
=== Nosomy is now known as Nosomy|Off
=== Nosomy|Off is now known as Nosomy
Random832why don't xdg-open and xdg-settings work?04:46
Random832and where the heck is the preferred web browser setting stored?04:46
holsteinRandom832: i use "sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser"04:50
Random832that's a global setting, not a user-specific one04:50
Random832it's the principle, and the fact that there is a control panel that doesn't actually do anything04:50
holsteini used to feel that way to.. now, i try and help out where i can, and just use what works.. and try and get with the philosophy when i can04:52
ianorlinwhich version are you using?04:53
holsteini think the more recent versions are addressing that, for sure04:53
ianorlincause there isn't a do nothing contorl panel in 13.04 or 13.1004:54
Random832ianorlin: the setting modified by the preferred applications control panel is not actually used where it's supposed to be, to be precise.04:55
Random832when i select a browser, that should control what browser opens with xdg-open http://stuff04:55
Random832and when i select a mail handler, that should control what runs when i run xdg-open mailto:stuff04:55
holsteinpresice is 12.0404:55
holsteinthose issues should be addressed in more recent and supported versions of lubuntu04:56
Random832precise is a word in the english language04:56
Random832that has a meaning04:56
Random832that I was using in a sentence04:56
holsteinRandom832: i thought you were answering the question that was asked.. appologies. what version are you using?04:56
holsteinRandom832: so 13.10, then?04:56
Random832yeah i guess, how do i find out04:56
Random832i think i upgraded to 13.1004:57
ianorlinlsb_relase -a in terminal04:57
Random832yeah 13.1004:57
holsteinRandom832: an upgrade would have been from an earlier version. not utilizing installation media04:57
Random832I don't know why you're asking, since the machinery to make xdg_open work just isn't there - it doesn't even detect that I'm on lxde, and if I modify it to do so, all that does is make it open folders in pcmanfm04:58
Random832it "works" by opening x-www-browser, which does not use the setting from the preferred applications control panel04:59
ianorlinyou can right click there and have another browser on the panel05:00
Unit193Also, I had an upgrade where I needed to modify a file under ~/.local/share/ before it'd take, but this sounds different.05:01
Random832right-click where? i don't care about the panel, i want it to open in the right thing when i ctrl-click a link in the terminal05:02
Random832and ultimately i "fixed" it by changing x-www-browser, but it bothers me that the preferred applications control panel doesn't do anything effective.05:02
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
lnx2lubuntu is best without apport-gtk12:53
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
LuvLinuxOShi all22:42
SLit_Hi! Ist there something like Whisker Menu for Lubuntu22:50
FuuqUmiisthow do you change the audio input?23:36
Unit193alsamixer -> F423:38
FuuqUmiistwhat do you change to set the audio input23:46
=== ochosi is now known as dr_strangelove
=== dr_strangelove is now known as ochosi
maybd082Hi everyone, I am new to linux. I installed Lubuntu 12.10 from a live cd and now I am upgrading it to Lubuntu 13.04. Is it ok to upgrade it again to version 13.10 or is this too many upgrades?23:56
Unit193maybd082: Can if you want.23:57
Unit193FuuqUmiist: Are you using any type of weird devices?  If so, you'll need to use pulse and pavucontrol.23:58
maybd082No nothing strange, it is just an old 64 bit computer23:58
FuuqUmiisti plugged in a mic to the laptop but it is not working, the mic that is working is the one integrated into the laptop23:59

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