
ochosibluesabre: yeah, got any idea how his application went?00:18
ochosii'm kinda busy tomorrow, if someone could tell elfy that his test-case for light-locker is good plz00:28
knomewas there a branch for it?00:28
ochosihere: http://pastebin.com/rKmcbR2a00:29
ochosithat's what he pinged me about today00:29
knomethat's not a branch :P00:29
ochosioh rly?? :D00:29
ochosibrainwash: have you seen the nice annoying gtk3.10 cut buttons bug yet?00:30
knomeochosi, send an email to him and tell him to propose a merge :P00:30
brainwashochosi: no, greybird?00:30
knomeor, actually, blah00:30
knomei could do that myself right now00:30
knome(push to production)00:30
ochosithanks knome 00:31
ochosibrainwash: try to launch synaptic with any theme that doesn't use pixmap-buttons00:32
ochosi(e.g. greybird, numix, ...)00:32
ochosibluebird and ambiance work00:32
ochosi(hint: bottom border is cut off)00:32
ochosiprobably a bug in the default engine00:32
ochosianyway, g2g00:32
ochosinight everyone00:32
brainwashochosi: good night00:33
brainwashochosi: buttons in synaptic look fine, greybird-git00:36
bluesabreochosi, brainwash: I think the bug is mainly GtkDialog, GtkMessageDialog01:10
Unit193knome: Sooo, this is a terrible mockup: https://paste.unit193.net/?f88fb53e8fe93467#L1Shvn0vUTtFh07xE59OtDuWQHUO8aYFcjJfUpdkRzQ=01:25
Unit193Honestly?  I have no clue what'll happen with tasksel, I have no way of testing it.01:28
knomejust email the list with whatever you have, so we can get the discussion going01:29
knomei don't know enough to judge the technical issues this or that way01:29
Unit193Yes, but you can ask questions that any normal person would, so I can put it in the text to begin with. :P01:30
Unit193I'm too close to the issue to know what everyone would ask.  Also, can you somehow make it magically better worded?01:30
Unit193(Which is why I shouldn't help with marketing. :P )01:31
knomehah, i can help with that.01:31
knomedump it on a pad01:31
Unit193That paste has comments enabled, but sure.01:31
knomecomments are meh compared to editing the actual content :)01:32
Unit193Woah, waaaaait.  I see where this is going, all the blame on "Unit193"01:38
bluesabrethis happens every time01:39
bluesabreUnit193 is our secret weapon with getting minimal stuff and xmir01:41
knomewait, that doesn't make sense01:42
Unit193knome: It happens because of how things work, apt-get install gets the package and everything depended on.  Tasksel will select the task (xubuntu-desktop^) with installs all the packages in the task taking into account the blacklist as well.01:42
bluesabreits a bit contradictory :)01:42
knomeUnit193, so why do we mull on it? :P01:43
Unit193Because it's different, we can tell people to only use tasksel or apt-get install xubuntu-core^, but that's not going to cover all the bases, or the main one.01:44
knomei'm not understanding the problem01:44
Unit193bluesabre: Simply because I never know what's going on. ;)   Also, new xmir images are actually usable until they crashed.01:44
Unit193knome: OK...01:44
knomeit's also almost 4am :P01:44
knomewhy do we need to consider that issue any further?01:45
knomeisn't it just ok to mark those packages as depends?01:45
knomeif not, what's the workaround?01:45
Unit193Sure, but "Xubuntu" will work fine without some of them. :P01:45
Unit193(Meaning, you can get more minimal.)01:45
knomeof course.01:45
knomebut we aren't trying to be minimal-minimal01:46
knomejust xubuntu-minimal01:46
knomewhich doesn't mean we'll rip your pants off if you give us a chance.01:46
knomeso the "problem" is that by depending on those packages, we're introducing more stuff than we need?01:46
knomebut aren't we doing that by installing thunar...01:47
Unit193"Problem" is that tasksel'd xubuntu-core will be a bit different than apt-get install'd xubuntu-core.  Yes.01:48
knomeok, but that's true for -desktop as well01:48
knomewhat can we do about it?01:48
Unit193xfce4-terminal isn't really needed either.  Well, we can try to strip out all () packages, but not sure if that'd do it.01:48
Unit193xubuntu-desktop doesn't matter as much because that's expected.01:49
Unit193You install the livecd or by the menu option in the mini.iso, thus nothing is needed to fix it.01:49
Unit193So, all good?01:50
knomewell i think i understand a bit more now :P01:50
knomebut i don't still understand the section on the mail01:50
knomewhat you want to say is, the two things do not give the same results, right?01:51
knomebut you don't know how they could be made to give the same results?01:51
knomeand that it is a probably bad thing, because users are able to install the -core package with both ways, and both of them are just as correct?01:52
Unit1931. These are marked as a dep so we get what we want even by doing --no-install-recommends.  2. We should be installing by --no-install-recommends.  3.  Tasksel and --no-install-recommends may be a tad different, but nothing major.01:52
Unit193Comment in the seed file explains: If you are using tasksel, you should get packages in parenthesis.  If following instructions with apt-get, you will not.01:53
* Unit193 isn't good at being clear, but knows what he means. :P01:54
knomeis that good now? :)01:56
knomedunno, i need to go to bed02:00
knometalk to you later, and you can always also bother pleia2 02:00
Unit193Cool, thanks.02:01
* Unit193 looks.02:01
Unit193bluesabre: Ooooh, did you review the seed? :)02:06
bluesabreUnit193: I haven't02:06
bluesabrebut I assume its probably good02:06
* bluesabre hopes that doesn't come back to bite him later02:06
* Unit193 stamped it approved by bluesabre.02:07
Unit193It's created by me, it's likely insane. :D02:07
Unit193Ugh, indicator-sound having dumb depends, means you have to hold the package and upgrade manually or disable recommends system wide. :/05:25
elfyknome: unless I hear different - going to put lightlocker in xfce core -even if it isn't - so it gets dragged into a not yet made testing call - the power one is in there as well for the moment07:37
elfyit can be tidied up later before unreal unicorn testing starts07:38
Unit193Hrm, might be nicer to remove xscreensaver for testing of lightlocker.07:38
elfyhave you read the testcase?07:38
elfyoh 07:39
Unit193Not yet, haven't seen it.07:39
elfyhad a note in the one I've got here to do just that :p07:39
elfybut it wasn't in the paste ochosi had - that knome saw and used :p07:39
elfyadded that to the tracker - but not trunk 07:40
elfyty Unit193 - made me look :)07:41
elfyonce it's properly in then I'll remove it07:55
Unit193elfy: You see the core proposal pad?  (Pretty sure it's not your thing, but meh.)08:41
elfyUnit193: not seen it no - might not be mine - but I know a couple of people that might be interested enough to test it08:41
elfyand I'd look at least :)08:43
elfybluesabre: looking at menulibre now - highlighting accessories then adding launcher - I'd be expecting it to put the new launcher in accessories - but it appears to want to have it seperate from existing menu categories08:51
elfyis that right>? and does what I've said make sense? 08:52
elfyis the manual half done perhaps so I can look at the draft08:52
ochosielfy: light-locker test case looks good btw09:05
elfythanks - saw all that in the backlog eventually09:06
elfycouldn't work out how it had got there when it was still sitting here lol09:06
elfyochosi: I'll try and get it into the tracker today - there'll be a call soon for the set it's going to live with for the moment - or do you want me to all for it specifically09:13
slickymastermorning all09:55
elfyhi slickymaster 09:56
slickymasterhi elfy 09:56
elfyslickymaster: started looking at menulibre this morning for testcase - but I can't work it lol, is there a draft/working copy of the docs for it?09:57
slickymasterelfy: not yet. I was planning on starting the menulibre docs as soon as I finish the mugshot's, which I think it will by the end of this week10:01
elfyI'll wait for the answer from sean then 10:03
slickymasterelfy: need a favour from you10:18
elfyif I can do it then I of course will :)10:18
slickymasterI've this poor english sentence: "If you want to use a close-up photography of you!"10:19
slickymastercan you reword it for mr, please10:19
slickymasterme ^^10:19
elfyslickymaster: ^^10:19
ali12341"If you want, use a close-up photograph of yourself!"10:20
slickymasterI'll give you the link10:20
* slickymaster curses his internet connection10:20
ali12341but this may not mean what you intended, so, context...10:20
slickymasterelfy, here you go: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=mugshot-docs:usage#webcam_images_captures10:20
elfyaah ok - yea like ali12341 says ^^10:21
slickymasterali12341: I think you've nail it 10:21
slickymasteryeah, Thank you guys10:21
ali12341you're documenting mugshot - there's no reason why the user has to take a picture of themselves10:22
elfyIf you want to use a close-up photograph of yourself, then after clicking the image button, choose ... 10:22
ali12341what i wrote does not fit the context at all10:23
slickymasterali12341: well, the all idea behind mugshot is to ease the choosing of a profile image, and that's just one of the possibilities 10:24
elfyIf you want to use a close-up photograph of yourself, then after clicking the image button, choose ... 10:26
elfythat should work in the context10:26
slickymasteryes, elfy. I think you're right10:27
elfywelcome - though you'll just get me and ali12341 arguing about English :p10:27
ali12341i should rope my brother in to writing documentation. he's a technical writer.10:28
ali12341he doesn't use linux at all though10:28
slickymaster:) that's good, it's a way to improve my english10:28
elfyali12341: I keep meaning to get a mate to do the Gallego translation for us - he uses Xubuntu amongst other things10:35
knomeelfy, is the test in tracker correct now?10:44
knomeFYI, raring aka 13.04 is EOL now10:47
bluesabreelfy, yeah, that makes sense.  I wasn't sure what the preferred method for that would be.  You can use the up and down buttons to move an item into an open directory though10:50
=== bluesabre is now known as bluestinker
=== bluestinker is now known as bluesabre
knome!team | just a reminder, keep your blueprint work item statuses up-to-date!11:28
ubottujust a reminder, keep your blueprint work item statuses up-to-date!: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19311:28
Unit193Do I have one?11:29
knome[Unit193] Work with GTK3 indicators packaging11:29
knomeyou can take more, there are items that are still assigned to teams11:29
Unit193Heh, not what I was thinking. :P11:30
knomealso, team, if you've finished a work item or marked a bug "fix released", please make sure you have assigned yourself to the item/bug if at all appropriate, so we can track better who did what11:31
knome[xubuntu-doc] Write documentation for GTK3 indicators: BLOCKED11:35
knomeany reason why that couldn't be TODO?11:35
ali12341not that i know of11:36
ali12341the user interface won't change, just backend stuff11:36
knomemarked that as TODO then, ta11:36
ali12341although i guess it's depending on someone deciding which ones will actually ship11:36
knomeali12341, also, feel free to pick it up if you wish ;)11:37
* knome shrugs11:37
ali12341i use them all but i can see that they're not all "ready"11:37
ali12341eg the ones with broken control panels11:37
knomemarking back as BLOCKED :P11:37
knomeUnit193, was there anything you actually needed to do with the gtk3 indicators packaging?11:39
knomeand, are we still testing the indicators from PPA, or is the new stuff uploaded to the main repositories?11:39
Unit193Not that I know of...11:39
knomeremoving that work item then, but for the sake of it, assigning you: [unit193] Create specification for the xubuntu-core metapackage: INPROGRESS11:40
bluesabreI've added several branches to the 14.04 topic: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-t-flavor-xubuntu11:41
knomebluesabre, ta ta11:41
knome[xubuntu-dev] Refresh xubuntu_set-accountsservice-user-bg.patch to work with Xfdesktop4.11: DONE11:41
knomewho done that?11:41
bluesabreochosi or Noskcaj, maybe?11:41
knomeyeah, but that doesn't help11:42
knomestupid team, not taking credits for things they did11:42
knome [xubuntu-team] Discuss about technical guidelines in the Strategy Document: TODO11:43
Unit193FWIW I refreshed the nautilus one. :P11:43
knomeUnit193, ^ eh, your area11:43
knomeUnit193, there was some discussions to review the seed composition stuff and technical limitations for new packages11:43
knomei think it was brought up by skellat though11:43
knomeif none of you developers raise that up, it'll be postponed11:44
knomedevelopers or Unit193 11:44
knomeor skellat11:44
* bluesabre votes Unit19311:44
knomeyes, i think that would be a good pick11:44
Unit193bluesabre: Remember that I dislike python, right? ;)11:45
knomeUnit193, well there's probably no way going back now, but... :P11:45
knomewe'd need the guidelines updated to what we've done11:45
knome(not really the right way to do it, but...)11:45
bluesabreUnit193 can help me port catfish, menulibre, and mugshot to vala or C11:46
bluesabreshould be done by next lts, 16.0411:46
knomethat's fine, i won't be leading this ship any more then ;)11:47
knometbh, the aforementioned changes to the strategy document barely concerns me either, so whatever, do what you want ;)11:48
knome(not really, but it's more up to the team what they want than me)11:48
slickymasterbluesabre, knome, http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=mugshot-docs are done and ready for your review/approval/suggestions. Please ping me your feedback and/or changes you see as neede14:40
slickymasterneeded ^^ยช 14:40
micahghrm, will try to review some of the outstanding branches later15:11
slickymasteranother thing, bluesabre, assuming that the mugshot documentation is alright, there's one thing you might want to update, which is the applications man pages.15:47
slickymasterbluesabre: maybe adding a SEE ALSO section informing that the full documentation for Mugshot is available online at http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=mugshot-docs15:48
slickymasterapplication's ^^^15:48
pleia2removing link to raring docs from our doc site since it's EOL today (I'll still keep the directory up though)18:19
knomepleia2, already removed the mention on /help18:23
pleia2also filed bug 1273798 that I'll get to this week18:25
ubottubug 1273798 in Xubuntu Website "Copy brand assets to static.xubuntu.org" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127379818:25
pleia2if there's other stuff we should add to static, feel free to lmk, but we don't have a ton of space (only a few gigs on that server, we told them it wouldn't be much :))18:25
knome"only a few gigs"18:28
knomeso we can store a gig of at pics?18:29
knomeyes that!18:30
geniiI sort of find it amusing, since the XFCE thing is the mouse18:36
knomewell of course those would be pics where cats are humiliated, with funny hats and stuff18:39
geniiI guess that could work :)18:40
elfyknome: yep it is19:31
=== cub_ is now known as cub
brainwashsergio-br2: we might need an upstream bug report for bug 127189121:02
ubottubug 1271891 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Desktop icons does not fit well in xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127189121:02
brainwashbasically it always helps to also write a report upstream and link it to the launchpad one21:03
sergio-br2brainwash, there is a way to link "officially" to bug reports in launchpad, but i don't how to do that.21:33
slickymasternight all22:13
brainwashsergio-br2: simply click on the "+ Also affects project" link below the list of affected packages22:27
bluesabreslickymaster: thanks for the suggestion23:17
bluesabreknome: looks like the sru docs went it23:17
slickymasterbluesabre, did you get to review the mugshot docs yet?23:18
bluesabreslickymaster: I just now got back23:18
bluesabreI'll check it out shortly though, thanks for all your work23:21
slickymasternp bluesabre. If you're ok with them, we have to start the next step, which is to port them to docbook format23:23
slickymasterbluesabre, and also start to think in the MenuLibre documentation23:24
bluesabreyep, that's going to be the fun part :)23:30
knomeslickymaster, for xubuntu docs, i think we're mostly interested in a short version of the "choosing a profile image" and "profile data" sections23:35
slickymasterjust that, nothing regarding the installation?23:35
knome"... are installed and regularly used ..."23:35
knomehow's that probed?23:35
knomewhy installation? we're including it in the seed23:36
knomeso it's ready to use in the system, just need to tell where the user can find it :)23:37
slickymasterknome, "... are installed and regularly used ..."  ?!23:37
knomeslickymaster, http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=mugshot-docs:usage#profile_data23:38
knomeslickymaster, end of first <p>23:38
knomewell, middle of23:38
slickymasterknome, I don't have an answer for that. I'm not even really sure if bluesabre have quantified it in the code23:40
knomebluesabre, ping ping ping ping23:40
bluesabrebluesabre: hey, pay attention!23:40
bluesabreso what do we want?23:41
slickymasterknome, hmmm... short version. how short is short? :P23:43
bluesabresounds like we're just interested in basic usage23:44
slickymasterand I'm guessing that there will be no use of images, right?=23:45
knomeslickymaster, "here's how you launch mugshot. in mugshot, you can change your profile image by clicking the userimage button on the left. select one of the options and follow the instructions. (note: you need package X to use webcam.) in dialog Y, you can change your personal details; applying these details with LO/pidgin installed, you will be prompted to update their settings as well."23:45
knomeslickymaster, there will, on the login/lock screens :)23:45
slickymasterok, got it23:45
slickymasterand as we're speaking about the xubuntu docs, we might as well address the xfdesktop23:46
slickymasterdoes the approach is to be the same?23:47
knomeyes, similar to that23:48
knomejjfrv8, you happen to be around?23:56

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