
pepeethe open source radeon driver supports video decoding and opencl now. will this be supported in ubuntu trusty?02:25
Logan_pepee: 7.3.0 is currently packaged for trusty02:30
pepeeLogan_, AFAIK, you would still need to add some packages to the repos02:33
pepeehttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=656719  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=71750002:35
ubottuDebian bug 656719 in src:mesa "Please provide xvmc and vdpau Gallium3D video acceleration drivers (libg3dvl-mesa package)" [Wishlist,Open]02:35
ubottuDebian bug 717500 in src:mesa "mesa: Please add support for OpenCL/GalliumCompute" [Wishlist,Open]02:35
Logan_pepee: to be honest, I'm not an expert on this02:37
Logan_pepee: it might behoove you to ask about it here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati02:38
pepeeIIRC, there was a bug report already02:39
pepeebut I guess debian is slowing things...02:40
Logan_or even irc://irc.debian.org/debian-x02:40
pepeethis is mesa, though, not related to X02:40
Logan_well, you're asking about the radeon driver, which the X Strike Force manages02:41
Logan_!package xserver-xorg-video-radeon02:41
Logan_bleu, I forgot the command02:42
Logan_pepee: http://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xserver-xorg-video-ati.html02:42
pepeeyeah, the bugs were already reported, as I just showed02:42
pepeeI'm not expert too, but looks like the bug reports have been there for quite some time, and it hasn't been fixed02:43
rwwLogan_: !info02:44
Logan_thanks dax02:44
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ubottuUbuntu bug 1002224 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Please include gallium vdpau and xvmc driver support" [Wishlist,In progress]04:22
=== ThomasB2 is now known as ThomasB
BluesKajHiyas all11:53
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje
pip__Hi how's trustr running at the mo?14:49
pip__planning on setting up a home server & might just go with it now instead of reinstalling in april14:49
pip__^ trusty even14:49
soeethere was an update for nvidia-331 drivers today but sadly nvidia-prime doesnt work15:29
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=== Wig is now known as Wug
mamarleyCould someone have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayer2/+bug/1271794 ?  It has a really easy solution already in the comments, but isn't fixed yet in the repository.18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1271794 in mplayer2 (Ubuntu) "mplayer2 cannot play files using smb:// protocol in Trusty" [Undecided,New]18:20
=== Smedles_ is now known as Smedles
Dysmashi everyone20:15
Dysmasi'm new here, but looking to get involved in development20:16
Dysmasi have been using ubuntu for years now and figured I would see how i could hlep20:16
* genii smacks the bot20:59
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu20:59
geniiAh, there it is.21:00
ubottucontribute aliases: participate - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 00:13:59 - last edited by IdleOne on 2013-10-05 22:10:4721:00
ubottugetinvolved is <alias> participate - added by apokryphos on 2007-02-22 15:54:5921:00
rwwlol alias of alias21:00
rww!volunteer is <alias> contribute21:00
* genii slides rww a coffee21:01
=== lfaraone_ is now known as lfaraone
soeesomeone who tried lately nvidia-prime and can confirm it doesn't work (system wont boot) ?21:41
Dysmassoee: I did try it a few days ago and it worked but a recent update killed it and I went back to optimus21:42
soeeDysmas: few days ago it worked for you with kernel 3.13 ?21:42
soeeah thats the difference :)21:42
Dysmasyep I think so21:43
soeeDysmas: you are on 14.04 ?21:43
soeeand did you tested maybe steam on it ?21:44
Dysmasinstalled it, but haven't tried it yet lol21:44
Dysmasone sec I will fire it up21:44
soeeah ok, there is huge problem with performance in games :/21:44
Dysmasusing prime???21:45
soeeprimusrun steam21:46
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