  You need to know about your host.  does it have a CPU that can support 64 architecture? is it an ARM CPU? etc.  start there.  once you know that you should be able to figure out which CD to download to get your VM setup.00:07
luc_<funky> do you know onDemand service?? is about cpu scaling...00:07
TJ-sudonoob: "DISPLAY=:0.0 glxinfo | pastebinit"00:07
bob876TJ: I'll try reproducing the issue with the nvidia binary.00:07
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TJ-bob876: OK, good luck, MCEs are hard to track down00:07
lucasudormrf, how can I find this information?00:07
sudormrfwhat OS is your host?00:08
sudormrfluca, what OS is your host running?00:08
funkyluc yes use AWS00:08
luc_<funky> i need a config tutorial00:08
funkyu can scale it so much00:08
funkyluc for what?00:08
lucasudormrf, Ubuntu 11.1000:08
funkyconfig what?00:08
funkyjust go to aws and its easy to scale anything00:08
Stonegatecan anyone help me with my box missing its ETH0 Device after Kernel Upgrade ?00:08
sudonooobbThe program 'glxinfo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install mesa-utils00:09
luc_<funky> a service running on my ubuntu, called onDemando00:09
luc_<funky> onDemand00:09
sudormrfluca, look for something called "details" or "system details" to see it graphically.  more /proc/cpuinfo from CLI.00:10
K`zanHi folks,  Got a problem with having 4 sound devices,  seems that various things use different ones.  I have PulseAudio, HDA ATI SB, USB Device 0x46d: 0x81d and HDA Nvidia.  lsusb shows nothing with the USB device ID.   What do I do to narrow it down to one only (I *think* I want just the PulseAudio, even if its mixer has very few options?)00:11
K`zanCorrection, I think the one I want is HDA ATI SB...00:12
nevynK`zan: no you want pulseaudio00:13
luca   sudormrf, it's a CPU 1,50 GHz00:14
K`zannevyn: Only one control listed on that, capture for input and master for output.  Lots more inputs and outputs on the back of the box?!?00:15
jhutchinsluca: That tells us almost nothing.00:15
jhutchinsluca: Intel?  Amd?  Arm?  32b? 64b?00:15
K`zannevyn: Also, it seems that different programs use different device, turn off all sound and I still get various things making noise.00:16
nevynso those apps are misconfigured.00:16
lucajhutchins, Intel00:16
K`zannevyn: If so they are not configurable, apparently they take whatever they find ?first?00:17
nevynK`zan: apps should always talk to  pulse using libpulse or the alsa pulse pcm  if they don't need/want direct pulse graph awareness00:17
lucajhutchins, address sizes: 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual00:17
nevynK`zan: which app are you speaking of?00:18
K`zannevyn: I'm about to disable the MB audio and put in an old SB card.00:18
Bashing-omsudormrf: sudo apt-get install mesa-utils <- do it.00:18
nevynso if you turn off all sound?  what still makes noise?00:18
nevynK`zan: have you messed with alsa control files?00:18
Bashing-omsudormrf: Soory apologize00:19
K`zannevyn: Some of the KDE4 apps still make noise (no option to disable sound in the app).  Some of the add-ins for X-Plane also override the "all sound off too".00:19
K`zannevyn: No Sir, stock out of the box 12.04 and TDE00:19
Bashing-omsudonooobb: sudo apt-get install mesa-utils <- do it.00:20
nevynwhen you say all sound off how are you setting that?00:20
sudonoobBashing-om: installed the mesa-tuls and when i run the /var/log I get access denied00:20
K`zannevyn: Control panel.  Start-> system settings -> notifications and sound system.00:21
nevyndo you have a volume control widget?00:22
TJ-sudonoob: "DISPLAY=:0.0 glxinfo | pastebinit"00:22
K`zannevyn: Sound system unchecked and all greyed out.   Notifications, quick controls, turn off all sounds.00:23
StonegateHey guys! i have a small problem.. i just updated my kernel on a box and now it cant start the ETH0 network device anymore.. it says: SIOCSIFADDR: No such device eth000:23
sudonooobbTJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6829303/00:23
K`zannevyn: Yes, kmix with 4 sound devices to choose from, mixer defaults to PulseAudio.00:23
gustavohow to run command linux in computer remote ?00:24
geniigustavo: You mean ssh?00:25
K`zannevyn: PulseAudio gives me no control over anything but Master output and Capture input.  The HDA ATI SB seems to have all the various inputs and outputs.00:25
TJ-sudonoob: I was expecting to see more, maybe we need a slightly different command: "glxinfo | pastebinit"00:25
geniigustavo: Like, you want to type in commands at a remote computer from the computer you are at right now?00:25
nevynK`zan: life is slithely more naunced than that.00:25
sudormrfluca, that doesn't answer the question.  pastebin it.  http://paste.ubuntu.com00:26
sudormrfluca, pastebin the output of the command00:26
sudonooobbTJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6829314/00:26
nevynK`zan: What are you trying to do exactly?00:26
TJ-sudonoob: Bashing-om: To me, that output looks like its missing significant bits, which suggests no OpenGL driver, but I don't have Intel hardware available to test against right now00:27
sudonooobbTJ: I also set Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig00:27
sh0tragazzi come faccio a disabilitare una certa interfaccia di rete? Vorrei che al boot non venga attivata.00:28
K`zannevyn: :-), yes it is, trying to get control over sound, rather than it being (apparently?!?) scattered over various devices (I *assume* that is what is going on, google was no help at all.  And yes, I am surely confused.  The old SB Live card in the drawer is looking better and better :-).00:28
gustavogenii, Yes00:28
nevynadding more sound devices will make this worse not better.00:28
sasha|O hai, I have an issue with my keyboard and trackpad00:29
sasha|After booting, the keyboard responds very poorly, and the trackpad doesn't wor00:29
nevynconfiguring pulseaudio correctly will let you do what you want and flexibly move things between devices if required.00:29
nevynK`zan: ^^00:29
sasha|*work. To fix this, I have to manualy disable and enable them through a script. I'd like to find out why this is happening and fix it in the future.00:29
K`zannevyn: I can disable onboard sound in  BIOS, that is what lead me to think about the SB card after frustrating hours of googling :-).00:29
sasha|Here's a video that shows what happens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXd8AWiXLdw00:29
geniigustavo: Yes, so then the usual tool in Linux is ssh. The machine you want to reach runs the ssh server part, and then you use the ssh client part to connect to it, either by it's IP or by it's domain-name00:29
sh0tmagari basta un ifconfig down in qualche script iniziale?00:29
sh0to sorry this is in english ahah :)00:30
nevynK`zan: it really won't help your problem00:30
K`zannevyn: Lemme google setting up pulseaudio and see if I can work it out from that.  Thanks for cutting down on my confusion with all the devices :).00:30
nevynK`zan: assuming you want normal things (skype/voip/mumble audio in a headset and ring on speakers etc) pa is the way to go00:31
sh0tGuys oh can I disable a net interface? I don't want it to be enabled at the boot. Is there a more elegant solution than an ifconfig down in an initial script?00:31
nevynK`zan: it is very very powerful.00:31
K`zannevyn: Good, my roomie also has the same problem, can't get mic input to work for Skype, been pulling my hair out with that one too...00:31
fishcookeris it possible to configure wlan0 automatically dhcp00:32
K`zannevyn: Thanks so much!!!!!  Hopefully I can find the answer on how to do that :-).00:32
nevynso linux audio needs a good blog post I've been meaning to write for some time.00:32
nevynbut the layers are something likethis:00:32
fishcookeri've followed this http://prupert.wordpress.com/2010/06/25/how-to-configure-wireless-wifi-networking-in-ubuntu-via-the-command-line-cli/00:32
K`zannevyn: It would certainly help, sound has always been problematical / confusing.  Worse now with the myriad of sources on the newer MBs.00:33
nevynK`zan: the first thing to understand is that alsa. means about 4 things.00:33
gustavogenial, genial, I'm giving support to an user noob in Linux. It not know run commands linux. I need run the commands linux for him through remote.00:33
fishcookerbut no luck.. is it problem when i set wpa-proto to RSN rather than WPA00:33
nevynDrivers, the userspace library and the api interface for talking to a pcm.00:33
K`zannevyn: ALSA and PA?  Uhhh, arghhhhh :)00:33
nevynso PA is really a missing component of ALSA00:34
nevynit replaces (mostly) the userspace library with something much more capable.00:34
TJ-sh0t: Yes, simply set it to "manual" in "/etc/network/interfaces" or, if it is managed by Network-Manager, disable the auto-connect option00:34
nevynand provides a pcm  for apps to talk to which get's audio intopulse from apps that don't know about it.00:35
nevynso. Apps do not need to know about pulse to use it. if your alsa is configured correctly (default.!pcm = pulse)00:35
K`zannevyn: Does that mean that I need to install ALSA packages (alsa-base, alsa utils)?00:35
Jordan_Ugustavo: What is your native language? You may find it easier to get support in one of the Ubuntu IRC channels in your language.00:36
ezrhinohello. I see my video driver is now something called nvidia_331. is this downgraded?00:36
markovirc_Hello ezrhino00:36
nevynalsa-base is the alsa userspace libraries.00:36
sh0tTJ-, it is managed by Netork Manager by i don't want that so i just add manual to /etc/network/interfaces and networkmanager should ignore it right?00:36
K`zannevyn: No alsa modules loaded (lsmod | grep alsa)00:36
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest76766
ezrhinowhat is Nvidia_331.20? Is it new?00:37
nevynK`zan: rubbish00:37
nevynlsmod|grep snd00:37
Guest76766I have a problem with skype on ubuntu 10.04, when i try to join with a microsoft account it dosnt work when i click that option00:38
sh0tlet's see thanks guys00:38
K`zannevyn: Thanks, gives me about 20 modules00:38
nevynso those are the Drivers.00:39
K`zannevyn: but nothing to do with alsa00:39
nevyntheyre now maintained mostly in kernel using kernel processes.00:39
nevynthey're the alsa drivers00:39
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nevynas opposed to the oss drivers.00:39
=== migelangelo is now known as miguelangello
K`zannevyn: Thanks, but it just adds to the confusion, nothing for pulseaudio either.00:40
nevynpulseaudio has no kernel componetns00:40
miguelangelloI have a problem with skype on ubuntu 10.04, when i try to join with a microsoft account it dosnt work, when i click that option skype ask me again for a skype user and dosnt ask for a microsoft account somebody could help me?00:41
K`zannevyn: OK, do I need to blacklist or is it a matter of configuration files?00:41
nevynK`zan: stop.00:41
K`zannevyn: Easily done Sir :-)00:41
nevynK`zan: if you can hear sound at all.. do not mess with the kernel configuration.00:42
K`zannevyn: Got audiom so OK, good to know.  Confusing but good to know.  LOTS of stuff there...00:42
nevynif you want to get into specifics of your configuration I'll need a snapshot of what it looks like.00:42
lucasudormrf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6829379/00:42
Bashing-ommiguelangello: A server installation ?00:43
nevynat a terminal run wget http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh then run it.00:43
JayFWhat package creates the "netdev" group in ubuntu server?00:43
K`zannevyn:  got it, running now.00:43
miguelangelloBashing-om, what do you mean, excuse me im new on ubuntu00:44
hitsujiTMOmiguelangello: he means 10.04 desktop is no longer supported00:44
black_angelhey, guys, i've installed nvidia_331 driver, but it always display: This driver is activated but not currently in use.00:44
markovirc_Hello black_angel00:44
K`zannevyn:  send it to alsa-project.org or pastebin it somewhere?00:45
miguelangellohitsujiTMO,  i have that version because i hava an old laptop, do you recommend me to upgrade?00:45
Bashing-ommiguelangello: UHMMM, i this is a server, maybe, if it is a desktop; well, 10.04 reached End Of Life last year, and is no longer supported. Ya need to upgrade to a current version.00:46
hitsujiTMOmiguelangello: yes, you should upgrade to 12.0400:46
black_angelAnd I've tried to using 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' command and reboot, after that, ubuntu just using 800x64000:47
nevynK`zan: either or.00:47
miguelangellohitsujiTMO, could i upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 or do i have to do a new os installation?00:47
hitsujiTMO!upgrade | miguelangello00:47
ubottumiguelangello: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:47
black_angelis there any suggestion of using the new nvidia driver?00:48
miguelangellohitsujiTMO,  thanks00:48
K`zannevyn:  Your ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=dca8e93ea355a3e8aaf24ee8b0d3c11178af73ed00:48
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: why have you installed an unsupported driver?00:48
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nevynK`zan: ok.00:49
K`zannevyn: ?00:49
nevynso you have 3 sound devices.00:50
miguelangellohitsujiTMO, one more question, wont i have problem with hardware requirements with 12.04 version?00:50
nevynthe onboard analog card, a usb soundcard and a HDMI output?00:50
K`zannevyn: err, 4 show up in the mixer00:50
K`zanI have no USB sound device, although it shows one.00:50
hitsujiTMOmiguelangello: how much ram do you have? what processor?00:50
nevynso mixers are a different ballpark...00:50
nevynI'll get to that.00:51
nevyndo you have a webcam with microphone?00:51
miguelangellohitsujiTMO,  1 gb ram ddr2 and 1.86 ghz 32 bits00:51
black_angelhitsujiTMO: why the nvidia_331 is an unsupported driver?00:51
daftykinsblack_angel: what card do you have?00:51
hitsujiTMOmiguelangello: you might be better off with lubuntu then00:51
K`zannevyn: Really appreciate this.  Got webcam, but I do not know if it has a mic, makes sense, lemme check.00:51
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: its not in the repo, therefore unsupported. Do you have a reason to use it?00:52
glitsj16hitsujiTMO: the nvidia-331 is in precise-updates ..00:52
K`zannevyn: Logitech, Inc. HD Webcam C510  Lemme google it, got it ages ago never used it (planned for skype).00:52
hitsujiTMOglitsj16: since when?00:52
miguelangellohitsujiTMO,  i see 10.04 working good for me but i dont know 12.04 i will try it00:53
nevynK`zan: yeah that'll be it.00:53
glitsj16hitsujiTMO: don't know, just found out00:53
liaisehi there--if I want to take two wifi nics and bridge them, should i use ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop??00:53
black_angelhitsujiTMO: cause i'm using precise now00:53
glitsj16hitsujiTMO: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=nvidia-33100:53
hitsujiTMOglitsj16: o.O00:54
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: sorry, it must have been added recently00:54
Bashing-ommiguelangello: If I may, 12.04 ubuntu/unity will not give you a good experience. Lubuntu will fly and the desk top is more similar to what you are accustomed to.00:54
K`zannevyn: OK, manual is taking forever...00:54
nevynnot important.00:54
nevynit's only input.00:54
K`zannevyn: Yes, it does.00:55
black_angelso the question is now, how to using the new driver?00:55
ryanwHi. Is it possible to make "wc -l" understand OS9 line endings?00:55
markovirc_Hello ryanw00:55
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: so you installed if from the repo? what gpu do you have?00:55
markimpgsguys can not switch to the high performance video Graphics amd / ati when run the script to change is a black screen and I have to force shut down00:56
daftykinsblack_angel: which hardware are you using?00:56
liaisehi there--if I want to take two wifi nics and bridge them, should i use ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop??00:56
miguelangelloBashing-om,  thanks00:56
daftykinsliaise: why on earth do you want to bridge two wireless interfaces? D:00:56
nevynK`zan: so x-plane may have a good reason to go around PA directly to hw:000:57
ryanwliaise: doesn't really matter.00:57
Bashing-ommiguelangello: no :D00:57
black_angelwhen i used 'lspci | grep -i vga', it display me : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1058 (rev a1)00:57
liaisemy apartment complex' wifi allows only one mac address at a time00:57
liaiseit's evil00:57
K`zannevyn: OK...00:57
liaisei want to set the internet free00:57
daftykinsblack_angel: laptop or desktop?00:57
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: lspci -nn | grep VGA00:57
liaiseso i'm not really bridging, i'm running a dhcp server00:57
liaiseanyone know the answer to this one?00:57
black_angel01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation Device [10de:1058] (rev a1)00:58
black_angelI'm using Thinkpad E43000:58
* nevyn is getting a scriptkiddie feeling...00:58
Bashing-ommiguelangello: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu00:58
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: a 610M ?00:58
liaisethere there nevyn.  you're not a scriptkiddie00:58
black_angelhitsujiTMO: I think so.00:59
daftykinsblack_angel: looks like an nvidia optimus setup, you can't install nvidia drivers normally. you're going to either have to run the intel on its' own, or look into bumblebee / alternatives. but proper optimus support is only coming in 14.0400:59
daftykinsblack_angel: this is why you get a stuck low resolution when trying to install nvidia's drivers00:59
black_angeldaftykins: omg00:59
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf    if you created one01:00
hitsujiTMO!bumblebee | black_angel this might help you get the optimus working01:00
ubottublack_angel this might help you get the optimus working: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/01:00
daftykinskeep forgetting the name of the bumblebee alternative, the new ne01:00
daftykins*new one01:00
daftykinsyep, ty sir01:00
hitsujiTMO13.10+ for it01:01
daftykinsseems to require sort of hacked on newer X.org versions etc too?01:01
hitsujiTMOnever kernel + newer xorg. it could work in 12.04.4 on saucy enablement stack technically01:02
nevynman.. arlied should be shot for that pun01:02
black_angelhitsujiTMO: yep, i've remove the /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and it becomes normal but can't using any 3D acceleration.01:03
hitsujiTMOdaftykins: o.O seems they did add it to 12.04 aswell01:03
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: sudo apt-get install nvidia-prime01:04
daftykinshitsujiTMO: i think you have to fiddle around with hacking on a precise kernel then many other steps01:04
hitsujiTMOdaftykins: as long as they're on the saucy lts enablement stack it should work01:05
daftykinswhat's required for that?01:05
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: whats the output of: uname -r01:05
black_angelhitsujiTMO: 3.2.0-58-generic-pae01:06
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: ahh, dont install nvidia-prime then01:06
K`zannevyn: ?01:07
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: are you on 32bit?01:07
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: you choices are either https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee or add the saucy lts enablement stack + nvidia-prime: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:09
black_angelhitsujiTMO: yep. 32-bits01:09
black_angelhitsujiTMO: why do not install nvidia-prime?01:09
=== derp is now known as DERP
hitsujiTMOblack_angel: you need kernel 3.9 or xorg 1.14 to use it. so you'd need to update to the saucy lts enablement stack first01:10
nevynK`zan: ok. kde first.01:11
nevynconfigure the phonon system in kde to use the gstreamer backend and use pulseaudio01:11
black_angelhitsujiTMO: thanks, man01:12
K`zannevyn: Got the word that dinner is ON THE TABLE :-), back in a bit, thanks VERY much, bbasap!01:15
liaisehi there--if I want to take two wifi nics and bridge them, should i use ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop??01:15
gr33n7007hliaise, why don't you change your mac address to the same one as your connected to see if that works01:16
=== c_ is now known as Guest4549
hitsujiTMOliaise: it doesn't matter. use server if you dont actually need a desktop01:16
liaisehitsujiTMO, kk thanks01:17
liaisebut any idea on how to get the two NICS to work like that?01:17
liaisei want it to act as a router, except instead of an ethernet connection, it's a wifi NIC01:17
liaiseso i'd have to run dhcp01:17
liaisebut this is way over my head i need help01:17
ryanwProbably not the best way to get help01:18
hitsujiTMOliaise: you'd have to get 1 running in ap mode01:18
liaiseyes,  exactly01:18
liaisehow do you do that?01:18
liaiseap mode activate?01:18
hitsujiTMOliaise: http://askubuntu.com/questions/180733/how-to-setup-a-wi-fi-hotspot-access-point-mode01:19
liaisecomputer, set external USB NIC to be an AP that gives out internal addresses via DHCP01:19
liaisehitsujiTMO, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:19
liaisehitsujiTMO, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:20
hitsujiTMOliaise: lol, np01:20
bmccoy11Can I put a live CD on an SD Card reader?01:21
NorithIs there a good repo to get a 3.13 kernel on saucy?01:21
handlebar!info darktable > handlebar01:21
ryanwbmccoy11: you can put it on an SD card, yeah.01:22
NorithOr, more specifically, is there any reason that I can't install a 3.13 kernel from kernel-ppa mainline that's tagged with trusty?01:22
Jabobmccoy11: as long as the machine can boot from the SD card01:22
syntroPiWen using a laptop with 13.10 x64 do i really need a separate swap partition for standby working or can i also put the swapfile on the systempartiton too?01:23
hitsujiTMONorith: use the trust one. its only a name01:23
hitsujiTMONorith: do you have a good reason to use 3.13?01:23
ryanwsyntroPi: I don't think there is a swapfile, just a swap partition.01:23
ryanwBeen a while since I messed with that stuff though01:24
NorithhitsujiTMO: Well, I'm having some issues with the Intel 7260 Wifi adapter in my y410 Lenovo laptop.  The -7 firmware that works with 3.10 isn't fixing the issue, so i wanted to try the next revision against 3.1301:24
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: a swap partition is preffered over a swap file.01:24
syntroPiryanw, hitsujiTMO its possible to make a swapfile on system (eg ext4 fs) and) and mount it via fstab, im just not sure if standby works with that. the reason is i need mbr with 1 efi-boot, 1 linux-sys, 1 linux-home and one windows-sys primary partition, so none is left for swap. Any suggestions for such a setup?01:26
liaisewho wants to take me to a truck stop and fuck me in a McDonald's bathroom jackhammer style on top of the baby changing station?01:26
NorithsyntroPi: swap and home can be extended partitions01:27
NorithsyntroPi: or use LVMs for your linux partitions01:28
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: if you're using uefi then you have a gpt patition layout which has a limit of 128 partitions, not 401:28
syntroPiNorith, hmm might me a good choice, when requiring one uefi-boot fat32 and one windows-sys primary mbr partition how would you recommend to install the linux so standby and swap is working for it?01:30
syntroPihitsujiTMO, yes with gpt it would be like this, but i really need mbr layout for that windows-sys01:30
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: then you don't need an efi partition01:31
syntroPihitsujiTMO, hmm but if i want to boot in efi mode wouldnt i need efi partition for that then?01:31
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: you CANNOT boot uefi on an mbr partition. mbr is for BIOS, gpt is for UEFI01:32
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: you must have both OS's installed as either uefi, or bios mode.01:33
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: why do you need mbr for windows?01:33
syntroPihitsujiTMO, hmm but i already did install ubuntu in uefi mode on mbr setup i just now need to add one windows-sys01:33
syntroPihitsujiTMO, there is one "special" reason for this, believe me ;-)01:34
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: you'll break the partition table for ubuntu if you try to install windows in mbr. why not install it in uefi mode?01:35
syntroPihitsujiTMO, yes uefi mode both for linux and windows on mbr01:36
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: are you on the ubuntu on that machine now?01:36
syntroPiso i need one uefi-boot, one linux-sys, one linux-home and one windows-sys01:36
syntroPihitsujiTMO, yes but now booted from cd01:37
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: can you pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l01:37
qwebirc759393The screen to my laptop in KDE/Openbox goes black when I close the lid. Any way to fix this?01:38
advxHi all, Good Morning01:39
hitsujiTMOqwebirc759393: thats normal. do you mean it fails to come up after you reopen the lid?01:40
syntroPihitsujiTMO, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/6829588/01:40
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: and thats with ubuntu installed and booting in uefi?01:41
syntroPihitsujiTMO, yes it is (uefi, sys, swp, home) here is complete output of it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6829591/   though right now im on livecd01:42
qwebirc759393hitsujiTMO - If I close the lid the screen goes black and I could not get my screen to come back on.  I tried every keyboard shortcut I could think of and nothing worked.  So I had to reboot and here I am.01:44
markovirc_Hello k_sze[work]01:46
syntroPihitsujiTMO, hmm maybe i should use something like {uefi-boot/fat32, linux-lvm for sys and home, swap, windows-sys}... Is such a layout possible for uefi?01:46
k_sze[work]oops, wrong channel01:46
gr33n7007hbot alert01:46
qwebirc759393If I am logged into KDE/Openbox from Ubuntu 12.04, close the lid and reopen the lid, the screen stays black.  I want to know how to fix this so it does not happen the next time.01:47
rwwgr33n7007h: hrm?01:47
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: it is. but your /dev/sda1 isn't an efi system partition btw01:48
syntroPihitsujiTMO, hmm well it boots in uefi mode from this.01:49
gr33n7007hrww, nothing01:49
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: actually sorry, the windows partition cannot go onto an LVM. it needs to be on a pri partition. the rest can go on tho. but an extended partition would be better01:52
qwebirc759393hitsujiTMO - yes.01:53
glitsj16qwebirc759393: how did you configure your power settings? there should be something related to what you want to happen on lid close .. and i think you just needed to press the power button to bring the screen back (never used KDE so wording might differ)01:55
syntroPihitsujiTMO, hmm i am not too familiar with lvm, but isnt it just a subdivision of a mbr primary partition? if so i would just want to use it for linux-sys and linux-home and all the others primary mbr's. if thats possible at all01:55
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: no, thats extended partition. lvm is a whole different ballgame. its a partition in itself, that has some advanced features that you'll prob never use01:56
syntroPihitsujiTMO, are you sure a mixed lvm/mbr setup is not possible (as i said im not familiar with lvm)01:58
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: you can use lvm, just not with windows tho.01:59
syntroPihitsujiTMO, so its either lvm for whole /dev/sda or mbr for the whole disk? i cant use windows mbr and ontop of one mbr a linux lvm to subdivide it in lnx-sys/home?02:00
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: no, gpt all of /dev/sda or mbr /dev/sda02:01
qwebirc759393glitsj16 - my screen power settings seem fine. I have it set to do nothing when the lid is closed.02:02
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: lvm is a partition in itself. that you can put you linux partitions into into, but you need to leave all but /boot out of it02:02
syntroPihitsujiTMO, you mean external /boot and swap and rest of linux in lvm?02:04
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: yup02:04
glitsj16qwebirc759393: perhaps this might help, but like i said .. not sure if this is still the correct info on current KDE --> http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kde-workspace/kcontrol/powerdevil/02:04
syntroPihitsujiTMO, hmm can i combine uefi-boot and /boot in one mbr fat32? how big should /boot be then?02:06
hitsujiTMOsyntroPi: no. /boot must be a linux file system. 200mb+ is good02:07
syntroPiok thx02:07
=== DERP is now known as derp
K`zannevyn: Back, apologies, she who commands the kitchen has been appeased :-).02:21
=== fred_ is now known as Guest6574
syntroPihitsujiTMO, hmm seems there is no way for separate linux-sys and linux-home on mbr, so i would need uefi, linux, swap, windows instead02:28
=== aaaas is now known as aaas
=== sd is now known as Guest78253
jester792514Hello! Can anyone address a rack server question?02:31
markovirc_Hello jester79251402:31
advxbye 4 now..02:31
MarknatHello jester79251402:31
jester792514I'm trying to install and buy a new rackserver and see U sizes02:31
jester792514I don't know if rack servers are pretty standardized in which i can install any rack cpu into a encasing02:32
hitsujiTMOjester792514: starting to sound like a question for #hardware02:32
=== peter is now known as Guest80780
jester792514!join #hardware02:33
K`zannevyn: ?02:33
nevynK`zan: lunchtime.02:33
jester792514sorry fail<02:33
nevynactually it's afterlunchtime.02:33
K`zanAh, understand, will stand by, thanks!02:33
K`zannevyn: Ah, understand, will stand by, thanks!02:34
K`zannevyn: Gotta fuel the furnace :-).02:34
hitsujiTMOjester792514: sorry, that should be ##hardware02:34
markovirc_Hello Ronie102:35
Ronie1hello markovirc02:35
=== aaaas is now known as aaas
nevyna/win 1702:36
hitsujiTMOmarkovirc_: can you please disable your bot02:41
lacrymologyjust installed kubuntu in my girlfriend's laptop. It shipped with windows 8, and the battery life was HOURS (which is crazy, since it's got a huge screen), and now it's taking less than an hour to drain. Any pointers?02:43
daftykinslacrymology: can you link to the spec of it?02:44
lacrymologygive me a minute02:44
lacrymologyI used to know this02:44
r0b-anyone using ATI Vdeo cards in Ubuntu 13.10?02:44
* r0b- cant seem to get the FGLRX Driver to work02:45
daftykins!ati | r0b-02:46
ubottur0b-: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto02:46
r0b-thanks daftykins02:47
fabio123 /j #intel-gfx02:47
r0b-sigh i have used this guide.02:48
r0b-it refused to work for me.02:48
hitsujiTMOr0b-: what card do you have?02:48
daftykinsr0b-: what happened exactly? any steps fail?02:48
r0b-my desktop refuses to come up.02:48
r0b-like i just see the wallpaper but cant do anything.02:48
r0b-the driver i used was Ati's 13.12 driver02:49
Bashing-omr0b-: Well, could be a case of no can do, AMD droped support for the 2/2/4X series of cards.02:49
r0b-this is supported. its HD6XXX series.02:50
fabio123nothing comes near the linux intel driver now02:50
hitsujiTMOr0b-: did you install driver from amd site?02:50
lacrymologydaftykins: I'm pretty sure it's this http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?cc=us&lc=en&docname=c0350235802:50
hitsujiTMOr0b-: remove thrm. install from the repo02:51
r0b-i have also tried the fglrx from repo02:51
lacrymologydaftykins: I'm thinking along the lines of enabling the discrete video card02:51
hitsujiTMOr0b-: and what version of ubuntu is it?02:51
r0b-well its Xubuntu but 13.1002:51
daftykinslacrymology: hrmm AMD - yeah is it sporting a funky on-die APU *and* discrete graphics setup? i'd imagine it's giving full power to the discrete without necessarily being used02:52
hitsujiTMOr0b-: did you run: sudo aticonfig --initial02:52
lacrymologywhat does "100%" mean in powertop?02:52
hitsujiTMOr0b-: can you get a terminal with ctrl + alt + t      ?02:52
r0b-hitsujiTMO: i think we talked yesterday.02:52
r0b-hang on.02:53
lacrymologyand why the hell is my audio codec running "100%" if nothing's sounding02:53
r0b-let me install the repo driver again. and i will get bak to you02:53
r0b-fglrx or fglrx-updates?02:53
hitsujiTMOr0b-: uninstall the website ones first02:53
r0b-i did.02:53
r0b-ok its installing.02:54
r0b-can i do the aticonfig over ssh or?02:54
daftykinslacrymology: i was going to suggest powertop but i'm not sure if it's well maintained02:54
hitsujiTMOr0b-: delete the old /etc/X11/xorg.conf   before running: sudo aticonfig --initial02:55
hitsujiTMOr0b-: yes running it over ssh should be fine02:55
r0b-ok. give me a few minutes sir :)02:55
lacrymologydaftykins: funny, I turn off some tunables, and the wakeups/s ratio goes down02:56
SonikkuAmerica!info fuse-utils02:57
ubottuPackage fuse-utils does not exist in saucy02:57
daftykinslacrymology: what kinds of things are you turning off?02:58
r0b-ok hitsujiTMO just aticonfig --initial?02:58
r0b-as root or?02:59
daftykinsor with sudo02:59
hitsujiTMOr0b-: root or sudo02:59
daftykinsonly root can write xorg.conf02:59
r0b-ok now reboot?03:00
hitsujiTMOr0b-: yup03:00
maujhsnCan anybody tell me how to upgrade the vlc media player in ubuntu linux?03:00
maujhsnCurrently using VLC media player 1.0.6 in ubuntu-10.04!03:00
r0b-ok hang on :)03:01
r0b-ok rebooting now.03:01
hitsujiTMOmaujhsn: you need to upgrade to 12.04. 10.04 is not supported03:02
lacrymologydaftykins: it says "wireless power saving for interface wlan0", "Autosuspend for USB device foo", etc03:03
daftykinslacrymology: but yeah basically it sounds like there's on-die graphics with the CPU as well as graphics with the discrete, so you may want to look into whether that can be setup and either utilised/disabled03:04
maujhsnhitsujiTMO  If I don't upgrade to 12.04 than its probably best to leave vlc alone right?03:05
r0b-hitsujiTMO: nothing. just  wallpaper no mouse or task bar.03:05
hitsujiTMOmaujhsn: you cannoy03:05
hitsujiTMOmaujhsn: you cannot upgrade vlc or anything on 10.04 desktop03:06
maujhsnWhy not?03:06
hitsujiTMOmaujhsn: its end of life. no longer supported03:06
maujhsnhitsujiTMO Yes ok that makes sense!03:07
hitsujiTMOr0b-: ok. can you open the terminal with ctrl + alt + t           then: sudo apt-get install pastebinit03:07
r0b-im back in via SSH03:07
lacrymologyanother question... in chromium on ubuntu gnome, when I hit "save page as..." I get a "type" dropdown where I can select html only or webpage, complete. This second option saves all the media files,css, etc as well as the html. In kubuntu that option's not there03:07
r0b-what do you need?03:08
hitsujiTMOr0b-: then: sudo apt-get install pastebinit03:08
r0b-its there.03:08
hitsujiTMOr0b-: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:08
=== Guest26174 is now known as SchrodingersScat
hitsujiTMOr0b-: pastebinit ~/.xsession-errors03:08
r0b-first is Xorg the second is the xession-errors03:09
hitsujiTMOr0b-: cat `date` `ls -l ~/.xession-errors` | pastebinit03:10
r0b-that just made errors on terminal03:11
r0b-both .xession-error things bitch about brltty03:12
hitsujiTMOr0b-: date && pastebinit && ls -l ~/.xession-errors | pastebinit03:12
r0b-this command doesnt finish :)03:13
hitsujiTMOr0b-: sorry: date | pastebinit && ls -l ~/.xession-errors | pastebinit03:13
hitsujiTMOr0b-: ctrl + c on the last one03:14
* r0b- has no idea man03:15
hitsujiTMOr0b-: and the second one03:15
r0b-it didnt read the file03:15
r0b-.xession errors is not a folder its a file :)03:16
markovirc_Hello Ronie03:16
Roniehello markovirc03:16
r0b-thats the .xession errors03:16
hitsujiTMOr0b-: ls -l ~/.xsession-errors | pastebinit03:17
r0b-i just told you...03:17
hitsujiTMOr0b-: i want to see the attributes03:17
r0b--rw------- 1 rob rob 257 Jan 27 22:06 .xsession-errors03:17
=== aaaas is now known as aaas
hitsujiTMOr0b-: pastebinit /var/crash/fglrx.0.crash03:18
hitsujiTMOr0b-: lsmod | grep fglrx | pastebinit03:19
* r0b- really appreciates your help man03:20
hitsujiTMOr0b-: dmesg | pastebinit && lspci | pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:21
markovirc_Hello Ronie103:22
r0b-ed #ubuntu03:22
=== tim` is now known as tim```
Ronie1hello tim03:25
Ronie1hello tim03:25
markovirc_Hello Ronie103:25
Ronie1hello marovirc03:25
hitsujiTMOr0b-: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME03:26
handlebarmarkovic: This is not a channel for your bot03:26
r0b-ok done.03:27
r0b-ran exactly as you posted.03:27
hitsujiTMOr0b-: test now03:28
aFeijohi guys, I need to copy /tmp/.htaccess to /var/www/sites/*/files (*/files means over 100 directories), cp fail returning 'omitting directory `.../files/', there is no directory been copied, just a file. Why it fails? I try with cp -r too03:28
hitsujiTMOr0b-: just relog03:28
r0b-ill reboot :)03:28
r0b-back in a few :)03:28
r0b-hitsujiTMO: same issue03:30
hitsujiTMOr0b-: ok. on the gui , can you get up a terminal with: ctrl + alt + t03:30
r0b-its the same no gui just the wallpaper.03:31
r0b-no mouse or anything03:31
hitsujiTMOr0b-: even if you hit ctrl + alt + t ?03:31
hitsujiTMOr0b-: can you log into the guest account?03:31
hitsujiTMOr0b-: is the same issue in the guest account?03:32
r0b-I wonder if XFCE does not like the driver.03:32
totesmuhgoatshey guys03:32
* r0b- is using Xubuntu not Normal Ubuntu.03:32
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
hitsujiTMOr0b-: ahh kk.03:32
daftykinsdo what hitsujiTMO suggests r0b-, to test a blank xfce config, or move/rename ~/.config/xfce*03:33
totesmuhgoatsi installed a new desktop enviroment to try it out and i decided i don't like it, problem is it installed a bunch of packages that have really cluttered up my system and made it hard to find what i want, extra file manager, terminal, image viewer, there's 2 of everything03:33
AMAXalguém sabe me dizer se mudou muito da versão 12 para a 13 ?03:33
daftykinsanywho bed time, so i shall stop treading on hitsujiTMO's capable toes ^_^03:33
hitsujiTMOr0b-: or can you create a new account and test03:33
r0b-ill try that.03:33
hitsujiTMOdaftykins: lol, no problems there :P03:33
totesmuhgoatsis there a way to remove not just the package, but all the packages that were installed with it?03:33
totesmuhgoatsbecause just removing the desktop would still leave the extra tools behind03:34
daftykinstotesmuhgoats: "apt-cache showpkg whatever-desktop" will show you all the packages and dependancies of that desktop03:34
daftykinstotesmuhgoats: then, you could copy and paste all those packages into "sudo apt-get remove <those packages>"03:35
totesmuhgoatsdaftykins: well that desktop probably has some overlap with the desktop that was already installed no?03:35
daftykinsthen you'd install the full DE package of what you *do* want (:03:36
ermac0aFeijo, cp  /tmp/.htaccess /var/www/sites/files/ , make sure are owner of those directories or sudo.03:36
daftykinsor do the showpkg command for that one too, and compare03:36
totesmuhgoatsdaftykins: i can dig it, thanks03:37
aFeijoermac0, I'm using the root user. But I just try with sudo, same error03:37
ermac0use -r with the syntax above03:39
r0b-it works halfass on a new account.03:39
r0b-so i may try renaming my users xfce config03:39
aFeijoermac0, I did03:40
aFeijoermac0, no errors then, but the file is not copied03:40
gmachine_24greetings earthlings. I've always used Clonezilla to copy my music drive to another music drive. These drives do not carry the OS or any other files/data. But, if I'm cloning a partition on drive D to drive E and neither has the OS, data files, etc. . . I can just umount the partition I want to clone and then use partclone, correct? I don't need to boot from the Clonezilla CD, etc.03:40
hitsujiTMOr0b-: so config issue then :(   did you try renaming ~/.config/xfce* as daftykins suggested to reset the xfce settings? might be easier that porting everything to a new account03:41
r0b-THANK YOU hitsujiTMO03:49
hitsujiTMOr0b-: np03:49
r0b-i renamed my xfce config and it works )03:49
gmachine_24any help on my partclone question......... please..............................03:52
r0b-I just gotta reconfigure my Task menues and wallpaper.03:54
r0b-:) Much appreciated hitsujiTMO :)03:54
daftykinsgmachine_24: backing up on the same disk is REALLY not going to help03:54
r0b-i feel half dumb now :(03:54
daftykinsoh no you said different drives, nm03:55
r0b-I will have to remember that.03:55
r0b-so i guess i can delete my old xfce config?03:56
r0b-or keep it?03:57
gmachine_24daftykins I'm sorry but if you read what I read you will see I am backing up from one drive to another ... so maybe don't be so condescending04:02
gmachine_24it would REALLY help if you read what I actually wrote04:03
gmachine_24yeah. didn't think so. loser.04:14
lacrymologyshould lspci show all graphic cards regardless of if they have the right drivers or not? I'm trying to figure out if my graphics card is discrete or not04:17
hitsujiTMOlacrymology: yup it would04:18
hitsujiTMOlacrymology: in later cards hybrid cards, some are not under "VGA" but "3D" aswell04:20
AncientTechGreetings, Hope I'm in active channel, I have a nag-problem-question about k3b Burning software..04:20
proteus-F10how to change interface04:21
lacrymologyhitsujiTMO: it appears as a VGA, and no intel card, so I guess it's not hybrid..04:23
lacrymologyhitsujiTMO: so the question remains, why under windows the battery lasts about 4x as much?04:23
hitsujiTMOlacrymology: what card is it?04:23
mssmssHello ... I have 12.04.2 LTS installed and am unable to update due to linux-image-generic-pae dependency problems ... can anyone help me ?04:24
markovirc_Hello mssmss04:24
hitsujiTMOlacrymology: usually thats down to power management. You may need to install the proprietary drivers to get improved power management. The open drivers get a massive improvement in 14.04 with this04:26
Ben64mssmss: pastebin "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade"04:27
mssmssHere's the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6830126/04:27
mssmssBen64......will get them for you ...04:28
markovirc_Hello Ben6504:30
=== blubbbb is now known as syntroPi
maujhsnhitsujiTMO Hello again. i have a question a Q about the gnome terminal! How to I set preferences so that I  can select all, cut and paste a full .xml docment using the nano editor? The default only allows me to select just the current page.04:30
mssmsssudo apt-get update results : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6830134/04:30
lacrymologyhitsujiTMO: my lspci output looks stupidly small.. <20 devices listed04:31
hitsujiTMOmaujhsn: not sure to be honest. don't use nano that heavy myself.04:31
lacrymologyany options I'm missing?04:31
hitsujiTMOlacrymology: thats normal04:31
lacrymologyif you say so =)04:31
mssmsssudo apt-get upgrade result : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6830135/04:32
maujhsnhitsujiTMO OK, Can another editor do it?04:32
markovirc_Hello phunyguy04:32
hitsujiTMOmaujhsn: in terminal emacs should.04:32
AncientTechGreetings, Hope I'm in active channel, I have a nag-problem-question about k3b Burning software..04:33
AncientTechAs I'm starting a new project, I have an upper window (source) and lower window (burnlist).04:33
AncientTech"Before", it was showing be both  directories and individual files within the source directory in the upper window (source).04:33
AncientTechI seem to have inadvertently changed the upper window (source) to just displaying directories, instead of showing directories  and files.04:33
AncientTechWhat did I do??04:34
FloodBot1AncientTech: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:34
maujhsnhitsujiTMO I got it...gedit allows me to select a whole document!04:34
mssmssBen65: this has been a vexing problem as I have not been able to update for quite some time now ...I have looked at all the forums, but have not been able to figure out a proper solution...04:34
markovirc_Hello IdleOne04:34
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
hitsujiTMOlacrymology: what is the output of: lspci -nn | grep VGA04:35
Ben64mssmss: what does the command "uname -a" return?04:36
mssmssLinux orange 3.2.0-58-generic-pae #88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 3 18:00:02 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux04:37
=== fredbarns_ is now known as fredbarns
hitsujiTMOmssmss: wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-generic-pae_3. && sudo dpkg -i linux-generic-pae_3.
hitsujiTMOmssmss: then rerun: sudo apt-get -f install04:39
hitsujiTMO!list > macbar9904:43
ubottumacbar99, please see my private message04:43
AncientTechGreetings, Hope I'm in active channel, I have a nag-problem-question about k3b Burning software..04:48
AncientTechAs I'm starting a new project, I have an upper window (source) and lower window (burnlist).04:48
AncientTech"Before", it was showing be both  directories and individual files within the source directory in the upper window (source).04:48
AncientTechI seem to have inadvertently changed the upper window (source) to just displaying directories, instead of showing directories  and files.04:48
AncientTechWhat did I do??04:48
FloodBot1AncientTech: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:48
knopwobAncientTech: please listen to the Bot04:48
AncientTechTrying to relearn after 30 yrs..04:49
hitsujiTMO!enter | AncientTech this would be a better response04:49
ubottuAncientTech this would be a better response: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:49
hitsujiTMOAncientTech: there may be more users that can help you in #kubuntu04:50
AncientTechThx, I'll go there..tried at K3b, but only 2 users there..04:50
AncientTechHow does one use the paste.ubuntu??04:51
IdleOneAncientPC: my guess is you somehow disabled something in the View settings. Check the menu and see if there is anything that pops out at you04:52
hitsujiTMOAncientTech: #kde could be a helpful channel too for it04:52
AncientTechThx guys.. I did UNIX and XENIX back in the 80's...Sure has changed since then..so many OS, so many Apps, blows my mind..04:54
hitsujiTMOpeople actually used xenix?04:56
=== flos_ is now known as flos
flosAncientTech, the k3b will store config files in ~/.config . maybe you can move those files to a backup and restart the k3b04:57
AncientTechIdleOne wins the prize...settings..panel..contents...thx04:57
IdleOnesure thing04:58
Lognicubunt stuck at installing system04:58
AncientTechflos - I will check that out...still figuring out where stuff is stored... Thx.04:59
Lognicubuntu stuck at installing system04:59
DiplomaticoI want to mount an image in a certain folder and this is the output: is write-protected, mounting read-only. (and I can't access the files, they don't show when ls)04:59
Lognicubunt stuck at installing system05:00
mssmssHi BenHi Ben6505:00
DiplomaticoI mounted as a root, and it doesn't work...05:01
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: what type of image and what command are you using to mount exactly?05:01
mssmssgot knocked out of irc due to power loss..05:01
hitsujiTMOmssmss: wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-generic-pae_3. && sudo dpkg -i linux-generic-pae_3.
hitsujiTMOmssmss: then rerun: sudo apt-get -f install05:01
Diplomatico mount crunchbang*.iso /mnt/tmp2 -o loop,uid=1000,gid=100005:01
mssmssthanks hitsujiTMO05:01
mssmsslet me try that05:01
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: and ls -l /mnt/tmp2 produces no output?05:02
Diplomaticols no output.Have to try the other one...wait05:03
DiplomaticoOr is it one command altogether?05:03
=== jack is now known as Guest56205
mssmsshitsujiTMO : here's the result of wget .....05:04
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: single command: ls -l /mnt/tmp205:04
Diplomaticolet me try05:04
Lognicubunt stuck at installing system05:05
DiplomaticoThat worked hitsujiTMO, but I don't understand why ls didn't!05:05
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: whats the output of: pwd05:05
Lognicubunt stuck at installing system05:06
flos./.kde/share/apps/k3b and ./.kde/share/config/k3brc05:06
hitsujiTMOmssmss: run: sudo apt-get -f install05:06
Bashing-omLognic: Hi ! Where are you stuck at, if dual booting Windows, I run !05:06
DiplomaticoThe output of pwd shows the folder...05:06
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: did you cd to /mnt/tmp2  before you mounted?05:07
Lognicstuck at installing system after wiping out windows xp05:07
DiplomaticoI'm supposed to??05:07
crosbymichaelwhat is cli installer found on the ubuntu mini isos called?05:07
mssmsshitsujiTMO: here's the result from sudo apt-get ... : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6830235/05:08
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: no, if you had your pwd would be /mnt/tmp2 on the hard drive, not /mnt/tmp2 the mount point05:08
mssmssit still fails05:08
Bashing-omLognic: explain your process and what has happened, All that you should need to do is boot the disk, choose install, answere a few simpke questions, and the install wizard do it thing, over and done with,05:08
hitsujiTMOmssmss: we'll fix that05:08
DiplomaticoI don't understand, I'm trying to mount an iso in a folder in my hard drive!05:08
mssmssok..thanks .. it's looks like updater is going around in circles ...05:09
hitsujiTMOmssmss: wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-image-generic-pae_3. && sudo dpkg -i linux-image-generic-pae_3.
DiplomaticoThe .iso is in the hard drive, in a certain folder, i want to mount it in another folder within the same hdd05:10
hitsujiTMOmssmss: then once again, sudo apt-get -f install05:10
LognicBashing-om:so, it was early finished when it just froze normally, i haven't done anything that I'm no supposed to do.05:11
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: cd /mnt/tmp205:11
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: ls05:11
DiplomaticoNo output.05:11
DiplomaticoBut it did when i aded -l ...05:12
mssmssOK...trying that ...05:12
Bashing-omLognic: Well, Where is the installer hanging ? What was the last questiion you answered ? - Did you check the .iso file check sum ?05:12
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: so what do now you get from: ls -l05:12
DiplomaticoI get the list of the files, a lot.05:13
DiplomaticoBut it's supposed to do that just with ls, isn't it?05:13
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: but nothing for ls?   hmm, a little bizarre05:13
DiplomaticoThat's true.05:13
LognicBashing-om:hanging at the any questions screen,i gave it my keyboard layout.05:14
DiplomaticoCould it be that I've been messing around with chown?05:14
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: that chould have no effect05:14
DiplomaticoMaybe it could be that I had a normal user terminal opened as the same time as a root terminal?? I can't remember which one I used for what.05:15
Ronie1kernel 3.2.29 is good?05:16
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hitsujiTMODiplomatico: bit ls and ls -l are essentiall the exact same thing, just different output formats05:16
DiplomaticoStill strange...05:16
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: very05:16
DiplomaticoBut did we resolve the read-only mount??05:17
Ronie1Diplomatico:kernel 3.2.29 is good?05:17
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: its a cd image. its by its nature read only05:17
LognicBashing-om:hanging at the any questions screen,i gave it my keyboard layout.05:17
Bashing-omLognic: Wow that is early on in the install process. UMMm,. XP box -> ; pentium 4 processor ?05:17
DiplomaticoOk.But they can be copied if I want to??05:18
Diplomaticothe files I mean.05:18
mssmsshitsujiTMO : looks better now ....http://paste.ubuntu.com/6830272/05:18
VossArtesianHello, i am trying to install 12.04 LTS from a USB to my eeePC netbook.  Currently it has 2 partitions and windows is installed on one.  I want to wipe the whole disk and start fresh with ubuntu but im very confused by my options in the partition editor, can anyone help?05:18
mssmssshould I try and update now ?05:18
hitsujiTMOmssmss: yup05:18
stuppyhello - I have a question about ssh. I disabled passwd auth and root login and added my user and public key. Can login fine, but a bit too fine. I am wondering if ubuntu might be caching my key or something because the server is not prompting me for a password now when I ssh user@ip or ssh <Host from ~/.ssh/config> even if I comment out the relevant  config section. BUT, on a different computer runnng a live session, I am seeing05:19
stuppy permission denied (publickey). so I bevlive it's secure, but am curious why no denial on my original comp. Any insight would be appreciated. thanks.05:19
Lognicbashing om: yep, P4 processor05:19
DiplomaticoThank you a lot Hatsu!05:19
hitsujiTMOstuppy: key auth is instead of password auth so that sounds fine. did you restart the ssh daemon after changing the configs?05:21
Bashing-omLognic: Is this the flagship ubuntu distribution that you are attempting to install ?, Lubuntu will be a much better option on a p4 .05:21
stuppy@VossArtesian, is there not an option to use entire disc? That's usually an option and that seems like what you were looking for. The other non-manual option would be side-by-side, which would be dual boot.05:21
stuppy@hitsujiTMO. yes, 2x sudo service ssh reload05:22
Lognicbashing-om: the ubuntu from the website05:22
VossArtesianstuppy: there is an option to erase everything and install, but after choosing that it gives me 2 partitions to choose from05:23
stuppy@hitsujiTMO - same with sudo service ssh restart as reload05:23
Adrian0079i have a PC with dual monitor(one DVI and Display Port) , but one of it ( on Display Port ) don't come up , any fix to that? ATI HD7650 / ubuntu 13.10, also i can see both monitors on ubuntu "Display" setting .05:23
Bashing-omLognic: can you boot the liveDVD to "try ubuntu" mode so we can see some system specs, I bet no can install "ubuntu", Will be better with Lubuntu.05:24
hitsujiTMOAdrian0079: whats the output of: xrandr05:25
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hitsujiTMOstuppy: are you editing ~/.ssh/config on the server?05:26
stuppy@VossArtesian - you can also choose the manual method, and delete the partitions, create one full-disc partition, and then install.05:27
Bashing-omLognic: I know by now you are frustrated as well as aggravated, we will get through this, Take a bit of time to read up: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE .05:28
stuppy@<VossArtesian> just back-up to where you chose entire-disk and find the manual option.05:28
VossArtesianstuppy: im starting to think im an idiot and theres actually 2 drives inside the machine, because removing the partition does nothing but create seperate free spaces05:29
=== flos is now known as flos|lunch
hitsujiTMOstuppy: theres no denial on the original as it has your pub key05:29
stuppy@hitsujiTMO no. editing local ~/.ssh/config and remote ~/.ssh/authorized_keys05:30
DiplomaticoVossArtesian, I think that the two partitions you are looking at are the MBR and the C: The first is used by the system.05:31
stuppy @hitsujiTMO - how would it know where to find my key after I comment out that section of the .ssh/config? I'm not using the stadard id_rsa file for that server either, so it should need to know which file to find it in I would think.05:32
=== Jordan_ is now known as JordanJ2
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VossArtesianDiplomatico: its C and D, drives, aside from that there is also was seems to be a system file, and the USB im booting from05:33
hitsujiTMOstuppy: are you using ssh-agent?05:33
VossArtesianDiplomatico: c drive has windows and is about 4gb, d drive is about 8.5 gb05:34
DiplomaticoOk, I 'm no pro, but I can remember when i installed ubuntu is that just drag the edges of the partition editor and you'll get the partition you want.05:34
stuppy@hitsujiTMO - is ssh-agent used by default on ubuntu desktop and/or server. it's installed by default.05:35
stuppy@hitsujiTMO I am not invoking it explicitly05:35
hitsujiTMOstuppy: its not used by default.i'd assume that since you are using such a config it may be getting invoked and caching the key. have you tried uncommenting and then rebooting?05:36
VossArtesianDiplomatico: ok, thanks  im just giving up for now because the install failed twice once on each partition05:36
mssmsshitsujiTMO: my internet connection is iffy ... Update is stuck at "Applying Changes" ...I'll try again latr and let you know .. thanks ...05:40
stuppy @hitsujiTMO - do you think it's a local or remote thing? I have not rebooted. I wanted to get it all squared before rebooting to avoid getting locked out.05:40
hitsujiTMOstuppy: i mean rebooting the client05:42
stuppy@hitsujiTMO - screw it - caution to the wind. rebooting.05:42
stuppy@hitsujiTMO - I'll try. I'll be back in 5. Thanks for the ssh-agent may be caching mental link.05:43
DiplomaticoHitsujiTMO, now i can't access to the folders on those mounted files, i type cd  and the output is: bash: cd: boot: No such file or directory05:45
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: whats the output of: ls -l /mnt/tmp2/boot05:46
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: sounding like a corrupt iso05:46
Diplomaticook , i did that cd command in the tmp1 folder, have to try it in tmp2 in another iso...05:47
tucemiuxanyone know how safe it is to install software via ppa??05:47
=== JoshuaP-afk is now known as JoshuaP
hitsujiTMOtucemiux: depends on the ppa. some are good, some are awful05:48
DiplomaticoIt happened the same in the tmp2 folder, i have 5 in total.05:48
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: all different iso's or the same iso mount 5 times?05:48
DiplomaticoAnd the thing is that mounting using the file explorer mounts it with no problem , and i can see the files and everything.05:48
DiplomaticoI don't think it's corrupted.05:48
tucemiuxhitsujiTMO, im thinking about security, I want to install java jdk from a ppa using webupd805:49
Diplomatico5 different isos.05:49
Diplomatico5 diferent tmp folders.05:49
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: remount them, but use only option: -o loop                      no uid or anything05:50
Roniehow to upgrade to a newer kernel?05:50
Diplomaticook...Do i have to umount them first?05:50
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: yup05:51
hitsujiTMOtucemiux:  webupd8 is pretty safe. that pulls java from the oracle site using the same method as the flash-installer05:51
DiplomaticoI'm mounting as root, is it ok?05:51
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: that should not matter at all. its still a read only file system05:52
k3pl3r16evening everyone05:52
The_Woodsmanif i wanted to FTP into my ubuntu machine from my windows one, how exactly would i do that? I usually use winSCP when getting files from my school but I don't know my laptop's host name and stuff to make the connection05:52
DiplomaticoWatch this!!  in the tmp1 folder I get this output when i umount the iso:   umount: backbox-3.13-i386 is not mounted (according to mtab)05:53
DiplomaticoEvening kepler.05:53
tucemiuxhitsujiTMO, thanks for the 411, you did the nsa a good service05:53
DiplomaticoBut I could ls -l the files...How can it say is not mounted?05:54
hitsujiTMODiplomatico: sudo umount /mnt/tmp105:54
k3pl3r16Diplomatico, is it mounted in a different place?05:55
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: Evening, so, what brings you to ubuntu's help channel ?05:55
k3pl3r16like hitsujiTMO  said maybe not tmp105:55
DiplomaticoI suppose it is mounted in tmp1, because there is were i can ls -l the files.05:55
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, seeing if I can help out05:55
DiplomaticoI could see the list.05:55
k3pl3r16Diplomatico, do you have a symbolic link to another dir?05:56
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: Will, then I go back to lurking and learning.05:56
DiplomaticoI don't know.05:56
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, hahaha sometimes it's good to just sit back05:56
DiplomaticoBut now i did  sudo umount /mnt/tmp1 and when I ls -l the folder it says 0 total.05:56
DiplomaticoSo it seems that it mounts in that folder05:57
k3pl3r16Diplomatico, when you mounted it did you use sudo?05:57
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DiplomaticoNot sudo, i was at root.05:57
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: It's been busy, and honestly, this is the first I have kicked back.05:58
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, whats been happening? is there a pattern or something?05:58
DiplomaticoAnd in the file explorer the folders tmp1 trough 5 the icon shows a lock.05:58
k3pl3r16BRB beer run05:58
=== JoshuaP-afk is now known as JoshuaP
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: problem installs and updates mostly .05:59
loki_hey guys, quick and easy question.  if I want to format a 3TB drive I can use gParted to do so, correcT?05:59
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stuppy@HitsujiTMO - restarted client. ~/.ssh/config remains uncommented. reconnect to remote server user@ip - it prompted for my private key password to decrypt but it still logged in without needing the config info. It's a little scary06:05
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, haven't had any issues so far running 13.10 with backports06:05
k3pl3r16Bashing-om,  I did with my other laptop using a Haswell chip get random schreen freezes06:06
hitsujiTMOstuppy: ok. don't uncomment. remove and try again.06:06
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: nope. besides installs 13.10 is clean.06:07
tucemiuxhitsujiTMO, the comment was just in case you wanted me to use that ppa in err06:07
loki_soo....gparted to format 3TB/4TB drive? is ok?06:07
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: Random is tough to deal with ! What are your thoughts now ? Graphics ?06:08
stuppy@HitsujiTMO - woops - type-o. I meant "remains commneted"06:08
hitsujiTMOtucemiux: ahh. well all i can say anything from webupd8 is usually pretty solid06:08
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, I got the intel driver installer and so far things are straight.06:08
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, used to freeze on minimize to the launcher and you have to click on the icon06:09
k3pl3r16Now no worries06:09
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: The people upstairs have done a bunch, a lot of efort gone into that layer.06:09
K`zannevyn: catch ya on the morrow, appreciate your efforts to unconfuse me :-).06:10
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, waiting to really test Mir when this becomes stable enough. I prefer testing on metal rather then just VM06:11
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: Have ya seen the 13.10 graphics bragg postings ?06:11
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, nah what is it? got link?06:11
stuppy@HitsujiTMO - thinking to kill ssh-agent on the client and see if that blocks.06:12
tucemiuxhitsujiTMO, would you happen to know of a reliable ppa for eclipse?06:13
hitsujiTMOtucemiux: don't use eclipse i'm afriad06:13
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: some; http://test.ubuntu-discourse.org/t/hybrid-graphics-with-amd-and-nvidia-in-ubuntu-13-10-and-12-04-3/1144 ; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics ; http://rudrageek.com/linux-now-supports-hybrid-graphics-systems-ubuntu-13-10/ .06:13
loki_hey guys, question about disk utility.  is there a way to gather the same information from command line?06:14
tucemiuxhitsujiTMO, looks like there's an official eclipse ppa o.O06:14
Jordan_Uloki_: Yes, though what command you run depends on what information you want specifically.06:14
loki_Jordan_U: I think SMARTCtl tells me most of the info I desire.  was just curious more than anything else.06:15
Bashing-omloki_: sure, there is nothing one can do from the GUI that can not be done from terminal, what info ya looking for ?06:15
loki_Bashing-om: basically the same info that disk utility displays06:15
stuppy@HitsujiTMO - Killed ssh-agent. not showing up in htop. config commented out, reconnection to server just the same, straight into it.06:17
hitsujiTMOtucemiux: i think thats actually outdated tho06:17
sammyhey ubuntu-ers from the southwestern US- what mirror do you use? I am having no luck finding a speedy mirror :(06:18
hitsujiTMOstuppy: rename ~/.ssh/config reboot and retry06:18
Bashing-omloki_: Ya mean somethings like df -h , sudo fdisk -l  , sudo parted -l ??06:18
loki_possibly.  and smart data.  disk serial number, etc.06:18
_joeyI have a third party deb package with no documentation. How do I find out what dependencies are required for the package?06:20
Bashing-omloki_: I would have to look hard, how about smartmontools (??) .06:20
loki_Bashing-om: ok cool.  already have that installed :D.06:20
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, looks like rudrageek is talking about AMD and NVIDIA06:21
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, I have a newer Intel integrated06:21
loki_next question...seeing something odd from fdisk.  it's likely because the drives are formatted as GPT, but could someone take a look a what I am seeing and provide feedback?06:21
Flannel_joey: dpkg --info package.deb06:22
Bashing-omloki_: fdisk does not deal with GPI, try Gdisk .06:22
Bashing-omloki_: GPT*06:22
loki_Bashing-om: The drive was formatted with gParted, was just looking at the output of fdisk -l06:22
loki_let me try to DL gdisk06:22
_joeyFlannel: thanks06:23
loki_Bashing-om: getting error 206:24
Ben64loki_: pastebin full command and error06:24
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: I do not have much experience with the Intel chips. but a lot hs been done with sswitchable graphics, Not real sure how much effort has gone into Intel, as Intel works so close with us.06:24
loki_Ben64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6830473/06:25
stuppy@HitsujiTMO - this is getting weird. renamed config config.bak, rebooted, ssh user@ip -> prompt for passphrase to decrypt private key and connected.06:25
Bashing-omloki_:  Error 2 from what ?06:25
loki_Bashing-om: check the paste06:25
hitsujiTMOloki_: you need to specify the drive with gdisk06:26
loki_just ran gdisk -l06:26
loki_hitsujiTMO: oooohhhh06:26
loki_let's check again06:26
Bashing-omloki_:  k06:26
whoDcis there a way to roll back a failed upgrade?06:26
whoDc12.04 decided to upgrade to 12.10 :) now i cant use the installer.. :D  and a lot does work.06:27
whoDcapparently it done a partitial upgrade06:27
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, always been good to me. I do not do gaming on a massive scale so ....06:27
Bashing-omloki_: give gdisk a target as in -> sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda see what results.06:28
loki_Bashing-om: yep.  getting the info now :D06:28
loki_thanks guys!06:28
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: Intel are great chips, lots of muscel to make them so - They got to protect thier market share too !06:30
stuppy@HitsujiTMO - haha. renaming ~/.ssh, now that blocks access!06:30
hitsujiTMOstuppy: what about just ~/.ssh/config ?06:31
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: I personally prefer AMD, Little guys had to work harder, Good products to get where they are now.06:32
stuppyit worked just find with rename of config to config.bak + reboot. just had to enter key decryption passphrase.06:32
stuppy@HitsujiTMO - find* fine06:33
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, I'm a cheap bas$*rd06:33
k3pl3r16Bashing-om, lol06:33
hitsujiTMOstuppy: ok, so maybe the config is ignoreing the "#"'s ?06:33
Bashing-omk3pl3r16: careful, my better half reserves the term for me .06:38
stuppy@HitsujiTMO - wow. I have 7 entries in config, all grouped by commented sections. It would have to not be phased  by any of the non-matching syntax that my descriptive comments are using then.06:42
stuppy@HitsujiTMO - I don't think it can ignore the '#'s -  while $shh user@ip connects, $shh host(from config file) hangs when it's #ed. somehow, it knows where to look independent of config.06:47
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MarGulwhats the easiest way to share a 25GB file over the network if I use xubuntu? I have been looking at samba but cant really get it to work. Is there not any share folders? I have xubuntu on both of the devices where I want to transfer the file07:23
gordonjcpMarGul: scp07:24
MarGulgordonjcp: When I goodle scp I get the feeling like it is some kind of ssh? I guess I could just install ssh on my desktop to drop off the file. But with ubuntu you can just "share" folders, thought there were something similar for xubuntu07:26
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=== Unforgiven is now known as HolyPoop
lifechamphow to use SSD as cache, not just for programs, but for server storage of most recent accessed data, such as photos, etc?07:54
meet_praveenhow can i upgrade python2.6 to 2.7 in ubuntu 10.04 ?07:54
aeon-ltdmeet_praveen: if it's not on the repos you need to find a ppa or compile it07:57
stuppy@hitsujiTMO - checked in with the openssh irc again and it seems ssh-agent is storing my key fingerprints $ssh-add -l with reboot persistence, which seems to be identifying the appropriate key without the need for ~/.ssh/config's directions. Thanks for your time and assistance.07:57
meet_praveenaeon-ltd: how?07:57
aeon-ltdmeet_praveen: google for ppas07:57
aeon-ltd!compile | meet_praveen07:58
ubottumeet_praveen: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall07:58
hitsujiTMOstuppy: sweet, glad you got to the bottom of it07:58
aeon-ltdmeet_praveen: or you can wait til it is in the ubuntu repos07:58
=== marieverumi is now known as ReimuHakureiMiko
kryIs there any way to change where Ubuntu Software Centre installs the programs?08:04
echopleksany help for a noob struggling hard with a live USB Xubuntu install?08:07
kryI guess no helpers are online atm08:09
echopleksah well08:09
echopleksit is late :)08:09
kryWhere you live, perhaps08:11
kryIt's bright daylight in Europa, so I would found it strange, if there was no one here.08:12
whoDcu cant change it kry08:13
aeon-ltdechopleks: what's the current situation?08:13
whoDcif space issue: apt autoclean08:14
whoDctry clear /tmp too08:14
whoDcor apt clean08:14
whoDcrm -fr /var/cache/apt/archives/*08:14
nimfatestjebać was08:14
krySo where does it install by default?08:15
echopleksaeon-ltd, I keep getting the message "unable to find a medium containing a live file system" after trying to boot from the USB08:15
echopleksive tried multiple drives, checked the MD5 sums, tried xubuntu 13.10 and 12.1008:15
echopleksi should note i had 13.10 working for a couple weeks but after a reboot i wasnt able to SSH in or get the video card to post08:15
FalusCo tam ptaszki08:16
echopleksso i decided id start again and re-install...so formatted the USB i was running it off of as well as the Live USB, did everything the same08:16
whoDc12.10 is just as bad echopleks :) for me heh08:16
kryIf I copy the whole directory, will the program still be able to run?08:16
aeon-ltdi'm gonna be honest, you've tried all the ideas i would've suggested. sorry i can't help08:16
whoDckry: no but u can make symlinks08:16
echopleksthats been the same with everything ive found in forums too08:16
echopleksseriously at a loss here08:16
kryWhat is that?08:17
aulaAnybody talk spanish?08:17
aeon-ltdechopleks: no cd drive?08:17
aeon-ltdaula: nada08:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:17
echopleksnah; well i have one i could plug in but no CD's or DVDs to burn08:17
FloodBot1Falus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:17
whoDcln -s target linkName08:18
FalusI have big dick and you have small dick08:18
aeon-ltdechopleks: i'm thinking the usb port might be the problem08:18
echopleksaeon-ltd also tried virtually every USB port08:18
echopleksand made sure to avoid 3.008:18
aeon-ltdthat was the worst troll/spam performance i've ever witnessed08:18
krySo I link the targets .deb to a linkname I give?08:19
leeyaahello guys08:19
leeyaado you know how to fix this error for apache NC::MemCache: libapr_memcache.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ?08:19
echopleksi notice that even after flashing the drive and resetting CMOS on my MOBO, i still see "ubuntu" as a boot option08:19
whoDcno Kry: u can install something elsewhere if compile urself. then make symbolx link08:19
echopleksis that normal?08:20
echopleksor could its persistence be an issue08:20
whoDcleeyaa: yes :)08:20
kryBut basically it would be simplier to uninstall USC and do everything manually? Will then it ask where I want to install programs?08:21
leeyaawhoDc: any tips? :)08:21
leeyaaim not sure what am i missing08:21
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whoDcexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/my_library/path.to.so08:21
whoDcleeyaa: check also: /etc/ld.so.conf08:23
whoDcand add there then need run ldconfig after08:23
kryHow often do I have to reinstall Ubuntu?08:23
whoDckry: why do u want to reinstall ubuntu? :)08:24
leeyaawhoDc: so add whereever is my lbrary to ld.so ?08:24
whoDcye leeyaa08:24
kryIn case it goes wrong, as windows does sometimes08:25
whoDckry: u can usually fix problems thou rather than take the easy option out ie reinstalling waste of time and effort08:25
whoDcyou have "repair" option anyhow... boot choice. where it will load min then can login to the "messed up sys" to repair it08:26
kryI have to reinstall Windows at every half year, but if Ubuntu manages to encounter that slowment like it does not (slow, sometimes freezes at booting, etc.), I'm better off at reinstalling, rather than trying to fix it manually08:27
kryEspecially, since I'm not Linux interpid08:27
whoDcheh? reinstall easy option out.08:27
whoDcthere is a sort of recovery option now within setup Kry: if ur that lazy, which will leave ur personal files alone :)08:28
whoDci havent reinstalled windows for years :) and never linux.. yet :)08:29
kryI was thinking about making a system drive (10-50 GBs) and a files drive (500GBs), and if there are some problem, I will just format the system drive, and the rest remains untouched08:29
kryThat's why I want USC to install files on the 500GB drive instead the small one.08:29
whoDcthere is no need for above: as mentioned ^^ u there is option to user files be ...  it will detect existing install then give the option, which in effect is sort of recovery option08:30
Ben64its very rare that you'll need to install because of some problem. that really is a windows thing08:30
leeyaawhoDc: thanks ill try that out after i fix my damn connection to that vm08:30
Ben64the last time i installed was in 200608:31
whoDcbetter fix, rather than reinstall :)08:31
kryAnother thing is, I have an another hard drive, which is formatted (and preferably remain, as it is moved between computers) in NTFS (WinXP), will I have to know something quirky about it?08:32
Ben64ntfs works fine08:33
kryOkay, thanks.08:34
kryI'm just starting to change to Ubuntu, but it's not user friendly at maximum.08:34
whoDcif its empty anyhow why not reformat?08:34
WHAT_UPi have a zip file with 1 text file in it. why is unzip -fj blah.zip just telling me "Archive:  blah.zip" rather than actually inflating the text file?08:34
Ben64kry: ubuntu is very friendly, just different than windows08:35
WHAT_UPnevermind that question08:35
leeyaawhoDc: hm still doesnt start08:35
kryYou mean, by constantly editing sudoers or etc/fstab just to change something simple?08:35
whoDcleeyaa: post line used and path08:35
leeyaathis is where library is located08:36
Ben64kry: normally never have to edit either of those08:36
leeyaayes with LD sorry08:36
leeyaaah lol08:36
kryAt least Win has tooltips everywhere, in Ubuntu I have a lot of things I suck it finding the first, and have to look it up on the internet after a few hours.08:36
leeyaaffs vm dropped again08:36
leeyaaso yeah i used LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/apr/lib/libapr_memcache.so.008:37
whoDcdid u do ldconfig after leeyaa08:37
leeyaaand then ldconfig08:37
leeyaais there a way to confirm it ?08:37
whoDcye cant remem off hand thou :)08:38
whoDchad simular issue last week with eggdrop :) to get the lib to load08:38
whoDcprintenv    / env08:39
whoDcshould show if the path is added to envoirment08:40
leeyaaby env you mean library ?08:40
whoDcno thats envoirment08:41
whoDc LD_LIBRARY_PATH /pathto/lib08:41
whoDcleeyaa: see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location08:42
geirhaalternatively you can create a file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ containing the line: /usr/local/apr/lib08:44
leeyaawhoDc: hm so it should be LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/apr/lib/libapr_memcache.so.0 ?08:44
leeyaaim using very old ubuntu btw if that matters08:44
geirhathen after running ''sudo ldconfig'', all programs will be able to find that apr_memcache library08:44
geirhaleeyaa: minus the filename08:44
whoDcye: but make sure u keep the existing paths there too08:45
kryThanks for the help, bye.08:45
geirhaLD_LIBRARY_PATH should contain a list of directories, not paths to library files08:45
leeyaai see08:46
leeyaaright so ill add a file to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ does it matter name >08:46
geirhaleeyaa: must end with .conf. apr.conf perhaps08:46
leeyaai dont have such directory btw08:47
whoDcjust add direct to ld.so.conf then08:47
leeyaaand add path, not actual lib yes ?08:48
leeyaasame thing ;p08:48
whoDchm :> pass then08:49
geirhaleeyaa: After editing ld.so.conf, you need to run  sudo ldconfig08:51
leeyaageirha: i did08:51
geirhaleeyaa: and if you run   ldconfig -p   do you see the library?08:52
Temperso i installed ubuntu on a N2550 atom cpu system.. after grub it's just a black screen..08:52
leeyaageirha: no08:54
leeyaathe weird thing is on another vm apache starts without adding this08:55
syntroPihow can i launch an app from lenses? it always just searched for files???08:56
geirhaleeyaa: file /usr/local/apr/lib/libapr_memcache.so.0 /bin/bash     does file say that both /bin/bash and that so file are 64 bit ELF?08:56
leeyaano it says it cant find it08:57
faugusztinTemper: that board has that cursed IGP it seems08:57
geirhaleeyaa: can't find what?08:57
Temperfaugusztin, i would of said it is the worlds biggest POS $%#^#$%&08:58
leeyaaERROR: cannot open `/usr/local/apr/lib/libapr_memcache.so.0'08:58
Temperbut seriosuly, i installed ubuntu server which is no gui08:58
leeyaathats the error geirha08:58
Temperhow the hell is the video messed up?08:58
leeyaaand yes there is no memcache.so.008:59
leeyaathere is just memcache.so08:59
faugusztinTemper: probably running framebuffer ?08:59
geirhaleeyaa: ... oh, so it's actually an apache module08:59
faugusztinTemper: if you can ssh in, try to boot it in true text mode : http://askubuntu.com/questions/92276/how-do-i-boot-into-true-text-mode09:00
Temperwell in grub i press e and remove load_video and gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode to no avail09:00
geirhaleeyaa: but where did libapr_memcache.so.0 come into the picture?09:00
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leeyaastrace, when i try to start it09:00
Temperi wish i could ssh in.. i would be done.. it didn't find my wireless card on setup either..09:00
leeyaait is veery weird setup, not mine09:00
Temperi am trying to setup a firewall.. so no screen will be needed..09:01
leeyaageirha: so you think it is apache module problem ?09:01
faugusztinTemper: did you try boot parameter text ?09:01
Temperdo i put that after the linux ro?09:01
faugusztinTemper: at the place you would have "quiet splash"09:02
geirhaleeyaa: just install it then.  sudo apt-get install libapr-memcache009:02
Temperthat's just it there is no quiet splash09:02
leeyaai tried that09:02
leeyaaapache is compiled from source09:02
faugusztinTemper: then yes, after ro09:03
Temperno go09:03
faugusztinTemper: you could also try vga16fb.modeset=009:03
geirhaleeyaa: did the package install? you still have no libapr_memcache  in ldconfig -p output?09:03
Temperfaugusztin, same spot?09:04
faugusztinTemper: yes09:04
Temperit seems like none of these options are actually doing anything..09:05
faugusztinTemper: just a question - you are trying to use 32-bit OS, right ?09:05
Temperfaugusztin, nope 64bit09:05
Temperit is a 64bit cpu09:05
faugusztinTemper: GMA 3650 is 32-bit only09:05
Temperi do not need graphics what so ever09:06
Temperlike nada..09:06
Tempertext is great.. if it would work09:06
faugusztinsure, but it seems it doesn't want to do anything in 64-bit mode ?09:06
Tempergrub works.. and the loader works until after the swap message..09:06
Temperi guess i can try that but the nfs kernel server has issues in 32bit mode09:06
faugusztinor you could put in a external graphics card, probably a PCI card (most N2550 boards have that slot)09:06
Temperfaugusztin, nope..09:07
Temperthis is a real gem..09:07
faugusztinTemper: ah, another one :)09:07
faugusztinTemper: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/blank-screen-after-boot-4175474380/ video=LVDS-1:d09:07
meet_praveenaeon-ltd: i installed 2.7 but how to change default compiler ?09:07
Temperi have had this pos for like a year and haven't used it at all because of these issues09:07
faugusztinTemper: GMA 3600 kernel DRM driver in 3.3.0 (as included in Mageia) always assumes a LVDS panel is present (as would be the case on netbooks but not on mini-ITX boards) and for some reason it defaults to a 1920x1080 panel.09:07
Temperbut i just want a firewall..09:07
leeyaageirha: ill check that in a minute09:08
CarlFKI need to use my laptop webcam to take pictures - what app can do that nicely?09:08
leeyaanot sure if it installed, system is very old09:08
Temperi just need the screen to get it setup enough for networking09:08
faugusztinTemper: try that video option above, maybe it will help09:08
imghost!cheese | CarlFK09:09
Temperand i am not sure why the realtek wifi wasn't detected09:09
leeyaageirha: this is the exact error i was getting http://apaste.info/4qUL09:09
Temperfaugusztin, no i tried all the suggestions you had09:09
imghost!find cheese09:09
Temperand a bunch online09:09
faugusztinTemper: video=LVDS-1:d too ?09:09
ubottuFound: cheese-common, gir1.2-cheese-3.0, libcheese-dev, libcheese-doc, libcheese-gtk-dev09:09
Temperwhat i don't understand is the install worked09:09
CarlFKimghost: thanks09:09
Temperfaugusztin, not the video thing.. same spot?09:09
faugusztinTemper: yes09:09
imghostCarlFK, yw09:10
deulizealandim newbie09:10
leeyaageirha: is there a way to add that .so file to system so it can find it ?09:10
leeyaaor something like that09:10
faugusztinTemper: and if the installer works, you could boot in the live enviroment, chroot in your existing instalation, install openssh server, set it to start on boot, win ? :)09:10
deulizealandplease help me to learning09:10
hitsujiTMO!manual | deulizealand09:11
ubottudeulizealand: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:11
faugusztinleeyaa: LD_LIBRARY_PATH09:11
CarlFKhmm, ok, now that I think abuout it..  I need an app that makes my web cam like a bar code scanner and spits out numbers as it notices a barcode.  dupes are fine09:12
leeyaafaugusztin: and how to check if it was successful ?09:12
leeyaaldconfig -p ?09:12
faugusztinleeyaa: well, a more complete answer :09:12
deulizealand!manual | hitsuji  ok thanks for answer , im from indonesia09:12
ubottuhitsuji  ok thanks for answer , im from indonesia: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:12
faugusztinleeyaa: 1) LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the enviroment vairable where it should search for libraries09:13
faugusztinleeyaa: 2) you can also set it permanently via conf files in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/, then do sudo ldconfig09:13
Temperfaugusztin, you are the F'IN MAN09:13
Temperthat video=blah blah bs worked09:13
leeyaafaugusztin: yeah i tried that and it didnt show up in ldconfig -p but ill check again09:13
faugusztinleeyaa: 3) test it using ldd executable, where executable is the file which requires that library, if it shows you the correct location it works09:13
leeyaaso apache for example ?09:14
Temperfaugusztin, any idea how to make that video=blahlbah permenate?09:14
faugusztinleeyaa: well i don't know which binary requires your library09:14
leeyaafaugusztin: this is a short output from strace09:15
ian__how do I register a nickname09:15
DJones!register | ian__09:15
ubottuian__: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:15
faugusztinTemper: /etc/default/grub i think, there is LINUX_CMDLINE or something like that, add your command to that09:15
leeyaaand im getting it when i try to start apache09:15
faugusztinTemper: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX it is09:16
deulizealandwhere you from09:16
faugusztinleeyaa: no idea, never did perl with apache :)09:17
Temperfaugusztin, is that in /boot/grub/grub.conf?09:17
leeyaadarn ;p09:17
faugusztinTemper: edit /etc/default/grub and then update-grub09:18
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Temperfaugusztin, i was a real linux champ back in like 2000 with slackware..09:21
Tempersince then i feel like a noob09:21
Temperok that worked09:21
oinsI like to configure my new laptop hardware. Is there a good page, where I can check if the chosen hardware component is well supported in linux?09:34
DJones!hcl | oins09:35
ubottuoins: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:35
ian_5426745Is there a help channel on autokey09:37
hitsujiTMO!alis | ian_542674509:38
ubottuian_5426745: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:38
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kandinskiI have messed up the keys for unity (things like moving windows around)09:52
kandinskihow can I reset the defaults?09:52
LaykeI have [ MONITOR 1][MONITOR 2] If I move my mouse from right to left, once it passes between one monitor, it wraps over and goes to the outter edge of the opposite monitor09:57
LaykeHow can I stop this? It's really frustrating. I'm sure it's a feature somewhere..09:58
k1lLayke: do they have the same resolution? and what ubuntu and what desktop do you use?09:58
Layke12.04 LTS. Yeah, identical monitors09:59
LaykeOddly, just launched nvidia-settings, and it says: The NVIDIA X driver on Layke:0.0 is not new enough to support the nvidia-settings Display Configuration page.10:00
LaykeNever seen that before. I'll have to run now. I'll try and reinstall with nvidia 304 when I get back10:00
LaykeAndthen I'll see what the mouse skipping from one desktop to another issue could be10:01
LaykeI think this describes the problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208389310:01
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trip_Hello ppl10:04
trip_anyone talking?10:05
k1l#ubuntu-offtopic is for talking :)10:05
e^0is it possible to install a printer only for a particular user and not all ?10:07
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sgo11hi, just upgrade to 13.10 by using do-release-upgrade command. Now, I can not see my login manager. black screen. please help....10:09
=== rajesh is now known as Guest31322
solofightwhats the best way to back up my entire old hard disk to my laptop ?10:20
solofighti tried rsync and it has made several errors and missd files10:20
solofighti ran rsync as sudo10:21
sgo11my default login manager is gdm. now, I installed lightdm and then switch to lightdm. I can see the login screen. But I can not enter my DM. I picked lxde. now, the login screen is spining forever.10:24
leeyaahey geirha about my library thing, no i cant install that package, it doesnt exist10:28
sgo11hm... there is another problem. I have nvidia-current installed. but I am not using nvidia driver. why? how to install nvidia driver properly in ubuntu 13.10? thanks.10:30
geirhaleeyaa: lsb_release -sd10:34
PinkFoxFurwant to install ubuntu on 2009 white macbook but trackpad does not work when booting from live cd. usb mouse works but not trackpad any suggestions ??10:34
leeyaageirha: dapper, 6 something10:35
razor_install from the livve cd then search for the campatible upgrades10:35
greysPinkFoxFur: think if you install as it is, there will be a way to configure the touchpad later10:35
k1lleeyaa: that is way out of support.10:35
k1l!eol | leeyaa10:35
ubottuleeyaa: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:35
geirhaleeyaa: ouch, so 8 year old Ubuntu. :)10:35
leeyaageirha: i know -.-10:36
greysPinkFoxFur: you will probably have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually10:36
leeyaathats what they gave me, they cant upgrade it10:36
geirhaleeyaa: Well, it's a bit hard to help you further with that.10:36
leeyaawell if only i know how to fix that library10:36
geirhaleeyaa: you should've upgraded 6 years ago10:36
PinkFoxFurok so if i do a full ubuntu install what do i add to my xorg.conf file ??10:37
leeyaageirha: i will upgrade for sure, that wasnt my system. this is what i got when i arrived here10:37
geirhaleeyaa: You'll probably have to download and build the sources for it yourself10:37
leeyaageirha: source for memcached /10:37
k1lleeyaa: a new install is way faster and more secure10:37
leeyaak1l: atm this is not my goal, i just need to start it on this testing vm10:38
leeyaabecause they want it ;p10:38
geirhaleeyaa: source for libapr_memcache10:38
k1lleeyaa: that is so old, i bet it wont work with modern lbs10:38
leeyaak1l: yes it is a real pain to update it10:38
cfhowlettleeyaa, that's so old, even Moses would upgrade ...10:38
leeyaageirha: where can one get the source for libapr_memcache ?10:39
geirhaleeyaa: Here apparently: http://www.outoforder.cc/projects/libs/apr_memcache/10:39
leeyaathank you geirha10:39
=== rajesh is now known as Guest44126
PinkFoxFurafter install could I just run x -configure ?? or will i nee to create an xorg.conf file from scratch ??10:42
leeyaarofl geirha i asked them why they cant upgrade10:45
leeyaaanswer: if it is working, dont touch it10:45
leeyaainsane people :D10:46
ubottugimnazjum,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!10:46
Ronie1what is a kernel in an OS10:51
ubottuRonie1,: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)10:51
greysPinkFoxFur: install as usual, run x -configure but essentially you will need to create entry for a touchpad10:51
greysPinkFoxFur: there are plenty of settings and a flag that will specify your device to be a touchpad (MatchIsTouchpad    "on")10:52
greysPinkFoxFur: more info here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126526/macbook-pro-touchpad-optimization-12-04-lts10:53
greyshi Ronie110:53
PinkFoxFurthank you for the help and info greys10:53
greysno problem PinkFoxFur, hope you get it working10:54
PiNinjaHey, after some googling I've decided to come here. Whenever I try to play a video through VLC my entire computer freezes, but the video sound plays. Any ideas what is going on?10:55
PinkFoxFurme too because i really want to get usibg ubuntu again :)10:55
Ronie1PiNinja:which distro are you using?11:02
PiNinjaRonie1: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.11:03
Elicothere was this nice guy here that needed help and I started "dd" with him but I was gone for some work...11:03
PiNinjaRonie1: I'm about to preform a test to see if it is playing .mp4 files that causes the crash. .mp3 and flash seem to work just fine.11:03
=== prx is now known as phirex
ActionParsnipPiNinja: tried other players, like gnome-mplayer?11:04
Ronie1PiNinja: use mplayer instead for paying video files, vlc runs heavy on ubuntu and crashes, mplayer is light.11:05
solofighti wanted to move data from one disk to another - so used the mv and faced an interdece transfer failed --- then i read this http://insanelabs.com/linux/linux-cannot-move-folders-inter-device-move-failed-unable-to-remove-target-is-a-directory/ and understood what mv does is not an actiual move of data11:05
solofightso how to move data between two disks ?11:05
PiNinjaActionParsnip: I have not. I have just very recently installed this OS.11:05
ActionParsnipsolofight: copy the data, paste the data11:05
PiNinjaRonie1: I'll try mplayer.11:05
ActionParsnipRonie1: not had an issue with vlc crashing personally11:05
solofightActionParsnip: why i prefer move is that if some copy fails i see that data in the source - i need not watch /follow the logs for failure..11:06
solofightActionParsnip: no other way ?11:06
PiNinjaRonie1, ActionParsnip: I should note that I have a decent amount of RAM and a semi-decent video card.11:06
ActionParsnipsolofight: could use rsync / grsync11:06
Ronie1PiNinja:what processor are you using? single or dual core?11:07
PiNinjaRonie1: Quad.11:07
solofightActionParsnip: when i used rsync it missed data ! and i was not able to verify the transfer of data with md5 as there are directories11:07
ActionParsnipsolofight: is their a logging option on the command?>11:07
Ronie1PiNinja: try gnome mplayer , and then see whether it crashes or not.11:08
PiNinjaRonie1: AMD A8-4500M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics <- My processor.11:08
Ronie1PiNinja: sudo apt-get install mplayer11:09
ActionParsnipgnome-mplayer   may as well get a nice GUI on it :)11:09
Ronie1or download from software center11:09
PiNinjaRonie1: Already done, give me a moment.11:10
ChristWAnyone here who can help w/ a video driver that seems to be stuck in software rendering mode?11:13
ActionParsnipChristW: can you give details of the setup / OS etc11:13
ChristWI've googled around quite a bit, but haven't been able to find anything pertinent.11:13
ChristWActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6831410/11:15
ChristWAny other info?11:15
=== graingert_ is now known as Guest70007
ChristWActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6831414/11:16
=== kkkk is now known as stv
ActionParsnipChristW: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:18
ChristWActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6831424/11:18
ActionParsnipChristW: Trusty support is in #ubuntu+1 til release day11:18
=== stv is now known as orven
ChristWActionParsnip: Ok, I'll go over there then, thanks!11:18
PiNinjaSo, the problem persists with both mplayer and vlc.11:21
=== c0de is now known as Guest54167
PiNinjaMy computer somewhat freezes, I am unable to move my mouse and everything seems to just.. stop. However, music from my browser continues up until the computer restarts itself. (Via a script so that I wouldn't have to hard reboot after each test.)11:21
PiNinjaThe problem seems to only happen when I try to play video, but not mp311:22
k1l PiNinja do you have the right codecs? is the video file corrupted?11:22
PiNinjak1l: I have tried a few different videos.11:22
PiNinjak1l: How would I know if I have the right codecs?11:23
k1l!codecs | PiNinja11:23
ubottuPiNinja: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:23
trip_Hello anyone here?11:31
ActionParsnipPiNinja: did you try a few output methods in VLC for video?11:33
FK_lennart_pottedoes anyone know how to get /dev/dsp to be non-blocking11:41
FK_lennart_pottealsa docs claim:11:41
FK_lennart_potteoptions snd-pcm-oss nonblock_open=111:41
FK_lennart_pottethis doesn't seem to work, or I can't get the options to stick11:41
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FK_lennart_potte(and no more modules.conf like in the past, no idea where anything is anymore)11:41
=== Pebbe|Away is now known as Pebbe
PiNinjaI seem to have discovered a problem (or I am at least closer to). I found a thread on the ubuntu forums with a similar issue. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1935080 After following the the advice to turn HW overlay off everything played as normal.11:43
PiNinjaWould this have to do with my video driver?11:43
ActionParsnipPiNinja: possibly, sounds likly11:43
PiNinjaActionParsnip: How would I go about fixing this?11:43
PiNinjaActionParsnip: Turns out that thread has a page two. They've listed a solution. So I withdraw my previous query.11:44
=== V1rd1pax is now known as Virdipax
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maxvihi everyone! how can I return result of find command to variable in bash script?11:51
repozitoriptable, you told me this command11:52
repozitorreject any outgoing connection, but it still limited users can access to network,11:52
repozitorsudo iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner {USERNAME} -j REJECT11:52
ActionParsnipmaxvi: VAR1=`find $HOME | grep test`11:52
iptablerepozitor: yes. it stops all outgoing connections for a user.11:53
iptablesudo iptables -I OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner {USERNAME} -j REJECT11:53
iptableminus I, not A11:53
repozitorrepozitor: to block outgoing connections for a specific user: sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner {USERNAME} -j REJECT11:54
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iptablerepozitor: ok. if you got other rules in place, use -I instead, that will override other rules you may have11:54
hawthornhelloooo everyone :)11:54
iptablerepozitor: what is the problem with it anyways? if that's the only rule, or the first rule, it will stop that user from accessing any network connections11:55
repozitoriptable, i used -I, but users can access to network11:55
repozitorfor example they can ping
repozitoras i told you, i would like to block ANY outgoing network activity!11:56
repozitori guess, this command just manipulate /etc/resolv.config!11:57
repozitorremove real nameserver(correct) to localhost nameserver(incorrect)11:58
denny_20000excuse me,anybody has used i2f?11:58
Ben64!anyone | denny_2000011:58
ubottudenny_20000: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:58
ubottudenny_20000,: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:58
cfhowlettBen64, too quick for me again ...11:58
repozitoriptable, what is wrong with me?11:59
cfhowlettBen64, :)11:59
repozitorcan someone tell me how to block ALL outgoing connection of ssh users?12:00
ActionParsniprepozitor: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/blocking-outgoing-ssh-using-iptables-748696/12:01
linux I have problem with glide and magic lamp effect. it says cannot activate them12:02
iptablerepozitor: no. iptables is a linux firewall12:03
=== who is now known as Guest1187
DorsHow get Ubuntu into Windows?12:04
cfhowlettDors, don't.12:04
cfhowlettDors, install dual boot12:04
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:04
repozitoriptable, so we can't block user's network?12:04
DorsI want inti Windows please12:04
DJones!install | Dors12:04
ubottuDors: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate12:04
iptablerepozitor: yes, we can. hold on12:05
PiNinjaActionParsnip: Results!12:05
cfhowlettDors, no?  ok.  Install virtualbox on windows.  put ubuntu in a virtualbox.12:05
DJonesDors: If you want to run Ubuntu inside windows, your best bet is to install something like virtualbox and install inside that, however be aware its likely to be a lot slower than a proper installation12:05
PiNinjaActionParsnip: So, turns out I either had the wrong video driver or an outdated one. I uninstalled the fglrx thing (still new to this) and proceeded to install the new driver from the manufacturer's website. Rebooted and tried watching a video. Everything works. Thanks for your help.12:06
DorsI want into Windows12:06
Ben64Dors: you should explain what you mean by that12:07
iptablerepozitor: also add this: sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p icmp -m owner --uid-owner {USERNAME} -j REJECT12:08
DorsI want Ubuntu into Windows like Colinux12:09
repozitoriptable, but i need to block ALL, seems this command block all icmp!12:09
cfhowlettDors, use colinux?12:10
iptablerepozitor: use this command and confirm that ping isn't working any more12:10
iptablerepozitor: if it still works, you are doing something wrong.12:10
DorsI want DE12:10
Ben64Dors: then you're in the wrong channel. this is #ubuntu, for Ubuntu support only. What you want is not Ubuntu.12:10
cfhowlettDors, hasn't been upgraded in 2 years --- good luck with that12:11
DorsI wnat Ubuntu and its Ubuntu channel12:11
repozitoriptable, how to block users to run ifconfig?12:11
repozitori want they can't read ifconfig output!12:11
iptablerepozitor: users will not be able to run ifconfig if they don't have root/sudo access anyways. they will be able to see IP assignment, but that's it12:11
cfhowlettDors, ubuntu is not colinux.  you can install in virtualbox.12:11
iptablerepozitor: it is not a security feature (blocking users from knowing their IP address)12:12
cfhowlettDors, just for fun= sentences?12:12
repozitoriptable, sure, they can't change ifconfig configuration, but if they use ifconfig, they can see other interfaces ip12:12
ubottuDors,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:12
iptablerepozitor: ifconfig, ip and other tools can tell the user what IP it is...12:12
iptablerepozitor: so? users should be allow to see all interfaces. there is nothing wrong with users seeing interfaces and IPs12:13
repozitori want to hide them for limited users :D12:13
DorsUbuntu like colinux where get?12:13
repozitoriptable, but i want to deny them to accessing ifconfig, so how to do it?12:13
cfhowlettDors you can get ubuntu at www.ubuntu.com12:13
maxvihow can I use sed command without file input? I want use some string12:13
DorsI said like colinux12:14
Ben64maxvi: |12:14
k1lDors: dont ask again: no colinux with ubuntu12:14
DJonesDors: There isn't an UBuntu like colinux12:14
iptablerepozitor: this is plain wrong. there is no reason to deny user from accessing ifconfig. and even if you do, they can see interfaces by typing in ip addr sh12:14
iptablerepozitor: and in owrst case by doing cat in /proc. users can know the IP address. live with it. it's normal and it is not a security threat12:15
DorsIts what? http://www.pendrivelinux.com/colinux-portable-ubuntu-for-windows/12:15
cfhowlettDors, ubuntu is NOT colinux.  sorry.12:15
iptablerepozitor: not sure what you are trying to achieve here anyways. If users are blocked using netfilter firewall (iptables) from accessing the network at all, what's the point of blocking ifconfig...12:15
Dorsmy link?12:15
iptableDors, wubi12:16
k1lDors: then ask them for support. that is not officially ubuntu12:16
k1liptable: wubi :(12:16
cfhowlettiptable, wubi is dead and no longer supported12:16
DJonesDors: Thats not an official release, its not something thats supported here, you'll need to find their own support channel to get help with that12:16
iptableyes, though it is 12.04 and will give him an ubuntu with some kind of GUI...12:16
cfhowlettiptable, thus the virtualbox suggestions ...12:17
repozitoriptable, sure, got it12:17
repozitorsudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p icmp -m owner --uid-owner {USERNAME} -j REJECT12:17
Dorshttp://sourceforge.net/projects/portableubuntu/ 1 year old not bad12:18
repozitori don't know why this command don't block users icmp ping packets12:18
iptablecfhowlett: ++ good idea! Dors, use virtualbox with seamless mode. gives you full OS with a seamless integration into windows12:18
repozitorthey still can ping
Dorsi founded better12:18
k1lDors: its dead. see the link to the project in the last link12:18
iptablerepozitor: sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p icmp -m owner --uid-owner 1000 -j REJECT - worked for me12:19
cfhowlettDors, we are not going to help you with co-ubuntu/linux/anything.   for netbook, install lubuntu.  we can help with that.  Otherwise - look elsewhere.  sorry..12:19
iptablerepozitor: are you putting UID of user in the UID field?12:19
iptablerepozitor: or trying the actual name of user? should be UID number12:19
Dorsok, u can go12:19
repozitoriptable, i put their usernames like user112:19
repozitorhow to find uid of users?12:19
iptablerepozitor: since the parameter is --uid-owner - try the UID12:19
iptablerepozitor: try cat /etc/passwd12:20
iptablerepozitor: you can also create a group, and put the users you want to limit into that group and set: sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner 1000 -j REJECT12:22
iptablerepozitor: note: the number after gid-owner is the group ID. get it from cat /etc/group12:22
=== Siya is now known as siya
iptablerepozitor: although I could give you better suggestion/help if you told me what ACTUALLY you are trying to achieve with that box.12:23
repozitoriptable, but -m icmp doesn't work for me, i don't see any error12:25
=== Dawn_ is now known as Rarity
iptablerepozitor: what do you mean you "don't see any error"? with correct UID of user in the field, it does work. ping generates destination host unreachable afterwards. cannot ping.12:25
repozitoriptable, can i describe my steps?12:26
repozitorso tell me what was wrong with me, ok?12:26
iptablerepozitor: ok12:27
iptablerepozitor: first thing wrong is that you are trying to perform system administrator configuration of linux without knowing how to use it from command prompt in the first place. but do tell what you have done so far12:27
repozitor1-i have created a username named "user1" by this command12:28
repozitoradduser —home /home/user1 user112:28
iptabledo continue12:29
repozitor2- checking user1 uid12:29
repozitorcat /etc/passwd -> uid for user1 is 100112:29
repozitor3-after that i have login with my admin access, then i run this command12:30
repozitoriptables -I OUTPUT -m owner —uid-owner 1001 -j REJECT12:30
iptableok, and then?12:30
iptablehow did you test?12:30
repozitor4-running this command12:30
repozitoriptables -I OUTPUT -p icmp -m owner —uid-owner 1001 -j REJECT12:30
repozitortest what?12:30
iptablestep 5, test with ping.12:31
nullckrepozitor, su - user1 and try ping12:31
repozitoriptable, sorry, disconnected12:32
repozitorso i login to user1 account, and ping google, and see RTT is 80ms12:32
iptablerepozitor: how DID you login as user1 account?12:32
repozitorby ssh user1@ip12:33
iptablerepozitor: that actually worked? for a start you didn't configure a password for the user112:33
iptablerepozitor: once you login, run: whoami - make sure you ARE user1.12:34
repozitoriptable, when you adduser some user, it require it password12:34
iptablerepozitor: no, it does not ask for a password on ubuntu12:34
repozitorwhoami tell me i'm user112:34
iptablerepozitor: sudo useradd --home /home/test test - this will not ask for a password. it just creates the user.12:35
repozitoriptable, but ssh user1@ip ask for password.12:35
iptablerepozitor: so how did you login as user1 using ssh if you didn't set password for user1?12:35
repozitori use adduser NOT useradd!12:35
Ben64adduser does ask for a password...12:35
whoDcsu user1; passwd newpasshere12:35
iptableoh, used adduser. sorry. misread.12:35
iptablerepozitor: can you please give me output of iptables -L -vn12:36
iptablerepozitor: and iptables -t nat -L -vn12:36
Ben64btw, i tried it iptable, and pings still do go through12:37
Ben64it stops dns lookups, but ping works fine12:38
iptableBen64 no, they don't.12:38
Ben64i assure you they do12:38
iptablethe -p icmp I asked to put it does stop pings12:38
repozitoriptables -t return:12:38
repozitoriptables v1.4.12: option "-t" require  an argument12:38
iptableBen64 - I assure you they don't.12:38
Ben64it surely does not iptable, i'm not new to linux or ubuntu, and what you have suggested does not work how you describe12:38
iptableok, do hold on12:38
iptable  655  ping
iptable  656  sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p icmp -m owner --uid-owner 1000 -j REJECT12:39
iptable  657  ping
FloodBot1iptable: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:39
nisimi have philipsfree vents x56 i downloaded ubuntu no audio i can not hear nothing please helpmeto resolve the issue  thanks in advance12:39
iptableBen64: first ping worked, second ping doesn't work anymore. the rule does stop pings for user UID 100012:40
repozitoriptables -L -vn return:12:40
Ben64iptable: for you perhaps12:40
iptableBen64: on 1 router and 2 PCs. Ubuntu 14.04, 12.04 and 13.10.12:41
nisimi have philipsfree vents x56 i downloaded ubuntu no audio i can not hear nothing please helpmeto resolve the issue  thanks in advance12:41
iptablerepozitor: ok, let's try this: iptables -I OUTPUT -p icmp -j REJECT12:41
iptablerepozitor: then try ping as any user you wish. it will return destination host unreachable12:42
repozitoriptable, is there needing to clear old iptables data?12:42
Ben64iptable: that works fine12:42
iptablerepozitor: you "should*, but you are overwriting them with using -I anyways (first rule works first), so that's fine. iptables -F will clear. you can do that to by safe12:42
iptableBen64: in that case you are either doing something wrong with -m owner or you don't have that feature (how?)12:43
repozitoriptable, yes but that reject all ping, admin need to ping :D12:43
iptablerepozitor: confirm that reject all ping works please. once you do that, we will clean the rules with -F and try to figure out why your -m owner isn't working12:44
nisimi have philipsfree vents x56 i downloaded ubuntu no audio i can not hear nothing please helpmeto resolve the issue  thanks in advance12:44
repozitorpinging hostnames and ip's was closed in all account, admin and limited users12:44
LaykeHi. I have this problem where my mouse jumps from the right screen to to the futherest edge on left screen when I transition between monitors. I can't find out where to disbale. It's like this error: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208389312:44
LaykeSomeone posted saying: (settings>window manager>advanced>wrap workspaces12:45
iptablerepozitor: please do ls -l /bin/ping12:45
LaykeI am on 12.04 LTS.12:45
Ben64iptable: ah, you've solved it, it's suid for some reason12:45
iptableBen64: I was suspecting that. But for some reason the binary is suid here as well, but the iptables rule does stop it. go figure ...12:46
repozitor-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 34740 Nov 8 2011 /bin/ping12:46
iptablerepozitor: sudo chmod -s /bin/ping12:46
Ben64that will stop everyone but root from using ping, which is what he wants, so... yeah12:47
=== rickyb98 is now known as RickyB98
repozitorsetting pollicy for running ping or not, isn't a good way!12:47
iptableBen64: yeah, pretty much.12:47
repozitorprobably there are a better way to do that12:47
Ben64well what you want to do is strange :)12:48
iptablerepozitor: what Ben64 said12:48
repozitorblocking network activity is prettier than blocking ping command12:48
iptablerepozitor: why you want root to ping and non-root not to ping?12:48
Ben64the iptables command should block everything else that isn't suid12:48
repozitoriptable, why iptablee do what you want exactly, but don't for me?12:48
Ben64iptable must have a different setup, maybe selinux or something like that12:49
repozitoriptable, did you ever block network traffic for sample user by iptables?12:50
iptableBen64: standard install only. weird, no? works on 13.10 and 14.04 100%. that's how I limit my kids...12:50
Ben64well i'm on 12.0412:50
repozitoriptable, i'm on 12.04!12:50
iptablerepozitor: yes. for my kids. iptables -I OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 1001 -j REJECT blocks all internet traffic for user 1001.12:50
iptablerepozitor: on 12.04 for some reason ping seems to run fully as root, which means that this block will not affect ping. ping auto-runs as UID 0 :/.12:51
iptablerepozitor: ping on later versions seems to work correctly, i.e. uses root privileges to only gain access to open icmp socket, but executes itself as UID user.12:52
iptablerepozitor: so use that rule to block everything apart from the command ping (the rule will also block icmp and ping for normal users, just not the single command PING), and remove suid from ping to fix that.12:53
iptablerepozitor: I still don't know what is the end result you are trying to achieve...12:53
iptableBen64: on my 12.04, I don't have suid on ping, but then again, I don't execute ping as non-root haha. box is purely for pppd anyways.12:53
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
lixis it possible the last update creates a locale error? - is there a fix somewhere?12:55
lixI get the following error: locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory12:55
iptablerepozitor: although I don't see a reason why you would want to allow SSH to a box and disallow any outgoing network connections from that box alone and only for certain users. so your request is a bit odd.12:55
iptablerepozitor: and once again: PING is NOT a hacker tool...12:56
repozitoriptable, seems ubuntu is buggy, because when i use12:56
repozitoriptables -I OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 1001 -j REJECT12:56
repozitorbefore this command both hosnames and ip's can be pined from user112:56
repozitorbut after this command just ip's can be pinged from user112:56
iptablerepozitor: that is not a bug12:56
repozitoriptable, that is bug, be sure12:56
iptablerepozitor: after this command, DNS requests no longer work. you have blocked outgoing connections, so DNS lookups do not work here12:56
jpdsiptable: Yo12:57
iptablejpds: yo12:57
repozitoriptable, after this command all of udp and tcp connection will be cloes?12:57
iptablerepozitor: so that IS per design and configuration. it is not a bug.12:57
repozitori want something like this,12:57
iptablerepozitor: yes. all tcp and udp OUTBOUND connections will be stopped. that's what you have requested originally.12:58
iptablerepozitor: only. ping tool has suid on it, so it can run itself as root, going around that rule. that's why you can still ping IPs. remove suid from ping command, problem solved.12:59
repozitoriptable, in addition if iptables block icmp pings, i hit to my end12:59
iptablerepozitor: iptables DOES block icmp for the user you specified, but the PING command is set to execute as root, using a special "suid" flag, no matter what user executes it. Remove that flag from ping and problem is solved.12:59
repozitoriptable, and i should do this for 1000 command, that isn't bad idea :D13:00
iptablerepozitor: 1000 command?13:00
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
iptableooh, wait. I *might* hae a modifier flag for ping13:01
repozitorhow do you put / as first character msg on channel?13:01
iptablerepozitor: here: sudo chmod 4755 /bin/ping13:02
iptablerepozitor: I normally put a space as first character, then /13:02
iptable /like this13:02
repozitorinserting a space before /?13:03
repozitor /bin/bash13:03
repozitoryes, works fine13:03
repozitorthis answer is better than your iptables answer :D13:03
nisimdownloaded ubuntu 12.04 to philips freevents x56 no audio driverplease help13:03
iptablerepozitor: so the iptables block rule with UIDs (the full block rule). it blocks icmp as well. THEN to fix ping, execute: sudo chmod 4755 /bin/ping - and ping will work as expected too13:03
iptablerepozitor: now you are being rude. my iptabes one does work well and does what you want it to13:04
repozitoriptable, takes it easy, i'm joking, if you don't like, so i will stop it :)13:04
repozitoriptable, which ubuntu version?13:05
iptablerepozitor: and I even found a full workaround now which works. iptables block rule + chmod 4755 /bin/ping - all OUTGOING connections will not be stopped on 12.0413:05
nisim12.04 ls13:05
iptablerepozitor: I got 14.04, 13.10, 12.04, depends where.13:05
repozitoras you know, i add my user in that way13:06
repozitorcan they change/modify other files instead of their home?13:06
iptableBen64: found the difference. seens chmod 4755 /bin/ping makes ping works as expected while the '+s' makes it run as root to end.13:06
repozitori want all limited users, just can read/write to their home, now writing to somewhere esle.13:07
iptablerepozitor: users can modify any files which they have permissions to modify. So any file with the user's owner/group and write permissions for owner/group. also any file with write permissions to "other"13:07
Bo1ais dropbox a good choice for linux/ubuntu or is there something else more suitable?13:07
ActionParsnipBo1a: its fine, does what it says on the tin13:07
repozitorok, got it13:07
k1lBo1a: dropbox runs fine. so does ubuntu one13:07
iptablerepozitor: what you are looking for is a chroot environment for users. what DO you want users to be able to do?13:07
ActionParsnipBo1a: we can't possibly comment on 'suitable' as there is no details13:07
ActionParsnipBo1a: suitable for what exactly?13:08
cfhowlettBo1a, ^^^ well said13:08
repozitoriptable, just writing c ource code, and then run them, JUST THIS13:08
repozitorc source*13:08
repozitorc, sometimes assembly code13:08
iptablerepozitor: so you want users to be able to write code in c/assembly and compile it in gcc and run it.13:08
Bo1aActionParsnip: just for basic use, I meant 'suitable' for linux13:09
iptablerepozitor: a development box... normally, you would let them write C code on their machines, in their favourite environment (like eclipse), and commit the code to the box only. not code using vim on that box...13:09
iptablerepozitor: but if that is your preferred choice, are the users supposed to share some code?13:10
ActionParsnipBo1a: yes, there is the package nautilus-dropbox and will give dropbox functionality13:10
Bo1aActionParsnip: ok, thank you13:10
ActionParsnipBo1a: saying 'suitable' doesnt tellus anything13:10
iptablerepozitor: if not, look at debootstrap and chroot or even at lxc. that would isolate users nicely (even if not foul-proof)13:10
ActionParsnipBo1a: there is a client, so it will work. That has nothing to do with suitability13:10
ActionParsnipBo1a: some people dont like dropbox as the transfer between systems is not secured13:10
ActionParsnipBo1a: but you havent said anything like that...so we cannoy comment13:11
repozitoriptable, i need to keep their code, all of the users code is same as to each other.13:11
repozitordunno what is debootstrap13:11
repozitoriptable, they write same code, this is not a big projects to use svn or ..13:12
iptableBola: or use mega.co.nz with megatools if you prefer. it's apparently safe. apparently.13:12
Bo1aActionParsnip: are there any cross platform (win/lin) that has secure transfers and works like dropbox?13:13
Bo1aiptable: I will take a look13:13
iptablerepozitor: so you want them all to write code for the same application? that means they will at least need to have access to each-other's files13:13
ActionParsnipBo1a: ubuntuone is not bad, there are a few. Dropbox is probably easier if you have the system already setup13:14
repozitoriptable, they can't read the other users files13:14
iptablerepozitor: it's a dirty way to do things, but yeah. iptables block + the chmod on ping should be sufficient for you. if you got a malicious developer anyways, that linux box is the least of your worries...13:14
Bo1aActionParsnip: yes I already use it between 3 pc's and phones, so dropbox it is13:15
iptablerepozitor: look at debootstrap and chroot or at LXC anyways. could be good for you. http://glonek.co.uk/tips-tricks/ubuntu-debootstrap-and-chroot/ - you could chroot users when they ssh in and remove any tools you don't want them to run from the chroot altogether.13:15
* iptable oscar-uniform-tango. need a coffee.13:16
repozitor1unstable connection, sorry13:17
iptablereplay <iptable> repozitor: look at debootstrap and chroot or at LXC anyways. could be good for you. http://glonek.co.uk/tips-tricks/ubuntu-debootstrap-and-chroot/ - you could chroot users when they ssh in and remove any tools you don't want them to run from the chroot altogether.13:17
repozitor1hhhm, fine13:18
repozitoriptable, final question is13:23
repozitorhow to set iptable with this rules for always?13:23
repozitori think, but shutting dowb ubuntu, this rules will cleared, right?13:24
iptablerepozitor: first: iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules13:24
repozitoriptable, so iptables read iptables.rules at startup?13:25
iptablerepozitor: no. then: put a script in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ - call it iptables.load or something. make it executable13:25
iptablerepozitor: in the script #!/bin/bash \\ /sbin/iptables-restore /etc/iptables.rules13:25
iptablerepozitor: replace \\ with line feed13:25
repozitor*don't understand last line*13:27
iptablerepozitor: you do know line feed right? the enter key13:27
iptablerepozitor: you do press ENTER when you send in IRC. that is line feed13:28
repozitorno no13:28
iptablerepozitor: yes, that was first line. and put the restore bit in the second line13:28
repozitorwhich where i should put this line?13:29
repozitorin .bash?13:29
repozitor /home/user1/.bash?13:29
iptablerepozitor: no!!!! as I said, in /etc/network/if... just wait...13:30
iptablerepozitor: run this as root: echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n/sbin/iptables-restore /etc/iptables.rules' > /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables.load; chmod 755 /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables.load; iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules13:31
iptablerepozitor: that will do it all for you. But I do suggest you try to learn linux.13:31
repozitorwhich book?13:31
iptableI did not mention book...13:32
repozitorneeding a good and summry13:32
repozitorso how to learn it?13:32
ActionParsniprepozitor: look around online for examples, read man pages13:32
iptablerepozitor: google for some tutorials and guides and look at man pages for things13:32
iptablerepozitor: man ping; man iptables; etc...13:32
* cfhowlett likes "linux for Dummies" ...13:32
repozitoriptable, ok, i will do as your suggestion.13:33
iptablerepozitor: I have written a very old and outdated guide on setting up a linux server, but you need to get familiar with the general terms first. here is it nevertheless (a bit buggy for today's setups and may contain stuff that could be done better, but hey. live and learn). http://glonek.co.uk/old-site/my_work.php13:34
iptablethe guide was for ubuntu 9.04 haha. But someone recently installed from it (modifying the bits that didn't fit - the LEARGNING experience) and said it still worked.13:35
Cigritsanyone familiar with munin know how to make a plugin that had warning and critical lower limits.13:46
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Binksleyoops sorry cursor in wrong terminal14:01
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murlidharhi all can anyone tell me if there is any patch for unity for the window dodging feature14:08
nisimphilips freevents x59 downloded ubuntu 12.04 can not find the audio drivers no voice is coming please help14:16
nisimphilips freevents x59 downloded ubuntu 12.04 can not find the audio drivers no voice is coming please help14:20
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iptablenisim: looks like no one at this time knows the answer. but a quick google shows loads of people having issues with linux and philips freevents range ...14:28
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tiblockHi. Is there some console GUI for archive manager? Like "aptitude" for "apt-get" and "htop" for "top"?14:34
=== Mohi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
ActionParsniptiblock: if you install unp, you can extract any archive with one command14:37
ActionParsnip!info 2a14:37
geirhatiblock: Maybe midnight commander can do what you want..? btw, they're often referred to as TUIs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text-based_user_interface14:37
ubottuPackage 2a does not exist in saucy14:37
ActionParsnip!info tarman14:38
ubottuPackage tarman does not exist in saucy14:38
tiblockActionParsnip, geirha, thank you14:38
garylabronzhow do i lock the screen, when my lid closes.  Without using the gnome-panel/screensaver & lock settings ?14:51
garylabronzlike pragmatically setting it14:51
garylabronzdoes upstart handle those events?14:51
hitsujiTMOgarylabronz: thats acpid14:52
Touhou11I think upstart is deprecated anyway14:52
garylabronzupstart is deprecated? for what systemd ?14:52
garylabronzhitsujiTMO: thanks, ill look into it14:53
hitsujiTMOno upstart isn't deprecated14:53
PiciTouhou11: I think you're thinking of HAL.14:53
Touhou11I thought everyone was switching to systemd14:54
hellknightI just installed Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS on my Core i5 4570 and the integrated HD4600 graphics. But I'm getting green screen while playing videos on VLC. Any remedies?14:54
PiciTouhou11: Ubuntu isn't. *shrug*14:54
garylabronzTouhou11: ubuntu wont, its canonical little bitch14:56
garylabronzit isnt that bad but for the CLA14:56
Picigarylabronz: mind your language and attitude please.14:56
Touhou11garylabronz: Heh. Shame, it's designed by Lennart Poettering who is revolutionizing lots of core architecture :)14:57
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ActionParsniphellknight: have you tried different video output methods under the options?15:00
karmahackerhi Guys which firewall to install on ubuntu15:00
ActionParsnipkarmahacker: one is already installed, iptables15:01
karmahackerActionParsnip is a bit hard for me yet ))15:01
prepangolinHow do I install Ubuntu12.04 on Macbook?15:01
Pici!firewall | karmahacker15:01
ubottukarmahacker: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:01
ActionParsnipkarmahacker: is the system always used behind a router?15:01
Touhou11karmahacker: nftables if you're using a recent kernel15:02
karmahackersomething like  UFW15:02
ActionParsnipkarmahacker: you cna use ufw if you wish15:03
karmahackerbut not UFW  iforgot the name (  also 3 leters15:03
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:03
prepangolinHello buddy!15:07
karmahackerMister Shapow help me last time(but my hdd is gone and there no logs of our conversation), i  want to close all ports on my server vnc ports especislly and  use vnc over ssh what should i allow in ufw ?15:07
dupingping86help me15:07
dupingping86how to create a debian package.15:08
Pici!newpackage | dupingping8615:08
ubottudupingping86: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring15:08
dupingping86ubottu ok!!!15:08
prepangolinHow to install Ubunt LTS12.04 on Macbook?15:09
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:09
Touhou11dupingping86: https://wiki.debian.org/Packaging15:11
=== Sleepnbum is now known as Guest19747
repozitoriptable, after i restart my client, limited users can access to network, i check iptables -L -vn and see there is no rule for avoid users from network activity.15:12
repozitorcan someone tell me how to fix that?15:12
prepangolinubottu, you are not human, I think.15:13
ubottuprepangolin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:13
repozitorActionParsnip, any idea?15:13
theUserIII'm using xfce... how can i get those propper scroll bars back.... this thing that autohides is not working well for me15:13
leeyaado you guys know how to fix this library libaprutil-1.so -> libaprutil-1.so.0.2.8  ? i did fix most of my broken ones just cant find this one15:14
nisimphilips freevents x59 downloded ubuntu 12.04 can not find the audio drivers no voice is coming please help15:15
karvenAnybody online?15:15
MonkeyDustkarven  type /names to find out15:16
Touhou11nisim: What audio device does the laptop contain?15:17
karvenWho knows ubuntu very much?15:17
ActionParsnipkarven: the developers15:17
MonkeyDustprepangolin  keep it in the channel please15:18
Touhou11nisim: Run "lspci -v"15:18
dupingping86Touhou11: Let's hit.15:18
dupingping86Touhow11: I think that I can help you and you too.15:19
karvenHow to create a screen short15:19
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ActionParsnipkarven: press Print screen on your keyboard15:20
karvenCan it be sent in this chatting room15:20
dupingping86Good bye! ubuntu world!15:21
dupingping86let's see tommorow!15:21
ActionParsnipkarven: use imageshack / tinypic etc15:21
MonkeyDustkarven  yes, use imagebin.com15:21
karvenOhh! What I need to learn is really .........15:22
prepangolinGoodbye linuxers.15:24
karvenI use windows 7 as well as Ubuntukylin,But the download speed in ubuntukylin is really slow,why?Can it be more quick?15:24
prepangolinSee you all.15:24
ActionParsnipUbuntukylin = chinese ubuntu15:24
karvenyou know that?15:24
ActionParsnipkarven: I have the web, I can appear to know everything15:25
ActionParsnipkarven: how do you connect to the web? 3G Wireless? Wired?15:25
MonkeyDustkarven  and Google knows you secretly are a cat15:25
karvenSorry,I'm Chinese senior high school student15:25
karvenSo I can only understand few simple sentence15:25
karvenI use wired15:26
LockeAnarchistkarven: do you are using cellphone internet?15:26
karven4G Wireless15:27
LockeAnarchistkarven: what is your device?15:27
LockeAnarchistto connect15:27
karvenIt must be more slow than wired15:28
ActionParsnipkarmahacker: if you run:   sudo lshw -C network    what is the Ethernet chip you use?15:29
karmahackerlshw: command not found   ActionParsnip15:30
ActionParsnipkarmahacker: its in a default install15:30
ActionParsnipkarmahacker: sudo apt-get install lshw15:31
karmahackerActionParsnip what is for ?15:31
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ActionParsnipkarmahacker: it lists the hardware in your system.....15:32
ishwonhi folks15:32
ishwona question. is it possible to give 'su' rights to one user, to be able to switch account to only one other account/15:33
karmahackerActionParsnip yes, but how it macth with my firewall questin ?15:33
ActionParsnipishwon: if they have the password for the account they can su to it, you need thepassword of teh account you are su'ing to15:33
K4kWhat's the proper way to express if /dev/sda; then ....; elif /dev/hda; elif .....; fi using the parted-auto option in a preseed.cfg file?15:33
ActionParsnipkarmahacker: if your network access is running slow, we need to know the Ethernet chip so we can investigate15:34
karmahackerActionParsnip i guess it is karven asked  about that )15:35
K4ker, sorry, I mean the partman-auto section, not parted-auto :D15:36
jamie_I heard that the support for 10.04 LTS server is going to be extended past April now.  Is that right?15:37
MonkeyDustjamie_  http://ubuntuone.com/434GupdpZzDds9LCEcPyH515:38
Jini have some problem about ubuntu system security.15:38
Jinplease help me15:38
sunmoonhi all15:39
sunmoonhow do I determine what version of xubuntu i am running?15:41
MonkeyDustsunmoon  lsb_release -sd15:41
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sunmoonthank you, much appreciated15:42
jamie_MonkeyDust: thanks15:42
=== david is now known as Guest2932
kc9iidanyone know how to change grub with grub customizer in ubuntu 13.10? I have been unable to do it.15:42
tzhuangHey guys. Anyone familiar with the GNU assembler AS?15:43
tzhuangI'm trying to assemble code for the HC12 (.s19).15:43
tzhuangAccording to the man pages, there's a -m68hc12 option.15:44
tzhuangBut when I try to run it, I get "as: unrecognized option -m68hc12"15:44
fer755--hc68hc12 ?15:46
tzhuangfer755: same error15:47
tzhuangfer755: unrecognized option15:47
fer755tzhuang no idea then15:50
ActionParsnipkc9iid: what do you want to change?15:50
longshorejI have autofs setup and integrated with LDAP. If the LDAP server is down when I bring another machine up, the only way to get the machine's autofs to work is to restart the autofs service after the LDAP server comes online. Ideally it would be able to attempt to communicate with the LDAP server on its own without having to intervene. Any ideas if that sort of configuration is possible?15:52
Touhou11tzhuang: Possibly the Ubuntu build of GAS doesn't support that architecture, there's a way to check but I forget the option15:53
frozen_guesthello, can anyone suggest me what should I do? i just did dist-upgrade and after some time of upgrading everything froze, last update was linux-image-3.8.0... and after it there is written Done.  and nothing happens... should i just restart laptop or what?15:54
geirhaWouldn't be the first time a feature was omited/changed for a command, but the corresponding change in the man-page was forgotten15:54
Picilongshorej: I can't really provide details, but I was looking at an LDAP problem here recently and ran across nscd, which might help in your case. If anything, it might be enough to point you in the right direction: https://wiki.debian.org/LDAP/NSS15:55
Picilongshorej: My issue ended up not needing nscd, so I can't really help further.15:55
longshorejPici: Thanks for the thought. I am using nscd so maybe it's related, will take a look15:56
frozen_guesthello, can anyone suggest me what should I do? i just did dist-upgrade and after some time of upgrading everything froze, last update was linux-image-3.8.0... and after it there is written Done.  and nothing happens... should i just restart laptop or what?15:57
kc9iid<ActionParsnip> I'm trying to change grub screen from 640 x 480 to 1600 x 900(laptop default) and the background image, but the changes made in grub customizer, when saved, don't take effect when rebooting.15:58
Walexfrozen_guest: it can take a long time compiling external kernel modules.15:58
olsoneaHi #ubuntu! I've got a noobish question that I've tried to resolve on my own. I am working with a Wordpress site installed at /var/www. My user is in the www-data group, and everything under /var/www is owned by www-data:www-data. The problem is to modify anything, create a new dir, etc, I still have to sudo foocmd. What am  I missing?15:58
Walexfrozen_guest: but that should be at most minutes.15:58
frozen_guestok thanks15:59
Scott1993phone U15:59
Walexfrozen_guest: the other possibility is that your machine has very little memory and is swapping like crazy15:59
Walexfrozen_guest: another is that it is somehow waiting for some input.15:59
MonkeyDustolsonea  on a server? if yes, better ask in #ubuntu-server15:59
olsoneaMonkeyDust: yes, it's a server15:59
chairman_meow I have a radeon gfx card16:03
chairman_meowI need to know the build date of the currently installed driver16:04
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aaronAnyone have any ideas as to why I have such a difficult time getting Tor to work on 13.10?16:09
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reko888_whats the best resolution to design a website for nowadays16:10
Guest6767When I run the start script it just pulls it up, no browser16:10
reko888_is it still 960px??16:10
LoRezreko888_: it's still "don't design a website for a specific resolution"16:10
=== Guest6767 is now known as Aaron17
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reko888_i see16:11
reko888_so make it responsive is what your saying?16:11
Aaron17Or could someone give me some advice as to how to go about properly downloading/installing Tor16:11
tzhuangI'm trying to install binutils-m68hc1x via apt-get16:11
LoRezhow many different types of devices do you think people view websites via these days?16:11
Aaron17I mean, all i should have to do is download, extract and run start script correct?16:11
LoRezAaron17: I believe the tor project has their own PPA16:12
tzhuangi get16:12
tzhuangThe program 'm68hc12-gasp' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:16:12
reko888_gotcha haha16:12
tzhuangsudo apt-get install binutils-m68hc1216:12
tzhuangwhich I do16:12
Aaron17Downloading vidalia via the software center has caused problems as well16:12
tzhuangbut when i try to run it, it tells me16:12
tzhuangThe program 'm68hc12-gasp' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:16:12
tzhuangsudo apt-get install binutils-m68hc12 lol16:12
Aaron17LoRez, I've downloaded the package from Tor's site, just cant get it to work16:12
Aaron17LoRez, Would have still have to add the PPA, thats for downloading only for downloading isnt it?16:13
LoRezAaron17: https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian16:13
phil-nsreko888_: do some searching on css, particularily the viewport parameter16:14
LoRezAaron17: I suggest option two.16:14
Aaron17LoRez, Haha, yes, I see that the very first line is do not use the packages :/16:14
LoRezAaron17: it is "do not use the packages IN UBUNTU"....  the tor project has their own debian/ubuntu package archives for updated packages to use.16:16
Aaron17LoRez, Yeah, i got ya. Cool deal16:16
atpa8adoes update-grub work for efi boot if i make changes to /etc/default/grub?16:17
TJ-atpa8a: Yes16:17
Walexfrozen_guest: you can use kill it and restart the 'dist-upgrade' and it should be fine, but if you are in a GUI, you can check by opening a new console window and looking at processes and 'vmstat 1'16:17
atpa8amine didn't...16:17
atpa8ai wsa getting 'volume (null)' stuff16:18
Walexreko888_: your questions on best size for websites has two different aspects to it...16:18
Walexreko888_: one is about the *optical* property of the site's text. You should aim at making it look good at the size in which it looks best.16:19
Walexreko888_: the other however is that most modern browsers finally can resize windows and scale graphical elements, so the second goal should be to make it look not bad no matter how it gets resized and scaled.16:20
Walexreko888_: this is important because nearly or even more than half of site viewers use tablets with screens very, very different from those of desktops.16:21
Walexreko888_: so for example all those iPad users with a Retina display will have the site rescaled  in Portrait mode and wider than 960px etc.16:22
lillohelp me please! and sorry for my english (im italian) yesterday iv upgraded my ubuntu from 11:10 to 12:04, but after restarting,these screen appeared... what i have to do?? maybe i have issues with apache? nanny? python? i dont know.... help!! and my ethernet doesnt work, only wifi connection16:24
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cortexA9i wanna help to seeding ubuntu isos16:25
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atpa8aany clues on upgrade-grub/efi?16:26
mrproper2I have an Ubuntu setup with a static IP and I am defining dns-nameserver in the eth0 section but DNS isn't working.16:26
MonkeyDustcortexA9  use deluge or so16:27
compdocmrproper2, what does this file contain: /etc/resolv.conf16:28
TJ-mrproper2: Check "man resolvconf", section "ifup" ... I think you'll find it is "dns-nameservers" (note the plural)16:28
mrproper2compdoc: Only comments, nothing else.16:28
compdochave you rebooted?16:28
mrproper2Yes it's rebooted.16:29
compdocmrproper2, what is the line in /etc/network/interfaces that you used?16:29
mrproper2tj-: Thta was it, plural.16:29
ansrsterIf I completely format over my windows 8 pre install will I still hqve the UEFI boot problems?16:29
TJ-mrproper2: It's a common mistake :)16:30
reko888_thanks walex16:30
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
Left_Turn"" > file  ... this is the best way to create blank file in terminal?16:51
Left_Turnwith a lead echo i guess16:52
imuserGuys, I have Lubuntu 13.10 on an old desktop, and I like that it is faster than Ubuntu 12.04, BUT, I would like to download an older Adobe Flash Player being the online videos, like YouTube and Wimp.com don't work good. The reason I think the older version of flash will work is that I tried it with a puppy I had on a flash stick and it works with the older flash player. So, how would I get an older one installed on Lubuntu 13.10?16:54
imuserI mean the puppy was on a usb flash stick, sorry.16:54
ActionPa1snipimuser: you'll need it if your CPU is older16:55
ActionPa1snipimuser: you can use minitube to view youtube without flash :)16:55
imuserya.. I really think that's the case. How do you do that?16:56
ActionPa1snipimuser: install it using software centre then run it16:56
ActionPa1snipimuser: or: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=8967516:57
imusero.k. thanks guys17:00
imuserIs there a way to install an older version of Adobe Flashplayer too?17:01
glitsj16Left_Turn: that'll work, one alternative is using .. touch /path/to/new/empty/file17:03
Left_Turnoh thanks glitsj1617:04
lucasrangitwhen testing daily ISO images, is there a way to tell from within the environment what version is running or when it was created? i want to be able to differentiate. thanks.17:05
imuserWould the minitube let me watch other online streaming, such as wimp.com or hulu?17:05
ActionPa1snipimuser: i dnt believe so17:08
ActionPa1snipimuser: you need a non-sse2 flash plugin17:08
imuserwhat is that?17:08
imusersorry    don't know linux too well yet.17:10
jhutchinsimuser: I17:11
TJ-lucasrangit: On the ISO itself, ".disk/info" ... not sure about within the running environment17:11
jhutchinsimuser: I'm pretty sure that flash player is a single binary file.  Figure out where it is and copy the binary from puppy to your Ubuntu installation.17:12
ActionPa1snipimuser: sse2 is not a linux specific thing17:13
ActionPa1snipimuser: its a feature in your CPU, or in your case, lacking17:13
ActionPa1snipimuser: so it would be a ting in Windows too17:13
lucasrangitTJ-: thanks! it turns out you can at least see that from within the live environment /cdrom/.disk/info17:13
TJ-lucasrangit: Yeah... I've loop-mounted the squashfs but can't see anything better17:14
imusero.k.     sooooo    I download  the older flash player that I saw for the puppy, and then how do I copy it to my Lubuntu installation? I am from windows and don't know how to do this in Lubuntu. sorry17:14
frewdoes anyone know how I can do the monitor configuration command?  I don't have a menu due to my choice of window manager and gnome-control-center gives an error when I use t17:15
TJ-frew: "man xrandr"17:15
venky_I have a ubuntu based distro installation where I am unable to see HT.17:15
whodimuser: why  are u installing an older version of flash player? :) anyhow17:15
venky_Would any one know about enabling HT?17:15
frewTJ-: well I was hoping to use the gui17:15
frewTJ-: I've used it before and had it work, though this is the first time with this machine17:16
imuserwhod, because viewing online video streaming doesn't work on my old desktop. It worked when I plugged in a puppy flash disk which I put an older flash player on17:17
frewah, arandr works17:18
frewTJ-: thanks for the hint17:18
SchrodingersScatimuser: not sure if you'll have any luck with hulu, but youtube-dl might work for wimp.com17:18
imuserwhat's youtube-dl?17:18
whodhm odd: not seen that :) have seen however. drm crap ..17:18
sofdarknessyoutube-dl is very good video downloader17:19
sofdarknessto download a video with youtube-dl type this on terminal: youtube-dl link of video17:20
ravi_hi, im trying to send files over a bluetooth 3.0+hs +wifi dongle with obex,  but i only get slow transfer speeds (<80kByte/s), how can i get faster transfer speeds (>1 MByte/s) ?17:20
imuserso how do I copy the older flash I found online to my installation?17:20
lobilahello everyone, I'm using a youtube av downloader add-on on firefox. every time it finishes downloading the video, it goes on to create a file "aac.error.log"..the latter process jams the computer until it gets finished. and it's even worse when it doesn't. sometimes the file isn't created and the computer becomes unusable due to the jam.17:21
lobilacan I get rid of the creation of this file?17:21
sofdarknesslobila, use youtube-dl to download videos of internet on Ubuntu17:22
lobilasofdarkness, I might have already installed it, but really forgot how to use it17:22
sofdarknesslobila, type this on terminal: youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuColajv5dE17:23
sofdarknesslobila, e.g. youtube-dl link_of_video17:23
sofdarknesslobila, http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/documentation.html17:24
lobilasofdarkness, thank you! it seems pretty easy..I'll try it :)17:25
sofdarknesslobila, :)17:25
glitsj16lobila: not to stop you from using youtube-dl, but what is the actual error in that aac.error.log?17:27
lobilaglitsj16, the error is that it jams my computer every time it gets (or doesnt get) created. sometimes it takes a while and it doesnt get created at all, but the computer gets jammed17:29
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glitsj16lobila: yes i understand, but is there any error reported in that file so you can try fixing it, or contact the add-on dev to report it17:32
lobilaI've got another problem. when I use a particular wireless network, I cannot access freenode.17:32
lobilaglitsj16, I never checked those files. maybe I should :)17:32
lobilaglitsj16, it says this: "Error: For audio extraction form this video format, you need to install and configure FFmpeg (http://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html) from addon's settings."17:33
lobilanot sure if I'm not mistaken..was ffmpeg the one that was replaced by another?17:34
glitsj16lobila: well you might just try to install what it expects, ffmpeg is in the regular repos17:34
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported versions 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 12.10 and 13.10
lobilaglitsj16, to my surprise, ffmpeg is already installed and newest version17:35
glitsj16lobila: did you configure the add-on as mentioned in the error?17:35
lobilaglitsj16, I have no idea how to do it, and I don't even need AAC format..that's why I wanted to get rid of the error17:37
lobilaI've got another problem. when I use a particular wireless network, I cannot access freenode.17:38
lobilais there a way to solve this?17:38
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ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu.  Supported ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring17:38
=== kannor_ is now known as kannor
miguelangelloI installed itunes on ubuntu 12.04 LTS with wine but when i try to open the program there is a message "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes" somebody know the solution for it?17:40
Brutus|what is the location to find harddisks in the console? I found sdb1 / sdb2 / sdb5 but if they are mounted, where are they mounted to?17:41
Brutus|sdb1 = linux, sdb2 = extended, sdb5 = linux swap17:41
jiridoj #lxde17:41
lobilaglitsj16, thank you for all your help! maybe I go on to use simply youtube-dl..17:42
glitsj16lobila: any error in your irc client log?17:42
TJ-Brutus|: "mount" will show all currently mounted file-systems17:43
lobilaglitsj16, where can I see it?17:43
glitsj16lobila: that'll depend on the irc client you use17:44
lobilaI have xchat217:44
lobilaglitsj16, I have xchat217:44
miguelangelloI installed itunes on ubuntu 12.04 LTS with wine but when i try to open the program there is a message "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes" somebody know the solution for it?17:44
fer755Brutus i figure they are mounted on /media if not mounted on /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab tells17:45
glitsj16lobila: never used it, but have a look around in ~/.xchat217:46
Brutus|kind of fuzzy on it17:48
lobilaglitsj16, I can't find it..maybe I try asking it at freenode channel?17:48
glitsj16lobila: that or an xchat channel, you can use !alis to search for channels17:50
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lobilaglitsj16, I am talking now on freenode channel about it..17:51
cerI need to design the plan of a room of my house, is there a good software to do so?17:51
Brutus|can someone take a look at the export of my fdisk / mtab / fstab17:52
SonikkuAmericacer: Have you poked around in the Software Center17:52
SonikkuAmericaBrutus|: What do you need to know? /etc/mtab and /etc/fstab show auto-mount points and options17:54
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
Brutus|i need to know where my second disk is :P17:55
Brutus|wish to write data to it17:55
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Brutus|looks like it's not mounted at all17:56
SonikkuAmericaWhich "second disk" are you talking about?17:56
Brutus|i think17:56
Brutus|got two disks in that system but can only find the first17:56
cerSonikkuAmerica: mmmm .... do not even know what to look for! I found sweethome, but it seems to be good only if you already have a a plan .... and funiture editing does not seem to work :(17:57
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
SonikkuAmericaBrutus|: Then [ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/disk && sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/disk ] in terminal17:57
Brutus|you must specify the filesystem type17:58
SonikkuAmericaBrutus|: Do you know what it is? extX, NTFS, FAT32 (vFAT), ...?17:59
Brutus|cer: www.floorplanner.com might be helpfull? it's online and it looks like there is a free version18:00
Brutus|SonikkuAmerica: ext18:00
TJ-Brutus|: "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk"18:00
TJ-Brutus|: "extended" is another partition table, not a file-system, so it is not possible to mount sdb218:00
Brutus|sdb1 worked18:01
cerBrutus|: thanks I need something I can use offline, line connection is poor.18:01
TJ-Brutus|: be aware that the file-system will probably need root (sudo) permissions to write to, depending on the user ownership of directories and files within it18:01
Brutus|TJ-: understood. seems like there is an old installation on that disk18:02
Brutus|will first explore and find a way to wipe it18:02
TJ-Brutus|: If you want to delete the entire file-system, you can simply reformat it. You'd first umount it "sudo umount /mnt/disk" and then reformat it "sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1"18:03
Pinkamen1_Dhow do you create a live usb from ubuntu? The startup disk creator, when booted into, does not seem to have a 'start ubuntu without installing' option.18:03
Brutus|it's busy :S18:03
Brutus|umount: /mnt/disk: device is busy.18:04
gordonjcpPinkamen1_D: dd the image to a USB stick18:04
TJ-Brutus|: probably because you've either got a file or directory open inside it18:04
Brutus|i checked the disk but closed that already18:04
TJ-Brutus|: did you "cd" into "/mnt/disk/" ?18:05
Brutus|no i checked with filezilla18:05
Brutus|but closed the program18:05
Brutus|TJ-: just had to wait18:06
Brutus|TJ-: it's working now :)18:06
TJ-Brutus|: OK :)18:06
Brutus|will this now automatically mount after sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk18:07
linuxearthhow can i use a password in the external hard drive which i have to use in linux as well as in windows (password because it becomes secured even when it goes in someone else's hands)18:07
TJ-Brutus|: No, you'd need to add a line to "/etc/fstab" to have a file-system automount18:07
TJ-Brutus|: If you've reformatted /dev/sdb1 you can add it to "/etc/fstab" like this: "  echo "UUID=$(blkid -o value -s UUID /dev/sdb1) /mnt/disk ext4 defaults 0 2" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab  "18:10
Brutus|TJ-: I think I got it. I added [ /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk ext4 defaults 0 2 ] to the file18:13
Brutus|oh with uuid is also possible18:13
cerAny clue Brutus| SonikkuAmerica?18:13
TJ-Brutus|: better with the UUID since the device name can change, whereas as long as you don't reformat the file-system, the UUID will remain constant18:14
Brutus|TJ-: command doesn't work18:15
Brutus|cer: no idea, sorry man.18:15
cerBrutus|: thank you !18:15
Brutus|when I do the command it just tells me >18:15
TJ-Brutus|:  are you missing a "18:15
Brutus|did copy/paste18:16
Brutus|echo "UUID=$(blkid -o value -s UUID /dev/sdb1) /mnt/disk ext4 defaults 0 2" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab  "18:16
TJ-The > usually indicates you've got unmatched quote marks... you've either missed 1, or got  1 too many18:16
TJ-Brutus|: don't type the outer quote marks... I use those to enclose the entire command separate from my own comments18:16
Brutus|TJ-: removed the last one18:16
TJ-Brutus|: That'll be the one :)18:17
Brutus|TJ-: UUID= /mnt/disk ext4 defaults 0 218:17
Brutus|that line got added18:17
Brutus|shouldn't there be a number behind it?18:17
Brutus|TJ-: this is another disk I got: UUID=9dea7ccb-4772-460d-bae6-2632cf7200b9 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       118:18
Brutus|TJ-: mount: special device UUID= does not exist18:19
TJ-Brutus|: Yes, there should be... have you deleted sdb1 ?18:20
Brutus|no I didn't delete it18:20
TJ-Brutus|: You'll need to remove that line from fstab , I' ve just realised I left off a vital "sudo" call !18:21
zerowaitstateBrutus: the whole point of the UUID thing is so a particular device always gets mounted the same way regardless of its position on the bus.18:21
Brutus|TJ-: it's mounted to /mnt/disk18:21
miguelangellowhat app could i use on ubuntu like hyperterminal ?18:21
TJ-Brutus|: echo "UUID=$(sudo blkid -o value -s UUID /dev/sdb1) /mnt/disk ext4 defaults 0 2" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab18:21
Brutus|TJ-:  that seems to work a lot better :)18:23
Brutus|UUID=59fa6025-942c-4b1b-bec4-78be19c5e102 /mnt/disk ext4 defaults 0 218:23
TJ-Brutus|: You can delete the 'bad' line with "sudo sed -i ',UUID= /mnt/disk ext4,d' /etc/fstab  "18:23
Brutus|TJ-: got it working :)18:23
TJ-Brutus|: good :)18:23
Brutus|mount -a doesn't give any errors, going for a reboot on that system18:23
djanatanIs the gaming performance in Unity better now? When I tried it last year, it was garbage.18:25
k1l_djanatan: everything is wonderfull now. or do you have a specific question?18:26
djanatanputting my toes in the water before I jump back in is all18:27
godmachine81i'm a pretty experienced linux user, but not so much with ubuntu.  i just upgraded a distro manually but now everytime i try to add new PPA's they automatically use the release name from the previous version installed18:28
godmachine81my question is how to configure the system so that all new ppa's will use saucy instead of raring18:28
godmachine81other than manually changing them in the .list files myself18:28
k1l_godmachine81: what does "updated manually" mean?18:29
Brutus|TJ-: thank you it's working. Now updating my system18:30
dgarstang1Anyone know if cloud-init supports GCE yet?18:30
lca_13dgarstang1, hey18:30
godmachine81k1l_: manually meaning i have modified my own sources.list and made configuration changes by hand ( i have forked an ubuntu based distro that used raring)18:31
dgarstang1lca_13: yo18:31
miguelangellowhat app can i use to sync my ipod nano on ubuntu 12.04 ?18:31
godmachine81k1l_: i really just to know how to fix whatever config the apt-add-ppa uses and change it to add the saucy sources instead of raring18:31
RyuKojiroQuick question, does the livecd have hdparm on it?18:32
=== fuzzy_ is now known as Blah
Xuiscehi all18:33
ubottuGuest68338: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:34
dgarstang1Seems like Ubuntu's cloud-init doesn't support Google Compute yet. :(18:34
TJ-RyuKojiro: Yes18:34
RyuKojiroTJ-: Awesome, thanks18:34
=== Dawn_ is now known as Rarity
lca_13can anyone give me some helpful links on setting up openstack18:37
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=== orcus is now known as Guest5512
Guest5512what is this?18:38
geniiGuest5512: You've arrived in the Ubuntu Linux support channel.18:39
lca_13openstack anyone ?18:40
=== Koma-AFK is now known as Koma
Picilca_13: You'd probably have better luck asking in #openstack and/or #ubuntu-server18:42
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
miguelangelloI have a usb to serial adapter and i wanna know if it works on ubuntu 12.04, how could i do it ?18:44
lca_13Pici: thanks18:45
shahan1322fwhats the best way to test your internet connection speed in linux?18:47
glitsj16godmachine81: have you checked if there are still references to raring in /etc/apt/apt.conf? or tried to set your default release name there?18:48
godmachine81glitsj16: grep -ir 'raring' /etc   returns nothing at all18:49
godmachine81what file does the default release name get set in?  i have a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/  directory that has several different .confs starting with 10-  as example18:50
glitsj16godmachine81: well, try setting it explicitly to saucy in /etc/apt/apt.conf, something like .. APT::Default-Release "saucy";18:51
godmachine81glitsj16: so i need to create the /etc/apt.conf file?  or shouldn't i be using the file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/   ?18:53
glitsj16godmachine81: don't know where the add-apt-repository command looks for that info18:53
glitsj16godmachine81: i'd try to put it in /etc/apt/apt.conf, which might be an empty file to begin with18:54
godmachine81glitsj16: its not even a file to begin with18:54
glitsj16godmachine81: create it to test18:55
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Larry_SOS UKRAINE18:59
y4h0_join #java19:01
geniiLarry_: This is the Ubuntu Linux support channel. You may have wanted ##politics channel instead.19:01
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geniiLarry_: Unless of course, you're in the Ukraine but your problem is related to your Ubuntu :)19:02
pieces029Does anyone have recommendations for an http proxy client similar to Fiddler that will work on Ubunut?19:05
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geniipieces029: The simplest thing I can think of offhand is just the Server Spy add-on for Firefox which can show you all the headers etc. Can't twiddle with it then send it back on though. Squid may have some of this type of facility.19:10
pieces029genii, I'm trying to debug a mobile phone so that unfortunately won't work.  Thanks for the idea though.19:10
kbrosnangenii: tamper data19:11
dgarstang1i no like cloud-init :(19:12
runnyspotpieces029: mitmproxy or owasp zap19:12
pieces029runnyspot, Ok, I'll check those out.  Thanks!19:13
charly_hi, ubuntu is hanging at boot. running mac os under virtualbox. fresh install loads fine, after initializing android environment, restart hangs. happened twice with fresh installs. this problem has never occured before. initialized environment same way multiple times. any suggestions?19:14
geniicharly_: If this is Ubuntu touch, then i suggest to ask in #ubuntu-touch ... if it's something like regular Ubuntu locking up while loading Eclipse or Android components for development, then this is still the right channel19:18
sudonoobHi All, I was on last night and didnt resolve my issues after a number of tries.  How to I downgrade to another version of 13.10 (or) use something other than unity?19:19
rcw2using firebug in firefox is making firefox use 50% of cpu.  how can i troubleshoot this best19:23
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kbrosnanmake sure you are using the most up to date version of the extension.19:24
Xuiscehi kbrosnan19:24
rcw2kbrosnan, to me?19:24
kbrosnanyes, then if you are report it using their process. http://getfirebug.com/community19:24
geniisudonoob: If you give details of your original problem again to the channel, someone may try to continue assisting. Alternately, you could for the moment install a different desktop like Xubuntu or Lubuntu by doing: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop    (or lubuntu-desktop)19:25
sudonoobgenii: thanks.  my original problem is no dash. I tried everything suggested including removing unity, resetting it and following all suggestions i.e. install compiz etc19:27
kbrosnanrcw2: in addtion it can make sense to have a developer profile where you have heavy extensions such as Firebug, you can run mutiple instances of firefox using the -P and -no-remote commands. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Command_Line_Options19:28
rustuptwistTJ-:  you up and about bro?19:29
dgarstang1omg. the cloud-init docs are terrible19:30
rcw2kbrosnan, actually, its using that much cpu without firebug as well.  is there a way to load firefox free of addons19:31
rcw2ah -safe-mode19:31
ironi cant get a grub screen after installing ubuntu19:33
ironcan someone help, it says input signal out of range19:34
memeI am running a server on EC2 and I am trying to get a subdomain to work. I've modified my apache config to point dashboard2.mvp-interactive.com to /var/www/dashboardv2 but for some reason it keeps looking for /var/www - any ideas? here is the pastebin - http://pastebin.com/0SEzFCen  -- the main DNS is hosted with go GoDaddy and dashboardv2.mvp-interactive.com points to my linux server at19:34
ironam i on?  can you see what i'm typing?19:36
sh0tiron, yes19:36
ironi think my monitor or gpu does not support the grub that was installed.19:37
compdoccant see it boot?19:37
ironi dont see the grub loader so I cant choose between windows or ubuntu19:39
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
Piciiron: It isn't displayed unless you hold down the shift key at boot.19:41
ironoh so it has changed?19:42
PiciQuite a few releases ago iirc.19:42
sudonoobgenii: I have installed xubuntu now and still no dash? What shall i do? Its still the same background as 13.119:44
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest65115
ironstill does not show when holding down shift19:45
=== JoshuaP-afk is now known as JoshuaP
ironmonitor says change to 1280x1024 60hz.  how do i do this?19:45
geniisudonoob: I don't believe Xubuntu comes with a dash. Did you select from login screen the Xubuntu/XFCE session or are you still going to the old one?19:46
JoshuaPhow would i correct bad sectors on a hard drive?19:47
ironcant see grub screen.  help19:47
DureikenHi there, could someone help me to make a scrypt file which is taking a part of his command into another file ? if it's possible ? Thanks a lot19:47
compdocJoshuaP, cant19:47
compdocneed a new drive19:47
JoshuaPcompdoc: what, exactly, makes a bad sector?19:48
compdocJoshuaP, means its failing. And its a better way to die than just stopping dead. Means you can get most of your files19:49
Xuiscehi all19:50
charly_hi, ubuntu is hanging at boot. running mac os under virtualbox. fresh install loads fine, after initializing android environment, restart hangs. happened twice with fresh installs. this problem has never occured before. initialized environment same way multiple times. any suggestions?19:53
charly_sometimes reboots to tty119:53
Beer_ManWhere can I report 14.04 bugs that apport hook does not pick up?19:55
fer755charly_hi u are running 8,1 kernel ?19:55
silidananyone got experience with bluetooth under ubuntu 13.10 and ubuntu 12.04?19:55
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
jazzmehello, after running the ubuntu updates via a vnc session, I can no longer access the ubuntu session where vnc server is running.  All I get is a black screen.  Any ideas please?19:56
miguelangello[  579.193318] pl2303: Prolific PL2303 USB to serial adaptor driver19:57
miguelangello this line means my driver is working?19:57
silidanhi, i have 2 usb bluetooth 3.0 + hs dongles here and want to transfer files with them using ubuntu 13.10 and ubuntu 12.04 so far the transfer works but only quite slow (<200 kByte/s), i know that these devices work with (>1MByte/s) with win7, so what should i configure where to get the same speed?19:58
=== mike_ is now known as Guest63785
ironcant get grub screen to show up.  cant see what os to choose from20:00
ironcan someone help me?20:01
ironif not where is the real help channel for ubuntu20:01
charly_8,1 kernel for what20:01
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
dstar69hi - installed 12.04 and it crashed on updating, now i have gnu grub screen that gives me options none of which work. Can anyone hold my hand and tell me what to do before I reinstall altogether?20:02
ironi get no grub screen20:02
fer755charly_ are u running 8.1 kernel?20:03
fer755charly_ on ubuntu20:03
charly_running ubuntu 12.04 under virtualbox20:04
piotr__witam serdecznie20:05
kingfisher64hello, enjoyed my 1st week using Ubuntu. Is there a linux equilivant of wampserver (lamp stack)?20:05
ironmaybe i'll try a different install of linux.  ubuntu cant give me a grub screen to choose what os i want.20:05
fer755charly_ the last 2 numbers on command uname -r are 8.120:06
DureikenHi there, could someone help me to make a scrypt file which is taking a part of his command into another file ? if it's possible ? Thanks a lot20:06
ironcant seem to find anyone that can help with my issue either20:06
dgarstang1Cloud-init... GCE.... Anyone?20:06
piotr__chciałbym poradzic się uzytkowników ubuntu w sprawie naprawienia błędu aktualizacji20:06
fer755Iron yes20:07
ironi dont get a grub screen to choose what os i want to run20:07
piotr__wykryto u mnie raport błędu20:07
dstar69hi - installed 12.04 and it crashed on updating, now i have gnu grub screen that gives me options none of which work. Do I just reinstall altogether?20:07
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
delacanyone around who has managed to get Canon mg3500 series drivers to work on 12.04?20:09
miguelangelloHow can i start the teamviewer daemon? because i installed it but dosnt work it says start daemon before20:10
fer755charly_ i had an issue now resolved under 12.8.1 kernel i upgrade kernel now . the issue are whit vbox20:10
bekksfer755: Which issues?20:12
fer755bekks 2d and 3d accel and no nvidia on kernel img20:13
miguelangelloHow can i start the teamviewer daemon? because i installed it but dosnt work it says start daemon before20:13
bekksfer755: What does "2d and 3d accel and no nvidia on kernel img" mean, please?20:13
fer755virtualbox 2d and 3d accel enabled and missing kernel module nvidia. on kernel img file20:14
fer755but im not using ubuntu the kernels are differs20:15
bekksfer755: The nvidia module is always missing since it is separated from the kernel.20:15
=== arascanakin is now known as ari
fer755bekks sure are on img file20:15
charly_never had the issue before. installed/utilized ubuntu previously. same programming.20:15
fer755bekks there are a kernel and a kernel img file too , in that are the modules20:16
bekksfer755: the nvidia module is never part of the kernel, since it is a binary blob which will not be included in the kernel officially. It is a 3rd party module.20:16
bekksfer755: However - do you talk about the kernel in your virtualbox guest?20:17
fer755bekks and where is located?20:17
bekksfer755: Where is what located?20:17
fer755bekks i miss the point20:18
fer755bekks no20:18
dstar69hi - installed 12.04 and it crashed on updating, now i have gnu grub screen that gives me options none of which work. Do I just reinstall altogether?20:19
ironhow can i get the grub screen to show up so i can choose my OS?20:19
fer755bekks no matters , i have an issue and if u dont understant np. there is not applicable to this case20:19
bekksfer755: If you are not talking about a kernel in your virtualbox, and you are not talking about issues compiling the virtualbox kernel modules - how is that related to virtualbox then? :)20:19
DJonesiron: It should just be a case of tapping the left shift key during boot20:19
bekksfer755: Ok, we just rest that case :)20:19
fer755bekks i miss the point of the whole thing20:19
ironi have and i get nothing. just blank screen. and monitor says signal out of range20:20
fer755bekks there are a kernel host to run vbox no?20:20
bekksfer755: There is no special kernel that is needed to run vbox, no.20:21
fer755bekks there are a module that kernel have to read. no?20:21
bazhangfer755, you should try in #vbox20:21
fer755i resolved that issue now20:21
dgarstang1*sigh* Cloud-init latest in experimental is supposed to support GCE. I think not. :(20:23
BoreeasCan someone explain to me the compile error here/how I can fix it: http://pastebin.com/gXnC0B6n?20:24
=== h00k_ is now known as h00k
ironi think my monitor or gpu dont support the grub loader screen.  can someone help?20:26
dstar69ah kernel panic... a first for me (only been doing the linux thing for 10 days or so...) (reinstalled linux mint three times, now on second time install of ubuntu. didn't like vista, but at least i didn't need to reinstall it every second day!)20:27
wolfzratis there an ubuntu 14.04 utilty version prerelease out to try out?20:29
genii"utility version" ?20:30
DureikenHi there, could someone help me to make a scrypt file which is taking a part of his command into another file ? if it's possible ? Thanks a lot20:30
bazhangwolfzrat, 14.04 questions in #ubuntu+1 please20:31
bazhangDureiken, for litecoin?20:32
wolfzratsry didnt know =/20:32
Dureikenbazhang : for ubuntu20:33
bazhangDureiken, scrypt for what please20:33
* dstar69 sigh20:33
Dureikenfor mining yes20:33
wolfzratthank you bazhang20:33
wolfzratfor redirecting me20:33
JoshuaPcompdoc: can i zero out the spots and continue on?20:34
BoreeasCan someone explain to me the compile error here/how I can fix it: http://pastebin.com/gXnC0B6n?20:45
sudonoobFinally sorted my no dash issue... Thanks for the help/ suggestions. Uninstalled Unity using sudo purge and installed xubuntu-desktop. What are the major differences?20:46
silidanhi, im using the bluez package on ubuntu 12.04 and ubuntu 13.10, i got 2 usb bluetooth 3.0 + hs wifi combo dongles and i can transfer files between 2 machines with them. its just very slow (<200kByte/s) how do i need to configure the wifi /bluetooth part for higher speeds? (in win 7 these 2 dongles achieve >1 MByte/s)20:46
conroewhats the package name for the default terminal in lightdm/saucy?20:48
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delacanyone around who has managed to get Canon mg3500 series drivers to work on 12.04?20:50
MonkeyDustconroe  gnome-terminal20:55
conroeso lightdm only runs on top of gnome?20:55
MonkeyDustconroe  lightdm is the login menu, not sure what you want or mean20:56
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conroei thought that was unity?20:57
cnodellIs there a way to find out what applications are kept current on LTS releases? I noticed Firefox was kept current and am wondering what other apps are treated the same!20:57
MonkeyDustconroe  no, unity is a compiz shell over gnome320:57
cnodellI thought that a search of Ubuntu's LTS updates/backports repositories might be right but want to be sure...20:58
vbgunzanyone know of a task or todo manager that's simple, but you can add a time to the task say 20 minutes? so this way, an alarm or reminder to stop doing the task pops up?21:00
cnodellAnyone have a suggestion?21:00
MonkeyDustcnodell  what was your question?21:01
conroeMonkeyDust, package name for that upper-right menu?21:01
MonkeyDustconroe  gnome-panel21:02
conroehmm. i did install it but its seems I have to launch it manually21:03
melterif i run "apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork", why does "apachectl -V" show the MPM as "event" and not "prefork"?21:03
cnodellIs there a way to find out what applications are kept current on LTS releases? I noticed Firefox was kept current and am wondering what other apps are treated the same!21:04
JensorHello, I'm really new to Linux and I'm exploring my way around. I have on my system a couple of kernel-version directory's, can I just remove them or will it stop me from booting up again (or will some programs depend on that "older" kernel version folder)? Any information where I can learn/read more about this? Thanks in advance.21:04
Ben64cnodell: no real way to check, but firefox is likely the only thing21:05
k1l_Jensor: folders? if you want to remove old kernels remove the old kernel packages21:06
Jensork1l_, I probably mistyped, the items under /usr/src/*21:07
cnodellAnother Question: How reliable are upgrades from one version of Ubuntu to the next? Would removing, adding and changing applications affect chances of success?21:07
Ben64Jensor: the general rule is - don't delete anything not in your home directory21:08
[[a]hello, my mouse right-click is not working anymore; any help plz21:08
k1l_Jensor: they get removed, when you  remove the old unused packages.21:08
JensorBen64, I don't really want to delete them, rather know what they do or what their use is.21:09
Ben64cnodell: ppa's are more likely to cause issues, standard ubuntu repositories and packages should upgrade without much problem21:09
k1l_Jensor: i suggest not to fiddle behind the back of the package system. use the official ubuntu package system where you can21:09
cnodellThanks again!21:09
Jensork1l_, oke thanks for the info.21:09
k1l_Jensor: if you remove the linux-image-.... and linux-header-.... package you will notice, that the folder will be deleted21:10
Jensork1l_ and so will the boot entry I'm guessing?21:10
cnodellI am trying to decide on a distro recommendation for a friend new to linux. Mint and Ubuntu were forerunners. When I looked up upgrades for Mint their documentation suggested always doing fresh installs and data backups. Kind of surprised me. With Mint being based on Ubuntu I began wondering if Ubuntu was also so finiky regarding upgrades.21:11
k1l_cnodell: upgrades are fine. but backups are always suggested just for murphys law21:11
k1l_(which is: murphy will know when you dont have backups and will sabotage your system ;p )21:12
geniicnodell: It is always recommended to back up your data of course. But upgrades are fairly painless.21:12
Ben64cnodell: one thing you could do is use the LTS releases, only have to upgrade versions once every 2 years, instead of every 6 months21:13
MonkeyDustcnodell  and if you don't like upgrading, use LTS's21:14
MonkeyDustBen64  was fester :)21:14
phatsoI'm trying to reinstall ubuntu in vbox but after I go through the partition disk menu and try installing the base system it keep throwing me back to the partition disk menu even though I chose to commit all changes - http://oi61.tinypic.com/3162o43.jpg21:16
MonkeyDustphatso  i had that issue with debian on vbox, it was solved by using one partition only (everything in /)21:18
phatsoMonkeyDust: I have / mounted on /dev/sda and swap on /dev/sda521:18
p30arenahey anyone got the DVI problem?21:22
k1l_p30arena: which dvi problem?21:23
p30arenawhen I try to login with mu user, what I see is a black screen, saying some bullshit about DVI and returning me to the login screen21:23
p30arenathe funny thing is that when I login with Guest, everything goes well21:23
k1l_p30arena: see .xsession-errors in the users home for errors21:23
p30arenak1|_: the error is nonsense, the xorg server is bragging about that it can't find the monitor, and some problems with the dvi, I don't have access to my ubuntu system, so I can't be specific right now21:25
k1l_p30arena: well, if it works in guest mode it is some user specific setting that doesnt work. so getting that errormessage would guide to the solution21:26
k1l_p30arena: but there is not such thing like "the dvi problem". so get the specific details and we will see21:27
p30arenak1|_: yea exactly, but what I don't realize, is why it should get corrupted, I just use it regularly, last time I installed VBox and did nothing else :)) confused confused confused… :D21:27
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jKlaushey all21:44
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jKlausSo.. what exactly is Ubuntu TV?21:44
jKlausn/m just found the channel :P21:45
zaitzevI'm having an issue with a simple bash script I just made, and I can't see what I'm doing wrong. All the paths exist. When I run it, I just get a "Terminated" output and it hasn't launched. http://pastie.org/867661121:48
imuserLubuntu people are scarce over there. S0, guys, can I through some things overboard to make Lubuntu 13.10 lighter. My computer is old. Can I uninstall in the software center some games or something that I don't use?21:51
imuser"throw" sorry about spelling21:52
silidan1hi, im using the bluez package on ubuntu 12.04 and ubuntu 13.10, i got 2 usb bluetooth 3.0 + hs wifi combo dongles and i can transfer files between 2 machines with them. its just very slow (<200kByte/s) how do i need to configure the wifi /bluetooth part for higher speeds? (in win 7 these 2 dongles achieve >1 MByte/s)21:53
imusermy memory is like 400 something mb. What can you do with that?21:55
zerowaitstateimuser: not run ubuntu desktop. ubuntu's bloat is in the gui21:57
zerowaitstatetry using mint or something21:57
zerowaitstateif you don't need the ui, ubuntu server is fairly lean21:58
imuserzerowaitstate, I have Lubuntu 13.10.... is that the ubuntu desktop? don't know much about linux here.21:58
zerowaitstatein linux you have a choice of desktop environments. some are very lean on resources and some hog memory. ubuntu favors the GNOME desktop, which uses a lot of RAM21:59
zerowaitstateI am not familiar with Lubuntu though21:59
zerowaitstateah lxde21:59
phil-nsxfce is very lean21:59
zerowaitstateso, you have already cut out a lot of the GNOME cruft21:59
imusercan I change desktop environments make it leaner and meaner?21:59
phil-nsI just ripped all the cruft :)21:59
zerowaitstateimsuer, lxde is pretty lean as it is21:59
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zerowaitstateimuser: whats using your ram right now?22:01
saiarcot895imuser: Lubuntu is really meant for low-RAM systems, so you can't get too much lower22:01
zerowaitstateyeah, I was just mentioning that. I realized that Lubuntu was the LXDE flavor22:02
hewhomustcrunchbang lol22:07
zerowaitstateimuser: you are riding pretty close to the minimum requirements for lubuntu. You may take a look at PuppyLinux.22:08
zerowaitstateimuser: basically, once you get down to RAM sizes that small, you have to start pulling features out to stay within the RAM footprint22:09
zerowaitstateimuser: archlinux is another, but not for the faint of heart22:10
FloodBot1miles_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:15
imuserthanks, guys, I was talking over in the Lubuntu channel22:15
zerowaitstatewhat did you find out?22:15
imuserso, if I put Puppy on a disk, how would I keep it updated or clean install another one?22:16
imuserand what if I want to save what I do on my usb flashdrive I put puppy on, so I can use it live?22:18
ikoniaerr thats for puppy22:19
k1l_imuser: for puppy issues please ask the puppy support22:19
imuserya  thanks  kll22:20
ikoniaI don't think he wants puppy support, but help given was for puppy22:20
zerowaitstatesorry about that guys, should have msged22:20
ikoniaoh it is puppy22:20
ikoniasorry, my fault22:20
zerowaitstateunless someone wants to start a Puppy-like Ubuntu, maybe Poobuntu?22:21
ikoniait already exists and is a shambles, hence why it's a poor release22:21
bekkszerowaitstate: Thats an unofficial spin off, and not supported in here, too.22:21
The_Woodsmani've got some files on my laptop i want to get on my desktop, and i also want to learn how to use sftp. how do i find out all the parameters and stuff i need to connect to my desktop from my laptop using sftp?22:23
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: scp files username@remotehost:/new/location22:23
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: man scp or sftp will give you information on the parameters22:23
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The_Woodsmanikonia: yeah okay so i looked up my ip address and i know the user names and passwords and everything, but i was not able to connect to my desktop - is the ip address not the remotehost22:24
ikoniathe ip address is an acceptable remote host22:24
The_Woodsmanikonia: so for whatever reason i could not connect using the ip address, even though i opened the SFTP port22:25
The_Woodsmanikonia: and the sftp port, does scp work on that port also?22:25
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: could be many reasons, show me the command you are using22:25
The_Woodsmanikonia: sure, one sec22:25
The_Woodsmanikonia: scp "testfile" username@ipaddress   - i did not give it a path after that so maybe that is why it's messed up22:26
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: yes, you did not use the example I gave you22:27
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The_Woodsmanikonia: the connection timed out when i used  scp "testfile" username@ipaddress:C/  - did i screw up the syntax or is there possibly a deeper issue22:32
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: there is no such thing as c:\ on a windows host22:33
ikoniasorry on a linux host22:33
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: are you trying to move files from linux to a windows host ?22:33
The_Woodsmanikonia: yes22:33
The_Woodsmanikonia: my laptop is on ubuntu, my desktop is on windows22:33
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: ok, so you'll need to use sftp22:33
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: sftp from the linux laptop to the windows desktop, correct ?22:34
ikoniaas in from the linux machine -> files -> windows machine22:34
The_Woodsmanikonia: correct22:34
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: are you running an sftp server on the windows host ?22:34
The_Woodsmanikonia: so now i'm using sftp username@ipaddress which is what it looks like the ubuntu website's documentation is saying to do, but the connection still times out22:36
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ikoniaThe_Woodsman: please try to pay attention to what is being asked of you22:37
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: are you running an sftp server on the windows desktop ?22:37
The_Woodsmanikonia: ah sorry i missed that message. i need to change the color scheme on this IRC client, i'm colorblind to the response text. no, i am not. i didn't know that was necessary, i thought i could just open the port and connect in whenever22:38
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: ok, so if you are not running an sftp server on the windows host, what do you expect the linux machine to actually connect to22:39
ikoniaThe_Woodsman: opening a port is great, but if nothing is running/listening on that port, there is nothing for the client to connect to22:39
The_Woodsmanikonia: okay thanks for the help, i'll see if i can figure that part out without bothering you haha22:39
alpHi, I'm in need of help on bluetooth connectivity22:44
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siren_face2000I need some help figuring out something22:48
bmccoy11Help! I just installed ubuntu using the Windows installer, rebooted, and it worked, but when I rebooted again, it's stuck at "initramfs"!22:49
siren_face2000I've already installed Ubuntu to my external drive, but I can't figure out how to get it to boot22:50
bmccoy11It's stuck at the busybox shell/ initramfs22:50
siren_face2000I know I have to figure out what I need to change in my BIOS so that it boots.22:50
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bmccoy11My graphics card is a AMD Radeon X125022:51
anonymous_any1 there?22:51
whod<siren_face2000> use grub22:52
ikoniasaying anyone is pointless22:52
bmccoy11I'm not sure if Windows 8 is the problem.22:52
bmccoy11I'm using legacy BIOS.22:52
ikoniawhy would windows 8 have any impact on your ubuntu install ?22:53
bmccoy11Not sure.22:53
bmccoy11Just a n00b.22:53
bmccoy11Is it a graphics card driver problem?22:53
glitsj16siren_face2000: have you set your BIOS boot order to prioritize booting from external USB HDD?22:54
dupingping86How to use grub with windows 8?22:54
whodhttp://www.supergrubdisk.org/  will work too22:54
whodbios option already thought u tried :)22:55
ikoniadupingping86: same way as any other windows install22:55
ikoniathere is no need for "supergrubdisk" that canse actually cause problems as the grub versin may not be the same as the ubuntu one22:55
dupingping86ikonia: how?22:56
whodit doesnt cause probs if just use it to load the .lst... from the eternal drive22:56
ikoniadupingping86: how what ?22:56
whodand at 7mb :) download D:22:56
ikoniawhod of course it can22:56
dupingping86detail comments for grub with windows 822:56
whodhow? when zero changes to be made with it. u'd wait til boot into os, then fix there22:56
ikoniawhat's wrong with just using the ubuntu media you installed with22:57
aaronfengi'm trying to use cloudinit in aws vpc, it doesn't seem to work, but it works fine in ec2-classic.  i came across this post: http://luhman.org/blog/2013/03/16/getting-ubuntu-cloud-init-work-amazon-aws-vpc however that didn't work for me either22:57
ikoniadupingping86: what's the actual problem you are having ?22:57
k1l_!bootrepair | dupingping8622:57
ikoniaaaronfeng: "it doesn't work" isn't really sometihng you can expec tot get help with as that explains nothing22:57
k1l_dupingping86: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair22:58
SonikkuAmericalol, someone in #u is yammering about "eternal" (external) HDDs22:58
* bmccoy11 yawns22:58
SonikkuAmericaNot even once.22:59
aaronfengikonia: well, it didn't do the install, i want to know if cloudinit is expected to work within vpc.  according to that post which referenced this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/61554522:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 615545 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "Instances launched in a VPC cannot access ec2.archive.ubuntu.com" [Medium,Fix released]22:59
ikoniaaaronfeng: didn't do the install - you need to give details22:59
ikoniaaaronfeng: that's like me saying "fix it" as a solution23:00
bmccoy11I installed Ubuntu, rebooted, logged in, rebooted again, and now it's stuck at initramfs/busybox shell and won't load the GUI.23:02
siren_face2000who asked me if I had tried setting my boot order?23:02
siren_face2000I did try booting from the USB HDD23:04
siren_face2000but, nothing happened.23:04
bmccoy11siren_face2000: glitsj1623:04
siren_face2000glitsj16, I did try, but nothing happened.23:04
bmccoy11Can anyone help me?23:04
bmccoy11I feel ignored :323:05
siren_face2000I also tried using F12 to boot from it directly.23:05
dupingping86And what are differences between grub and grub223:05
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: when you get dropped to busybox, what is the error message?23:05
dragonflydupingping86: among other things, they use different configuration files23:06
bmccoy11Let me check23:06
SonikkuAmericabmccoy11: Does it say "Gave up waiting for root device" or something23:06
k1l_dupingping86: grub2 is standard since some time. use that23:06
bmccoy11It just says "BusyBox Shell..."23:07
bmccoy11No error whatsoever.23:07
tropicalpapayaI am trying to install 12.04 through PXE. The installer boots just fine and I go through menus to choose keyboard layout and network interface. Then the screen flashes to "Downloading release" or something similar and the progress bar disappears. The installer sits there blankly for a while, then the system shuts down automatically. How can I diagnose the issue?23:07
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: can you take a photo of the screen and post it?23:07
glitsj16siren_face2000: have a look around in /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/Xorg.0.log for possible clues, or pastebin those on http://paste.ubuntu.com so people can have a look at them23:08
dupingping86who does know about fuseftp with perl?23:09
glitsj16siren_face2000: to make the pastebinning easier, you can .. sudo apt-get install pastebinit .. after installing that .. pastebinit /var/log/dmesg .. same for the other one23:10
dupingping86fuseftp is very slow23:11
bekksYes, as every fuse based implementation.23:11
dupingping86so i can't use that23:11
bmccoy11hitsujiTMO: Windows 8 boot chooser - http://imgur.com/MaEMINu - Busybox shell - http://imgur.com/GVanuUq23:13
dupingping86Hey! you know very fast ftp filesystem.23:13
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: and there's no text above that whatsoever?23:14
bmccoy11That's all she wrote.23:14
dragonflydupingping86: what are you trying to do? Perhaps there is a better tool for the job.23:14
dupingping86no no. FTP Filesystem use with mount command23:14
Ben64bmccoy11: you installed using wubi?23:15
k1l_bmccoy11: :(23:15
dragonflydupingping86: you are trying to mount a remote filesystem?23:15
k1l_dont use wubi. make a native install on own partitions23:15
bmccoy11How can I fix it without reinstalling.23:15
Ben64you cannot23:15
k1l_bmccoy11: best way is to reinstall and use a real install this time23:16
bmccoy11There must be something wrong.23:16
Ben64the "wrong" thing is using wubi, unfortunately23:16
bmccoy11I want to install 13.10 but it doesn't detect Windows.23:16
bmccoy11Fresh Windows 8.1 installation on a newly wiped hard drive.23:17
dragonflydupingping86: do you have to use ftp or could you use ssh?23:18
qwkhello guys o/23:18
bmccoy11What did Wubi even do wrong? The first time it rebooted, it worked fine.23:18
qwkI have find an apt-get who is incorrect23:19
qwkapt-get install yaws23:19
qwkin the repos, who should I talk to23:19
bmccoy11 ?23:19
Ben64qwk: you're going to have to explain what you're talking about23:20
bpromptqwk:    what do you mean?23:20
qwklike if u installing a program23:20
hewhomustwhat does it say?23:20
bmccoy11W a t23:20
qwku want it to work23:20
bpromptqwk:    ok... so you want to install something?23:20
qwkbut it seem to be broke23:20
dragonflyqwk: what makes you think it is broken? is there an error message?23:20
hewhomustwhats broken?23:20
qwkthe yaws from aptitude seem to be broke23:20
bmccoy11Can someone help me??23:21
bpromptqwk:    try a quick -> sudo apt-get check23:21
Ben64!details | qwk23:21
ubottuqwk: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:21
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: wubi is unfortunately prone to these kinds of issues. the file system sits inside another OS so things can change vi windows that break wubi23:21
bmccoy11It does?23:21
qwki compared it to my friend who is running arch23:21
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glitsj16siren_face2000: please scratch what i wrote, that assumes you're in the system, which doesn't boot so i forgot the issue to begin with sorry .. can you describe what exactly you are seeing when trying to boot into the external HDD? blinking lights on the USB? black screen after seeing GRUB menu? things like that can help..23:21
bmccoy11It doesn't just shrink the partition?23:21
qwki couldnt find the config file etc23:21
bpromptqwk:    try a quick -> sudo apt-get check   <--- will list who and what's missing,    --> sudo apt-get -f install <--- will attempt to fix the installations23:21
qwklike /etc/yaws.conf23:21
qwkok, i will give it a shoot23:22
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hitsujiTMObmccoy11: you cant shrink a live filesystem, so since windows is running it can't shrink it. it creates a file that is used to house the wubi filesystem23:22
bmccoy11hitsujiTMO: How can I uninstall Ubuntu and reinstall it onto a seperate partition?23:22
bmccoy11Just delete the folder?23:23
Ben64there should be an uninstaller23:23
bmccoy11Also, will Windows still detect it on a seperate partition?23:23
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: you can remove wubi from add/remove programs23:23
bmccoy11Oh. Dang.23:24
bpromptbmccoy11:    usually you'd just reformat the partition, thus wiping it, just make sure you save any files you want saved23:24
bmccoy11I'll just shrink it for now.23:24
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qwkoh it worked now23:25
bmccoy11Why doesn't 13.10 detect my OS though?23:25
bpromptbmccoy11:    13.10 detect?  who?23:25
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: i presume you have windows installed as mbr, so you meed to make sure you boot ubuntu in bios/legacy mode23:25
bmccoy11I already do. :D23:25
bmccoy11I don't have a UEFI motherboard.23:25
dupingping86who is developing fuseftp?23:25
qwkthe thing was it was located in /etc/init.d/yaws instead of /etc/yaws.conf as in Arch23:25
Ben64qwk: /etc/init.d/yaws is not the config file23:26
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: ok, when you are ready can you boot to the ubuntu live cd and we can have a look from there. you can connect to here in xchat or via the web chat interface23:26
bmccoy11It doesn't detect it, still. I'm using a regular BIOS and a fresh Windows 8.1 install on the stock partitioning.23:26
ekristenanyone having a problem installing git on 12.10?23:26
bpromptbmccoy11:   you just installed Ubuntu 13.10 and it only boots to Ubuntu, leaving windows off  the Grub menu?23:27
bmccoy11I installed the LTS version.23:27
dupingping86dragonfly: ?23:27
bmccoy11Off of WUBI.23:27
bpromptbmccoy11:   tried -> sudo update-grub <-- yet ?23:28
bmccoy11bprompt: that isn't my problem at all.23:28
SonikkuAmericabmccoy11: Why are you using Wubi anyway?23:28
bpromptahemm... alright23:28
bmccoy11Because I didn't want to partition it p.23:28
MonkeyDustbmccoy11  wubi is a windows application, it's not a real installation23:29
bmccoy11I didn't want to have to risk having to reinstall Windows again.23:29
bmccoy11I know.23:29
bmccoy11It should work, though.23:29
MonkeyDustbmccoy11  and wubi cannot be upgraded23:29
dupingping86give me MACOS style with GTK3+?23:29
MonkeyDustbmccoy11  because it is not real23:30
bmccoy11Well, why doesn't 13.10 detect Windows???23:30
bmccoy11It just says that my entire disk is unpartitioned.23:30
siren_face2000weird. Everything seems fine23:30
dupingping86give me MACOS style with GTK3+? on ubuntu12.04 I using23:30
Ben64bmccoy11: you keep saying that, come back using the livecd and we can find out why23:30
siren_face2000Can I give you guys an idea of what my BIOS looks like?23:30
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: ok, when you are ready can you boot to the ubuntu live cd and we can have a look from there. you can connect to here in xchat or via the web chat interface23:31
bmccoy11Okay. Let me re-write 13.04 to the USB drive.23:31
bmccoy11I'm on my Nexus, so no need to quit23:31
intrz_where do i find aa-complains?23:31
jellowis it safe to chown a remote file-system mounted over sshfs to gain non-root access ?23:32
MonkeyDustintrz_  "aa-complains"?23:32
intrz_MonkeyDust: I am trying to install a brother printer.. says I need aa-complains, but I can't find it23:33
intrz_looks like it was in an old ubuntu version23:33
bmccoy11Hang in there, folks.23:34
hitsujiTMOintrz_: try installing  apparmor-utils23:36
hitsujiTMO!find aa-complain23:37
ubottuFile aa-complain found in apparmor-utils23:37
eossIs there a way to name a cronjob?23:37
intrz_hitsujiTMO: I installed apparmor which looked like was supposed to replace apparmor-utils, but didn't contain aa-complain...23:37
bmccoy11Booting to the Live USB...23:38
ekristenanyone have a recommendation for a npm caching proxy?23:39
hitsujiTMOintrz_: make sure that package is installed, its not installed by default. is should then created the bin in /usr/sbin/aa-complain23:39
intrz_hm ok thanks23:39
hitsujiTMOekristen: https://npmjs.org/package/npm-proxy-cache anygood?23:40
bmccoy11Clicked "Continue"23:40
bmccoy11Not going to connect to the internet yet.23:40
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: please do, will make it easier to get us info23:41
bmccoy11Whelp, I'm not at the prompt to do that just yet, so that's good to know23:41
glitsj16eoss: if you mean putting a cronjob file into one of the /etc/cron.d or /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly} directories then yes .. what are you trying to do exactly?23:41
phatsoI just installed ubuntu in vbox and my resolution is 800X600. When I click the monitors icon it says unknown monitor and won't let me see any higher resolutions. I'd like it to be at least 1025X768 or preferably 1280X96023:42
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: once you're into the desktop please run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:42
intrz_I have a computer I don't want to be online, because its security sensitive, but its a bit troublesome to download one by one deb package and move by usb stick.. might unbuntu open any ports or connect to any serveressomewhere if I just plug in the machine for a short while to install some packages?23:42
bmccoy11Well, I'm on the installer right now.23:42
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: you should be able to cancel the installer and bring it to the desktop23:43
bmccoy11"This computer currently has no detected operating systems. What would you like to do?"23:43
bmccoy11"Free space: 1.0TB"23:43
bmccoy11I'll get pastebinit.23:44
colDrMcBeardmanhi, i'm trying to get skype to work with 12.04 and i can only get video if i run it as root and the mic doesn't work.23:45
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eossglitsj16: I am trying to name cronjobs so I can identify and stop them later at a certain time23:45
bmccoy11It's frozen on "Quitting"23:46
eossglitsj16: I only need a cromnjob to run every 5 or 3 or 20 minutes for 8 or 16 or 32 hours, depending on user input, so its important I am able to create a 2nd cronjob at the time of the first, where the 2nd cronjob can identify the first cronjob and destroy it23:46
hitsujiTMOeoss: put a comment before the cronjob with a name23:46
pvl1is there a tasksel laptop on ubuntu23:47
pvl1or something like it23:47
bmccoy11"The application Keyboard Input Methods has closed unexpectedly"23:47
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: ok, try rebooting ang just "try ubuntu" instead23:48
eosshitsujiTMO: it would be possible to automate that as well?23:49
bmccoy11Getting pastebinit, hitsujiTMO23:49
bmccoy11Now what?23:49
jeffrey_fintrz_: Ubuntu will make http requests (wget) requests to the ubuntu site to update the repository lists and then pull the updates.  On a decent connection, this shouldn't take more than just a few minutes.  You can disconnect once the downloads are complete.  Also, look into a hardened firewall between your sensitive system and your internet or even LAN23:49
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: sudo apt-get install gdisk23:50
sudormrfhey guys, I am trying to get a cronjob setup, but it looks like I need to set the path for the command first.  can I do something like this "/path/to/program --switches" in the crontab or is there a better way to accomplish this?23:50
eosshitsujiTMO: i suppose my program could write to the crontab file, and then open and read it later to identify?23:50
hitsujiTMOeoss: thats what i would do23:50
eosshitsujiTMO: thank you23:50
intrz_jeffrey_f: thanks23:50
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: then: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit && sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda | pastebinit23:51
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: that should generate 2 urls, can you paste the 2 urls here23:53
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: yup. small L. that lists the partitions23:55
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jeffrey_fintrz_: There are few ports open in Ubuntu.  Unless you have a service running, there should be no ports listening therefore few, if any, routes to endanger your system......Nothing should be able to run without your express permission.  Remember, this isn't Windows23:56
glitsj16sudormrf: that's what it takes yes, full paths .. you can also put all your commands/switches in a script and refer to that in crontab (also using the full path)23:57
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bmccoy11"WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda' The until disk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.23:58
hitsujiTMObmccoy11: and i think i see where the issue is already :P23:58

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