
jmholtHello are there any issues with updating?01:54
jmholtI am getting errors for the http://ppa.launchpad.net/michael-astrapi/01:54
holsteinjmholt: there are no specific issues with updating for upgrading.. will you have problems? you could, depending on the hardware you have01:55
Unit193You've added a PPA, then updated to a newer release, and the PPA doesn't publish for that release.01:55
holsteinjmholt: ppa's are supported by the maintainers of the ppa's01:55
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html01:55
jmholtok thank you01:55
jmholtok sorry guess I am a noob so I have run the command sudo ppa-purge ppa.launchpad.net Updating packages lists02:12
jmholtPPA to be removed: ppa.launchpad.net ppa02:12
jmholtWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: ppa.launchpad.net ppa02:12
jmholtI have disabled ppa.launchpad.net/michael-astrapi/ppa/ubuntu saucy main (source code) when that is active is when I get the error02:13
jmholtany help would be great thanks02:21
holsteinjmholt: what error?02:43
holsteinjmholt: are you trying to update or upgrade?02:44
holsteinjmholt: i suggest.. open a terminal, run "sudo apt-get update" and pastebin the error messages02:44
holstein!paste | jmholt02:44
ubottujmholt: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:44
jmholtrunning it now02:46
jmholtwhen I ran the gui end this was the error it gave me then02:46
jmholt:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/michael-astrapi/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found02:46
jmholt, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/michael-astrapi/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found02:46
jmholt, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.02:46
holsteinjmholt: so, thats the issue.. that PPA is not working02:46
holsteinjmholt: its either down, or broken, .. could be temporary or permanent02:46
jmholtyeah and I can not figure out how to remove it. I disabled it is that ok?02:46
holsteinjmholt: you can remove the broken/unsupported sources02:47
Unit193404  Not Found = not for that release.02:47
holsteinjmholt: you can look in synaptic under sources.. you can comment them out of the sources file02:47
holsteinjmholt: you should try ppa-purge if you havent02:48
jmholtI have but I dont know the syntax exactly to use02:48
jmholtIm a newish user. Great on windows but inlight of Goverment over site want to move to open source02:49
holsteinjmholt: should be "sudo ppa-purge ppa:michael-astrapi/ppa" if im reading it correctly02:51
holsteinjmholt: if you are new, dont use ppa's02:51
jmholtI think it was for truecrypt02:52
jmholttried as you said and this is the error I got02:52
jmholtjmholt@PcId10tLap:~$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:michael-astrapi/ppa02:52
jmholt[sudo] password for jmholt:02:52
jmholtUpdating packages lists02:52
jmholtPPA to be removed: michael-astrapi ppa02:52
jmholtWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: michael-astrapi ppa02:52
holsteinjmholt: you dont need a PPA for truecrypt.. they offer a binary02:52
jmholtI did not see it in the store learning curve lol02:53
holsteinjmholt: for something like truecrypt, you dont want (likely) to trust any random source for it02:53
holsteinjmholt: ppa's are supported by the maintainers of the ppa's.. and what i mean by that is, they are not supported by ubuntu.. anyone can make them, and you click a warning to add them02:54
holsteinjmholt: you should be able to fire up synaptic and click the the menu for viewing the "sources" and untick the box for the offending/broken source02:54
holsteinjmholt: you'll want to get "sudo apt-get update" completing without error02:55
jmholtis that the gui end for the updater?02:55
holsteinjmholt: is what?02:55
holstein!info synaptic02:55
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.80.2 (saucy), package size 2394 kB, installed size 7646 kB02:55
jmholtnvm lol I am in it now02:56
holsteinsynaptic is a GUI package manager which has a clearly marked "sources" menu entry, which i mentioned above.. and a tick-box system, also referenced above, which will easily remove sources02:56
holsteinjmholt: you need to remove the sources you added that are broken, and not officially supported02:57
jmholtremoving truecrypt what is the best anti virus for linux? I know it is not needed as much as windows but just wondering03:00
holsteinjmholt: "best" is always a matter of opinion and use case.. i dont use antivirus in linux.. i just use it as directed with proper permissions03:01
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:01
jmholtI was not sure if that was still a fact. I know root kits derived from linux script. So thought I would double check.03:02
holsteinshould list what is available, or, in the synaptic package manager you can search "antivirus", or search using the package manager of your choice...03:02
holsteinjmholt: you can have whatever "protection" you want, and if you give the machine permission to do something, it will do it03:03
holsteinthats why antivirus hasnt really, and doesnt really address anything definitively about virus issues in windows03:04
jmholtright on I use bootable linux usb keys like trinity or web doctor on windows to flush it from time to time03:05
jmholtI have removed truecrypt and grub customizer and the dang thing is still in there lol I dont know what else it could have been03:19
holsteinjmholt: you run the command i gave..03:20
holsteinsudo apt-get update03:21
jmholtyeah it could not find it03:21
holsteinthen, you share errors in a pastebin03:21
jmholtoh that one let me run again03:21
holsteinjmholt: what "it" couldnt find what?03:21
jmholtlast t ime I ran the update command it ran fine but I have the ppa thing disabled on the gui side03:22
holsteinjmholt: i asked you to disable the broken ppa's.. did you?03:23
jmholtyeah in the software updater03:23
jmholtcould not find the thing in synaptic03:23
holsteinjmholt: synaptic is not a "software updater".. its a package manager03:23
holsteinjmholt: could not find what thing?03:24
jmholtI know that I disabled it in Software updater but could not find it in Synaptic03:24
jmholtno errors from sudo apt-get update03:24
holsteinjmholt: please close all other package managers and "updaters" and please open a terminal.. and run ..03:25
holstein"sudo apt-get update"03:25
holstein!paste | jmholt03:25
ubottujmholt: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:25
holsteinpaste any errors. if there are none, let me know03:25
jmholtrunning now03:26
jmholtNo errors03:27
jmholtFetched 1,112 kB in 24s (46.2 kB/s)03:27
jmholtReading package lists... Done03:27
holsteinjmholt: OK.. so, what are you trying to do? update?03:27
holsteinif so, run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in the terminal, as you ran the other command03:28
jmholtno I was trying to remove that ppa from my computer that kept failing to update. tried terminal removal could not find it tried looking for it in synaptic could not find it so I just disabled it in the software updater. It is not part of ubutnu studio right03:30
holsteinjmholt: ok.. so, the bad sources are disabled... enjoy!03:31
jmholtlol ok thank you for your time and patience03:32
holsteinsure.. anytime03:32
onaxishow can i burn mp3 to audio cd wwith ubuntustudio 12.04?11:50
cfhowlettonaxis, multiple tools.  choose one.  brasero for example11:52
onaxisi ve tried but says that mp3's are not supported file on brasero11:54
cfhowlettonaxis, you need to install the codecs for .mp311:55
onaxissame at the k3b11:55
cfhowlettonaxis, what ubuntu are you running?11:55
onaxisHow can i do that?11:56
onaxis12.04 ubuntustudio11:56
cfhowlettonaxis, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras will grab all the codecs you currrently lack - including .mp311:56
onaxisthank you m8!11:57
cfhowlettonaxis, no problem11:57
onaxisterminal stucked on a user's agreement. how do i accept it?12:01
onaxisok found it12:02
cfhowlettonaxis, :)12:02
cfhowlettonaxis, I was THINKING that but didn't want to say it ... :)12:03
onaxisno probs man.12:03
=== Siya is now known as siya
onaxisis there any way to update from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.10?15:07
manoelPessoal, recebam meus agradecimentos por essa coisa tão boa chamada Ubuntu Studio! Especialmente ao seu criador!16:43
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:44
holsteinmanoel: ^16:44
manoelEu estou começando a usar este chat agora. Não faço ideia de como são feitasa as coisas por aqui. As regras e como fazer para notificar alguém.16:51
holsteinas regras estão no tópico do canal16:53
holsteinEu não falam a sua língua16:53
holsteinvou usar Traduz Google para shre o tema com você16:54
manoelSoryy I don't speach english16:55
holsteinBem-vindo ao canal de suporte Ubuntu Studio | 13.10 e 12.04.3 Now Lançado http://ubuntustudio.org/download | Fórum de suporte http://ubuntuforums.org | Por favor, seja paciente e visitar https://help.ubuntu.com/ comunidade / UbuntuStudio se ninguém está por perto | fazer música geral e estúdio conversa é permitido16:55
holsteino # ubuntu-br canal deve estar falando seu idioma16:56
holstein"/join #ubuntu-br"16:56
manoelEstou lendo em português do Brasil!16:57
manoelMas receio que a tradução para inglês não seja tão boa16:58
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