=== nikias_ is now known as nikias === JanC is now known as Guest97920 === Guest97920 is now known as JanC [18:20] hi [18:21] Now I noticed that Ubuntu does not use INIT, but upstart [18:21] ... even if I've been using it for 7 years [18:21] (at least 7( [18:21] What’s INIT? [18:21] ) [18:23] ion, a very loud pid 0 [18:23] the standard process called by the kernel as the last step of tyhe boot [18:23] err [18:23] pid 1 [18:23] :) [18:24] atomx: Upstart comes /sbin/init. [18:24] with [18:25] I tried a few times to read the init scripts, and saw that inittab misses, and I noticed that something unusual is there [18:25] In fact, upstart represents the new init scripts of init ? Is there some change in executable init ? [18:26] * ogra_ points to http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [18:29] I saw on that huge page the link to this channel, this is why I am here, probably somebody here can explain me in 2 minutes how 1. to write a new script 2. what are the changes from the classic System V scripts 3. if I can study the new system in less than 1 hour, and completely understand it. [18:30] see the cookbook link at the top of the page [18:30] and no, 1h is likely not enough [18:31] hmmmm [18:33] thanks [18:34] but if your system explodes in a ball of fire or becomes unusable as a result of a suggestion from this document, you alone have the intellectual pleasure of fixing your systems [18:34] (quote) [18:41] I started to read the introduction, and upstart seems great [19:04] atomx: the best place to start is the Upstart Cookbook: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/. The first few pages should explain what you need - you don't need to read it all to start with :)